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sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

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$pcclalCorrncll-2*I 9fJ2 I I t ? .I I| ,lReg-Counc I I 1 or McleanCouncillor l.vonsTHAT By-La',u No. 911*<strong>82</strong>-190(PL-5)!"1"9 a_By-Law Eo repeal By*Law No.911-<strong>82</strong>-<strong>18</strong>4(PL*5) , heirrg a ity-Lawto regul.aEe the use of lands ,rnd tirecharact,er, locaclon and trse ofbulldi.ngs and sCructurcs within Ehc:Township of Georglna, be now rea(l afirst, Eecotrd and thircJ tinresr f)dss,cdflnd numbercd bv Ehe llavor alrd Clerk,(Panelizcd'Hombs).CFrrledBY-LAW NO. 911-<strong>82</strong>*190(PL-s)Passedr'slgnetland Clerk.and sealed by the llayorb ) Int erim Payment of Subsidy : 1 9<strong>82</strong> :Report No. RTS-<strong>82</strong>-15 of tlre Roads and TrafficSuperlntendent ,Moved by C.ouncillorSmockumSeconded by CouncillorShepherd.THAT the Council of the Tor+nship of Georglna, petition theMinistry of Transportation and communicafions for the rnteri.rnpgyryg<strong>lt</strong> g{ tl. road works subsidv on rhe expendirure of$11487,O31.05 for Ehe year I98?.-Carried.c)It*tg.tqE.fqstr"nlre_andTreaeurqrjTender Contract No. P<strong>82</strong>-O9.O2Supply and Installation of a Wheel Chair Lift at ttreCivlc Centre; Keswlck, Ontaqlo.'Moved by CouncillorShepherdSeconded by CouncillorSmockum.THAT Tender Contract No. P<strong>82</strong>-O9-O2, Supply and Insrallafton ofa Wheel Chair Ltft at rhe Civic CenEre' be- awarded to EasternElevator Lrd.., in their Tender amounE of $8.9<strong>82</strong>.An amount of $6'OOO was allocated in the lgBZ Capital Budgetfor this _project. . It is .therefore, further recommended tiiar anamount of $4r5OO be allocated tn the 1983 Capital lludget.Carried.3.;

y,..SI'r'c i rlMl trtri- r' sCorrncl.l*3- 19fr21t 12.A. rrY*l,l!*re_cQNIIrl'!_!<strong>lt</strong>9!!iEp]Iqs:'Courrcl<strong>lt</strong>or 0'GradyCorrrrcillor LvonsTHAT By*Law No.<strong>82</strong>-134(COU*?.) hcin;;a By-Law to Confirm tlle Proceedirrlisof Cotrncil aE <strong>lt</strong>s mectlng held trrr12th day of November, 19[t?., be rrc'r,rread a first, second and third tjrrr'r;,passed ancl numbered by tlre Mayol anrlClerk.Carrled.BY*LAW No. <strong>82</strong>-13/+(COU-2)Passed, sig,ned and sealed by theMayot and Clerk.tOn MoEion,adjournedrneetlngat l.O.O5 a.m.

MEMBERS OF COUNCIL :CORRECTED NOTICETAKE NOTICE that in accordance with a writtendirection to me by the Chairman f-n accordance wir-hSection lr.3 of By-Law No. 80-379(COU-2) a SpecialMeeting of Council will be held on Friday, t2thday of November, 19<strong>82</strong>, 4t the hour.of 9.30 orclockin-the morning to consider the disposition of thefollowing items :1. Objections to Zoning By-Law No. 9fl-<strong>82</strong>-I84(PL-S)being a By-Law to permit the erection of elevenfour-unit dwellings ( quadraplexes ) on Lanclsde<strong>sc</strong>ribed as Lot 10, Plan L46 and Lots 14-21inclusive on Plan 213' being the Site of TheRoval Simcoe Hotel .?.3.Petition to lvlinistry of Transportation & Communical,ionsfor the payment of the Interim Subsidy to October 31sL,19<strong>82</strong>.Tender Contract No. <strong>82</strong>-O9-O2- supply and installationof a wheel chair lift at the Civic Centre, Keswick,Ontario.Dated this 9th day of Nsvsrntrer, 19<strong>82</strong>./lhat*,nson,

TO COUNCIL MEMBERS :Please disregardNoticeofSpecialMeetingforwardedto you on the 5thdayof November. 19<strong>82</strong> .Dated 9th dav of November. 19<strong>82</strong>.tAoZ;d-dnson, urerK.MW/ab.o

Mrs. Margaret Wilkinson, A.M.C.T., C.M.C.,Clerk ,Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> ,R.R. #2,T{eswick, Ontario.CORRECTED NOTICE :Pursuant to Section 4.3 of By-Law No, 80-379(COU-Z)this is to direct you to call a Special Meeting of Councilfor Friday, November lZth, 19<strong>82</strong>, at the hour of 9.30ofclock in the morning, to consider the disposition of thefollowing items :l. Objections to Zoning By-Law Number 911-<strong>82</strong>-<strong>18</strong>4(PL-5)being a By-Law to permit the erection of elevenfour-unit dwellings (quadraplexes) on lands de<strong>sc</strong>ribedas Lot 1O, Plan 146 and Lots L4-ZL inclusive onPlan ?.L3, being the site of The Royal Simcoe Hotel.?.. Petition to llinistry of Transportation & Communicationsfor the payment of the Interim Subsidy to October 3lst,19<strong>82</strong> .3. Tender Contract No, <strong>82</strong>-O9-O2-supply ancl installationof a wheel chair lift at the Civic Centre. Keswick.Ontario .Dated this 9th day of November. 19<strong>82</strong>.t

c-32-<strong>18</strong>'THE CORPORATION OF T}IE TOWNSHIP OF CEORGINAIN THEREGIONAL MUNICIPALITYOF YORKCOUNCIL I{INI]TFJ,S19<strong>82</strong> lCJ 287.30p..m.The Council of the ToranshioCouncil Chambers of Ehe <strong>Georgina</strong>Keswick, OnEarlo.of Georglna met in theCivlc Centre, R.R. #2-,The r{ayor callecl the meering Eo order at 7.45 p.m.t. BQMA!!,The Clerk reported that all. memberspresent with the excepf,ton of Counclllorof CouncilBurrows.were2. CONFLICT DISCLOSURESa) Councill-or Smockum declared a possible Conflictof InEerest regarding Itern 11 (b) By-Law l:o arqendBy-Law'No. 911, (Dtacos) and did not tsake part- inany dl<strong>sc</strong>ussion and did not voge.J.MINUTES OF PRTiVIOIJS MEETINGS :a) l'linutes of the Regular Council ]leetlng ofOcEober l4th, 19<strong>82</strong>.Moved by CouncillorLyonsSeconded by Councillortrlinch.THAT the l'linrrtes of the Regular Council meetirrqof October 14ehn 19R?r be adopterl with thefollowing amendments rTHAT on page 6, Item6 (1) on the second lasEline, the word i<strong>lt</strong>his" be deleted ancl the rvordst,the (Hillcrest)t' he insetEed, so tha[ therecommendaEions now reads "TI{AT }4r. Graham heissued fl water.service rrermit for 451 Lake DriveSouth providing it 1s applie

C."$2.-]BCrrtrncil llirruie$-2* 19<strong>82</strong> 10 28.{.I'A Gr:,ru1r of iul.ercst:cd ci.tizerrs f.rorn the areaatLcrrrlcd the Corrnc:il meeting andr spoke to-iiicnti,rt<strong>lt</strong>tr.'".'Carried.._qpliruj!_q,!rlg$ja) 1')rc l,iquor Liccrice Board of Ontario advi^slnsttrirL Lhe. Lyncihur:st: park ResEaurarla 1;;ui;;"i"lJal.([rvin has suirrrriLted revised plans to l_l.cencerlrE rl'lenrbe-r:s L,ounAer as o.rtiir.,Ed i,-, th*attached facil.ifies reoort.Thi.s was received for lnfor:rni<strong>lt</strong>ion;b)BcLl Canada invi_tirrg Council to vlsit and tourt-heir Traffic.OperaLor position System OfficeIocared aL 444 Millard street In ilewmarket onNovernber 16th , I9gZ.Thi',s was received for infbrrnafion.c)Tirc South Lake Simcoe Con$ervaiton Authority byletter is reaffirmlng Eheir posiEion reg,arding'theDoidge flooding pr-oblem chat'they do noE wish*to---Decome tlnanciaJ.l_y involved in.this macEer,Thls was referredto resolutions.d)l,ly. l'1.T. Noonan from.the-Region of york aclvisingthat Black Riv.er Road will iiave clearing, gr"[;-i"gand, f-encing carried out, bFtr,ieen Daiton Road andPark Road commenclng apprbximately OcEober eSttr, fggZ.Thls was receivecl for. Lnformation ..e )Copy of a letter Mrs. Mildred Holmes senr, toMr.. Harrison, PresidenE of the Canadian Imferia<strong>lt</strong>sanK oI Uommerce regarding the pefferlaw Bankclosing.Thls was received for lnformation.f)Helen Mclean frorn the Minlstry of Municipal Affairsand llousing acknowledging Couhcil'' s resolutionleglsl.ationI:g::"!i"Cco _regutare rhe cti<strong>sc</strong>haige ofronBbor"rs and crossbows and that the Honourabre'-claudeBennett has lncli,cated that the Governmenc wjll begi.ving f,his request careful consideratlon.This was recei.ved for lnforrnatton,t'lit)t.,l'it:5

c-<strong>82</strong>*r8Council Mlnutes -3-19<strong>82</strong> lo 28.4, COMMUNICATIONS(Contd...)g) LeEter of appreci.atlon Eo Council from CarolvnKearns-of Peter Barnard Associates for theopporEunity of participating orr the EnerAyConservation Through Land Use planning StudywlEh the Townshlp.Thls was received for information.tlith the agreement of Members of Council the orderof husiness on the Agenda was changed to deal with thefollowing iEemsREPORTOFTHEDIRECTOROT'FINANCE:1. Telecommunications Review.Report:,,No. T*<strong>82</strong>-24Moved by CouncillorSeconded by CouncillorRogersOtGrady.I. THA,T subjeg. lg^lnproval of Ehe C.R,T.C. byNovember 30r.l98Z, of filing Applicartons 1]'764and #765, the .Townshtp of Ciiorlina enter inuoan Agreement with llell Canada tlo trurchase aSX-zOO MiEel.SysEem under thelr "ilare Srabi.liryPlanil provlding the deEatls are as submiEred iirtheir Proposal of October lgg2 and2. THAT the Treasurer be authorrzecl to negotiaEe a ThreeYear Lease Corrtract Eo covert,he purchaEe of thetelephone equipmenf, and printer it a cost not Eoexceed $30,115 and{tItiiI'!FIl: tIili'3. THAT faililg' C.R.T.C. approval by November 30, 19g2,of the BelI Canada propo-sal as submitted, the'Tendeiof SanteL Corhmunicatsions on Tender pg2_Oi_Ol beconsldered for award.CarriedREPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OF PLANNING IAppLicatlon for,RezonlngMcKntght, Shirley - Parf of Loc lB, Con. 5 (C).Report No. P-<strong>82</strong>-47.Moved by CouncillorShepherdSeconded by CouncillorO'GradyJl. THAT the applicatlon for rezoning. submitted b'v. Mrs. Shirley McKnighr, being an fpplicarion rorezone part of Lot <strong>18</strong>, Concesslon-5 (G) Eo Dermlrthe establistrmenE,of'flfla salvag,e yarcl, togethbr withaccessory resldentlal use, Fe qpprqyed.2.'THAT prlor to the issuance of a Salvage yard permit,thaE. Ehe applicant for such permit stratt'have'preparedEo the sati_sfactioa of, the Township Errgineer, i lotgradlng and dralnage planCarrled. 4, . . .

,"c-<strong>82</strong>*<strong>18</strong>Council MlnuEes*4-19<strong>82</strong> 10 28.45.coMMITTEE AND orHEL_BIIo'RrSi_a) Committee of the I'lhole RecommendaEions of',' October 21st , 19<strong>82</strong>.Moved by Reglonat Councillor MbleanSeconded by CounglllorWinch.1. THAT the Rezoning application submitted by Glno.and PaEricia CostanEtello, being anapplicationto permit the establi.shmenE of a naiihressins. shop within the frame barn locared- on-i;;;-""de<strong>sc</strong>ribed as Part of LoE 14, Concession 3 (NG)BE APPROVED .2.THAT the, rezoning app<strong>lt</strong>cation submittecl by Georg,eDracos, being an appllcation to rezone landde<strong>sc</strong>ribed as Par:t of Lot 16, Concessi.on 6 (G).to permit,the constructlon of a 650 square meirewholesale/retail store and change the zoning onthe Southerly 33.5metres ro rulal (RU) be '-Approved.I3.Councillor' Smockum declared a possible Conf<strong>lt</strong>ctof Interest in the above matt-ei and dixl not takepart in any di<strong>sc</strong>ussion and did noE vote.THAT.the.94th. Royal Canadian Alr Cadet Sqr.raclron bepermittecl Eo hold Air Cadet Tag Days in iheTownship of Geor:gina on ApriI Zfst, ZZnA arrcl ?3rd,1983, and rhe Yoik Regionll po<strong>lt</strong>ce'be so aclvisecl.'4.THAT the Royal Canadian Legion be granted permissionto ho.[d a Remembrance Day Service and Church paraclecommencing at 1?.3O p.m. from the Leg,ion Hallpr:oceeding wes'l- on East Street Eo Eh; Cenotaph forthe Remembrance Day Service at, I p.m. the paiaAe-wittthen resume sotrth on High Street to Burke btreeteast on Burke Street to NorLh Street, norEh onBurke Street a.nd back to the Legion Hall.THAT the YorkRegional pollce be so advised;Carrled.Moved by CounclilorShepherdSecorrded by CounclllorSmockum.THAT the L*CCe" received from Pefferlaw Association ofRatepayers regarding the l4osquiE,o Abatement program ln1983, be referrecl to the Treas.urer, Mr. Arms[r.ongfor further commenrs ac Ehe Budget Committee *eeiiingtln 1983.A recorded vote was requested,i{ff'5. . . .t;il

c-<strong>82</strong>-r8Counci.l l4lnutes *5- 19<strong>82</strong> 10 28.COMMITTEE AND OTHEI.i, REPOIiTS (Conr-cl.The Clerk recorded the vote as f,ollows:Reg-Councillor Mclean -Courrcillor LvonsCotrncillor O-rGr:advCourrcillor Roser$'Councillor Sh6rrtrerdCouncll-Ior SmockunrMayor DaIesYe.cYeaYeaYeaYeaYeaYeaCounclllorWinchNryYea - 7Nay - 1Carried.Moved by CouncillorSeconded by CouncillorSmockumLyonsI,IHEREAS iE has become apparent that a substantialnumber of residents of Gborglna are

(tc-<strong>82</strong>-r8Council MinuEes -6- 19<strong>82</strong> ro 28.5. COI'IMITTEE AND OTHER REPORTS (Contd.REPORTSOFTHIITRAASURER:l. Resldentirrl Rehabilitaflorr AsslstanceProgram.Report No. T-<strong>82</strong>-22Moved by Cor.rncilIor RogersSeconded by Courrctl-1or O'Grady.THAT a By-Law be passed to authorize the Mavor andClerk to execute the attached Agreement betweenCentral Mortgage and Housing Coiporation and EheCorporation of the Township-of Gborgi.na .Carried.-1At thistime the By-Law was inEroduced.ICouncillorCounclllorRogersO I GradyTHAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>*l?8(CON-I)being a By-Law to atrthorize theMayor and Clerk to execuce {tnAgreernent between Central Mortgage 'and Housing Corporation and theTownship of Geoigina be now reacl afirsE, second and third times,passed and numbered by Lhe },layor andEhe Clerk.Cdrried.BY*LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>-I28. ( coN-l )Passed, signed and sealed by thaMayor and Clerk.Secf,lon 166 (Lot Levy) Transfers.Report No. T*<strong>82</strong>-23.Moved by CouncillorlrlinchSecon{ed by COuncill-orRogersWHEREAS .the-Corporatlon of Ehe Township of Georgi,nahas received nonies pursuant to Section t66 of TheMunicipal Act IAND WHEREAS SecEion 166 of The Municipal AcE specil_iesthat these funds are to be used onlv to ilmeet 'expenditures for work done within the subdivisionor for the benefit or use of the occupiers orsubsequent occupiers of Ehe land within thesubdlvision or Eo meeE expenditures incurred whollvor in part. by reason of che subdtvision of such laircl":AND WHEREAS Councll. is satisfied that cerEain firnclsreceived to daEc will not-be required for thepurposes speclfied in Sect,ion 16E; iNOW THERE}-ORE BE IT RESOI,VED THAT ThC fOllOWiNEamounts be auttlorizecl for transfer from theSee.tl.on i"66 (Lot Ilevy) ReseTve Fund as7 .

c*<strong>82</strong>-1BvCorrrrcil Minutes -7- l"qBZ lO ?9.5. COI-IMITTEE AND OTHIIR REPOR'I'S (Conrrt. . .authorizedMunlcipalby Secrtorr 166 (3) of TheAcE:- to the Cirpital Fund relFire Departmeng Pagers - S1"6'OOOVirginta Community HallRenovat:ionsClaredon Beach Park '7 .OOOPurchasel3rOOO- to f,he Operating Fund re :Gravel, Easy St,reef, 3,5OOFlre DepartmentDebentures1OrO00Carried.c) REPORTSOFTHED.IRECTOROFpLANNTNG:Proposed SeveranceMadellne Carpentier., parE of l,oE !, Con. 4 (G)Report No. P-<strong>82</strong>-48.Moved by CouncillorSmockumSeconded by Councillor Lyons .1. THAT first and second r:eadings of By-LawNumber '9fl-Bf-164(pl._s) be repealed.2. THAT the. By-Lay 'shown as Appendix 12, inReporr No. p-<strong>82</strong>-48 be giveir'rwo readings.CarriedAt thistlrne the By-Law was introduced:Gouncillor-shepherdTHAT tsy*Law No. 9rl"*<strong>82</strong>*<strong>18</strong>6(pL-5)Councillor Lyons .benow-read a fir,si a,-rcl-secorrdtirnes.(Carpentier, pt. Lot t, Con. /+ (G).8. . . . .

c-<strong>82</strong>*t_8Councll Minutes -8- lgBZ IO 29.,'5.COMMITTEF:, AND OTI{ER RIiPORTS (Conrd...)d ) REPORT OF THE CLERK :1. IIREACT" MonEhReport No. T-<strong>82</strong>-16Moved by CouncillorllogersSeconded by CouncillorSmockum.. t. fhe..la_aygr proclaim the month of Novemlier, 19<strong>82</strong> ,as "REACT MONTH|i in the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong>and the said pr:oclamaf,ion read as followf;ilI hereby proclaim November to beIIREACT MONTH''and recognize fhe React volunteers who monicorCB Emergency Channel 9 for our safety,Slgned: Joseph f)ales,. Mayoril.2. THAT this proclamation be inserted inthe November 3rdrissue of the local newspaper.tCarriede) REPORT OF THE C}IIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICBR,:I, SICK LEAVE REPLACEMENT PLAN.ReporE No. CAd-<strong>82</strong>-13Moved by Courrcillor OrGradySeconded by CouncillorLyons.THAT the Sick Leave Replacement prog,ram as detailed inC . A . O . Report <strong>82</strong>-I 3 be- approved anct'-implemenreJ-ior :1 . ALL Non-Unlon Employees ;2. ALL Urrion Employees, suhject to the Uniorrrs. approval i_1*. tli! inplemenration is sub jecE ro provinclal. approval ,wrcn respecc fo announced wage restralnt.Carried.f.IC-ANINE CONTROL RTJPORT FOR THE MONTH-OF SEPTEMBER, ].9<strong>82</strong>. This was received for information.9....

c-<strong>82</strong>*r8oCouncil MlnuEes -9* 19<strong>82</strong> 10 28.5. COMl.lITTtiE AND OTttER RI|PORTS (Corrt"dg) RBPORT OF TI{E ROADS AND TRAFFIC $UPERINTIi]NI)IINT :Dedi.cation of certain land as being a ptrtrl.icHighway and formj.ng parc of I'ete I s Lane ,Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> (G).Report No. RTS-<strong>82</strong>-15.Moved by CouncitlorSeconded by GounctllorShepherdSmockumTHAT a By-Law be passed to dedicate Part of Lot23 Concession 5 of rhe Townshlp of Georg,ina (G),known as Part I on Reference Plarr 65R5471+ toform parE of Pete I s Lane .Carried. .lAt thisf,ime the By-Law wasintroducedtCounclllorCouncillorShepher

c-<strong>82</strong>-<strong>18</strong>lj0.Courrcil MinuEes-lo- 19<strong>82</strong> 10 286 . BY-LAIISCouncillorCor.rncillorRogersWinchTIIAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-<strong>18</strong>7(PL-5) lreinga By*Law to amend' By-Law No. 9Il beinga By-Law Eo r:egulate the useof landsarrd the character, location anrl rrse ofbuildings and structures 1"ri.[hin theTownship of <strong>Georgina</strong> be norr' introciucedand read a first, second and thirdtimes, passecl arrd numbertrd by the Mayor:and Clerk.(CosEantiello - Pt. Lot 14, Con. 3 (NG).CarrledBY-LAW NO. 91"1-<strong>82</strong>-<strong>18</strong>7( PL-5 )Fassed, signed and sealed by Ehe Mayorand C1erk,Reg-Counclllor McLeanCouncillor Winch rTHAT By-Law No. 9I1-<strong>82</strong>-l-88(PL-5)being a By-Law to f,mend By*Law No.911-, being a By-Larv to regr.rlaLe theuse of lands and the chtHracter, locatlonarrd use of buildings arrd str-uctr'rres wiclrj.ntlre Townshlp, 'of <strong>Georgina</strong> be now read afirst, second and third times, pas$ed arrdnunbered by the l'layor and Ci.erk.(Dracos - Pt. Lot 6. Con. 6 (c) ).Carrled.BY-LAW NO. 911-<strong>82</strong>-<strong>18</strong>8(Pr.*s)Passed, signecl and sealed by the Mayorand Clerk.Councillor Smockum declared a possibl-eConf<strong>lt</strong>ct of lflEerest wifh retrayds ro theabove By-Law, and did noE taiie part inany di<strong>sc</strong>ussion and dtd not vote.CouncillorCounclllorShepherdLyonsTHAT By-Law No. 911-8?-I89(PL-5) beinga By-Law to regulaEe the use of lands anc<strong>lt</strong>he characEer, locatlon anc] use ofbuildtngs and struc.tures within theTownshlp of Georg,ina, be now resd a first,second ancl third times, passed and number-crJby the Mayor and Clerk.(McKnight - Pt. Lot <strong>18</strong>, Con. 5 (c)).Carrled.BY-LAt'l NO. 911-<strong>82</strong>*<strong>18</strong>9(PL-5)Passed, sig,ned and sealed by ttreMayor and Clerkr1

c-<strong>82</strong>-r8Courrcil Minutes*11-198? IO ?-8.t I6 . BY*LAWS ( Contd.CounclllorCotrrrclllori,vonsSheptrerd'THAT Bv-Lrrw No. B2-ll0(pL*l) heirrlla By-l,iw to anencJ By-I,:rw No.<strong>82</strong>-LZL(Pl,*I) whi,ch irnrcnds Bv*l.ar+ No.9O3, as amended, rvhichdeems cer:lairrreglst:ered plans of srrhdivisiorr orparEs thereof not to he I'egi$ter:cd ol.arof Subclivislon for the prrrfioses c][Section ?9 of The Planr.rinq Acrj, R.S.0..1980, be now read a first, secorrtl irrrdthird fimes, passed ancl nunrbereri bythe tlayor and- Clerl

f:!n.tfjiIic-<strong>82</strong>-<strong>18</strong>0ouncll Minutes*r2-19<strong>82</strong> ro 28.| 26. OTHLIR I"IOTIONS (Confd. . )Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> in<strong>sc</strong>al.l theculvert l-o be supplicct by the Relgionand the landowner be re

3c-<strong>82</strong>-L7Council Mlnutes -3*19<strong>82</strong> ro 14.COMMUNICATIONS (Contd.)beEween the rnunicipalities and the Provlnce as wellas the public to have these simj.lar admlnistrativeresponsibilitleE under one MinisLr:y;NOW THI{REFORE BE LT RESOLVED THAT the Township of<strong>Georgina</strong> support, t,he position taken by the OntarioButlding Officials Associ-ation Inc. that Eherecommendacions of the Committee on Uniform BuildinsStandards for Ontarlo (1969 Carruthers Reporr) relaEingto the admlnistrative f,esponsibilities relat-ing to boLhnew and exisEing buildings urider onePtovincialMinistry be implemented, and chaf Premier William Davlsand the Associat,ion of MuiliciDalities of Ontario be soadvised.Carriedb)Minufes of the meeting of the Souch Lake SimcoeConservation Aufhority Water Managemenf AdvisoryBoard held on SepEember 16th, 19<strong>82</strong>.This was received for lnformation.c)Basil Noels, General Manager of the South LakeSimcoe Conservation Authoritv has forwarded Councila copy of a letter they received from the RegionalConservation Authorities regarding the proposeds<strong>lt</strong>e for a Flsh Hatchery.This was received. for information.Mayor Dales resumed the Chalr at this time.d)South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority advisirrgCouncil that they are now accepting nomlnationsfor Ehe 198? Awarfls of Conservation of Merit andConservation Award of Honirur'for contributions fotshe conservaEion of renewable natural resources,This was received for informaf,ion.e)l"linutes of the MeetingConservat.ion AuEhorifvon October 5th, 19<strong>82</strong>.-This was received forof fhe South Lake SirncoeExecutive Committee heldlnformation.4. ; .

c-<strong>82</strong>-L7Councll .Mlnutes-4* 198? 10 14.f'5 . DEPUTATIONS :a) A delegation from Ehe Orsi iubdtviston w<strong>lt</strong>hreference to Report No. P-<strong>82</strong>-40 reg,arding rhesquaf,e footage of the homes proposed for-Sf,age II.Mr. Brian Corbett representing Mr. Orsi addressedMembers of *Councll supportlngl*the position that theconstructlon of the homes in Phase II should be aminimum of L,2OO square feet.Mr. Lledcke addressed the Members of CounclLexpressing his views and reiterating his concernsthat f,he size of the homes in Phase II should be1r5O0. square feeE.After considerable di<strong>sc</strong>ussion the followtng Motionsr.rere considered.Moved by CounclllorBurrowsSecorrded by CouncillorRogers.THAT the arilendlng By-Larnl for the Orsi Subdivisionprovide that the exterlor walls of the first storevof guch dwelling shall be finished tn Masonry Venelr.Carrled.Moved by CouncillorBurrowsSeconded by CouncillorRogersTHAT Ehe ftinimum squaTe footage in the homes of theOrsl Subdivision in Phase I1 be lr5OO square feet.A recorded Vote was requested.The Clerk recorded the vote as follows:Reg-Councillor Mclean * YeaCounclllor Bufrows - YeaCounclllor Rogers - yeaCouncillor Smockum - YeaMavor Dales- Yea, Councl}lor Lyons - N.yCouncillor OrGrady - NayCouncil.lor Shepherd - N"yCounclllor Wlnch - NayYea - 5Nay - 4Carried.With the agteement of the Members of Council che orderof buslness on the-Agelda was _changed Eo deal w<strong>lt</strong>h Ehe forlowingItein - 9 (c) - 411523 Ontarlo LEdi, (Panelized Homes).5. . . . .;

5.c-<strong>82</strong>-l 7Council MinuEes -5* l9B2 10 14.9 (c) REPORT OF THE PLANNERT1)App<strong>lt</strong>caElon for Rezonlng411523 Ontario Lim<strong>lt</strong>ed (Panelized Homes)LoE 10 , Plan 146 (NG)Lot 14 - 21, Pl-an 213 (Nc)(RoyalSlrncoe Hotel ProperEy, Keswlck)Counclllor Rogers declared a possitrle Conflict ofIntere$t w<strong>lt</strong>h regard to thts item. He vacaEed hisChalr at this tlme and dld not take part ln anydl<strong>sc</strong>usslon and did noE vote.A group of interesEed c<strong>lt</strong>lzens from the area attendedthe .Councllmeeting and spoke to the natEer .'Moved try Regional Counclllor t{clean.Seconded by Counctllor 0'Grady.1. TI{AT Council approve of an amendment Eo By-LawNo. 9lI on lands de<strong>sc</strong>ribed as Lot lO, RegisteredPlan 146, and Lots 14 to 2l inclusive on RegisteredPlan 213 w[ich w11]- have the effect of permitting,eleven Quadraplexes on Ehe said lands subject tocertain special provisions?.3.THAT the Mavor and Clerk be authorized to enterinto a Slce-Plan Agreement with Panelized Homeswhere such Agreement affects Ehe DevelopmenE ofLot 1O, RegisEered Plan I4O and Lots 14 to wl,inclusive, regisEered Plan 213,THAT Council adopE the followlng resolurlon whichw111" lend support f,o Panellzed Homes applicationfor Plan of Condomlnium approval.MTEREAS the Council of the Corporationof, theTownship of <strong>Georgina</strong> has given conslderatlon to adevelopmenE proposal to erecE eleven quadraplexeson lands collectively de<strong>sc</strong>rlbed as Lof, lO,ReglsEered Plan 146 and LoEs 14 f,o 2L lncl-usive,Reglstered Ptah 213, and,WHEREAS Council is cog;nizanE of the shortage ofaffordable housing in the Township and Lhe subJectdevelopment will provide such housi-ng and,WHEREAS Council ls of the oplnion that the proposedresidential use of the subject lands is incompliance with che Official Plan and Zoning By*Lawof the Township and ib compattble with the existlng,adJacent restdenEial nelg,hbourhood.EE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED THAT Ehe Councll of theTownshlp of <strong>Georgina</strong> hereby endorses PanelizedHomes appllcation for plan of condomi.nium approvalCarrledI 6" . . .

l'i'hc-<strong>82</strong>-176Council MinuEes-6- 19<strong>82</strong> 10 14.At thislnfroduced:tlme theBy-Law regardingPanelized llomes wasReg*Councillor McleanCounclllor WtnchTHAT By-Law No. 9Ir-<strong>82</strong>-<strong>18</strong>4(pL-5)Igi"ga By-Law ro amend By-Law no.9ll"_betng a By-Law to reguLate Ehe useof lands and the characEEr, locaEion anduse of buildlngs and structures w<strong>lt</strong>hlnthe Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> be now read atirst, second and third times, passedand numbered by rhe Mayor and'Cierk.(Panetized HomesGarrled,) .*A recorded Vote w4s requested.The Clerk recorded the Vore as follows :Reg-Councillor McleanCounclllor LyonsCounclllor O-tGradvCouncillor ShepheidCounclllor WinthMayor Dales- Yea- Yea- Yea* Yea- Yea- YeaCounclllorCouncillorBurrowsSnockurn- Nay- NayYea - 6NaY * 2Carried.Councillor Rogers returned-toth'e agenda was iesumed aE thishis:: seats-:andithe.brder' of businesstime.5.COMMITTEE AND OTHER REPORTS :a) Recommendaf,lons of the commiEtee of the whole meetingof October 7rh, 19BZ ,1. Moved by Councillor OrGradySeconded by CouncillorWinchTHAT Mr. Graharn be l_ssued a r^?ater $ervice pertnitfor 451 Lake Drive Sourh pro*,iaing-ii i"-"iiii"afor wlrhtn_one year and rirar n" ffirrfini-p.Iilic"be tssued for rhe(Hillcresi) Jv=iem-"irt*;-;il;.presenrguidellnes tn exlsEence.Carrled.

c-<strong>82</strong>-17Council Mlnufes -7*198? rO 146. COMMITTHI AND OTHER REP0RTS (Contd...]2,Moved by CouncillorSmockumSeconded by CouncillorWirrch.1. THAT the followi.ng, Paragraphof the Resolution of Council198Orbe addod to <strong>lt</strong>em #1dated April lOth,ilNotwithstanding,the foregoirrg, where a Iesserstandatd would be eligible for MTC consrructiofland Maintenance Subsidies, then Councii_ mayconsider reducing the requiremenLs co thes6 minimumstandards for a particular development, providedEhat the standards are compatible with thesurrounding area, and wherb open ditch drainageis noE expected to cause ero$ion.rr2. THAT the Subclivision Agreement betweefl ZurekDevelopments Limited and Che Township of <strong>Georgina</strong>respecfing road construction provide for t-hecorrstruction of a semi-'urban road .I5.3. THA'I the Subclivision Agreernent betweefi FuturamaInvestments LtmiEed and the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong>provide for the developerrs contribution of the.pro-TaEed cost based on the fronLage of thetotal yeconstructlon of SllnseE Beach Road, plus15% engineering fees.4.TIIAT a final design, taking into consider:ation whatmay be salvaged frcrm the existing road platform beundertaken by rhe Township's Engineering, staff todetermine the actual cosCs of the proiectr Theresha<strong>lt</strong> not be a charge back to the bevEloper for theseenBi,neerirrg services.THAT upon completion of the final design and estimatestaff sha<strong>lt</strong> repof,t to Council- as fo Lhe amount ofmonies that are to be provided try the Developer andthe amount of additional monev reduired torehabllitaLe Sunset Beach Road to 'semi-urbanstandards ,Carrled.Moved by Regional Councillor McleanSecorided t'y Councillor 0'Grady.TIIAT the timing, of paymenc of Lot levies forFuturama Investmenfs Subdivision be as per Courrcilrspolicy set out in Resolution of Council daf,edFebruary 28th, 1980, as amended, June 25Eh, 1981.Carrled.R

c-<strong>82</strong>-r7Council Minutes -8- 19<strong>82</strong> rO 14.B6. COMMITTEE AND OTHER REPORTS (Contd.4. Moved by Councillor SmockumSeconded by Councll-lorRogersTITAT the application for rezoning submitted byEnzo and Linda Chiovitrl and Anconio and Louiset-lal-aEesta, being an application ro rezone landsde<strong>sc</strong>ribed as part of Lot 6, Concession 7 (G), topermiE the sforage of camping Efailefs, beApproved subject ro a front yard and extEFior yard...,..+ - .Fsetback of 15mefres, and Ehe adequare tree <strong>sc</strong>reenirrgbetween 1 metre and 1.5 met,yes in helght, be provided.Carried.5. Moved by Councillor OtGradySeconded by C0uncillorSrnockum.WHEREAS Councll by r:esolution dated 19<strong>82</strong> 05 2O adopteda Terms of Reference as amended for the <strong>Georgina</strong> EnergyGonservation, ThrouBh Land Use Planning $tudy andWHEREAS Council authorized Peter Barnard Associat'-es tourldertake satd Study in accordance wiEh said Terms ofReference , and'considetationWHEREAS Council has received and givento a report prepared by Peter Barnard AssociaEes entifledfrEnergy Conservation and Land llse P1anningil and issati-sfied Ehat Ehe Terms of Reference of the Studv havebeen met, be it therefore resolved;TFIAT the Council of the Townshlp of <strong>Georgina</strong> herebyaccepts Ehe Energy Conservation Through Land UsePlanning Study as prepared by Pecgr Barnard Assoclatesin conjunction with the Township's Planning Department:THAT Couneil acknowledges thaf the Terms of B.eferencehave been met andTHAT Councll requests final paymenE for the said SEudyin the anount of $1.O,OOO.A recordedvote was requested.The Clerk recorded the vote as follows:Reg-Councillor Mclean - YeaCounci, llor Lyons - YeaCouncillor O'Gradv - YeaCouncillor Rogers- - YeaCouncillor Shepherd - YeaCouncillor Smockum - YeaMayot Dales- YeaCouncillorCouncillorBurtowsWineh- Nay* NayYea - 7Nay - 2Catried.9. .

c-<strong>82</strong>-r79CouncilMlnutes-9- 19<strong>82</strong> 10 14.6.COMMITTEFJANDOTHERRIIPORTS(Contd..I). 6 .Moved by Regional Councillor McleanCounclllorRogersTHAT the Courrcil of the Towrtshlp of <strong>Georgina</strong> sullpoytsEhe recommendation of the Ad Hoc Commitcee ent,i.tledrrlmproving, Regional Government'r in pr:inciple, and thatthe Torvnship Engirreer subrnit a report to a DevelopmentPoIicy Committee rneeting regarding, Section 2 (SpIitJurisdiction Duplicatlon) of fhe recommendations forfurther di<strong>sc</strong>ussion.Carried7. Moved by Councillor ShepherdSeconded by CouncillorRogers,1. THAT the Council of the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong>advise the Ministry of Transportation andCommunications that it is in agreenent with theprellminary design of the Htghway S9 Extensionfrom York Road 12 (The Queensway) to KingrsHighway 12.2. THAT the Ministry of Transportation and Communicatiorrsls requested to proceed immediarely with the flnaldesign and construction of Ehe Highway 879 extensionbetween the above-mentioned llmits.3. THAT no decision regarding the removal of Weit Sideroadand Ravenshoe Road hetween Hi-ghway 89 and the <strong>Georgina</strong>Brock Townline frorn.the Region Roads SysEern be rnadeuntil such cime as Highway 89 has been consEructed,ttaffic volumes established, filnancial implicationsdetsermined and di<strong>sc</strong>ussions held between the Rcgionof York, Ehe Regi.on of Durham, lhe Township ofUxbridge and the Township of Georg,ina as to theappropriare road authoriry which should rerain or.assume the sub jecE roads .Carried8. Moved by Councillor WinchSeconded by CouncillorLyons1. THAT a By-Law be passed to authorlze t,he F1ayor andClerk [o execute an Indemnification Agreemenr berweenAndrea Goldberg and the Corporation of the Township ofGeorglna respecEing approval of a loan under theShoreline Property Assistance Act for Part of Lots6, 7and8, Ptarr83.2. , THAT a loan in rhe amount of $31400.00 under TheShoreline ProperEy AssisEance AcE be made [o AndreaGoldberg, and that a Ratln€, By-Law be passed.3. THAT the Clerk is aut-horized to take all" actlonsnecessary to compl.eLe the prclcessing of Che l.oan,Catrled.10. . . .

c-8?-17Council MlnuEes-10-19<strong>82</strong>10 14.,,6 . COHMITTEE AND OTHER REPORTS ( Contd . . . )I 09, Moved by Councill.or RogersSeconded by CouncillorShepherd.1. THAT the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized toexecuLe the Holding Tank Agreernent respecLing partof Lot 12, Concession 3 (Ni), rnore particulailyde<strong>sc</strong>ribed as Part I on a Plan reg,istered tn thL LandReglstry Office for the Land Titles Division dfYork Region (No. 65), as Nunber 65R-52<strong>82</strong>, l)etweenthe Regional Municipality of york and th; Corporationof the Townslip of <strong>Georgina</strong>n and cau$e fhe Corporare, Seal to be affixed therero2. THAT the Library Board be requested go provide Councllwith a copy of any proposed Contract between theBoard and a sewage hauler, for approval, pri_or Eo theBoard accepting any such Contract,10. Moved. by Councillor ShepherdSeconded by Councill.or Winch.Carried.THAT the Applicarlon submlrted by Gary and DonnaGibbons, Irma Krumins and Ausrna Dabols, beingan applicatl-on to amend Deemlng By-l,aw Number gO3,as it affects Lots 41, 55 and 56,. Block 25, plan73 (S) BE APPROVED.. Carried.11. Moved by Regional Councillor McleanSeconded by Cor,rnci-1)-or RogepsTHAT Ehe Mayor proclaim the, Week of October: 4thto 9th, 19<strong>82</strong>, as ilAPPLEI^IEEK" in the Township of<strong>Georgina</strong> and be so advertised ln the local nlwspaper.Carried.L2. Moved by Counctllor SmockumSeconded by Councillor O'Grady.1, A Rating By-Law be passed in the amount of$3t4OO.OO to rneet the loan request as submitredby Roberf K. Mi11.er, and2. TIIAT the Ratlng, By-Law be forwarded to theRegii.onal Municipality of York for Deberrtureapproval .Carried.I I .

c*<strong>82</strong>-r7I 1Councll Minutes-11- 19<strong>82</strong> r.O 14.6..'COMMITTEE AND OTHER REPORTS (Conrd-1-3. Moved by CouncilLor WinchSeconded.by Cor.rncillor' Snockum-THAT the MinisEry of the Environrnent be requested toprovide wafer tank$ in the Shotecrest area where Ehereare known waEer problems or where previous tanks hadbeen nrovided anit a further meeting be set up wirhTownship sraff and Minisrry Officials Eo di<strong>sc</strong>uss thisDr oblem.,CarriedL4. Moved by Councillor RogersSeconded bY CouncillorSmockum.THAT the Council of.che Corporatlon of Ehe Township ofGeoreina authorize Ehe Treasurer co submit anapplfcation for Provincial GranEs for the fi<strong>sc</strong>alyear1'9h2-83 under the Qntario Home Itenewal Prograrn.Carried.15. I,loved by Reg,ional Cor'rncl}lor Mclean$econded bY Council-lorSmockum'THAT WHAREAS soncern has been expressed as Eo thesafety of the Intersection of Baseline Road arrdDa<strong>lt</strong>on Road ln Sufcofl, AND WHEREAS a<strong>lt</strong>ernative proposalshave been suggested for a new route inco the town;AND WHERT:AS <strong>Georgina</strong> Council is not irr a position tomake an inforrned decision concerninSl rhis matter;THEREFORE' BE IT RESOLVED thar the Regional Municipalityof York be requested to conducr a sLudy examininga<strong>lt</strong>ernareroad patterns and ptoposals Eo safeguardthe intersection.Carr:led.b)REPORTSOFTHEROADSANDTRAFFICSUPHRINTENDENT:I) Dedication of cer:tain land as be'ing a PublicHighway and forming Patt of Stoney BatEerRoad (G).Reporr No. RTS-<strong>82</strong>-I-3. .Moved by CouncillorSmockum. Seconded by Councj.Ilor Shepher:d.THAT a By-Lario be passed to dedicate Part of Lot 12,Concessibn 6 of the Township of Georglna (G)' knownas Part 2 on Registered Ptan 65Rl56l to form partof Storrey Bacrer Roacl.Carrled,L ? ,

| 2c-<strong>82</strong>*L7Councll Minutes -12- 198? 10 14 ,6 . COMMITTEE AND OTHER REPORTS ( Contd. . . )REPORTS OF THE ROADS & TRAFFIC SUPERINTFINDENT (Contcl. .)2, 7th Concesslon (t{G) Roacl Widenings.Reporr No. RTS-<strong>82</strong>-14.Moved by CouncillorSeconded byCouncillorSmockumRogers1.THAT a By-Law be passed to authorlze the Mayorand the Clerk to execute an AgreemenE of Prrr:chaseand Sale beEweerr Mtlford and Anne Ley and LheTownship, respecting a lO-foot road wideningin Lot 4, Concession 6 (NG).2. THAT a By-Iaw be passed to authorlze the Mayorand the Clerk to execute an Agreement of Purchaseand Sale between John J. White and theTownship, respecting a l0*foot road widpnina inLot 4, Concession 6 (NG).Carried.IRegional Counclllor Mclean declared a possible Conflictof lnterest wtth reg;ard to the above lEem, and did not cakepart ln any dl<strong>sc</strong>ussion and did not vote,c) FIRE CALLS RIISPONDED TO FOR THE MONTH OFSEPTEMBER, 19<strong>82</strong>.This was received 'for informatlon.d) BUILDING DRFARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT FORSEPTEMBER , L9<strong>82</strong>.This was received for informatlon.e) REPORT oF THE DIRECTOR 0F RECREATION AND PARKS:1. Baseball Diamond Facility - Civic CenEreReport No. <strong>82</strong>-13Moved by CouncillorLyonsSeconded byCouncii.lor Wlnch .TIIAT the recommendation as follows. be notaccepEed.I'THAT [he Council of Lhe Corporation of the Townshipof <strong>Georgina</strong> approve Ehe accepgance of Tender Cor'rtractNo. P<strong>82</strong>-09-O1 for fhe construction of a softballDiamond and associated works at the Civic Park, Keswick,Onfari,o, by V. PriesLIy ConEracting Limited, in theamount of $35,140.O0.Carried13. . . .

c-<strong>82</strong>-r7r 3Councll tllnutes-1.3- 19<strong>82</strong> 10 14.t'6.COMMITTEEANDOTHERREPORTS(Conrd...)f) REPORT OF THE CI{IIIF ADMINTSTRATION OFFICER:BasebalI Diamond Tenders - Claredon BeachParkPurchase."ReporE No. CAo-<strong>82</strong>-12 .Moved by CounclllorSmockurnSeconded by Councillor Shepherd .1. THAT the recommendati"on regardingtenclers received forthe Baseba<strong>lt</strong> Diamond at the Civtc Centre ls notaccepted.2.3.THAT $31-'OOO. be Eransferred Eo the operaEingcontingency.THAT $lOrOOO be placed in a reserve fund to providefor a'cquisition of equipment, materi.al and labourcosts to improve the existing diamonds at the CivicCentre.4. THAT addirlonal monies received fromlot levies,57" caeh in lieu of land or land sale revenues beallocated as follows :Firstly - $13,OOO. to operating conting,ency;Secondly - remalning, monies to Ehe reserve fundfor future considerations re]"ated tof,ecrearional facilities.CarrledFY-LAWS:CouncillorCouncillotSmockumRogersTHAT lly-Law No. B?-LL7(CON-I) beinga By*Law Eo authorize the Mayor andthe Cler:k fo execute a Contractberweerr Roger LaRue linterprisesLimited'Iownshipand thefo <strong>Georgina</strong>,be now read a first , second andthird tirnes passed and numbered bythe Mayor: and Clerk .CarriedBY-LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>-117(CON-I)Passed, signed and sealed by theMavor and CI.erk.L4,

c-<strong>82</strong>-r7| 4CouncilMinutes-L<strong>lt</strong>-19<strong>82</strong> 10 14.f7 .BY-I,AWS(Contd..)CounclllorCounclllorSmockumRogersTHAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-Il-8(CON*I) beinga l3y*I"aw to authorize the Mayor andClerk to execute an IndemnificationAgreement beErdeen Andrea Goldbergand the Township of Geor:glna, be nowread a flrst, second and thir:d tinres,passed and numbered by the Mayor andClerk.Carried.BY-LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>-1<strong>18</strong>(CON-I)Passed, signed and sealed by theMavor and CLerk,Councill.orCouncillor$mockumRogersTHAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-119(SA*1) beinga By-Law imposing special annualf,ates upon lan

c-<strong>82</strong>'-L7Courrcil Minutes-15.. 19<strong>82</strong> 10 14.I 57 , BY-LAWS ( Contd . . . )CounclllorCouncillorSmockumRogersTHAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>*121(PL-l) beirrga By-law to amend By-Law No. 903,as amendecl, whlch deems cerlainRegisEercd Pl-ans of Subdi.vision orparts thereof not to be RegisteredPlarrs of Subdivisi.on for the purpo:ieof Section 29 of Ttre Flanni.ng'e,ct,R.S.O. l9BO, be now read a first,second and fhird Eimes, passed andnumbered by the Mayor and Clerk.Carried.BY-LAI,J NO. <strong>82</strong>-121(PL-l)Passed, signed and sealed by theMayor and Clerk.CouneilLorCouncill-orSmockumRogersTHAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-122 ( C0N-1. ) beinga By-Law to authorize the Mayor andClerk to execute a Holding, TankAgreernent beEween the RegionalMunlcipality of York and rheTownshlp of <strong>Georgina</strong>, be now reada flrst, second and thirtl times,passed and numbered by Ehe Mayorand the Clerk.Carried.BY-LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>-122(CON-1)Passed, signed and sealed by theMayor and Clerk.CouncillorCouncillorSmockumRogersTHAT.By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-123(PWO-2) bei.nga By-Law to dedicate cer:tain lancl isbeing a PubIic Highway and formingpart of Stoney Batter Road, be nowread a first, second and Ehir:d times,Pa$sed and numbered by the Mayor andC1erk.CarrledBY-LAt^l No . <strong>82</strong>-1 23 ( Pt^]O-z )Passed, signed and seai.ed by theMayor and Clerk.CouncillorCouncillorSmockumRogersTHAT By*Lavz No. <strong>82</strong>-L?-4(LA-1) beinga By-Law Eo authorlze the Mayor andClerk to execllfe arr Agreement ofPurchase and Sale beEweerr Milfordand Anne Ley and the Tor+nship of<strong>Georgina</strong>, be now r:ead a fir:sr, secondand third times, passed and rrumberedby the Mayor and Clerk.Carried.tBY-LAW N0. <strong>82</strong>-124(LA-r)Passed, sig,ned and seal,ed by theMayor and Clerk .16..

c*<strong>82</strong>-L7Councll Minutes-16* r9B2 10 14.1 6BY-LAWS ( Contd .CouncillorCouncil lorSmockumRogersTHAI] By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-L25(LA-f) beinga By-Law Eo authorize the Mayor andClerk to execL<strong>lt</strong>e an Agreement ofPurchase and Sale befween ,Iohn J.Wh<strong>lt</strong>e and the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong>,be now read a flrsr, $econd andthircl tlmes, passed and nurnbered bythe Mayor and Clerk.CarriedBY*LAW N0. <strong>82</strong>-125(LA*l)Passed, signed and sealed by theMayor and Clerk.CouncillorCouncillorSmockumRogersTHAT By*Law No. <strong>82</strong>-f26(CON-L) beinga By*Law to authorize the Mayor:and the C1erk fo execute a Contractbetween Warren Bitulithic Limitedand the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong>, be nowread a first, second and third times,passed and numbered by the Mayor andClerk.Carried.I8.BY-LAW NO. 8?-126(CON-I )OTHER MOTIONS :Passed, signed and seal"ed by theMayor and Clerk.CouncillorCouncllorRogersSmockumTHAT the Mayor proclaim the tleek0ctober ITth to 23rd 19<strong>82</strong>. asITBLOCK PARI:NT WEI.:K" in theTownship of <strong>Georgina</strong>.OICarried.Reg;gotttt*tl1"or McleanCouncillor LyonsTHAT rhe Council continue past thre hour of <strong>lt</strong> p.m,to compLete business.Carried ........following'Wi.th the agreement of members of Council theMotion was introduced.r"1

!,1 7c-<strong>82</strong>-r7Councll MlnuEes-17- 19<strong>82</strong>1014.Moved by CouncillorSmockumSeconded by Councillor Lyons .THAT the Township of Georglna offictally recognizeHalloween nipiht as Saturday October 3OCh in viewof the time change thac would be in effect on theSunday, 3Ist October, 19<strong>82</strong>.Defeated.9.BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS :Councillor BurrowsReg-CouncllIor McLeanTHAT By-Law No. 8?-L27 ( COU-2 )being a By-Law Eo Confl,rm theproceedlngs of Counctl at itsneeting held on l4rh day ofOcEober! 19<strong>82</strong>, be now read afirst , second and third times.passed ancl nunrbered by the Mayorand Clerk.--.IBY-LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>-127(COU-z)CarriedPassed, signEd and sealed by theMayor and Clerk.On Motlon Me.etlngadjourned at11.06 p.m.ilooo*l il d- t{tz -// w-

<strong>sc</strong>-'<strong>82</strong>-l 7THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF GEORGINAIN THEREGIONAI, MUNICIPALITY OF YORKSPECIAL COUNCILMINUTES19<strong>82</strong> 10 071,.35p.m.A Speci.al l4eetlng of Counci] was held in the CouncilChambers of the Georglna Civlc Centre, Keswiclc, Ontarlo.tThe Chai.rman ca}led the meeting to order at I.35 pm.ROLLCAI,L:The Clerk reported thaf all mcmbers of Council werepresgnt with the exceptions of Councillors, Lyons, Burrowsand Winch.The following Report was dea<strong>lt</strong> with aE this time.Report No. TE-<strong>82</strong>-4-5 of the Townshlp Engineer.Re : TenrJer Openings1) Gravel for 7th ConcessJ.on CUlvert2l West Park Subdivislon - Paving.Movecl by CounctllorRogersSeconded by CouncillorSmockum.T|IAT the bid in the amounr of $1O,45O.0O submtrted bvRog,er_ LaRue Enterprises Limited for the supply of grivelfor the 7th Concession Culvert construction. teaccepted and Ehat a By-Law be passed to autliorize theMayor and Ehe Clerk'Eo enter into a ContracE with Ehelow bidder.. Carried.Regional Council,l-or l4clean declared a posslbl.e Conflicrof Interest regarding the above <strong>lt</strong>em, ind did nof takeparE in any di<strong>sc</strong>ussion and-did not vof,e.

<strong>sc</strong>*<strong>82</strong>-l 7SpecialMlfluEesCouncil-2*19<strong>82</strong> 10 07 .Moved by CouncillorO'Grady.- Seconded by Councillor RogersTHAT the btd in the amount of $17.283.20 submitted bvWarren Bitulithic Limited for Ehe West Parlc Subdivisionpaving, be accepted and thaE a By-l,aw be passed Eoauthorize the Mayor: and the Clerk to enter into a Contractwith the low bidder.CarriedBY*LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS :Reg-Councillor McLeanCounclllor OrGrady.THAT By-l,aw No. <strong>82</strong>-116(COU-Z) beinga By-Lalr to Confirm the Proceedingsof Council at its meeting held on7th day of October, 19<strong>82</strong>, be now reada flrst, second and thtrd ti.mes, passedand numbered by fhe Mayor and the Clerk.CarriedBY-LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>-1r6(COU-z)Passed, slgned and sealed by theMayor and the Clerk .b+'On Motion, MeetingAdjourned at 1.37 p.m.

-\-tc*<strong>82</strong>*16.THE CORPORATION OF THE TOIINSHIP oF GEORGINAIN THEREGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORKCOUNCII, I',IINUTES19<strong>82</strong> 09 237.3O p.n.The Council of the Township of Georfi,ina met in theCouncil Chamhers of the Georgr-na Civic Centre, R.R. #2,Kesrvick, 0ntario.The Mayor: called the meetlnp, to order at 7.40 p.rn.AE thts time Mayor: Dales asked Ehat everyone rl-se andobserve a momentrs sllence upon the uassi.ng- of the Mayor ofthe Town of Vaug,han, Mr . Garrtet lrlillians,1 . ROLL CALL :The Clerk TeDorted t\at all nerntlers of Council wereDfeseDt wit-h t-he exception of Councillor SFrockum.' 2 .CONFLICT DT.SCLOSURES IThere wefe none .3. MINUTES OF' PRE\/IOUS I{S,ETINGS:a) t4inutes of the Soecial Council l'leeting ofSerrtember 16th, 19<strong>82</strong>Moved by CouncillorLyonsSeconded by CouncillorRog,ers.THAT t_he Mlnut:es of r-he Special Counc'L1 t{eeti.nq ofSenr-ernher, 16th, 19<strong>82</strong>, be a.loored.Carrled2. . . .

c-<strong>82</strong>*t62Council l4lnutes-2-19<strong>82</strong> 09 23.DEPUTATIONS :a ) A deleqation from the Orsl (Mod-Aire Homes Ltd)Subdivisi,on wi.th reference to Reporr; No. PB?-4O ofthe Director of Planning,, Itemg (a) this Agenda.At this Eirne Item9 (a) Report No. PB2-1rO of theDiriectot of Planning was dbafg with.Mr. Keith Leidtke representlng taxpayers in theOrsl Subdivision acldressed Memher of Counciland ouElined hts concerns, regarding the Orsisubdivision proposal .Mr. Brlan Corbrett! Soticitor, representlng Mr.Orsl also addressed Members of Council w<strong>lt</strong>h reg,ardEo this maEter.Moved by CouncillorShepherdSeconded by Councillor 0rGradyTHAT the application for reaoning-, subrnitf,ed byFlod-Aire Homes Ltd,, being an applicacion to rbzoneIands de<strong>sc</strong>ribed as ParE of Lots 16 and 17, Concessions2 and 3 (NG) from Rural (RU) r:o Urban ResidentialFirst Density (Rl) be dppfoved sutrjecr to rhe fotlowlngconclrttons:(A) THAT the amending By-Law provide rhar flremlnimum floor area shall be tl0 Sq M andthat the minimum lengtlr of Che house shallbe 15 M, such lengrh sha<strong>lt</strong> not include thelength of an atta;hed Baragei(B)THAT the amendlng By*Law provide that theexterlor walls of the first storey of suchdwelllng sha1l lre finishecl in masbnry veneeri(C) THAT all taxes be paid prior ro Councit_ considering an arnending- By-Law.A recorded vofe was requesEed.The Clerk recorded the vote as follows:Councillor LyonsCouncillor O'Gradv *Councillor Sheoherd -Counclllor t'linchYeaYeaYeaYeaReg,-Councillor FlcleanCouncillor BurrowsCounclllor Rogerslfuyor Dales- Nay- Nay' Nay* N"yYea -Nay -44l{otion Lost. .3.

3c--<strong>82</strong>-16Council Minutes -3- 19<strong>82</strong> 0923.4. DEPIJTATIOMi (Contd.. . . )Moved by CounclllorButrows:Seconded by CouncillorRog,ers.THAT the retention pond tn the Orsl Subdlvi.sionbe soclded.DefeatedMoved by R.egional Councillor l{clean. Seconded by Counclllor LyonsTHAT the retention pond tn the Orsl Subdivisionbe properly re-seeded.CarriedMoved by CouncillorBurrowsSeconded by CouncillorRogersTHAT the Town.s.hip Hnglneer investig,ate the feasibitityof requiring" Ilod-Aire l-lornes lo provide adequaceproiection around the clrainage orrlletto prevel-rt childrenfrom enter:_ng, subject to Councilrs approval.Moved by CouncillorBurrowsCatried'Seconded by CouncillorRogersTHAT the vacant lots w<strong>lt</strong>hin the Orsi Subdivlsion bemalntained in accotdance wittr the Subdivision Agreement.Carrled.Moved by CouncillorBurrowsSeconded by CouncillorRogersTHAT payment be made of the outstandtng Eaxes nowdue on the Orsl Subdivision properties-still retainedby the Developer .Carried.Moved by CouncillorBurrowsSeconded by CouncillorRogersTHAT the minimum square foot areas of the homes in theOrsi Subdlvision be lr5OO square feet.A recorded voEe was requested.The Clerk recorded the vote as follows:4. . . . .

c*<strong>82</strong>-16Council Mlnut:es-4- 19<strong>82</strong> 09 23.4, DEPUTATIONS (Contd.Reg-Councillor Mclean - yeaCounclllor Burrow$ - yeaCouncillor: Rogers - yeaMayor Dales* YeaCouncillorCouncillorCouncitlorCouncillorYea -Nay -LyonsOrGradvShepherdtlinch44- Nay- Nay- f.tay- NayMotion LostMoved hy Regional Counctllor McleanSeconded by Counclll_orLyons.THAT the square footage of thl homes proposed forStage II of fhe Orsi Subdtvision, be deferred i" tt* -Councll-meeting of Octoher l4th, 1992, for f,rrin*idl<strong>sc</strong>ussion .Carried.5. COMMIJNICATIONS ;a) Memo to Mayor and Memt,ers of Council, from theTreasurer, Mr. Stan Armstrong reg,arding a donationln the amount of $l,ooo.oo received fr6m the r'lest parkMenrs Softball'Leag,ue towards the cost of i""l"fff"gplayground equipment and a rhird dtamond in ilesi part.Thls was recelved for information,b) Minutes of the Meeting of the conservation and communityRelations Advisory Board of the South Lake StmcoeConservation Authority held on September loth,-igAZ.Thls was recelved for information.The Chief AdminisrraEive Offlcer to investisatethe disposition of item No. CC*g2_32 of tt"-eJ,rfsorvBoard Minutes, regarding the returning of old ,uii"iyrig<strong>lt</strong> of ways to the original ovrnersl and reporE backto Council.c) Borough of Etobicoke seeking endorsement of a resolutlonrequesting_the Province of 0ntario to Drovide Eax refundsto help offset the loss of tax revenLle thaE hasresu<strong>lt</strong>ed from home owners who have used urea formardehyrJefor insulatlon.5.

5c-<strong>82</strong>-r6Councll Minutes-5- t9<strong>82</strong> 0S 23.:5.COMMUNICATIONS (Contd. . .)Moved by Counci.llorO'GradySeconded by Regional Councillor McleanTHAT Ehe Council of the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> supportslhe position taken [y t-he Councll of the Borough ofl<strong>lt</strong>obicoke that Municipalicies should recelve a taxrefund Eo comperrsate for the, suhsequent loss ofassessment on homes Ehat have been insulated with ureafornaldehyde foam.Carrled.d)Town of Rlchmond HllL requesting C0uncil's consideratlonto participate in a -joif<strong>lt</strong> meeciflg with the Canada PostCorporation with a view to attempting to rationalizepostal boundaries wit-hin our own Townshiu.Moved try CouncillorOrGradySeconded hy Regional Councitlor FlcleanTHAT the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> is orepared to parti.ciuateln a joint meeting with the Canadian Postal Corporati,onwith a v{-evr to atEempting to raElonallze postal boundarieswithin our Municinalir-v.Carried.e)Keswiek ODtimist Cluh requestinq, a special exemrrttqn fromthe Tovmsrrtp's firearm regulatory By-Law in order to usethe Opt-imist Hall for an i-ndoor tarqet- range in thedi<strong>sc</strong>harg,e of 22 calitrre rifles.This was referred to f,he next Committee of t\e Wholemeer-ing,.6.COMI"IITTEE AND OTHE;S REPOR.TS :a) REPOR.T oF THll fJI<strong>lt</strong>ECToR OF FINANCE:Hea<strong>lt</strong>hReportUnit LeaseNo. TC-<strong>82</strong>-14Moved hy CounctllorWi-nchSeconded by OouncillorLvons.THAT t.le Lea$e Ap-reement bethreen the Reg{_6n61 }4unisipa}ir.yof York Heal[h Unit and r:he Township of<strong>Georgina</strong> berenewed to l)ecember 31, 1983, at a monr:hly rar_e -Effecti-ve January 1 , 198? - $509. 79 andEffec[Ive January l, Iq83 - $545.48 andTHATSuites ?O6, 2OB and 211 be Datnted as soon a$r:ossi.b1e once Lhe Ag,reemenE i_s in effect ancl6.

6c-8?-16Courrcll 14inutes .*6- 19<strong>82</strong> 09 ?.3.6. COMMITTIIE AND OTHER RIIPORTS (Cont-d. . .)THAT interlor storrft windows bc installed in the GeneralOfft.ce area at a t,otal. cost of SZIO.OO to be shared equal.lyby the Township and the Public Heatth Branch andTHAT the Mavor and Clerk he authorlzed to execute r-he LeaseAp.reemeni:.Carrl-ed.b) REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OF' ECONOMIC DEVE,I,I:)PMFJNT:1983-Ice Fishing Derby.Reoort No. ED-<strong>82</strong>-O4.Moved bv Regional Councillor McleanSeconded by CouncillorO'Grady.THAT the Council of the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> aporovethe 1983 Fishinq Guidelines as outlinedin Rerrort Ed*<strong>82</strong>-O4of the f)irectori of. Econornlc Development respecting prizestfucture and fees for the .1983 Great <strong>Georgina</strong> Ice FishingDerby.Ic) REPORT oF THE CLERK:Carried.Permission requesred to hold a SanEa Claus Parade inKeswick on November 27th, 19<strong>82</strong>.Report No. TC-<strong>82</strong>-14.Moved by C0uncillorShepherdSeconded hy Councill.or1,li-nch.1. THAT t-he Georqina Santa Claus Parade Committee beoermitted to holrl Ehe annual Santa Ctaus Parade onilovember 27, L98?, starting aE f)awson's Marina, theQueensrvay to the 5-Corners, Metro Road to SlmcoeStreet to the Oueenswav, The Queensway to ChurchStreet to the Arena at I p,m,2. THAT they be lnforned of the provisions of By-Law No.8O-3f3(PtlE-I) concerning the tlme the use of P.A.SvsEems are Dermir-ted.Carrled.7 . . .

c-<strong>82</strong>-r6Council Flinutes*7* 19<strong>82</strong> 09 23.'1uNffirjllluffilw*a) Councill.or Rogers gave an update on the RoyalSimcoe area, He stated that the Liquor LicenceBoard are consi.dering a course of action and willbe in touch with the Municioality.b) Mayor Dales reported on che rireeting w<strong>lt</strong>h the Mini.stryof Natural Resources re Sutton Dam. He staEedthaf the Minlsl-ry will be conducting a study on thepossible a<strong>lt</strong>eynaf,ives regardinB the dam.REy-t-4t^rq:Councillor Rog,ersCouncillor LyonsTHAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>*114(Pt{O*?)being a By-Law to temporarily closepart- of the Road Allowance lyingbetween Concesslons 6 and 7(NG) from Ravenshoe Road to PollockRoad, be now read a first" secondand third times, passed and numberedby the Mayor and Clerk.tBY-LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>-114(Pl.lo-z)With the Agreement of theMotions were considered:9 . MOTIONS :Reg-CounclIIor M cl-eanCounclllor BurrowsCouncillor SheoherdReg*Councillor llcLeanCarried.Passed, sig,ned and sealed by theMayor and the Clerk.Members of Counci<strong>lt</strong>he followingTHAT WHEREAS a tequest has beenreceived by the Township of<strong>Georgina</strong> frotn Ehe South Shore EstateRatepayers Association for thereduction of speed limits withlntheir plan of Subdivision from50 KPH to /+O KPH ;THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED t\at theTownship of Georglna agrees toamend the Unlform Traffic By-l,awto affect the change requested aE thenext meeting of Council.CarriedTHAT WHEREAS the Council of theCorporation of the Townshlp ofGeorglna has established a CommitEeeknown as Ehe Pefferlaw Park StudyCommittee to review lhe SiteDevelopment, tecommenclat-ions includedin the Master Plan by Sesquaig Inc.for the Pefferlaw area, andIIHEREAS this Committee hasrecommended that the nexc nhase ofPark Develooment should be theconstrucEloir -of a mul.ti-pnrDoseconcrete pad INI]I^I ,THI,]RIIFORE BIl IT RESO],VETJ THATthe Council of the Corr:orirtion ofthe Townshtn of <strong>Georgina</strong> arrt_hortzes8. . . .

,, fc-<strong>82</strong>*16 -8- 19<strong>82</strong> 09 23.9 . M0TIONS ( Contdthe construction of a mu<strong>lt</strong>l-purposeconcrete pad in Ehe Pefferlaw LionsCommunity Park and f,haE forpurposes of assistinp- in the fundingof t-his project app]icatlon bc madef,o the Provinclal Governmerrt forassistance under the hlintarr-o andC.R.C.A. Grant proBrammes,,Carried.lo.OTHER BUSINESS :a) Councillor Rop-ers announced Ehat there wiII be aDevelopmenE Committee neeting on September 28th,aE 7.30 o.m.b)Regi,onal Councillor McLean reported on the rneetingby the ngw Commrrnity Relations department whichwas held in the Civic Centre. He stated that anoEhermeeting is <strong>sc</strong>heduled for Saturday 25th September at1O.a.m.c )Reg,lonal Councll.lor Mclean expressed concern regardingthe the Keswick water and sewers Contract agreemeilf,between the Ministty of the EnvironmenE and the Township.The Chief Administrative Officer was directecl to makethe necessary inquiries with the Ministry of EheEnvironment regatding and Keswick l{aEer and Sewerconstruction to deterrnlne what arrangements can be madeto expedite the completion of the project as per theA;ireement .11 BY*LAI'I TO CONFIITM PROCEEDINGS :Reg-Councillor McLeanCouncillor WlnchTHAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-115(COU-Z) beinga By-I,aw to conflrm the nroceecling,sof Council at <strong>lt</strong>s meeting held on23rd day of SepEember, 19<strong>82</strong>, be flowread a first, second antl thircl times,passed and numbered by the Mayorand Clerk.CarriedBY-LAI^I NO. B2-115(COtl*Z)Passed, signed and sealed by Ehel4avor and Clerk.On Motlon, MeetingadJourned ac 11. p.m.

<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-15lE{E CORPORATION OF THE TOWN$HIP OF GEORG]NATN TTIEREGIONAL MUNTCTPALITY OF VORKSFECIAL COUNCILXTTINUTESn9.<strong>82</strong> ,09 169'3Oa'm'T;he Council of the Township of G:eorgina :held aSpecialC,ortnc1l meefing in the ,Coutrcil Chambers of the <strong>Georgina</strong> CivicCentre, R.R. #2, Keswlck, Ont,ar:io.[- I{OMENT ,0F MEDTTATION::A moment of medi'tati.on ;was -observed bv Gouncil Mernber,s..3. - sQr-r- Q4r-r :T<strong>lt</strong>te C,I,errk repgrt'ed i<strong>lt</strong>rat eI} rnerribers of Golrncil 'v;rereFf,'Pserrt ..3. MITFLICT DISCLOSTIRES: :Ttlerewere rtone..The Mayor called the rnee.tlngto orderat 9..42 a.m.-{+-D{ItrNIITN,S OF PREVIOUS'MEET.INGS::.a) Mi.r,rutes of tshe'19<strong>82</strong>Regular Cormcil :meetingofaugusf 25th,Moved by Counci.llor;RogersSeconded by Counc.i.l1or 'Shephe,rd,.THAT the Minr.r,tes of the iRegular ,Courrcllmeetirrg'Df 19<strong>82</strong> OB 25., ;be radopted,.Garried.4.. .. .. ,.

2<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-15S;peciallMinul e sCouncll-2- n9<strong>82</strong> 09 16-5- DEPUTATIONS :'(a)Mr. Terry Fitzpatrick who had been <strong>sc</strong>heduled asa delegatlon regardlng Mosslngton Park wasadvised by Township staff that his attendance wouldnof be necessary as charges have been laid againstthe owners of the Park.'[iifh fhe agreement of theMembers of Council thefollowing Motion was introdr.reed. l<strong>lt</strong>oved by Councillor Burror.rs J :Sesonded by RegionalCouncillorMclean-THAT Councll rarify a charge lald agairrst 5O89<strong>18</strong>Ontari.o Ltd., (Mosslngton Park) by theZoning'AdministraEor for the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> forcontravention of Secrlon 1,.3 and 5,27 of. Zoni.ngBy*Law No. 911,saj.d contravention being the useand parking of resreational vehicles in a ,zone wheresl]ch rr.se is noL permiEted..C.arri.ed,.(b) The eputatlon that was ,to appear from the OrsiSubdivision was unabl-e to attend.but rh.ad forwarded a request to appear before Councilolr :September .23rd, 19<strong>82</strong>, regarding Report No. P*<strong>82</strong>-4of ,Lhe Dlrectoof Plarrning.Moved by CouncillorRogersSeconded by Rqgional Counclllor McJ.ean..TI{AT Report No. ?-<strong>82</strong>-40 of the Dlrecfor of Plann1ng'Mod-AireregardSingHomes Ltd.., be deferred to theGomcil meetlrrg of Seprernber 23r-d., 19<strong>82</strong>, to allowthe deputatlon an opportun<strong>lt</strong>y toaddress their,cETlc.el.ns... Carrf,,ed. -I(h)IEem[,lith the agreement of the l"lembers of Council, itemI on the Agerda was dea<strong>lt</strong> with at this time.I (b) 1. Deferral of'I'arfofehe r0fficial Pl,an]Bertan I'nvestments Limi,ted - Part of Lot22 alnd 23, Con. 3 (NG).Eeport.No: P-<strong>82</strong>-39.Moved by Councillor,$econded by CouncillorO'rGradyRogers'T*IAT rCouncll :aclvlse the Minister of l4unicipal Affairsand *Iousirrg that Jf endorses the modifications pr:oposedby the Regi,onal Municipality of York for those larrdsde<strong>sc</strong>rlbed as Part of Lots .22 and 23, Concession 3 (NG),:betng lands owned by lSerthn InvestmenEs Limif,ed andfurther that a Map delineattng the appropriare,amendment to Schedule'Ar - Land Use PIan as Droposedby the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> be forwarded to the i4inister.Garried. ..3 - . . .

5<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-15Special CouncilMinutes 19<strong>82</strong> 09 16Item 9 (b) 3. The Official Plan of the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> .'Planning Area - Referral RequestsReportNo. P-<strong>82</strong>*41Moved by CounclllorSeaonded by CouncillorlYinchSmockumTIIAT Council hereby requests the l,linister of IilunicipalAffairs and Housing to modily certaln sections qf theOfficial Plan of the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> PlanningArea in accordance with the follorving:(a) TIIAT Section 3.3.10 IRANSPORTATION Subsection3. be modifiEFE*ETffiE out the saidsubsectiort and inserting in lieu thereof thefollowing:ilTo encourage the Provincial Government to providef,t an early date, additional hlghways and transit. facilities which will link <strong>Georgina</strong> to majorOntario centres all of which Council deemsnecessary to sripport and service the tTansportation,economic and housing goals, objectives andpolicies of this plan"i(b) THAT Section 5,2.7 RUllAI, HOI.{E PARK be amended by. Etrlklng out "LoCAL-d0IIIIE-RTIA-Ifi-Ei the flfth line;(c) THAT Section 5.2.7 Subsection 5.2.7.I be modifiedby striking out clause (B) and relettering thesaid subsection accordiugly;(d) THAT Section 5.2"7 subsection be modifiedby strlking out the word I'GENERALLYTT in the first, line of the second paragraph.Carried7. COIn{qTICATIONS:a) Keith C. Norton, <strong>lt</strong>rinister of the Mi.nistry of theSnvironment, forwarding a copy of a letter which wasdirected to Donafd Duranovich, President, 5089f Ontari.oLlnited with Tegards to concerns on the appat:entexpansion of faciLities at the lllossington Park campgrounds.This was received for information.b) Bronya Samuels, Daycamp Co-Ordinator, Dixon IIa11,Neighbourhood Social and Famil.y Service Centre, expressinghis thanks for the use of Camp De La Salle.This was receivedforinformatlon.c) Claude F" Bennett, Minister of the Ministry of llunici.palAffairs and ilousirtfi, advising that $?0,oo0.00 or 75o/' ofthe Energy Conservr.L;ion Through Land Use Planning GrantsProgram has bee'n f:i";inted to the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong>.This was x€cr: ed for lnformation.4 . . . . ,IiiI

4<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-r5Special CouncllMinutes 19<strong>82</strong> 09 167. col4trduNICATroNs:d) tsasil Noels, P, Eng., South' Lake Slmcoe ConservationAuthority, iorwarding a copy of a resolution fl'doptedby the South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authorityrlgarding fJ-ootling prolrlems on Part of Lots 11 & 1?tConcession 6 (NG)"This was received for informs.tion and referredto motions.e) Robe?t N. Vernon, Regional Clerk advisi.ng that EeportNo. 14 of the Engineering Committee entitfed BOAIJSTPROPOSED EXTENSTON OF IITGIIWAY NO. 89, BETW-EEN LHSLTESTREET ANII IIIGI{I'VAY 12, was adopte

5$c*<strong>82</strong>-15$pecialMinutesCouncil-5-L9<strong>82</strong> 09 169. COM}{ITTEEAND OTIIER RHPORTS :a) 2, TIIAT the letter received frorn tr{r. Laviofette datedAugust 30th, 19<strong>82</strong>, regarding his concerns over thereconstruction of the Simcoe Street Dock be refemedto Township staff for a written reply"3.THAT Report No. T-8?*1S of the Director of Financebe received for information.4. THAT the sum of $9,311.71 be transferred from theSick Leave Contingency Reserve to the <strong>Georgina</strong>Public Library Board budget to cover the cost ofsick leave payments made to its staff nrembeTs ontermination.s.THAT the Llayor proclaim the Week of October 23rd,to 30th, 19<strong>82</strong> as i'Week of the Child" in theTownship of <strong>Georgina</strong>.6.II-HERBAS the Canadian Imperiaf Bank of Commerce,Pefferlaw Branchn has setved notice to thebuslnesses and public sector of Pefferlaw andsurroundinft areas, that effective immediately thebank wiil be open for business only two days, from10:OO a.m. to 3:00 p,m, with no extended hours ofservlcelAND IYIIEREAS, this decision wil"l directly plase thebuslnesses in jeopardy of losing many customers,since it is an established fact that when per$onsdo banking business in proximity to businessestablishments, same wil] benefit because of theconvenience for customers ;AND WIIEREAS the Canadian Imperial Bank of Cornmercehas recommended to' its patrons that they transfertheir accounts to their Cannington Branch, whichwill take business out of the downtown area ofPefferlaw and elsewheTe in the vicinity. As well,persons wishing to cash their pay cheques will findit necessary to travel approximately I miles to thenearest banl

<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-r56SpecialMinutesCouncil-6* 19<strong>82</strong> 09 16.9. . COMMITTEE AND OTHER REPORTS (Contd. . .)c) REPORT OF THE DIRECTOI{ OF R.ECREATION & PARKSTTender Opening - PefferlawCommunity ParkReport No. DR*<strong>82</strong>-12 .Moved by CouncillorShepherdSeconded by CouncillorBurrows.THAT Terrder Contract No. P<strong>82</strong>-O8-04, for theconstructlon of recreaEion facilities andassociated vrorks af the Pefferlaw CommunitvPark, be awarded to the lowest bidder, VirfuiniaAggregates Ltd., ln the amounr of glf,85O.0O,.Carried...Wi,th the agreemetit of the Members of Courrcl}, thefollowing Motion was introduced:Hoved by CouncillorShepherdSeconded by Council-lor:OtGrady.THAT the incoming Councj_l consider the feaslbilitvof constructlng a fooL bridge over the peffer:lawBrook and where funding would be available forsuch a pro ject.'Carried.d) BUILDING DEPARTMENT REPORT FOR TTIE MONTI.I OF AUGUST:Thls was received for information.e) ANIMAL CONTROL REPORT FOR MONTH OF, JULy:This was recelved for inforrnation.f )ANIMAL CONTROL REPORT FOR MONTH OF AUGUST ;This was received for lnformatiorr.7 . . - . .

7<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-r5Speclal CouncilMinutes-7- 19<strong>82</strong> 09 16.9. COMMITTEE AND OTHER REPORTS (CONtd.. . .)g) MEMORANDUM TO MEMBERS OF COUNCIL FROM THE CLF:RKREGARDING THE REFERfiNDUM ON NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT.Moved by CouncillorSeconded by CouncillorRogersSmockumTHAT WHEREAS the Council of the Townshio of<strong>Georgina</strong> has not been assured of the vaiidity of therefereridum on Gerreral Disarmament, and in fact, itsown solicitors have strongly advlsed against passinga By-Law to hold such a referendum;AND WHEREAS the Provlnce of Ontario has decldedagalnst passing enabling legislation f,o clarify therlght of the Township to hold such a referendum;BE IT RES0LVED THAT the resolutlon of Counci.ldatedFebruary 25th, 19<strong>82</strong>, concernlng a referendum onGeneral Dlsarmament be re<strong>sc</strong>inded and that staff bedirected to report on the concepE of voluntaryexpression on the questlon ln conjunction wtfh theNovember 8th, 19<strong>82</strong>, election.A recordedvote was requested rThe Clerk recorded lhe vote as follows:rRegional" CouncillorCounci.llot LvonsCouncillor O-tGradvCouncillor RogersCounci,llor ShepherdCounclllor SmockumMclean- Yea- Yea- Yea- Yea- Yea- YeaCounclllor Burrows - NavCouncillor Winch * Nui'Yea - 7Nay - 2Carried.10.UNFINISI{ED . BUSINESS IV,lith the agreement of the members of Council, Ehefollowing Motion was lnftoduced :Moved by Regional Councillor McleanSeconded by CounclllorBurrows.THAT the Townshlp of <strong>Georgina</strong> install a street lighton the hlg,h fension pole on the east side of lJoodbi.neAvenue just north of the exl<strong>sc</strong>ing streeE light at theJ.ntersection of Woodbine and Riveredge , providingapproval is granted by Hydro.Carried.8. . .

Illl,I<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-15Speclal Council -8-Minutes19<strong>82</strong> 09 16.II .BY*LAVJS :Reg-CouncllLor McleanCouncillor RogersTHAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>*112(HD.*l) betnga By-Law to deslgnate the fiutfonMill. to be of hlstorical andarchitecfural value or lnterest , benow read a first, second and EhirdElmes, passed and numbered by theMayor and Clerk.BY-LAW NO. 8?-112(ntJ-I)Carried.Passed, signed and sealedMayor and the Clerk.by theT2 .OT}IER MOTIONS :tReg-CounciIlor McLean(iouncillor SheoherdTHAT I^]HEREAS Weir Sideroad and 5rhConcession (Pefferlaw Road) continueto be poorly maintained and in factare in an impassable state from f.imeto time ;AND WHEREAS the Regional Muntcipalityof York ls responsible forconstruct.ion and maintenance of saidroads;AND WHEREAS the Region has beenrepeatedly asked by Geor:gina toprovlde the necessary works to keepthese roads in good repair, butcontinues to aIl"ow them fo fall intodisrepair: and deplorable conditrl.on;THEREFORE, BE rT RESOLVED TIrAT rheTownship of <strong>Georgina</strong> once againrequest the Regiotral Engineeri.ngDepartnrent t,o provide a level ofinaintenarice comparable to TowrrshipConcession roads , and that RegionalCouncll be requested to ensure thatthls is ratified.Carried.Reg-Cc'uncillor McleanCouncillor BurrowsTHAT the Sour-h Lalre SinrcoeConservati,on .Atrthorit-y be requestedto reconsider ttreir: Motion taking noaction wifh respect to drainageresfrlctions Lots 11 and 12. Con. 6Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> in light of theposition being taken by the Region ofYork.Carried.9.. . .

9<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-15Speclal CouncllMinutes-9-19<strong>82</strong> 09 16.12. OTHER MOTIONS (Contd.Counclllor ShepherdReg-Councillor McleanTHAT whereas the Canadian ImperlalBank of Commerce, Pefferlaw Branclr,has served notice that it irrEends torestr:ict hours of business, startingOctober <strong>18</strong>th, 19<strong>82</strong>, from5 days a weekto 2 days a week, with Tuesdays fromthe hours of lO a.m. to 3 p.m. andFrldays from the hours of i p.m. to6 p.m. remaining open;AND WHEREAS the Bank is notifying aIItheir customers , that during thesehours it shall remain open for chequecashing only and all actounEs willaufomatically be fransferred to theirCannlngton, Ontario Branch, which islocated outside of <strong>Georgina</strong> Townshl-p IAND WHEREAS there is a serious concernwith the Businesses and oublic sector.that, a<strong>lt</strong>hough a cheque may be cashedat this branch, any account has beentransferred to another bank;AND I^IHEREAS, ttre bank's decislon tcrestrict hours of business and thertrestrict any busirress Eo cheque cashlngonly is an indication f,hat the CanadianImperlal Bank of Commerce contemplatesa final close down;AND WHEREAS there has been a maicrr'<strong>lt</strong>vof persons trarrsfer their accouics rbother areas, subsequent to the bank'snoti.fication;THERIIFORE, BE IT RESOLVED T<strong>lt</strong>ATr rheCouncil of the Townshtp of <strong>Georgina</strong>support$ fhe transfer of its accountsto any Bank, Trust Company or CreditUnion whi.ch wishes to establlsh lnPefferl-aw on a full banking weekbasis, (or preferably the exisEingbank), and the Chief Administ,rat,iveOfficer immediately cornniencenegotiations in order to bring aboutsatisfacEorv conclusions uoon theundertaking Ehat the lending orbanking institution selecfed beprepared to meet all nsssssary bankingrequirements of the Municipality.Carrled .10. . . .tfti;

<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-15Spectal CouncilMinutes-ro_1,9<strong>82</strong> 09 16.I 012 . OTHER MOTIONS ( Contd. - . )CouncillorCouncillorOrGradyLyonsTHAT Whereas Ehe Mlnistry of Hea1th hasannounced a $446,425. Grant Programto finance alcohol and drug abr.rseprogt'ams throughout the Province .AND WHEREAS the Medical Professton inthe Township have indicaEed thar adu<strong>lt</strong>hea<strong>lt</strong>h care costs atEributed toaleohol't"L%;.exceed the Provincial average ofTilEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT flhETownship of Georgi,na requesE thellinlstry of llea<strong>lt</strong>h to enrer inrodi<strong>sc</strong>ussion wtth the Township and theBegional Hea<strong>lt</strong>h Unit to review thepossibility of provi.ding a servi.ceproBram to combat alcohol and drug abusein the Township of GeorgS.na.CarrLed13. OTHEtrT BUSINESS:(a) Councl-llor OrGrady indi.cated there would bePublic Affairs Po<strong>lt</strong>cy Commitfee meetirrg onl{ednesday September 22nd, 19<strong>82</strong> at 11 a.m,14.BY-LAW TO CONFIR.M PROCEEDINGS :CpuncillorCnuncillorRogefsWinchTHAT By*Law No. 8?-113(COU-?) betnBa,By-Law to corrfirm the proceedlngsof Council at its meeting held. 16th September, 198,2, be 'now onr€ad a flrst., second and third times.,pats,ed and numbered by the <strong>lt</strong>4ayor andClerk-Garrled*BY-LAI^I NO. <strong>82</strong>-113(COU-2)Passed, signed and sealed by fheMayor and Clerk.On Plotlon,adjournedMeetlngat 12.46 p.rn.;

<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-15JTHE CORPORATION OF I'HE TOIINSHIP OF GEORGINAIN THEBEGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORKSPECIAL COUNCIL}-IINUTES19<strong>82</strong> 09 169.3Oa.m.The Council of the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> held a SpeclalCouncil meeting in the Council Charnbers of fhe <strong>Georgina</strong> ClvicCentre, R.R. #2,. Keswick, Ontario.The Mayor called the meeting to order at 9.42 a.m.I .I'IOMENT OF MEDITATION :A noment of meditation was observed bv Council Mernbers.2 . ROLL CALL :The Clerk reperted Ehat all members of Counci.l werepresent.3. CONFLICT DISGLOSURES :There were none .4. UINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS:'August 26th, 19<strong>82</strong>;ncil meeting ofMoved by CouncillorRogers$econded by CouncillorShepherd.THAT the Minutes of the Regular Council meetingof 19<strong>82</strong> OB 26, be adopEed.Carried .2....I

2<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-15SpecialMlnutesCouncll-2- 19<strong>82</strong> 09 16.5. DEPUTATIONS:(a) Mr. Terry F<strong>lt</strong>zpatr:ick who had been <strong>sc</strong>heduled asa delegaElon regardlng Mossington Park r,lasadvised by Township staff that hls attendance wouldnot be necessary as charges have been lai.d againsrthe owners of the Park.lil<strong>lt</strong>h the agreemen[ of Uhe Members of Councl<strong>lt</strong>hefollowing Motion was introduced.Moved by CounclllorBurrowsSeconded by Reglonal Councillor Mclean-THAT Council ratify a charge laid against 5O89<strong>18</strong>Ontario Ltd., (Mossington Park) by the ZoningAdmlnistrator for Ehe Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> forcontravention of Section 1.3 and 5.27 of ZoningBy*Law No. 911, said contravention being the uieand parking of recreaElonal vehicles l-n a zone whelesuch use is not permitted.Carried.tb) The Deputation that was to appear frorn the OrsiSubdtvtsion was unable ro attend.but had forwarded a requesf to appear befor:e Councilsn Sepcember 23rd, 19<strong>82</strong>, regarding Report No. P*<strong>82</strong>-t0of the Director of Plannlng.Uove.d by CouncillorRogersSeconded by Reglonal CouncillorMclean.THAT Report No. P-<strong>82</strong>-40 of the Director of Planningregardiirg Mod-Aire Homes Ltd_. , be deferred to theCouncil meeting of September 23rd , LgB?, to allowthe deputation an opportunity to address theirconcerns.Carrted,l{ith the agreement of the Members of Council, <strong>lt</strong>em9 (b) I on the Agenda raas dea<strong>lt</strong> with at this time.Item9 (b) f. Deferral of Patt of the Official PlanBertan Inve<strong>sc</strong>ments Limi ted - Part of Lot22and23, Con. 3(Nc).ReportNo; P-<strong>82</strong>*39.Moved by CouncillorSeconded by CouncillorOrGradyRogerstTHAT CounclJ. advise the Mlnister of Municipal Affairsarid Housing that it endorses the modiflcarions proposedby the Regional. Municipality of York for those landsde<strong>sc</strong>ribed as Part of Lots 22 and 23, Concession 3 (NC),betng lands owned by Bertan InvesEnents Limited andfurther that a I'lap delineating the appropriateamendment to Schedule rAt - Land Use Plan as proposedby the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> be forwarded to rhe Mlflister.Carried3.ilI'

l,3<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-15Specia)- CouncilMinutes -3-19<strong>82</strong> 09 16Item I (b) 3. The Official Plan of .the Township of Georglna .Planning Area - Ref erral RequestsReportNo. P-<strong>82</strong>-41Moved by CouneillorSeconded by Councillor\YinchSmockumTHAT Council heteby requests the Minister of MunicipalAffairs and Housing tomodify certain sections of theOffieial Plan of the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> PlanningArea in accordance w<strong>lt</strong>h the followlng:(a) THAT Seetion 3.3.10 TRANSPORTATION Subsection3. be modififfi$*GETfiffi out the saidsubsectlon and inserting in lieu thereof thefollowing :ttTo encourage the Provincial Government to provideat an early date, additional highways and transit. facilities which will link <strong>Georgina</strong> to majorOnt'ario centres a1l of which Council deemsnecessary to suppov't and service the transportation,eeonornic and housing goa1s, objectives andpollcies of this plan" ;t(b) TIIAT Section 5.?.? RURAL IIOI.{E PARK be amended bystriking out "LocAL-TdlI<strong>lt</strong>-E"ft-fITili-Tf the fifth line;(c) THAT Section 5.?.7 Subsectlon 5.2.7.I be modifiedby striking out clause (B) and relettering thesald Subsection accordingly ;{d) TIIAT Section 5.2"7 subsection be modifiedby striking out the word 'TGENERALLYil in the firsl:' Iine of the second paragra.ph.Carried7. CQIfl4UNrC_ATTOIE:a) Keith C, Norton, l{inister of the Ministry of theEnvlronment, forwarding a copy of a letter which was" directed to Donnld Duranovich, President, 50891 OntarioI'imited with regards to concexns on the apparentexpansion of facilities at the <strong>lt</strong>trossingtou Fark campgrounds.This was received for information.b) Eronya Sarnuels, Dirycarnp Co-Ordinator, llixon IIaIt,Neighbourhood Social and Family Serviee Centrie, expressinghis thanke for the use of Camp De La Sa1le.This was received for inforrnation.tc) Clar,rde f. Bennett, Minister of the llinistry of }{uniclpalAffairs and Hciusingn advisdng that $20,0o0.0o or 75% ofthe Energy Conservation Throu6lh Land Use PLanninll GrantsProgram has been granted to the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong>.This was received for informatiorr.4 o . . . o

4<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-15Special CouncilMinutes 1S8? 09 167, COMIIUNIQATTON$;d) Basil Noe1s, P. Eng,n South Lake Simcoe ConservationAuthority, forwarding a copy of a resofution adopted. by the South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authofityrlgarding flooiting problems on Fatt of Lots 11 & 12tConcession 6 (NG).This was received for lnformationto motlons.and Teferrede) Robert N. Vernon, Regi"onalCLerk advising that ReportNo. 14 of the Engineering Committee entitled ROADS'PROPOSED EXTENSTON OF IIIGHWAY NO. S9, BBTI1IEEN LESLTE$TREET AND IIIGII\IIAY L2, was adopted, without arnendmentby the Councll of the Begional Municipality of York.This was reseived for inforrnation.f) $outh lrake Simcoe Conservation Authority, Fxec;utiveEenmittee Meeting he1d on Tussdav, August 24tt:, 19<strong>82</strong>.This was received for information.Ic) South Lake Slmcoe Conservation Authorityr ExecutiveCommittee Meeting held on 'lVealnesdayr Septernber lstr 19<strong>82</strong>.This was reeeived for lnfornation.h) $outh Lake Simcoe Conservation Authorityr nxecutiveCommittee lleetj.ng held on Tuesday, Septembet Tthr 19<strong>82</strong>.This wae receivedor inforrnation.i) Robert N. Vernon, Regional Clerk regarding the RetaifFusiness llolidays Act and the procedure adopted bythe Regionaf Councif of August 26thr 19<strong>82</strong> when considelingfuttrre applications for expentions from the provisions.This was received for informatlon.It was requested that I,1r' Feter $teubing, Dlrector ofEsonomi.e Development be made awalre of tbis report andthat he so advise the Buslness Improvenent Area (B.T-A-)members as well as otlrer rncrchants wJ,thin the Townshlpof its contents as he deeus advisable.9. COMMITTEI] AND OTHER BEPORTS:a) Recommendatlons of the Comm<strong>lt</strong>tee of the Who1e Meetlngof September Znd, 1"9<strong>82</strong>.Moved by Councillor$econderl by CouncillorBurrows<strong>lt</strong>tinch.1. THAT the request of Mr. Gary McGee to close a'portionof the 8th Concession Road Allowance,' former Townshi.p of Georglna, abutting Lots 27and 28, Registered PLan #428, NOT BE APPIiOVBD.5" ". . .

<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-155$pecial Councill[inutes-5-]9<strong>82</strong> 09 169. Co!{lrrTTE}la) D3.AND OTHER }TSPOIITS :THAT the letter received from I{r. Laviolette datedAugust 30th, L98?, regarcling hls concerns ovel thereconstruction of the Simcoe Street Dock be referredto Township staff for a written reply"THAT Report No" T-<strong>82</strong>-fg of the Director of Financebe received for inforrnation.4.5.6.TIIAT the sum of $C,iff.7l be transferreO tiom theSick Leave Contingency Reserve to the <strong>Georgina</strong>Public Library Board bndget to covef the cost ofslck feave payments made to its staff members ontermination.THAT the l,{ayor proclaim the Week of Octobe,r 23rd,to 30th, lg<strong>82</strong> &s "trVeek of the Child'r in theTownship of Georglna.WI{EREAS the Canadian Imperial Bank of Cornrnerce,PefferLaw Branch, has served notice to thebusinesses and public sector of Pefferlaw andsurrounding arear., that effective immediately thebank w111 be op6n for business only two days, from1O:OO a.m. to 3:O0 p.m. with no extended hours ofservice;AND I\IHEREAS, this deeision wiLl directly plaee thebusinesses in jeopardy of losing many customers,since it is an established fact that vrhen personsdo banking lrusiness in proximity to busj-nessestablishrnents, sane will benefit because of theconvenl.ence for customers ;AND WHEREAS the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commercehas resommended to' its patrons that they transfcrtheir accounts to their Cannington Branch, whichwill take business out of the downtoq'n area ofPefferlaw and elsewlrer:e in the vicinity- As we1l,persons wishing to cash their pay cheques will findit necessary to travel approximately I miles to thenearest bank, in order to do so. This decisj.on willalso place the employee$ of the bank on the recordof unenployed;AND ITIHEREAS this deqision witl drastl,eally affectany buslness regarding volume of sa1es, as well as,lurther affecting any planned expansions oy s,d,ditionsto any existing business s'uructure$;THBREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED TIIAT the Council of theCorporatlon of the Tolnship of <strong>Georgina</strong> stronglyopposes the final decisi.on of the Canadian Imperial"Bank of Commerce to remain open only two days a weckfrorn 1O:OO a.m. to 3:00 p"m. with no extended hoursavailable. AND, that the Council direct the Mayor,the Chief Administrative Officer and the Directorof Econornic Development, to approach the properexecutive personnel of the banks to exl:lain theserious concern and contemplated effects the decisionwl1I have on the Business Section, BusinessEnterprises outsidg the downtown core, Workers andSenior Citizens aIike.Carried6. . . . .

ItIr<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-I56SpeclalMirrutesCounclL-6* r.9<strong>82</strong> 09 16-9- COMMITTEE AND OTHER REPORTS (Conrd.,.)c) REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR oF RECREATTON& pARKS:Tender Opening - PefferlawCommurr<strong>lt</strong>y parkReport No. DR-<strong>82</strong>-12Moved by CouncillorShepherd.TI{AT Tenrler Contract No. P<strong>82</strong>-08-04, for theconstruction of fecreation facl_Iities andassociated works at the Pefferlaw CommunitvFark, be awarded to the }owest bidder, VirliniaAggregetes Ltd., in f,he amourif of 911,850-00.Carried,.Ildith the agreement of the Members of Council. thef,ol}or"ring Motiorr was introduced :Moved by CouncillorShepherdSeconded by Counclllor$econded by Councill.or Burrovrs-O'Grady-I?IAT the inconing Councll consider ttre feasibilifyof constructing a foot bridge over the pefferlawBrook and where fundlng woul,cl be avallable forsuch a project.-Gar'riedd )BUILDING DEPARTMENT REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF ATIGUST :This was received for information..e) ANIMAL CONTROL REPORT FOR MONTH OF.JULY;This was received for lnformation.f} AI{IHAL CONTR,OL REPOR.T FOR I,IONTH OF AUGUST:firis was received for lnforrnafion.,7 . . - . ..

7<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-15Spectal CouncilMlnutes-7- 198? 09 16.9, COMMITTEE AND OTHER REPORTS (Contd. . . . )g) MEMORANDUM TO MIIMBERS OF COLINCIL FROM THE CLERKREGARDING THE REFERENDUM ON NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT .Moved by CounclllorSeconded by CounctllorR ogersSmockumTHAT WHEREAS the Council of the Tournshio of<strong>Georgina</strong> has not been assured of the vaiiclity of thereferendum on Gerieral Disarmament, and in fact., itsown solicitors have sErongly advised agatnst passinga By-Law to hold such a referendumlAND IiHEREAS rhe Provlnce of OnEari,o has decldedaEialnst passing enabling 1egis1-ation to clarify theright of Lhe Township to hold $uch a referendum;BE IT RESOLVED THAT the resolution of Council daEedFebruary 25th, 19<strong>82</strong>, concerning a referendum onGeneral Disarnafilent be re<strong>sc</strong>inded and that staff bedlrected to report on the concept of vol-untaryelcpres$lon on the question in conjunction with theNovember Sfhr 19<strong>82</strong>, eIecEion.A recorded vote was requestsed :The Clerk recorded rhe vote as follows:Regional CouncitlorCouncillor LyonsCounclllor OtGradyCouncillor RogersCouncillor ShepherdCouncillor SmockumMclean - YeaYeaYeaYeaYeaYeaGounci.Ilor BurrowsCouncillor Winch- Nay- Nay 'Yea - 7Nay - 2Carrl.ed.l_o.UNFINISFIED. BUSINESS ;t<strong>lt</strong>th Ehe agreement of the members of Courrcil, thef6tlowlng Motion was introduced :Moved by Regional CouncillorMcleanSeconded by CouncillorBurrovrs.fi{AT the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> install a street lightofl the high ferrsion pole on Ehe east side of WoodbineAvenue jusE north of the existing streeE light at Lhelnter$ection of Woodbine and Riveredge, providirrgapproval is grant,ed by Hydro.Carried8. . .tll,.i l

B<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-15Speclal Council -8-Minutesr.9<strong>82</strong> 09 L6 .11. BY_LAWS:Reg-Councillor McleanCouncillor RogersTHAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-LL2(P-1) beinga Ry-Law to designate the $uEtonMill to be of historlcal andarchitectural value or interest. benow read a first, secorrd and thirdtimes, passed and numbered by theMayor and CIer:k.Carried.EY-I-AW NO- <strong>82</strong>-112(HD-1)Passed, slgned and sealed by rheMayor and the Clerk.12 . OTHER MOTIONS :Reg-Councill-or McleanUffincillor ShepherdTTIAT WHEREAS Weir $ideroad and 5rhConcessi.on (Pefferlaw Road) confinueto be poorly maintairred and in factare ln an impassable state fr:om timeto ti-rne ;AI{D I^IHEREAS Ehe Reglonal Municipalityof York i.s responsible forconstructLon and mainEenance of saidroads;AND WHERIIAS thc Res.ion has beenrepeatedly asked by <strong>Georgina</strong> toprovrlde the nece.ssary wor:ks to keepthese roads j-n good repair, butcer<strong>lt</strong>inues to allow fheTn to fall intodlsriepair and deplorable condition:iTHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT rheTownship of <strong>Georgina</strong> once againr€quest the Reglonal. EngineeringDepartment to provide a Level ofmaintenance comparable to TownshipConcession roads, and thar RegionalCouncj.l- be requested to ensure thatthis is ratified .Carried-Reg*Cc,uncll1or McleanCouncillor BurrowsTFIAT the Sor.rtlr l.alce SimcoeConservation .Ar.rthor<strong>lt</strong>y be requestedto reconsider fheir: Motion taking noaction with respecg to dra:inagerestrlcEions Lots 1l and 12. Con. 6Tor+nshlp of Georrgina in light of theposi.tlon being takerr by the Region ofYork-Garried.9. . . -

9<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-15SpeclalMinutesCouncil*9-19<strong>82</strong> 09 16.L2. OTHER MOTIONS (Contd... )Councillor ShepherdReg-CounclIIor McleanTHAT whereas the Canadian ImperialBank of Commerce, Pefferlaw ilranch,has served notice that it interrds toresfrict hours of business, sfartingOctober <strong>18</strong>th, 19<strong>82</strong>, from5 days a weekto ? days a week, with Tuesdays frornthe hours of lO a.m. co 3 p.m. andFrldays from the hours of I p.m. to6 p.*. rernainlng open;AND WHEREAS the Bank i.s notifying al<strong>lt</strong>heir customers , Ehat dur,irrg thesehours it shall remain open for chequecashing only and all account$ wi<strong>lt</strong>automaticatl"y be transferred to theirCannlngton, Ontario Branch, which islocated outside of <strong>Georgina</strong> Townshi_p;AND WHEREA$ thete is a ser:ious concernwlfh the Businesses and publ-lc sector,that , a<strong>lt</strong>hough a cheque may be cashedat this branch, any account has beerrtransferred fo another bank:AND I^IHEREAS, the bank's deci.sion torestrict hours of buslness and thenrestrlct any business to cheque cashlngonly ls an indication that ttre CanadianImperial Banlc of Commerce contemplatesa final- cl.ose downlAND IiHEREAS there has been a maiorirvof persons transfer their accot-rits tbother areas, subsequent fo the barrktsnotifi.cation;THEF-EFORE, BN IT RESOLVED THAT, IhCCouncil of the Township of Georg,inasupports the fransfer of its aceountsto any Bhnk, Trust Company or CreditUnlon which wishes to establ.ish lnPefferl.aw on a fuII banking weekbasis, (or preferably the existingbank), and Ehe Chief AdministrativeOfficer jmmedlately commencenegotiations ln order to brirrg aboutsatisfactory concluslons upon theundertaking that the lendi-ng orbanking institution selected beprepared to meef alI necessary bankingrequirements of the Municipality.Carrled.10.

<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-r5I 0tSpeclal Counctl-ro- 19<strong>82</strong> 09 16.MinuEesf2. QTHER MOTIONS (Contd.. . )CouncillorCounclllorO'GradyLyonsTHAT Whereas the Minlstry of Hea<strong>lt</strong>h hasannounced a #446 ,425. Grant Programto finance alcohol and drug abusepf ograns througl'rout the Province ,AND WHEREAS fhe Medlcal Profession inf,he Township have lndicaEed that adu<strong>lt</strong>heal th car:e costs atfribufed toalccrtrol exceed the Provincial11%;average ofIHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED TI{AT rheTown,ship of <strong>Georgina</strong> requedt theMinlstry of Hea<strong>lt</strong>h to enter infodi<strong>sc</strong>u,ssion r.rith the Townshio and theRegional l{ea1th l.lnit to revi.ew thepossibility of providing a ser:vicep-rogram to combats alcohol ancJ drug abusein the Township of Georglna.Carried.13. OTHER BUSINESS:(a) Counclll.or: O'Grady indicated f,here would bePubllc Affairs Policy Commirtee meeting onWednesday Seprember 22nd, 19<strong>82</strong> at 1I alm.i+ - sYHlq ro qqNryRM,CouncillorCouncillorRogerstiinchTIIAT 3y-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-113(COU-2) belnga tsy-J-aw to confirm the proceedi.ngsof Council af, its meeting held on--l'6f,h Septenber:, 19<strong>82</strong>, be nowread a first, second and fhird times,Ftased and numbeted by the Mayor andClerk"aY-LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>*113(COU-z)Carrled.Passed, slgned and sealed by theklayor and Clerk .On Motion, Meetingadjourned at 12.46 p.m.I{ayor{.J.er,K.

19<strong>82</strong> 09 07 .N4EMBERS OF COUNCIL :TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to direction from theChairman of Council, Lhe Councilmeeting <strong>sc</strong>heduled forThursday, September 9th, at 7.3O p.m. IS CANCELLED, dueto an emergency meeting being <strong>sc</strong>heduled in the PefferlawCommunity Centre at approximatelyI p.m. to di<strong>sc</strong>uss theserious implications of the bank cutbacks in the Village ofPefferlaw.tAII items on the Council Agenda will appear at theCommittee of the Whole meeting on September l6th,dt 9.30 a.m.t

t"lrs. Margaret Wilkinson, A.M.C.T., C.M,C.,Clerk,Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> ,R.R. #2,Keswick. Ontario .Pursuant to Section 4.3 of By-Law No. 80-379(COU-2),this is to direct you to call a Special l"leeting of Councilfor Thursday, the l6thday of September, 19<strong>82</strong>, ot the hour of9.30 orclock in the morning for the purpose of the dtspositionof the Committee of the l,lhole Recommendations from the rneetingheld on September Znd, L9<strong>82</strong>, not dea<strong>lt</strong> with because ofthe cancellatlon of the Council meeting that had been <strong>sc</strong>heduledfor September gth, 19<strong>82</strong>, as well as the other items as listedon the Agenda for September 16th, 19<strong>82</strong>.Dated this 13th day of September, 19<strong>82</strong>.

MEI.'IBERS OF COUNCILTAKE NOTICE that in accordance with a wr<strong>lt</strong>ten directionto me by the Chairrnan in accordance with Section 4.3 of By-LawNo. 80-379(COU-2) a Special Meeting of Council willbe held onThursday, l6thSeptember, L9<strong>82</strong> at the hour of 9.30 orclockin the morning, in the Council Chambers, for the purpose ofthe dispositionof the Committee of the <strong>lt</strong>rhole Recommendationsfrom the meeting held on September Znd, L9<strong>82</strong>0 not dea<strong>lt</strong>withbecause of the cancellation of the Council meeting that hadbeen <strong>sc</strong>heduled for September 9th, 19<strong>82</strong>, as well as the otheritems as listed on the Agenda for September 16th, L987.Dated this l3th day of September, 19<strong>82</strong>]

tC-<strong>82</strong>'14THE CORPORATION OF THE TOIdNSHIP OF GEORGINAIN THEREGIONAL I'IUNICIPALITY OF YORK \COUNCIL MINUTES19<strong>82</strong> 08 266.3Op.n.The Council of the Township of Geotgina mef tn theCouncll Chambers of the Georg,ina Clvic Cent,re, R.R. #2,Keswick, Ontario.The Mayor called Ehe meeting, to order at 7.46 p.m.1. I,IOMENT OF MEDITATION:, A moment of med<strong>lt</strong>ation was observed by Council Members.2. ROLLCALL:The Clerk reoorted that all members of Council werepresent ruith Ehe exception of Councillor Shepherd.(Counclllor Rogers - 7.L5 p'm.)3. CONFLICT DISCLOSURES ;a) Mayor Dales declar:ed a posslble Conflict ofIntef,e$t w<strong>lt</strong>,h regard Eo <strong>lt</strong>em 9 (a) Committeeof the llhole recommendations No. 3, ClarkRural lrlater System, and did not take part lnany di<strong>sc</strong>ussion and did not vote.4. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS:a) Minutes of Ehe Tlegular Council meeting ofJuly 22nd, 19<strong>82</strong>.Moved by CounclllortrllnchSeconded by CounclllorSmoclcum.THAT the llinrlEes of the lleg,ular Council meeEingof July 22nd, 19<strong>82</strong>, be adopted.-)Carried2. . . .

2Council Mlnute<strong>sc</strong>*<strong>82</strong>-14-?-19<strong>82</strong> 08 26 .5. BUSINESS ARISING FROM MINUTES:a) Council,lor Burrows regarding page 2, Item6 (a)Mossington Park inquired if there had been anymore inspections on this Droperty, and as towhef,her work was stt<strong>lt</strong> be ing carr:ied on.The Chief Admirrlstration Officshad been an inspectlon. He alsomeeting had been <strong>sc</strong>heduled wifhfrom the area for SepEember 7Eh,stated that fhel-estated that arepresentaEivesr 9<strong>82</strong> .b) Mayor DaIes reg,arding pag,e I2 (g) Sutton:Dam,lnformed members of Council that there will bea meeting with the l,linistry of Nafural Resources<strong>sc</strong>heduled for September 16th, 198? at Queen's park.With the agfeementReports of the Directortime :ofofrhe Members of Council thePlanning were dea<strong>lt</strong> with aE this9. (c)1. Applicarion for Rezoninp, 64.O3.232(Lynx Developments Limieed) ,Attachedis Report No. p-<strong>82</strong>-31..Moved by Regional Councillor McleanSeconded by CouncillorWlnch.THAT the gpplication for Rezoning, submitted byLynx Developmenrs Limited, belng-an applicatlonto reuone lands de<strong>sc</strong>rlbed as pait of Lot 12.Concessiorr 3 (NG) from Trans<strong>lt</strong>ional_ (T) to fheappropriate aone syrnbol. required for the usesproposed , be approved .Carried.2. Objections ro By*Law No. 9ll-<strong>82</strong>*173(pL-5)(Roland Mcrkel )Actached is Report No. P-<strong>82</strong>-34.Moved by CouncillortrlinchSeconded by CouncillorOrGradyI. THAT the Clerk of the Townshtp of <strong>Georgina</strong>advise the 0ntario Municipal iloard thatCouncll has heard fhe objections subm<strong>lt</strong>ted3. . . .

3Council" Minute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-r4-3- 198? 08 26.REPORTS OF THE DIRECTOR OF PLANNING ( Contd . . )9.( c )to Bv*Law Number 911-<strong>82</strong>-I73(PL-5)and takes the position that theobjecrions do not mer<strong>lt</strong> repealingthe said By-Law i i2. THAT Report P-<strong>82</strong>-34 which details LheMunlclpalityrs position to the ob-iecflonsreferred to in l. above, be aEtached as anappendix to the Affidavit of the Clerk tobe forwarded to the Ontario Municlpal lSoard.iA recorded vote was requested.The Clerk recbrded the vote as follows:Regional CounclllorCouncillor LyonsCounclllor OtGradyCouncillor SmockumCounclllor l{inchMayor DalesMclean* Yea- yea- Yea* Yea* Yea- yeaCouneillorBurrows- NayYea - 6Nay * ICarried .3.Proposed Zoning Amendment$ as per MunicipalProperty Inventory(ParE of Lot I, Con. 2 (NG) and Block A,Plan 549 .Attached is Report No. P-<strong>82</strong>*36.Moved by CouncillorSeconded by CouncillorO'GtadyLyonst.2.THAT BlockrAr, Plan 549 (G), be rezoned fvom UrlranResidentlal (RI) to Urban Residential (RI) with aSpecial provision Eo provide a minimum Lot frontage andarea of 2SmeEres (92 feet) and 1,58O Sq. Mel.res(l7,OOO Sq. feeE) respectively and further to providefor Ehe reduced Lot ar:ea that would be created in theevent that Part 5 as shown in Schedule rA' ln RepotfNumber P-<strong>82</strong>-36 is conveyed to the abutting propertyowner to the South iTHAT land de<strong>sc</strong>ribed as Part of Lot 1, Concesslon 2,(NG) be rezoned from rural (RU) ro Urban Residential(Rl) wfth a special. provision to provlde a mlnimurnfloor area of 140 sq. Metres (1,506 sq. ft) fordwel-ling,s to be constructed thereon.Carried.4.

4Councilc*<strong>82</strong>-r4Mlnrrtes-4- 19<strong>82</strong> 08 26.REPORTSOFTHEDIRECTOROFPLANNING(Confd'.')4.Review of Parking, RequlrementsNo. 911.AEtached is Report No. P-<strong>82</strong>-37.in By*LawMoved by Reg,ional CouncillorMcleanSeconded by Councillor0rGrady.THAT Item 6 in the recommendations of Report No.F-8?-37 of the DlrectoT of Planning as follows,be deferr:ed for further study at a DevelopmentSommittee meetlng:TIIAT Section of By*Law Number 911be arnended to reduce the minlmum parking requlrementfor Senior Citizen residential uses to one sPace Pert$ro bedrooms .Carri.edMoved by CouncillorWi.nchSeconded by Regional Councillor Mclean.I1. TIIAT Section 5.23.1 of By-Law Number 911 beamended to reduce the size of t<strong>lt</strong>e parking stallrequlred from 16.5 square metres to 13.75 squaremetres (2-5 X 5.5metres) for 9O degree parkirrgt2. THAT f,he requirements pertaining to angle parklngprovided in Section 5.?3.9 (C) of By-Law Number911 be amended Eo incorporate fhe guldelines pr:e<strong>sc</strong>ribedIn Tabte 3 of Section l(2) of Report No' F-<strong>82</strong>*37,3. THAT the I.5 rnetre lof line and setback requlredtn Secti.on 5.23.7 of By*Law Number 911 be walvedwhen two adjacent owners operating similar usesagree to uti.Iize said area for Commercial, Industrlal'Inst<strong>lt</strong>utional or Mu<strong>lt</strong>iple ,Ilesidential parking,4. THAT Businesses ln Urban af,ea$ be requested toconsider the trading off of auEomobile parkingspaces for bicycle parking at a ral-e of twobicycJe spaces Per autonobile spacer up to amaxl-mum of 1O7" of rhe total number: of spaces required.lJhere applicable the IocaI Business ImprovementArea Associatlon would be the most aPpropriafe forumfor considertng this concePt,5. TI{AT the Township provide adequate parlcing, atllunlclpaLfacllities for handicapped people,6. THAT the parking space requ<strong>lt</strong>ements f,or Hotel/!{otel/Resort uses as pre<strong>sc</strong>rihed in Sectlon 5.23.1.? of By-LawNumber 911 be amended to establish patking for salduses on a basis of one sPace per units for the firstfwenty unils, and thereafter one space per fwo unitE.trlhere mtxed uses exist, add<strong>lt</strong>lonal parking shall berequlred as per Section 5.23.2 of By-Law Numher 911.5. . . .

5Councll Minute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-L4*5- 19<strong>82</strong> 08 26B.EPORTS OF THE-DIRECTQR-OF PLANNING: '(Contd' . . )t+- 7. THAT Section 5.23.I.2 be amended to incorporatea parklng requirement for warehouse uses of one. space per 95 square metres of gross leasablefloor area ,8. THAT Section 5.23.7 be amended to permit parktng forindustrial uses to be located ln the front yardsr.rbject to apDropriaEe sefback requirements'9. TITAT the Township encourage brrsinesses in theCentral Business DlsEricE, preferably throug,h lBusiness Improvemenr Area Associacions to considerthe development of Off-$treef parking lotsiGarried.Counci.llor Rogers arrlved at the meeting af this ttrfle (7.15 p.rn.5. 57. f,arkland or Cash-in-Lieu.Attachedis Report No. P*<strong>82</strong>-38.lMoved byCouncillorBurrowsSeconded by CouncillorO'Grady.THAT recommendafion No. 4 of Repor:t No. P*<strong>82</strong>-29 as follows,be deferred for furrher study on the area in question and itsuse for par:kland;'rThe owner shall convey lands in an amount flot exceeding .5% ofthe lands included in this draft plan of Subdi.vision to theTownship of <strong>Georgina</strong> fof, Parks purposes Pursuant to Eheprovisions of The Planning Act; a<strong>lt</strong>ernatively, the Murricipalitymay accepf cash iil lieu of said Conveyance, ancl under Eheprovisions of The Planrring Act, fhe Murrlcipality 1s herebyaufhorized to do so. I Defeated.Moved by Regional Councillor McleanSeconded by Councillorliinch.THAT the PIan of Strbdivlsion subrnirted by Douglas andDeborah Davy for Part of Lot 14, Concession 2 (NG), bedraft approved, sub-'iect to the followlng condit-ions bEingm€--5efor-e Tinal approval for regi<strong>sc</strong>rarlon:1. Draft approval shall relate to a draft plan ofSubdivtsion prepared by D.R. Barcham, Ontario LandSurveyor, dated 19<strong>82</strong> OZ 15, and revised as shown onSchedule'D' of Report P-<strong>82</strong>-29;2. The Road allowance included in thi.s Plan ofSubdivlsion shalI be dedicated as Pub<strong>lt</strong>e Highway;3. The streer included in this plan of subdivision sha1lbe named to the sarisfaction of the Township ofGeorg,ina, and the Regional Plannlng Departrnent;4. The owner shall convey l.ands irr an amount ttog sxssgding,5"/. of the lands included in this draft pl.an ofSubdivision to the Towrrship of Georglna for Parkspurposes pursuant to the provisions of The Planning Act;alEernatlvely, the Municipality may accept cash in lieuof said Conveyance and uuder Ehe provislons of ThePlanning Act, the Municipal<strong>lt</strong>y is hereby auf,horizedto do so :6. . .

Counci I MlnuEes -6-c-<strong>82</strong>-14REFORTS OF THE DIRECTOR OF PLANNING (CONtd.19<strong>82</strong> 08 26.65. The l.ands shall be appropriatel'y zoned by aresErlcted area By*Law which has come into effectin accordance with the provisions of The Planning Act;6.Such EasemenEs as rnay be required for ufll<strong>lt</strong>y or Drainagepurposes shall be granted to the appropriate author<strong>lt</strong>y.7, The Owner shall entet into a Subdlvision Agreement wirh f,heTownshlp of Geor:glna agreeing to satisfy all conditions,financial and otherwise, of the Townshlp.8. The Owner shall agree in the Subdivision Agreement riot torenove trees without the written approval of the Townshipof Georglna .9. A 3.0 Metre r.videning of LakeDrive on the Easf and l'lesfSides, together: with a 6.0 mecre day<strong>lt</strong>ghting triangle_ atthe lnterEection of rhe proposed lnternal Road and l,alceDrive as shown on the revised Drafr PIan, shall be dedicatedby the owner to the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> as Pubtic Highways,t^rithouf monetary conslderation and free of all encumbr:ances;10. A 0.3 metre reserve ad-iacent to fhe westerly widened limitof Lake Drive and the daylighting, triangle as shown on therevised draff plan, shall be conveyed by the o\irnir to EheTownship of <strong>Georgina</strong> without monetary consj-deration and freeof all encumb'rances ;11. THAT a servicing allocation By-Law be passed by Council'12. The owner shall submit a detailed lot grading and drainageplan fo the Townshtp of <strong>Georgina</strong> for corrsideration ofapproval by rhe Townshi.p Engineer I13 . The owner shall agree in rhe Subdivlderrs Agreement prior:to flnal registration of this plan in wording acceptableto the MinisLry of Natural. Resources, that prior to ariy on'site gradinBr o snowfence shall be erected on the rear yardset bick line fo prevent clumping of conslruction materialor fill wlfhin the rear setbackl14.(I) The owner shatl submit for review by and approvalof The Sout-h Lake Sirncoe Conservation Authority,thefollowing:(A) A sttormwater <strong>Management</strong>s Plan; and(B) A report detaillng the means whereby erosionand silf,atlon and their effecf,s will be mini-nrizedduri.ng and after f,he construction period .(21 The owner shall submit for review by and approval.of The South Lake Slmcoe Conservation AuthoriEy' amaster pJ-an for Lots I to 10 which shall include a1lfinal grades and dellneate a bullding,envelope , whichshatl ionsist of the lands above the 220-5metre contour;(3) The owner shall engage the services of aRegistered Ontario Land Surveyor to acc-urately measurethE dimension of the approved building envelopesreferred to in Condifion (2), illustTate the dirneaslonson a sut'vey plan for7 - - .. - -

7CouncilC-l'l*<strong>82</strong>MinuEes*7- 19<strong>82</strong> 08 26.^l-REPOR.TS OF THI': DIRECTOR OF PLANNING (Concd.each lot, and stake the boundarle$ of fheBuilding envelopes on sile, usingi iron bars;(4) The owner shall agree in the SubdivisionAgreernent, lrr wor:ding acceptable go the SouthLake Simcoe Conservation Authority:(A) To carry our, or cause to be carried ouE,to the satisfaction of the South Lahe. Slmcoe Conservdfion Authority, thbrecomrnendations conEained in conditi.ons(1), (2) and (3);(B) To register upon the title for Lots I tolO the dimensions referred to in cond<strong>lt</strong>ions(2) and (3), and a restr:iction that all.buildings and other srructures, tree cutting,fencing,, regrading, placing or removal offll1, and any other developntent, shall beperrnitted to occur only within the building,envelone refer:red to in conditlon (2). andthe remainder of each lot shall remain totallyundevel ooed unless written permission isobtainecl from the South Lakb SimcoeConservation AuEhoritv ,A recorded vote wasrequesf,ed.The Clerkrecordedthe voteasfollor^rsRegi.onal- CouncillorCouncillor: LyonsCouncillor Rog,ersCounclllor SmockumCounclllor WlnchMayor DalesCouncil1. or BurrowsCouncillor O'GradyYea - 6Nay - 2Mc].eanYeaYeaYeaYeaYeaYea-.'Nay- NayCarried.,,The order of business vras resumed at thistime.6.DEPUTATIONS :(a) Mr. Bruce Welch on behalf of the Keswick Optimi-stClub presented a cheque Eo Council in the amountof $1r165.50 for the Four Way Teeter Whirl playgroundequipment for West Park. l{.e thanked CouncillorOrGrady for his cime and efforE aE West Park.8. . . .

ICouncil Mlnute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-r4-8- 19<strong>82</strong> 08 26.7 . COMMUNICATIONS :)*vb)a) M.D. Parker, advising that the Canadian ImperialBank of Comrnerce will be considering Council'srequest Eo lease their property in Pefferlaw forparking facilities when a r:eview of their plansfor the area is completed i.n approximately threemonths .This was received for information.J.F. Brown from the Mlnistry of Municipal Affai.rsand Housing advisi-ng that the Township will notbe receiving any funds for the 198?-3 fi<strong>sc</strong>al yeatunder the Ontario Neighbourhood ImprovementProgram ( ONIP).This was received for inforrnation.The Chief AdministraEtve Officer Eo reply tothis Ietter expressing Council's disappointmenf6nd g6ncern repiarding thls matter, and that chiswi<strong>lt</strong> be pursued further.c)Dennis Hearse, Deputy-Clerk, Reglon of York,advising that Mr. I)avid Doidge will be appearingbefore the Regional Engineerlng Commitfee Eodi<strong>sc</strong>uss his drainage problems .Thls was received fot informaglon.d) Ms . M.E. Hunter, Secretary-Treasurer , South LakeSi.mcoe Conservation Authority, forwarding a copyof a resolution passed by the WatermanagemenrAdvisory Board in support of the Township's offerof a site for a Flsh Hatcherv.Thls was received for information,e) Let-Eer of appreciation from the Church of theNazarene in Egypt for Ehe transfer of proPercyto the Church.Thls vlas received for infornation.f) L.E. Crisp, a concerned ciElzen from Mississauga,is requesting Council's support of a Petlgion Eobe sent to the Governrnent of Canada, requesting,stringent changes in rhe laws dealing withpersons commiEting violent crimes.Moved by Regional Councillor McleanSeconded by CouncillorOrGradyTI{AT Ehe Petition requesting sEringent ehanges inthe laws dealing wiEh persons cornmiEting violentsrimes, be displayed in the Arenas and otherpublic places'A *ecorded VoEe was requested.9.

9CouncJ.l Minttte<strong>sc</strong>*<strong>82</strong>-L4-9*19<strong>82</strong> 0B 26.7 . COMMUNICATIONS ( Contd ..)The Clerk recorded the vote as follows:Reglonal Councillor Mclearr - Yea rCouncillor Lyons - YeaCouncillor O'Grady - YeaCouncillor: Rogers - YeaCotrncil-Ilor tnlinch * YeaMayor Dales* YeaCouncillor Burrows - NayCounclllor Smockum - NayYea * 6Nay - 2Carried.(g) Ra1-ph Tarswell, President of the <strong>Georgina</strong> TraitRi.der:s Snowmobile Club indicafing that the Clubwould like to partlcipate in the developmeut ofClaredon Beach.This was received for infornatlon.t(h) Murray Kinniburg,h, Supervisor of Planning, SouthLatte Simcoe Conservation Authority, requestiflg aresolution from Council indicaEi.ng rhat theTownship is arvare of the irnplications of theFtoodline Mapping, Policies of the Canada/OntarioFlood Damage Reduction Agreement .This was referred Lo Flotions( i ) South Lake Simcoe' Cornmi ttee Mlnutes13rh, 19<strong>82</strong>.Conservation Authority Executiveof the Meeting held on JulyThls was received for information.(j) South Lake Slmcoe Conser:vation Author:ityExecutive Committee Minutes of the neeting held onJuly 27th, 19<strong>82</strong>.This was recelved for informaflon.(k) Gcorge Richardson, Chairman of the South Lake SImcoeConservatlon AuEhority advising that the Conservatlonstaff vrill be ln contact wigh the Municipal<strong>lt</strong>y forcomments reg,atdirrg theit l,laLershed plan and requeststhe co-operation and support of Councll and Tounshipstaff in this project.This was received for informatlon.ro. ...

I 0Counci-lc-<strong>82</strong>-r4l4inutes*to* 19<strong>82</strong>08 26 .7 . COMMTINICATIONS ( Contd . . - )( I )South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority ExecutiveCommif[ee Minutes of a meeting held on August10rh. 19<strong>82</strong>.Thls was received for information.(m) South Lake Slrncoe Conservatlon Author:ity ExecutiveCommit,tee l'li.nutes of a lleeti.ng held on AugusE17rh, 198?-.Thls was teceived for lnformation.(n) Bruce Crawford, Chlef of York Reg,iona1 Folice hasforwarded the criminal statistlcs r:el.aEive to theToronship of <strong>Georgina</strong> for rhe year 19BI wi.th thecorrespondjnB statistics for the six monEhs of 19<strong>82</strong>as reque$ted bY Council.This was received for information,With the agreement ofof buslness was changed onitem:EhetheMembers of CouncilAgenoa to deal withthe orderthe followingREPORTS OF THE TOI^INSHIP HNGINEER:9. (b)4. Appllcation under the Shoreline PropertyAssistance Act - Andrea GolclbergPart Lots 6, 7 and 8, Plan 83.Attachedis RePort No. TE-<strong>82</strong>*36.Mr. Goldberg addressed rhe Councll memtref,sat this time regatding his appllcation.Corrnclllor Burrows left Lhe meeEing at lhis time(9.37 p.rn. ).. l"loved by F,egional Councillor t'lcleanSeconded by CouncillorLYons.TIIAT the application submitted by Andrea Goldbergfor a Loan under the SHoreline Property AssistanceAct representing, Part Lots 6, 7 and 8, PIan 83,be appioved, subject to indemnifi.cation and approPriateualver cl"ause of the lingi.neering responsibilityregarding this aPPlication.Carried..11.

Councll l4irrute<strong>sc</strong>*<strong>82</strong>-14*13: 19<strong>82</strong> 08 26.r 39 . CO}{MITTIITI AND OTHER, REPORTS ( Contd . . . )b) REPORTS OF THE TOt,lNSl{IP IINGINEER:I). Clostng of the 8th Concessi.on Road Allowance (G)Report No. TH'-<strong>82</strong>-32.Moved by CouncillorOrGradySeconded by Rep-ional Councillorl{clean.THAT Report No. TE-<strong>82</strong>- 3?- of the TownshipEng,ineer be deferred to next Committee of theWhole meeting of 19<strong>82</strong> Og 02.Carried2) Ptrrchase of Street Light System.R.eport No. TE-<strong>82</strong>-34.Moved by Reglona1 Counci.llorMcleanSeconded by Council, lorRog,ers.t. THAT the Council of the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> lsin favour of purctrasing all- street lights owned byOntari.o Hydro in the Tortnship of <strong>Georgina</strong> at acost as of January lst, 1.983, of $<strong>18</strong>9,48L0O andthat the purchase be financed by Ontario Hydro overa period of five years as set out in the letEer fromOntario Hydro dated July 28th, 19<strong>82</strong>2. THAT Ontario Hydro be requested to pf,epare a PurchaseAg,reement for fhe sereet lig,ht plant as set out in(I) above, for the consideration of the Counci.l of theTownship of Georglna.Carrled.3) Tender Openings * Unassumed Roads Birch St.Si.dewalk Reconstruction - Market Stl-eeEChurch Streef. Report No. TE-<strong>82</strong>-35.Moved by CouncillorO'Gr:adySeconded by CounclllorRogers.THAT Item No. 5 of Report No. Tl*8?-35be deteted :as follows'THAT in the evenE Ehat the substdy level for fherehabi.l.iEation of rhe Pefferlaw Dam remains at the 65%subsidy fromthe Ministry of Natural, Resource$, Chen thesidewalk on the west side of The Queenswav South fromSlmcoe Street to Church Stieet in Keswi.ck. bu r""onstr:uctedln 19<strong>82</strong> provided fhat the cost is comparable to che UnitPrice set oL<strong>lt</strong> in the low bid for Ehe sldewalk Tender.above-menl-ioned,Carrled.L 4 ,

1 4Council. MinuEe<strong>sc</strong>*<strong>82</strong>-r4-14- 19<strong>82</strong> 08 26.I . COMMITTEE AND OTHER RF:PORTS ( Contd .Moved by Regional Counclllor l4cleanSeconded by CouncillorR.ogers.1) THAT the low bid in the amount of 513;222.L5 submittedtrv John Linlc Enterprises Limited for the reconstrllctionoE the southerly portion of Bi,r:ch Road, Plan M-6o2,be accepEed and that the Mayor and Clerk be authorizedto enter into a Contract,2l THAT the low bid in fhe amoui<strong>lt</strong> of $<strong>18</strong>,365.00 submittedby Ni.mar Construction Coml'rany Limited, Scarborough,for the reconstTuction of sidewalks on Market SEreet,Sutton and Churctr Street easf, Keswick, be acceptedand that the Mayor and Clerk be ar,rthorized to enterlnto a ContracE.3) THAT ln the event fhat there i.s a change ln the subsidyIeve1 for the rehabr'-Iiration of the Peffer:]aw Dam! thatEhe increased cosL to fhe llunicipality be transferredfrom the sidewalk construcf.ion budget,4) THAT .epproximately $5,0OO.OO worth of spot improvementsbe made to De La Sal}e Blvd., Plan M-6o2, provided thatthe total exrrendirure on unassumed roads does notexceed $?o,obo.oo.5) THAT the remaining available funds be allocated towar:dsspot improvements on De La Salle Blvd. provided that thetoEal costs of the reconstructi"on of Birch Road, MarketStreet sidewalk Chur:ch Street sidewalk, The QueenswaySouth Si.dewalk, and spot improvements on De La SalIeBlvd., do not exceed $49'OOO.OO.Carried.5. Parking Restrictions, Pleasant Lane and BeachRoad Community of Keswick.. Report No. TE-<strong>82</strong>*37.Moved by CouncillorRogersSeconded by Counctllort'linch.1. THAT a By-Law be passed to amend the Traffic ControlBy*Law to provide there be no parki.ng, on PleasantLane and Beach Road in lhe Community of Keswickbetween the hours of 9.0O p.m. and 2.OO a.m. and thatthe roads be signed accordingly.Carrled15..

I 5Codnctl Minute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-14-15- 19<strong>82</strong> 0<strong>82</strong>6.9. iCOMI,IITTEE AND OTHER REPORTS (CONCd.. . )d) REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE:1. Economlc Affairs Policv CommitteeReeommendations Budgec- Direcuion 1983 .'Froposed Salary Level 1983.Report No. T8?-I8.,Moved byCouncillorRog,ersSeconded by Regional Counci.llor Mclean.THAT insEructions be given to the Chief.Adrninistrative Officer to prepare and submit the1983 Budget based on a maxifirum increase of'6% over l9B2 levtes and thaE an itemizecl lisr be,submitted at that time indicating any servi.ce areasthat rnay be reduced or eliminatef as a resulLof thi.s maxinrum level.THAT any 1983 salary and benefit lncreases for allTownshlp staff be limited to a total of 6% in:additlon to afly normal lncremeflcal raises and,THAT f:he remuneration of the Mayor, RegionalCouncillor and members of Council be limi,ted foan increase of 6% or Zl3rds of the cost of living.l.rhlchever is less, effecfive December l, 19<strong>82</strong>, andTHAT ;By-Law No. 79*215(COU-3)be repealed.carried..'e) RHPORTS OF THII CI.ERK :I) Arthritt-s Society Fund Raising Campaign.'Report No. TC-<strong>82</strong>-12lMoved by Regtonal Councillor Mclean ,Seconded by Counc.illorOrGrady.jL.. f,HATthe month of September be declared.Atthritis Month throughout the Township'of <strong>Georgina</strong> .Oarrled2 |York .County Branch of the Ontario HumaneSocief y., Tag Day.'Report No. TC-<strong>82</strong>-13.Moved by Regional Councillor Mclean''Seconded by Couuci.llorOtGrady.THATEhe Yotl.r CotrnEy Branch of the OntarioHunane Society, be perrnitted to hold a Tag,Day ln. Ehe^Townshlp of <strong>Georgina</strong> on SaturdaySeptembcr 25th, 19<strong>82</strong>, and ttie york RegionaiFollce be so advised.Carrled 16....

Councll Minute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>*r4*r6- 19<strong>82</strong> 08 ?6.I 69.'COMT'IITTEIIANDOTHERREPORTS:f) REPORTS OF THE DIRTiCTOR OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT;1) Mini<strong>sc</strong>ry of Natural Resources Land Use Strategy. RePort No. ED-<strong>82</strong>-02.Moved by CouncillorRog,etseconded bY CounclllorSmockum.THAT the Council of the Corporation of theTownship of Georgi,na request that the Ministry. ofNaf,ural Resourcei ente1. into dl<strong>sc</strong>ussionl with theT.ownshlp of Georg,ina on their planni-ng for thes-hort--fal1s of beach arear picnic opportunities,and overnight camPing.:CarriedAt this time tshe Mayor vacated his Chair:' and RegionalCouncillor Mclean assumed the Chair, with the agreement ofthe Members of Council.2l Sutton Business Improvement Area.Report No. ED-<strong>82</strong>-O3.Moved byCounclllotLyonsSeconded by CouncillorSmockum.THAT fhe Council. of the Corporation of theT,ownshlp of <strong>Georgina</strong> proceed' on behalf of theutton Business people, instructing the CIerk to -Dr,EDare and forwardLetters of Int-errt as outlinedirr bection 2I7 (2) of The Municipal Act.Carrled.Atthls time Mayor Dales resumed the Chair.3 ),Sutton StreetDancea t'lemorandum to Mayor and Councillloved by Councillor LyonsSecondedby Councillor' Rogers.TIIAT the SuEton High Street Business Persons (B.I'A)'be permitted to hold anrrold Time" Street Dance on.saturday, September 4th, I9<strong>82</strong>;TIIAT Higtl Street easE of Marlcet Srreet to Middle Streetbe cl,oeed fromT p.m. Eo l.3O a.m,. on this evening,.Carrled.Moved by CounclllorLyonsSe.oonded by Counc'illorOtGrady'THAT Councll continue past the hour of11 p-nr. to complete the buslness on the Agenda.CarriedI7lrlrliI'itff

| 7Councilc*<strong>82</strong>*r4MinuEes*L7-t9<strong>82</strong> 08 26.1<strong>lt</strong>9. COMMITTEE AND OTHER REPORTS (Conrd...)Moved by CouncillorWinchSecondcd by CouncillorO'Grady.THAT the Council of the Townshio of <strong>Georgina</strong>and support an application to theof OnEario for a liquor permit inSuEEon Street Dance to be held onproviding the l4erchants involvedBusiness ImprovernenE Area are thepermit.aDproveI.lquor Llcence Boardcon-junction with rheSepfember 4th , 19<strong>82</strong> ,in fhe Sutton Downtowngroup applying for theCarrled.c) REPORTS OF THE DIRECTOR OF RECREATION & PARKS:t ) Po<strong>lt</strong>cy of Changes for Transfer of Equlpment. Report No. B2-ll-.Moved by Councillor l{inchSeconded by CouncillorO'Grady1.,3.Cost of transferring llecreation & ParksDeparEmenf equipment be established aEthe hourly rates pf :a) vehicle rental at I.75 Der hourb) staff labour at $8.00 pbr hour, perstaff nemberThat an appl.ication form for speclfi.cequipments requ:i,rements be subm<strong>lt</strong>ted to theRecreation & Parks l)epartmenf, at- least l5days prior to the soecific event and that ,such application form specify requiremenfs forequipmenE rrss.ThaE transfer of equipment be carried out duringnorrnal working hours.That thc opEion of trhe transfer of equlpmentw<strong>lt</strong>hout the use of Township staff be permitted.Eo aTfow such grouo to absorb transfer co<strong>sc</strong>s,subject to agreements as estahlished in theapplication form to allow for: replacement of anydanaged or lost <strong>lt</strong>ems .Carriedl8 . . .

I BCouncll Minute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-14-<strong>18</strong>-19<strong>82</strong> 0B 26.9. COMMITTIIE AND OTHER REPORTS (Contd.h) REPORTS OF THE DEPUTY -c!l.EtsEir )Proclamation re 'TSCOTTISH l'lEEKrrReport #DC-<strong>82</strong>-O7.Moved by Council.Ior tr'lInchISeconded by Councillor RogersIITHAT the Mayor proclaim the week of August i22nd' ro 29th, 19<strong>82</strong>, as I'Scottish Weektt throughoutthe Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> .Carried.2 |Keswick Royals JuniorI'C'r Hockey ClubBepor:t #DC-<strong>82</strong>-OB .Moved by Regiorral Counclllor McleanSeconded by CouncillorWinch.THAT the p__r_oposed Keswic!< Junior tCtHockeyCl.ub be gIvdfr-?-6ne time starting-uD Brant inthe amount of $I:OOO.OO (to be held in MuniclpalAccounts) to offset the cosf of ice renEals; and,THAT fhe Club's financial books be submittecl Eo theTownship of <strong>Georgina</strong> for audit purposes.Carrled,3 )Legion [']eek and Church Parade.ReportMoved by CouncillorNo. DC-<strong>82</strong>*O9LyonsSeconded by CouncillortJinch.1. THAT the Mayor proclaim the week of September19t,h to September 25th, 19<strong>82</strong>, inclusive, asTLEGION WEEKr in Ehe Township of <strong>Georgina</strong>, and2. THAT Branch 356 be permi-tted to ho1d .a ChurchFarade on Sunday September I9th, 19<strong>82</strong>, proceedingdown NorthSEreet to River $treet. then to St.James Anglican Church on River Street afEer fheService, then proceed al-ong River: Street toHtgh Sfr:eeE, south to East Street.3. FURTHER, that a1l other appropriafe bodtes berespectfull-y asked to approve the requesr ofBranch 356 of the Ttoyal Canadian Legion.Carried.t9

ICouncilc-<strong>82</strong>-r4Minuf,es*19- 19<strong>82</strong> 08 26.9. COMMITTBE AND OTHER REPORTS (Contd..-)4) TiIe Drainage LoansByron Lockie,R'R. #3, Sutron l'lest'Penelope Bayly, R.R. #3, Sutton West,- Report No. IJC*<strong>82</strong>-IO.Moved by Counc:'-l.Ior l'linchSeconded bY Councill-orLYons.1. A Ratlng By-Law be passed in the amor'rnt of$10,300 to meet the Loan request as sutrmittedby Byton L,ockie , and2. A Rattng, By-Law be passed in the amolrnt of$2,500.ij0 to meet the loan requesr as submittedPenelope BaYl.y , andby3. THAT both of these Rating By-laws be forwardedto the Regional Municipal<strong>lt</strong>y of York for l)ebentureapprovalCarriedi) ANIMAL CONTROL REPOBT FOR MONTH OF JUNEIThi.s was received for information.i) REPOII.T ON THE NUMBER OF FIRE CALLS FOR THE-T'IONTH OF JUNE :This was recelved for lnformation.k)BUILDINGDEPARTMENTREPORTFORMOi-{THOF.IUJ,Y:This was received for information.}O.BY-I.AbIS:Councillor Winch THAT By*Law No' 8?--106(TR-I)Reg-Councillor Mclean being a Ey-La*-to amend theTraffic Contr:ol By-Law No.8O-4oB(TR-f) of rhe Corporarlonof fhe Township of Geor:gina, benow read a firsr, second andthird times, passed atrd numberedby the }{ayor and Clerk.CarrledBY-LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>*106Passed, si.gned and seal-ecl by theMayor and Clerk.?o . . . .

20Councll MinuEe<strong>sc</strong>*<strong>82</strong>-14zo19<strong>82</strong> 08 26.LO . SY-LAWS ( Contd . . . )Courrci.l.lor WtnchReg*Councillor McleanTIIAT By-Law No. 9IL-<strong>82</strong>-179(PI,-S)being a By*Law Eo amend By*Law No,911 betng a By-Law to r:egulate theuse of lands and the characcer,location and u$e of buil,ding,s andstructures withtn the Township ofGeorgi.na, be now read a first,second and thi.rd times, passed andnumbered by the Mayor and Cl erk.(t{unicipal Properry Invenlory) .Carri,ed ,.,-'-- --..,.BY*LAW NO. 91L-<strong>82</strong>-L79(PL-5)Councillor hlinchReg*Councillor Mcl.,eanPassed, signed and sealed by thel4ayor and Clerh.:TI{AT By-Law No. 91}-<strong>82</strong>*1BO(PL-5)being a By-Law to amend By-LawNo. 91I, being a By-Law to reg,ulaEe. the use of lands and the character .locafion and use of buildi,nss andstTuctures wil-hin the Townshi-u of<strong>Georgina</strong>, be now read a fir:st,second and fhitd times, passed andnumbered by the l4ayor and Clerk.(Municipal Property Inventory )CarriedBY-LAW NO. 911-<strong>82</strong>-<strong>18</strong>0(PL-5 )Pass,ed, slgned and sealed try thefiayor and Clerk.R.eg,-Cor-rnci<strong>lt</strong>or McleanCouncillor O'GradyTSIAT By-Law No. 91I*<strong>82</strong>-<strong>18</strong>f(PL-5)being a By-Law to arnend By-l.aw No.91), bei,ng a By-Law to regulate theuse of lands arrd the character.locatiori and use of buildinpSs andst.rlrctures wj.thi.n the Township of<strong>Georgina</strong> be now read a' first,second and [htrd times,. passed'rrumbered andby the Mayor and Clerk,(J.<strong>lt</strong>. Bartrer DevelopmenLs, l.ot2, Con. 7 (NG).Garried.$Y-LAW NO. 911- <strong>82</strong>-<strong>18</strong>1( PL- 5 )Passed, si.gned and se,aled by rh,eFlayor and Clerk-Cormcillor WlnchS{eg-CounciIIor l.lcl.eanTIIAT Bv-Law No. 911-<strong>82</strong>-<strong>18</strong>?(PL-5)being a By*Law Lo ;amencl By-Law No.911, being a l3y*Larv to reE',ulate thetrse of lands and the character..nocati.on and use of buildings andstructures withi.n the Tor,lnshio of<strong>Georgina</strong>, tre now read a firsfi,s,econd and thircl times, passed andnumbered by the Mayor and Cl.erk.(Lyrrx Developments - Pt. LoE 12,Con . 3 t NG ) .Carrled.8Y-LAld NO. 9ll-<strong>82</strong>-1<strong>82</strong>( PL*5 )Passed, signed and sealed t-ry theMayor: arrcl Clerk.2L,....

2 |Council MinuLe<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-14Carrted..--2L-19<strong>82</strong> 08 26.10. BY*LAWS (Contd.Councillor WinchReg-Councillor l4cleanTHAT By-Law No. 911-<strong>82</strong>-1.83(PL-5) bei.nga By-Law to amend lly-Law No.91I-81-14O(1)L-5) which atmends By-LawNurnber 91I, (Part Lots <strong>18</strong>, 19, 20,Block 19, Con. 6 (G) be now read afiTst, second and third times,passed and numbered by ttre Mayor andDeputy Clerk.'BY-LAI^I NO. 911-<strong>82</strong>-<strong>18</strong>3( PL-5 )Passed, si-gined and sealed by theMayor and Cl erk.Council.l or l,linchReg-Counclllor Mcl,eanTHAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-107(TI-1) beinga By-Law imposing special arrnualdrainag,e r:ates upon l:ancl in respectof whichmonev is borrowed under TheTile Drainage Actj L97L, be now readarfirst, second an

22Cbuncil MinutesC.<strong>82</strong>-14-27.- 19<strong>82</strong> 08 26.10.PY-LAVIS,'CouncillorCounclllorSmockumLyonsTHAT Bv-Law No. <strong>82</strong>*110(FUT-I)being a By-Law to authorize theMayor ancl Clerk to execute anEasement AgreemenE between RonaldJames Lawrence and Elizabeth AnneLawrerrce and the Township ofGeorginn, be now read a first,secontl and third times, Dassedand numbered by the Mayor and theC1erk.lCarried ....r... ..BY-LAtl NO. SZ*IIO(PUT*I)Passed, slqned and sealed by theI{ayor and Clerk. l:11 . OTHER MOTIONS :Reg-CounciIIor I'lcl-eanCouncilJ.or SmockumTHAT ]"tem 7 (h) of r-he Cotrncill4eeting C-8?-14 be r:ef-erred to staffto report on the ramlfications, ifany, of passing this r:esoluEion.Carried.12 . OTHBR BUSINESS :(a) l'layor Da]es announced the following evenLs to treheld tn the Township in ttre near futur:e:The Hard Times f)arrce to be held in Pefferlaw onSaturday night the Z8th AugusE - Councillors j.nvited toattend.Satrrrday, the 28th Aug,trst, 198?, the opening Ceremoniesof the Highland Games at 12.3O p.m.(b) If was requested that Ehe Director of EconomicDevelopment send a lettcr of appreciati.on to l,Ir.Schorti.nghui.s for the Geraniums planted at Ehe CivlcCent-re si5in.(c) CouncJ.llor t{j.nch asked if anythir-rg can be donewith reg,ard to the shortag,e of ruirter Eo householderson Shorecrest Dri.veThe Chief Administrati.ve Officer was directed tosend a letter to the l4inistr:y of Environnenr regardlng,this matter.t23

t'23Corjncil Mlnute$c-<strong>82</strong>-14*23-t98? 08 26.13. BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PR.OCEEDTNGS:CouncillorCounclllorl,linchLyonsTHAT By-Law No. S?-11I(COU-?-)beinq, a By-Law to confirn theoroceeding,s of Council held at<strong>lt</strong>s meeting of 26th August, 19<strong>82</strong>,be now read a first, $econd andthird tl.me, passed and numberedby the l4ayor and C]erk.CarrledBY-LAti NO. <strong>82</strong>-111.(COU-z)Passed, slg,ned ^r,a **it*,tMayor and Clerk.by theOn Motlon,Meeting adjourned1"?.36 a.m.

Ic-fl2-13TIII| CORPORATION OF THE TO\{NSHIP OF'GEORGINAIN TIIER}iGIONAT, MUNICIPAI,ITY OF' YORI(COI.JIICIL }4iNUTES^-'ii:*i.g9z a7 zz7.30 p.rn.The Corrrrcil of the Townstrip of <strong>Georgina</strong> met- in LheCouncil Chambcrs of the Ceor:gina Civic Centre, 11,r.. #2,.t(eswick, Ontar:i.o.The l4ayor cal}ed f,hc rneeting, to order at 7'lrO p'm'1 . MOI'IENT OF MEDITATION :A mornerrL of med<strong>lt</strong>ation was observecl by Corrncll Members.2 . ROLL CALL :The Deplrty Clerk reported that a}l members bf Councilwere Dres;ent w<strong>lt</strong>h the exception of Courrcillor: D.og,er-s.3 . CONFLICT DISCLOSUR.ES :a) \et',ional Cotrncill.or I'{clean rleclarecl a possibleConfllct of Interest-- regardinB item9 (a) 5,Patr:ic14 CaF.torr rezoning, Pr. Lot ?-1, Con, 4 (Nri),and did not tal(e part in any cll<strong>sc</strong>ussion arrd did not votg.b) F.egional Councillor l4clean decl.arcd a po$sible Conflictof InteresE regarding ilemll (lr) By-L;rvrs, I'atriciaCatton' rezoninp',, Part l.ot 21, Con, 4 (Nr;) and clid nottake parE in any di<strong>sc</strong>ussion and did not votec) Courrci-l.1or tlinch cleclarecl a posslble Conflict offnter-est regardirrg itemQ (a) .5, Patr:iciiI Cattonrezoni.rrg,, PE. Lot 21, Con. 4 (llG), and

2Courrcil. l*li.rrut.e<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-r3-2- L98? 07 22 .4. I,lINLl'ilfiS OF PREVIOIJS MEITTINGS:'a) lljnrrl-cs of tlre Regular CourrciI Mceting o.Junc 24th, 19<strong>82</strong>Moved by Regional Councillor MclqanSeconded by CouncillorLyorrs.'TI{AT the Minrrtes of the Regul.ar Meeting of' Courrcil of Jtrrre: 24th, 19<strong>82</strong>, be adopted.Carried..5. BUSINESS ARISING FROM THA MINUTI]S:a) Councillor Lyons, regarding pagc 14, item 13,reported that t-he probleil with g,o-car:t,s, ski.doosetc., driving ar:onnd the Cemetery on Blacl'. RiverRoad, has becn resolvecl,6 . DEPTITA'f lONS :a) Mr. Terry Fitzpatriclc regardirrg, It{ossi"ng,L.on prrrk.Mr, Fitzpatrick addressed tlre members of Cor,rncilregarding his concerns in Mossington Parl< Campground,with the removal of trees arrd t-he dumping of fiII inEhe area, as we}l as the overa).I confrols ttrat r+ouldreglll.ate the campground. I{e presented a Fr,rf,itionto Council asking for an inqtriry j.nto t-he activitiesln tlre Par:k, r+hictr was r:eceived and referred to theChief Administrative Officer.Af this cime the following report was lntroduced withthe agreemenf of the Members of Council.MOSSLNTjTON I'ARK CAI'IPGROUND;Attached is Report No. P-8?-33 r:egardinEi the expansion ofCamp Sit.es at Mossington I'ark,This was reccived for informaEion.The Chtef Administrative Ofllicer h'as directed tochechinto the effi,ciency ofthe currerrt f.icerncing,lly*Law and report back fo Council .b) Mr. Davtd Doidge addressed rnembers of Council reg,arcling"a drainage problcm on Par-t of Lots 1l arrd 1?, Concessiorr6 (NG), He stated that the Rrouwer $od frarms hacl bc+enfll.ling i..n a natur:al water:cotrrs;e withoL<strong>lt</strong> permj.ssionfrom the Siouthl-ake Simcoe Conservatlon Authoritv. whictrhad been causirrg, extensiv€r floocling, and clamag,e rb'ttrcneig,hbouring farms ..Mr. Mcl Sedore also addressecl members of Cotrncllregarding, thls prolrlem, statinp', thaf, the larrd was bui.l-tiip higtrer than t-he culver(: whictr cros$eri [he roed andtht$.was causing" sievere flooding of his propertyAt thts time, with the a;lrcernent of members of Courlci.l.,the followlng, Moti.on rvas introduced.3. . . .

il5Counci.l. <strong>lt</strong>tinutesC*<strong>82</strong>*13-3* L9<strong>82</strong> 07 ?-?- ,6 . DEPUTATIONS ( Contd . . . )Moved by l{egional Courrci}lor MclcanSeconded byCouncillor:\,<strong>lt</strong>nch.IWHEREAS a dl-alnage problem exists on Parts Lofs 11 and 12,Concession 6 (NC), creatcd as a resul-t of ;r rest'ricti,otrof a. natural water:colll:se ;AND IIHEREAS sald problem rrot orrl.y floods privaEe'property but Regional Roads as we1IlAND WHIIREAS said a<strong>lt</strong>eratibn to the' tratercourse occu-r-redlrithout the appr:oval of the Conservation Aut.hori"lry;THEREFORE, BE IT RESOi,VED TIiAT the SouEh Lake Sj.mcoeConservation AuEhority and clre Regional Mur-licipalit-y ofYork be requesEed, in con.junctiorr with the larrdownerin questjon, to forthwith up5ir:ade Lhe under:sized culvertto the same standard as the Regional Culvert- on Ehe6th Concession, ancl that any oiher blocked or relstrictedwater course in the vicinity be unobstructed;'.Carrietlc) I'{r. Richard She<strong>lt</strong>on acldressed members of Cotrncil.reguesting permission on behalf of l-he Baldwirr FlyingClilb, to use the landing field for a FIy*In orrAugust 29th, 19<strong>82</strong>. He was also requesti.ng, lhe useof the parking area, and ttre CommitEee Room, fot thlsevenLtrlith the agreement of the members of Counci.l thefollowing, Motion was infroduced.Movecl by Regional Councillor Mcl-eanSeconded hy CounctllorShepher:d.THAT the Baldwin Flying, Club be gr:irntecl perntfssionto use the ai.r fiel.d on August 29Lh, 19<strong>82</strong>, and thatthe Committee Room be made availabl.e for fhis everrtproviding,there is no cost to the Municipa) i ty ' otherthan the normal maincenance cosL$ thaE woul.d h;rveoEherwise beerr involvedCarriedWith fhe allreement of the nrembers of Council the or:derof business'on the Agenda r,ras changed to deal with thefollowirrg ifems:9 (a) Recommendatlons of fhe Cornmittee of the t{hole rneeEinp,of JuIy 1Sth, 19<strong>82</strong> .1. Movedby Reg,ionill Counci.llot Mcl,eant.Seconded by Councl<strong>lt</strong>or:ShepherdTHAT I'II{EREAS a group representirtg, sole*sulrportnotller.-s in the Township of Oeorg,irra i.s rrralcingappli.cir.tJ.on for Fedtrral furrdlr'16! urtcler: the L.li.A.P.1'rogram for.a feasibj.lity stucly to research arrcl'es,Eablish guidellnes for the pr:o.ject;4, .,.{ ilr

Councilc-<strong>82</strong>-r3Mi-nr.rLes-4- 19<strong>82</strong> 07 22,9 (a) ( Contd . . . )AND ViHEREAS this projccf lls to ernploy permarrcnt:Iysole support parenfs wirhirr the Tor,rrrship atrd pr"-ovldea viabl-e industr:y for ttre conrmuniLy;TIJEREFOnI, Btr IT RIiSOI.VIiD TIIAT the Municipal. Counci]of the Corporation of rhe Township of Geor:girraheartily endorses the application'and approves Ll-ieuse of tcaporary offi-ce space requesLed to coudr,tctthe feastbii^iey study to comfireflce in the fal.l of 19<strong>82</strong>Carriqd?. Moved by Regional. Counci-l1or McleanSeconcled by Council-lorI^JInch.THAT the Mrrnicipal Council of the Township of<strong>Georgina</strong> srlpports the eontj.nuation of the Childr:en'sServlces CommitEee of York Region and urges fheMinistry of Community arrd Social Services to maintain' Ehe Commil-tee's present level of funding, and ser:vice.Carried3. Moved by Councill,or LyorrsSeconded byCouncillorSmockurn,TI{AT R.eport No . P*<strong>82</strong>-29referred fo the Publicof Augusf 3rd, at 7.30of rhe Dj-rector of Planrrirrg, be-Affairs Policy Comm<strong>lt</strong>tee rneetingp.m. for furtl-rer di<strong>sc</strong>ussion.Carriecl.4. Move

5Council Minuter<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>--13-5-1.98? Q7 22( tem 9 ( a ) (Corrtd.(2) THAT irt arr amending By-Law Eo rezone thelands mcr'rf,iorred in (i) above, a provi.sion bemadc to provlde for a mutual driveway to beshar:ed by the owrlcrs of Parts A and.ll as shownon $chedule r3r of Report Number P-<strong>82</strong>-32.Regional Councillot !'lcl-ean 'of InteresE regarding the above item,di<strong>sc</strong>ussion and did not voteCarrieddeclared'a posslble Cor;rflictand did nol'take part l.rr arryCouncl.llor Winch declared a possible Confl.ict of iIn[eresE tegarding the above item, and did not take part in Snydi<strong>sc</strong>ussion and did not vofe.I6. Moved by Councillot SmockumSecondecl by CounclllorLyons.'THAT the application submitted by OresE Kortko, being;, anapplicacion to rezone lands de<strong>sc</strong>ribed as ParE of Lot 1-1,Concession 6 (G) to permit the establishrnent of a oar:petwarehouse and sales outlet be apDroved.ancl an amendmentto By-Law 9I1 prepared. Sucli-afrFnffiefli would have theeffect of rezoning the subject lot from Rural, {RU) toresErlcted Industrial (Ml) wtth special provislonsprovidecl therein which would permir reduced parking andloading space standar:d$ arrd a single famil,y dwellingas an accessory use to the Industrial Mai.n use. Appr:ovalof such amendmenE shall be srrbject to the strbmission ofa Lot gradlng pl.an prepared by an Engineer for the reviewand approval of the Township Engineer,Catried.7. Moved by Councillor LyonsSeconded by Councillor OtGrady.,lTHAT thc appl.ication for rezoni_ng subm<strong>lt</strong>ted byFuturamaInvestments (<strong>Georgina</strong>) Limi.Led, being an applicafion topcrftit the constr:ucti.on of a sing,le family dwelling onan undersized lot, de<strong>sc</strong>rlbed as Part of Lot 2I,Conces$ion 7 (NG) and Part. of Lots 21 and 22, ConcessionI (Nc) beiapprovedCarried8. Moved by Courrcill.or Shepherd$econded by Regional Counijillor Mcl.ean''I. TIIAT a lly*l,ilw be passecl to arrthorlze fhe Mayirr an

6Counci,l Mlnutc<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-13-6- L9<strong>82</strong>" 07 22,Itern 9 (a) (Contd.llenry Irving and WIlhe1mine lrvi.ng and rheTourrship of <strong>Georgina</strong> reg,arding Parts 1, ?, 3 and'Refer:ence Plan No, 65R-52064 ,A recorded vote wa.s requestedThe Deputy Clerlc recorded t-he vote as follr:ws,:Rcg,ional Courrcillor. McleanCouncillor LyonsCorrncillor O'GradyCouncillor ShepherdCouncillor: SrnoclcumCouncillor WinchMayor Dales*, Yea- Yea- Yea- Yea- Yea- Yea-_YeaCouncillorBurrows- NayYea - 7Nay - ICarri.ed9. Moved by Counci.).Ior OtGradyCouncil-lor Lyons .THAT l;he Council of the Townshi.p of Georg,inaappf,ove and support an appllcatlon to Ehe l,,lquor'Llcence Board of Ontario for a permit for [he FourthAnnual Softball Tournamenl- Lo be heLd on AugusE 7thand Bth, 1.98?, (R;rirr Date August 14th and 15th,'1.9<strong>82</strong>)to be hosted by the West Park t'lenrs League arrd theWest I'arlc Ladies Fun LeagueA recorded vote was requested.The Deputy Clerk recorded the voEe as follows:,Regi-onaI Councillor. McleanCounci llor LyonsGouncillor O'GradyCounci Ilor ShcpherdCouncillor SmockumCouncillor WinchMayor Dales* Yea* ,Yea* Yea- Yea- Yea- Yea- YeaCouncillorBurrows- NayYea - 7Nay * ICarried..lIiiIil

vCounci.l Agendac*<strong>82</strong>-r3_J; L9<strong>82</strong> A7 22tO. Movcd by Counclll.or O'Grad.ySecorrcled by Counci-1lor: Smockum,THA'f the Publl-c l-Jorks Departmen[ erect ttNoParkitrg," si.gns on bothsides

BCortrrcil. MinuEe<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-13*8- 19<strong>82</strong> 07 22.Item 9 (a) (Contd. . . )6. TIIAT 6ouncil. arrthorize the opentng,, assuuilrtionand cfosing, of the foll.owing unopened roadal1.owance, and further, tlrat CounclJ. authorizethe preparaliorr of a sur'vey of thc subject pr:operty.and further, that Councll auEhorize thenegotiatlorr and co<strong>lt</strong>veyance of the property to Eheabr-rtEing owner( s ) ,Plan 13O, Park Avenrre (Unopened portiorrof road allowance).Carried.L2Moved byCouncillorShepherdSecondedbyRegional CouncilLor McleanTHAT ThCTownshipbusinessinstructof IntcntMunicipalCouncll of the Corporation of theof <strong>Georgina</strong> proceed , on bchalf ofproprietors in the Pefferlaw areat-he Clerk to 'prepare and forwardas outlined.in SecCion 217 (2) ofAcE,thetoIettersTheCarried .13. Moved by Councillor Srnocl

9Courrcil Mlnute<strong>sc</strong>*<strong>82</strong>*13Item 9 (a) (Conud. . .) *9- t9<strong>82</strong> 0t 2? .15. Moved by Counclllor Winch :'secondedbyCounc-i11-or Shepher:d'I. THAT third rcacling be gi-vcn to By-l"aw No.8l*26 fo stoP up, close arrd lease the Old'accordiflB t:o P]an No' 65R-3309.Carrled. . . .. .2.Moved by Councillor$econded by CouncillorWinchLYons''THAT a By-Law be passed to authorlze theMayor and Clerk to et(ecute a Lease AgreemenEbetween the Minister of Government Services andthe Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> resnecting Part 1,Plan lf65R*3309 .CarriedI1.6. Moved by Councillor LYons'''Seconded bY Councillor l'linch' ; 'l. THAT the <strong>Georgina</strong>'l{ydro Gommisslon be aclvi-sedthaE the Counci.l of the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong>wishes Eo continue Eo conLract $treet li.ghtmati.ntenance wiLh the Commission on an on-going. basis.2. THAT the Township of Georg,ina pay the Comrnis$ion aManager's salary plus payroll burden, pl-us truckTent;I for sl-reet fight mairitenance. The Townshipwlll eithersurrply an assistant co Ehe Commissj.on ora<strong>lt</strong>ernativelyl' roit f pay the Commission the salaryand Payroll burden of a Contmisslon, employee if satdernplbybe acts as an assistar<strong>lt</strong> to the stl-eet 1lghtmaintenance Pro.gram.3. TI{AT the Geotgina Hydr:o Commlssion 1s requested toperform all street Iight maincenance wlEhin one week' bf receiving notica of a malfunction' if ' at allpossi.ble. If, .in the opirrlon of the Mirnagerr the'iirne needed to repair one <strong>lt</strong>ght in a remote areaof the Towrrship is not warr:auted, therr same may beleft for one wcek' Georg,irraHydro Commissi.on rviIladvlse the Municipa<strong>lt</strong>ty of any lights r+hiclr are notrequired withil"l the one week pcrlod.4, THAT upon satisfact-ory arral-Igemcnts belng rnade withOntario Hydr:o rcg,al:ding lhe Purclrase of t:heexist,ing Ltreet Jight pl;rntl, tlre Council.of theTowrrshlI of Georg,i.na wil]. imt<strong>lt</strong>.ement f, street llghtreplacement Progr:am as follows:10.

I 0Courrcll Mi nute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-r3:1O-L98? 07 ?_2.Item9(a) (Contd.1) t-he ob-'iectlvc of the program ls to replace alfluore<strong>sc</strong>ent lights with 175 watt mercirryvapour fixtur:esii)' the replacement progrrrm will -be done on aI sl-reet by strcef I basis .Cerried.L 7 . t.Moved by Councill,orShepherrlSeconded by Councill-orInlinch.THAT a By-Law be passed to authorize the I'layor: andClerk to execute a Quic Claim l)eecl to convey parf, ofLot 3, ln the 7th Corrcession (G), mor:e particularlvde<strong>sc</strong>rlbed as Parf, 34, Reference Pt.an #65R,*3535.to the R.egional Mtrrricipalil-y of York at a nominal sum.Carrled2.Moved by CouncillorLyonsSeconded by Councill.orSrnockurn.tif) al1 attempts wi11 be made to dlstfibrrte tlrereplacement- pl:ogram equally among,st the sevenelectoral wards of the Tor+nshio.-THAT.a.ly-!g" be^passed to cledicafe p.srt of Lot 1,Block_4O, I'lan 69, more parti,cul;irly de<strong>sc</strong>r:i_bed as-Part- 43r-Reference Plan #65R-353S, ls formt,-rg, pairof the Black Rlver Road.Carried.3. t4oved by Councillor LyonsSecorrded by Corrncillor Smoclrum.THAI. a By*Lar+ be passed fo authorize the Mayor anclCler:l< to execute an Easement i_rr favorrr of thelgeionalMunicipality. of Yorlc reg,arding Part of Lotp!gclc-!Q, PIan 69, being, par:r 44, Reg,iirere

I ICouncil I4i.rrut:e<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-13_rt_ ts<strong>82</strong> 07 ?2Item9(a) (Conrd<strong>18</strong>. Moved by Cor-rncillor SirepherdSeconclcd by Councill.or:Smockum.THAT the Mayor ancl Clerk be author-izecl to cxecutean amendi rrg,. Agr:cement respecf i.ng Parf of Lot 3 ,Concession I (G), more particul.arl_y de<strong>sc</strong>ribcd ;rsParr.s l, 2, 3 and 4, Reference.ptah 6SR*?497.betweerr Shirmim Coovadia and thc Corporation of theTownslrip_of Geor:gina .and cause the Corporate Seal. to be affixed Ehereto.Carrl.ed.19. lloved by Councillor irlirrchSeconded by CouncillorBurrows.'TI{AT the Library-Cu<strong>lt</strong>ural. Centre Board be herebtrequestled that i:efor:e any teflder$ are accepte.J torthe proposed Li.trrary*Cu<strong>lt</strong>ural Centrco that thetotal cost as tendered fcr an operat-.iona1 LibrnrvCu<strong>lt</strong>ural Centre be revlewed by Council, in or:cler-thaEsuch tenrlers wl1.I produce Ehe construcii(-)n of ttrebuilding contemplated lry Cor-rncil.A recordedVot-e was requested.The Deputy Clerhrecordedfhe vote as follows:Councitlor Bur.rowb . - YeaCouncillor Lvons YeaCounclllor OlGrady - YeaCouncillor: Shephekl - YeaCourrcillor Smockum * YeaCounci.llor WinchMayor Dales- Yea* YeaRegiorral Councill,or Mclearr - NavYea - 7Nay - ICarried.AU thlsAgenda.tlme the order of busirress was resumed on the7 . COMI'IUNICATIONS :,.,Qa )N.T. Goldsmith, Area Traffic Analy<strong>sc</strong>.llinisEry of Transportation and Commr.rlications ,advising thaL. they.will be pI.rci_ng a bar:rierat the inrer:siectlon of llighway 48 and.BaldwlnI{oad to restri.ct parkl.ng fu. tire area..This rvas fecelvr:d for lnfonration.I?

ICouncil Minute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-r4-11- 1"9<strong>82</strong> 08 .26.REPORT OF TllE TOi'INSHIP ENGINHERT(Contd. . . )Moved by Regional Councillor McleanSeconded by CouncillorLyonsTIIAT a Township policy be adopted that no Applicationfor Shoreline Assistance be appr:oved if the wor:kinvolved has already been starEed, and that this beincluded on the aDDlication formsCarried9. CICI.MMlfIEN AND OTI{ER, REPORTS :a) Recommerrdations of the Comm<strong>lt</strong>tee of the lnlholrer!{eeting of Aug,r"tst 19th, 19<strong>82</strong>.Moved by Regional Counclllor Mclean lSeconded by Councll.IorWinch.1. (1) THAT the existing constructed road wi.dth j.n theNoble Subclivi.sion irr Phase I and Phase lI, beaccepEed and that the road platform for furtherphases be 2O feet paved and .4 feet shoulder:s,(3) TIIAT Itern rrCrr of the February 28th, L9BQ resol.utionof Council adoptirg the recommendations of the. f'ebruary 21.st, 1980, Comnittee of the Whole Meetingbe amended by deleting recommendation #2, andsubstituting the fol.lowing therefor:fi 2- (i) That the Township Engineer r'-s l-nstructedto pre?are amending Stibdivision Ag.reementsbetween South Shore Simcoe DeveloomenfsLimited and Belhaven l)evelopmenrs Limifedarrcl that f-he Develooers' cont.ributi.onsshall be $2,5OO.OO irer lot.( ii ) ft*i.:l :l:.s;:l' ":^ffi, ::l:fiI'1,?;I"I :"il:l!f,Shore Simcoe Developmerrts Limi.ted, thenBelhaven Development Ltmi-ted shal.I r:av anamount- of $58,Obo.OO for 23 lofs and irponrecelnt of monies from Soul-h Shore SimcoeDevelooments Limited. $50O wi,ll be refundedto Beliraven Developmenrs t,imited.(tl-i) The Developers may suppl-y an i-rrevoc.ahl,eI"etter of Credif to be drawn upon by theTownship on September 1st, 1983, i.n-lietr ofprovidi-ng, the sub.ject payflents upon€xecution of the subdtvision Ag,reements".2. THAT the Chief Admi.nistra[ive Officer reauest fheowners of l{osslngton Parhto meet with fhe residentsin the aTea as well as members of Councll at aDevelopnrent Fol.icy CornmitEee rrreeting to be hel.drp<strong>lt</strong>hi.n fhe next ten days l-o tesolvc fnte concernsexpressed by l;he citlzens livtng in the area.13. . . .

1 2^VCouncll Mlnute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>*149 . COMMITTEE AND OTHEt RHI'OtrTTS :-t2- 19<strong>82</strong> 08 26.5.2-3.THAT fhe applicati,on for rezoning subm<strong>lt</strong>red byJ.H. Barber Developments, being an appl.icaEi.onto rezone lands de<strong>sc</strong>ribed as Part of Lot 2,Concession 7 (NG) Eo permiE the constr:ucrionof a sirrgl.e family dwelling ther:eon, be*qpprovqq'THAI an amendi-ng By-Law be prepared toeffectivelv rezone the lands de<strong>sc</strong>ribecl irr(1) above iaith a special provision to requirea minimum front yard setback of 75 metres.T}IAT as a conclition of approval- of the amendingBy*Law provided in (2) above, that the ownerbe required to convey a 3.05 M Road wideningfree of all- costs and encumbrances to theMunicipality.Carrled4-Moved by Regional' Cor-rnci1lor McleanSeconded by CouncillorWinch.t.n3,4.THAT no additional connections ro the Clar-kRural Water Systern be permitted on the AdelineStreet System or the Miami Street sysfem a$shokm on l-he map attachecl to Report-No.TE-<strong>82</strong>-23(R) .THAT onl.v 15 additional connections be oermittedon the Hillcrest Street Sy<strong>sc</strong>em until suih time asthese eonnections have been made and put in useard an assessment has been made of the effects ofsame during the peak demancls periods.THAT no tesfr:ictions regardinSi addi,tionalconnectlons be placed on the Bruce Street Systenrat this time.THAT the Adetine Street Water Svstem be investisatedfurther to det-ermine if other mlasnres can betaken to assisE persorrs livi.ng in the area whoare affected by s loss of waEer during peakdemand periodsCarrledMayor Dales declared a possible Conflict of Interestreg,arding the above flatter and did not take part ln arrydl<strong>sc</strong>ussion and did not vote13- ..

| 2CounCil Minr,rfe<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>*13-.12*L9<strong>82</strong> 07 22 .COMMUNJCATIONS (CONtd.Ib) Vcrnon Spencer:,, Mlnlstry of Agricu<strong>lt</strong>ure & Food,responding to Cor-rnci<strong>lt</strong>i conccrrr regarding, polr'.cy. changes in Tile Drainage Loarrs that now lirnitpreviously approved appllcations to a maximum of607" the t,otal cost..ofThis was recelved for information.c)Rober:t Vernon, Regional Cterk, has forwardetl Couhci.I acopy of Clause in a report which was adopLed by 'theMetropolitan Toronf,o Council regarding pinball andelecl*roni,c games to provlde more strLngenf legislation.Thts was referrecl to the Pubtii Affairs Committee.Id)H. Vancler Kooil, Project Managero Mini"stry ofTransportation and Communi.cations advising Counci<strong>lt</strong>hat the MinisEry is presently wal[ing for approval ofthe complete Highway 89 exrension proposal beforestarting construction on any speci,fic section of it.Thls was received for infoyrnation.e)Robert Vernon , Regionalcomments on the repoEcClerkentitledi$ requesti-ng CouncilrsI'NOISA ATTENUATION" .Thts was receivedforinformaElonf)Cl, ause Bennett , Mini, ster ofand }{ousing has forwarded ato |:he OnEari.o l{ome Renewalpassed on May 26th, 19<strong>82</strong>.Municipal Affatr<strong>sc</strong>oPy Of an amendrnenfProgram (OHRP) that wasThis was received for lnformaciofi.lB) South Lake Slmcoe Conservation Authority Water ,<strong>Management</strong> Advisor:y Board Minutes of tlre meefingheld on July 8th, LgB?,. Thiswas received for 'irrformatlon .followingWith the agreement of the Members of Councit theMo.tions were inLroduced :Moved byCouncillorLyonsSecondedby CouncillorBurrowsITHAT a delegation consisflng of Mayor Dales, RegionalCotrncil.J^or Mclean, Councillor: Lyons and Counc-llor:.Smockrrm, requesf EhaE Mr. Ross Stevenson, I'ILA., set upa mecting with r:epresentati.ve$ from the Mj.nl$try ofNal*trraL llesottrcesrEo meefwi.thr:epre<strong>sc</strong>ntatives 'from thcSorrth La<strong>lt</strong>e Simcoe Conservatiorr Authortty arrd the Reglonaland Township Engirrcers Eo di<strong>sc</strong>uss the future prospecfsof ,clre replacing [he Sutton l)anr.C{rl:lriecl13.

1 3I 7Counci I Minute<strong>sc</strong>*<strong>82</strong>*13. COI4MUNICATION.{i (Contd. .. .)-r3* L9<strong>82</strong> 07 22 .Moved by Counctllor:LyonsSecorrded by Courrcr'.l1or Smockum.1, The Council of the Township of Georginn endorsesResblutton EX-<strong>82</strong>-169 of tlrc Executive Commitl-eeof the Sout*h l,ake Simcoe Conservacion AuthoriEvdated July l3tlro 19<strong>82</strong>, reg,ar:ding the SuLton Dam.2. The Township of Ceorgina agrces ro be designatedas the benefitting Munlcipality and to pay theAuthoricy's share of the cosfs, esti-matecl to be$l.Or5OO.OO. for f,he parti.al r:ernoval of the SuEtonDam and bank st-abillaafion work;3. That sufflcient funds be ttansferted from the streetlight capi[al acceunt to pay the Townslriprs share ofthe costs,Carr:iedh)l{.M. Ploeger, Ministry of Treasury & Economicsresponclingi co Counci<strong>lt</strong>s concern reg,ar:ding ttreimplementatiorr of sa],es fax on formerly excmpEifems, advises that The Honourable !'rank Mi.11.er,Treasurer of Ontarlo is aware of Ehe add<strong>lt</strong>ionalfinancial pressure on Municipaliri.es.This was received for lnfornation.8. PETITIONS:a) Councll.lorregardingThisl,yons prcsenEecl a petitionthe Sutton Dam.was received .Eo Counci.l9. GOMMITTEE AND OTHER REPORTS :b) REPORT OF THE CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OF}'ICER:LoEs 1.4 and 15, Clareclorr Beach.Attachedis Report l{o. CAO-<strong>82</strong>-1Q.Moved by CouncillorWinchSeconded by Councl).lorO'Grady.THAT Council authorlze Lhe purchase of Lots 1/+ ancl 15,Plan 3O5, from Lynx Devel.opment$ l-inrited at a purchaseprlcc of $ll.O'OOO.OO and thas thc Mayor and Cler:lc beauthor.'tzcd to execute thc necessary documente t-o effectthe sa id purchAse.A recorsled voEe was requested;I 4. .

Courrcil Mi.nute$c*<strong>82</strong>-r3t.9<strong>82</strong> 07 22I 49. COMMITTEI| AND OTTIER REPOR,TS ( CONTCI . .)The Depu{-y Clerk recorded Che vote aE fo}lowsl, Regional Counclllor Mclean , yeaCouncil.lor Burr:ows - yeaCounci.llor Lyons - yeaCouncillor O'Grady - yeaCounci.l_lor Shepherd- yeaCounclllor Smockum- yeaCouncillor Winch - yea. Mayor Dales - yeaiarrled Urranirnously. . . . . . . , .c) EEloRr-oWProperty SEandards Procedur:esAttached is ReporE No. DC-<strong>82</strong>-O7.This was referred to a fublic Affairs Comm<strong>lt</strong>teeMeeting.td)-14-The lhi.ef Adninistrafive Offtcer: to inquire as.topossibiliry of prose_c.ur ing in -irarviaJ;-1:;foh.;- erectedan lIIegaJ slgn in t_he por[ Bolster area, and ha$ ignoredthe TowrrEl'ripts reque$f to r:emove it.AN]MAL CONTROL MONTHLY REPORT FOR THE MONTH OFMAY , 19<strong>82</strong> .This was received for infornation.e) REPORT OF THE CHIEF AIJMINISTRATIVE OFFICER:Filx.il:i;E , ';.lil';;,.1",o I,1'li ji'aul$5opaAttachedis Report No. CAO*<strong>82</strong>-11"rce, r 7o,Moved by CouncillorOrGra

5rICouncil Mlntrte<strong>sc</strong>*B?-1"3Moved by Corrncillorl,yons*15*Secondetl by Regional Councill.or McleanTHAT the tRoad DeparEmcnt be author:izedsig,ns on the easE side of Da<strong>lt</strong>on Roadto the Norlfi .limtt of the road.19<strong>82</strong>07 22.to lnstal I ttNo Parki.ng'tfrom New DalEon HoEeIDefeated.Moved' by CounclllorLyons' Secpncled hy Regional Cor-rncillor Mclean .TIIAT the Roacl Derrartment be authorized ro install "NoPatki.ng" si.gns oh the east si.de of Dalf,on Roacl fromNew Da<strong>lt</strong>on Hotel to the notth lJmit of the road and onthe west side of Da<strong>lt</strong>on Road frorn the norlh limit of theNew Da<strong>lt</strong>on Hotel properry to Ehe norEh <strong>lt</strong>mit of Uhe road.Carrled10.UNFINISHED BUSINESS:a) Councillor Shepherd reminded Council of the treeplanting program which was t,o take place on thecorner of Duclos Polnt Road.The Chief Administratlve Offlcer was to follow upon this maf,fer.b) Courrcillor OrGrady announccd that there would be a meetingfor all interested residents ln Kesr"rick Arena to rli,<strong>sc</strong>ussthe fut,ure development of West Park, on Wednesday July28rh, 19<strong>82</strong> ar I p.*.c) Correspondence received from the Georglna Public LibraryBoard regarding Councilrs resolution re .Tender Openlng.This was received for information.11. BY-LAWS :CouncillorCouncillorBurrowsLyonsTHAT By*Law No. <strong>82</strong>-52(TI-l )being a By-Law to raise. money toaid in the coirstrucfiorr ofdralnage works under rhe IiIeDrainage Act, R.S.O. l9BOrChapLer 5OO, be now read a thlrdtlme,Carrled.BY*I,AW NO. <strong>82</strong>-52(Tr-1) Passed, sig;ned and seal-ed by thet4ayor and the Deput-y Clerk.16. ..

I 6CouncLl MinrrEe<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-13_16-t98Z 07 2Z .II.BY-l,Al^lS (Cont-.d.CounciJ.lor BurrowsCor:ncillor LlonsBY-LAW No. <strong>82</strong>*94 ( Pt'l0*z )THAiI' lly-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-94(PWO-2) beinga By-Law to close the FifthConcession Road Allowance from the. Base Line Road to Metro Road onAugust 28t-h, 19<strong>82</strong>, be now read afir:st, secorrd and third time,paslied and nrmbered by the Mayorand Deputy Clerk .Carried.'Passed,slgned and sealed by theMayor and. DepL<strong>lt</strong>y CIerk.CounclllorCouncillorBurrowsLyonsTHAT By-Law No. S2*95(AD-)") beinga By-Iaw to appoint a By-Laws '0fficer and I'roperty Standar:dsOfficer for the MunicipalCorporation of the Township of<strong>Georgina</strong>, be now read a fi,rst,second and third times, passed andnumbered by tl-re Mayor and DepucyCIerk.(Richard Cardnell McGee) .Carried.BY*LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>-95(AD*l)Passed, signed and sealed by theMayor and Deputy CLerk.Council.lot BurrowsCouncillot LyonsTHAT By-Law No. 81-26(LA-3) belnga By-Law f,o close and Lease l'ar:t ofOld Homestead Road, treing I'art 1-,on Reference Plan No. 65R-33o9, benow read a third ti.me, passed andnumbered by Lhe Mayor and DeputyClerk.Carri-edBy-l,Atd NO. 8l-26(LA-3)Councillor BurrowsCourrcj.llor ' LyonsPassed, $lgned and sealed by theMayor and Deputy Clerk.THAT Bv*l.aw No. <strong>82</strong>-96(CON*].)being a ny-law to authorlze theMayor and Deputy Clerk to execute.Lease Agreement bef,ween thc Ministerof Govef,nment Services and ttreTownsl-rip of <strong>Georgina</strong> be now read afirsE, second and third time, passedand nrrmbered by the Mayor and DepuryCl a rk .CarriedBY-LAW NO. , <strong>82</strong>-96 ( CON-1 )Passed slgned and sealecl by [heMayor and Dcputy CIerk.L] . . ,fiII

1 7Councl.l, Minute<strong>sc</strong>*<strong>82</strong>-13-T7* 19<strong>82</strong> 07 2?- .fl.BY-LAI^IS (Contd.ICouncil lor BurrowsCounciJ-1or LyonsTHAT BY-LAI,J NO. 9LI-<strong>82</strong>-L76( PL*5 )being a By-Law to amend By-Law No.9lI, beirrg a By-Law to regulate theuse of larrds and the characf,er.location and use of builcling,s indstructure$ within the Townshio of<strong>Georgina</strong>, be now rcad a firsE, <strong>sc</strong>'condand third times, passed and numberedby the Mayor ancl Deputy Clerk.(Futuram.3 Investments Lf{) .CarrledBY-LAW NO. 911*<strong>82</strong>*I76( PL-s )Passed, signed and sealed by theMayor and Deputy Clerk. ICounclllor BurrowsCouncj-Ilor LyonsTHAT By-Law No. 9I1-<strong>82</strong>^L77(PL-s)being a By-Law to amend By*Law No.9I1 being a By-Law to regulate thcuse of lands and the character,IoEation and use of buildings andstrucfures w<strong>lt</strong>hin the Townshlo ofGeorgirra, be now read a first, secondand thlrd tlmes, passed anll numberedby the Mayor and Depucy Clerk.(Orest Kortlco - PE. Lot 11, Con. 6 G)Carried.BY*LAW NO. 911*<strong>82</strong>-177(PL-5)Courrcillor OrGradyCouncillor ShepherdPassed, signed and sealed by - thelulayor and Deputy Clerk.,THAT By-Law No. 91I-<strong>82</strong>-I78(PL-5)being a By-Law l-o atnend By-Lau No.9II, being a By-Law to regulage theuse of l.ands and the character.locatiorr and use of br-rildings inclstructures within the lowrrshio ofGeorglna be now read a firstr'seconcland third fimes, passedand numbcredby the Mayor and Deputy Cler:k.(Catton,4 (Nc).Patricia * Ft. Lot- 21, Con.Carried.BY-LAW NO. 911-<strong>82</strong>-I78(PL-s)Passed, signed ancl sealecl by the .Mayor afrd DepuEy Clerk.Regional Councillor Mcl.ean declareda posslbLe Conflict of lnEer:est re6',r.lrding,the above item and did not take partin any dieeusslon and did rrot vote.ibunci.ttor [Jinch declared a rro$slbleConflict of Inter:est regardi.irg fheabove item and did not take part lnany di<strong>sc</strong>usSlon and did rrot vote.Ir8.

iiil{ a\I }{rCouncil Mlnute<strong>sc</strong>*<strong>82</strong>-1311. I}Y-LAWS (Contd..*r8-19<strong>82</strong>07 2?" ,Rog*Counclllor McLeanCounclllor WinchTHAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>*97(LA-f)belng a By-Law to aul-horize theMayor and the DepuEy Clcrk toexecute a Qrri.t Clainr Deed befweenthe. Reg,ional Munici.pa<strong>lt</strong>ty of Yor<strong>lt</strong>and the Township of Georglna, benow read a fir<strong>sc</strong>, second andthtrd tirnes, passed and nurnberedby Che Mayor and Deputy Clerk.Carri.edBY-LAW NO, <strong>82</strong>-97(LA-I. )Passedl.slgned and seal.ed by theMayor and Deputy Clerk.Reg-Councillor McLeanCouncillor WinchTHAT By-law No. <strong>82</strong>-98(PWO-Z) beinga By*Law to dedicate cert-ain landsas betng a Public Highway andformlng part of Black Rivc,r Boad(YR8O), be now read a first, secondand third times, passed andnumbered by the Mayor and DeputyClerk.carrii.BY-LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>-98(PWO-z)Passed, signed and sealcd by theMayor and Deputy Clerk.Reg-Councll1or McLeanCouncillor WinchTHAT By-law'No. <strong>82</strong>-99(CON-I) beinga By-Law to.auEhorize Ehe Mayor andthe Cl-erk to execute an EasementAgreenent betweerr the Reg,i.onal-Iluni.cipal.ity of York and theTownshlp of <strong>Georgina</strong> be now reada first, second and thi.rd times,passed and numbered by the Mayorand Deputy Clerk . (Black River Road)Carr:ied.BY-LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>*99 ( CON-I )Pas<strong>sc</strong>d, slgned and seal.ed by theMayor and Deputy Clerk.Reg-Councll.lor McleanCounclllor l'linch'THAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-1Oo(COW-fl belnga By-Law to authsrize the Mayor andClerk f,o execute an amendnent tothe Severance Agreement bet-weenEvelyrt Dorothy Ley arrd the Townshipof Georgirta, be now read a fi.rsl-,second and third tinres, passed andnumber"ed by. the Mayor and Deput,yClerkCartied.tBY-LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>*rO0(CON-I)Passed, sf"gnecl and sealed by theMalor and DetrxrHy Clerk.

| 9Council Minute$]c-<strong>82</strong>-13*19--19<strong>82</strong> 07 22 .11. BY-LAWS (Contd...)CouncillorCourrclllorO'Gr:adyShenherclTIIAT By*Law No. B2-l0l ( PL-4 ).being a By-Law t-o authorize EheMayor and C1er:k to cxecuEe aSubdivision Agreement l>eLweenHenry and Wtlhel,mlne Trvirrg andthe Towrrshtp of <strong>Georgina</strong>, be nowread a first, second and thirdtimes, passed and number:ed by theMayor, and Deputy Clerk.Catried.BY*LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>-1Ot(PL-A)Passed, signed and sealed by theMayor1l:.ooo".r clerk.Councill.orCouncillorOrGradyLyonsTHAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-IO2(PL-4) belnga By*Law ro Authorlae the Mayor andClerlc to execute an EasementAgreement, be now read a flrst,second and third times, passed andnumbered by the Mayor and DepufyClerk.Carried.BY-LAW N0 . <strong>82</strong>*102 ( PL-l+ )Passed, slgned artd sealed by theMayor and Deputy Clerk,CounclllorCounclllorO'GradyLyonsTHAT By-l,aw No. <strong>82</strong>-103(LA-I) beinga By*Law to authorize the Mayor: andthe Clerk to execute an Officer toPur:chase Lands, be rrow read a firstsecond and tlr.ird times, passed andnumbered by the Mayor- inl neputyClerk.Carried.BY-LA[,{ N0. <strong>82</strong>-103 ( LA-l )Passed, sigrred and sealed by theMayor and Deputy Cler:k.Councillor OrGradyCouncillor LyonsTHAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-r04(LA-l.) ULirrga By-l.aw to ALrfhofize the Execucionof a Conveyance to Doreen NorrnaTayl.or and Irene Cora Halliday, benow read a first, second and thtrdtimes, passed and numbered by theMayor and Deputy Clerk.Carried. .BY-LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>-104 ( LA-l )Passed, signed and sealed by theMayor and Deputy Clerk.2a,

20Councll MirruEe<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-1.3-20_L9B2 07 22 .[LZ.NOTICES OF MOTION:Moved by CouncillorBurrorisSeconded by Councillor.WinchTHAT WIIEREAS an increasingly severe lnflation recessionspiral has been developlng crver the past- few monEhsAND IdHEREAS many townshi-p re$ldents are findi.ng it asevere problem to meet their flnancial diffi.cu<strong>lt</strong>ies;AND WHEREAS the Federal Government has develoned aplan of 67" increase in wagcs srarEing in 19<strong>82</strong>'and5f" starEi.ng in 1983, and has reqlrested the Cooperationof Provincial and Municlpal auEherities;AND WIIEREA$ Government authorities should takel.eadership in artempting to $top the lnflationrecession spiral ;THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED Ehat Councll agr:ee that suchguldelines apply t-o alI Township employecs earnirrg inexcess of $25rOOO.Op a year.Thls was referred to an Ecorromic Affairs ComrnitteemeetinB .'Moved by CouncillotBurrows=ItSeconded by CounctlJ.Winclr.THAT WHIIREAS an tnc aslngly severe inf tiort r:ecessionsplr-al has been de loping over theAND WHEREAS many'ownship resldentssevere probtem meet their financ AI difficu<strong>lt</strong>ies;AND WHEREAS. t Peder.al Gover:nmen developed apl an of 6% i ase in wages sta ftng in 19<strong>82</strong>, -and5% starttng 1983 and has re sted the co-operat ofProvi.ncial nd Municipal Aut f,les ;AND hIH Government auf ties shor,rld takeIeadersh in attemPtlnB ro top the inflation cesslonsptral;THEREFOE , BE IT RASOLVED T Councilagree E suchguide lnes apply to the ni-cipa1 Courrcillor of rheTownl tp of <strong>Georgina</strong> .s was referred roting.Economic AffairsiEteet3 .BY-LAW TO CONFI}IM PROCEEDINGS :Council.Ior BurroweCounclllor Smockum,*, Ur-row No. <strong>82</strong>*105(CoU*i)belng a By-Law Eo confirm theproceedings of Council at itsmeetlng hel.d on JuIy 22ncl, I9B?be now read a first, second'andthird tsirfles, passed and numberedby the Mayor and Deputy Clerk.BY-L.Al^l NO. <strong>82</strong>-105(COU-2)On Motiorr neetlngAdjour:ned 11.5O p.m.Carrled afrrc(l".Passed, slgnecl and sealed Uy ttre' Mayor and Depr"tty Clerk.t c---\-=-Ap-*-isrEr=\ayor.)df**,#A

c-<strong>82</strong>-',I2T]lE C0rtPOt{AllIoN oF T}lri 'llohlNsHIP oF CliOllGlNAIN TH}iREGIONAL MUNICIPAI-ITY OF YORKCOUNCII. MINTITE]S19<strong>82</strong> 06 247.30 p,m.The Council. of the Towns;hi.p of Geor:gi.na met lnCouncil Chermbcrs of t.tre Geor:girra Civic Cetttr-cr, ](.R. {i?;Keswi ck , On t.ar'i o ,theThe l4aytrr c.aIIed fhe meef'i.r1g t:cot-der a[ 7./+() p.m.MOMIiNT OIT }1EI)].TA'I'ION:A monent of rnecll-f.ation wos observedby Council- mcrrrllcr:s,Itl:!-!414--Thc 0leL:<strong>lt</strong> replr--t:ed ttrat al.l. nc:mbers of Co'.rncil wercpr:erient- ui.th Lhe gxcepLi.otr of Councillor. Sttrockunt.3 , pIUI.Iql.. llF_c1,or'_illF-!_ia) Cotrrrr:illor Rog,crs derclarcd n possible CorrflicL ofInter'est r:eg,ardi.rrg, Iteru 9 (a) (B) oJ. tl're Corrunl.l-teeof the l{trole recornnuutlatiorrs - Tax Slrite-ofl.s, anrldicl rrot: take par.L. in any cli.<strong>sc</strong>ussion and cli.d, not voLcj,b)Courrclllor: Burrews declared a posslble Confl.i.cL ofInt:eresr regardirrg Item9 (a) (8) Conunittee of t,het^lhoLe recc;rnnrenclatt'-onri - Tax l.<strong>lt</strong>ite*offs and clid not:Lake part in any dj.lcussion and cli.d not vote.-tI'IINUTES OT PRF]VIOUS MEI]TII{{;$er) Minut.es of Lhc Spec{al. fielct..iilg of Counc:i1 ofl June3r:d , ).9<strong>82</strong>.l.'loved by '<strong>lt</strong>egional.Couucri.,l.lor McleanSeconded by Cor,rrri:i1).Iloger:sllHAl' l-hr: Minutc.s of if,. Spec5.a1. Meetj.ng of Corrrrcilof .Jurre 3rcl, 198?, lre ;rrlolrtecJ with ttrer folJ.ov;irrg. amentlnr.jnt :"Ii{All on Pag,e 1.r 1+th lirre after: tlrr vrcrrr.l I'Nleetirrg;r<strong>lt</strong>.lre fol.Iorv.i.n1.i ivorcls bar itr<strong>sc</strong>rt.er

,iCor.rncl1 Mirrute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-12-2- 19<strong>82</strong> 06 24.2,iiiir{il!{ :II4. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS (Contd'. . )b) MinuEes of the Special Meeting, of Council ofJune 3 rd , r98?.I'loved byRegional Council.l,or McleanlI$ T',lSecondedby CounclllorWi-nchTHAT theof JuneMinrrtes of the Speclal Meeting,, of Council3rd, 19<strong>82</strong>, be adopted.Carried.... ..c) Mlnutes of the Regular Meeting of Council ofJurrelorh, 1.9<strong>82</strong>.MoverJ by CounclllorSecondgd by CouncillorShepherdLyorrs ._T<strong>lt</strong>A'I tlre Minutes of the Regr-rlar Meeti-ng, of Cotrncj.l.of June l0th, I98?, be aclvrpEedrCarried.titi!t 1ItI li$'1,t{i-fi5.BUSINESS ARISING FR.OM THH. MINUTES :a) Regional Counclllor' Mclean , r:egar:ding pag,e 9 ,.item8, Morning Glory atEa, sEated ttrat ttreMirristrv of Natural Resourc.es fel.t ther:e was ilotenough iake fr:onL to be clevelopedr and that theywould be replying to t-he Township resoluLionin ;the near fuEure.6.DEPUTAIIONS Ia) Representatives of the Sutton and Distri.ct-Association for ttre Mentally ReEarded, were inattendance at the nreeting, regarding theapplicat-ion of the A-ssociaticrn for a Bralrt toprovide work experiencc for 5 aclol.e<strong>sc</strong>ents.lloved by CouncillorRogers$econded by Regi.onal CounclllorMcl,ean.,l;ill,li.lTHAf ttre followingMotiorl be, reconside::etl:-lTHAT staff be directed to lflclude the propclsal of EheSuEforr ancl Dls[rict Associalion for the Mencally' Retardcd r:egarding work experi.ence ln the lixperience<strong>82</strong> proposals, as outllrred in Budget proposal lfl.Carriecl3. ..

3Counc<strong>lt</strong> Minute<strong>sc</strong>-8?-12-3- r9B2 06 246. IIEPUTATIONS (Contd,. .. )Moveh by CounclllorBurrowsSeconded' by Councillor Wlnchr rlTHAT Budget proposal #1 as sr.rbmitted by the SutEonAssociation for the Mentally Retarded, detailed as& Districtfollows :l,trork Wee<strong>lt</strong>: 3, 7 hour days for 9 weeks during tlreof July and August.ImonEhsSalaries:Supervisorbe approved , subjectthrough the OntarioS-Member Work CrewBenefitsTransporEatlon (gas &Mileage)$945.0O$3,1_<strong>18</strong>.50$ 406 . 35$260.j0$4,7?9.85-to fhe total funding being providedEmpl.oyment Irrcentjve Program.Lar<strong>lt</strong>eo .b) Roland Deglar-t, IOI High Street Sufforr, requesting per:missiolrto sell merchandi.se \,?ithln ttre public parlrsMr. Deglau stated that he wished tc' <strong>sc</strong>l,L truttons r+ithpicturesin tlrc park arttrs of the llownsh.ip, and thl.*; worrld jusf be forthe strmrner rnont.lrsMoved by Councill.orSeconded lry'CotrnclllorRogersBurrows,THAT Roland Dc1il.au tre granted permission pursuant toParks tsy-Law t:o sell merchandise as shown co Counci.lMuni.cipal Parks for tl're year 19<strong>82</strong>.ther,rithinre order- ofbusiness orr the Agerrda was changed co deal witl-r the folloruing iterns:CarrledTII!3.I-9I*IT]INI.WT_-P4RI(S:Attached is Report No. DR-<strong>82</strong>-11.Moved by Councillor Lyons'- !;a) Slmcoe Street Dock Reconstrucflon ProJect.Seconded by Reglonal Courrcillor Mcleani :TFIAT Ehe Terrder Contr-acf #P<strong>82</strong>-Ol*O1. for: the reconsl*rr.rctiorrof the Dock known as Jacl

4CouncJ.l Mirrute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-1?*tq- 19<strong>82</strong> 06 2/+,REPORT OF THE DIRIICTOR OF RECREATION & PARKSTSinrcoe Street Dock. Reconst,ruition Project.Ilr, Laviolette spoke lo members of Council regardingthis maEEer, and presented a Petition reguesting repairof the dock r,i,iIIl'b)PEFFFiI{I,AI'J PARK, DRAINAGE ',Attached r'-s Report No. <strong>82</strong>-O6 of the AsslstantDi rector' of Recrearlon and Parks .Moved by CouncillorSeconcled by CouncillorShepherdl,yons,-.--::THAT Lhe llender submitted by John Link Enterprises, Box 2O4,Sutton West, 0nfario, for the consflrucl-ion of dr:ai.nageworks , Li.ons Community Park , Pefferlaw, Of<strong>lt</strong>arid, Corrtract-.#PL{<strong>82</strong>-O6=OI at a tol-al terrder pr.-icc of $5,653.90, be accepted.Carried.It_IIc)EFFECT OF NIiW WA'TIiR SAFETY R.AT}JS ON BUDGET}II) REVENi.]ES :Attached is Repor:tNo. <strong>82</strong>-04 of the Recreation & ParksDepar:tment Program Assistant:Moved by Corrncill.orRogersSeconded by CouncillorShepherd.THAT Counci.I approve a Fifty Dollar: maxinum family ratefor a single session and $8O.Q0ma;timunt fanrlly rat-efor two sessions effecLi.ve immedlacelv for: t-he l.9B? Wat-crSafety Progrnm,A recorded vote was requested.The Clerk recorded the vote asRegional Councillor l'lcl-ean -Counclllor LyonsCouncll-1or O'GradyCouncill.or RogersCouncillor ShepherdCouncil.Ior WirrchMayor DalesfollowsrYeaYeaYeaYeaYeaYeaYeaCouncillorBurrovrsNayYea * 7Nay * ICar:rled;

5Councllc-<strong>82</strong>-r2Mirrutes-5- 19<strong>82</strong> 06 24.7 . COMt'ItlNICATIONS Ia IThe Sutton and Dlstrlcc As,soclaEion for thcMentally Retarded l'trork Experi.ence proposal -This was dealr with under Irem6,Deptttatlons.b)Basil NoeIs, P. Eng', Gener:irl Manager:r*Soutlr LalceSimcoe Conservatlon Authority, indi-catinB that theAuthorif-y will. address a desig,n of a dam for- Suttonwith cosi: esl-Imates and also address sources of furrdsfor: dam replacement.This was received for informatl.on,c)Brian T. Peterkins, Super:vlsor of ConservationService, SouthLake Sincoe Conserval-ion AuthoriEy,indicatlng thaf- the Authority is unable to continueMunicipal cI ean-up services as Part of thettExperience<strong>82</strong>rr program this year:.Thls was rcceived for information'td)Copy of a l.etger to G . S . G'raharn , C1.erk-Admini s f,ra torofi.tre Township of Brock fr:om David Peterson, Leader ofthe Opposition aeknowledging rccei.Pt- of thelr endor-semetrfof thb-r:esolution of the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> concerrring,Hi.ghwrry 89 and indicating that Lhc maLter has beert brotrglrttcl-the attention oll Eric Cunnlngham, MPP 'This was received for lnformalion,e)R. Vernon, C1erk, Reglonal MunicipalS-ty of Yorki.ndicating the Regional CouncJ-1. endor:sed ttre resol-uti.onof tlre Township of Geotgina concerning Hi.ghway 89.This was received for information.of l.ett-er frorn N. Ross SEevenson, MPPrf) Copy of the l.etl-er tron K, Koss SEevensonr Mrto-The Honourabl.e James Snow, l'llnister: of TheMi.nistry of llransportation and ComrnutricaLions urgi-ngttrat conslderation be given to proceed wifhthe easterlysection of llighwaY 89.This was received for lnforttratl-on.s)James Snow, Minister of Ministry of Trarrsportationarrd Commurrication advi.sing that a suppl-ementaryconstruction allocation of $28'OOO'00 has beenapproved for the Township of ['-eorg,ina.This was received for lnformatlon.th)Brendan Macl,tr61r, Sttlderrt Pl.acetlcnt 0fficer, Ne\+matket:,'fotCanada Employment Centre Studerrts, indicaEing thatthe Centre is now open frorn Monday to Fri-day of eachweekworking to assist students in thelr searchfor worl

6Council. Minute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-12-6- 19<strong>82</strong> 06 24.7, COMT1UNICATIONS (Contd. . . ,)1r,R. Roy McMur:try, Attor:ney Gener:al enclosing .acopy ofhis leruer to Mrs. ScotE and Mrs. Boelryk of theParei<strong>lt</strong>s Advisory Committee of [he Sutcon Dis{-rictHigh School, withrespect to sentenci.ng drug offcndersbefore tl-re CourEs.This was reccivetj for information.iIj) R. Vernon, Clerk, Regional Mttnlcipality of York,enclosing tlre detcr:mirraClon matle by the "Clcrk fof theCounty Mr.rnicipaliEytt in the matter of the compositlonof the York Region Romarr Catholic Separate SchooLBoardrThis was receiverl for information. I8.PETTTIOI'{S:Ther-e $rere norle .9.COMMII'TEE AND OTHER RHT]ORTS ;l,a) Committec of the Whole r:ecommendations of June17rh, 19<strong>82</strong>.I. Moved by Regional Councillor McleanSecondcd by CouncillorO I Grady.Tt{A'f Council- adop.t Report No. P-<strong>82</strong>-27 of theDirector of Planrrirrg wit-h refer:ence to tlnderslzedRural (ttU) Lots as a guideline for futurc,' tezonlng,s i.n B1ock 7, being lancls de<strong>sc</strong>ribed asPar:l- of Lots 1, ? and 3, Concess:Lon 7 (NC).,Carried2. Moved try Councillor Ro6iersSeconded by CouncillorBurrowsTHAT the followirrg Ltems be clefcrred urrt il EtreEnvir:onmentall.y SignificanL area studles trrr fhaSorrth Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority trave beeirapprovecl(A) THAT as a prer:equisite to zoni.ng amendmentapproval for lots i.rl t'.he said bl.ock that eaclrowner receivcr the written approval of ttre SouttrLake Slmcoe Conservatl.on Arrt:horitv arrrl YorlcRegional Heal.th Unir for tireir reslrective lot.(B) THAT subJect to fhe above approva'ls, tlra[ fheminimum frorrf 'yard sefback T5merres for: l-hoselots fronting orrto the Ser'enEh Concesslon Roadt

Councll Mi.ntrEe<strong>sc</strong>*<strong>82</strong>-r29. COMMITTEII AND OTHER REPORTS (Conrd... ).-7* 19<strong>82</strong> 06 24.(C) THAT no developmenf he considered on the lotpresently'owned by Thorncon unless the EiEihrhConcesslon Road is opened and assumed..A recorded vote was requested.The Clerkrecor:ded the.voEe as foll"ows:Councill.or Burrow$ -.YeaCouncillor Rogers - Yea .Regiorlal Counclllor Mclcan *NayCouncillor Lyons :",NayCouncillor O'Grady - NayCouncillor Shepherd - mnitCouncr'Ilor hlinch - NayMayor Dales- NayNay - 6Yea - 2Defeatecl ,7i ii r[,,l liL tr {[ .t '=i rI <strong>lt</strong>I ,;l, rt,i EI liI FI itl 'ri $I il1 II , iI ,| ,i Il-ill*"j: 1Moved by Reglonat Councillot Mclean(A) TttAT as.a-prerequisite to zoning amendrnerrtapprovalfor lols in tlre said block Lhirf, eachIowner recej.ve the written approval of the Soulhl^,ake Simcoe Conservation Autiroritv .qncl yorkRegi,onal tteatth Unit for Eheir reipe(:tive lot;Seconded by Courrcillor:OrGrady.(B) THAT subject to the above approval.s, i-hat the minimumfro't yard setback ',$be T5metres for those rots frontingonto the Severrth Concession Road;(c) 1'HAT no devel-oprnent be corrsidered on the J,ot presentr-yownecl by-Thornton unless ttre Eighth Concession Road l..ii:.jlis opened and assumed,A recorded vote wa$ requested.The Cl.erk recorded the votc asRegional Counclll.or McleanCouncill.or LyonsCounclllor OrGradyCouncilJ.or RogiersCouncil I or ShepherdCouncil I or liinchMayor Dalesfol-lows :- Yea- Yea* Yea- Yea- Yea- YeaCouncillorBurrowsyea _ 7Nay - I- NaytCar'ried.

Courrci.l Mi.nute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-12*8-19<strong>82</strong> 06 24B9. COMt'lITTfin AND OTI{ER REPORTS (Contd.tMovcd by CouncillorOtGradySeconded by Councillorl,Jinch.'THAT the zoning amendmenE appli-cation byl{nns Ir-rdustrlal Tr:adi.ng Cor-poration to permit<strong>lt</strong>hc erecfion of a singl,e famil.y rlwclling beapproved condiLional upon thos.e cond<strong>lt</strong>ions setfort-h tn 3 (a) ofReport No* P-<strong>82</strong>-27 and rheconvcyance of a 5 metre road widening, free ofal.l costs ancl encumbrances to lhe Regional.Municipality of York.A recorded vote was requested ,The Clerk recorded fheReglonal CotrncillorCouncillor BurrowsCouncillor LyonsCopncillor: O'GradyCounclll.or RogersCouncillor ShepherdCouncil-lor t'linchMayor DaIesvote as follows :Mclearr - Yea- Yea- Yea- yca'_ yea_ yea. _ yea_ yeaYea - INay - OCarried.4.Moved by Councillor:OtGt:aclyScconded by CouncillorShepherr:d.THAT pursuant to Section 6 (l)80-313 belr-rg" aCourrcil of thethe r-equest ofthe restri-cledsai.d By-Law toportion of theof Bv-Law No.By-Law to control r-roi"", that theTownship of <strong>Georgina</strong> hereby aDprovesLeBrun Constructors Lim<strong>lt</strong>er] to reclucetimes for corr$Lruction as set out i_rrthe following times, during the mirr:ineraw wa[er: i.ntake contract.ir:iriRESTRlCTEDTIMES;I )2 )3 )Week Days * 8.3O p.m. ro 6.3O a.m.Sal-urdays * 12.01 a.m. to 6.3O a.m.5p.*. ro 12.Ol_.a.m.Sundays & StafutoryHolidaysl^lorhI'ro1-ribi.ted.t- ICarrled..9.i'ili,l<strong>lt</strong>i.i l:

ti9sfCouncil Minute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-12-9-t9B2 06 24,ffl}jii9. COMMITI'TF:II AND OTtlllR REPORI]S (Contd6.Moved by CouncillorSeconded by COuncill.orLyonsRoger:s'THAT a By-Law be passed to arilend By-Law No.-89,such fhat a Portion of Rivcr Dr:ive, Plarr 204, nowRiver CJrcle, is assumed from Cre<strong>sc</strong>ent Road to theeasterly limit of Pl.an 2O4 arrd that- Ehe remaini.rigof River Drive i.s assurtred fr:om Hedge Eo Riler:Moved by Coutrcill.orRogersCarrledSecondecl by Regional Courrctl-lor Mcl,ean.THAT the Road Depar:rment be authorizeclapproximaEely:toPurChaseportionCircLe.:i;llil+ii.i:1iii:liilfI,;:i{^r,lT 'ii'lit1. l,1OO Tonnes of coars,e wintersa<strong>lt</strong>2. I,OOO Tonnes of winter sandthr:or,ipih t,he Reg,ional Municipalityacceprted tender price for wirrter19<strong>82</strong>*1983 Winter season.of York at theiisancli.rrg duri.ng theiCarrled7 .Moved, by CounclllorRogersSeconded by Counc-iIlor l.yons .1,' THA'I the Clerk of fhe Township'oll <strong>Georgina</strong> advi.se ttreOrrtari.o Murricipal Boar:d Ltrat Council has heard theobjectiorrs submitfed fo By-Law No. 91f-Bl"-153 ( PL--5 )and takeE tlrc posi.tion that the objecti.ons,do not meri,trepeallng the said.By-Law,.2, THAT Report P-B?-?5 which clet-aj.Is thc fluniclpality'spositjon to Ehe object-ions referrecl to in 1 above, beattached as ari appendix to tlre Afflclavil- of the Clerkto be forwarded Eo the Orrtarj.o Municipal BoardCarried.. .... . .. .lcMoved by Reglonal. Councillorl'lcleanSecorrde.d by Council.l.orO'Grady*<strong>lt</strong>. TI1AT Notice be sent to the property taxpayers listedon the aElacl'red list informing t,hem of flre. recommerrdationsnrade withregard to their app<strong>lt</strong>cal-ion uflder Sectioir496 of The Muntcipal Act, and,}TLIAT a perlod of sixteen (16) days be allovred after themailirrg ofsuch notic€J durlr"ri3which the appllc.arrtmayappeal fhe r:ecommencla.tion of lhe AssessmcrnE Officc. andI O.

I 0Council. Minute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-L?.*lo-]9<strong>82</strong> 06 24ti9. g(Contd,...)3. THAT fai<strong>lt</strong>ng an appeal, tiy the applicanf during thcperiod of notice the .atCached Tax r:emissl-on Ii'stof applicati.ons for adjustmenfs.of pr:oper!.y taxesfor the year I98l be wriEten off as urrbollecl-lb<strong>lt</strong>:uncler Section 495 of The Flunici.pal AcrCarrledCouncillor Bttrrows declar:ed a possi.Lrle Conflict ofInterest regarding the above item and did not ta<strong>lt</strong>cparE in any di<strong>sc</strong>ussiorr ancl did nol vol-e''.litI.Councillor Rogers declared a possible Conflj.ct oIInter:est regarding the above ifem and did not Lakepart in any di<strong>sc</strong>ussion atrd di,d not vote'Moved by Councillor:LYonsSeconded by CouncillorRogersTI{AT the Mayor and Cl,erk of the Corpor:afion of theTownshi.p of <strong>Georgina</strong> be aut-hor:i.zed to sign the neccssnrydocumentation to er:rt-er inl-o a Lease AgrecmCnt. wil-htlreSuttofl & District Associ.ation for the Mentally Rctardedfor the Lease of the Elmgr:ove Conmunity Flall, Part ofLot15, Con. 7 (NG).CarriedIlO. Moved by Counci.ll.or l.YonsSeconded by Councll.lorShepherd.TI{AT the request; of Mr, Ka.j Davai fot all exeill)tlon fromtl-re provi.siorrs oI orrr Noi-se Control By-Law to doconslrucLional trork on his Da<strong>lt</strong>on Road house on Sundaysand Statutory Holiclays as indicated in hj.s letter, bedenied!ICarrled.tl. Moved by Councillor RogersSeconded bY CouncillorWinchI. THAT the Prohj-bitlon byTable 4-I of Bv-Law No.fotlows:Time and Place irs listed8Cl-313. be arnended asProhibitcd I'eri,od ofReslderrti.al Area,on'l'inre*l4. The operation of any electronicdevice or g,roup of corrnecfedelectronic devices incor:poral-i.ngone or more loudspce<strong>lt</strong>ers of, ottrere loctro-mecharrical tratrsducer sand lnt-encled for Ehe pr:oduction,repr:oducti.ort or ampl. i.f i, catiorr ofsound.At all. tinres11

JtCouncil Mi.nuEe<strong>sc</strong>*8?-L?-1r- L9B2 06 24.9. COMMITTEII AND OTI{IjR RIiPORTS(Contct, . . )I Iill:l;:iii:,":;l:1 c';f *rne9. Irersi"stent barking, calll-ng orwhl-ni.ng or ot-her si.milar- fiersistefllnoise making by any domestic pctot any other animal kept or: usedfor any purpose other thanagric,titure. At all times.1f. Yeiling, shouting, or ho.rti.ng At aLl times.2, (k) I'Noise" be amended from rfurrwirnf.eclsoundil to trun\"tarrantedsouttdtt . At all trlmes,Carried.1,rtrgE,xT'i'{li$4$it$ '4ir,1tit.lit'ial;;t+i rf'I:i,E12. Movcd by Regional Corrnci.llor Mclcan$econded by Council lorWlnchTHAT Wl{ERfjAS the I'{inistry of Agr:icu<strong>lt</strong>r-rre and Fooclhas advised Municipalities that charrges have berer.rmrrde tc) l-heir: poli.cies rel.aLi.ng to Til.e Dr:ainage Loans;AND WI{ERIIAS Loan applications previotrsly subnritted but notcompletel-y funded becar-r<strong>sc</strong> of a laclc of funclsl are no\,Jresfricfed fr:om75% to a maxjmurn of 6O% of thc-r Lotal. cosjr;THRREFORE,' BA IT RESOI,VED THAT rire Mini$rry of t.51,riculrureand Food be t:equested to amend t-heir: pc-rlicy $o that it i.s rrotref,roactive and fhe applicants who have aire;rcly rcceriveclpart-ial funding under-, the previous policy of Lhe Mi.rristryfor 75% of the cosf, obtain tl-re additional llurrclo that theywould have otherwise been entitled to.Carric+d.Councj"llor Burrows left the meeLing at this time (1O.35 n.m.)b) REPORT O}' TI{E CH1EF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER:Georg,;irra Hydro Electr:icAttachedMoved bySecondedTHAT the<strong>Georgina</strong>followslls Report No. CAO*<strong>82</strong>*O7.Councill-orby Councill.orLyonsCommission RemunerationShepherd.19BZ remuneration for thcr memllers of theI'lydro-Electri.c Commlssion be established asfirri:ll$iil;i,-<strong>lt</strong>r:frtr r, ix'!:Ịti iir l?I!,,iitiLil,,f,tChalrman- .l MemberCart{ed.$80O.OO per annum$600.OO per arrnum.12. .

Counci 1. MinutesF fr,, 1 N-r2- r9B2 06 24.129. COMMTTTEE AND OTHER RAPORTS (Contd.c )FIRE DEPAI{TMEN'I REI'ORT F'OR THE MONTII OF MAY,19<strong>82</strong>.This was recelvcd for: informatiori.4i.t$JiitrlO.UNFINISHED BUSINI'l'SSria) Regional Courrcillor Mclean asked for a rePortto be pr:esentcd Eo the next Cotnmittce of thelWhole meeting, as to how the pagers were worlii.ngout''Thi.s was referred-to Mr:. A.l'layne l^loodso ChlefAdministrative Qfficer: .1r. _B::!4!e:Cor,rnci ilorCouncillorLyonsRog,ersTHA'I By-Law No. 8?-*87(lIR*l) beinga By-I,aw to amcnd )}y-Law No. 80-4DB(TR-1) of the Murrici.pal Corporation ofthe Towrrshi.p of <strong>Georgina</strong> be now reada first, second and thi.r:cl l-j.mes, passedand numbered by the Mayor and tireCIer:k,CarrledI3Y-LAW NO. 8?--87(TR-r)Passed, signed irnd sealed by theMavor and the CIer:lc.CouncillorCouncill-otWinchRogcrsTHAT By-Law Ncr. <strong>82</strong>-88(CON-I) beinga Bv-Law t-o autl'roriea tilc exccutionof a l,ease Agreemenf .bet\{een TheCorporation of the Towrrship o1-<strong>Georgina</strong> and Uhe Suttpn nncl Distri,ct-.Associati-on for the Mentall-yRetar:cled, be rrow read, a firsE,second arrd thir:cl times, passecl andnumbered by tl-re Maynr and l-he Clerk.Carri.ed' Bv-LAw rr*0. <strong>82</strong>*88(coN*l)Passed, slgnecl ancl sealecl try theMayor and l-he C1erk.CouircillorCounclllorl'linchRogersTHAT lly*Law No. <strong>82</strong>*89(r,A-3) being aBy*Law to repcal lly-Law No.8I-114(LA-3) be ilow reacl a first,second and Lhir:d t-imes , pas<strong>sc</strong>d arrdnumberecl by the Mayor: and the Clerl

3:iTi,.,,CounciJ Mirrute<strong>sc</strong>*<strong>82</strong>-L2-13-19<strong>82</strong> 06 24.ii11 . F-Y:!44E--l9e$-d--,..)CouncillorCouncillorSlrepherdRogers1'l{AT By*L;tw No.'<strong>82</strong>*90(LA-3) bcirrga lly*l,aw |o dedicate certaln J.andas beirrg a Prrblic Highway andforming par-t of F-ifLh StLeer, bt:now read a firs{-, second and thj-rdtimes, passecl ancl numbct"ed by thcMayor and the Clerk.Carrlcd,BY-LAtd NO. <strong>82</strong>-90(LA-3)Passed, signed artd seal-ed by theMayor.and thr: Cl.erk.CotrrrcillorCounclllonI'lirrchLyonsTHAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-91(PWO-Z) beirrg;a By-Law Eo amend By-Law llo, 89,betng a By-Law to assufle cert-ainRoads in the Townshil.r of Geor:gina,Carr:ied.BY-LAI^J NO. <strong>82</strong>-91(Pl^10*2IPassed, signed ancl sealetl by ttrtlMayor and the C-l erk.ICounclllorCor.rncillorWlnchShepherdTHAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-92(Pl'lli-I) beinga Ry*Law to amend By-Law No,BO-313(Pl^lE-1) being a By*Lawto Cont.rol Noise, be now read afirst, secend and third t--i.nrc+s,passed and number:ecl by the Mayorin

4-r4-L9<strong>82</strong> 06 2/4Councillor: O'Gr:advCouncillor- Lyons - THA'I];1. fhe indebt-edrrc,ss of the l(eswickCourrcll Minufe<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-1?12. OTHER MOTIONS (Contd.and Sutton Minor l{ockey Assoclationsfor the 1979-80 hochey season notbe for:gi.vcn al thls time andcontlnue fo be carrj-ed as anAccounts Receivabl..e on L-.he Torvnship<strong>records</strong>i2. THAT ri mor:atoTium be placed onthis accouu<strong>lt</strong> untll 1983 arrd thatno efforl- be made co col.l.ect rrr-lvadcllElonal nronies for 19<strong>82</strong>fl1r;:Recorded Vote l:equested :The Clerk recordcd the vo[e aEfollowsiRcgional Councillor: Mclean -Councillor LyoirsCotrncill.or OtGr:adyCouncillor RogiersCor,rncilJ.or: $hepl'rerd -Mayor DalesCounci.llorWi.nchYeaYeaYeaYeaNaytix'''f;Yea - 6Nay - 1Carried.13. OTI{ER BUSINESSa) Uith the aij,rcement of rhe Members of Council.Mr. Emsley adclrrrssed Cotrnci I r:egartlirrg a pr:oblemwiEh go-carrs, ski.doos efc., drlvitrg aror.lnd at t'.heCemetery on <strong>lt</strong>l.ack River Road .Counclllor Lyons to check this matter out.Moved by Reg,ional. Counci-l-l,or McLeanSeconded by CouncillorWinch.tTIIAT the Council continue past, lhe hour ofI1 p.n. to complete the order of busirrcss onthe Agerrda .Carried."l15. . .ilit' i

5Councilc-<strong>82</strong>-12Miitut(rs-I5-L9<strong>82</strong> 06 2413. OTHER BIISTNIISS' (Contd. - . )b)Courrcillor OtGrady reg,arding l<strong>lt</strong>rL Biking. intlestpark, stated t-lrat 'the Broup would l-i<strong>lt</strong>e tohave'a meetiDg to try and gef someLhirrg resolvedThis was referr:ed to a Public Affair:s Commit-teeMeetlng, date Lo be set.c )Regional Corrncillor Mclean r;egarding Policest<strong>lt</strong>istics, fe).I that tlre Tor.rnshi-p should requesta breakdown, so LhaL, the trcnds aL'e knowrr.Moved .byRegional CotrncllJor Mcl,eanSecondecl by Counci1.1.or: l,YonsTHAT the Po}ice Commissiorr be requested to pr:ovidethe Tlor,rnship of Ceorgina witha conti.iluation of rhecomplete statlstica i. Lrreakdown of uhe lypes of _crime and the numbets of occurrcrrces of both adu<strong>lt</strong>ancl juvenile offences itr <strong>Georgina</strong> Township asprovided in 1981, atrd ttre staListics corrtinuingro June 19<strong>82</strong>, r'-f possible..Ca:rriedl,d)Cotrncll}or Shenlrerd tabled a l-etf.er from thePeninsul,a MoteI in Pefferl-;rw, wi.th refererrce toadmissi-on charges at the Holmes Point Par:k'Thls was refer:red to the Director of Parlcs andRecreaLionc)Corrncl-11or: Rogers rcg,ar:ding an arLicle from ttreAssociation of Mrrrrici"paLities of OnEario re:ReEail Salers I'ax Inrpact on Murriclpal Govertrnterrt.The fottowingMoti.on was intr:oduced;Moved by CouncillorRogersSecondad by Counci"llorQrGtrtdy.TI{AT the CrtunciJ. of the Tounship of Georg5-na requcsl:the Treasur:er of Orrfario and the Minj.sfer of Economicsto reconsi.der thc Mi-ni.stry ' s decision to apply Pr(rvj.nci;rlSales Tax to such br.rdgetary it-ems as buil,di-ng maferials,steel, concreLa, 5iravel, asyrhall and so forttr toMurri.ci.pal CovernnrErrts, and reverse its pr:esent cor.rrse ofactionCar:ric:d-l16. ._.

-l| 6Corrtrci-I Mlnute<strong>sc</strong>-8?-12*16-r9B2 06 24.] 4 . BY-I-AW TO CONFIRM PTTOCF,ED]NGS :Counclllor: LyonsCounc j.l l.or: O'GradyBY-LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>-93(COU-z)THAT By-Law No. tj?-g3(COU-2)brring a By-l-aw to Confi ril LheProceedings of Counci.I at itsrneetlnB trel-

5c-8e*11THD COSPORATION OF THE TI}IIINEIIIP OF OEOIIGINAIN l]HEREGIONAL IUUNICIPAI,ITY OF YORKCOUNCIL MINUTES]9<strong>82</strong> 06 107.3O p.m.The Council of the Townshipof <strong>Georgina</strong> met in theCouncll Chamber:s of the <strong>Georgina</strong> Civic Centre, R.R. #3,Keswlck, Ontarlo.The Mayor called the mecting to order .at-7.4Op.m.1. l,{wj{tqFMEI}ITAIIOII:A moment of meditation was observed by Counci_1 merohers.2. I{OLL CALI,:The Clerk reported that allpresent.members of Council were3, CpN.FLICTpISCLOSURqS:a) Councillor Rogers, w<strong>lt</strong>fr reg.*rd to itemg a (3)Conmittee of the Whole Report, Clar:lyn llelghte', Drive, declared a possible Conflict of Interestand did not take part in any di<strong>sc</strong>ussion and didnot vote,'.''4. I,{INUTE$ OF PREVIOW METITINGS:"t*"-- * -* -t"--t.of l,lay ?Oth, 19<strong>82</strong>.iMoved lry CouncillorLyons""unci1meetingSeconded by Council.IorOtGradyTIIAT the Minutes of the Special Councill4eetlng of il4ay Z0th, 19<strong>82</strong>, be adopted withthe following amendment ;" I g, , . ,I lr:$i,rh,iiil[,t..

6Councilc-83*11<strong>lt</strong>{inutes-2- l9 <strong>82</strong> 06 tO .4. WIILITE$ o! PIEVIQUE- [tItFlTI'NG$lqo!44..-LTIIAT on page ? item2, theMoverrs nslmebe changed from'Councillor OrCrady toCouncillor Lyoris.Carried.b)Ir{jnutes of the [tegular: Council meetingof lr{ay 27th, 19<strong>82</strong>lr{oved by COune.ill.or $hepherdSeconded by CouncillorRogersTITAT the l4inutes of the Regu]ar Councilmeeting of May 27tlr, 19<strong>82</strong>, be adopted withthe following amendtnent:THAT on page 2, l;tr. Douglas Vanderbergrs natne bechanged to "Mr. Sic.<strong>lt</strong>eilr' of Plrase II Heal Estate,Keswick.. Carried. . . . . . . | . . , . r . .COM}IIJNICATIONS :ita) A,S. Holder, Direetor, Fisher:ies Branclr, Mirristryof Natural Rcsources acknorvledging .reeeipt of theresolution of the Township and indicatir;g that asearch is being conducted for suitable sites for thedevelopment of a fishhatchery ln the Lake Simcoearca and that contact w1l} be macle with the Townslripregarding a visit to the Civic Centre site.This was received for informatiorr.b) John Roberts, Minister of the Environmentr 'indicating that the CORTS Folicies will be publiclyanrrounced on June 12th, 19<strong>82</strong>, and that COftllS staffwill be meetiug with Council jn tlre fubure to go overthe poJ.i.cies and answer any questions that may arise.i1firis was received for information.c) l,{r. I.B. IIarl, District Manager, },{uple Distrj.ct,encJosj.ng a copy of their booklet "I'/e Can llelp" andinviting Council to attentl an opein house presentatj.onin Newmalket on June ??nd, 19<strong>82</strong>.This was referredto resolutions.Jd) George Ashe, lli.rtister of Revenue, lndicating' that Mr. W. Donohue, Directo.r of Field Operations forthe Froperty As<strong>sc</strong>ssment Prograrn, will be preparing atax.impnct study employirrg tI 1.980 l,larkcit Val.ue basellor revjcrv by Oeorgina Council.This was rec.eivetJ f.or information.3. . ..

7Council M-inute<strong>sc</strong>-tI:<strong>82</strong>-3* 1e<strong>82</strong> 06 10.5. CQMUUI{ICArIQNF(Qpnttli..)*il Cl.crkts Dspartmcnt, Regional Municipality of, York:f) Submittirrg the estahlislied dates of Commitand Councj.l meetlngs of RegionaLCouncil.tee',Thls wa$ received for inforrnation.ii) Enclosing a copy of Minute 114 of the RegibnalCouncll, relating to the energy conservati onthrouglr Land Use Planning.thi.s was received for information,iii) An outline of the status of Private Home QayCare in each area Municipality.,Thls was recelved for i.nformation ,f) Sutton Distljct High School, Mr. A.L. MacQuarrie,PrincipaJ., regarding a project being planned bythe SF:ecial Needs Comnittee namt:d Sutton MuLtiAssistance Centre.l,Ihis was received forc infomation. The'CfriefAdministrati.ve Officer to exprens thanks to Mr.l{acQuarrie.g) George Bur:rows, Counclll,ox, regarding Conflictof Interestin the Councll Minrrtes of 19<strong>82</strong> 05 13.Scction 3 (b) -withdrew his Conflict.Ttris was vecelved for inforrnat-ion. i I6. PETITIONS:There were none.7. CQMMITflTEAILpOJT{EJ.8Ep(ETS:a) Coilnni-ttee of the Whole rec'onrmendations ofJunc 3rd, 19<strong>82</strong>.Moved by Councillort$econded by Couneill-orRogersSheplrerd.1. 1. 1TIAT By-Law No. 737 and amending By*Law No.tR*6O(PWO-3) be rspealed.2. THAT a By-Law 'lie passed requiri.ng owners in theCorununity of Keswick to connect to the water andsewaEe systems rvithin two years of th.e date ofNotice requiring owners to connt:ct.* I4. . . .3, fifAT ihe said Notice requlr'i.ng owlrers to colrilcctto the water and servage systera br: inserted in thefocal nervspaper.t,i.. :l,riij,:

Councll ll{inute<strong>sc</strong>-8?-11-4*iv) 'assufiEdthe road must have directroad.access to an19<strong>82</strong> 06 10.CQMMITTIiBANDOTIIERRBPORTS(Contd...)2. 1. TIIAf the priorities set out in Appenclix Vof Report TE-8S-22lre used as a gulde wlrt,'nestablishing unasJsumed road reconstruction' proiects2. TIIAT prior to undertaking a road reconstructionproject, the following cT<strong>lt</strong>elia shall besatisfied.' i) the Townshi.p must have clear title to therequired road all"owance widthii) the Level of sonstluetloh roquitsed foraEsumption must be physically practicaliii) the benefitting residents rnust $rubmit &Pet<strong>lt</strong>ion in favour of the reconstructlonproJect slgned. by 66 2/3% of tbe residentsB3.THAT the level of road malntenance for unassumedroads shalI be 'snow ploughing, ice control andgrading when feasible, and one (1) a.pp]icationof dust layer per year, if nec+:ssar'y. Nogravelllng or roadside maLntenance shall beperforfied.=----(4.fiIAT the unopened road allowa"nces wi1l be openedby the Munlctpal<strong>lt</strong>y. If a property owners wishesto open Bn unopened road at his expeflse, the roadshall be opened to the lulnimwr stblrdardnecessary for assumptton Across the entirefrontage of the property er{eept.in the casewhere the property is the last property on anunopened road where only sufficient road to gainEcsess to the property need be opened. It shallbe the responsibility of the property orvnerundertaking the work to fiake arrangernents withthe owner on the opposite side of the road forcost Eharing.3, TIIAT the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> respectfully request thatthe Frovince of Onterlo amend Seetion 2LO(29) of theMunicipal Act so that it would allow a llunlcipality toregulate the di<strong>sc</strong>harge of any weapon includlng long bowsand cross bonrsr. w<strong>lt</strong>hin the boundaries pf theMunI clpali ty.Carried.?) Eovb'd by Councillor Lyons$econded by CounclllorOrGrady'ldfnf tn* request of Mr- J. Pearen to enter lnto asharing arrangeflIent with the Torrnship of <strong>Georgina</strong>lesser amount of 5O%.or $I5,OOO.OO of the cost toClarlyn lleIghts Drive, be approved.Carried.costfor.tbereconstruct'".-- -*'fFt

9Counci I lvlinute<strong>sc</strong>-d2-11-5-19<strong>82</strong> 06 10.7. CoItI{l TrIIE AI<strong>lt</strong> OIEER BIlpoSs (cqnt4. . . )b) Buildl-ng Departnent ReportMay, 19<strong>82</strong>.Counc.illor Rogers declared a possible Conflictbf Interesf with rcgard to thie item and did nottake part 1n any di<strong>sc</strong>ussion and did not voteforthe Monthof,iIc)This was received ,for information.Animal C'ontrol Report forthe Month of April,ll.9<strong>82</strong>.IIThis was received for information. iThe Chief Adminlstrative Officer was airected:tocontact the Roads Superintendent and the RegionalBoads Department for verification as to pick up ofdead anirnals.1Id )i IEBonTolr<strong>lt</strong>u-curEi) Salvation ArmyAttached is Refrort No. CAO-<strong>82</strong>-O6.Moved by Counclllor<strong>lt</strong>ogersSeconded by Councillor Lyons. rTHAT the Council of the Towrrship of <strong>Georgina</strong>declare thc week of JuIy 4, 19<strong>82</strong> to 'July l0th,19<strong>82</strong>, inclusive, as "SALVATION ARI{Y WEEK" in theTownehip of Georgi.na and that a flag raisi.ngceremony be heJ.d, date to be announced, J.n honourof this decfaration.[,r Ii,l{Ite)The Chief Adnri.nlstrafive Officer to contact Major FredGoobic,A

1 0ClounciJ, I'linute;<strong>sc</strong>*<strong>82</strong>*11 ' *6- lF, <strong>82</strong> 06 lO.co\lllTLqAwlal{td.:.Jf) R]IPOIIT OIT T]UJ I]EPUTY CI,EIII(:i) Tile ljrain'dge Loans,Attachedis Heport No. DC*S?-O4.Moved by CouncillorSmockutnSe;conded by Councillor J,yons,THAT a Rating lly-I",arv.tre passed in the amount 'of$11r2OO.OO to meet the loan request as submittedhy Donald J. Rae. for 111u Dr:ainage purposes,Carried.B.EV-i,AEE;ICoun ci J-1or LyonsCouncil.lor $mockutnBY*LA!{ NO. 8?*6l(Pilr0-z)Reg-Councr.llor lfcl,eanCounciflor llo[tersTIIAT lly*Law No. <strong>82</strong>-61(PWCI*2) lrej,nga By-Larv to Rename South DrivcRegistered Flan No. 566,'Lo IIun{;IeyDrivc, be now read a thixd time,and fj.nal1y passr€d by the llayor andQepury. cl"tkc*""ied,. .Passed, signed and sealed hy theMayor and Deput-y Clerk ,TIIAT lly-Law' No. <strong>82</strong>-BO(LO-2) beinira l3y*Larv to .RepeqJ <strong>lt</strong>y*Law No. 7:]'/and amending By*L,aw No. TR-6O,being By-Laws requiring owncr$ o{buildilrgs to connect to the sewageworhs, be now rencl a first, ,secondarrcl tbird tim,:.'rt, prrssed and nunbert:rlby tire lr{riyor rrnrl DeDuEy Clerh ,Carried,BY*],AH NO, <strong>82</strong>-80tLO-2)Fassed, signed dnd sealed by theMa1lol andDePutY, Clerlc.*lCouncillorCourrci llorRogersSmockumTIIAf By-Law No. B?-Bl(r,O*2) bcringa Ey*Larv passed pursuant to thelrrovisionss of thtl lrilunicipal Act, torcquixe tl:e owners of build:inpgswithin the Community of He.srvick inthe Townsliip of <strong>Georgina</strong> to connc+stto ttre water and sewage wor.ks of theMunicipality ancl exernptirrg ownersof eertain classes of buil,tinfi,sfrorn the alrpl.ication o.f suchconnection requi.rcrneuts upon paymentof conrputed anlounts to the ,Mrrnictpali.ty, tro now read a filst,second arid thj rd ti,nes passed andnurnbr:red by the L4ayor andDcuut-.y Clerk.. A recordcd votc was requested:7, , . ,

1 1Counci 1 l,ti.rrutei;c-<strong>82</strong>-1r*7- 19 <strong>82</strong> Q6 10 .IB. BY-lA<strong>lt</strong><strong>lt</strong>rtlotld,,.:_)The Clerlq recorded the vote as follows:Reg-Council]or: MclcarrCouncif-l.or BurrowsCouncillor LyortsCounci.l lor O'GradyCounci I Ior RogersCouncillor Shc+pherdCoun cillor SmockutrrCouncillor: WinchMayor l)ales ,- Yea- Yea* Yea* Yea* Ye a* Yea* Ye a* Ye a* YeaCarried Un an imous ly .BY-LAW NO. B?-81(LO-z)Passed, signed and $eafed Lry the l{ayorand Deputy Clerk.l,CouncilLor O' GraclyCouncj 1lc.rr RogersTI{ATI 'Fy-Law No. <strong>82</strong>*8?(CON-1) being atsy*I,aw to Repeal By-Lirw l{o. BI*92(CON-1}being a lly;lsli!' to author1zi: tl:e lUiryoIand the Cler:k to execute the Lear;eAgrec,.me.nt betveen Davld },{ar:tj.n, Prq:sjdentas Trustees for the Gr:olgina LnwrrBowling CluLr and 'Ihe Corporati.on c-.rf thc;Tol,vnship of <strong>Georgina</strong>, be now read irfirst, secend snd thj.rd tirnes, passed andnumbexed by the hlayor and Deputy Clerk .Carried.FY-r,AwNO. <strong>82</strong>-BP(CON-l)Fn.ssetl, sj-gned andand Ddputy Cler:k.sqaled by the lvliryclr:Counci. LlorCoulrci l<strong>lt</strong>;r'Or GrutlySuoclillm?HAT By*Ltw No. <strong>82</strong>*83(CON--1,) lrerinfi aI3y-I,a.w to atrthorize the l{ayor- ancl tirq:Clerk to execute an Agt:ecment betrveenDavid Martin, President, and JackCudwort.h, Vice lrresident, as Trustr;esfor' the Gc'orgina Lawn Borvl:ing Club and'fheCorporir.tiorr of thr: ?owrisFrip of<strong>Georgina</strong>, ttc now read a first, serroudand third times, passed irrrd, nurnbcr':erlby t<strong>lt</strong>e. Mayot' and DcptiLy Cler:},r.," Carfied..witlrBY-LAW NO. S2-83(CON-1)Atthe;Passed, sSgnecl and sealerl by the li,layor:and Deputv Clerk.this t.imc;, the follorving lr{otion was j.ntrodue.eda$l-eeill(rnt of the menlber$ of Counci].*l B. .

Council [4i.n\tte<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-11-8- 1SB2 0{r 10.1 27. ]IY-LAWS (Contrl.. .. ,)Moved by Councill.orO'GradySeconded by CouncillorLyorrETIIAT WHHRIIA$ an smoutrt of $?0,OOO was includc"d in thel98t Capi.tal lludget of t,he Townstrip of <strong>Georgina</strong> to coverthe net construction costs of Lawn Bowling facil.itiesat t;hc; Civic Centre:AND I{IIII'REAS l,}re balance of t}re funding was to be plovicled bycontribuLi.r)ns frorn the Federa.l. Ncrv I{orizons and lrrovi.ncia}Communit.y Rcrcreation Centres Frograrnmes ;AND WHERiIA$ an advance in tlre .amount of $1O,OOO lras beCnreeeived ftom.New Hori,zons to assj-st with these costs;AND IYI{BREAS additional. expenditurcs lrave been incur:red andmust be paid prior to receipt of the balance clf the NelvIlorizons antl Corrrnun<strong>lt</strong>y }lecreation Ccntres Act funds;BE IT IttEREFORn RESOL,VED TIIAT subject to officialacknowl.edgmer<strong>lt</strong> of tlre availatril.ity of such funds, t;hat theTownship of <strong>Georgina</strong> authorize an additional. expenditureof $lO,OOO (New llorizons $2,OOO, C.It.Ci.A. $8,OOO) pendingreceipt of the balance of the Federrrl and Provincjaf Granl:payment$ .Carri.ed.tIt was noted that the Grand Openiing of the Lawn BowlingFacilitie,s Ert the Civic Centre would be helcl ori July l?th,l9BE at 2 p.n, and invj.tat.ions to attend were extended toMetnbers of Council, Senior Staff, School Board'l'rusteeqRoss Stevelrson, M.L.A. , and Bill Scott, M.P, ,CouncJ.ll.ol IVinchCouncillor SrrtrckumTIIAT Ey-Larv No. li?*84(1'I-.1) bei.nga lly-Law inrposing speci.al annualdrainage rates upon lancl in respect ofwhlclr money is boruowed uncler Tlre TileDrainage Act, 1.971, be now read ir I'ir:sL,second and thircl times, passed andnumlrcred by the Mayor aud rJeputy C1erk.(Donald Rae, I)1. I,ot 14, Con. 5 NG).Carried. , . .BY-LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>-84(Tr-r)Passed, signed and sealed by theMayor' :riid Deputy Clerk*l9.

Councllc-B?*IlMinuEes-9* 198? 06 r0,1 37 .RY-LAI^IS (Corrtd. . . .)Council-1or: Roger:sCouncillor SmoclrunrIIHAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-85(TA-l) beinga l3y-Law f,o adopt f.he e.stimares ofaIl sums required for Regional ,Education ancl Special Area purpo$es,durlng t-he year and co pr:ovide forthe l.evy and collection of suchrates or levies tn the Toh'nship of<strong>Georgina</strong> for ttre year 19<strong>82</strong>, be nowread a first, second and thi.rd ti,rnes,passed and numbered by thq Mayor andDeputy Clcrk.l:BY-LA\^] N0. <strong>82</strong>-.85(TA-1)AI rhistirne, Counci.Ilor:A recordecl vote r,ras roo.ruJ**.1.iThe Clerhrecotcled the vote as follows:Couucillor Lyons * YeaCouncillor 0'Grady * YeaCouncilJor Rogers - YcaCouncil.lor Slrepherd - YeaCouncillor Srnockum - YeaMayor Dales* YeaReg-Councillor Mclean - NayCouncil.lor-. Br.rrrows - NavCouncillor Wlrrch - NavPassgd, signed and sealed by the l'{ayorand Deputy Clerk.o'Grady lefrYea -Nay -6Jthe meeting tfb.OS p.m.)8. OTIIER MOTIOI{S riWith the agrcem{:r<strong>lt</strong> of tlre membersMoti,ons were introduced:of Cour-rcil , thcfollor+ingReg*Counci 1. lor McleanCouncil.lor SnockumTHAII ll<strong>lt</strong>EREAS .ttre Township of Ceorgirrtl,the pri.me recreati.onal- area for: theReglon, is desir:ous of providi.ngsufficient lakefront proJrerty forgeneral acces$ to the public ;AND WI"IEREAS thc Ministrv of NaturaLResour-ces owns signlfi.cint lakcfr-orrrproperty in Ltre Morning Gl.ory Areawhi.chhad speciflc developmcnt plan$for the long termclevel.opnent of theEelands;THEREFORE, BII IT RESOLVAI)'ofrhafi rhe Mini.srryNatural Ri:sources be r:eqtrested toprovlde an updaEe to the Township of<strong>Georgina</strong> on their plans for l-his properfy,and that the Ministry consicler speedtng,up lhe

t4Counci l. I'linttte<strong>sc</strong>* <strong>82</strong>- I l*10-I9B2 ()6 10.B.oTrllilrIroT'LON.s:Counci liorCourrcill.ot'LyonsIlogers'lllAT Counci llor Ken Smockum andRoird Superinte'ndent llotn Ilnre beauthori.aed to atlend thc. Roirds lrrtdTranspo::tation As:sociati.on Annual.Conferc:nce-' in IIalifax, Nova Scotia.Calried.lleg-Counciflor L{cl.,eanCounci 11or Slrephertl1TIAT l,layor Dal.eF, Regr'-onal Council-.lo:rlilcl,ean, Councillor lillnchandCouncillol Shepheld be nanted .as theVoting psf6rgates to thei AMO ConferenceAugust 22nd to August ?51:h, 19<strong>82</strong>, forthe Township of Georgitia.Carried,tReg-Counc.i11or: Ii{cl,eanCouncillor WinchTIIAT WHIIREAS by Ontario Statute, theSouth Lake Sinrcoe Conservati.onAuthority has only 6months to ta<strong>lt</strong>clefial action agninst 1nc{ividuals whoal tc'r natrrral wertercours{rs ,AND 1IIIEIIEAS this tine re$ Lri ctionresu<strong>lt</strong>s irr many i.ns1;anees ofinfractiorrs going tinprosecutecl andunhanrlled;ANtl \l'IIE<strong>lt</strong>llAS the detli.tnental effectsof al.terations of Natulal. Watercourses'often do nol" beco$e ir.FparcJnt untilafterth

frI 5Couucll. Minute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-It-11- r9B2 06 IO.9. OTIIER BUSTNIi.SS (ConIcl. , . )Moved by CourrcillorRog,ersSeconded by CouncillorSmoc<strong>lt</strong>um.THAT Staff be directed to inclucle the proposal of the'Suttonand District Assocation for Ehe Mentall.y Retatdedregarding work experience in the Exper:ience <strong>82</strong> proposals.. A recorded vote was requested.Thc Clerkr:ccorded fhe vote as follows:Corrncil-lor Burrows * YeaCorlnci.llor Roger:s - YeaCouncillor Srnockum - YeaMayor: I)alc's* YeaReg-Councillor Mcl.earr * NayCounci.llor Lyons - NayCouncjll.or Shepherd - NayCouncillor Winch - NgV'Yea-4NaY - 4Motion1o.st..tc) Regi-onal Counclllor Mclean reported on the meeting onMcrnday 7th, Juner 19<strong>82</strong>, of. tl're lreffr:rlaw Br.r$inessmento di<strong>sc</strong>uss t-he Business fmprovemenE ar:ea in Pefferlaw,He sLated that l-4 busi"nesses were regist-ered ancl 7of these were i.rr attendance at the mceLiflg,d) Courrcillor Winchregarding Township par:lcs, inquir:cd asto why residents wishing t-.o rent the park, ar:e chirrg,ed arental fee,Thjs wirs rcferred to Publ.ic Af{.atr:s Folicy Committee for:di<strong>sc</strong>uss i-one) Councillor Wj.rrch inquired as to why the Hea<strong>lt</strong>h Unitcharge a fee for information given to fhe publi-c,, The Chicf Adminj st-rarive Officer was directecl tochcck this maLter.. .f) Councillor l{inch irrqulr:ed as to the status of the report onRaw Sewage .The Township Errgineer, stated that a r-eport will beavaila$le for rhe next CommiLtee of fhe tdhole mecti.ng.*<strong>lt</strong>2. . . . . .

Coun e.i .1. llinute<strong>sc</strong>*<strong>82</strong>-1.t-12-19<strong>82</strong> 06 10.I 610. E-LAW IQ_ QQNITI R[{ pIlqcEUDr!!GS :Reg-Councitlor }lcl,eanCouncillor' Lyons1TIAT By-I-,aw No. <strong>82</strong>-fJ6(COU*2)being a lly*Law to confirm thcproceedings rrf Counc.jl a'l- j.ts$teeting held on the lOthday ofJune, 19<strong>82</strong>, be now reacl a fir:st,secoutl ancl third tj.nesr Fa$sedand numberecl by thc Mayor andDeputy Cl.erk.Carried....BY*r,AW NO. <strong>82</strong>*86(COU-2)Passed, signed and <strong>sc</strong>aled by the}layor and DePutY Cl-erk.On Mo1,ion , Meeti.ngAdjourned at l1 p.m,^ IiIt!

.13tTHI1 CORiiORATION OF THE TOI^INSIIIP OF GEORGINAIN THERI.]GIONAL MTINICIPALITY OF YORKSPECIAL COUNCILMINUTES19<strong>82</strong> 06 0312.52 p.m.The Council of the Townshi,p of (ieorgina hel

I$pec.tal CouncilMinut.es<strong>sc</strong>*<strong>82</strong>-rl*2- 19<strong>82</strong> 06 03.i3.CONF],RMrNGqL!A.t^<strong>lt</strong>-Reg-Council-l.or Ftcl,eanCouncillor: SmockumTHAT By-Lar.+ No. <strong>82</strong>-79 (COU*?)betng, a By*l.aw Eo confirmtl'reproceedings of Cotrncil at itsrneeting lreld orr ,lr-rne 3rd, 19<strong>82</strong>tbe now read a fj-rst, seconcl afidthird time, passed and ntrnrberedrhe Mayor and Cler:k.CarriedbyBY*LAI,il No. s2*7;(cou-z)Passed, signed and sealed by theMavor and the Clerk.IOn Motion, meecingAdjourncd1.32p.m.:4 s-|

tfl:<strong>lt</strong><strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>*IlTHE CORPORATIONO}' l'HE TOWNSIIIP OF GEORGINA .I ,IN THEREGIONAI, MUNTCIPALITY OF YORKSPECIAL COUNCILMINUTES19<strong>82</strong> 06 03rg. is p.n.l|) ,A Special Meeting of the Council of the TowDsliipof ceorgina was held in the Counci] Chambers of tlre <strong>Georgina</strong>diui" CEntre, Keswick, ontarlo, irnnediately followl,ng theud.ion"n*unt bf the Committee of the lvhole M.eet;ng, by authorlCyana direcCion'of the Chatrman ats such Commlgtee Meeting, by a .Ewo*fhirds major<strong>lt</strong>y of Ehe mernbets Present f,o ratffy thefollowlng resolutlons :t. To authorize the purchase of a parks truck (19<strong>82</strong> Caband Chassis) from Vince Grande Fontiac-Buick Linrited'Z. To introduce a By-Law to e$tabllsh a <strong>Georgina</strong> $eniorCittaens Colunun<strong>lt</strong>y Centre at Keswtck for C.R.C.A purposes;3. To approve the application of the Madeira Club to theLiqubr Control Board of Ontario for a beer permit.. The Mayor called the meeting to order at ]E'3lr p.m.I(}I!OMiTNT OT Ir'EDITATION:A moment of mectitationwes bbserved by Membersl of Council.RQJ,LCALI,JThe Clerk reported that all members of Councilwere presentwi.th the exception of Councillors Burrows and lYlnch.* Il. Moved by Councillor Rogerys'lSeconded bY CouncillorSmockum.TIIAT Council approve the acceptance of the tender bidfrom Vince Grande Pontiac-Buick Limited and authoriue thepurchase of one 19<strong>82</strong> cab and chassis w<strong>lt</strong>h mounted $takeLody and underbody' hoist, I cylinder' propane poweredengine and automatic transmisston for the total a$ount of$1? , 8rB. 95. .Carried.z. . . .

2SpecialI{inut;csCourrcil-2-19<strong>82</strong> 06 03.Counci.llor I.,yons declaled a pos;sitl).e Confliet o-fIntelest in thi"s regard und did not take patt in anydi<strong>sc</strong>ussion atrd did not vote.2, Council.lor Roge::sCouncillor O' GradYTIIAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>*77(RE-z)bej.nH [r Bv-Law to es"Lal-l].i.s<strong>lt</strong> ir<strong>Georgina</strong> Sr:nior Cj.tj.zen ComrnunityCentre, at Keswic.It, be now reari afi.rst, secorrd and Lhird tintc-s;, pa,$seldand numbererl liy tlie L{ayor ancl Clerk.Carried.,BY-LA\I NO. <strong>82</strong>r77(Rll-2)Fasserl, sigrred and sealed by theIUayor and Clerk.3. Moved hy Councillor SmockumSeconderl by Beg-Council.lorlrlclearr.THAT the Council of the Corporatirrn of the Torvnship ofCieorgina flpprove and sul.rpol't an app]ication to the Liquor'I,jcence l3oard of Ontario for a permit for the CarradianMadeira CLub to hold i.r traditionaf and Religious Ierstivalon June 13tlr, July }l.th an

4THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNS}{IP OF GEORG]NAc-<strong>82</strong>-IO-IN THEREGT0NAL MUNrqIPqTI_0FIoR\\COUNCIL MINUTESL9B2 05 277.3O p.m.The CouncilCounci.l ChambersKeswick, Ontarlo.of theof theTownshiD of <strong>Georgina</strong> met in the$eorglna Civjc Centre, R.R. #2,The Mayor called the nreeting to orderat 7.40 p.m.IMOMENT OF MIiDITATION :A rnoment of meditation was observecl by Councll members.?.. EqlLc4!LThe crer:k_reported that alr members of courrcrl werepresent with Ehe exceptiorrof Councillor Shephercl-.--3. CONFLTCl'DISCLOSURES:a) Councillor Rogers with-regard to item{c) and (d) - Roland MerkEl, declaredConfllct of Interest and did not takedi<strong>sc</strong>ussion and did not vote.ll. , By*Lawsa possiblepart in anyb) Councillor OtGrady with r:eg,ard to i(:emg (a)Committee of Ehe i.+nole Recommendatlons. tlol' Z-Draper, and the . Township of ccorg,in, , "Ji"lIi* j 'upossible Conflict of rnrerest aiia aiapart in any dl<strong>sc</strong>ussion and djd not voEe. "oi-iar.e**l

5Councilc-<strong>82</strong>-loMinuEes-2-19<strong>82</strong> 05 27.MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS :a) Minutes of Ehe Corrncil Meeting of may 13Lh,r9<strong>82</strong>.Moved by CouncillorLyonsSeconded by Counci}lorSmockum.THAT the Minutes of ttre Coutrcil Meeting ofMay 13rh, 19<strong>82</strong>, be adopt-ed wjrh rhe fol1_owingarnendmentTHAT on page 1, Item3 (b) under Confljct_ Dj_silosur:esafter the word ilGantesrr the wor:cls'rdidnot take parf inany di<strong>sc</strong>ussion and" be del.etect, and the wor:rJs ilaft.rrrtaken partlrl"l"F.in di<strong>sc</strong>ussion butil be insertecl, $othaL the Clause now reads: ilCounci1lorBrrr:rowsdecrared a possibl-e conflict of rnterest wittr re14ar:c'l LoItem9 Committee of the t^lhole recommendrrtions, pi8e2, Georglna Highland Games, after l.raving t_a<strong>lt</strong>en llarL inthe di<strong>sc</strong>ussion he declarecl-a Conflict oi Ir.,ture.st a'ddid not vote.A, recOrded vote WAs requestecl .The Clerkrecorcled tlre vote as follows:Regional Councillor:Coutrci.l.lor Lyons' Councillor RogersCouncillor: Smoc<strong>lt</strong>unrCouncll.l"or l,"irrchMayor DaJ.esMcJ.earr - Yea_ yea- Yea* yea_ yea_ yeaYea - 6Nay - 0Carried.{ouncillor Burrows refrai_necl from voting, anclCorrrrcillor O'Grady di.d not vote as he wis notpresei<strong>lt</strong> at the previous meefing on May l3th, IgB2.At this tirne Mayor Dales introduced Mr.Sicl,te:il.of Phase rI <strong>lt</strong>eal Estite , Kcsr+ick, who hadjust opr.nr..l a b.sinessin ttre ar:ea. The M.ayor wel.cor'ed him to the"Townsiii.li, and on "'---'behatf of council wlshecl hirn success,-- _With,theagrcementlof tlre menr<strong>lt</strong>ers of Corrncil, Mr. SamNasel.lo., solicifor, represent.ing Mrs. .Iean Noble iclclr.-essecrthe membcrs of Council, fn rregaicls to a road con$Ll-uct.ioilAgr:eernenf wlfh Che.Townshi.trr of Geor:gi.na cencernirrg lRiver:circre ' Mr . Nasello was rL c1.re s f ing arnendment i to"' s, irn,* .The followingmotion was jntroduced:-l3. . .

iiiriIi'6Councl I. Mlnute<strong>sc</strong>*10-<strong>82</strong>-3- 19<strong>82</strong>0527.Moved by CouncillorSeconded by CouncillorSmockumWirrch,\THAT WI{EREAS Mid-Lake Investmcnts LlmiEed entered lnt-oan Agreemer'rc dated July <strong>18</strong>th, L979, wr'-th the Townshipof Georglna reg,arding road construction on Ri,ver Circleabutting, Lofs 43 and 44, R.P* 204;AND WHEREAS said AgreemenE was a condition precedent tothe approval of the Ontario Municipal. Board to sever parts2, 3 and 4 reference plan 65R*2497 from Par:t I of that Plan;AND W}{EREAS sald Ag,reement provi.des that in the event Chat theowners did not construct the subiect road before Seoternber15th, 1979, then the Murricipality may complete the works arthe expense of the owner;AND l,lllEREAS Mid-Lake lnvestrnents Li.mited did not wistr todevelop the severed lands ancl therefore has not constrtrctec<strong>lt</strong>he road IAND WHIIREAS Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4, PIan 65R-2497 are being,sold as one parcel and the purchaser does not intend todevelop the severed J-ands in the foreseeable .futtrre;NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that staff is dir:ected to:1. Preparc an amendment to the subject agreeftent to theeffect l-hat the owner will. construct the necessar-vroad at hlo own expense when appllcatlon ts made todevelop parts 2, 3 or.4 of Plan 65R-2497;2., Prepare an amendment to tlre By-Law wlrich:assurnes RiverDrive (now River clrcle) such that the westerlv<strong>lt</strong>m<strong>lt</strong> of the portion of River Drive which is a.sslrmecJas a public highway is the westerly limtt of River:drive which ls presently operred.Ca'rtiedCouncillor Rogers declared a posslblewith r:egard to the above item, and dldany di<strong>sc</strong>usslon and did not voEe.conflict of interestnot take part in6. DEPUTATT9NS:a) Mr. K. McCl'aEchie a represerrtative of KeswlckMlnor Hockcy addressed rnembers of Council ouLlining,the financlal costs involved in operating, the MinorHockey Assoclatlon, and requested "Counci.I.t<strong>sc</strong>onslderatlon of a grant to cover outstanding debts.Movcd by CouncillorSeconded by CounclllorSmockuRog,ers.TIIAT the Keswlck Minor Hockey requesE for a g,rantto cover outstanding debts be referred to a .jointmeeEi-ng of Publlc Affairs and Economtc Affalrs tobe held on June l7Eh, 19<strong>82</strong>, for: di<strong>sc</strong>ussion.* |lCarrled

7ICouncll Minute<strong>sc</strong>-10-<strong>82</strong>*4- L9<strong>82</strong> 05 27 .At this Eime Ehe order of buslness was changedthe Agenda to deal w<strong>lt</strong>h the followlng By-LawsiItem No. 11 (c) and (d) - Merkel, Part lot 15, Con4 . ( NG ) .\ ,Reg,-Councillor Mcl*ean THAT By-Law No, 911*<strong>82</strong>-173(PL*5)Councillor OrGradvbetng a By-Law Lo amend By-Lav; No.91.1, being a By-l,aw to reg,ulafe theuse of lands and the chariacEer.locarlon ancl use of builcii,ngs indstructures within the Townshj p ofGeorglna, be now reed a fir:st, secondand tlrird times, pa$sed +nd numberedby the M,ayor and Clerk.A recordedvoEe ldas r"q*i"u".1,IBY*LAW NO. 9I1-<strong>82</strong>*I73(PL-5)The Cl,erk recorded the vote as followsReg-Councillor Mclean - YeaCor.rncil.Ior Lyons - YeaCourrclllor OrGradv - veaCouncil-lor Smockum - YeaCouncillorr l^linch - YcaMayor Dales- YeaCouncillor Burrows *l NdvYea * 6Nay - ICarried.Passed, signed and sealed by theMayor ancl Clerk.iCouncillo/ Rogers declared a possible Conf<strong>lt</strong>ct oflnterest with .f,egar:d to the above matEer arrd did not takepart in any df<strong>sc</strong>ussion and did noE vote. ;Reg,-Counclllor McLeanCouncillor OtGradyTHAT By-Law No. s2*73ttou-f) being- a By-Law to authorlze snterirrg inEoan Agreemerrt with Roland Merkel andVolker Merkel, be now read a first,second and third times, passed andnumbered by the Mayor and the Clerk.A recor:cled votewas requested,The Clerk recorded the'vote as follows:Reg-Cotrncillor Mclean - YeaCouncillor Lyons - YeaCouncillor O'Gr:ady * YeaCouncillor: SmockumCouncillor Winch- Yea- YeaMayor Dales;- YeaCouncillor Burrows * NayYea * 6Nay * ICarrled.BY*LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>*73(CON-I)Passed, signed and sealed by rhcMayor and Clerk.5....

BCouncllc-10-<strong>82</strong>Minufie<strong>sc</strong>L9B2 05 27 .'1iCounclllor Rogers declared a posslble Conflict ofInterest with regard to this matter and dld not f,ake parEin any di<strong>sc</strong>ussi.on and did not vote.COMMUNICATIONS :a) The l{onourable Claude F. BenneEt, Minister ofMuni.cipal Affairs and Houslng acknowledging recei-Ptof the tesolution r:eg,ardiug the 198?- apportionmentpolicy and indicating that he will be forwardinginformation on Ehe matter after a review has beenmade and a report teceivedThls was received for informatl-on'b)G.J. Dupas, Commun<strong>lt</strong>y Programs Consu<strong>lt</strong>anf, of fheMinistry of Tourism and Recreation, fort+ardinglnformation concernirg a meeting about Lhe creationof the new Ministries and the chenges in ttre 198?l,lintarlo Cap<strong>lt</strong>al Progran]s.Thls was received for information.c )An invitation from the Steering, Committee of theLake Simcoe Environmental- <strong>Management</strong> SEt:atefl,y to tlrel.rAnnual Revlew meeti.ng to be held in Newmarket, Ontario,on Thursday, June loth, 19<strong>82</strong>.The Clerk r^ras directed to reply to Etris letter.d) Ministry of Transportation and Communicafions forwardj-nginformation on the proposed Highway 89 extensi.on (fromHigihway 4oO easterly'to Highway 12) work project+t40-77-OO.Moved by Counci.IlorSeco.nded by CouncillorRogersSmockum.THAT I{HEREAS the Provincial Budget speech indi.cated tt-ratcertain hlghway projects would be accel.er:ated in orderto create much needed employment ;AND t'll'IEREAS l{ighway 89 has been approved for: the portionfrom Highwa,y 12 to Regi.onal Road No. 12;NOW THERHFORB BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of theTownshlp of Georg,ina respectful.ly request that Lhe Ministryof Transportaflon & Communication lmmediately approve Ehenext- stages ac the developmerrt of Highway 89 fromRegional Road No. 12 l-o l{ighway No, 12 and to deem thlssection to be the constr:uction priority for Ehe pr:o_iect;BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED thaE a copy of this resolr.rtion beforwarded to the Minister of Transportatlon andCommunlcaElons, Ross Srevenson,M.L.A. , and the Leadersof the Oppositi-on parf,ies; And furEher that endorsementof this resolution be sorrg"ht fr:om the llegiotrs of Dur:ham& York and those local Munlci.pal<strong>lt</strong>ies arlong the proposedHighway 89 constructton route easI bf fhe Hol]-and-SchombergRiver.* o6.

tCounci.t l4lnute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-10COMMUNICATIONS (ConEd.-6- L98? 05 279ilIf.{rjiIIjA recordedThe Clerkvot-e wasrecordedrequested .the vote as follows :Reglonal CouncillorCourrci-llor LyonsCouncillor O'GradYCouncillor RogersCounclllor SmockumCouncillor WinchMayor DalesMclean- Yea_ yea- Yea- Yea- Yea* Yea- YeaCouncil.lorBurror.rs- Nay. Yea -Nay -71Carriede) South LakcCommitteeSimcoe Conservatsion AuthorilyMinuEes of May 1<strong>lt</strong>h, 19<strong>82</strong>.lixecutiveThiswas received for informatlon.I8.PETITIONS:There $rere none .9.COMMITTES AND OTHER REPORTS :a) Committee of fhe Whole recommendafions ofMay 20th, 19<strong>82</strong>.Moved by Regional Counci.llor McleanSeconded by Councll-lorLyons.THAT the Recreation & Parks lJePartnent continlrethe use of portable washroom facilities atJacksonts Potnt Park, with the provision, ofirnproved aesthetlcs and continued proper nalnterranceof the facilities.CarrledMoved by .CounctllorSmockumSeconded by Counci.l.lor Rog,ers-lTHAT the lnstallation of a Pay Le).ephone booEhnear the beach be te*queseed ftom Bell Canadaas soon as posslble.THAT sutf,able safety/r:e<strong>sc</strong>ue equi.pmcnt be placedat beach areas.THAT swtmmlng and water-safetybeach areas.rules be posted at'1 . . .

Council. Minute<strong>sc</strong>*<strong>82</strong>-t.o-7-19<strong>82</strong> 05 27.I 09. COMMITTEE AND OTHER REPORTS. (Contd.THAT Township regtrl.atory By-Laws be enforcedstrictly to control dogs running loose on beachesandlnEheparks.\iTHAT, srnsagency phone nnmbers be posted in a<strong>lt</strong>,Township parks and beach@s.iTHAT lifeg,uards no! be provided on Townshi.p hpaclresand parksCarried.3. Moved by Regional Councillor McleanSeconded by CouncillorRogers.THAT a By-Law be passed to arrEhorize the Mayor: and theCl.erk to execute a release respect.i_ng the SubdivisionAgreement dated Decernber 16th, 1974, between RobertDraper and the Towr'rshi-p of <strong>Georgina</strong>, as it pertains toPart 7 and 14, on Deposited PIan 65R-2553.Carried.tCouncil.J.or O'Grady declaredInEerest with refereflce totake parc in any di<strong>sc</strong>ussionMoved by CouncLllorRogersa posslble conf<strong>lt</strong>clf oflhe above item, and did notand did not vote.ISeconded by Councillorl.linch.1.2,THAT the present Municlpa<strong>lt</strong>ty po1-tcy wlrich requi.r:esproperEyowners to purchase their: driveway culVerts attheir expense, remaj.n in effect.ITHAT a By-Law be passed to authorize the Mayorland theClerk to execute the QuotaEion for the suppiy of fuelsas submi.rred by Bp oil limired dared Aprii-t5rh, l9gz.THAT as a conditlon of acceptance of the euoLafionrEhat ItP Oil Ltmited install a 5OO Gall.on tank wirtr'anel'ectric pump at the De La Salle Canrl:l and supply gasolineat the prices contalned in the quotation reflirtd-toabove.*t3.THAT the tender subm<strong>lt</strong>ted by Brouwer Turf Equipmentfor a Five (5) Gang Reel Mower, equipped wtfh itydraulicLift, be-accepted, and approved by Cbirncil, in the net,amount of $91292.69Carrled8

flI ICouncllc-<strong>82</strong>*roMinutes-8-198? 05 27i9. COMMITTEE ANI)OTHER REPORTS ( Contdb) REPORT OF THE ROADS AND TRAFFIC SUPIIRINTENDIINT;Middle Street (Sutton) Parking RestrlctionsAttached is Reporr No. RTS-<strong>82</strong>-11.Moved by CounctllorRogersSecondecl by Counctllor l,yons.II. THAT a By-l,aw be passed to amcnd The Unifo'i:mTraffic By-Law so that angle parktng be permittedon the north slde of Middle St-reet- from HighStreeE wesEerl,y 25metres;;2. A By-Law be passed to amend The Uniform TrafficBy-Law to resErict parking on che south sile ofMiddle Street from High Street-- westerly 100 metr:esat aI I tJ.mes.!Carrledc )REPORT OF THE CLERK ;Senlor Citizens Week - proclamatiorr I'Wea Lot to Share"IaI r naveAttached is Reporf TC8?-O9Moved by CouncillorRogersl:Seconded by CounclllorO'Grady.THAT the Mayor Proclaim f,he week of June zOEh -June 26th, 19<strong>82</strong>, inclusive, as Senior Citizenrsweek in the Township of Georg,i,na and ttris proclamationbe inserted in the local ne$Ispaper on the appropr:iatedate''Carri-ed... ..'.. ...]d) Fire Department Report for the l'lonth of April, 19<strong>82</strong>.;This was received for informaEion.ie) SUTTON DAM - Report.No. TE-<strong>82</strong>-19, of the TownshipEnglneer.This was received for information^l 9.

t2Councll Minute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-lo*9- 19<strong>82</strong> 05 27lO.BY-LAI^IS:CouncillorCouncillorRog,crsSmockumBY-LAW NO. 91i-<strong>82</strong>-174(PI-*5)TIIAT Ry*Law No. 911-<strong>82</strong>-174lPt,-s)being a By-Law to amend By-Lavl No'9I1.,':being a By*Law to regttlate theuse of lands and the char:ac.fer,tocation and rrse of buildings andstructures wj.thi.rr the Township ofGeoreina. be now reird a first,and third tintes, passed andnumber:ed "*"ortd tly the MaYor and Cler<strong>lt</strong>.(Ahl-gren & Thompson) .Carried ...:...Passed, signed and sealed bY thel'layor and C1erk.Counclllor OrCradYCounci llor WinchTHAT By*Law No. 91t-<strong>82</strong>-175(PL-5)being a By-Law to amend BY-LawNo. 911*81.-161(I11,-5) which arnendsBy*Law No, 9Il, be rtow read a first,s'econd and chi.rd times, passed andntrmbered by the MaYor and Clerk'(WiIl,ow BeachPuhtic School).Carried'..IBY-LA[{ N0. 911-<strong>82</strong>*175(PL-5)Councillor WinchCouncillor OrGradYBY-LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>-74(CON-I)Passed, slgned and sealed bY LheMayor and Clerk.THAT Bv-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-74)CON--I) bei-ng aBy-Law- to authorize- the Mayor ancl ttreClerk fo execute the qllotation for the'suppl.y of fuels as submitted bY BP0ii' Limited for the Towrrship ofGeor.g,ina, be now read a fi,rsl-,.second and third tlmes, Pas<strong>sc</strong>cl andnumbered liy the MaYor and Clerk.Carried.Passed, signed and sealed bY thel"layor and Clerk."lCounci.l.lor RogersCouncillor SmockumBY-LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>-75(CON*I)THAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-75(CON-1) belng aBy-Law to authorize the Mayor and f-heCler:k to execuce thc Releaserespecl-lr'tg ParEs 7 ancl 14,_P1an_65R*2553 , Registered Plan 576 (NG).be now read i fi,r:sl-, second and thj.r:dtimes, passed and numbered bY fheMavor and Clerk.CarrledPassed, slgned and sealed bY EheMayor and Clerk.Councillor O'Grady decl-irred a possibleConfllct of Int-erest wi,th regard t-o theabove <strong>lt</strong>em, ancl dtd not take partl inany di,<strong>sc</strong>usslon and dl.d not vot-e.10. . . .

I 3tCounci.I Minul-e<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-1011. OTHER MOTIONS:-lo- r9BZ 05 27 .Wtl"h thc agreement of the members of council thefollowi.rrg MoEion was introduced.Moved by Regional Counclllor McleanSeconded by councillorWjnch.THAT WHEREAS the Courrcil of the Township of Gc:orgirraI.s ln receipt of a nurnber of complaints on r:ecor:dregardlrrg sight li.nes at t-he inters.ection of B.qldwi.nRoad and Kingis Highway #/+8;AND t'll{EI{li,AS under the <strong>lt</strong>ighway Traffic Act parki,ng, is notallowetl w<strong>lt</strong>trin 3O feet of arr i.ntersection;AND WHI|REAS there was a serlous acciderrt at tlris Darticularlntersection in the fall of 1981 as a resul.t of sightrestricti.ons;THEREFORA, BE IT RESOLVED that the Towrrship of<strong>Georgina</strong> request that the MTC be r:eqr,resEed to post "noparking here to corneLil slgns in accordance nith theHighway Traffic Act and that the Ontario ProvincialPollce be requesled to enforce the law in thls regard.CarriedI2 .OT}IER BUSINESS :a)Counclllor: Rogers requested that the ChiefAdmlnistrative Officer inquire about obtaini,ngMicrofiche copies of the Assessnient Rol.l-, as ttreMinlstr:y of Revenue has indicated thac five -copies may be obtained free of charge,b)Mayor f)ales announced that Wayne Newton of TheEra Newspaper utas leavinP, an

Councll Minute$c-<strong>82</strong>-10-11-19<strong>82</strong> 05 27.I 41liThere was not,hlng. EoMeeting.reporEfrom the Caucus13, OTHEIi BLISINESSTa) Counci<strong>lt</strong>or l{inch requcsted tlrat the Chief:Admlnistrati-ve Officer lnvcstigate w<strong>lt</strong>h the relevarllAgenciesthe possibili.ty of havlng f,rees pl.ant.ed on thecorner areas of road int.ersections e.g. the corner ofWoodbi.ne and Baseline Road, and the afea south of ISurEon and <strong>lt</strong>ighway No. 48.14. BY-LA\^I TO CON-FIRM PROCEEDTNCS:Courrci.llor Smockumcouncillor WlnchITHAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-76(COU*z) beinga By-Law to Corrfirm Qtre proceedin[sof Council at its meeti.ne heldon May ?7th, 19<strong>82</strong>, be now reacl afirst, second and third timcs,passed and r-rumbered by the Mayor:and the Cl-erlr.Carried.IjBY-LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>-76(COU-z) Passed, si.gnecl andMavor and Clerk.sealed:by the*'On Motion,MeeEing Adjournedat 11.19 p.m.E!t*J*-}8,/,//r t . y' jfi 11. t,rE , {_il,

<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-10.THE CORPORATION OF THE TOI,JNSIIIP OFGEORGINAIN THEREG1ONAL MIJNICIPALITY OF YORKSPI]CIAL COUNCIL I'lINUTES19<strong>82</strong> 05 205.42p.m.A Special Fteeti.rrg of Council. of the Township of<strong>Georgina</strong> wss held in the Council Chambers of the Gcor:p.lnaCivid CerrLre, Keswick, Ontari-o; immedlately followi.ng tlreCorflmjttee oftt"ie Whole meeging by rcsrllutidnof the memberspresenr to ratify the following, resolutlorrs that had resul.iledftom the Comnitlee of the Whole meet:ing.tTtre Chairman called the meetii'rg lo order at 5.aZ p.*.Council members were all present with the excepEion ofCouncillor Burrows.1 . !!cr Io\s :.Moved by Gouncill.orO'GradYSeconded by Council.lorRogers.fitAT WFIEREAS the Ministry of municipal Affair-.s and Hor.rsirrg,has estal-.llished a Program entitl,ed'rErtet:gY Conservati.onthroughLarrd-Use Pl,anning Grarrtsil deslEneci to encoul"aiEeOntari.o Municipali.fies to re-examine their l.,and Use PlFrrlningstarrclards and practices in otder to ensute l-he most efficientuse of energy resource$ in t<strong>lt</strong>e llunicipality, andWHEREAS {-he said Minlsrry will pr:ovidc a grant of 75% ofthe cost' of rhe study with the remal-ning, 25% of thestudy cost fo be assumed by t.he lownship of <strong>Georgina</strong> inthe form of staff time contributj.on, andI^]HEREA$ rhe Council of the Township of Georgi-na ls. cognizant of the increasing cost of energy and ehe benefitsof-finerg,y Conservati-orr Land Llee ptranning as a mearts ofreduci.ng erlergy consumpfli.on and thercfore encrgy cosL].rcdtrctions to the residents of ti're Townslrip of Gcor:gina,'IHLiREFORBIIE ITRIISOLVIID that Couniil adopt: the Eerms ofreferencc as amended for the <strong>Georgina</strong> Energy Conservati"onPL,anrrlng Study and authorize Pel,crr Barnard As$ociates l-ounder:take the said study in accordance with the salcl Ler:il$of refer:errce, sub.JecE to fhe Mirrister of Mtrniclpal Affai-r-siand Hor.rsing providing a g,rant to fund 75% of thecost of [he said studv.A recordcd yofe wa$ r:equested.2.,...iit,l:iI ti1,ii

: JtSpeclal CounclLMl.nutesI .MOTI0NS ( ConEd. . . . )-z- t9B2 05 20.The Clerk recorded the vote as follows :Regional Councillor: Mcle.qn - YeaCouncillor Lyons - YeaCounclllor OrGrady - YeaCouncillor Rog'ers - YeaCouncillor Sheoher:d - YeaCounclllor Smockr,rm -YeaMavor Dales- YeaCouncilLor l-linch- NayYea - 7Nay - ICarr:i.ed2. Counc i, Ilor LyonsCouncillor RogesTHAT the dock at Simeoe Street road end'cosLin .TacksontsPoint be rebuilE at an estimf<strong>lt</strong>ed not to excecrd$8 ,OoO. OO to the l'lurrici pality.Carr:icd3. Cortncr'.l1or OtGradyCouncillor Rog,ers'WIIEREAS Ehis Cor.rncl.l uncler:ELarrds l-he expressecl concct;n$of the Parents Aclvisory Conrnrittee of {:he Sufl-on & l)ist}:ictlligh School ;. AND WI{EREAS thls Councll is s;upportive of any arnd aLlmeasures whicl-i wlll effecflvel.y curb ttie alrrrminginciclence of clrug" abuse throi"rg,trout the Cornrnrrnity;BIi lT THEREFORIT RIISOLVED ttraE this Corrncil respec'rful)yrequests that the cr.rrrenL policy of t:he Jtrdicjary irrrespecC to sentence sever<strong>lt</strong>y in drug and cln_r14 r:elaLr,'dcorrvi.ctions be reviewed by the Pr:ovirrcial l4irristry of ttieAELornev General.Car:r:iecl,3.

i1r'lii3Speclal CouncllMinuues<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-ro.-3* 1.9<strong>82</strong> 05 20.4. BY-l,Al^l T0 CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS :Reg-g6,rtl"t1. 1 or McleanCounc i,llor: RogersTHAT Bv-I,aw No. <strong>82</strong>-72(COU-2) beinga Bv-Law to co4firm the procetldtngsof bourrctl at its nreeting held orrzOEh day of MaYr I9B?-,, be rrow r-eada firsf, second and third timespassed and numbered bYl thc t4aYorand the Clerk.tlCarr:iedIIIBY-LAW N0. <strong>82</strong>-72(COU-2)Passed , sig,ned and seMayor and rhe Clerk '8,1ed by their iiIOn Motion,meet-.irrgadjour:ned aE 5.47 P.m.I i,,io

},IEIIBERS OF COUNCIL.TAKE NOTICE that in accordance with a written directionto me by the Chairman in accordance w<strong>lt</strong>h Section 4.3 of By*LawNo. 80-379(COU*2) a Special Meeting of Councll willbe heldon THursday, the 3rd day of June, 19<strong>82</strong>, forthe purpose ofconsidering the appointment of a Direetor of Economic,Development. This meeting will commence immediately followingor as soon thereafter as Council has completed the business or1the Agenda of the regularmeeting of the Committee of thetblhole commencing at 9.30 A.M.Dated this 28th day of May, 19<strong>82</strong>.,X.aX)

Mrs. Margaret l{ilkinson, A.M.C.T., C.M.C.,Clerk,Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> ,R.R. #2,Keswick , Ontario .PURSUANT to Section lr.3 of By-Law No. 80-379(C0U-2),this is to direct you to call a Special Meeting of Councilfor Thursday, the 3rd day of June, 19<strong>82</strong>, forthe purposeof considering the appointment of a Director ofEconomic Development. This meeting will commenceimmediately following, or as soon thereafter as Councilhas completed the businesson the Agenda of thecregularat I . 30 3 .rlr.meeting of the Committee of the l,Jhole commencingDated this 28ttr day of Muy, 19<strong>82</strong>.\ sh L_J--

.ts'i1"ir, sfc+<strong>82</strong>-09THE COITFOI{ATI,ON O}- T}IE TOWNSHIP OF GEORGINAIN THEEEGIONALMUNICIPAIffiCOUNCIL MINUTHS19<strong>82</strong> 0.5 137 . 3O p . m .The Council ofCouncil Chambers ofKeswlck, Orrtario,the Towrrship of <strong>Georgina</strong> met in t_hel-he <strong>Georgina</strong> Civic Cenhre, R.R. #2,The Mayor call.ed the mcetirig toorder at 7.4O p.m.MOMENT OF MEDITATION : .A moment of meditati.on was observed by cotrnci.r membcrs2 . ROLL CALL :Thc Cl.erk repor:ted th.al aJ_1 menilrers of Council werepresent wj,Lh tlle exception of Councillor OrGradv,3. CONF],IC]] DISCLOSLTITES :a) Councillor Roger:s declared a possiblc Confl.i.ct ofInterest r.lith aqgard to item lI By_L.er.rs, (d) Merlcel,(e) Mcrkel, ancl (f) Amar Kaushal,-arrct cli{ n6t takepar-t in any di<strong>sc</strong>ussion and dtd not vote.b) Courrcili-or Burrows declared a possibl.e Conflict ofrnterest with regard to item 9 committee of the t^<strong>lt</strong>rolerecomnrendations , page 2, item. 9, Georgi,rra .HighIand Games,aft'er having taken part in di<strong>sc</strong>ussioii, but' did .cE vore.4.YJriqE_!I__qEEyI9!I_Ygggu$:a) Minutes of the Counci_l meeEing of April Z2nd, 7.gBZ.Moved by Regional touncittor McleanSeconded by CotrncillorLyons.TI{AT ttre Minures of tlre Council meet-ing of April?Znd, I9<strong>82</strong>, be adopted.Carried2. .

iI{,tl2Council Minule<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-09--2-19<strong>82</strong> 05 t3.6. DEFUTATIONS :a) Mr. T.A. Richardson representlng the flrm of ToucheRoss & Co., addrcssed Membcrs of Council and read l'risreporf,. He commerided the Treasurer and his staff onthe excellent cond<strong>lt</strong>ion of the financial. <strong>records</strong>.W<strong>lt</strong>h the agreement of the members of Council-, RePortNo. <strong>82</strong>-14 of Ehe Treasurer was dea<strong>lt</strong> with at f,his time.1981 AUD1TED FINANCIAI. REPORT :Attachedis ReFof,E No. T8?-14.Moved by Counc<strong>lt</strong>lorRogersSeconded by CouncillotLYons.1. THAT the audited 1981 Consolldated FinancialStatements and f,he review of the accounting systerns andlnternal conErols of the Corporatlon of the Township ofGeorg,ina , be received .2. THAT By-Law No. 11, appointing Garclner, Mcf)onald & Co.'as auditors of the Town;hip of Georg,ina, be repealed.c3. THAT a By*Law be introduced to appoinE the firm ofTouche Ross & Co." as fhe auditors of the Corporation ofthe Township of Georgi,na.A recorded vote was requestedThe Clerk recorded lhe vote as follows:Regional Counclllor McleanCouncillor LyonsCouncillor RogersCouncillor ShepherdCounclllot SmockumCounclllor WinchMayor Dales- Yea* Yea- Yea- Yea- Yea- Yea- YeaCouncillorBurrowsYea - 7Nay - I* NayCarrled.With the agreement of membersbusiness on the Agenda was changedItem 1I (c) By*Laws - Ronald Kydd'Amar Kaushal .of Council the order ofat thls Eime to deal withand itemll (f) By*Laws3. . .- t

5Councll MinuEe<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-O9-3-198? 05 13.CouncllIor WinchCouncillor Smochr.tmBY-LAW NO. 91r-<strong>82</strong>-17r(PL-5)Reg-Councillor McleanCouncillor LyonsTIIAT By-l,aw No. 9II-<strong>82</strong>-171(PL*5)being a By-Law to arnend By-Law No.9ll, being a By-Law to reg,ulate theuse- of lands and the character ,locatiorr and use of buildinf;,$:randstructuf,es within the Townshitr of<strong>Georgina</strong>, be Dow read a flrst,second and thircl times, passed andnumbered by the Mayori and Clerk.( R . Kydd )Carried.... .1.Passed, signecl and seafed'byMayor and the Clerk. iIthe!THAT By-Law No. 911-<strong>82</strong>i-172(PL-5)being a By-Law to amend By-Law No.911, being a By-l,aw to tegulaEe theuse of lands and the character,locatlon and use of buildings andstrucfures within the Townshio of<strong>Georgina</strong>, be now read a first,second and tl'rird times, passed andnumbered by the Mayor and Clerk.(A. Kaushal )JBY-LAW NO. 911-<strong>82</strong>-172(PL-5 )Carrled Unani.mousli, rvith theexceDtion of the Conflict of InEerestdecl-ired by Councillor Rogers.Passed, si6Sned and sealed by theMavor and the Clerk. I7 . COMMUNICATIONS Ia) Souf,h Lake SlmcoeCommif,Eee MinutesL98? .Conservation Auchority Executi.veof the meetsing held on April , 27th,I'This vas received for lnformation.ljb) Councillor Larry Taylor, Qicy df Mississauga advisingthat the 7th Annual Central East Regional Games for thePhysically Disabled will be held on May 29th and 3othln- the City of MississauBa, and that ariy flnancial 'contrihtrtlonEhat Councll may wlsh to rnake would be greatlyappreclated.IMoved by Regional Councillor McleanSeconded by CouncillorRogersTHAT Ehe Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> donaEe rhe sum of S1OO.OOto f,he Mlssi.ssauga Games for Ehe Physically Disabled(CenEraI Easf, Regtonal), to be held on May 29th and 3Oth,19<strong>82</strong>, providing ehac the Games are nor funded by United Way.Carrled.Mr. N. Smyth Eo inquire 1f anyor-re from <strong>Georgina</strong>Township will be enEered into the atrove menlioned Games.4. . . . .,kt

4CounclI Minuf,e<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-0919<strong>82</strong> 05 13.7 . COMMUNICATIONS (Contd. . ' ' )c) I)orrglas l'trewson, Assistant. Regional Director -Advisory Services , Staclstics Canada hasforward-ed a coPy of Ehe final' Census popr:Iationcounts for 1981' for the Municipal<strong>lt</strong>ies withln tt'reRegion of York.This was received for irrformation.d) Soutlr Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority,Conservation and Cornmunity Relations Advisory BoafdMinutes pf the MeeEing hel.d on May 7th, 19<strong>82</strong>.Thls was recelved for informaEion.e) Lettcr of thanks to Mayor Da1es and Members ofCouncil from Lhe Regional Chairman, Bob Forhan formaklrrg the facilities of the Civic Centr:e availablefor E[ie Regional Bus Tour on April 23rd' 198?.This was received for information.If) Letter to Mayor Dales and Members of Council' fromthe Parents Advisory Commirtee of the SuttonDistrict High School advising that they ate concernedabout the lack of puni.shment drug offenders arerecelving befor:e the Cour:ts, and they have attacheda coFy of the letter they have sef<strong>lt</strong> Eo the HorrotrrableRoy HcMurtrY in this regard.This vras deferrecl to che next CommitEee of the Wfrolemeeting,.8. TETIII.OIi!-:a) Councillor ShePherdDriveway 'Culverts onpresented a petition regatdingPeEe I s Lane.This was referred to the nexE Comm<strong>lt</strong>tee of the Wholeneeting for a rePorts from the Townshlp Engineer:.9. COMMITTEE AND OTHER REPORTS:Moved by CouncillorRog,ersSeconded by Regional, Councillor-4-Mclean--|1. THAT Ehe appllcation strbmitted by Rog,er'' and -MargareE Joyce, beilg an application to amendDeeming By-Law No. 903, as it affects LoE 9r-andPart of lbt fo, PIan 179 and Lot <strong>18</strong>, Plan <strong>18</strong>7' beapproved.2, THAT Council approries of t:he ptoposed addition toPapa Luigi's Reitaurant, located on Iarrds de<strong>sc</strong>ribedas Lot t, B).ock 73, PIan 69 (S) subject to:1) An approved Minor Varlance Eo recog,nlze those,-non-conformities created with By-Law Ntrmber 911,and5.....

5tCouncil MlnuEes-5-c*<strong>82</strong>-O99. COMMITTEE AND OTHER REPORTS (Contd.19<strong>82</strong> 05 132 ',tAn Agr:eemenL between the owners of Papa Luig,i'sRestaurant, The liank of Nova Scotia and theMuni,cipality, to Provide satisfacfory off-streetparking on the old Lauria propert-y, such agr:eeflentto be made prior to the Mlnor Variarrce merrti.oned in1 ) above .IjiI3 )THAT the appllcatiorr for rezoning, submitted byLernbic Kova, ancl K. Meipoom and K' Vasila, Trustee,belng an applicati-on to rezone lancls de<strong>sc</strong>ribed asPart of t-ot-Zt, Concession 1 (G), and Lots 62, 67 and68, PIan 178 (G) to HamleE Residenti,al (HR)be approved subject to:(1) The amending By-Law providing for: a minimum 1otfrontage and area of 25metres (<strong>82</strong>) feet andLr47O Equare metres (l-5,817 squar-e feet)respective) y , and(2) Payment of all outsEanding taxes.l,4)THAT the written proposals ptrt forward by concernedci.ti.zens for the esl-ablishment and operaEion of aRecr:eatlon Advisory Board, be defer:red to Pttbli-cAffairs Policy Contmit,tee meeEing to be held onThursday, May ZOth, at I P.m.5) l. THAT a By-Law be passed to impose a special raEeon all i.mproved properties within. the Township ofGeorglna ior refuse collection in accordance wich thefollowing <strong>sc</strong>hedul.e :ResidenEial units - fi27.O0 per yearCommercial tln<strong>lt</strong>s $49.50 per year and2. THAT all commercial. rea<strong>lt</strong>y units in the Township of<strong>Georgina</strong> with a business assessment of less than$2rO0O be charged at the resldential rather than thecommercial raf,e.6. WIIEREAS fhe Council of the Corporation of theTownship of <strong>Georgina</strong> deems it ln the best inter:estof its residenls to further update its assessmentbase to 198O market value on all. classes of Propertywithirt the Mun icipal.ity ;AND WHEREAS the Council ls deslrous to examine andconslder a Prellmlnary Study and a Tax Impact Studyto be prepared by thc Reg,ional Assessment Offi.cei.ndicating such effects;NOW THEREFORFJ BE 1T RESOLVED THAT TITE COUNC11 Of :-thcCorporatlon of the Townslrip of <strong>Georgina</strong>, as a preludeto making a formal appl.ication to itnplemenc Section'63 (3) o'i The Assessmtnt Act, R.S.O.-I98O, Chapter 3l(former:ly Section 86 of The Assessment Acc' R.S.O.197Q Chapter 32), pettfion the Minister of Revenueto direct the Provi.ncial Regional AssessmenLContmissi.onerforthwtEh to conducc a Prelimlnary Study atrcl a 'faxImpact Study to provicle a more accurate predicti.on as tothe net advantagc tlf such Re-Assessmenf.6.

6Councll Mlnute<strong>sc</strong>*<strong>82</strong>*O9-6- r9B2 05 13.t119. COMMITTITIFI AND OTHER REPORTS (Contd.7 .8.THAT the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> accept the Proposalas s,ubm<strong>lt</strong>led by the Canadiarr Imperial Bank ofCommerce, Keswick Branch, to,continue to providebanking, services to fhe Municipality.THAT design proposals be consi.dered for a]replac"menrof the SuEEon Darn by fhe Conservation Autflor:ity toa<strong>sc</strong>ertain costing of such replacement, if foundfeasi.ble, and ttrat funding sources be a<strong>sc</strong>{rtainedas part of the currenE study.IIiCar:tiecl ... ....1Movecl by Councillor Shepherd iSeconded by Councillor Rogers. ;itTHAT Reporc No. <strong>82</strong>-O1 of the Assistant Director ofBecreati.on and Parks regar:cling Pefferlarr l.ions CommunilyCentre, and the proposals contai.ned therein be approvedby Council, and that the $?O,OOO.OO allocaEi,on in Ehe19<strong>82</strong> Iludget consisting of S15,OOO.O0 from Ehs C*lpitalFund and $5'OOO.OO from t-he Parks Reserve Ftrpd beapproved for Ehe expenditures invol-ved in Ehase proposals.Carrled.Moved by Regional Councillor McleanISeconded by CouncillorRogersr ITHAT the Council of theof <strong>Georgina</strong> approve andLlquor Licence Board of<strong>Georgina</strong> Hi.ghland GamesCorpor:ation of the Townshipsupport an application to theOntario for a Dermitr for theon Augusr 28rh; 19<strong>82</strong>.Carrled...i....Councillor Burrows declared a rrossible Conflict ofInterest with regard fo thi.s i-tem, and dld not takepart in any di<strong>sc</strong>ussion and did not vote.c)REFORT OF THE ROADS AND TRAFFIC SUPERINTNNNNUT:Reconstruction of River Sfreet SuttonArtached is Report R.TS <strong>82</strong>*10.Moved by CouncillorLyonstSeconded by CouncillorBurrowsTHAT fhe tender in the amount of $256r7<strong>82</strong>.O0 assubmitted by Lamco ConsCructjon Limited for thereconstruction of I(i.ver StreeI in Sutton, be' accepted,A recorded voLe was r:equest,ed.;!ir7....

7Counci 1 Minute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-09-7* 19<strong>82</strong> 05 13.9 . COMMITTEE AND OTHER REPORTS, ( Contd. . . )The Clerk recorded the vote as follows:Regional Counclll.or Mclearr - YeaCotrncillor Burrows - YeaCotrncillor Lyons - Yea.Councll.lor Rogers - YeaCouncillor Shepherd - YeaCouncillor Smockum - YeaMayor Dales- YeaCouncillor Wtnch - NavYea -Nay -ICarrled.d) REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OF RECREATION AND PARKS:Concession Boothl.,ease.Attached is Report No. <strong>82</strong>*O7Moved by Counclll.orShepherdSeconded by CouncillorLyonsTHAT l-he Mayor: and Clerk be authorized to si.gn thenccessary documents to enEer into a Lease Agreernerlfwith Mr. R.J, Bebbington,Jacksonr s Point, Ontario toLease the Oasis Snack Bar, (Jacksonts Point) for a periodof one year.A recorded vofe was requested.''fecordedThe Clerkthe vote asfollows :Reglonal Councillor MclsanCouncillor LyonsCouncillor Rog,ersCouncillor SheptrerdCouncillor SmockumCouncill.or WinchMayor: Dales- Yea- Yea- Yea- Yea- Yea- Yea- YeaCouncillorBurrows- NayYea * 7Nay - 1^ (lCarrled.8.....[.irI

BCouncilc-<strong>82</strong>-O9Minute$-8-19<strong>82</strong> 05 13.9. COMMITTEE AND OTHER REPORTS ( Corrtd .E) REPORI]OFTHEENGINEERINGASSISTANTIRe: Lot l"lo, Registered Pl.an 472, Joyce Boulevardand Irving Drivc Encroachment By-l.,aw and Agf,eement;AfEached is Report No. EA-<strong>82</strong>*O5Moved by CounclllorShePherdSeconded by CouncillorRogers1. An.Encroachment By-Law be passed allor^ring thcEncroachment of an existing, well onto JoyceBoulevard'2. A By*Law be passed authorizing the Mayor and theClerk to execute an blncroachment Agreement betweenAlvin and Betty Patterson and fhe Township ofGeorg,lna.3. Mr. and Mrs. PattErson be required to supply anacceptable legal survey prior: to the executionof the Encroachment Agreement by the Mayor arrdf,he Clerk.Carr:iedAt this time thefol.lowirrg, By-Laws were int.roduced;CounciJ.l-orCounclll.orSmockumRogersTHAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-63(PUT-I) beinga By-Law to allow Alvi.n CoranPatterson arrd Betty Jean Patter-sonto rnalntain a well pflrEly $ituate ona Highway being .Ioyce Boulevard in theTownship of <strong>Georgina</strong>o be now reada first, second and rhird times,passed and trumbered hy the Mayor andt-he Clerk.Catriei:lBY-LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>-63(PUT-I )Passed, signed and sealed by theMavor and the Cletk,CouncillorCounclllorSmockumRogersTHAT By*Law No. <strong>82</strong>-64(PUT-I) beinga By*Law to authori2s the Mayor andthe Clerk to execute an Etrcr:oachmentAgreemenE between Alvin CoranPatterson and BeEtv Jean Pattersonand the township of <strong>Georgina</strong>, be nowread a flrst, second and thtrd times,passed and numbered by the Mayor andthe Cl.erk.*lBY*i,AW NO. <strong>82</strong>*64(PUT*I)Passed, slgned and sealed try theMayor and the Clerk.Carried....9. .

9Council Minutes -9-c-<strong>82</strong>-O919<strong>82</strong> 05 1310. BY-LAWS:l,Reg-Counci LIor McleanCouncillor ShepherdBY-I,AW NO. <strong>82</strong>-65(LO-l)Reg-Counclllor: McLeanCouncillor ShepherdBY-LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>-66(PL-l)Reg-Councillor McleanCouncil.l.or: ShepherdBY-LAW No. <strong>82</strong>-67(RE-z)THAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-65(Lo-l)betng a lly-Law to lmpose a Specialrate on,cerlain properties withinthe Munrlcipal.ity for GarbageCollection Services , I be now reada fir:st-, second and ttrjrd tirnes,passed aird rrumbered py the Maybrand Cl.erk.ICarried .1.. . .Passed, si.gned and <strong>sc</strong>aled by theMayor and Clerk.iTHAT By-I,aw No. <strong>82</strong>-66(PL-l)being, a By-Law to amefld By-Law No.9O3, whichdeems part of aRegistered Plan of Subdj.vi sionnot to be a Registered 1'1;rn ofStrbdivision for the pur:poses ofSection 29 of The Plannirrg, Act,be now read a flrst, second andthird times, passed and numberedby the Mayor and Cl,erk.PassedMayorCarried,, signed and sealed by fheand Clerk.THAT By*Law No. <strong>82</strong>-67(RE-2) beinga By-Law to amend By=Law No.79-?39(RE-Z) being a By-l-aw toprovlde for the Use, Regulation,protection and Government ofFublic Parks under the Authoritvof fhe Township fo Ceorgina, benow read a first, second and thirdtimes, passed and n'umber:ed by theMayor arrd the CI.erk,.. Carried ..,...Passed, sig,ned and rsealed by theMayor and Clerk. ii 10. . .I+ ti;l<strong>lt</strong>

T,riI 0Council. Mlnute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>*0919<strong>82</strong> 05 13to.9v-mwslcS"ta.::JReg-Counc<strong>lt</strong>lor McLeanCouncillor ShePherdTHAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-68(RE-l.) beringa By-L,aw to establish a Comnttrni.tyRecreation Centr:e at Udor:a in theTownship of <strong>Georgina</strong>, be flow re;rda first, second and thir:d times,passed and numbered by Lhe MaYorand Cler:<strong>lt</strong>.CaftiedBY-LAI{ NO. 8?-:68 ( RE-I )Passed , signedMayor and theand sealed by theClerk.A By-Law to amend By*Law No. 911,being, a By*Law to regulate the use oflands arrd tlre character, 1-ocarion anduse obuildings and str:ucfureswithin the Township of Georgi.na.Roland tlerkel,Par:t Lot 15, Con. 4 (NS)tCouncilJor Rogers dec.lared a post;i.b1eConflict of Inl-erest in this maEterand did not tal

1 1Councilc-<strong>82</strong>-o9Mlnutes-11-19<strong>82</strong> 05 13.10. BY-LAI{S ( ConEd .Counc i, llorCouncillorRogersLyonsTHAT By*Law No. <strong>82</strong>-70(COU-1)being a lly-Law to Appoint a Courtof Revision for the Hurner LaneSanicary Sewer: I)roject pursunntto the Local Improvement Act, be.now read a first , secotrd andthir

c-<strong>82</strong>*CaTHE CORPORA'IION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF GEORGINAIN THEREGIONAI, MUNICIPAI,ITY OF YORKCOUNC]L MINI.I'TES19<strong>82</strong> 04 227.30 p.m.Tl're Council of ttre Township of Geo,:ginir met in theCouncil Chambers of the Georgitra Civic Cenlre, R.R. +12,Keswick, Ontario,The I'layor callecl the meeting t-o orderat 7.35 p.m.1. $q$Ig-,+I-!1!!.Jl4IM1,^ nolaent of nreditatlon was observed by Courrcil l4ernbcrrs'2 , tr-.1r-1, cALl, :The Clerhreportedpre<strong>sc</strong>nt,that all. mentller:s of Cottncil were3. CONFI,ICT DISCLOSURES :There hrere ilone'4, MI,NI]T}IS OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS:a) Flinutes of the Council meeting of April Bth'19<strong>82</strong>.Moved by Councillort'li.nchSeconded by Councillor O ' GradY .THAT the Minutes of the Council nteeting of April-Bttr, 19<strong>82</strong>, be adopted wi.rh the followitrli antendmentlTHAT on pag,e 13, item 1?- (a) the followi-ng wortls; beadded to the end of the fi-r:st parag,r:aptr:t'orflresent an apology to Counci.l as a whole i.f sameefln not be substantiated.*QCarried2.,.,..

2Councilc*<strong>82</strong>-O8<strong>lt</strong>'linut:es-2- 19<strong>82</strong> 04 22.5. BUETNESS4BTST!!GrnOMMI{UTS$:a) Councillor: Shephercl regarding page 13, If,sm ]2,(b) papcr Ii.ttering, asked if anythjng hadbetln dont',,to resol.ve thjs m.rtter.The Chief Admi.nistrirtive Officer was instlucted toinvestjgate this problem and infor'tn the Councillorof lr is fj.ndiugs .b) Regional CourrciJlor Mclean with regard to pagc. 13,Item 12 (a) asked that Councillor Burrorvs sulr$tanLiatehis statement or make an apology to Councif at thistime.Moved try Regional Councillor l{cl,eanSeconded by Counci)JorShepherd.lIIA'l' Council re-affirm the statemcnL as amendod,as followst rror present an apology to Councj.J. as awlrofe j f same call not be substantiated" , j,n theCouncil lUinuters of April Bth, item12 (a), andthat action be taken i.n respect of same.IA recotdedVoLe was lequested.T'he Clclr'k Tecor'ded the votcas follows;Repliontl Councj, l.lor McLean - YeaCounci .l lor Roge rs * YeaCourrcillor $hepherd * YeaCounciflor W[nch- Ye aCouncil.l.or BurrowsCounci 11or LyonsCoun cjllor O' GradyCounciJlor firtroclrtturMayor l)ales* Nay- N ay- Nay- Nay- NayYe a - 4Nay - 5Defeated.It was noted that the currcnt position of Council isa direction giv

3Councilc-<strong>82</strong>-OBMinutes-3- 19<strong>82</strong> 04 22.t.Moved by CouncilforSmockumSeconded by CoturcillorLyons.TIIAT $12,OOO.OO be alfocatt:d in the 19<strong>82</strong> CapitalBudget and ttrat approval t)e granted to proceed withthe propo<strong>sc</strong>rl stage otre; ptojr-.ct of the renclvations tothe Vi.rginja Contntunity Hall ancl that the balance ofthe $l2,OOO.OO al.focation nol- used in stflge one Lreal.located j.n 19<strong>82</strong>, to additionaf stages of therenovations to the IIall.CarriedUnanimousrJ.y. . . .2.Moved by Council.lorWInchSc'conded by CouncilforRogersrTIIAT the Firc Fightjng Agreernent wjth Brock Townshipbe revisecl to irrclude a retainer fee of $2,OOO.OO.Also, that the followins lat'es be aecepted for theI'ire li'ighting Agreemer:t between the'I'ownship of Gcor$Ii.naanrl llrock 'l'ownship,and hetrveen thc Townshlp of <strong>Georgina</strong>and Uxbridge'l'ownship.Puntpe rTankerVan$2OO.OO per hour ol part$?OO.OO per hour or part$lOO.OO per hour or partthereof;thereof;thereof;Carried.3.Moved by CouncillorWinchSec.onded by CouxciflqrRogersTHAT the Council of the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> does notgrant perlnjs$ion to LeBrun (lonstuctors Lirnited toconst"uct in tinres set out as restricted times ln theNoise Control. By*Law.TIIA'I' the Council of the Townshi.p of <strong>Georgina</strong> rvilf notpermit Lake Drive No<strong>lt</strong>lr to be close:d north of ClarJynI)r'ive for any Longer than is necr--srsary to con*qtruct theWater Trt=atnent Plant Intalqe withj.n tlre actual roadafl.owance.Carrj.ed.*l

Council Minute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-O8*4- 19<strong>82</strong> 04 22.9. COI,,IMITTEE O}' TIIE WHOI,ERECOMIT'IHNIIATIONS (Contd. . . . )4. I,{oved lry Councillor: ITinch'$econded l-ry CourrcillorShepherdTHAT a Bv-Law to regulate the instirllation of woodburning appliances Lg! bc passecl tlecause of ttrtrdifficu<strong>lt</strong>y of perforrnjng Irroper i.rtspectjotrs and thefact that tht: Munlcipali.ty canllot control theoperation of tlre appliances witlr tlre resuft thlrt tlreMunicipal.ity may be expo-^ed to lialriJity if a fireshould occul on an lnstallation that has beenlnspected by the MuniciPtlitY.Carried.5, Movetl by Councillor LYonsSeconded by Councill.or$hep<strong>lt</strong>erd.1'IIA1I thc lviotion movcd by Council)or Lyons andseconded try CouncilJ.or: Shepherd, a.s foLlows:"TllAT the damage done by erosion of the batrliat the South ea$t side of the Sul,l.on l]am beIepair:ed as soon as possibfe tr'o catch the springrains to refill thc Mi11 Pctnd. Thi.s work to bq:done wjthin the Townshjprs capabilities",be deferred pendirrg recej.pt of Iredcrnl. and Conservatj.oninvof venrent a$ to time of study requri$tecl ancl any othermatters to be dea<strong>lt</strong> with.Carried.6. At this time Mayor Dafe-'s weJc.omed the lst Georgi.traGi,rI Guldes of Virginia, to the Coutrcjl meeting artdtheir lerrder', I)i;r,ne Morris introducerd the Guides,lnturn, to Council.Wjth the agreement of the memtrer:s o.f Coutrci.l theorder of business on the Agerrda was moved to item 7 (c)Comnrun lcations .7, (c) Marj.e Lauaier representing a Newmarkt:t Womenrs groupls reqrresting a fettt,'r of support flom C

5Councilc*<strong>82</strong>*OBMlnutos-5- 19<strong>82</strong> Q4 22.7. (c) Co}{}rtIrtNMTrQxElQqrrtd....)Moved by Regional Councillor l{cl,eanSeconded by Counci 11or Shcpherd.TIIAT t<strong>lt</strong>e Torvnship of <strong>Georgina</strong> fu:1.lyend

5Council Minutes -6- ]9BP 04 22.c-<strong>82</strong>-088. PET1TION$ :a) Counct'llor l1Iinch presr,'n1.ed a Petition on behalfof re$idcnts on Fleasant Blvd, , regardingMosquj tr: spraying.9. CO[I[,!I,I"fEE ANI) OT}IIIR I]EPORTS :a) REPOETOF TIIE CLERKi) Bj.g $lsters of Yolk Annual Tag Day.Attached is Heport No. TC -<strong>82</strong>-07' Moved l:y Councillor RogersSecorrded by Corurcil10rShepher"d.l. THAT Big Sisters of York be perrnittedto hold a Tag Dav in the'fownship

Counci .l ['linute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-OB19<strong>82</strong> 04 22.10. rlr EIIIEIIEA IlustlrEsE ;a) Moved b]' Cottncillor Smocl{un)$econded by Council)orLyons.Ti{AT the tender in the amourlL of $2,932.5O to sulrplyWcc'd arrrl Brush Ki.l.fL=r, sulrntitted by Bradford Co-Op,Ontario, be acce-pled.A reoor:ded votcwas reqrtested.The Cterk recorded the vote as foflows:Councillor Lvons - YeaCouncj.lJor Rogcrs - YeaCouncillor Shepherd - YeaCounci. 1l-or Smockum - YeaCouncillor Wj.nch * YeaMayor Dales- Yr.:aReg-Councill-or lr{clclrn - NayCouncilfor lJulrows - NayCounciffor O'Grady - NayYea - 6Nay - 3Carriecl.b) Councillor Rogers inqrrired a,.r to the status of theAnimal. Control By-Law.The Chief Administrativc OIfi.ce to check tlredisposition of this matter.11. BrL41IL_Corrncillor BurrowsCounciflor LyousTTIAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-61(IllTO-2)being a l3y-Larv to Rt:name SouthDxive, Re6gistered Plan l.lo. 566,to Huntley Drive, be nolr:eada first and second times.Carri.ed.*l8. . . .

BCouncilc-<strong>82</strong>-OBMinutes-B- 7.9<strong>82</strong> Q4 22.L2. oTIIER\{QII!!EiAt this time theto ir<strong>lt</strong>roduce therul.es of procedurefoflowing l\totion.s:were waivedCounclllorCounciflor'SmochumLyorrs1IIAT Council alrprove of theappointment of C()uncil.lor ]lclrtaShephercl to the RoyaJ CatradianRirngers Band IIaff Board (lonxni.ttee.Carried.Heg-Counciflor McLeanCouncj llor lloge rsIlIIAT at th{-: retluest of the Opti.mistCLub of Kesrvick, the Jlollorvj-trfTproclamlrti.on be itrsertecl jn tlre nextjssue of our local newspapcr':TIIAT the week of <strong>lt</strong>{av fst to <strong>lt</strong>{ny ?th'19<strong>82</strong>, be proclaimed lly t<strong>lt</strong>c'; It4aJ'or as"lleslrect of Larv Wecl

9Council. Minute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-O8*9.- 19<strong>82</strong> 04 22.13. onlEl!BUSINIIES(cqnl4.c) Itegional Council.lor McLean tablecl a 1et;terfr'om Mr's. R. St.e,'wart, R.R. #1, Suttotr l{est,regardS.ng a parkitlg ploblem at the Itrtersectionof l{ighway 48 and lJal.dwin Road.Tlris was referred to Mr. ll.1'. Maglouflhlen,l'owrrship Engineer for a lcJ)ort to Councj.l..d) Ilegional Council.l.or McLean teported on theIce I'ishing Dcrbyprest-'rrtinl1 a final statementIIe asked for direction for a 1983 Fis<strong>lt</strong>lng Derby,ancl for a 2/3 nrajority of Council to intr:oducethe following <strong>lt</strong>'lotion :<strong>lt</strong>roved by Regionaf Councjll.or Mcl,eanSeconded by CouncillorWincht1'IIAT WHEFEAS i-t is in the best interests of theMuni.(ripality to promote events within the To<strong>lt</strong>rship;AND WHEIIEAS the Great <strong>Georgina</strong> lce Fjshing Derby isof tlreat benef<strong>lt</strong> to the Municipality;THEIIIII'Olrll, BE IT IiESOI,VEI) that th('r Tr:wnshipgive authorj.zation to ttre Derby Committce to organizethe 1983 Fishing l)elby within the spollsorship offt'rrby Molsonrs Ltd., acc',epted by the Cortncif wj-thplogrcssretr)oTts and buclp_;et app]'oval.s t.o be subluitted to CounciLfrom t i.me to ti lnci .Carried.e) Mayor Dal.es rcmindcd members of Councif that theBegj.onal. Bus Tour rviLl commeucc at 8.45 a.tn. otrFridily, 23rd Apli1., 19<strong>82</strong>.f) (louncillor Shepherd i.nquired as to the status ofthe Street lights in Udora.Mr. R.T. MaSloughlen was dj.rected 1.o report back toCourrciflor Sht:plreI'd on the situation.*lC) Councj..llor Shepherd also stated that tlrt: signat the,tllj,ghway 48, Information Centr:e was in abad state of repair, and asked j{ this could bereplaced.Councifl.or Shepher-d rvas infolmed that this wasbeing fookecl al'ter'.h) Councitlor Shepherd inqulrecl as to the pxogresis onthe beautificaticrn of Pefferl.aw.Councillor Shepherd was infortnr:tl that ne{Iotationsare under way with Ontirlio )Iydro, the ChjefAclmjnj.strati.ve oJlficer and the Engineering Assistant.10. . . .t"i1

0irI.;Counci,l. Mitrttte<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-Os-10- 19<strong>82</strong> 04 2?.r3. OTIIHR IIUSINESS (.ContrJ. . .)i) Courrcillor $mockunt announced that there wllf be aDevelopmcnt l)o1icy mr+eLing on April 29th' at9. 30 a.m.Ij) Councillor Rogers announcccl that there will be:an Econornjc Affaj.rs nleeting cluApr:iI 26th , at 7.llO p'n'A1so, on I'hur<strong>sc</strong>lay, ApriI 29t-h at 2Jr"m. thel'c will bea nectirig of t.he Keswj.cl< l<strong>lt</strong>ater and sewcrs Liaison committee.k) Regional CounciJlor lvtcl,ean statecl that there will [rt:a mecting on Wtrdnesday, I{ay 5Lh, at 7.30 p.m. of theIlusiness AdvisolY CouncjL.C.R.A.B. is also meetillg orl Saturday, April 24th' l9B:l'At this tinx," Mayor Dalcs thankt+d Council, staff mernbersand urose invofved with the Accountatrility sessi.on. IIq: fel.tthat jt wa$ a worthwhiJe effort to enabLe people to ge;t involvccl.14. BY-I,A}1' 1Q CON}'IRM PROCNEDINGS :ICouncillorCouncillolWinchSlrePherdTIIAT lly-Law No" <strong>82</strong>-62(COU-2) beinga l3y*Lau' to confir'nt the pi:ttceedi.trgstjf Councj.l. at jts nreet"ing heftl ou2?ncl clay of ApriJ, :1.9<strong>82</strong>, be nowread a first, seconcl and third tinrespassed and numbered by the Mayorand Clerk.By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-62(COU-2)Passed, sj.gned and sealecl try tircMayor and Clerk.On Motion ,Mectin{I ad.journedlO.OP p.rn.*l

e*87--o70 rTHE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF GEORCINAIN THEREGIONALMUNICIPALTTYOIYOBKCOUNCIL MINU'TES19<strong>82</strong> 04 089.3Oa.m.The Council of the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> met in EheCouncil Chamber:s of the <strong>Georgina</strong> Clvic CEntre, R.n, #2,Keswick, Ont.ar:io.The Mayor called Ehe meeting to order at 9,45 a.rn.MOMENTOFMEDITAT]ON:A moment of medttaElon was observed by Council members,2.FOLLCALL:The Clerk r:eported thaf,. all members of Council. werepresei<strong>lt</strong>.3.the M.ryor acknowl.edged and welcomed Ross StevensorrY.L:A., and his wifE, ancl Bob Forhan, Chairman oi ttr*Region, to the meeting.4,CONFLICT DISCI,OSURIIS :a)|egl91alCotrncillor Mcl,ean declared a possibleConflict of Inreresf wtth regard ro irbm S-i"i6"t !,arnending. the Uniform-Trafflc By_Law'--'f,o del.ete no parking anyfilne on Ehe noi-th sideot Mal.one Road, and did not take parE l..n anydl<strong>sc</strong>ussion and did not vote.5.MINUTESOFPREVIOUSMEETINGSIa) Minutes of the^regular Council meetlng ofMarch ?5rh, 19<strong>82</strong>.Moved by R+gional Councillor McleanSeconded by Councillor:LyonsTlul gn page 8, ifem f, (I) Report of Lt.re ChiefAdministr:alj.ve offtcer'on Indulfry and r""iiimtTHAT the Minutes of the Council meeting ofMarch ?5th, 19<strong>82</strong>, be adopred with the iollowingamendments : ,That--on page I, Ttem4 MlnuEes of Fr:evious meeti.ngs,the M'verrs name be changed to read councittoi-wr,-r.i.2,

02Councll Minute<strong>sc</strong>,-8?*o7-2-19<strong>82</strong> 04 0B .5. MINIITES 0F PRI:VIOUS MI1FjTINCS (Contd. . .)Budgct, item No. 3, Counci.llor Wlnchrs namc hedeletcd as f,he mover, and Councillor OrCrady'sname be inserced .Carricd.DIIPUTATIONS ;a)Regi.onal Chair:man; Bob Forharr infornted Corrncll'heEhir was pleased to attend the meetirrg topresent a preview of the 19<strong>82</strong> Regional Budget.He reviewed charts presented to rhe members to dowith triple as$essnelrt comPar:i,sons and Gr:anfPoptrlaElon comparisons of the Regi.onal Municiph).1tiesfor 19BI'- 19<strong>82</strong>He f,equested Councll to couslder a resol.ution to beaddressed to the Mlnistry of Mrrnici.pal Affairs arrdHousing with regarcl to the aPPorEionment of guaranteegrants.The following resolutiorr was consider:edlIMoved by Councill"or$econded by CounclllorRogersO'GradyWHEREAS a proposed charrge in Provinci.al policywould entail paymei<strong>lt</strong> of derrsity and apportlorrrnentguarantee granEs direcrly to Area Municipalitiesrather than to the Regl.ou;AND WHERIIAS a fur:ther pollcy change ln respect foper capita granfb payable to the Region would requirethe Region to dlstribute srrch grants among its ArieaMunictlialifies on an assessmenE ratlo taEher than apopulation basis ;AND I,IIIEREAS initial cal.culations would apPear tolndi.cate fhe lnEenrion of the Province that thet9B2 appor:Eiontnent guat'antee Brartt total avail,abla foldistribution among the Area Municlpal<strong>lt</strong>ies will besigniflcantly )-ess than the 1981 figure;AND WHEREAS if these proposed chatrges in grant policyare lmplement.ed by the Province, certain lesser:affluent Area Municipalities of the Regi-on of Yorkwtll be required to bear an ut.iust and severefi-nancial burden by reason of lrrcreased Regional faxlevies directly af,tributable Eo the switch from thepopulation formula.to uhe assessnent formula forgr anf, apportioflment PurPoses ;En rr THEREFORE RESOLVIID thaE the MinisEer of MunicipalAffatrs and Housirrg respectfully be pEtitioned f,oprovlcle density and apportionment guaraf<strong>lt</strong>ee Eirantsin ar least th-e same amounts as i.'n 1981 and furtherthat policy nof be changed from other years in respectto fhe apporEionrnent of pet capita Brants'Carried3.

Councilc-<strong>82</strong>-07Mi.nute$-3- 19<strong>82</strong> 04 08.036 . IJITPUTATIONS ( Contd .b) Ross Steveflsorlr M.L.A., attended the meetingto officiall.y present the Council w<strong>lt</strong>ha copy ofthe <strong>Georgina</strong> Offici,al- Irlan approved by tl'reMinistry. He irrdi.cated thaE a number of things hadhappened slnce his el.ecrion and was pl,eased tolnform Corlncil fhat a number of major- capitaL E<strong>lt</strong>antshad been approved, and rhat of the two large Wj.rrtarj.oGranrs, <strong>Georgina</strong> had been one of tlre recipient-s.He indicated lris concern about the change in ttreprovincial apportionment granl to MuT"ricipal<strong>lt</strong>j.es andthat he would do what he coul.d t,o see that it cloes notaffect the ridlng Muni.cipaLities.7 . COMMUNICATIONS Ia) L. St. Pierre, Cler:k. Towrrship of Maidstone,requesti,rrg rr,rral Municipalilies to considerundertaking similar acLion as the Towrrship of'MaidsEone in refusi:ng l-o appl.y to MTC alrd payfor Encroachment Perm<strong>lt</strong>s for work to be doneon established Munj-cipaI Drains across MTCriglrE-of-ways .Thls was r:eceived f,or information.b) I{enry Cooper, Landowner i,n the imme

Councll Mlnute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-O7-4, 19<strong>82</strong> 04 0B .04SUT'TONDAMIAttachedEnglr-reerls RePortNo. TE*<strong>82</strong>-13 of the Townshi.pMoved by Regional Councillor McleanSeconded by CouncillorRogers.'I'ownshipl. THAT the Cotrncil of theof Gcorginareqrrest the South Lake Simc.oe Con$ervati.onAuthority to undertake a Study to assess thea<strong>lt</strong>ernative actions wtrich m+y be talqerr w<strong>lt</strong>hregards to the Sutton Dam, particular:ly theenvironmenlal- impacts .2. THAT the cost of the Study to the benefitti.ngMuntcipa<strong>lt</strong>Ly shaI1 noE exceed $7rOOO.OO.3. THAT the Regiona) MuniciJral<strong>lt</strong>y of York is herebyrequested to be the benefitting Municipali-ty andwill pay the AuthoriEyrs share of the cost of theworks4. THAT the Township of Geor:gina pay the RegionalMunicipality of Yor:k's share of the cosl of theStudy.Carried Unanimousl.v, , , .At thj-s time Mayor Dales vacared the Chair (11.40 a.m.)and Acting Mayor M. Wi,nchtook the Chali.With the ag,reemenc of the members of Council theorder of buslness vnas changed on the Agenda Eo deal withRepor:t- No. RTS-<strong>82</strong>-8 of the Roads and fraf-fic Superintenderrt.TENDERSIFor the following:( l. ) Surface Treatment(2) Gravel Crushi.ng and Hauling(3) 22% CaIcLurn Chloride So1utlon(4) 35% Calcium Chloride Solution(5) MTC Prime or Equivalent(6) Weed and Brush Kill.Attached ls Report RTS-<strong>82</strong>-8 of the Roads and Traffi-cSuperintendent,Moved by CouncitlorSmocktrmSeconded by CounclllorRogers.THAT the Eender in the amount of $39,960.50 for SurfaceTreatment submitEed by t'{iller Paving Ltd., Box 250, Unionvill.e,Onf,ario , be accepted ,tCarr:ied.5.

Cor-rnciI Minute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-07-5* 19<strong>82</strong> 04 0805TENDERS (Contd.Moved by CouncilJor SmockumSeconded by Regional Councillor Mclean.THAT the tender in the amounL of $6O,B5O.OOfor Gravel Crushing and l{auling, plus overhaul over6 miles at 9.5d per t-.or) mile, submj.tted by RobertYoung Construction l,t,d., R.R. #I, Iinnismore,OnEar-io , be accepted .2.THAT the tender i,n Llre amount of fi47,980.Oo to sr"rpplyand apply 22% calcium Chloride Sol.uLion, submitted byVau6,,lran MJ-nerals Ltd.: 105, Breithaupt Street,Kitchener, 0ntarlo, be accepted.3.THAT Ehe tender in Ehe amount of $8O,430.O0 tosupply and apply 35% CalciumChloride Solution,submitEed by Mi)}er l'aving Lrd., Box 25O,UnionvlIl.e, Ontari.o, be accepted.t4.THAT the tender ln the amourrt of $34,680.00 to supplyand apply M,T.C. Primcr or Eqr,rivalent, submitted byMil.l.er Paving Ltd., Box 25O, Unionvill.e, Ontario,be accepted .Moved by CouncillorSmockumCarnied.Seconded by Councillor Lyorrs .THAT the tender in fhe amount of $21932.50 to supplyWeed and Brr,rsh Killer, submitted by Bradford Co-Op,Ontsario, be accepted,A recordedVote was requested.The Clerk recorded ttre vote as follovrs:Council 1or Lvons - YeaCouncillor Smockum * YeaCouncillor Winch - YeaRegional. Councillor Mcl,ean * NayCouncillor Burrows * NavCouncillor O'Grady * N.iCouncillor Rogers - N.itCouncillor Shepherd - NayYea -Nay -35Defeated.6. .

l.Councj-1 MinuEe<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-07TENDERS ( Contd. . . )*6- 19<strong>82</strong> 04 0806Moved by Cotrnci.)-Ior Smockum \Seconded by CortncillorLyons,THAT Councll reconslder: the Motion that thetender in the amount of $2,932.50 to supply Weedand Brush KiIIer, subrni.<strong>lt</strong>ed by Bradfor:d Co-Op,Bradford, Ontario, be accepted.Carrled.beA further Report on the mattrer of Weed CorrLrol willprepared by the Township Engineer.8.PITITTONS-.There were none .9 . COMMITTEE AND OTHER REPORTS ;a) CommiEree of the Whole recommendations ofAprtrl Ist , 19<strong>82</strong> .Moved by Regional Councillor McleanSeconded by CouncillorShepherd.1. THAT the request from the SutEon Curllng CIub bereferred to Township staff to investi-gate otheravenues of furrdlng that may be avallable to theCurling CIub , ancl furtlrer , thats the Economic andDevelopment Committee di<strong>sc</strong>uss the posslbility ofesrablishing a policy to deal with requests forprivate {unding.CarriedCouncillor Smockum declared a possible Conf<strong>lt</strong>ct ofInter:est on this ifem and did not take part in anydi<strong>sc</strong>ussion and dtd not vote.Councillor Burrows declared a possible ConflicE ofInterest regarding this i-tem anO diA nof take partany di<strong>sc</strong>ussion and did not voEe.Gounclllor Lyons declared a possible Confllct oflnterest regarding this item and did not take partany di<strong>sc</strong>ussion and did not vote.Councillor Winch declared a possible Corrflict ofInterest regarding Ehis item arrd did noc take parfany di<strong>sc</strong>usslon and did not vote.an].illn7 . . . .

Council Minute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-O7-7-19<strong>82</strong> 04 0Ba79 . COMMITTEFI AND OTHER RUPORTS ( Contd 'Moved by CouncillorO'GradySeconded by Council.).orRoger:s.THAT the applicati.on for rezoning by AIice Russellas detailed lrr Report F-<strong>82</strong>-tB be refer:red back tothe Dlrector of Planni-ng to address the concerns asoutlined in the Petition received from the objecLorsln the ar:ea and Eo arrang,e to meet wit,h all inter-estedparties jn an effort to provide adequaEe siLe plantonErols with a report to be submitted wirhin a 30day pertod..Carried3. Moved by Councillor SmockumSeconded by CouncillorOrGrady.t4.THAT a By-Law to ral.se money to aid in theconstrillctj-on of Drainage Works under the TileDrai,nage Acr, 1980, as amendedbe given tworeadings at this timc and mai.led by the Clerk tothe Ontario Municipal Board, for approval..Moved by CouncillorShepherdCattied.Seconded by CouncillorRogers.THAT Councll pass a By-Law deeming Lots 5O, 5Iand 8O to 89 lnclusive on Registered Plan ofStrbdivision 237 not to be lots on a Registered PIanof Subdtvislon for purposes of Section 29 (3) of ThePlanning Act, R.S.O., f980.- Carried5.Moved by CounclllorO'GradySeconded by CounciI.l.orRogers.THAT Cor.rncil designate all lands withitt theTownship of Georgi.na zoned R3, I, CI, C2r C3r C4tC5, C6, Ml, M2, M3, M4, M5, A and OS iri ZoningBy-Law 9I1, as amended as a Site Pl.an Control Area.Carried8. . . ..

Cor-rncll MlnuEe<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>rO7-8- 19<strong>82</strong> 04 0B .OB9 . COMMITTEE AND OTHER REPORTS ( Contd. . . . )6. Moved by Councillor ShepherdSeconded by CounclllorRogers1. THE Uniform Traffjc By-Law he amended tolnclude Rlverview Beach Road as a stop streetIrvtng Drive .2. THAT the Uniform Traffic By-Law be amendecl todelete no parking anyti,me on the nor:th side ofArena Roacl, in front of L'he Keswick Arena and tothe rear of the Kcswick Fost Office.Carrled7. Moved by Counctllor ShepherdSeconded by CouncillorRogets.THAT the tlniform Traffic By-Law be amended to deleteno parking anyEime on Lhe north side of Malone Road.Carr:iedRegional Counclllor Mclean declared a possible Conflictof Interest and did not take part in any di<strong>sc</strong>ussion anddidnotvote.8. Moved by Councillor ShepherdSeconded by CouncillorRogersTHAT a By-Law be passed to dedlcate Part of Lot 20,Concession 5 (G) Part 2 on Reg,lsf,ered Plan 65R*3791,to form part of a public highway...Carried...9. Moved by Councillor SmockumSeconded by CounclllorLyonsTHAT a donation not to exceed $1OO.OO be made to the<strong>Georgina</strong> Inter Agency Councll for the purposes ofconducElng a malllng and to assist in non-governmentalout-of-pocket expenses .Carriedt9. . . .

Councll Mi,nute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>*07-9- I9<strong>82</strong> 04 08 .099. COMMITTEE AND OTHHR REPORTS (Contd10. Moved by Rcgi.onal CounciJ.lor Mcl,eanSeconded by CouncitlorRogersTHAT the Council of the Township of Georgirraaccept f,he Ietter of resignation of Jack Richards,. Dtt'ecEor of Economic Developmene, with regret,Carriedib)APPI,ICATIONS FOR I"IQI]OR LICENCESALICE!S RTiSTAURANT: RRIARS INN RT{SORTIAEEached is Report No. P*<strong>82</strong>-2O of the Directo,: ofPlanning.Moved by CouncillorShepherdSeconded by CounclllorSmockumTHATthe following recommendation;ilTHAT the Council of the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong>support the applicaEion by Alicers Restaur:antEo the Liquor Licence Board of Ontari-o for aDinlng Lor,rrrge Llcence with the condition thatno live entertainment be permitted except onFridays and Saturdays between the hours of 12 noonand 11.0O p.m.r'be amended by changing, theentertainment from l? noonto 12.00 p,m.hours permitted for 1 ivef,o II p.m. to l2.OO noonDefeated.Moved by CouncillorLyonsSeconded by CouncillorOrGrady.t1.z.3.TI{AT Ehe Counci.I of the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> supportthe applicat-ion by Alicers Restaurant to the Liquor:Licence Board of Ontar:i.o for a Dr'-ning Lounge Licencewith the condition fhat no live entertainment bepermifted except on Fridays and Saturdays between thehours of LZ noon and ll.OO p.m.THAT the Council of the Townshlp of <strong>Georgina</strong>supPort the application by the Briars Inn Resort tothe Liquor Llcence Board of Ontarlo for a Patio(Dining Lounge) Licence.THAT Ehe Clerk be authorized to forward copies of thesaid resolution to the Liquor Licence Board of Ontariofor <strong>lt</strong>s conslderation at a Pub<strong>lt</strong>c meeting to be held onApril13, 19<strong>82</strong>, at Ehe offices of the Licjuor LicenceBoard of Qnt-arioCarried.r0.

Counci-I Minute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-07*10* 1e<strong>82</strong>or+o8. l09. COMMITTIIE AND OTHER REPORTS ( Contd. . . )c) Building Department Report for theMonEh of March , 19<strong>82</strong>This was recei-ved for Lnformation.d) NORTH KESWICK WATERCOURSE FI-OOD RELIEF STUI)Y;Attached is Report No. TIi-<strong>82</strong>-12 of theTownstrip Engineer.Moved by Councill.orRogersSeconded by Regional Councill-or <strong>lt</strong>lclean.1. THAT lhe Council of Ehe Townshi,p of Geor:glnais in favour of the channelimprovemcnt-s iderrtifledas Schemc t'Ail in Ehe Report entitled ilKeswiclrNorEh hlatercourSe Flood Relief Stucly", prepar:ed byCumming - Cockburn and Associates l,imited arrdrequests that the Soutlr Lake Si.ntcoe Conser:vationAuthori.ty proceed with the necessary propertyacquisition and desigr-r in I98?.2. THAT rhe Council of the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong>Tequests fhe South Lake Simcoe Conser:vationAuthorify to rrndertake the works de<strong>sc</strong>ribed aboveat an estimated cost of $208,750.OO (1981 dollars).3. THAT fhe Regional Municipali.ty of York is herebyrequested to be the benefitEing Munlcipalit-y andw111. pay the AuEhorityrs share of the cost ofthe works.4. THAT rhe Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> pay 5O7" of rheRegtonal Municipa<strong>lt</strong>ty of Yorkrs share of the cost.Carried.10. BY*LAWS :Regional Cor.rncillor l'lclean THAT By-Lsw No- <strong>82</strong>*52(TI-1)Councillor Rogers being a By-Law to raise moneyto aid in the construction ofdrainag,e works under the Ti}eDralnag,e Act, R.S.O. 198O,Chapter 5OO, be now read aflrsE and secorrd time .CarriedI11. . . . .

Cor,rnclI Mlnute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-O7-11-19<strong>82</strong> 04 08 . I IIO . BY-LAWS ( Contd .Corrnci.l. 1 or, Roger:sReg*Councillor llcleanTHAT By*Law No. <strong>82</strong>-53(PL-l)beirrg a By-l,aw to Deem Registe,edPlan of Subdlvision ?-37 rrot to bea Registered PLarr of Subdivisionfor purposes of Secti.on 29 (3)of the Planning Act, R.S.O.,198O, Ctrapter, 379, be now reada fiTst, second and third tlmes,passed and numbcred by the ActingMayor and Clerk. : '.:.Carrled.BY-LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>_53(PL-I)Passed, signed and sealed by theActing Mayor snd Clerk,Counclll-or: RogersReg-Counci.l1or Mcl,eanBY-LAW N0. <strong>82</strong>-54(PL-3)THAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-54(PL-3) bcinga By*Law to designafe a Site Pl,anControl area for t.he Township of<strong>Georgina</strong>, be now read a fir:st-.,second and third times, passed ;rndnumlrered by the Actirrg Mayor andCIerk.Carried,Passed, signed and sealed by theAcfitg Miyor: and Clerk.Counclllor RogersReg-Counclllor McleanTHAT By-I.,aw No. <strong>82</strong>-55(TR-l) beirrga By-Law to Amend l-he Unifor:mTraffic By-Law By*Law No.8O-4OB(TR-l) of the MunicipalCorporation of the Township of<strong>Georgina</strong>, be now read a first,second and third fi,mes , passedand numbered by fhe Acring Mayor anCIerk .CarriedBY-LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>-55(TR-1.)Passed, signed and sealcd by theActtng Maycir and Clerlc.Councillor RogersReg-CounciIIor McLeanTHAT By*Law No. <strong>82</strong>*56(TR-l) being,a By-Law ro Amend By-Law No.80-408(TR-l) of the MunicipalCorporatlon of the Township ofGeorg,ina, be now read a first,second and third times,passedand nurnbet'ed by the Actlng,Mayor anClerk.tBY*LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>*56(TR-I)Cai*iedPassed, signed and sealed by theo":1"* I'{aYor and crerk.I2

Council Mlnute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-O7-L2-l9B2 Olr OB . | 210. BY-LAWS ( Contd .Councillor RogersReg-Councillor McLeanBY-LAW N0. <strong>82</strong>-57(LA*3)THAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-57(LA-3) beinga By-Law to dedi.cate certainlands as beirrg a Public Highwayand formi.ng part of Concessi.on 6Road, be now read a firsl,second and thir:d times, passedand numbered by the Acting, Mayorand Clerk.Carried.Passed, signed and sealed by theActing Mayor and Cl-er:k.Council.Ior: RogersReg-Cotrncil lor MclearrBY-LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>-58(PL-3)THAT tsy-l,aw No. 8?-58(PL-3) beinga By-Law to de-siF',nate part of theTownship of Geor:g',ina as aRedevelopmenC area , be now reada first, second and thlrd times,passed and numbered by theActirrg Mayor and Cler:k.Carried,Passed, signed and sealed by theActing Mayor and Clerk.Councillor RogersReg-Councillor McLeanBY*LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>-59(PL-3)THAT By*Law No. <strong>82</strong>-59(PL-3)betnga By-Law to designate part of cheTownship of <strong>Georgina</strong> as aRedevelopment area, be now reada first, second and third times,passed and numbered by the ActingMayor and Clerk.Car:r:i.edPassed, slgned and sealed by theActing Mayor and Cl.erk.11 NOTICES OF MOTION :Moved by CouncillorLyonsSeconded by CouncillorOrGrady.TI{AT the damage done by erosion of the bank at the southeast side of the Srrtton l)am be repaired as soofl aspossible to catch the spring rains to refill the MilL PondThi.s work to be done within the Township's capabilities.I13 .

-tCounc i I Mirrute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-O712 , OTI{ER BUSINESS I-13*1.98? 04 08a)Regi.onal Cotrnclll.or Mclean on a point of privilegeasked that Corrncillor ilnrrows bc r:eqrtestcd tosubstantiare hi-s statement that the Council hadsuggested the AgrieuLtura} Society be movecl to theCivic Centre, or pTesenf an apology to Council asa whole if same can not be substantlated,Acting Mayor Winch lndicaLed the requesL was val-idand directed Councillor Burrows t.o prcsent evidenceof thi.s offer at the next mecl-i.ng he is inattendanceb)Council.lor Shephcrd indj-cated the concerns in herWard with regard to flre papers l<strong>lt</strong>tering, the str:eetsand roadways now that the snow has gone. She sugge$tf,dthat the distr:ibuti.orr of the varlous newspapers bestopped. The Chief Adrninistrative 0fficer waslnstructed l-o contact t-he ownefs of the newspapercompanies l-o resolve the matter. .r 3 ,BY-LAW TO CONFII{M I'ROCU}IDINGS rIReg*Councillor Mcl,eanCouncillor RogersTHAT BY-Lar,r No. <strong>82</strong>-60(COtl-?-)bcing a By-Law to Confirm theProceedings of Council at itsmeeti.ng held on ApriI 8t-tr,19<strong>82</strong>, be now read a first, secondand third tj.mes, passed andnumbered by ttte Acting Mayor: andClerk.Carried. . . . .. ..' '..'BY-LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>-60(COU-z)Passed, signe

c*8?*06TIIE CORPORATION OF TIIE TPWNSflIP OF GEORGINAIN THEREGIONAL }{TINICIPALITY O}' YORKCOUNCII, MINUTESr9B2 03 257. 3Q p,n.I'he Council of the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> met in theCounsil Chambers of the <strong>Georgina</strong> Clvic CentTe, R.ll. #2,Keswick, Ontario.<strong>lt</strong>re Mayor called the neeting to order &t 7.4O p.n.1. ItOMIilll'0!'<strong>lt</strong>fElXTATIqIr-*A moment of meditation was observed by Councll Members.2. ROI4CAr,r,rThe Deputy Clerk reported that afl members of Councifwere present with the exception of Councillor Burrou'sand Councillor Rogers .3. CONIIICTDIJCLOSUR}IS:a) CouncJllor Srnockun declared a posslhle Conffict ofil'ntelest with regald to itemg (f) * Sutton Agricu<strong>lt</strong>uralSociety, and did not take part in any di<strong>sc</strong>ussion and rlidnot vote -b) Councillor Lyons declared a possible Conflict ofInterest with regard to item S (f) - Sutton Agricu<strong>lt</strong>uralSoclety and did not take part ln any di<strong>sc</strong>ussion and didnot vote4 . MINUJFS OF pRfiVIOUS MEETTNGS :a) Minutes of the Counsilmeeting of t<strong>lt</strong>h il{arch, 19<strong>82</strong>.Moved bY CouncillorWinchSeeonded by CouncillorLyons,'TUAT the Minutes of the Councif meeting ofl<strong>lt</strong>h Mareh, 19<strong>82</strong>, be adopted with the foLlowing amendmerrts:TIIAT on page 5 the Motion movcd by Councillor Burrowsand seconded by Reglonal Courtcillor Mclean tre amended bydeleting the word ;"affect't and J,nserting the wordI'increar^err, so that the Motion now reacls; TIIATRecommendation aE above, in Report No. PB2-13 of theDirector of Planning be amended by adding the foll.owing:Providing thet this proposal does not j.ncf,ease the eostof sewer or water rates in the Keswlck areA".2. . . .

2Courrci I l{inute<strong>sc</strong>-8?-06 .-2- 19<strong>82</strong> 03 25 .4. i{INUTES olr PRUVIOUS ttnEI<strong>lt</strong>l$E-l!-gll4._1j--)jTHAT on pft ge 14, Iterrr No. 11, I\{ayor Dillesrname wss omitted from the vote as fol.lows:"Reg-Coun cj, 11or I{cLean - YeaCounciJlor Rogers - YeaCouncill.or Burrows * NaYCouncillor OtGradY * NaYCouncillor ShePherd - NaYCoune.i Jlor Smockwn - NayCouncillr:r Winch * NaYMayor l)ales- NaYYea - 2Nay - 6Defeated. . r r r r . . .rr5. CQNII{INICATIONSa)York Regional Cferk, Robert Vcrnon, has fo<strong>lt</strong>rvarcleda copy of (llause 1 of a repoxt on the ConsolidatcdHear'irigs Act, 1981, that has been adopted by the Councifof t<strong>lt</strong>e Regional Municipality of York-This was received for information.9. CIMI/IITTIIEANIIOTIIIIRITEIgEIqia) Cotnmittee of the Whole recommendations ofl{arch }Bth, l$<strong>82</strong>.I. l{oved by Councillor WinchSeconded try CouncilLorSmockum,TIIAT the Mayor proclaim the Month of April as"CANCEII CONTROL I\4ONTH'I in the Towns<strong>lt</strong>ip of<strong>Georgina</strong> and a flag raising cerenlony be held atthe Civic Centre on April l, 19<strong>82</strong> at 1 p.m.Carried.2. Moved by Counci.llor WiuchSeconded by Counc,ill.orSmockum.TIIAT the following motion be deferred for furtherReport:1. TIIAT the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> participate inthe Contlact between the RegionaI. l{unicipality ofI York and lrnperial Oil Lirnited for the suppJ.y of'fuels.for the duration of the present Contrirct.;2. 1I{AT the Purchasing Agent is authoriued to purc}r&sethe existing equipment located at the Townshipyard$ ownecl lry tlP Oil at a cost not to exceed$5,5OO.O0.Carried.3. ...

3Councilc*<strong>82</strong>-06lvllnutes-L 19<strong>82</strong> 03 25.LcqMilIT'lruEAND o'lTIEIt nlPoRrE-l rgL!g=J-*3. Moved by Counci:llor WinclrSeconcled by Regional Councillor l{cl,eanTIIAT Rcport No. TE-<strong>82</strong>-11 of the Township Ent{ineerre Nortlr Keswicll Drainagc, and an addj.tiqrtraf reportregarding the flow of water that has resu<strong>lt</strong>edbecause of the ditching in the al:ea, he r:eferred tothe Couneil meeting of Alrril Bth, 198?.Carried.4. Moved by Counci,lfor OrGradY$econded by CouncillorSnockum.1'HAT Council approve the Five Year DebentureForecast as submitted, atrdTHAT the T.r"*,rt*. be directed to pl'epare thenecessarv forms to submit the Fi.ve Year Fo]'ecastto the Region and to the Ontario Municipal Roard.ICaruied.5. Moved by <strong>lt</strong>egi.onal Councillor I'lcl,eanSecondecl by CounciJlor Shepherd.1. TIIAT an application for a proposed Plan ofSubdivision on ]ands de'<strong>sc</strong>rihed as Parts ofLots 2? and 23, Concessjon 3 (NG), subtnittedby Bertan Itrvestments Ljmited be 4plrovq! asEeLised, sub.ject to the foflowing cortditions:(f) Approval shal1 i:elate to a Pfan ofSubdivisiotr pre-'pared by <strong>lt</strong>larsha)1., Iulacklin,Mcinagharr, as revised and shown as Schedul.erAr in fteport F-<strong>82</strong>-:14 (Revised) of theDirectol of Planning of the To'wnshj.p of<strong>Georgina</strong>.(ii) The road allowance included in this draftplan of subdivision shal1 lre dedicated bythe owner as a public highway.(iii) The street includecl in this draft plan ofSubdivision shall be named to the satisfac.tionof the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> and RegionalPl, anning Department.4. . . .

4Councifc-<strong>82</strong>-O$It{inutesr9B? 03 25.9. COMMITTEE ANIr O1IIER REPORTS (Contd...)(iv)The owner ,slrall convey land in an amount r)otexceeding 5% of thc land included in thc. planto tlre Townshlp of <strong>Georgina</strong> for Par]< purp6$espursuant to the provisions of Sectjon 33 (5)of the Plannj.ng Act. A<strong>lt</strong>ernatj.vely, the Townshipmay accept oash in lieu of the saicl Conveyanee, andunder the provisions of Section 36 (B) of ThePlanning Act, R.S.O. 198O, the Township isauthorized to do so.(v) The owner shal1 enter into a SubdivisionAgreement wi.th the Townshlp of Georglna, agreeingto satisly all the requirements, financial. arrdothcrwise, of the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> concerningthe provision of Roads, installation of servicesand dr ainage ,(vi) That thr:Geor€iina,limi t ofowner -chalf convey to the Township ofa O.3 Metre reserve al_ong the rrorl,hernLots 1, 22, 23, 31 irnd Block 34.(vii) That the owner shal1 convey to t;he ReglonalMunicipalit.y of Yorls a O.3mr-:tre resefve al"ongthe east limi.ts of Lot$ 14 to ?? ilrc-l.ursive.(viji) Suctr easements as may be required for utilityor drainage pur:poses shalI lre granted by theowner to the appropriate authorjty,( i x ; Thre owner shall agxee in ttre sutrdivisionAg:reentent, not to remove any tree,s withoutprior approval of the'lownshiJr of Georgini+,(x) The lands shall be appropriately zoneci by aRestrj.cted Area By-Law which ttas c.ome intoeffect in accordance with provisions of ThePl.anning Act,(xi) The owner shall suhmit a Lot Grading Plan forthe review and approval of the Township Engineer,(xii) The owner shall complete berming and tree plantingalong the westerly and souther'l.y limits of thePlan to the satisfaction of the Township; suchberns to be of varying heights and widttrs, but aminimum height of 1.5 metres and a minimum basewidth of 6 mc-tt'es ,(xiii) In the Sulrdivision Agreement with the Townshj,p of<strong>Georgina</strong>, it sha1l be providc'

5Councilc-<strong>82</strong>*06l,lirtr<strong>lt</strong>es-5- t9B2 03 25.9. COMMITTfiFI AND OI]IIER nBpoRTS (Con td. .. )(xir') The owner shall c.omplete reforestation ofBlock 32 to the satjrrfactjon of the Township.In the subdivision Agree[rent with the Torvnshipof <strong>Georgina</strong>, it sha11 be provided that Block3? shall be dedicated to the owners of thc-rlots i.n the Subdivision and that such ownerssha1l be tenants in conuron rcsponslble for themaintenancc' of the saicl block,(xv) In the Subdlvision Agreement with the Township,the owner shall agree to the satisfaction of theFegioual llerlj.cal Offjcer of llea<strong>lt</strong>h to provide apotable water supply and suitab1e ptivate sewagedisposal system for each lot ,(xvi) Houses in the proposed subdivision shall bedesigned and located on each lot for maximumsouthern exl)o$ure to the sun.2.TIIAT Council request the Mjnister of Municipal Affairsand llousihg to modify the Offlci.al Plan for theTownship of Gcorgina hy deleting Section andreplacing sarne with:"(b) the Development wifl incfude horserlding trail$ to be located around ilreperilileter and through the middle of theI)evelopment. In additjon, thedevelopment rvil1 include a central openspace area, a.pproxinately 2 lrectares insize owned in cc;mmon by the owners of fotswithin the development arca'r3.TTIAT the Clerk forward a copy of Report P-BZ-IA (Itevised)to the Cfr:rk and lrlanning Commissioner of theRegional Municipal.ity of Yor'k.Carri.ed.6.Moved by Regional Counclllor Mclean1.Seconded by CouncillorWirrch"TIIAT the application for rezoning submitted DyRussell King, being an application to reaone-fandde<strong>sc</strong>ribed as Part of Lot 26, ConceFsion 3 (NG) topermit the erectlon of a single family dweJ.l"ingthereon bo approved, subject to the said dwellinghavlng a rninjmurn front yard setback of 45 metres(148 feet).Carried.6. " - .

5Council, Mlnute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-0619<strong>82</strong> 03 25.9. COMMITTfiE AND OTIIEII RnpOnTS (Contd. . . )2.Moved by Regional CouncillorMcleanSeconded try CouncillorWinchTIIAT the irpplication for' r'ezoning subrnl.tted byRenato Bal.darj., heing an application to rezoneland dc<strong>sc</strong>ribed as Irart of Lot 26, Concession 3 (NG)to per:m<strong>lt</strong> the erection of a single farnily drvellingthereon, bq ilpproLr'.d, sub.jr:ct to the said dwellinghaving a minirnum flont yard setback of fl metres(36.1 {eet) and a maximum front yard setback of23metres (75.1 feet)Carried.3.Movc.d by llegional Councillor Mcl.eran$econtled by Counci.llorWinch.TIIAT the app)ication for rezoning subrnitt.ed lryRosarj-o Porrti.eri, hein{T an application to rezoneland de<strong>sc</strong>rj.ited hs Part of L()t 2G, Concession 3 (NG)to permit the erection of a single farrrily dwel11ngthercon, be appr"ovcd, subject to the silid dwellinghaving a ffinjmqfi front yard setback of fl |netres(36.1 feet) and a minirnun front yard settrack of23metres (75,f feet),Carried.(b)(r)REFOR']'SOFTIEIILERK:Ladies Auxiliary of The Royal CanaclianLegi.on re-'questirrg to hold a Church Farade.Attaclreid is Report No, TC-<strong>82</strong>-05Moved by Counci, J.lrlr SmockumSeconded by CouncillorLyons.2.l.TIIAT the Ladjes Auxili.ary Branch 356Suttonand ljistrict Branchof the Roval CanadianLegion be permitted to hold a Church parade on$unday, May 2, 1.9<strong>82</strong>, corrtnencj.ng at lZ.3O p.rl.from the Legjon Iluilding and lrroceeding alongEast Street to the Cenotaph, where a new flagwifl be dedicated, then march llorth on IIigh Streetto Da1tonRoad, alonu. I)a<strong>lt</strong>on Road to ImmacufateConception where the Cirurch service takes place.Tlre parade wilf break off at the L.G.A. lrarking lot.Further, that all other appropriate bodics berespectfully asl

7Councifc- <strong>82</strong>-06Minutesl9B2 0325.e. QQuMrrrEI ANIIQTII4RnTFQIITS (cqnrd...)nErQ<strong>lt</strong>TE_Q<strong>lt</strong>rllnQIELE:(ii) Procfamation - Vofunteer WeekAttachedis Report No. TC-<strong>82</strong>-06.Moved by Counci 11or SmockumSeeonded by CouncillorLyons.TIIAT the Mayor proclairu the week of Aplil ]Bth,to 24th, 19<strong>82</strong>, as "Volunteer Week" in tlreTorunship of <strong>Georgina</strong>.Carr:iecl.c) REPOITTSQETIIEIIEPUIYQL.EEE(i) Proelamation - "Knights of Cofumbus Week"Attfl ched is Report No, DC-B?*O3Moved by Counci llorSmockumSeconded by CouncillorLyonsItlAl' the Mayor proclajm thc, lveek of March ?9th,19<strong>82</strong>, as "Knights of Cofum]_rus" Weel< ln theTownship of <strong>Georgina</strong>.Carried.d) REpoRTQTTEET)IRECIAROFp!ANN!{(i:(f) Ilnergy Conservation thr.ough Land Use FlanningGrants.Attachedis Report No. F-<strong>82</strong>-16' Moved by Regional Councillor lilcl,eanSecondr-'d by ConrrcillorSmoc.kumTIIAT Council approve the Towrrshiprs participatjonin l,he [Iinistry of tr{unicipal Affairs and llqusjngts'EnergyConservation Through Land Use Planning Grants"Program and authorize the llj.rcctor of planning to' proc.eed with the Consu<strong>lt</strong>ants ploposal cal1.Carried.B. . . .

Councilc-<strong>82</strong>-06Minutes-8- r9B2 03 25.9. COMMITTEEANDOTTIIIRREpORTS(Contd...)(e)REEQET oF 'I'IIE FIRE cHIEIii) Tender Contract No. PB2-O2-OI for 30 sitlgleChannel Monitor Pager$Attachedis Report No. FC-<strong>82</strong>-o1.Moved by Councl]for$econded by CounclllorSmockumLYons,TIIAT the ,tender quotation of Motorola Canada Ltd.ln the total amount of $16,157.40 be accepted fortetrder Contract No. PB2-OZ-O1 for the supply ofThlrty Single Channel Monitor Pagers.Carried.r...i..( f ) REtsg.Rr oF lEEAUIIE Apl'{llllrRAri VE q FIIIEE :i) 19<strong>82</strong> Industry and Tourism Buclget.Attactred is Report No. CAO-<strong>82</strong>-O4.Moved by Council.lorITinchSeconded by Regional Councillor l{cl,ean.TIIAT eaclr of the 1.08? Grants cotrtained inthe Ifidustry & Tourism Budget tre consideredseparately.Carried.Moved by CouncillorSeconcled by CouncillorWinchShepherd.THAT the <strong>Georgina</strong> llistor'ical 19<strong>82</strong> crarttbe reduced by $5OO.OO.Defeated.Moved by CouncillorO'GradYSeconded by RegionaLCouncillorMcLean.1. TI{AT the following 19<strong>82</strong> firants be approved:I98?IIEQUHST19<strong>82</strong>GRANTGeorglna BrockHorticu<strong>lt</strong>ural Society $ IOO.OO $ 1OO.OOSutton Agricu<strong>lt</strong>uralSocietv1,5OO.OO + 3,5OO.OOArena use?,ooo.0o9. . . .

9Coun ci I Minute<strong>sc</strong>-8?-06r9B2 0325.e . co[{l't TEq_ ANILIEI llR BIP0RTS LC<strong>lt</strong>tt t4. . . )(f)19<strong>82</strong> INDUSI'RY AND TOUITISM BUL]GET:lqq?FI'QUEST<strong>18</strong>8?.GRANTGeor:gina Ilistori ca1Socicty $Lake $imcoe ArtsFoundationSanta Clarrs, Parade ConmitteeCon tin gr:n cy4 ,OOO. OOB,OOO.OO$ 4,OOO,OOB,OOO. OO600.oo300 . ooTOTAI.$16 , 5OO. OO2. TIIAT the following be approved for:Toulistn Pronloti on i<strong>Georgina</strong> Cup Snowmobile Racesthe 19<strong>82</strong> Industry [+$2,5OO.OO (comm.)Tourj,st Booth (RepailsCleaning Inside)Indrrstlj.al Frospectus(Tourist Dcvelopment)&3 ,ooo . o05,OOO.OOSurnrner Stud+int rvages;Pefferlaw Downtown fmprovemcntsContj.nuatjon of $111n I)rogram(Iroi.rrts of Iuterest, etc),I,OOO.OO5 ,0oo.oo2 , OO0 . OOAdvertislngof Township FveutsSrooo.ooReprintof Tourism Brochure3,OOO.OOContingencyTOTAL :4,OOO"OO$2?,5OO.OOCarried.Councillor $mockum declared a possible Conflict of fntelestuith regrrrd to Item No. I (?) - Suttc)n Agri.crrJtural Society,and did not take part in any di<strong>sc</strong>ussion and did not vote.Councj.fl.or Lyon$ cleclared a possrj.ble Confllct of Interestwithregard to iten No. I (2) - Sutton Agricu<strong>lt</strong>ura.l Socierty ,and dld not take part in any di<strong>sc</strong>ussion and did not vote.; ro. . . . ,

I 0Councllc-<strong>82</strong>-06Minuters-to* 19<strong>82</strong> 03 25.IO. BY-LAWS :Ir{oved by Regional Counclllor McleanSeconded by CouncilforO'GradyTHAT the By-Law to authorj.ze the Sale of Land,Flan 515, Lot 197, to the l,aw Socjety of UpperCanada, be deferred penciing a rcport from th{'Solicj-tor regarding the Municipalityrs Legalposition on PlopertV tax safes.Carried.rMoved by CouncillorSmockumSeconded by CormcillorLYons.TTIAT the Motion for deferral of the lly-L,awto Autholize the Sale of Latrd, Plan 5f5, Lot 1.97,to the Law Society of Upper Canadir, ber reconsj.de:redal this ti.mr-:, due to aclditional j.nformation fromthe Treasurer regartling this mattt-'T.Carried.Moved hy <strong>lt</strong>egional Councillor McleanSeconded by CouncillorOrGradY.TIIAT the By-l,aw to Authorjze the Sale of Lattd,FIan 511-r, Lot 197, to ttlc I,aw Socjety of UpperCartada, tre deferred to next Cortncil. meetingfor further information.Defeated.Councillor Smockrtn TTIAT BY-L,AW NO. B2*5O(TA-2) heint{ aCouncilJ.or: Lyons By-taw to Authorize thc Sa1,e of 1.and,be now inlloduced and read a fj.rst,second and thj. rd times , passed andnumbered by thc llayor and Deputy Clerk,Flan 5f5, Lot 197 (G).A Recorded Vote was requested.Ttre Deputy Cferk recorded the vote astolfows:Councillor Lyons - Yea,C,ouncillor Smockum - YeaCouncil-Lor Winch - YeaMayor Daf es- YeaReg-Councilfor l,lcl,ean - NayCouncillor OrGrady -NaYCouncillor Shepherd - NayJYea * 4Nay * 3Carried.BY-I,AI{ NO. B2-5O(TA-2) Passed, signed and sealed hy theIt{ayor and Deputy Clerk.11. . ...

I ICouncil l<strong>lt</strong>inute<strong>sc</strong>*<strong>82</strong>-06-rl- 19<strong>82</strong> 03 25.10. BY-r411r$-Councillor WinchCoun ci ffor SrnockunlTIIAT lly-Law No. 911-<strong>82</strong>-168(I)L-5)being a tsy*l,aw to ameud l3y-Law No.911 being a By*l,aw to legulzrte theuse of fands and the charlrc:ter,Joc.ation and use of buildj-ngs; rrndstructures withi.n the Torvnslrip ofGeolgina be rrow read a fir'st, secondand thixd tinres, passed anc.l numlreredby the Mayor and Dcputy Clerk.(Rttssell King, Pt. Lot 26 Con 3 (Uc).Carried.BY-LAI{ NO. 911-<strong>82</strong>-16BCPL*s)Passed, signod and seafccl by theMayor and Deput,y Clelk.Counci 11or LyonsCounciffor ShepherdTIIAT Ily-Law No . 9l I*<strong>82</strong>-169(pI,-5)belng a By-Lirw to amend lly-Law No.911, being a Ry-Law to regulate ilreuse of Jands and the chalacter,location and use of buifdj_ngs andstructures w<strong>lt</strong>hin the Township of<strong>Georgina</strong>, be now read a first, secondand thi.rd timL.s, passed ancl nurnberedby the Llayor and Deputy Clerk.(Rosario Pontieri, Pt. Lot 26, Con. 3NG).Carried.BY-LAW NO. 911-<strong>82</strong>*169(PL-5)Pa$sed, signed and sealed by theMayor: and Deputy Clerk .Coun ci I l-or WinchCoun.ciIlor SrnockurnTTIAT By-Law No. 911-<strong>82</strong>-f7O(PL-5)beirig a l3y-Law to amcnd Ry*Larv No.911, being a By-Law to regulate' theuse of Lands and the character,location and use of buildings andstructuxes within the Townshin of<strong>Georgina</strong>, be now read a first, secondand third. timcs, passed and numberedby the trr[ayor and l)eputy Clerlq.(Renato Baldari, Pt. Lot 26, Con. 3 (NG)Carried.BY-r,AW NO. 911-8?*170(pl,_s)Passed, signed and sealed by theMayor and Deputy Cldrk.12.I

1 2Couttclf Mittute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>*06-1?-19<strong>82</strong> 03 25.11. MOT1ONS ORIGINATING BY WAYoF PRnVIOU$ NOTICB otr, I,IOTION:Repl*Councilfor Mclean THAT WIIERIIA$ the Mjtri.str-y o{ N{rtur$lCouncj..l.l.or WjnchResource$may be considerint{ thcestabli.shment ()f a fis;h hatc<strong>lt</strong>ery onIrake Simcoe;AND WIIDRUAS tlre Municipal Councjl ofthe l'ownship of <strong>Georgina</strong> is very mucl'tin flavour of inrproving the rBpot:tsfishing jn Lake Sjlmcoe, ancl isdesirous of having the lratcherl'Locatc'cl in Georgi.nalAND WlIIJ<strong>lt</strong>llAS the'Ilownshi.p of <strong>Georgina</strong> hasIands located on Civic Centre Roircl witha high werter tabl.e which may 1.cnd supporLto the location bej.nf{ on these g<strong>lt</strong>tuntls;TlIIlREIrO<strong>lt</strong>E, BE IT RESOLVED TIIAT the.Munj.cJ.pality offer to rregotlate satnefor a nonri.nal. consi.dcration to theMini.sl;r:y of Naturaf <strong>lt</strong>esources if thesi.te n)eets their needs.Car'ried Unanitnously. . . .t2. olHIlR MOTION$:Councillor Lyons TIIAT MIEIIAS the duplication of nantesCouncillor Smocrkum of c.ertai.n streets has creirtedconfusion and in some cases, dangeiioussituati ons ;AND WIIIIREA$ specifically the resiclentsof $outhShore listates have recluestedthat the name of SouthDrive be chartgedto "Iluntl.ey Drive";TIIEIIXFORII, BE IT ITESOLVED THAT thisCouncil is in favour of changing SouthDrive (Seuth Shore listates Comnunity)-to "Huntley Drive".Carried.13. NOTICES OF MOTION:Moved by Counci1.1or RogersSeconded by Regional Councillor l,lclean.IIIIAT WI{EITIJAS Ontario Hydro has made application toenter into an Agreement wjth the United States for thesale of powerr;AND WHERHAS said power is to be generated by use ofa coal-fired plant;AND WIIIIREA$ it is a known <strong>sc</strong>ieintific fact that theutilization of coal fi.red plants significantlycontrjbutes to acid rain ;AND WIIEREA$ it has treen indicated that this plantwill be located somewhere In the lMushoka area;13- . - .

tr 3Councilc-<strong>82</strong>-()6l'linutes-13-19<strong>82</strong> 03 25.r3. NoTlQnorrtQTlQllANIJ WIIEIiEAS the Ontario Government has puhliclystated that it is attempting to reduc.e acid-rainin Ontarjo where sonte 4tl,OOO Iakcs will be dead ifcurren t f e vt= I s of aci d ra i.rr con t i. n ut.' ;AND WIIEITEA$ thc establis;hmet<strong>lt</strong> of the coal fired plant1n question will. affcct fakes i.n Ontario advcrsely;TIII]REFORI], IIE IT RXSOLVED TIIAT thc I'rovittce of Ontar:iolle requcstecl to intcrvene to l:equire a hearin[{ bcforet.he National Energy Rcralcl arrd to requj.l<strong>lt</strong>.' a complcttrHnvilonmental Assessment of tlris proiect;Saicl resofution to be circulal;cd to all Municipal.ities inOntario for their etrdorsation and to thc-: Leaders of allFarties in the Ontario Legislature and locaf MPJ)rs.This was deferredtolllhole ntee ting.the next Committee of' th(r14. RY_I,AW TO CONFIRIU PROCEHDING$ :Counci llorCouncillorWinchShepherdTIIAT By-I,aw No. 8?-51(COU-2)h

c*<strong>82</strong>-O5TTIE CO]IPOITATION O}' TI{E TOWNSIIIP OF G}:ORGINAIN 1'IIEHIIGIONAT, MUNICIPAI,TTY O}' YORI(COI,INCII, MII.IUTES19<strong>82</strong> 03 11?.30 p.m.The Courrcil of the llownshlp of Geor:gina met in theCouncil Chambt::t.'i; of the Geor:gj.ua Cj.vic CenLre, H.It. #2,Kcswick, Onta.rio.TIre Ma1'61 called the il]eetirrg to order at 7-4O p,m,1. MO],IEN]I O]T MIJD].TATION ;r1 momcnt of meditatiorr was obselved by Council Mernber$.2, r19r,r,__!4l,r,;Thc Dcputy Cl.erk repoTtc+d that all rncntllers of Coune.i.lwexe present with the e:xcclition of Counc.j.flor Lyonsi.3 . CON JTLIC'I' I)] SCLOSUR]] S] :a) Courrcillor Rogers decfart+d a pos;sible Conflict ofInter-est wi'ch r:egald to itern I (a) (1) of theConunittee of the Whole Heport * Gordon Cooper,. Rezoging.b) Courrcillor Rogers declared a possible Conflict ofIntcrest witli regard to itetn I (a) (3) of theComm<strong>lt</strong>tce of the lVhole i?eport - Amar Kaushaf, Pt,Lot 14, Con. 3 (NC).c) Corrncillor OrGrady dec<strong>lt</strong>lred a possitrle Conflict ofIrrtert-'st with regard to j.ten I (a) (3) of theConrmittee of the <strong>lt</strong>rhol.e Iteport - Amar Kausllal, Pt.Lot 14, Con.3(NG)d) Council.lor Shepherd dcclarcd a possible Confl.j.ct offnterest with regald to itemg (a) (5) Commjttee olithc' Wirole Report - Cutting, planting and trimming oftrees on Ptrblic Road allowances,te) Regional Councillor MsLean clecln.recl a possilrle ConfJ.ir:tof Interest with regard to <strong>lt</strong>enr 9(a) a (2) of theCommittee of the Wlrole Ilepo<strong>lt</strong> * pt. I,ot 5, Con. 7 (NG),2" , . .

?Counc,il Mirrute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-O5-z- 19<strong>82</strong> 03 11.4. MINUT]]S OF PRIIVIOU$ MEIITINGS:a) Minutes of tlre CounciJ Meeting of February 25t<strong>lt</strong>,1.9<strong>82</strong>.Moved by CoulcillorWinc:hSecondcd Lry Councillor'OtGr:ady,TIIAT thc <strong>lt</strong>{j.nutes of the Council MeeIlng oIFebruary 251.h, 19<strong>82</strong>, be adopted withthefollowing arnendment :TIIAT on page 13 under "Other Motions" thesecond motiorr be amended by delerlng the wor'cl$'rthe possi.bil.<strong>lt</strong>y" and in<strong>sc</strong>-rt,ing the words 'rCouncilexirmlne f,lre feasj.bl.lity", so that t<strong>lt</strong>c phrase nowrt-'s.ds: IIB I1' RESOLVED THAI] Counci] t'xarrine thefeasibifit;)' crf establislring an fntla-TovrnshipmaFjs tran:JpolLation system j-ncl"udlng a Neerls $trtdyand :r funding source s1;udy".Cirrried.5. EUfr Ili_n,l.E_4ILEJ.$*Llqgr!!_UINVrr, i_ia) Councillo:: $hepherd inquired as to what was beirrE;dorre to horrorrr the achievernent of Christlne I{or:'tonwho pJ-acecl 13th in the Junior IVorId Itigurc' SkatlngOharnpionsh:i.irs; irt Germany.A{oved by CorrnclllorShepherdSec,rrrdi:d tr.y Coutlcil1orIlogersT'IIAT Council rvishes to rccogni.ztr tire aclrievenrentby Christinr; Ilorton cornpctj.ng j.n the Junior Wor1dIri.gure Skatlng Chatni-rionships jn Gerlnrl,ny, and thntthe ]lirectol of lle=creation alicl Parks exalnine arruil;able way o:f recognizirrtT thjs achie.venrent.Carried.At this titne Mayor Dal.cs intr:oclucetl the 2nd North 0rvj.l.lirntrury ScoritTrcnp who were present i<strong>lt</strong> the Counclf nreetirrg withthejl tr'txtpJ.eader, l[r-. Iiar} llarker and AssisLant; troup le;rder Mr. Bob IIa1.l,The Scout$ were i-ntroduced i.n tur:n, anrl the Mavor thankedthem on behalf of Councll for their attendarrce at the meeting.6 . DEITUTA']' ION$ :a) George Ilarnljn is requesting that Council considerexemptj.nEl him from tile or're foot resel've on the northernpart of llis 1:roperty so irs to enable him to put in aculvert (Property location is Con, 1, Part of Lot 21,Mi<strong>lt</strong>onen Roatl - Udora) .I3. ..

5Council Minute<strong>sc</strong>- <strong>82</strong>-O5:$- 19s2 03 11.6. ll<strong>lt</strong>PurAr IqNq (Cot44_, .JMr. Edwartl lgJ-ar, Solicitor for Mr, $. Hirmlin address,ic+dCouncll requesitjlng Council's consideratj.on of therenroval of a orre foot reserve IIom the northerllpontion of his pl'operty to enable hinl to instal acul.vert.Movecl by CounciflorShepherdSeconded tly }legional Councill.or l{cT-eanTHAT the requc+st for the removal. of a one for.rt r:eservefrorn the property of <strong>lt</strong>{r. George HamJ.iu, Udora, bedcnied.Carried Unanlmous;fv. . . . .Withthe agteelment of the mernbel:s of Councj.l, Itcmg (b)fteports ruas dca<strong>lt</strong> with at tlris time;.I ( h ) qIIfT$ STRlLfiL ll0liT IIOLSTE l.r :Att.ached is Report No. IIA*<strong>82</strong>-O3 of t.hc Ent{ineeringAssista,nt. (fteferred ftclmCouncj.l Mceting of}'ebruary 25th, :l9BZ).A Petitionto l(eep the rol.rd opened was presen{;ed.l{r'. Lorne Lamont spoke to melmbers of Councilsupporting t ire opening of }''j, fth StTeet irr PorLBolster.Mr$. Rundel wlro tivee on lrlfth Street in PortlSol.ster, addle:+sed rnernirers of Counci.l reques;Lirrg.1that the street renain closed.Aftt'r a gxeat; deal of dj.<strong>sc</strong>.us;sion the followingMotion rvas cons<strong>lt</strong>lered;Moved hy CouncillorRogersSecouded by Council]orO'Grady1.. THAT the rvest elld of I'ifthStreet i.rr PorL lloLs;terlre opr'ned tlrrough to IrvingJ Drive for a trialperi.orl of six montlrs at n'hich tirne tralfic countswill be taken.DefeatedMoved by CouncilforSmockutnSeconded by CouncillorSlreplrerd.1. TIIAT the west end of FifthStrc'et in Port tsolrrterbe opened permancntly through to frvlng Drive.2. TIIAT the llraffjc By-Lirrv be :rmencled to j.ncludeIllverview }Seaoh Road as a stop srtTeet at IrvingDri.veCarrledTlre Township Engineer wa.q lnstructed {:o take a traf-[J,ccollnt duri.ng tlre summer months withrega.rd to the abovenetter.4....

Councll Mlnute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-O5-4= 19<strong>82</strong> 03 1I.49. (a) Conrn<strong>lt</strong>tee of the Whole recommendatlons of March4th, 198?.l. Moved by Regional Councillor Mcl,eanSeconded bY Counclllor lTlnchr I1.2.THAT prtor to the iseuance of a building permitfor the subject land, the owner shall submit adeposited plan de<strong>sc</strong>ribing the location of theexistlng or a<strong>lt</strong>ered water course and shall enterlnto a drainage easenent ag:reement with thelfunlclpaLitY.Carried.Counclllor Rogers deslared a posslble Conflict offnterest with regard to the above item, and did nottake part in any di<strong>sc</strong>ussion and did not vote.2. Moved by Councillor l,YinchSeconded by CouncillorTHAT the appllcation for re-zoning submitted byGordon Cooper, being an application to permit theconstructlon of a single famlly dwelling on anunderslaed lot in the rural (RU) zone, de<strong>sc</strong>ribedas Lot 29, and Part of Lots 28, 3O Range fV,Town Plot of Keswick, Hprovg4-Rogers-1. THAI the application for rezoning, sulrmitted lryByron Locki,e, being an application to permit a$eeond residence with an independent entrance ona farm,- de<strong>sc</strong>ribed as part of Lot 21, Conce$sion 5(NG) EqAplIeILed provided that the applicant files aformal-a$[TTEEtion for severance withthe YorkRegional Land Division Committee, suchapplicationbeing to sever a Lot contai.ning the proposed newsecond resj,dence from the existing farm.2. TIIAT the applicant make payment to the Townshi.p of. <strong>Georgina</strong>, a $75O. Park Levy and $1.'5OO Lot Levy aseither a condjtion of building permit approval fol theproposed new second residenie or as a conditi.on ofseverance approval for the severance mentioned inI above, whichever approval is completed first.Carried.3. Moved by Councillor l'linchSeconded by CouncillorSmockum.THAT the applicatlon suhmitted by Amar Kaushal, treingan appJ,ication to permit the erection of a 3 storeySenior Citizens Lodge with a conxnon kitchen area onPart of Lot 14, Concession 3 (NG), B4pprqfqd subiectto the following cond<strong>lt</strong>ions :tA. That the owner submit a revised site plan showingthe location of(i) The private sewage dlsposal and watersupply system.5. . . .

ICouncil Minute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>*O5(a)-5- 198? 03 11.COMMITTEE OF THE II'HOLE RECOMMENDATIONS(Contd. . . ..)5(11)3O Parklng spaces, and a re$erve areafor parklng,(fii) all proposed planting strips and land<strong>sc</strong>apedopen space ;B.c.D.s.THAT the owner enter into a Site Plan Agreementwith the Municipal<strong>lt</strong>y which would provide amongother matteTs for the connection of the proposecistructure to Municipal services;THAT the owner submit a Lot Gradlng and DrainagePtan for the approvaf of the Township Englneer;THAT the owner satisfy the requirements of theHegional Hea<strong>lt</strong>h Department in regard to theinstallation and operation of private water supplyand sewage disposal sYstems;TI{AT the owner make payment to the Municipality asa condition of bulldlng pertnit a sum of $67,5OO'being a $75O. per un<strong>lt</strong> lligh Density Sewer andWater charge,tMoved by CouncillorBurrowsCarried as amended; . . . . i . r .$econded by Regional Councillor Mcl'eanTHAT recommendatlons as above, ln Report No' P<strong>82</strong>-13 of theDJ.rector of Plannlng be amendecl by addlng thefollowing "Froviding that this proposal does nottncfeasethe cost of sewer or water rates in the Keswick area.Carried.Councillor Rogers declared a posstble Conflict ofInterest ln this matter and dld not take part in anydi<strong>sc</strong>ussion and did not vote.Councillor o'Grady declared a possible Conflict ofInterest in this matter and did not take part in anydi<strong>sc</strong>ussion and did not vote.6. . .. . .

6Councll. Mtnutes -6-c-<strong>82</strong>-O5198? 03 11.9 (a) COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE RECOMMENDATIONS(Contd.....)4. Moved by Councillor SmockumSeconded by CouncillorShepherd.l. A By*Law be passed to dedicate Part of Lot 5,ln the 6th Concesslon (NG), Part 6 on Rp 658-468,to form part of a publlc Hlghway.Z, A By-Law be passed to dedicate Part of Lot $,ln the 7th Concession (NG) Part 2 on RS 412, toform part of a Public Highway.3. A By-Law be passed to dedlcate Part of Lot <strong>18</strong>,in the 6th Concession (NG), Part 3 on RP-65R*26O5,to form paft of a Public Hlghway.CarriedRegional Councillor Mslean declared a possible Conf,1lctof Interest in regard to <strong>lt</strong>em (2) above, and did nottake part in anydiseussion and did not vote.5. Moved by Councillor WinchSeconded by CouncillorRogers1. THAT e. By-Law be passed to regulate the cuttlng,planting and tri]ilning of trees on public roadallowances under the jurisdiction of the Townshipof <strong>Georgina</strong>.3. THAT it is the policy of the Council of the Townshipof <strong>Georgina</strong> that the f,ollowlng procedures shall beemployed hy the Road Department when deallng withtrees on public road allowances:i) The Roads and Traffic $uperintendent shall beresponsibl.e for the administration of thefollowlng procedures :ii) No trees other than those listed in Schedule 'Atr. of By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-41(PllT-l)Re: Recornmendation #1)slrall be removed frorn publio Toad allowancesunless inspected by a professlonal representativeof the South Lake $imcoe Consefvation Authority,or other appropriate agency,'and found to bediseased, dying or dead.iif) Notwithstanding (ii) above, any treesubstantially darnaged by wind or lightningsha1l be removed by the Road Department withoutinspection by a professional replesentative ofthe South Lake Sinrcoe Conservation Authorityor other appropriate agency.t7 . . . .

7Council Mlnute<strong>sc</strong>*<strong>82</strong>-O51983 03 11.9 (a). COMMITTEE oF TllE Ii|IHOLE RECOMMENDATIONS(Contd. . . . )tv) No trees growlng on public road allowancesshall be trlmmed or cut without prior approvalof the Roads and Traffic Superintendent. Incases where the request is by a Utility,approval by the Roads and Traffic SuperintendentLs only approval as it affects the road allowanceand does not constitute approval by the abuttingproperty orvner.v) lYhen the Township femoves tTees from puFrlic roadallowances, the owner of the property abutting theroad allowance where the tree is growtng, shall beoffered the wood from the tree. If the orvner doesnot vrish to have the wood, then all of the subjectwood sha11 be taken by the Road Department to theParks Yard for Munlcipal use. The luood shal1 notbe provided to a third party.vt) All Uttl<strong>lt</strong>y Companies shall be requested to trlmrather than cut, if possible, all trees other thanthose listed in Schedule ,A't of By*Law #<strong>82</strong>-41(puT-I)(from Reeommendation #1 alrove). No tree shall beplanted undet any Hydro line.ICarried.Councillor Shepherd declared a possible Confllct offnterest in this regard and did not take part in any di<strong>sc</strong>ussionand dld not vote6. Moved by Councillor WinchSeconded by CouncillorRogersTIIAT the lly-Law attached to Report No. TE-8a-OBbeing a By-Law to prohibit par\ing on privateproperty, be passed.Carried.7. Moved by Councillor l[inchSeconded by Councillor Bogers ,TIIAT the presentation made by Mr. John Russelllndicating the success of the <strong>Georgina</strong> Cup Snou'rnobileRaces held on February 27th and 28th, be acknowledged.and that the cheque in the amount of $2,5OO.OO beaccepted with thank$.ICarried.B. . . .

BCouncil Mlnute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-O5-8- 19<strong>82</strong> 03 11.With the agreement of the members of Councll,of business was moved to item9 (e) on the Agenda.the order9. (e) TENDER CoNTRACT No. RD$ <strong>82</strong>-3-1 FoR BACKH0ELQADERANpNO.RpS-8?-3-?FORCE4I{II,ERIRAQTOR:Attached is Report No. RTS-<strong>82</strong>-5 of the Roads andTraffic Superintendent .Moved by CouncillorWlnchSeconded by CounclllorRogers.THAT the tender in the amount of $25,1<strong>18</strong>.25 for oneBackhoe Loader, Contract No. RD$ <strong>82</strong>-3-1, submitted byIY.J. Lambert & Sons Limited, Box 5?9, Eeaverton,Ontario, be accepted.Carried.Moved by Counc,illorWlnchSeconded by CounclllorRogers.THAT the tender in the amount of $27,269.09 for oneCrawler Txactor, Contract No. RDS* <strong>82</strong>-3-?, submittedby Truck & Tractor Equipment Limited, f655 BritanniaRoad East, Ml$sissauga, Ontario, be accepted.CarrledCouncillor O'Grady asked the Treasurer if he wouldinvestigate bulk equipment purchases in cooperation with theRegion of York and the other area Municipalitles, as well asthe possibility of a program for total cost lridding ofequl,pment purchases to include the cost of repairs and so forth.At this time, the normal order of business was resumed,7. COMMUNICAT]ON$:a) The Provincial Co-Ordination Brancl'r of The Ministryof The Envjronment advising that Le Brun ContractofsLtd., Thunder Bay have been awarded the Contract forthe construction of the Raw l<strong>lt</strong>ater Intake lfatermain andsewers .. Thts was received for lnforrnation.b) Brian lVard, Secretary for the York Reglonal Board ofCommissioners of Police advising that the Board ha<strong>sc</strong>onsidered Councif's resolution that trvo additional'Youth Orjented" Offic.ers be placed in ?9 lJivisionduring l9B2 and will advj.se CouncJ,l when a finaldecision is reached.Thls was recel"ved for lnformation.I9-. . .

9Councif Mlnute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-O5-9- 19<strong>82</strong> 03 11.7 . COMMUNICATIONS (Contd. . . )c) Keith Norton, Mintster of the Environment advisingthat the proponents have requested more time toconduct the study for the proposed extension ofHlghway 89 from Highway 4OO to llighway 12,This was received for informatlon.d) James Crocker, Cl"erk Treasufer, Town of Seaforth,requesting endorsement of a resolution regarding theFederal Governments responsibility to compensatehoneowners who have used urea, formaldahyde insulationin their homesThis was received f,or lnformation.e) South Lake Slmcoe Conservation Authority Minutes ofthe Meeting held on February 24th, 1.9<strong>82</strong>..This was reseived for infornatlon.f) South Lake Slmcoe Conservation Authority and CommunityRelatj.ons Advlsory Board Minutes of the meeting held onFebruary 26th , lS<strong>82</strong> .,This was received for information.g) South Lake Simcoe Conservatlon Authority ExecutiveCommittee Minutes of the meeting held on March 3rd,19<strong>82</strong>.This was recei.ved for information.h) i) Mr. and Mrs. G. Twardil) Wa<strong>lt</strong>er Coheniii) lli<strong>lt</strong>on SpierRequesting to lre placed on the cJ.rculation fist to beinforned of meetings concerning the Maple Leaf Estatesproposal,These were recelved for information.8, PETITIONSEegional Councillor Mclean presented a Petition fromresidents on Queen and llirch Streets in Sutton,nequesting construction of Sanitarv sewers.tThe Township Bngineer was requested to provide a reportto Council10. . ..

I 0Council Mlnute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-O$.*10* 19<strong>82</strong> 03 11.9. COMMITTEE AND OTHER REPORTS :c) TELECOMMUNICATIONS REVIEW OF THE TOWNSHIPOF GEORGINA :Attached is Report No. T<strong>82</strong>-6 of the DlrectorFinance.Moved by CouncillorSeconded by CouncillorBurrowsRogers.THAT the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> engage ttre firm ofTelcost Ltd. at a fee not to exceed $3'OOO' toprepare $pecifications and to call and recommendlrnd*rs fbr the instalfation and purchase of anInter-Connect Telephone System andTIIAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorizedattached Agreernent .ofto sign theCa.rried.d) BUri,DrNG REPORT {oR THE MONTHOI'F','EBRUARY:This was received for lnformation .10. BY-LAI'IS:CouncilforCounclllorBurrowsSmockwnTHAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-38(PWO-2)bej.ng a By-Law to dedicate certainlands as lreing a Public Highway andforming part of Concesslon 7 l?oad,be now read a first, second andthlrd times, Passed and numbel:eclby the MaYor and the Deputy Clerk (Pt'Lt. <strong>18</strong>, Con.. 6 (NG).CarriedBY-LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>-38PWo*2)Passed, slgned ancl sealed bY theMayor and the DePutY Clerk.Council, 1or lJurrowsCoune.j.1J.or SlnockumTHAT By-Law No. B?-39(pWO*2) beinga By-Law to dedicarte certain landsas being a Pulrl.ic Highway and formingpart of Concessi,on 7 Road, tre nowiead a first, second and third times'passed and numbered by the May

I ICounciLl{lnute<strong>sc</strong>*<strong>82</strong>-O5-11-19<strong>82</strong> 03 r_1t ItlO.BY-LAWS: (Contd. . . . . )CounclllorCounclllorllumowsSmockumTHAT By*Law No. <strong>82</strong>*4O(PWO-2) belnga By-Law to dedlcate certain landsas being a PubLic Highway and formlngJpert of Concession 7 Road, be nowread a first, second and thlrd times,passed and numbered by the lllayor andtheDeputy Clerk (pt. Lot. 5, Con.q NG)CarrJ.ed.BY-LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>-4O(PWO-?)Passed, slgned and sealed by theMayor and the Deputy C1erk.CouncillorCounclllorBurrowsSmockumTHAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-41(PUT-I) beinea Ey-Law to authorlze and regulatethe planting, trimrning and removalof trees on the Highways of theTownship of <strong>Georgina</strong>, be now reada first, second and third tirnes,passed and numbered by the Mayor andthe Deputy Clerk.Carried,BY-LAW NO. 8?-41(pUT-r)Passed, slgned and sealed by thellayor and the DePuty Clerk,Councillor Shepherd declared apossible Confllct of Interest onthls item and did not take part inany di<strong>sc</strong>ussion and did not vote.Councill.or BurrowsCouncillor SmockurnTHAT By*Law No. <strong>82</strong>-42(TR-t) beinga By-Larv for Prohibiting the parki.ngor leaving of motor vehicles onprlvate property withoutr the eonsenrof the Ownerf or Occupant of theproperty, and 0n property owned oroccupled try the Munlcipai.<strong>lt</strong>y or anvlocaf Board thereof without the consentof the Municipality or LocaLBoardas the ease rnay be, be now read afirst, second and third times, passecland numbered by the Mayor and theDeputy Clerk.Carried.BY-LAW NO. B2-42(TR-1)Passed, signed and sealed by theMayor and the Deputy Clerk.I ? .

| ?ICouncil Minute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-O5I10. RY-LAWS(contd...)-12- 19<strong>82</strong> 03 11 .CouncillorCouncilLorBurrowsSmockumTHAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-48(TA-g) beinga By-Law to tlepeal By*Law No.8l*91(TA-2) being a By-Law toAuthorize the $afe of Lancl. be nowread a flrst , second and thlrd t imes ,passed and numbered by the Mayor andthe Deputy Clerk (Pau.li-ne J. Dotph).Carrled.BY-LAI{ NO. <strong>82</strong>-43(TA-2)Passed, signed and sealed by theMayor and theDeputy Clerk.CouncllforCouncillorBurrowsSmockumTHAT By-Lau, No. BZ-44(TA-Z) treinga By-Law to authorlze the $ale ofLand, be now read a first. secondand third tlmes, passed and numberedby the Mayor and theDeputy. Cterk(Pauline Dolph).Carried .BY-IJAW NO. <strong>82</strong>-44(TA-2)Passed, slgned and seal.ed by theMayor and theDeputy C1erk.CouncilforCounclllorBurrowsSmockumTHAT By-I,aw No. <strong>82</strong>-48(PWO*?) being aBy-Law to Repeal By-Law Number<strong>82</strong>*19(PWO-Z) and By*Law Numlrer ?{jS.formerLy of the Township of ceorgina,in the County of York, these beingBy-Laws to restrict the weieht ofvehicles passi.ng over MossiiigtonBridge, be now read a first, seconoand third times, passed r.ncl numberedby the <strong>lt</strong>{ayor' ancl theDeputy Cl.erk.Carried.BY-LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>-45(PWO-2)Passed, signed ancl sealed bv theMayor and the Dr:puty, C1erk, -CouncillorCouncillorlJurrowsSmockurnTHAT By-Law No. 91r-<strong>82</strong>-t65(pL-E)being a By-Law to amend By-I,aw No.911, being a By-Law to regu).ate theuse of lands arrd the character,location and the use of buildings andatructures within the Township of<strong>Georgina</strong>, be nolread a first. secondand third times, passed and numberedby the <strong>lt</strong>{ayor and the lJeputy C-lerk.Pt, Lot 3, Con. 6 (Nc).- Dj,asio.Carrled.BY-LAW NO. 911-<strong>82</strong>-165(PL_5)Passed, signed and sealed by theMayor and the Deputy Clerk.13. . .

I 3I ICouncil Minute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-O5lo. BY-LAWS (Contd. . . . )-13- 19<strong>82</strong> 03 11.CounclllorCouncilforBurrowsSmockumTHAT By-Law No, glI-8?-166(PL-5)being a By*Law to amend BY-Law No.911, being a By-Law to regulate theuse of lands and the charecter,location and the use of bul.ldingsand structures withi.n the Township of<strong>Georgina</strong>, be now read a first, secondand third tlmes, passed and n_umlrcredby the MaYor and the DePutY Clerk'(Byron Lockie, Pt. Lot 2I, Con' 5 (NG).Carried.BY-LAW NO. 911-<strong>82</strong>-166(PL-5)Passed, signed and sealed bY theMayor and tfre DePutY Clerk'Reg-Councillor }lcl,eanCouncillor WinchTIIAT By-Law No. 911-<strong>82</strong>-167(PL-5)being a By-Law to amend By-Law No.911, treing a By-Law to regulate theuse of lands and the characteT'location and use of buildings andstructures witlrin the Township of<strong>Georgina</strong>, be now read a first, secondand third times, passed and numbert-'dby tlre Mayor and theDt:puty C]erk'(Gordon Cooper * Lots 29, 30 arrd Pt.Lot 28, Range IV - Town Plot of Keswick)CarriedrlY-LAW NO. 911-92-167(PL-5)Passed, signed and sealed by theMayor and the DePutY C1erk.Councillor Rogers declared a possibleConflict of Interest in this regard'and did not take par:t in any di<strong>sc</strong>ussiortand did not vote .11 . ,MOTIONS ORI$INATINGNOTICES QF MOTION:BY WAY OI' PITEVIOUSMoved by CouncillorRogersSecondecl by Regj.onal CouncillorMcleanTHAT the Townstrip of Gcorgina instal a recorditrg machineor maehines to record the proceedings of all Council andCornmittee of the Whote meetings, subject to the policyregardirrg in-camera sessionsr ancl to distribuLc-. the tapesto the Georglna Public Library for loan to the ggeneralpub1lc.A recorded vote was requested.Tlre Deputy Cterk recorded the vote as follows:r14-

ICouncil Mlnutes -14-c* <strong>82</strong>-O 51]. . MOTIONS ONIGINATING BY IIIAY OF PREVIOUSN TICES O}' MOTION:Regional CounciLlor S{cl,ean * YeaCounclllor Rogers - YeaCouncillor Burrows - NayCounclllor O'Grady * NayCouncillor Shepherd - NayCouncillor Smockum - NayCouncillor <strong>lt</strong>linch * NayMayor, Dales* Nayfea - 2Nay - 6Def,eated1S<strong>82</strong> 03 11 .1 4Moved by Regionaf Councillor Mcl,eanSeconded by Councillor O ' Grady .THAT Council waive the Ru1es of Procedure tocontinue businefS on the Agenda past the hourof 1I p.m.Carried.12. NOTICESOEMOTION;Moved by CouncillorRogersSesonded by Reglonal Councillor Mclean.THAT WIIEREAS Ontarlo llydro has made application to enterlnto an Agreement with the United States for the sale ofpower;AND WHEREAS said power is to be generated by use of a coalfired plant ;AND WIIEREAS it is a known <strong>sc</strong>lentlfic fact that theutifization of coal fired plants signJ.ficantly contributesto acld rain ;AND IilHSnEAS it has been indicated that this plant will belocated somewhere in the Muskoka a.reB:AND WI{EREAS the Ontarlo Government has publicly stated thatIt is attempti.ng to reduce acid rain 1n Ontarlo where some48,OOO lakes will be dead if current levels of acid raingontlnue;AND WHEREA$ the establishment of the coal fired plant lnguestion will affect lakes 1n Ontario adversely;THEREFORII, BE IT RESOLVED that the Province of Ontario berequested to intervene to require a hearing before theNatlonal Energy Board ahd to require a complete EnvironmentalAssessment of this project ;Sald resolution to be circulated to all Munlcipal<strong>lt</strong>ies inOntario for thelr endorsation and to the Leaders of all. Parties ln the Ontario Legislature and 1ocal MPP's.ThLs was defemed to next Councll meeting.I15. . . .

| 5tCouncil Minute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>*O5t 13. oTrrER!{,9TloNS;-15- 19<strong>82</strong> 03 11.The Rules of Procedure were waived at this tlmeto consider the following Motions.Moved by fteg-CouncillorMclean$econded by Counclllor Wlnch .TIIAT WIIERIiAS Mr. Ken Avaan of <strong>Georgina</strong> has wonthe World Stock-Snowmoblle Championships in Michigan;THHREFORE, BE IT BESOLVEI) that Mr. Avaan be c.ongratulatedby the Council of the Corporation of the Township of<strong>Georgina</strong> and later recognlzed in a proper manner, to bedetermined by Council.CarriedMoved by Regional Councillor McleanSeconded by CouncillorShepherd.THAT Council accept the recommendation of the Industryand Tourisrn Comrnittee to pxoceed with ordering flowersfor hangingS baskets in the Pefferlaw area, the cost ofsame not to exceed $4O0.OO.Carr'1ed.L4. OTI{}:R BUSIN}ISS ;a)Regional Councillor <strong>lt</strong>lcleah reported on the GeorgJnaIce Fislring Derby. Hc stated that the Awards nightwill be held on Friday, l2t<strong>lt</strong> March, 19<strong>82</strong> at 6 p.tn.He also congratulated aIl staff members invofvedwith this Derby on a job well done.Councillor'Snockum in turn cong?atulated RegionalCouncill.or Mclean on his endeavours in the Fishi.ngDerby.b)Councillor OiGrady presented a Report on the recentOntarlo Good Roads ConventLorr.This was received for information.c)Counci1lor O'Grady anrrounced that there wlll be aFublic Affairs meeting on Saturday, l3th March, 19<strong>82</strong>at fO. a.m.I16. .

I 6tICouncll l\Iinute<strong>sc</strong>-8?-o5-16-r5. BY-LAW TO CONFIITM PROCEEDING$ ;CouncillorCouncillorBurrowsSmockum198? 03 1L.THAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-46(COU-Z) beinga l3y-Law to confirrn the proceedingsof Council at its meeting held onl<strong>lt</strong>h March, 19<strong>82</strong>, be now read aflrst, second and third times, passedand numbered bY the MaYor and theDeputy Clerk.CarriedBY-r,AW NO. 8?*46(COU-2)Fassed, signed and sealed bY theMayor and the DePutY Cferk.On Motion, meetlngadJourned11.25 p.m.I

c-<strong>82</strong>*4_;THE CQRPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIF OF GEORGINAIN THEREGIONAL MUNICIPAI,ITY OF YORKCOUNCIL MINUTESL9<strong>82</strong> 0225.7.3Op.m.The Councll of the Township of Georglna r$et in LheCouncil Chambers of the <strong>Georgina</strong> Civlc Centre, R.R. #2,Keswick, Ontario.The Mayor called the meeting ro order at 7.40 p.m.1. t4oMENroFYEDIIAUINI"Council Members observed a t'loment of Meditation.2 . ROLL CALL :The Clerk reported thaf all members of Councll werePresenE.3. CONFLICTDISCLOSURES:a) Regional. Councillor Mclean declared a possibl-eConfllcE of Incere<strong>sc</strong> with regard ro item 9 (a) (1) ofthe Conrmittee of the l,lhole recommendations - culverEsbeing installed under rhe 7th Concession Road atLot 4.4. I\IINUTES OF PREVIOLIS MEETINGS:a) Minutes of the Special Courrcil Meerinpi of 198? OZ 08.Move-d by Regional Counclllor: McleanSeconded by CouncillorOtGrady.THAT the Minutes of fhe Spccial Cor-rncil. Meerlng of19<strong>82</strong> 02 OB, be adopted.Carriedt2, . . .

2Council Mi, nute$c-<strong>82</strong>*04-?- 19<strong>82</strong> 02 25.BUSINESSARISING.FROMTHEPREVIOUSMINUTESIa) councillor Rogers asked tf Ehe Modiftcarions had been Iforwarded to Ette Mittistry of Munlcipal Aff,airs andHousi rrgMr, Mike Smith, I)irector of Planning, indicated, thatEhe Modificatlons! as approved by Councll, had beenforwarded to the MirristrY'B) Minutes of Ehe Counell Meeting of 19<strong>82</strong> 02 11'Moved bY Councill6xLYonsSeeonded by CouncillorShepherd'THAT che Minutes of the Counci'l Meeting of19<strong>82</strong> OZ 11, be adopted with the following amendment:THAT on page 2, <strong>lt</strong>emg (a), Councillor Winch'sname be inattg*i ro Regional Councillor: Mclean'sas the seccnder.Carried'BUSINESSAFISI{GFROMTHEPREVIOUSMINUTES:a) Councillor Burrows regarding page-8, iremEtELmgrove Community HaLI, expressecl concernreglrdi.ng rhe disposition of the Hall'Mr' N. Smyth, Director of Recreation and Par:ksindicate

Gouncilc-<strong>82</strong>-04Minul-es-3- L9<strong>82</strong> 02 2s.6. COMMUNICATIONS :a) South Lake Simcoe ConservaLion AuEhority MinuEesof the Thirty-First Inaugur:al Meeting of February4rh. r9<strong>82</strong>.This was received for infor:mation.b) i.) Ben Levy, Roches Pointf,i) Anthony Leibel, Roches Pointii.i) Larry Daiter, Roches Pointi v )Joan WaxmanREquesting to be pl.aced on Ehe cit'culafidnand to be informed of meetings concerningMapl.e Leaf Estates proposal.1 i s t ,theThese were received for lnformation.Ic )d )Letter: of appreclation frorn Chrj-stine Horton for thePins she received from the Township for her frip eoGermanyThls vlas recelved for: information.Harold Sanders representin5; "Operation Dismantle" isrequestlng that Council consider a referendum on EhequesEion of disarmamenr.tlith the a6sreement of rhe membcrs of Council., the orderof business was changed at this time to deal'wi.th ReporENo. CAO-<strong>82</strong>-Ol of 'the Chief Adrninistrative Officer *Referendum on Disarmamerit.Mayor Dal-es had prepared a written submissionregardl-ng his own personal views on worlddlsarmament which he read Lo Council. Vervbriefly he indicated rhar local Council wbul"d nothave t-he specialized knowledge Ehat wotrld qualifythem to make foreign policy decisions, however, Lhelssue here is not a choice of parElcular strafegy toaverr war, but wtrether the public could bc giverr anopporfuflity for free expression of a personil opirri-on,The followlng resoluLlon was consldered :Moved by Counci.llorSeconded by CouncillorRogersBurrowstTHAT I,lllliREAS the member states of the United Nationshave agl-eed_. unatr i.mousl. y to the concept of "generaldisarmamentil since 1.961, ;AND WtlliREAS fhe arms race has continued urrabatedsince chen al enormous cost (estimated af $600 bill.iona year) ;AND WHEREAS l-he l.lnttect Nations has agreedurraninrously r.trat: I'Mankindis conftorrted wi.th achoice: we mrrst hal.f the arrue race and pr6sg<strong>sc</strong>l gedisar:mamt-rnt or face annihll-ationrt:

Councllc-<strong>82</strong>-04MlnuEes-4- L9<strong>82</strong> 02 25 .6. COMMUNICATIONS (Contd. . . )AND WHEREAS indivi.dr"ral citizerts have f,he right eoparticipate- ln such a profouncl choiceiAND TJHEREAS the Ci.ties of Ottawa arrd Toronto havedectded to hold a Municl.pal Referendum en GeneralDlsarmantenE aLongside their nexl- Nlunicipal ElectionslTITEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Township of<strong>Georgina</strong> decides go hold a referenduil on GerreralDisarmamenl- in conjunction with the rrext Mr,rnicipalElectton arrd to send the resu<strong>lt</strong>s of the referendumto the Prime Minister and to the SecreEary-Getreralof the Unired Nations .Car:riede )Claude Benrretf,, Provincial MinisEer of MunieipalAffairs and llousing advislrrg Municipalities of EheProvincial Program for Transfer Payments for I9<strong>82</strong>.This was received for inforrnatlon.f )South Lake SimcoeComrnittec MlrruEesCor-rservaLion Authorrtyof l'ebruary 17fh, f9<strong>82</strong>.ExecuEiveThiswas receivedfor informagion ,7 .PETITIONS:There were nolle8. COMMITTRE AND OTI{ER REPORT$ ;a )Committee of the Whol.e recommendations<strong>18</strong>8h, I9<strong>82</strong>.of FebruaryMoved by CouncillorSntockumSiconded by CouncillorRogers1. THAT the Councll of uhe Township of Geor:ginarespectful.ly requests that- Ehe Mi.nister ofTransportn.tion and Conrn<strong>lt</strong>nicati-ons provide a$uppleurentary Subsidy in 19<strong>82</strong> for Lhe followingprojects:tTHAT new culverts be installed under ttre 7th ConcessionRoad at Lot 4, at an estimaced costof $36,OOO.OO withthe Ministery of Ttanspor-Lf<strong>lt</strong>ion artd Commuuic;ttion riharebeing $2B,BOo.Oo.RegiorralConflictdid norCar:ried,Council.l-or Mclcan decl are.d a possibleof Inter:esi- withr:egard 1-o this it-em, andtake part in any dj.<strong>sc</strong>ussiorr and dld rrot vote.5.

Courrcl.l. Minut,e<strong>sc</strong>*<strong>82</strong>-04-5-L9<strong>82</strong> 02 25 .58. COMMITTEE AND OTHERREPORTS (Contd7THAT clre proposed r,'oad expenditures fot Ii<strong>82</strong>be and fhe same are hereby approved in thefollowi.ng amounts and ln accordance wjth theattached Maincenarrce and Cofrstruction Budgets:Isgl-jrdcstConstrucEionMaintenanceNot for SubsidyTotal$ 54I,ooo.oo$ I,I40,OOO.OO$ ?r,5oo.ooSulrtidy$296,OOO,OO$577,800.0O$ Nil2. THAT the Councll of the Townehip of Georglnar:espectfully requests that the Minister:ofTransportatiorr and Communicafion$ provide aSupplementary Subsldy in 198? for the followingproJects aild amounts.TotatrSubqjdyt1. EquipmentReplacementz.3.Mossington BridgeCarry OverUpgrading Roadsln Keswick$70,OOO.OO$65,OOO .OO$139,60o.00$35,oOO . OO$52,ooo.oo$69,800.09TOTAL$274,600.O0$i5::80?:?0Catrlied.J.]loved by CouncillorWi.nchSeconded by CouncillorLyorrs.1.z.THAT By-Law No. 2OZ be repeal_ed.THAT the By-Law attached to Report No.TE-8?-07 as Appencllx II bei,n6i a By*Law topermif oversized loads on tha hi.ghways of theTownship of Georgirra, be passed.Carried6.;

Counci.lC-<strong>82</strong>'Q4Minut-es-6- 19<strong>82</strong> 0? 25.68. COMMITI'EE AND 0THER REPORTS (Contd.4,Moved by Council lorWinch$econded by CouncillorLyons.I. THAT the attached <strong>sc</strong>hedul.e of remuncration arrdexpenses for nrembers of Courrcil, member:s of theCommittee of Adjustnrent, nrembers of the PropertyStandards Commi.tEee and mernbers of ghe Briar HillCemetery Board be recelved for informat-ion.THAT the raL,es of remuneraEion for the members ofthe Briar Hill Cemetery Board, namely thaE the Boardmembers each recel-ve $2?5. per year, and that EheChalrman receive $350. per yearr be approved forI9B? and Etre Treasurer be ar"rthorized to paysuch expend<strong>lt</strong>ure as it ls irrcurred.Carried Unanimously. . . ,b) FIFTH STREETPORT ' BOLSTER :IAttached is Reporr No. EA*<strong>82</strong>-O3 of rhe EngineeringAssistant.Moved by Councillor ShepherdSeconded by Counci.llot Smockum.THAT Report No. EA*<strong>82</strong>-O3 of the EngineeringAsslst.ant be referred to next Council Meeting,in order to allow interested ciLi.r.ens in theafea an opportuniLy to attencl the Council. meetingto voice thelr ooinions.Carried.c )PHOTOCOPYING CHARGES :Attached ls Report No. DR-<strong>82</strong>-04 of the Director ofREcrear i.on and Parks,Moved by Councillorl,linchSeconded by CouncillorShepher:d.THAT a charge of 5 cents per copy be assessed,effective Mar:ch l, 19<strong>82</strong> for all'phoEocopyingdorre by Ehe Recreat i.on and Parks- Departmlnt,Carried.7 .

7Councilc-<strong>82</strong>-04Minufes-7- L9<strong>82</strong> 02 25 .d )MUNTCIPAL PROPERTY INVENTORY r.Attached ts Reporr No. p-8?-09 (Revised) of thef)ir:ecf:or of PIanning.Moved by CouncillorRogcrsSeconded by CouncillorSmockum.1,?.THAT the two road allowances de<strong>sc</strong>ribed as..Forestllill Roadr_ runni.g betweerr Glenwo.ds l)ri,ve and rerraceDrive, and Hali.burton Road runni.ng between Annshei.l.aDrive to Irene Drive be refai.ned,-and chat staff beassigned Eo clean up Ehese r:oad alrowances ancl determinethe viabilify of creating a walkway network tl.rereorr,THAT Council arrthorize the clivision and selline ofthe. following two properLies , and furtt-r*r it.i*Counciflllhl:i:: !le pr:paraLion.of a deposirect pru" aeri.ir"*ri.,gtne parcs of such parklands ro be sold,I)I)llglk-{,.PIan 529 (See Appendix ilBil, Sheer (A),P-<strong>82</strong>-09 (Revised) ,Elgtk-{,.Plan 549 (See Apperrdix rB', Sheet (B),P-<strong>82</strong>-09 (Revised) ,THAT Council initiate meetings wirh the respectiveowners of the following propEr-ties co dt<strong>sc</strong>u!s ihetransferof maintenancE duties for: suchlarrdsg) Block Ar.Plan 384, (See Appendix ,C', Sheet (A),P-<strong>82</strong>-O9 (Revised),II) Block A, Pl-an 454 (Sec Appendix 'C',P-<strong>82</strong>-09 (Revised) .Sheet (B),4.THAT Council initiate di<strong>sc</strong>ussions w<strong>lt</strong>h the EstonianFatepayers' Association concerni'g the aisposiiiorr--of ti.reTownship 9ry1eclploperties ln the ildora .rea (seeAppendix 'Dr , P-8?*09 (Revised).5.THAT Council inquire of the South Lake SimcoeConservation Authority, the Authori.tyrs lnterest j.nacquirirrg t.tre followi.ng propert_ies :I)II)L9!.1I,IlrtConcession 2 (G) (See Appendix 'E,,Sheec (A), f'*BZ-09 (Revised) ,Part Lo-t.2,_Concession 1 (NG) (See Apperrclix ,Er,SheeE (B) , P-B?-09 (Revisect) ,THAT the following properflies be tenclerecl asBuildirrg Lots or conveyed to abuEting property owners:I)'!u!-It-Plan f78-(C) (See Appendi_x 'F', Sheer (A),P-<strong>82</strong>-09 (Revised) - NOTE:"Ttris is a'Re6ist-u;;;Proper:fy.8.

BCouncll Mlnute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>*04-8- 19<strong>82</strong> 02 25.8. COMMITTEE AND OTHER REPORTS (CONEd.. . )II)Lot 4, Plan I78 (G)P-8?-O9 (Revtsed) -Property.(See Apperrdix tFt, Sheec (B)NOTE This is a RegiisteredIII)Lot 98, PIan 30? (G)P-<strong>82</strong>-O9 (Revised) -Property.(See Appendix rFr, Sheet (C),NOTE: Thts ts a RegisteredIV) Lot I97, Plan 515 (G)' (See Appendix 'Ft, Sheet(D) P-<strong>82</strong>-09 (Revised) - NOTE This is a RegisteredProperty.V) LoE 22 and Boathouse Lot 39, Flan 576 (G) (SeeAppendix 'Fr, Sheet (E), P-<strong>82</strong>-09 (Revtsed) * NOTE:This ls a Reglster:ed ProPerEY.VI)Part Lot 3, Concession B (G) (See Appendix rF',Sheel (F), P*<strong>82</strong>-09 (Revised)'VII) Lot 22, Plan 298 (G), See Appendix 'Fr, Sheef, (G)P-<strong>82</strong>*09 (Revised) ,VIII) Block A, P1.an 536 (NG) (See Appendtx tF', Sheet(H) , P-<strong>82</strong>-09 (Revised) 'IX) Part ofPart 3, R.S. 621 (NG) (See Appendlx tFr,Sheet (1) , P-<strong>82</strong>-09 (Revised) 'X) Lot t.36, Plan 427 (G) (See Appendix tF!, Sheet (J),P*<strong>82</strong>-09 (Revised) ,XI)Btock F, PIan 544 (G) (See Appendlx rFr, Sheet (K),P-<strong>82</strong>*09 (Revised) ,XII) Block J, Plan 588 (G) (See Appendix rF', Sheet (L),P-<strong>82</strong>-09 (Revised),XIII) Lots 1 - 13 and Block A, Plarr M-26 (cl (See AppendixrFr, Sheet (M), P-<strong>82</strong>*09 (Revi.sed)'XIV)'Block F, Plan ?04 (G), (See Appendix 'Ft,P*<strong>82</strong>-09 (Revised) ,XVt Part Lot 72, Plan 73 (J.P) (See Appendi.x rFr,Sheet (O), P-<strong>82</strong>-09 (Revised) 'XVI)Part Lot 21, Concession 7 (NG) (See AppendixSheet (P), P-<strong>82</strong>-09 (Revised) 'Sheet (N)XVII) Block L, Plan 588 (G) (see Appendlx 'F', Sheet (Q)P*<strong>82</strong>-09 (Revised) ,XVIII)Block G, Plan 588 (G) (See Appendix rFr, Sheet (R),P-<strong>82</strong>*09 (Revised) ,XIX) Block tt, PIan 588 (G) (See Appendix fFr, Sheet ($),P-<strong>82</strong>-09 (Revised) ,9. . . .'Fl

9Council MlnuEe<strong>sc</strong>*<strong>82</strong>-04-9-19<strong>82</strong>02 25.8. COMMITTEE AND OT}{ER EEPORTS (Contd.XX) Block F, PIan 588 (G), (See Appendix(f) , P-<strong>82</strong>*09 (Revised) ,rFr , SheetXXI)XXII)XXIII)Block M, Plan 588 (G) (See AppendixSheet (U) * P-<strong>82</strong>-09 (Revised),I<strong>lt</strong>ock N, Plan 588 (G) (See Appendlx rFr Sheet (V),P-<strong>82</strong>-09 (Revlsed)Bl,ock B, Plan 495 (G) (See Apperrdix 'Fr, Sheet (trl)P-<strong>82</strong>-09 (Revised) ,lFt7. THAI' all Township owned ptoperties not de<strong>sc</strong>ribed lnrecomnendatlons I through 5 inclusive above, be retainedby the Townshlp, and that such propertles be assessedto their mosE appropriate use on an annual basis, and fhata report on the r:esu<strong>lt</strong> of such assessmerlc be preserrted toCourrcil for their: disposition.A recorded vote was requested.The Clerkrecorded'thevoleasfollows :Regional Councillor Mclean -Counci.llor l,yonsCouncillor OrGradyCouncillor RogersCourrcillor ShepherdCouncillor SmockumCouncillor tnlinchMayor DalesYeaYeaYeaYeaYeaYeaYeaYeaCouncillorBurrowsYea *Nay -IINayCarriede )KESWICK I^IATER STORAGE FACILITIES ;Attached is Report No. TE-<strong>82</strong>*Q4 of the TowrrshipEngineer.Moved by CouncillorOrGradySeconded by CouncillorRogers.THAT Reporc No. TE-<strong>82</strong>-Q4 be referred to fhePlannirrg and Public lnlorks Department for afr.rrEher reporl, to be reEurned t.o Council. assoon as possible.Carried10.

I 0Councll ' Minute<strong>sc</strong>-8?-o4-lo- 19<strong>82</strong> 02 25.8. COMMITTEII AND OTHER REPORTS (Contd. , , )f) RE-CI,ASSIFtrCATION - CLERK!S DEPARTMENT;Af,tached is Report No. CA0-<strong>82</strong>-O2 ofAdmlnlstrative Offlcer.the ChiefMoved by CounclllorO'GradySeconded by Regiorral Council.lor Mclean.THAT due to inct'eased responsfbility. Mrs. MarthaGibsonts position i.n Cler:krs Derrartment be reclassifi.eilfrom IrrtermediaEe Clbrical II toSeni.or Clerical I, effective Monday, Februany 22nd,19<strong>82</strong>.Carried.9.EMWSrCouncillorCouncillorRogersO'GradyTHAT By*I"aw No. <strong>82</strong>-28(PWO-Z) beinga By-Law to repeal By-Law Nurnber?O2 treing a By*Law for Load welghrsand widths, be now read a first,secorrd and third tinres, passed andnumbered by the Mayor and the Clerk.Carried.BY-LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>-28(P[^IO-2)Passed, slgned and sealed by t,heMayor and Clerk.Council.lorCouncillorSmockumRogiersTHAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-Zg (PWO*2) beinga By-Law to auEhorize the Roads anc.Traffic Snperlntenderrt Lo issueperm<strong>lt</strong>s to permit Oversized |oadsto Eravel. on Public <strong>lt</strong>ighways urrderEhe jur:lsdiction of the Township ofGeor'glna, be now read a first, secondand third times, passed and numberedby the l4ayor and Clerk .Carried,BY-LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>-29(PWO-z)Passed, si.gned and sealed by theMayor.arrdthe Clerk,oCounclllorCouncillor:LyonsO'GradyTHAT By-Law No. 911-8I-150(PL-5)lcing a By*Law to anrend By-Lirw Number911 , being a By-l,aw to rcggulate theuse of lands and the chaf,acter.location and the use of buildings arrdstrLrctures withln the Township of<strong>Georgina</strong>, be now read a thj.rd-t1meand fi,nall,y passecl arrd numbered bythe Mayor and the Clerl

I ICouncil MinuEe<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-O4-1t--19<strong>82</strong> 02 25.e. EYlAllsrCouncillorCouncillorSmockumRogersTHAT By*Law No. <strong>82</strong>-3CI(TI*]) beinga By*Law to Repeal By*Law No.<strong>82</strong>-25(TI-1) being a rt.ating By-Lawfor f,he Township of <strong>Georgina</strong>, benow read a first, second andthird times, passed and numberedby the Mayor and the Clerk.(Johnson) .CarrledBY-LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>-30(TI-l )Passed, signed and sealed by theMayor and the Clerk.CounclllorCouncillor:SrnockumRoger:sTHAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>*31(TI-1) beinga By-Law to i.mpose speclal annualdr:ainage Rates upon land i,n respecLof whi.;h monev ii borrowect undeiThe Tile Drainage Act, be now reada flrst, second and thlrd times,passed and numtrered by the May.orafld the Clerk. (Johnson- Lots14, 15, 16 & 17, Con. 5 (NG).Carried.BY*LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>-31(TI-1)Passed, slgned and sealed by theMavor and the Clerk.CouncillorCouncillorWinchRogersTHAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-32 (TI-l) beinga By-Law to Repeal By-Law No.<strong>82</strong>-?6(TI-I) being a RatingBy-Law for the Tdwnship oE<strong>Georgina</strong>, be nolread a first,second and third times, passedand numbered by Ehe Mayor arrdthe Clerk. (Larry Pegg).Carried.BY-LAl,l No . <strong>82</strong>*32 ( TI-1 )Passed, signecl and sealed by theMayor and the Clerlc.CounclllorCouncillorWinchRogersTHAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-33(TI*1) beinga By*Law to impose special. annualdralnage rates upon land in rbspectof which rnoney is borrowed rrrrdei-The Tlle Drai.nage Acf, 1971, benow read a first, second and t.hirdtimes, passed and numbered by theMayor and the Clerk. (Larry Pegg) .CarriedBY-LAI,J NO. <strong>82</strong>-33(TI--I)Passed, signed:'and sealed by theMayor and the Clerk.12. . . . .

1 2Councll Minute<strong>sc</strong>*<strong>82</strong>-O4-12- L9<strong>82</strong> 02 25 .I . BY LAWS ( Contd ,CouncillorCouncill.orSmockumRogersTHAT By-Law No. 81.-106(LA-3) beinga By*Law to close, stop up and sell.part of the Road Allowance betr'reenConcessions 7 and I (NG) on RefererrcePlan Number 65R-3519 , be now read athird tlme and finally passed andnumbered by the Mayor and the Clerk.CarriedBY-LAW NO. 81-r06(r-A-3)Passed, signed and sealed by theMayor and the Clerk.Reglonal Councj.l.l.or Mclean declareda possi.bl.e Conflict of Interesfregarding thls itern and dj.d not takepart- ln ar-ry di<strong>sc</strong>ussion and did notvote.CouncillorCouncil.lorShepherdWinchTHAT By-I.aw No. <strong>82</strong>-34(PWO-z) heinga By-Law to restrict the weighE of'loads on highways under: the-jurisdiction of the Corporation of theTownship of <strong>Georgina</strong> durirrg the monLhsof Mar:ch, Apriland May, be now reada first, second and third times,passed and numbered by the Mayor andthe Clerk .Carrled.BY-LA[,J NO. <strong>82</strong>-34(PWO-z)Passed, slg,ned and sealed by theMayor and the Clerk.CouncillorCounci.IlorWinchRogersTHAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-36(PWO-Z) beinga $y-Law to close the Fifth ConcessionRoah Atlowarrce from the Base LineRoad to Metro Road on February ?7th.,and February 28th, 19<strong>82</strong>, be now reada first, second and third fimes,passed and numbered by the Mayor andthe Clerk.CarriedBY-LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>*36(PWO-Z)Passed, ^signed and sealed by theMayor and the Clerk .13. . . .t

Council Mirrute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-o4-13-19<strong>82</strong> 02 25.I J1 O . OTrrri<strong>lt</strong> MOTIQNS :Wl.t_h the corlsent of the memhers of Cor:ncil ther:ules of procedurc were waivcd to intr:oduce thefollowi.ng MoEions :Movcd by Regional Councill or }{cl-eanSecorrded by CourrcillorSlrephcrd.TIIAT the Regional Murricipal.ity of yorlr, Dc- part_ntc"ntof Enp_,irreering be reques-tcd tb j.mprove rrrain<strong>lt</strong>.narrceopeTaf-ions on the trJeir Sider:oad and Regional_ Road{179, in tlre Townstrip of Georgi.na and to pr:oviclesufficicnt frrrrds foi this malnternarrce progr:aru irrthe 19<strong>82</strong> Regional- BudgetCarricd,Moved by CounclllorSeconded by RcgionalRogcrsCouncil.l.or Mclcarr,TIIAT l{l-lIijREAS ther:e has been rertevre(l intere:rt: in anIntra-1'owrrsfri p mais tra.nsport.ati.olr system;I3E ]T RESOLVED TIIAT] Cotluci.f cxrrnr.ine the fcasil,ri.ii_l_Vof es;tiibl.isihj.ng itn Intlril-.'J'owntrhip mass; transpoirLrLtionsysten irrc).r.rtling a Neetls Study anci a fundiug rJourcrJstud)'.Car:riecl1l.o-lllli4- lll4lll-Ll '_a) Councillor Wlnch i_rrc<strong>lt</strong>rirecl as to thc date ofAccount-.ability Sc.ssitrrr.It was agreed by thc rnemlletr; of Oouncil. lo holclIt'ris Scssi.on on Apr-i.t l6th, 1992, at 7.30 p.nr.Councillor OrGrady aurrounced ttrat- the next publicAffairs.Meeti.ng, r'riII Lrc hercr .n March z'ij, aI slio ,.n',.aE which. time reprresentatives from Telecoil- arrcl Ilelj-Uanada wr_tI be at{_errdi.rrg regar.diDg an Irrter*Cor_rnectTeleplrorre System.

1 4Councilc-<strong>82</strong>-O4MlnuEes-14*r_9<strong>82</strong> 02 25.12 , BY_LAW TO CONF'IRM PROCEIIDINGS :Councillor:CouncillorBur:r:owsRogersTHAT Bv-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-37(C0U-2)being a Sy*Law to confirm theproceedirrgs of CoLrncil. at its meetinghetd on Febr:uary 25th, 19<strong>82</strong>, be nowread a firs[, second and thlrd cimes,passed arrd numbered by tlre Mayor arrdthe Clerk.' CarriedBY*LAr-r NO, <strong>82</strong>-37(COU-2)Passed, signed andand the Clerk.seal ed by the MayorOn Motlon,Meeting adjournedac 1-O p.nr.

<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-02TIIE CORPORATION OF TIIE TOWNSIIIP OI' GEORGINATN TIIEREGIONAIJ MUNICIPALITY OF YORKSPECIAL COUNCIL MINUTESr98? 02 <strong>18</strong>1?:2$ p.m.The Courrcii of the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> met in the CouncilChambers of the <strong>Georgina</strong> Civic Centre, R.R. #2, Keswick,Ontario.The Mayor called the meeting to order at 12:25 p.m..'1. UoMUNrjq ME-prTATloN:Memlrers of Council observed a Moment of ldeditatlon.2. ROLL CALL :The llayor reported that all members of Council werepresent except Councill.ors Burrows, Smockun and l{inch.3- CO{ELICT DI.ECLOSUS_II'S rThere wele rione ,4" COMMITT1IE AND OTI{ER Ii,IiPORTS:a )Tlr,ti DRA-Ill4,qL _lgryq-Attachcd is fieport No" TC-<strong>82</strong>-O3 of tho Clerl

Specia.I Council Minutes<strong>sc</strong>-Bg*o? -2-I9B2 02 <strong>18</strong>4. COI!{MITTEE AND OTHER fiEPORTS: (continued)a) TILE DRAINAGE LOANS2.THAT a Rating lly-Law be passed to approve a furtlrerfoan to Larry Fegg ln the amount of gS,900.0O. Thebalance of $4,900.00 to be corrsidered as soorl as afurtlrer alloeatlon is received.Carriecl5.BY-LAW$ICounclllor RogersCouncillor OtGradyBY-LAW NO. B2-25(Tr-1)(Johnston)TIIAT By-Law No. B2-?s(TI*t) beinga Dy*law imposing special annualdrainage rates upon lands inrespect of which money is borrowedundex The TiIe Drainage Act, LgTl ,he read a first, $eeond and thirdtimes, passed and numbered by theMayor and the Clerk.CarriedPassed, signed and sealed by theMayol and thc Cl"erk.tCounclllorCounciflorRogersOtGradyTHAT By-Larv No., <strong>82</strong>-26CTI-I) bej"nga By*Law imposing special annualdrainage rat'eg upon lands jnrespect of rvlrich monoy 'is borrowedunder' The Xlile l)r:alnage Act, 1921,be read a first, secoud ancl thircl'times, pa,$sed and nurnbered try theMayor and the C1erk,tsY*LAW N0. B2-26CTr*1)(.Pees)Carrled,r,r.ePassed, .sfgrred and sealed try ilreMayor and the Clerk.Courrci.li.or RogersIteglonal Councillor McleanTIIAT By-Larv N{r, <strong>82</strong>-27CCOU."z) bej.nga tty*1,a'il/ to confirm the procoedingsof Council at its m,eetj,ng hefd onl8th day of Felrruary, 19<strong>82</strong>, be nowread a first, second anci thir.d timespassed anrl numbered by the l{rryor a,nr<strong>lt</strong>he Clerk"CarriedBY*LAtrr NO, 83-S7(COU*2)Passed, sigued and sealetl by theMayor and the Clorlr"tOn Motlon ,Mecting Adjourned12:30 p.m.

IIIEMBERS OF COUNCIL.TAKE NOTICE that in accordance with a written directionto me by the Chairman in accordance with Section4,3 of By-LawNo. BO-379(COU-Z) a Special Meeting of Cduncil will be heldon Thursday, the <strong>18</strong>th day of February, 19<strong>82</strong>, fer the purposeof allocatingfunds in the amount of SISTOOO.OO receivedfrom the il4inistry of Agricu<strong>lt</strong>ureand Food, &fld to give threereadings to the requisite By-Laws. This meeting will commenceimmediately following or as soon thereafter as Council ha<strong>sc</strong>ompleted the business on the Agenda of the regular meetingof the Committee of the Whole meeting commencing at 9.30 A.l\4.Dated this 12th day of February, 19<strong>82</strong>.I

tMrs. Margaret ItIilkinson,Clerk ,Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> ,R.R. #2,Keswick, Ontario.A.l\{.C.T., C,lvl.C.,PURSUANT to Section4.3 of By-Law No. 8O-379CCOU-2),this is to direct you to call a Special Meeting of Councilfor Thursday, the <strong>18</strong>th day of February, 19<strong>82</strong>, for the purposeof allocatingfunds in the amount of $15,OOO.OO receivedfrom the Ministry of Agricu<strong>lt</strong>ure and Food, and to give threetreadings to the requisite By-Laws. This meeting wiflcommence immediately following, or as soon thereafter asCouncil has completed the business on the Agenda of theregularmeeting of the Committee of the Whole meetingcommeneing at 9, 30 A.M.Dated this 12th day of February, 19<strong>82</strong>.Mayor,

. cr ez- siTHE COTTPORATION OF IIIE TOWNSIIIP OF GEORGINAIN TIIEREGIONAL MUNICIPAI,ITY OF YORKCOUNCIL MINTIfES19<strong>82</strong> 02 117. 3O p.m.The Council of the Township qf <strong>Georgina</strong> met in theCouncil Charnbcri of the <strong>Georgina</strong> Cfvj,c Centre, B.R. #?,Keswick, Ontario.The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7.4O p.m.t1. MO}tmN'IlqFItrDITATIONI.2. .Members of Counci]ROLL CALL:obseTved a Moment of Meditation.The Clerk reported that all members of Councilwere present.'3. CONFLIIILDlsQr,osURXSiThere were none.4, y_rNrnEsaLPEEvrMoved by CouncillorWj.nchSeconded by CouncillorShepherd.TIIAT the Minutes of the Counci] meeting ofJanuary 2Bth, 19<strong>82</strong>, be adopted.Carrled.5. BUSINE$SABISINGFRQILTIIIIT4IILUTESTa) Mayor Dales regarding page I, item 4 (b)Special MG-^tin'9, of Council of January plst, 19BZ,reported that a ]etter had been received fromStiver, Vale regarding this matter and had beencirculated to members of Council for theirinformation. (The "Xime" of Speciat CounciLl,{eeting).utF2. . .

Council.c-<strong>82</strong>-3I'ili.nutes-2,- 19<strong>82</strong> 02 11.6.gqullg$-q$IlgNs;-a) Letter of appreciatlo<strong>lt</strong> to Mayor Drr'les andmembers of Council from Joyce Crittendenfor the Special Recogniti.on Award she receiv-ed.'Ihis was received for information.b) Letter of appreciation to Mayor: Ilales andMembers of Council from Leonard Dontrer forbeing shosen Citizen of the Year.'fhiswas received for information.c) Letter of reslgnation from Gavin lvlor'touasa member of the LACA Conmittee.This was received' with regret.The Clerk to write to Mr. Morton thanki.nghlm for hls efforts and participation ln theLACA Commi.ttee.tAt this time, it was agreed that the order ofbusiness on the Agenda be changed to deal with itemI (a) Cofirnittee of the \{hole recomntendations dealingrvith Virginia Community Ha]], ancl j,ten ]1 (a) - By-Lawfor the keeping of certain kinds of animals in theTownship of <strong>Georgina</strong>. aB members of the gener'al public werepre$ent in the Councit Chambers wishing io speak- to tlrese matters.I (a) Moved by Councillor RogersSeconded by Regional Counclllor McleanTHAT $12,OOO.O0 be allocated to the 19<strong>82</strong> Capita)Budget for the construr:tion of washrooms andlnstallatjon of a septic system wjth funding tobe $3,OOO.OO Gr:ant from Commurtity Recreatjon CentresAct, $7,OOO.OO from Lot Levies and $2,OOO.OO frornCornmuni.ty eontributlons, withan accompanying $tudyto be undertaken and completed no l-ater than Aprilfst, 19<strong>82</strong>, to detertnlne the costs of renovationrj tothe Virginia Community Hall to bring it up to presel<strong>lt</strong>building code standards, as to insulation lrnd soforth.Carried.11 ( a) By-I,aw to prohibit the keeping of certain kindsof animals.Mr. Ernie Brennan of Keswick spoke to Council.members regarding this matter, on behal.f ofRacing Pigeon Clubs, and asked that a regulatoryBy-Law be considcred.t.3. . .

ilCouncll Mlnute<strong>sc</strong>-8?*3-3-By-Law to prohib<strong>lt</strong> the keeping of certainh_rU_ds_o_-f_ _+nl.malqit ,ti.ri',' 19<strong>82</strong>02 1r,After considerabfe di<strong>sc</strong>ussion and input by membersof the public, the following resolution was considered;Moved by CouncillorBurronrsSeconded by CounclllorWlnch'TIIAT By-Law No. B2-7 (PWE-l) being a By*Law toprohib<strong>lt</strong> the keeping of certain kinds of animals,having been read a first and second tlmes, berepealed.lCarriedl<strong>lt</strong>oved by Counci1lorRogers$econded by Regional Counclllor Mclean.TIIAT the matter of keeping of certain kinds ofanlmals w<strong>lt</strong>hln the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong>, be referredto Fubfie Affairs Committee to examine the regulatoryprocedure which is permitted under Section 2lO of Thel4unicipal Act.Carried.6. CQMlUNICATIOItqid) South Lake Simcoe Consetvation Author<strong>lt</strong>y'ExecutiveCommittee Mlnutes of the rneeting heldon January 28th, 19<strong>82</strong>..This was received for lnformation.e) South Lake Simcoe Conservation Author<strong>lt</strong>y.proposed lludget for 19<strong>82</strong> as reconfiiended by the.Executivr-' Conrmittee.This was received for information.f) Mayor Dales i,hdicated that a Report on VandalisrnLn Ontario had been received from the negional. Municipality of York.Ttre Clerk was instructed to have tlris Reportcirculated to mernbera of Councll.Jg) Mayor Dafes lndicated to members of Counci<strong>lt</strong>hat the Regional Municipality of York hasarranged a Bus tour of the Reglon on April 23rd,19<strong>82</strong>.Members of Councll to lnclicate if thev wish toattend.4. . . .

Council Minute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-3-4- 19<strong>82</strong>02 11.7,' PETITIONS ;There were none .8. qluMrrTEEAlfDoTHElI?EFORTS:a) Committee of the Whole recommendatlons of'I'ebruary 4th, 19<strong>82</strong>.1. Moved by CouncJ,Ilor Eogers. Seconded by Ootun'cl11or Lyons..THAT the 19<strong>82</strong> Operating and.Capital Budget of'the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> in the total amount of$5,94:?,753. with net taxation requlrements of$3,O21,878, be approved.A recorded vote wa$ requested"the Clerk recorded the vote as follows:tRegional Counclllor Mclean - YeaCouncillor Lyons - YeaCduncillor O'Grady - YeaCouncillor Rogers - YeaCouncillor Shepherd - YeaCouncillor Smockum - YeaCouncilLor Winch- YeaMayor Dales- YeaCouncillor Burrows - NayYea ;Nay -IICarried.2. Moved by Councillor lVinchSecondcd by CouricillorLyous.TIIAI' the appJ,ication submitted by Eldrecl andLlIlian Wood and Bernice Feeney, bei.ng anapplication to amend Deeming By-Law 9O3,a,s it affects Lots 19 and 2O, Plan 324, beapproved, subject to the installation of a'private sewage disposal sy$tem for eachlot,approved by the Medical Officer oJ Hea<strong>lt</strong>hpriorto the Epproval of the amendment to DeeuiingBy-Law 9O3"Carried.S. Moved by Councillor Roger*Seconded by Council.LorSmockun.,,,_._1'TIIAT the l9B2 Annual l{ousing'Revlew be adopted try :. resolutlon and forwarded to the Minlstry ofMunicipal Affairs and Housing together w<strong>lt</strong>h the isatd resoluti onCamied.I5. . . . l

ICouncil Minute<strong>sc</strong>- 8?- 38. COIIMI TTEE AIVD OTHER RSFORTS ( Con td. . . )4. Moved by Counclllor Rogers-5-i.-t98? 02 11.Seconded by CouncillorShepherd.THAT a letter he sent to Liberal M.P.P.,Herbert Epp,. indlcating that the Council ofthe To,nrnship of <strong>Georgina</strong> supports his effortsto facIlitate the Assessment Appeal procedurethrough 8J.11 195.Carried.$. Moved by Councillor T{lnch- $econded by Councillor RogersTIIAT the Corporation of the Townshlb of<strong>Georgina</strong> make application for the small urbanmembership section in the Association ofMunielpalities of Ontario and that the 19<strong>82</strong>Membership fee of $1,5O7.58 be paid.Carried.6. Moved by Cottncillor LyonsISeconded by CouncillorRogers.TIIAT the Mayor proclaim the week of February 22nd,to 28th inc].usive as "Scout-Guide Weekr' ln theTownship of <strong>Georgina</strong>.THAT this proclamatlon be so advertised in theFebruar'y 17th issue of the locaf <strong>lt</strong>ewspape.r,Carried. , . . . ; ,7. Moved try Council.lor OfGrady$esonded by Councilfol'Rogcrs.TIIAT Report No.'T<strong>82</strong>-6 of the Director of Fj.nancebe referred to the Public Affairs Committee to allowthe Director of Finance an opportunity for furtherinvestigatiort on a<strong>lt</strong>ernative proposals forthepreparati.on of specifications fol the installation andpurchase of an fnter-Connect Teletrlhone Systeft.Carried.At this tjme, Council.for O'Grady announced thatthere will be a Putrlic Affairs Committee meetingon Tuesday, 16th February, 198?, at g.30 a.m.6. . . . .J

Council Minute<strong>sc</strong>-8?-3-6- 19<strong>82</strong> 02 r.l.8. COMMITTEE AND OIHEF EEPOfiTS (Contd...)8.Moved by CouncillorSeconiled lryCouricillorShepherdWinchTHAT motor vehicles tn the possessio:t of passbearing residents and/or taxpayers of <strong>Georgina</strong>and their famillee,, shal1 be admitted free at allreasonable times to all Townshlp owned parks. Afee of $5.OO per motor vehicle shall be payablefor all other persons on all $aturdays and Sundaysand all Statutory Holidays. Passes may be obtainedduring busine$s hours from the Civic Centre uponreasonable proof of, qualification. If a notorvehicle operator seeking park entry elaims feeexempt status but does not possess the necessarypai;sf the regular fee shall be paid prior toadritting the vehiele and a recelpt shatl be issuedto the operator; provlded that upon presentati.onat the Civic Centre of said recelpt and t'easonableproof of resldential or tax paying status, a ParkPase w111 be lssued and a fee rebate may be ohtained.Carrled.ICouncillor Shepherd requested that Mr. Smyth,Dlrector of Recreation and Parks, investigatethe Parkjng areas at Holmes Foint Fark,b) PORTBOLSTEHII{I,LLEASE:Attached ls Report No. DR-<strong>82</strong>-O1 of the Director ofRecreation and Parks.Moved by CounciLlor$helrherdSeconded by CorurcillorLyons.TTIAT the Mayor nncl Ctrerk of the Corporation of theTownshi,p. of <strong>Georgina</strong> be authorized to execute a LeaseAgreenent betu'een the Corporation of the Townshlp of<strong>Georgina</strong> and Len lJonner, as Trustee for the RoyalCanadian Rangers l3and, to Lease port Bolster CommunityHalJ de<strong>sc</strong>ribed as the certaln parceJ. of land andprc'rnises situate lying and being in the T'ownship ofGeorglna, in the Regional Municipal,ity of York ancl belngScomposed of the east half of Lot Nrunber One Hundred and*Seventeen, Clfi), excepd the northerly l'orty-Four (44)feet thereof, accoTding to a Plan regi$tcred as Number?51 in the Registry Offiee for the Registry Division ofYork North (No. 65) .Carried.The Director of Recreation and Parks w111 supply Mr. I,enDonner with an Inventory llst.J, 7 . , . .

Councll Mlnute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-3198? O3 lr.B.COMMITIEEANDOTIIIIRREPORTS(Contd...)Moved by Reglonal Councillor McleanSesonded l:y CounciilorSnockum.TIIAT Council waive the Rules ofthe buslness on the Agencla PastProcedure 1n g.ompletethe hour of ll p.m,Carried.At thj.s tlme the By-Law to authorlze the executionof the Lease Agreement between Len Donner and TheCorporation of the Townshipof Georglna was deaft with.Councillor Shepherd TIIAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-IB(CON-1)Counclllor Rogers heing a By-Law to quthsrize theexecution of a Leaqe AgreementLen Donner, as Trustee for TheRoyal Canadian Rangers Band andThe Corporatlon of the TownshiP of<strong>Georgina</strong>, be now read a first,second and third times, Passed andnumbered by the Mayor and the Clerk.Carried.BY-LAW N0. <strong>82</strong>-<strong>18</strong>(CON-I)Passed, signed and sealed by theMayor and the Cferk.The order ofb'Msiness was resumed on the Agenda.c)RESTRICTING THE WEIGIIT OF VEI{ICLES PASSING OVER ABRIDGETAttached is Report No. ETS <strong>82</strong>-2 of the Roads and TrafficSuperintendent.Moved by CouncillorShePherdSeconded.by Councilfor Rogers.1. TTIAT a By-Law be passed limiting the welght ofvehicles passing over Main Street Bridge, Lot 23,Con. 5 Fefferfaw to I tonnes.*2. TIIAT a By*Law be passed to repeal By-Law No- 765,being a by-law to restrict the weight of vehiclespa.ssing over Mosslngton Bridge, Lot 4, Con. 8, onLale DriveCarried.J 8.Regional Councillor !.{clean requested that the Engineer,Mr. R.T. Magloughlen, check the tonnage on the HighStreet Bridge in Sutton.. . . .

Councll Minute<strong>sc</strong>- 8?- 3-8-l9B2 02 11.8. COMMITTEEANDOTHER,RIpORTS(Contd...)d) PETTTIQN ON $UBErpY:Attached is Report No. RTS-8Z-4 of the Roads andTraffic Superintendent.,Moved by Councillor $mockumSeconded by Councillor Rogers.rTHAT-the Mayor and the C1erk, the Treasurer andthe Road Superlntendent be authorized to sid--;nOsubm<strong>lt</strong> to the Ministry of Transportation &communications in the provin*" bf ontario, a pet<strong>lt</strong>ionof the councif of the Township of Georglni, rEquestingas providedl*_lll1<strong>lt</strong>?"{grantfor nv-ft,e'Hid'*"vrmprovement Act, as arnended,E) ELITGROVE;OMMIJNITYHALL:Carried.Attached is Report No. DR-gE-OzRecreation and Parks.of the Director ofMoved by CouncillorSeconded by CouncillorLyonsWinci.THAT Beport No. DR-BZ-O? of the Director ofRecreation and parhs t; de'allng , wiith ElmgroveCommunity Ha11 be referred baik for a reportto Council aS soon as possible.Carried.I1CANINECONTROLRHPOETFOR}JONTIIOFJANUARY.lg<strong>82</strong>:Thls was recelved for lnformation.s)ITtrls was recelved for information.9. . . .. .r

Councllc-<strong>82</strong>-3Minutes-9- 19<strong>82</strong> 0? 1L.e. BY!awF:CouncillorCOuncillorRogers$mockurnTfIAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-19(PITO-Z)being a By-Law to Repeal By-LawNumber 765, belng a By-Law torestrict the weight of vehiclespassing over <strong>lt</strong>4ossington Bridge benow tead a first, $econd and thirdtimes, passed and numbered by theMayor and the ClerkBY-LArY NO. <strong>82</strong>-19(pl{O-?) 'Carried.Passed, signed and sealed try theMayor and the C1erk .CouncillorCouncillorRogersShepherdTIIAT By-Law No. 8?*2O(PWO-2) beinga By-Law restrictlng the weight ofvehicles passlng over a bridge, benow read a first, second and thirdtimes, passed and numbered by theMayor and the Clerk.Carrled.BY-LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>-20(PWO-z)Passed, slgned and sealed by theMayor and the Clerk.CouncillorCouncillorRogersSnockrrmTIIAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-21(pWO-?) beinga By-Law to dedicate certain landsas forming part of. a Public lllghway,be now read a first, second and thirdtimes , passed and numbered by theMayor and the CLerk.Carrled.BY-LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>-21CPWO-2)Passed, digned and sealed by theMayor a.nd. the Clerk.Councillor RogersRegional CouncillorMcleanfiIAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-2?(TA-1) beinga By-Law to adopt the estimates of alfsums required for General MunicipalPurposeb during the year and to provj.defor the levy and collectlon of such ratesfor the year 19<strong>82</strong> and to provide forthe mailing of notices demanding paymentof taxes for the year 1932, be now reada first, second and third times, passedand numbered hy the l,{ayor and the Cferk.A recordedvote was requested.The Clerk recorded the vote as f,ollows:?Reg-Councillor l{cl,ean - YeBCouncillor OtGradyCouncillor Lyons - Yea- YeaCounclllor ShepherdCouncillor Rogers - Yea- YeaCounci.llor SmockumCouncillor Winch- Yea- YeaMsyor Dales* Yea' Counciflor Burrows - NavYe a - INay ." 1Carl'1ed.10. . . .

Corrncil Minute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-3-10-19<strong>82</strong> 0? 11.8.BE-LAU(lq!!!....)Counclllor Roger;Reg-Counclllor McLeanTIIAT By-Law No. B2-23(LI-2) beinga lly-Law to flmend Ry-Law No.81*1(.LI*2) a By-Law to Regrifate,Restrict or Prohibit the keeplngof dogs within the Corporation ofThe Township of Georglna or Defineclaretrs thereof, be now read a firs1,second and third times, passed andnumbered by the }layor and the Clerk.Carried.BY-LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>-?3(Lr-2)Passed, signed and sealed by theMayor and the CLerk.The rules of prdcedure werelntroduce the following Motion:waived at thls time to9. Moved by Councillor ShepherdSeconded by CounciflorBurrouts.WHEREAS, Mrs. Joan Schell has been the Chairman of thepoxt Bofster IIal1 Board for several years;AND I{HIIRBA$ the llall Board will be dlssolved due to takeover bv the Band;THEFIdIORS, BIt IT RIISOLVED TTIAT the Township send Mrs.Schell a "Thank You Noteil and a small honourarium for herunselfish work in the CommunitY.Carried.IO.NOTICE OF }"TOTION:Moved by Councj.llorllogersSeconded by Regiona.l CouncillorI'ilcl,eanfiIAT the TownshJp of Georglna l,nstaf a recording machineor machines to Tec,ord the proceeding$ oI all Council andCornm<strong>lt</strong>tee of the l<strong>lt</strong>rhole meetings sub.Ject to the policyregardingE in cirmcra sessions and to distribute the tapesto the <strong>Georgina</strong> Public Library for loan to the genera-Ipubli c.11.OTIIEIi BUSINESS Ia)' Councillor Lyons inqulred'as to the official namechanging of Cemetery noad to Black River Road.Mr. R.T. Magloughlen irrdlcated Ire would check withthe Regional Engineer and report back.J11. . .

Councilc-<strong>82</strong>-3Minutes-11- 19<strong>82</strong> 0? 1111. OTHER BUSINESS (.Contd.. . )b) Begi,onal Councillor Mclean reported on tlre IceFlshing Derby indicating thatri'the Buttons wereselling wefLand there has been good Pres<strong>sc</strong>ovexage.r?.BY-LAIY TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS :Councillor SmockumCouncilforRogersTIIAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>*24(COU-2)belng a B3'-Law to Confirm theProceedings of Councll at itsrneeting held on l1th February,1983, be now read a first, secondand thlrd tinres , passed andnumbered by the Mayor and Clerk.Carried.BY-LAI{ NO . <strong>82</strong>-24(.COU*2)Fassed, signed and sealed by theMayor and the Cferk.On <strong>lt</strong>{otlon, MeetlngAdjourned at 11.50 p.m.

,<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-3TIIE CORPORATION OF TTIE TOI{NSHIP OF GEORGIIIAIN TIIEREGIONAL UUNICIPALITY OF YORI(ISPECIAL COIJNCIL}'IilUTESt{f'19<strong>82</strong> 0? OB7 p.n.Eeswick, Ontario.Iftre C1erk called the meeting to order at 7.15 p.n,and requested that the menbers present appaint anActlng Chalrman in the absence of the Chalrnan.lfoved by CouncillorSmoekumSeconded by CounclllorOtGrady.IHAT Reglonal CouncillorActing Cfiairman.Mclean be appointedCarried'l. uqMENE b! !,lEDrr4drroq:A Homent of Meditattonwas observed by the Members.z- RQLI,IALL:Ttre Clerk reported that all members of Council were{r present except Mayor Dales and Councillor Shepherd.#Actlng Ctralrman, Regiona.l Councillor Mcl.ean indicatedthat this Special lifeeting was call,ed for the prlrpose ofdlsposition of the Minlstry of <strong>lt</strong>tuniclpal Aff,airs andEouslngrs suggested modifications to the Official Flanof the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> Planning area.3. DISCLOSURE:a) Councillor Rogers regarding Modiflcations No. l$ antl26 of Technical Report No. PB2-11 of the Dlrectorof Planning, declared a pos.sible Confliet of fnterest,and did not take part in any di<strong>sc</strong>usslon and did not vote.L- -'\ iii ,"i ,: ', l'2. . . .

Special CouncilMlnutes<strong>sc</strong>- <strong>82</strong>- 3-2- :-. ''- 'r i/ t 1 lr-it,:,]-319<strong>82</strong> 02 08.EcHNrcALREPoRTNo.ps2-l1orrHEQI3F9J9F'-O3II'ANNING:. Council reviewed the Planner's repor€ -in detail'considerlng each Modification as outlined in the Beport'Moved by Conr-:illorSeconded by CouncillorBurrowsRogersIffAT the word "severely" be deleted-fromr'page 26,$".ii"n 43.1.3 Policies Sr;bsectiog..(.+)'-- -l-'lgdlficatloni+---nup"tt No. P<strong>82</strong>-r1 of the Eiree'tor"of ''Ftranning'Carrieal.trbved by CounctllorSeconded by CouncillorRogersWinch.TIIAT the second Paragraphlnclusive be deleted fromModlfication 61 of RePortof Plannlng-and subsections (i) to ('lv)Section 6.q,13 - amendingNo. P8?-11 of the DlrectortItroved by Councillor'Seconded bY CouncillorRogersO'GradY.Carrled.1HAT the word "adopted" in paragraphbe replaced with the word 'rreceived"of Beport No. P<strong>82</strong>-11 of the DjrectorI of Seetion 7. 3- Modification 67,of Planning.lfoved by CouncillortsurrowsISeconded bY CouncillorRogersTHAT Schedule C - noaas Plan, be anrended by thedeletion of the proposed Highway 89 labelling -ilodification 83 of Report No- P-<strong>82</strong>-11 of the Directorof Planning.A recorded vote was requested.. lbe Clerk recorded the vote as follows:Cou;rcillor B urrows - Yea ..-, I .t :. -'-ro..,..Reg:gorrn*'11or Mclean - NaYCouncitlor LYons : NaYCouncillor O'Grddy - NaYCouncillor Rogers - NaYCounclllor $mockum - NaYCouncillor, Winch - NaYiYea-fi!NaY - 7 'Defeated..+f .r.Council then considered the recommendations of thePlanner as previott^slY amended:;!I :IF,$,iI,ii l:f;liii" {i '$r,,.t1,$ ;+1 ifi I'ir,r:liiri-"{,f';t;.. E 'ii,t|9.....

Special<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-3Council19<strong>82</strong> 02 08.Moved by CounclllorlYinchSeconded by CouncillorRogers1. COIJNCIL endor.ses the followinC! Modi.f,icationsaa suggested hy the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, a$d Housing to the Official Plan of the Townshipof, Georglna w<strong>lt</strong>hout further rnodif.i.cations.ModificatlonNumber3 ?4 38 52 66 834 27 40 53 68 855 .28 4t 54 696 30 42 57 7r8 31 43 58 7310 32 44 59 74<strong>lt</strong> 33 45 60 77,15 34 4? 62 781? 3s 48 68 7s22 36 49 64 80.23 37 51 65 E2iI,.-vi:pirII ,tIit,l;rl I | :III i:] t,';;I2,Councll endorses the following Mintstry ofMunlclpal Affalrs and Housing suggestedmodifLcations to the Off,icia1 Flan of theTwnship of <strong>Georgina</strong> subject to certalnrevlslons.l{odlficatlon Number ReqqestedFejli-eiqllqThBt the werd "and" between"econonlcally" and 'rsocially"ln the flfth line of subseetlon3. be deteted and rertlacedw<strong>lt</strong>h a comma.That Forest and lIetlands whichforrn part of the EnvironmentatProtection Areas Policies not bellsted separately. That referenceto "Agricu<strong>lt</strong>ure Priority Areas andHigh Potential Mineral AggregateResource Areas" in the last sentenceof the first paraEif,aph be deleted andreplaced with "Resource Priority Areas".Ttret reference to "two mg.ps" in thelast line of the first.paragraphbe changed to "three maps". Thatlfap ? - Forest and Wetland Areas beadded and 'rMap ? - Resource PriorityAreasr' be changed to "Map 3 - ResourcePriority Areas."That reference to Map 3 in thenodlflcatlon be changed to Map 2.t213That reference to Map 3modiflcation be changedThat reference to Map ?nodification be changedin theto Map 2.tn theto Map 3.4. . . -

SpeclalSc- <strong>82</strong>- 3Council-4- ri. i; 19<strong>82</strong> 02 08.t4161E19202tthat the word *severeilvildeleted.belbat reference to "SchedulerAr -LandUse Plan" in the modificationbe changed to'rMap 3, SchedulerBlr Besource Prior<strong>lt</strong>y Areas".that Forest and Wetland AreasYh1ch form part of the EnvironmentalProtection Area policies not be listedaeParately,lbat the words "Sedflon 35C7) (a)of The Planning Act" in Section5.1.1 be changed to "Sectlon 39 (8)(a) of The Planning Act, R.S.O.,lg80rt.that the words "$ectLon 35 C21)"and rfSection 42 of The PlanningActrt be changed to "SectionSt (?2)" and "Section 49 of ThePlanning Act R.$.O., 198O'r.Tlrat an add<strong>lt</strong>ional sentence beadded to the end of thercdificatlon as follows: I'exceptwhere such buildings and structuresaccessory to existing buildings orstfuctures or are a replaceme[t of anexistlng building or sttucturer'*' " 'dt ',$t.t.. . . L . . ).1I':;l'Ir.&3946so6167Thf,t the suggested wording be changedto'ra.s set forth in a developerrsagreemen t" .Ihat the worr{s t'Section39 (4) and33 (5)r' in Section 6,1 be changedto "Section 36 (4) and Section36 (5)t' and the suggested modificationbe cbanged to "R.8.O., 1980".Ihat the words "Section 29 (E) of ThePlanning Act" in Seiction 6.1.9be changed to "Section 29 (1O) of ThePlanning Act, H.8.O. , 1980".That only the second paragraph andrubsections (t) to (iv) inctusivebe deleted.Ihat the word "adopted" inparagraph one of Section 7. 3be replaced with the word "received".,'1,'tr1 ii,I 'li::iI5.. ..

$peclal Council<strong>sc</strong>- <strong>82</strong>- 3 .-5--', 19<strong>82</strong> 02 08.That the words "1ow densitY" notbe deleted from Section 9.3."r1 I l.l<strong>lt</strong>j .,fj !.,\ r76Ttrat the words "Section 35 (a) ofThe Plannlng Act" in Section 11-5be changed to "Section 4O of ThePlannlng Act, R.S.O. , I980".L !<strong>lt</strong>-t ii'i {76That the words "Section 42 of ThePlannlnB Act" be chanEed to"Section49 of The Planning Act R.S-O-r 1980"t(:1i.;rj: !ijiri84Ihat the MaP 3 reference in thenodtfication be changed to MaP 2.3,Council NOT endorse the Ministry of MunicipalAffalrs Effi Housing suggested modifications 55end El to the Offici.al PIin of the Township off'eorgina Planning Area.4.Councll has given consideratlon to suggestediodificatiottJ by the Ministry of Municlpal Affalrs andflousing in which the Ministry has requested thexrmtciiatity to subnit suggested wording and reconmendsthe following:uq4iI<strong>lt</strong>qt1_9!-_.IEellnlnelCeS-ilgrgi4g"Between 1976 and 1981, the populationof the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> increasedat about 1% annuallY. The marketfactors which affected grourth during --this perlod are not etrpected tochange w<strong>lt</strong>hin the next few Years-Ihe .:hanges in market factors,coupled with the comPletion of theKeswlck water and sewer servicingBystern should resu<strong>lt</strong> in increasedgrowth rates bY the end of 1984.It ls estimated that the TownshlPwl1l malntain a 1% growth rate andwill ashieve a PoPulation goal of2O,8OO bY the end of ]984. BY1985 <strong>lt</strong> is estlmated that the rateof growth will increase toapproximately 3.5% yielding apopulation of 22,3OO bY the end of1986. It is the intention over thelonger term to the Year ?OOlr thatthe population goal be 36,OOO asset forth in the "Urban-RuralPopulation Alfocation Review" asadopted by the Council of theReglonaI [{unicipalitY of York onApril 27, L978.Population goals for the urban.conununities of Keswick, Sutton andPefferlaw will be set forth in therespective secondarY P1ans".I 6. . . .

Special<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-3Council-6-19<strong>82</strong> 02 08.., 56 That the words "ln the Plannlngarea an overall" in the secondaentence be deleted and replacedv<strong>lt</strong>hrtatt70 I'By-Law TR-23(BU-1) was passed byCouncil on August 21st,. 1978,'3::l;'J";-3i:ll$ i.Ylill;'?l.i"3i 3","gtandards. Ministerial approval wasgranted on Qctober 16th, 1978."That the last line in the secondary. pafagraph which l.regins,'rwhere as aregu<strong>lt</strong> of a review. . ." be deleted in<strong>lt</strong>a entirety.5. Council has given consideratlon to suggestedInodificatlon 29 by the Minlstry of Municipal Affairs andEousing and advises that <strong>lt</strong> is the Municipal<strong>lt</strong>y'spos<strong>lt</strong>lon that no actlon need be taken with regard to suchEodification.6. Council request the Mlnister of Municipal Affairsand Houslng to adopt the follo<strong>lt</strong>'ing additionalnodificattons:I86 lhat the last sentence of Section'6.1-2.1.1. be deletdd.87 that Section 5.2 Land UseClassification and Policies be rqodifiedby addtnB at the end thereof thefollowing:''5.?.9LAND FILL SITES - SOLIDWASTE MANAGEtr,{ENT'''That Schedule tAf Land Use Plan bemodtfled by adding a new designatlonI'Land Fill Sites" and showing theirlocatlons.7. Council has given consideration to the deferralrequest by the Regional lr{unicipality of York for:l. Schedule 'A' -- "Country Estate'r designatlon on:ft.(a) Part Lots ?2 and 23, Concession 2 (NG)Cb) Part Lot 1O, Concession 4 (NG) tI2. Page 52, Section, Deqlg44tedDevelopment subsection ( ;)-;FTE--)-and requests that this deferral not be grantedbut that thls matter be referred to the Ontariol{unlcipal Board.;7....1., - * Ifi

$peclal Councll<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-38.9.10..' 26 Ttrat reference in modification 2619<strong>82</strong> 02 08.Council has given conslderation to the referralrequest by Mr. Roger Elliott, Solicitor for theEastbourne Commun.ity Association to refer Section3. and Schedule 'Cr of the Official Planof the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> Planning Area, to theOBtarlo Municipal Board and tequests that thisreferraLnot be granted and that such matter bedeferred until such time as it can be heard inconjunction with the Environmental AssessmentHearings yet tc be held on that Sectlon of proposedElghway 89 not yet approved. A<strong>lt</strong>ernatively, in theevent the Minister does not Erant the Municipalitytsrequest to not grantsuch refeTral, that only thatportion of $chedule rCf delineating Highway 89 beieferred to the Ontario Municipal Board and not the wholesshedule.Council has given consideralion to the refeualrequest by Mr. Roger E1liott, $olicitor for theEastbourne Community Association to refer section5.?,7 Bural l'{obite Home Parks and requests thetthis referral not be granted.Council forrrard a copy of Report p-<strong>82</strong>-11 of theDlrector of Pfanntng outtining the Municipalityrsreasoning for its position on the dispositlon oftbe Mlnistryrs suggested modificatXons to the Officla)'PIan of the Township o1 <strong>Georgina</strong> Planning Area."Carried.l[oved by Counclllor lfinchEeconded by Councillor SmockumTHAT1. Counsll has given consideration to suggestednodification 25 by the Ministry of Municipal Affairsgnd Housing and advises that it is the Municipality'spusition that no action need be taken with regardto such modification.2. TIIAT Council endorses the followingE Ministry ofMunicipal Affalrs and Housing suggested modtficationto the Official Plan for the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong>subJect to the following revlslons:l[odificationNqmLerRequeste-dRevi$ionsto Section S.14 be changed toS.f.4 and that the recluirement ofa zoning amendment as a prerequisiteto the conversion ofa seasonal resldence be deleted.Carried.Counclllor Rogers declared a possible Conflict of fnterestand dtd not take part in any di<strong>sc</strong>ussion and did not vote.8. . . . ,

$pecial$c-<strong>82</strong>-3Council-8- 19<strong>82</strong> 0? OB.FI.LAWTOCONFIRMPROCEE-DINGS:CouncilLor SmockumCormci 11or LyonsfiIAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-17(COU-z)being a By-Law to Confirm theproceedings of Council ai itsmeetlng hetd on Felrruar5r Bth,I9B?, be now fead a first,second end third times, passedand nr:rnbered by the Mayor andClerk.Csrried.BY*LAW NO. B2-rTCCOU-2)Passedr signed and sealed by theMayor and the Clerk.On Motlon ,Meetlng adiournedat 9.55 a.m.l;e

MEI'4BERS OF COUNCILTAKE NOTICE that in accordance with a written direction to meby the Chairman in accordance with Section 4.3 of By-law No.BO-379 (C0U-2) a Special Meeting of Council willbe held onMonday, 8th, February, 19<strong>82</strong>, Bt the hour of 7:00 o'clockin theevening, in the Council Chambers, for the purpose of dispositionof the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing's suggestedmodifications to the Official Plan of the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong>Planning Area.Dated this4th day of February L98?.),/ r r//*,+-t*,-lJtvLerr

Mrs. Margaret Wilkinson,ClerkTownship of <strong>Georgina</strong>R.R. #2Keswick , OntarioA.M.C.T.Pursuant to Section 4.3 of By-law No. 80-379 (COU-Z), thisis rodirect you to call a Special Meeting of Council for Monday, theBth of February, 19<strong>82</strong>, Bt the hour of 7;00 o'clock in theevening for the purpose of disposition of the Ministry ofMunicipal Affairs and Housing's suggesfed modifications to theOfficialPlan of the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> Planning Area.Dated this lrth day of February 19<strong>82</strong>.I

g !c-<strong>82</strong>-2=- THE coRpoRATroN oF 'IIIE TorrrNsurp oF GBoRGTNA\I-IN THEREGIONAL MI,'NICIPALI'I'Y OF YORKCOUNCIL IilINUTES19<strong>82</strong> 01 287 p.m.l'he Council of the Torvnship of <strong>Georgina</strong> met in theCouncil Chirmbers of the <strong>Georgina</strong> Civic Centre, R.R. #2,Keswick, Ontario,The Mayor calledthe meeting to .order at ?.15 p.m.1 . Il{alEryr oI I4I DI TAIi !ry ;Members of Oouncil observed a Moment of Meditation.2. ROLL CAI,L :The layor repoxted that all mernbers of Corrncil werept:csent except Councj.lJors Lyons, OrGrady and Rogers.3. C0NFIIIILDI$IITOSURES:Th'ere were none.4. MINI.EESoIqEEYrouSlrXHrrNG$:a) lilinutes of Regular Council meeti.ng o{January 14th , 1989.Moved by Regional Councl.llor Me.LeanSeconded by CouncillorShepherd.THAT the lr{inutes of tlre Councilmeetj.ngI9B2 01 14, be adopted.ofCarried......:b) Mj.nutes of the .$pecial Meeting of January 21st, ]g.Bp.:i:,Councillol Burrows, on a point of procedure, questionedtlre 1cHa]'ity clf tlre holding of tlre Specia1 rneeting ofCouncil, January ?J,st, 19<strong>82</strong>, citing ttre fact: that the2. , , .

Council Mi.nut;e<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-2-2- 198? Or 28.4. MINUTESOFIIRHVIOUSMEETING$;Agendas delivcred to the members dicl not state the timeof the comtn(-lncement of the meeting in c}ock hours, andthat $e.ction 4.3 of the Pror:edural By-Law had not l:eenadhered to. IIt' lnd; ;ated that he would not be voting onthe adoplion of the said Minutes as any Inatters dea<strong>lt</strong> withat the meeting were not va1id.' Mayor Da:les requested that the Clerk contact the TownshipSolicitor to obtain his lega1 opinior on the comnentsraised by Councilfor Burrows.Council pr

Councilc-<strong>82</strong>-2lfinutes-3- 19<strong>82</strong> 0I 28.5. COUMUI'rrCATIOI{S(Co!l!ql...Ic) Murray VIalker, President, Transit Co. Simcoe,expressing his' appreciation for tlre support givenby Council of thoir applicatlon to Lhe HiglrwayTransport Board for a license to offer a bus servicefor the handicapped.This was received for information.d) Robert and Mari}yn Cohen, cottage owners in theBalfour Beacharea requesting to be placed on thecirculation list in order to receive i.nfornrationcorrcerning the Maple Leaf Estates proposaJ..This was receivcd for inforrnation,6 . PHIIT r,ONEj_There wer'e none.7. COMMITTIiII AND OTHNR REPORTS:a) Ontario Humane Society She<strong>lt</strong>e:: OperationsBreakdown for December , J981 .This was received for lnformat;lon.8. OTHER BUSIN]ISS:a) Regj.onal Cotrncj.ll.or IreJ.er.D stateiithaL ice wasbui.lding up orr lligh Street Blidge i.n Sutton, andesked that the Townshlp Engineer, check into thi$.9. BY-LAWS:Councill.or Winch TIIAT By--Law No. <strong>82</strong>-15(CON-I)Councj.Jlor Sheptrerd beirrg a By-Law to authqrrize l:heExecution of a Conveyance to theSouth l,ake Simcoe ConservationArrthority, be now read a filst,second and third times, passed andnumbered by the Mayor and the Clerk.CarriedBY"-1,1,W NO. <strong>82</strong>-15(CON--1) I,assed, signed and sealed by theMayor and the Clerk.4. .--

Council <strong>lt</strong>linute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-2*4-19<strong>82</strong> 0l 28.10. CONFITIMING BY-I,AW:Segional Courrcillor McleanCounciLlor Smock'umTHAT By*Law No.' 8?-16(COU-2)being a By-Law to eonfirm theproceedirrgs of Council at <strong>lt</strong>smeeting held on 28th January,19<strong>82</strong>, be now read a first, secondand third time$, passed andnumbered by the Mayor and C1erk.Carried.tsY-LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>-16(COU-z)Passed, signed and sealed by theMayor and C,lerk .On Motion,Adjourned?. 35 p.m.meetingt b" a-t C-soo

<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-o2tHE C0RPORATI0N OF THE TO!'lNStlIP oF GEORGINA.;IN THEREGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORKSPECIAL COUNCILMINUTES19<strong>82</strong> 0l 2r2'3OP'rn'The Councit. of the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> held aSpecial Meef-ing of Gourrcil- in Ehe Council Chamber:s ofthe <strong>Georgina</strong> Civic Cencre, R.R. #2, Keswick, Ontario.The Mayor called the meeting Eo order at 2.3O p.m.I. MOMENT OF MEDITATION :Members of Council obs"rved a MomenE of MediEarion.2.3.EqLLt4lL_The Clerk reported that all members of Council werepresei<strong>lt</strong> excepE Councillor Bu-.-rows .coIFLic_L!]!glo$uRlq:a) Counclllor Rog,ers w<strong>lt</strong>h regard to Report No. P<strong>82</strong>-3of the Planner, Roland Merkel, Pt. Lot 15, Con. 4 (NG),declared a posslble Conflict cf Interest and did not takepert in afly di<strong>sc</strong>ussion and dld not vote.4.b) Regiorrirl Councillor McLeEn, with regard to item 5 -By*Laws - No. 8l*105(LA*3), decl-rred a possibl.e Confllctof Interest and dld not tsake part in any dl<strong>sc</strong>ussion anddid not vote.coMMirTEE_nNDQIEEE:SEp93Tq:a) Recornmendations of the Committee of the Whole ofl 98? 01 ?r .Moved by CouncillorOtGradySeconded by CouncillorShepherd.1. 1. THAT the Clerk of the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong>advlse the Ontario Municipal Board thatCouncil has heard che objections submittedto By-Lar^r Number 911*81-159(PL-5) and takesthe position that the ob-jections do not meritrepeating the said By-Lawt2. . .

Councll Mirruf,es<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-o2-2- 19<strong>82</strong> 01 2I4. COMMITTEE AND OTHER REPORTS (Conrd.THAT Report P<strong>82</strong>-OZ which details the Municlpalityrspositlon to Ehe objections teferred to l-n I above,be af,rached as an appendlx to the Affidavit of theClerk f,o be forwarded Lo Ehe Ontari-o Municipal Board.3. THAT Councll accept the recorrimendatlons of thePlanner No. P<strong>82</strong>-02, and add that the Pl.anningstaff be directed to communicate with Mrs.McKntght with respect to present Offi.clal PlanPolicles as it affects her land and recognizesthe potential of Industrial use.2. THAT Council permir one single fan'.Iy dwe<strong>lt</strong>ing on eachvacant loE withln a group of lots de<strong>sc</strong>ribed ai Part of Lot26, Concesslon 3 (Nc), subject to the fol}owingconditlon: ,THAT the locafion of the dwelling on each consecutivelot be set back a nlnimum of 45metres, or stagger*td toprovide maximum visual separaLion from la?oodblne Avenue.3. 1. An appll-catlon for a proposed Plan of Subdivlsion onlands de<strong>sc</strong>ribed as, Part of Lots 16, and 17, Concessions2 and 3 (NG), submitted by Mod*Aire Homes Limiredbe appr:ovr.rl subject to t<strong>lt</strong>e following conditions betngmet before final approval for registratlon:A. Approval shall relate fo a rev.lsed Plan of$ubdlvision, beinSi Scheclule 'Arln ReportP-<strong>82</strong>*o5lB- The owner shall cdnvey land ln an amor.rnt notexceeding 5% of the land includad in the planto the Township of Georglna for park purposespurcuant to the provisions ofSectl-on 35 (5) (A)of Ihe Planning Act. A<strong>lt</strong>ernatively, theTownship may accept cash ln lieu of the saidconveyance, and under the provr'_si.ons of $ection33 (8) of The Planning, gct, f,he Township isauthorized to do so;C. The owner shall enter ir:fo a subdivlsion agreement*rith the Towrrship of Georgi.na, agr:eelng tosatisfy all the r:equtrremenrs, finar'rci{l andatherwlse, of the Township of, <strong>Georgina</strong> concerningthe provision of road,s, tshe rpalkway, instal,Iatlonof services and drainage;D. Such easements as may be requlred for Utility ordrainage purposes shell- be granted co theapproprlate authofity;E. The oroner shall agree in the subdivlsion agreemenE,nof to f,emove any frees without prior approvalof the Townshlp of <strong>Georgina</strong>.tF- The lands shall be approprlately zoned by aRestricted Area By-l,aw whlch has come lntoeffect i.n accordance wifh the provisions of ThePlanni ng Act.c. The owner shall subrni.t- a Lot Grading Plan for: ther€vieqp'and approval of the Township Engtneer.3. . . .

Councll Minutes<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-o2-3-19<strong>82</strong> 01 21.4. COMMITTEE AND oTHER REPORTS (Contd.H. The owner shall subm<strong>lt</strong> a house sittng PIanand floor plans which emphasize maximuntsouthern exPlsure to fhe sun .z.THAT the Cterk notify the Cterk ancl PlanningCommissioner of Ehe Regional Municipality of Yorkof the above.4,t.3.4.THAT theTownshipof Georgiina Hydro Commissi-on Lsrequesred to perfofm aIl streel: lighE maintenancefoi the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> for a three month trialperiod, commencing March 1st, 19<strong>82</strong>..THAT the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> shall pay ttre <strong>Georgina</strong>Hydro Manager's hourly rate plus payroll burden whiledoing street lighE maintenance, plus truck rentalat Ehe rate of $ZO.OO/hour. The Township shall alsoinstall a Z-way radio in the Georgi.na Hydro buckettruck giving the truck communication access Eo theTownshlp radio system and will supply a second workerto assisE the Hydro Commission Manager.THAT Ehe Townhip Engi-neer report back to Council beforethe end of rhe three nonth crial period as to whefherGeorglna Hydro wishes Eo continue-to perforn <strong>sc</strong>r{iet f.ightmaLntenance for the entire Township, and whether thestreet light maintenance performed by <strong>Georgina</strong> Hydro isadvantageous to the Municipality.THAT Ontario Hydro be advised of the foregoing and berequesEed to glve a credit for the flat rate maintenarcecharges for the term of the trial period.Carried.b) Moved by Councillor hllnchSeconded by Reglonal Councillor, McleanTHAT the recommendation of the Planner (Repor:t No. P8?*3)that t-he application for: rezoning submi.tteb by RolandMerkel for Part Lot 15, Con. 4 (NG), be refused, be notacpepted by Ehis CouncilCarried.".: ..Corrncill.or Rogers declared a posslble Confll.ct of' fnterest r+ith regard to thls item, and did not takepar:t in any di<strong>sc</strong>usslon and did noc vote.4.

Councll<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-02MinuEes*4- t9<strong>82</strong> 01 21.4. COMMITTEE AND OTHER REPORTS ( Conrd, . . . )Moved by Reglonal Counclllor McleanSecorrded by CounclllorOrGrady.THAT the_applicatlorFy.Roland MerkeI for rhe rezoningof Part Lot 15, Con. 4 (Nc), be approved subject to tiieplacing of a covenant on tttle with regard to the factthat there will be no obJecrion to the present use and Ehecontlnrred use of the adjacent farm operitions and thatthe locatlon of the proposed residenttal building on thegubjgg! property be located beyond rhe area gove;nect by rhecertificate of compriance and as close to thE road allbwanceas permitEed by By-Law No. 91.1.Carrled.Councillor Rogers declared a possible Conflict of Interestwith regard Eo thi.s item and did not take part in anvdi<strong>sc</strong>ussion and did noE vote.c) Moved by Reglonal Councillor McleanSeconded by CouncillorWinch.THAT the recommendation of the Treasurer contained inReport No, T-<strong>82</strong>-7 staLing rtLnterestfree loanil beamended to re;rd ilinterest bearing loan at current ratesil.A Recorded votewas requestedThe Clerk recorded the vote as follows:Reglonal Coun.:i11or Mclean - yeaCounclllor Lyons * yeaCounclLlor Viinch - YeaCouncillor OrGradyCounclllor RogersCouncillor SheoherciCounclllor SmotkumMayor DalesYea -Nay -35Defeated.- Nay- Nay* Nay- Nay- Nayd)Moved by CounclllorWinchSeconded by Reglonal CouncillorMclean+THAT Ehe lncrease ln the Sut,ton'doubledWaf,er andto reflecE an increase of ZO% andfor three years.sewer rates be3O% respecf,tvelyA recorded vote whs requestedThe Clerk recorded the vote. Reg-Counclllor McleanCounclIIor' WinchCounclllor LyonsCounclllor OtGradvCouncillor Rogers-Counclllor SheoherdCouncLllor $mot'kumMayoq Dalesas folLows :- Yea- Yea- Nay- Nay- Nry- Nay- Nay* NayYea - 2Nay - 6 Defeated 5. . . .

Counci.l Minutes<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-o2-5*19<strong>82</strong> 01 21.4. COMMITTEE AND O'IHER REPORTS (Contd.e )Moved by CounclllorLyonsSeconded by CouncillorRogersTHAT the following recommendation be adopted,as amended :1. THAT the addttlonal monies received in 19Blover and above the origi.nal amounts budgetedfor the General Support Grant, and the ResourceEqualization Grant of $133r539 be applled asfollows:* to eliminate the Sutton Waferworksdeficir- to partially eliminate the SuttonSewer deficit$4o,966925573t2, THAT an additlonal allocat,lon of Ehe 19<strong>82</strong> GeneralSupport and Resource Equalizatlon Gr-ants be ma< ':to complet-ely eliminate the remaining deficit ofthe Sutton Sewer System at December 31, 1981, ofapproxlmafely $93 , 604 .3.THAT the allocations made to offset the deflc<strong>lt</strong>s ofthe Sut,ton WaterworkE and SuEton Sewers aE Decenber31, 1981., be shown as an interest-free loan,receivabl.e on the Revenue Fund of the Muflici.pality,and that all lot levies recelved after Januaiv 1.19<strong>82</strong>, from the G.M.E.L. Subdivision and aIl lindiwithin ttre Sutton Water Works and Sewer serviced area.be applied Eo reduce this halance.4.5.THAT an allocation of $?O,OOO frorn the GeneralSupport and Resource Equalization Grants f,o theSutton Sewer Systernbe provided in 19<strong>82</strong> topartialLy offsec the cost of operations.THAT thc 19<strong>82</strong> Operating Budgers fcr: the SuttonWater and Sutl-on Sewer Systems be approved.6. THAT the necessary By-Laws be amended to reflectan <strong>18</strong>% increase for the SuEEon Sewer Works and tO%for the SutEon Water Works and such approved ratesshall be effective January l, lg8Z, ai-1i.sted inthe attached <strong>sc</strong>hedule.A recordedvote Was requested.The Clerk tecorded Ehe vote as follows:Councillor Lyons - YeaCouncillor OrGradv * YeaCounclllor Rogers - YeaCounclllor Shepherd - YeaCouncillor Smockum * YeaMayor Dales- YeatReg-Councillor Mcl,eanCounclllor NinchYea * 6Nay * 2* Nay- NayCarrled.6.

Counctl Mlnutes<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>*o2*6- 19<strong>82</strong> 01 2r.4.C0MMITTEE AND OTHER REPOTIS (Conrd. . . )b)TO PROHIBIT THE KEEPING OF EXOTIC PETSWITHIN THE MUNICIPAI"ITYAttached is Report No. <strong>82</strong>-O2 of the DeputyCIerk.Moved by CouncillorSeconded by Counclllor0rGradyRogers.THAT the attached By-Law to prohibit the keepingof exoEic peEs anywhere in ti-re Muriicipalicy Le "approved, w<strong>lt</strong>h the additlon of',Stonetish"'onSchedule rrA".Carried.c)ANIMAL CONTROL * LIVESTOCK AND DOMESTICATEDWILDANIMAI,SIAttached is Reporr No. <strong>82</strong>*06 of rhe Direcror ofPlanning.Moved by CouncillorRogerstSeconded by CouncillorO'Grady.THAT the attached By-Law whlch setsforth those types of farm and donesticated wildanlmals, prohibited ln areas other than the ruralareas of the Townshlp,_be giverr two readings andbrought back to Council on-l.ebruary, 1Ith,*I98Z:Carrled.5. BY_LAWS:Reg-Councillor McLeanCouncillor LyonsTHAT By*Lav No. B2*7 ( pWE--l )Feing a By-Law Eo prohtbtr rhekeeplng of certain kinds ofanimals be now read a first andsecond tlmes.CounclllorCouncillorLvonsRbgersTIIAT By-Law No. B2-8(pWO-3) beinea By-Law to amend By-Law no. BO-29f(PllO-3), a By*Law to enacE Rules andReguLafions for the maintenance andOperatlon of a system of waEerworksof the Community of Sutton, in theCorporation of the Township of<strong>Georgina</strong>, be now read a fiist. secondand third times, passed and numberedby the Mayor and eterk.A recorded vote was requested.The Clerk recorded the vote asfollows :7 . . . .

Councll<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-o?Minutes*7- 19<strong>82</strong> 01 2r.5. BY-LAWS ( Contd . . . . )Counclllor Lyons - YeaCouncillor O'Grady - YeaCouncitlor Rogers - YeaCouncillor Shepherd - YeaCouncillor Smockum - YeaMayor Dales- YeaReg*Counci.llor Mclean - NayCounclllor Winch ': NavYea - 6Nay - 2Catried.BY-LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>-8tPWO-3)Passed, signed and sealed by theMayor and the Clerk .CouncillorCouncillorLyonsRogersTHAT By-law <strong>82</strong>-9(PW0-3) belng a By*Lawf,o establi$h a rafe structure fof,Sewer service for the users of theI'laterworks systsem ln the former Vi.llageof, Sutton, be now read a first, secondand thj.r:d times, passed and numberedby the l'layor and the Clerk.A recorded vote roas requested .The Cl.erk recorded the vote asfnll.ows :Councillor Lyons -- YeaC+uncillorr OrGrady - . YeaCounci.llor Rogers * YeaCounclllor Shepherd * YeaCounclllor Smockum * YeaMayor Dales- YeaRe6-Counci.l lor Mclean - NayGounclllor lrrinch - NayYea * 6Nay - 2Garrled.BY-I,AW NO. <strong>82</strong>-9(PWO*3) Passed, si.gned and sealed by EheMayor and the Clerk.t"8.. . .

tCouncll MinuEes<strong>sc</strong>*<strong>82</strong>-o2s. BY-LAWS (qggEg-:-l--8* 19<strong>82</strong> 01 21.CouncillorCounci.llorShePherdRogersTHAT BY*Law,No. <strong>82</strong>*1o(PL-'l) being,a By-Law to amend Ey-LtwNumber-61-,whith deems part of a' Registered Planof Subdivisi,bn not to be a reSiisteredPlan of Subdi.vislon for the purposesof Section 2i of. the Planning Acttbe now read a first, second andthird times, Passed and numbered bYthe Mayor and Clerk.CarriedBY*LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>-10(PL-1)Passed, si,gned and sealed bY theMayor arrd Clerk.CouncillorCouncJ.llorShePherdRogersTHAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-11(PL-4)-beingaBv-L-aw ro reftove certain l.ancls froinPart Lot Control, be now read afirst, second and third timea, passedand numbered bY the MaYor and theClerk. ( Irving Development pr:op.osal )'CarriedBY-LAW No. <strong>82</strong>-11(PL*4)Passed, signed and sealed bY theMayor and the Clerk.CouncillorCouncillorRogersOrGradYTHAT Bv-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-12(PWE-I) beinga By-Liw co protiibit the keeping, ofexotic pecs, lre nor+ read a fi-r:sf-,second lnd ttrird tirnes, passed andnumbered by the MaYor and Clerk'. Carrled-BY*LAH NO. <strong>82</strong>-12(PWE*I)Passed, slg;ned and sealed bY theMayor and Cierk .,. ._Cor,rncillorCouncillorShePherdSmockumTHAT By-taw No. <strong>82</strong>-13(LA-l) bei.nga By-Liw to authoriue the MaYor andthe-Clerk to execute (1) a Deed ofLand and (2) A Qu<strong>lt</strong> Clain Deedrespecting a ConveYance from theTownship 6f <strong>Georgina</strong> to the Churchof the ila"arene,-be now read a first,second and third times, Passed andnuflbered by the I'{ayor and Clerk.Carried.BY-LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>-13(LA-l)Passed, signed and sealed bY thet'lavor and Clerk.l"€l

Council MlnuEes<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>*o219<strong>82</strong> 0l 21.5. BY*LAWS (Contd. . . )CouncillorCouncillor:SmockumRogersTHAT By-Law No. 8l-1O5(r,A-3) beinga By-Law to close, stop up and sellPart of the road allowance betweenConcessions 7 and I (NG) on ReferencePlan Number 65R*2<strong>82</strong>8, be now reada third tlme, snd ftnally passed.Carried.BY-LA!i , N0. 81-105(LA-3)Passed, signed and sealed by theMayor and Clerk.Regional Councillor Mcleandecl.ared a possible Conflict ofIriterest and did not take frarc inany dt<strong>sc</strong>ussion and did not vote.6. BY-LAT,I TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS :Counci.ll.orCouncillorSmockumRogersTI{AT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>.-14(COU-Z) beirrga By-Law to confirm the proceedings ofCouncil at itA meeting held on '21st January, 19<strong>82</strong>, be now read afirst, second and ihird times, passedand numbered by the Mayor and Clerk.Carried.BY-LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>-14(COU-2) Passed" signed and sealed by rheMavor and Clerk .'On Motion,meeting adJournedat 3.O7 p.rn.*9-?.*J.at41-J

JMrs. Margaret lVilkinson, A.M.C.T.r C.l\il.C.,Cle rk ,Township of <strong>Georgina</strong>,R.R. #2,Keswi ck , Ontario.PURSUANT to Section 4.3 of By-Law No. 8O-379(COU-2), this isto direct you to call a Special l.,leeting of Council for Thursday,the 21st day of January, 19<strong>82</strong>, immediately following theadjournment of the Committee of the Whole Meeting to be heldon the same date, cotnmencing at 9.30 A.M,, forthe purposeof Adoptingthe Recommendations of the said Committee of theWhole meeting and to give three readings to several By-Laws.Dated this 15th day of January, 19<strong>82</strong>.

ilc-<strong>82</strong>-1THE CORPORATION OF THE TObINSTIIP OF CEORGINAIN THEREGIONALMUNICIPALITYqFY9I!KCOUNCIL MINUTES19<strong>82</strong> 01 14 .?.3O p.m.Ther Council of the Township of Georg,ina met ln theCouncil Charntrers of the Geotgina Civic Centre, R.R. #2tKpswick, Ontario.The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7'40 p.m.t1. MOMENT OF MEDITATION;Members of Councll observed a MomenE of Meditation-2 . ROLL CALL :The Clerk reported ttrar: all meirrber:s of Councll. werepresent exceFE Council.l.or Smockum and Council.lor l')inch'3 . CONFLICT DISCLOSURES :a) Counci.llor Rogers declared a possible Conflicf- ofInter:est regaiding itern 9 (a) (6) o+ ttre CommiEteeof the I'lhole xePort re Outsternding Taxes, ar'rd didnot take part l.n any di<strong>sc</strong>usslon and dtd not vote-At thi-s time the otder of business on the Agenda wa<strong>sc</strong>hanged to deal with the artlcle in the Globe and MalI onJanuary gth , 19<strong>82</strong> -Mayor Dal.es commented on Ehis article statifl€l thatstatlstics <strong>lt</strong>er-e inaccurate and that Ehe artlcle was totallylacking in journalisEic inEegriEy.The Mayor read a letter to Council members froin Mr.Kelly MorrlLon of, Sutton West, addressed Eo the Globe andMail on behalf of the Township.I2. - . .

Councit Minute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-1-2- 19<strong>82</strong> 01 14.Regional Councillor Mclean -reada lettef, addressedto the Ed<strong>lt</strong>or ;;;-Gi;b;-;;a Mail dated Januatv 12th'"t19<strong>82</strong> .The following Motion was considered'Moved bY Councillor RogersSeconded bY Councillor LYons 'THAT the attached lettet and-.the opinions eonr-alnedthetein o* ptlpi"*;-;;-i"h" Mclean and forwar:ded tothe Gtobe i'oronto'. ontario' be herebyendorsed uv "ni"fiiiil [r.,"-i"t1"*ii ihe Township of <strong>Georgina</strong>'"t.Carrled"'I4. MINUTESOFPJEVIOUSMEETINGS:a) l4inutes of Regular,Council meeEing ofDecember lOth, 198l'Moved bY iounctllorSeeonded bY CouncillorRogersLYons'THAT the MinuEes of the Council neetingf981 l2 10, be adoPred'Carriedb) Mlnutes of Speclal Council Meettng ofDecember Z?rtdr 1981'Moved bY CouncillorRogersSeconded bY Councitrlor LYons 'THAT the Minutes of she QpecralCouncll meetlngof 1981 lZ 22, be adoPted'ofCarried',{l5. DEPUTnTIONS:a) A c<strong>lt</strong>izen grouP wlEh Tegard to Ehe necessity fot aYouth Bureau'Mr, D. Hales spoke to the members of Council regardlngthe need-i;; ;'YouEh Bureau tn Ehe Township of <strong>Georgina</strong>'Mrs .Sherrill llogers also addressed rhe members ofCouncil i" tiiiE-ioEafd, stsf,ing r!+! a Youth Bureauwould pto"ia*'"p-"i"11V ttalned officers required todeal with Youthful offenders'AE thl$ E{methe rules of procedure $'ere waivedto a.af wtth the following MoEion:,l 3....

Councll Minute<strong>sc</strong>-81-1-3* 19<strong>82</strong> Or 14.5. DEPUTATIONS (Concd.. . . )Moved by Regional Council.lor McledirSeconded by CouncillorShepherd.THAT WHEREAS as of the end of rhe 3rd euarterthe Juvenile ctime rate for 39 Diviston composedof all of <strong>Georgina</strong> Township and a very smali portionof EasE Gwillimbury has risen drarnatitally and was then677, hi.gher than r-he previous yea.l:;AND WHEREAS in the final quarter of lg8l Ehe raEey-g:s gvgn higher and has shown no improvemenf or cessatlonlAND WHEREAS Ehe Council of the Corporation of rheIgyfllip-"f ,<strong>Georgina</strong>1s very conceyned abour Ehis problem;THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED thaE Ehe Township requests rheYork Regional Pollce Cornrnlssion and police-Chidf Crawfordto ensure that a mlnimum of 2 addtEior;aI itYouth OrientedrlOfficers be placed In 39 Division to combat thisspecific problem, and thar provision for Ehis be ineludedln the 19BZ York Regional Police BudgeE.Catried.6. COMMUNICATIONS :t-a) B.W. BaxEer, Secretar-' fer Ehe Organizationof Small Urban Municipalities advising rhat29Eh Annual O.S.U.M. Conference is to*be heldln the Town of Collingwood on May 6, 7 and 8,19<strong>82</strong>.This was received for lnformation.b) South Lake Simcoe Conservatiorr AuEhorifvExecutive Committee Minutes of a meetin! netAon December 22nd, 1981.Thls was received for informaEion.7 .PErrJro{s:There were Do pet,<strong>lt</strong>lons8.COMMITTEEANDOTHERREPORTS:a) Committee of rhe l,thole of 19<strong>82</strong> Ol OZ.Moved b;f CouncillorRogersSeconded by Regional CouncillerMclean.1. THAT the Council of the Township of Georeinarecogniaes the servlces provlded in the f,ast tohandicapped persons by the Simcoe Transit Cornpanyand supports fheir application Eo the Ontariollighway Transportation Board for a public vehiclelicence which will enable lhem to originate publiclvheel ctraiT transportation wtthin the Townshi.p ofGeorglna.Carried.4, . . .

Council. Minute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-1-4*19<strong>82</strong> 0t" 14.8. COMMITTEE AND OTHER REPORTS (Contd...)2. Moved by Counc<strong>lt</strong>lor ShepherdSeconded by CouncillorRogersl. THAT the DirecEors of Economlc Developmentand Comrnun<strong>lt</strong>y Services be required to'establish a ferms of Reference for a treeplanting Frogram for rhe 19BZ plantingseason, and thac such terms of'refereilce bereviewed by the Development CommiEtee andCouncil prlor Eo implementafion of such program.2. THAT Ehe maEter of plentlng of a coniferoustree <strong>sc</strong>reen along the north side of DuclosPoint Road commenci.ng on the Noreh EasE cornerof Lof-17, Concession 7 ano continuingapproximately 6O metres westerly, be iefertedto the Dlrectors of Economic Developmentand Community Services , for inclustbn in fhecomprelrensive tree planting pf,ogram.Carriedl-3. Moved by Counclllor RogersSeconded by CouncillorOtGrady.'l. TIIAT tlre Budg,et of the Keswlck Waterworkssystem for Ehe yean 19<strong>82</strong> be approved aspresented afld2, THAT the necessary By-Law be amerrded to reflectthe approved rates commencing January l, I9gZ,3. THAT rhe 19<strong>82</strong> Water Bills be prepared and lssuedon ttre l5th day of May, lg<strong>82</strong>r-and the flnal duedate be June l5th, 19<strong>82</strong>.Carri.ed.4.Moved by Councillor Rogers$econded by Councillor Shepherd.1. THRI By-Law No. 81-9O(TA-3) be repealed and?, THAT the attached By-Laws be approved to providefgr pena<strong>lt</strong>y and ingerest on ovlrdue taxes forthe 19<strong>82</strong> year .Carried.t5. . . . .

Council Minute<strong>sc</strong>*<strong>82</strong>-l-5-19<strong>82</strong> 01 14.E. col{!,{ITTEE AND OTIIEn RnpOBTS ( Contd. ,. )5.Moved by CourrcillorRogersSeconded by CouncillerLyons.1. THAT effective February I, 19<strong>82</strong>, the l.ifeinsurance covef,age as provided by Ehe Townshipof <strong>Georgina</strong>, for all its employees and volunreerfiremen, be amended as follows:(i) the policy shall be underwriften wlrh theMutual Life Assuranee Company of Canada inaccordance with the rates quotecl in thelrproposal of November 3O, 1981, and(<strong>lt</strong>) the coverage be increased as folJ-ows -for permanent full tirne staff, coverage willbe 1 x salary to a maxinum.of $sCI,OOOfor volunteet flremen, coverage will belncreased uo $15,OOO life insurance, as wellas $15,O00 Accidental Death and Dlsmembermenr.for permanent part time staffremain at $5,OOO.covenage wi.l1?.THAT Ehe group benefir plan providl-ng coverageto all eligible employees of the Township ofGeorglna be contlnued ln effect with Green Shi-eldPrepald Services Incorporated, ln accordance withthe rates quoced for 19<strong>82</strong>.6.Moved by Begional Counclllor.Carr:l.ed.Mcl,eanSeconded by Counclllor Shepherd .THAT the outstandlng Eaxes itemiaed on the attachedlJ-sts as items t{o. 81*55 to 81-71 incJ.uslve, be writEenoff as uncoll,ectible urlder Section 636 (I) of TheMunlcipal Act.Carried.Counclllor Rogers declared a possible Confllct ofIntere<strong>sc</strong> witir regard to thls fliattef, and dld not takepf,rt ln any di<strong>sc</strong>ussion and did nor vote.7 .Moved by CouncillorLyonsSeconded by CouncillorRogers,THAT effective of the date of passing of thisresolutlon, the Township of Georg,ina impose a fee of$2O0, Flus insurance costs when applicabte, agai.nsteach property registered under Section 40 of TheMunicipat Affairs Act.<strong>lt</strong>Carried.6. . ,

Councll Minute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-L-6- 19<strong>82</strong> 01 14.8 . COMMITTEE AND OTHER REPORTS ( CONtd ' . . i8. Moved by Counctllor Rog,ers'Seconded by Councillor 0rGradY. ) ,THAT WH9REAS, che Pefferlaw Fire Deparrtment has workedunselfishl-y and diligently throughout the PasE yeartand years pri.or ;AND WHEREAS tnis volunteer grouP is' on call all hoursof the day an

Councll MinuEes -7- r 19<strong>82</strong> 0l 14.c-<strong>82</strong>-l8. COMMITTEE AND OTHBR EEPORTS (Contd, . , )c) APEorx'rMENls.t;f;i<strong>lt</strong>+lrl.f,$ooo, urr*ur"GBORGINA HYDRO COMMISSION.Attached is Report No. TC8Z-OI of the Clerk.Hoved by CounctllorRogersSeconded by GounclllorLyons.1. THAT Frank Atyeo be re-appclirrted as a mernber to the<strong>Georgina</strong> Libr:ary Board for the three year term -19<strong>82</strong>, 1983 and 1981r.2. THAT David Holborn be appointed as a menber to the<strong>Georgina</strong> Hydro Commission for the year 19<strong>82</strong>.3. THAT Pearson llolder: be re-appoinEed as a mernber tothe CornmitEee of Adjustment and the PropertyScandards Committee for the thtee year term19<strong>82</strong>,1983 arrd 1984 'Caruied,Id) TENDER CONTRACT P81*12-O1 FOR THE TOWNSHIPCANINE CONTROL SERVICES.Attached is Report No. DC-8Z*OI of rhe DeputyClerk.Moved by Regional CounciLlorMcl,eanSeconded by OouncillorOrGrady.THAT the Council resolve into a Caucus rneetlngat the end of rhe Councll rneeting to di<strong>sc</strong>uss, the Tender ConEract. Carrled.e) oNTA$JoMOSQUITO coNTRoLASSOCTATION FALLWOELEHQP,Attached is Report l,lo. EA-8Z-O1 of the EngineeringAssisEantMoved by CouncillorRogersSeconded by Counclllor$hephetd,1. THAT Report No. EA-81*O3 of the Engineeri.ngAssistant, negarding Ontario Mosquito ControlAssociation Fall Workshop, be receivedfor information.Carried.}8, . . . .

tCouncil Minute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-or8. COMMLTTEE AND OTHER REPORTS (Contd...)*8- 19810t 14 .f) EASEMENT AGREEMENT - Pr. Lot 22, Con. 5 (G)Tol^INSHiP OF GEORGINA:Attached is ReporE No. EA*<strong>82</strong>-O? of the EngineeringAssisEant.Moved by Councll-lorShepherdSeconded by Counclllor OrGrady.TIIAT^9 By-Law be passed ro aufhorize the Mayor andthe Clerk to execute the Easement Agreement betweenJohn Leslie Thornpson and Jean Marie-Ahlgren andthe Corporation of the Township cif Geor[,tna.Carried.g) 4:t.EO- 1981 ANNUAT, CONFERENCE * ENERcy tlAy:Attached is F.eport No. EC-<strong>82</strong>-O1 of the EnergyCo-Ordinator.Moved by CouncillorRogersSeconded by CouncillorOrGrady,l. THAT Reporr No. EC*81-O3 of the EnergyCo-Orclinator: regarding A. C ,R.O. lggl*AnnualConference, be receivid for information..Caruied....h) GEORGINA LIBRARY * CULTURAL CENTRE:Attached is ReporE No. T8?-5 of the DirectorFinance.ofThis w.rs recelvedfor lnfornration.With the aBreement of the members of Counci<strong>lt</strong>he order of business rlras changed on the Agendato deal 'w<strong>lt</strong>h 'the followlng By=taw:Moved by Counctllor Rogers 'Seconded by CouncillorShepherd.THAT a By-Law to authorize the constructlon of a.I-ibrary/Cu<strong>lt</strong>ural _Centre in the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong>be now introduced.CarrledMoved by CounclllorLyonsSeconded by CouncillorBurrows.TTI{AT the passlng of a By-Law to authoriee theconstruction of a Library/Cu<strong>lt</strong>ural Centre in theTownshi.p of <strong>Georgina</strong>, be defer:red to a rneefingwhen al} Council members are in attendance.A recorded vote was requestedThe Clerk recorded the vote as followe: .9..-.

Gounci-l MinuEe<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-r-9- 19<strong>82</strong> 01 14.8. COMMITTEE AND OTHER REPORTS (Confd. . . )<strong>Georgina</strong>LibraryCu<strong>lt</strong>uralCentre\'Counclllor Burrows - YeaCounclllor Lyons * YeaCouncillor OrGrady - YeaR.eg-Counctllor Mclean - Nay.Councillor Rogers * NayCouncillor ShepherdMayor Dales- Nay- NayYea - 3Nay-4Defeated.Moved by CouncillorRog,ers]-Seconded by Councillor Shepherd .THAT a By*Law Eo authorize the constructionof a Library/Cu<strong>lt</strong>ural Centre in the Townshipof <strong>Georgina</strong> be now glven first reading.A recorded vote liras requested.fhe Clerk recorded the vofe as follows:Reg-Councillor Mclean - YeaCouncillor Rogers - YeaCouncillor Shenherd - YeaMayot Dales- YeaCourrclllor: Burrow$ - NavCouncillor Lyons - N*jtCouncillor OrGrady - NayYea - 4Nay - 3Garrled.ldoved by CouncillorBurrowsSeconded by CouncillorO'GradyTIIAT the first readlng of a By-Law to auLhorizethe corrstructlon of a Library/Cu<strong>lt</strong>ural Centrei-n the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong>, be reconsideredat the next meeting of Council.A recordedvote was requestedThe Clerk recorded f,he vote as follows:1o. r"}

Council Minuf,e<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-I*to- 19<strong>82</strong> 01 14 .t-8. COMMITTEE AND OTHER REPORTS (Contd. . . )Councillor Burrows * YeaCouncllJ-or l,:'ons - YeaCounclllor OrGrady - YeaReg-Councillor Mclean - NayCouncillor Rogers - NayCouncillor Shepherd - NayMayor Dales- NryYea - 3NaY - 4Defeatedi.......Moved by CouncillorRogersSeconded by Counci<strong>lt</strong>orShepherdTHAT a By-Law to authoriee the constructlon ofa Library/Cu<strong>lt</strong>ural Centre in the Township ofGeorgi.na, be now given seEond reading.A recorded vote was requested .The Clerk recorded the vote as follows;Reg*gotrtl"t11or Mcl,ean - YeaCouncillor Rogers * YeaCouncil.lor Shepherd - YeaMayor Dales- YeaCounclLlor Bur:rows * NavCouncillor Lyons - NalCouncitlor OtGrady - NayYea - 4Nay - 3, CarriedMoved by CounclllorRogers' Seconcled by Counc<strong>lt</strong>lorShepherdTHAT a By-Law Eo authorlze the consf, ruetion ofa Ltbrary/Cu<strong>lt</strong>ural Centre in the Township of<strong>Georgina</strong>, be now given third reading.A recorded vote was requested.The Cler:k recorded the vore as follows:Reg-Councitlor Mclean - YeaCouncillor Rogers * YeaCouncillor Shepher:d - YeaMavor Dales- Yea11. . . . .

Council Mlnute<strong>sc</strong>*<strong>82</strong>-1*11"-t9<strong>82</strong> 0L L4 ,8. COMMITTEE AND OTHER REPORTS ( Contd,. . )Councillor Burrows - NavCounclllor Lyons - N"iCouncillor OrGrady * NayYea *Nay -43CarrledCouncillorCouncil.lorRogersShepherdTHAT By*Law No. 8?-f-(DE*1) betnga By-Law to auEhorize the constructionof a Library/Cu<strong>lt</strong>ural Centre in theTownshlp of <strong>Georgina</strong>, having beenread a fj.rst, second and third time,be finally passed and numbered by theMayor and Clerk.CarriedBY-LAW NO , B2*1(Ds-1)Passed, signed and sealed by theMayor and Clerk.t'^r )ONTARIO HUMANESHELTER OPERATIONSBREAKDOT-IN FORSOCIETYDECEMBEB 1981 IThis was received for infornlatiolr.J) BUILDING REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER1981 :Thls was received for information.9. BY-LAWSiReg-Councillor McLeanCouncillor RogersTHAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-2(PWO-3) beir-rga By-Law to amerrd Schedule I'Al' oFly-taw No. 79-193(PwO-3) being aBy-Law Eo establish a lnlater SErviceRate, be now read a first-rsecondand thtrd f,imes , passed and numberedtry tlre Mayor and Clerk.CaLried.BY-LA[', NO. <strong>82</strong>*2 ( PWo-3 )Passed, signed and sealed by EheMayor and Clerk..t.t2. .

Councll Minute<strong>sc</strong>*<strong>82</strong>-1.-r2-19<strong>82</strong> 0r 14.9. BY-LAWS (ConEd.. . . .)Councillor RogersReg-Counci I lor' McleanTHAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-3(TA-3) beinga By-Law to provide for int-crest tdbe added to overdue raxes, be nowreed a first , second and thi.rdtimes, passed and nurnber:ed by cheMayor and Clerk.Carried.BY*LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>-3(TA-3)Passed, signed and sealed by theMayor and Clerk.Couneill.or RogersReg*Councillor McLeanTHAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-4(TA*3) belnga By*Law to establish a pena<strong>lt</strong>ycharge for non*paymenE of bverduecurrent taxes, be now re.cd a first,second and third times, passed andnumbered by the Mayor and Clerk.'J ^BY-LAW NO- <strong>82</strong>-4(TA-3)Counclllor Streplrer

f iF::dirfuCouncll Minute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-1-13- 19<strong>82</strong> 01 14.Moved by CounclllorLyonsSdconded by Councrllor Rogers.THAT the tender quotation of 339O55 Ontarto Lirnitedin the amount of $34r17O.OO be accepted for ConfractNo. B1-12-O1 to provide Canine Control Services for theTownship of <strong>Georgina</strong> .Garrled.11 . BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS :Counci.l.lor OrGradyReg-Counci.IIor McleanTHAI By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-6(C0U-2)being a By-Law to confirm theproceedings of Council at itsmeeting held on l4ch day ofJanuary, 19<strong>82</strong>, be now read a firstsecorrd and third times. passed arrdnumbered by the Mayor ini Clerk.BY*LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>-6(COU-z)CarrledPa,ssed, si.gned and sealedMayor and Clerk.by .theOn Motion,adjournedmeetingat 1O.45 p.m.e

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