2008 Annual Investment Plan - Jagna

2008 Annual Investment Plan - Jagna

2008 Annual Investment Plan - Jagna

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LGU <strong>Jagna</strong><strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>2008</strong>Practical VisionVision Statement(2005- 2010)SectorPractical Vision and Strategic DirectionsBudget Year: <strong>2008</strong>Municipality of <strong>Jagna</strong>Province of BoholAction StatementsStrategic Directions<strong>Plan</strong> Period<strong>2008</strong> 2009 2010In ten (10) years,<strong>Jagna</strong>will be the leadingcenter of trade andsustainable agroindustrial-tourismmunicipality insoutheastern Bohol,with a self-reliant andGod-loving peopleliving a better qualityof life, preserving theircultural heritage andwisely using thenatural resourcesthrough goodgovernance.EconomicDevelopmentService Area:AGRICULTUREDevelopment Goal: Sufficiency in food and agricultural products attainedObjectives:1. To promote awareness and advocacy on organic agriculture.1.2 To conduct orientation on OA1.3 Conduct municipal wide IEC on OA2. To Increase agriculture productivity and improve soil fertility.2.1 To formulate 3-Year Agricultural Development <strong>Plan</strong>2.2 Model pilot farms for organic vegetable production, rice & cornconversion2.3 Sustain the model pilot farms2.4 Replication of organic farms2.5 Establish Organic Livestock production center for goats, carabao andswine.2.6 Establish Sloping Agricultural Land Technology (SALT)2.7 Establish the Natural Vegetative Strip (NVS) in identified barangays2.8 Establishment of organic fertilizer production facility2.9 Formulate and implement the specific rice production planXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX1 of 39

LGU <strong>Jagna</strong><strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>2008</strong>In ten (10) years,<strong>Jagna</strong>will be the leadingcenter of trade andsustainable agroindustrial-tourismmunicipality insoutheastern Bohol,with a self-reliant andGod-loving peopleliving a better qualityof life, preserving theircultural heritage andwisely using thenatural resourcesthrough goodgovernance.EconomicServices3. To develop the agricultural value chain of identified agriculturalproducts.3.1 Establish and operationalize the value chain analysis of bongan banana& othjer variety of bananas, establish the packing center in Mayana, ubi,vegetables and spices, cut flowers.3.2 Rehabilitate areas for coconut production4. To facilitate the establishment and assist in the strengthening of farmercooperatives formations.4.1 Identify LGU interventions in cooperative formations4.2 Formulate and operationalize the LGU intervention plan5. To replicate the sustainable upland development (SUD) model.5.1 Formulate the conceptual framework of sustainable upland developmentprogram.5.2 Undertake cross visits/exposure trips to Mindanao SUD areas5.3 Integrate existing components and pilot 7 barangays for SUDX1000 seednutsXXXXX2000 seednutsXX2000 seednutsX6. To improve farm to market roads and provide pre and post harvestfacilities.6.1 Acquisition of heavy equipments and road improvement andmaintenance6.2 Procure and/or fabricate pre and post harvest facilities needed to boostproductivityXXXXXX7. To strengthen the capacity to delivery agricultural related services.7.1 Conduct trainings and other capability building activities identify trainingneeds of personnel.7.2 Establish the FITS Center at the MAO Office7.3 Conduct regular meetings and submit annual accomplishment reports.XXXXXXX2 of 39

LGU <strong>Jagna</strong>Practical VisionVision Statement(2005- 2010)SectorAction StatementsStrategic Directions<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>2008</strong><strong>Plan</strong> Period<strong>2008</strong> 2009 2010In ten (10) years, <strong>Jagna</strong>will be the leadingcenter of trade andsustainable agroindustrial-tourismmunicipality insoutheastern Bohol,with a self-reliant andGod-loving peopleliving a better qualityof life, preserving theircultural heritage andwisely using thenatural resourcesthrough goodgovernance.EconomicServicesService Area : ECO-CULTURAL TOURISMDevelopment Goal: Eco-cultural tourism potentials of <strong>Jagna</strong> promoted.1. To identify and prioritize tourism sites to be developed.1.1 Formulate the conceptual framework for tourism and initially develop theprioritized areas.1.2 Formulate plans for the development of the municipal plaza, gymnasium,reclamation areas and heritage museum.1.3 Complete and operationalize the Tourism Service Center2. To invite investors and encourage them to invest in service facilities.2.1 Publish brochures of <strong>Jagna</strong> and its investment opportunities2.2 Popularize the <strong>Investment</strong> and Incentive CodeXXXXXXXXXXPractical VisionVision Statement(2005- 2010)SectorAction StatementsStrategic Directions<strong>Plan</strong> Period<strong>2008</strong> 2009 2010In ten (10) years, <strong>Jagna</strong>will be the leadingcenter of trade andsustainable agroindustrial-tourismmunicipality insoutheastern Bohol,with a self-reliant andGod-loving peopleliving a better qualityof life, preserving theirSocial Services(Health, Nutritionand Sanitation)Service Area:Development Goals:Objectives :Health, Nutrition and Sanitation1. Quality health service accessed by the communities2. Improved health and nutrition and sanitation status mostespecially of the marginalized sectors.1. To reduce the prevalence of malnutrition in all age group. X X X4 of 39

LGU <strong>Jagna</strong>Practical VisionVision Statement(2005- 2010)SectorAction StatementsStrategic Directions<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>2008</strong><strong>Plan</strong> Period<strong>2008</strong> 2009 2010In ten (10) years, <strong>Jagna</strong>will be the leadingcenter of trade andsustainable agroindustrial-tourismmunicipality insoutheastern Bohol,with a self-reliant andGod-loving peopleliving a better qualityof life, preserving theircultural heritage andwisely using thenatural resourcesthrough goodgovernanceSocial Services(Education)Service Area: EducationDevelopment Goal: Improved performance in aptitude test, reading ability andcomprehension of students in the public schoolsObjectives:1. To provide a mechanism to evaluate the overall education condition ofthe municipality.1.1 Conduct the municipal education summit1.2 Work on the LGU interventions as recommended by the summit2. To provide financial support to the Day care Centers, public elementaryand high schools.2.1 Source out funds to support public school education2.2 Identify and prioritize concerns for funding supportXXXXXXPractical VisionVision Statement(2005- 2010)SectorAction StatementsStrategic Directions<strong>Plan</strong> Period<strong>2008</strong> 2009 2010In ten (10) years, <strong>Jagna</strong>will be the leadingcenter of trade andsustainable agroindustrial-tourismmunicipality insoutheastern Bohol,with a self-reliant andGod-loving peopleliving a better qualityof life, preserving theircultural heritage andwisely using theSocial Services(Social WelfareServices)Service Area : Social Welfare ServicesDevelopment Goal: Improved delivery of Social Welfare ServicesObjectives:1. To set the direction of the social welfare services of the municipality.1.1 Conduct Strategic <strong>Plan</strong>ning for Social Welfare Services2. To provide assistance for indigents (AICS)2.1 Strictly implement compliance of requirements by beneficiaries3. To increase the number of Philhealth beneficiaries.3.1 Identify additional Philhealth beneficiaries and update requirementsXXXXXX6 of 39

LGU <strong>Jagna</strong>Practical VisionVision Statement(2005- 2010)SectorAction StatementsStrategic Directions<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>2008</strong><strong>Plan</strong> Period<strong>2008</strong> 2009 2010In ten (10) years, <strong>Jagna</strong>will be the leadingcenter of trade andsustainable agroindustrial-tourismmunicipality insoutheastern Bohol,with a self-reliant andGod-loving peopleliving a better qualityof life, preserving theircultural heritage andwisely using thenatural resourcesthrough goodgovernanceSocial Services(ProtectiveServices)Service Area: Protective ServicesDevelopment Goals:1. Improved protective services2. Strict law enforcementObjectives:1. To upgrade the <strong>Jagna</strong> police and fire units.1.1 Request for additional police and fire personnel1.2 Provide handheld radios to police and fire personnel1.3 Rehabilitate the repeater.1.4 Conduct development capability activities2. To intensify campaigns against criminality and lawlessness.2.1 Enforcement of existing laws2.2 Strengthen Lupon Tagapamayapa2.3 Training and retraining of enforcers2.4 Study the increase of honorarium for tanods and upgrade theirequipmentsXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX3. To enhance disaster preparedness.3.1 Formulate and implement IEC <strong>Plan</strong>XXX4. To reduce incidence of rabies.4.1 IEC and Enforcement in masterlisting of dogs, registration of dogs,vaccination, eradication of stray and unvaccinated dogs and other animalsXXX8 of 39

LGU <strong>Jagna</strong>Practical VisionVision Statement(2005- 2010)SectorAction StatementsStrategic Directions<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>2008</strong><strong>Plan</strong> Period<strong>2008</strong> 2009 2010In ten (10) years, <strong>Jagna</strong>will be the leadingcenter of trade andsustainable agroindustrial-tourismmunicipality insoutheastern Bohol,with a self-reliant andGod-loving peopleliving a better qualityof life, preserving theircultural heritage andwisely using thenatural resourcesthrough goodgovernanceGeneral PublicServices(EnvironmentalManagement)Performance Area: ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENTObjectives:1. To implement the mechanisms for proper management of solid andliquid waste.Segregate waste at sourceEncourage composting and recyclingImplement social marketing strategies.Establish Sanitary Land FillFormulation of ISWM Enforcement <strong>Plan</strong> for 26 brgys.Formulation of liquid waste management plan2. To vigorously enforce the mechanisms for the protection andrehabilitation of coastal and marine life.Revisit the Coastal Resource Management <strong>Plan</strong> and the Marine ProtectedArea Management <strong>Plan</strong> and interface programs for effective and efficientimplementation.Purchase of fully equipped patrol boat.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX3. To protect and conserve upland resources.Formulate and implement reforestation plan for forest and watershed areasFormulate and implement KARST Management <strong>Plan</strong>Undertake dredging and declogging of <strong>Jagna</strong> riversEnforcement of national laws and local ordinances on environment.4. To create an organizational mechanism for environmental management.Form the embryo of the Municipal Environment and Natural Resources OfficeConduct regular meetings and submit accomplishment reports.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX9 of 39

LGU <strong>Jagna</strong>Practical VisionVision Statement(2005- 2010)SectorAction StatementsStrategic Directions<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>2008</strong><strong>Plan</strong> Period<strong>2008</strong> 2009 2010In ten (10) years, <strong>Jagna</strong>will be the leadingcenter of trade andsustainable agroindustrial-tourismmunicipality insoutheastern Bohol,with a self-reliant andGod-loving peopleliving a better qualityof life, preserving theircultural heritage andwisely using thenatural resourcesthrough goodgovernanceGeneral PublicServices( Governanceand DevelopmentAdministration)Performance Area: GOVERNANCE AND DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATIONDevelopment Goals:1. Highly satisfied constituency in the service delivery of the LGU.2. Transformed attitudes, improved skills and increased knowledge of LGUofficials and personnel.Objectives:1. To enact legislative measures attuned to the current developmentdirections.1.1 Identify legislative measures to be formulated based on the ELA at theMunicipal & Barangay levels1.2 Train local officials in legislative processes2. To promote awareness of important codes among the LGU employees,barangay officials and general public.Disseminate and propagate related codes to the target audiences throughIECReview/Revision of CodesReview pertinent codes having issues and concernsMonitor implementation of ordinances.Keep track of Codes, Eos, Brgy. OrdinancesXXXXXXXXXXXXXX3. To develop venues for making information available to constituents anda mechanism for feed backing.3.1 Publish community bulletin3.2 Establish community radio station3.3 Update the <strong>Jagna</strong> Website3.4 Install citizen’s feedback mechanismXXXXXXXXXXX4. To provide avenues for meaningful involvement in governance.4.1 Invite all CSOs for accreditation4.2 Designation of CSO desk or officeXX10 of 39

LGU <strong>Jagna</strong><strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>2008</strong>In ten (10) years, <strong>Jagna</strong>will be the leadingcenter of trade andsustainable agroindustrial-tourismmunicipality insoutheastern Bohol,with a self-reliant andGod-loving peopleliving a better qualityof life, preserving theircultural heritage andwisely using thenatural resourcesthrough goodgovernanceGeneral PublicServices( Governanceand DevelopmentAdministration)5. To further strengthen existing partnership and new linkages.5.1 Evaluate/assess partnership with Philos and other present linkages5.2 Identify partners and areas of cooperation.6. To upgrade existing development tools.6.1 Fast track revision of the CLUP6.2 Updating of BDP-PRA6.3 Revise MDP6.4 Evaluate midterm performance of MDP7. To undertake land titling of all real properties owned by the municipalgovernment.7.1 Comply with legal requirements for land titling and secure the issuanceof land titles.8. To update the Municipal Poverty Profile.8.1 Conduct surveys per cluster of indicators9. To increase locally generated funds and source out external funding fordevelopment projects.9.1 Tap all possible local sources9.2 Computerize and Network offices with revenue generating functions9.3 Installation of the eNew Government Accounting System9.4 Intensive proposal making of development projects10. To delight constituents with fast, efficient, friendly and quality services.10.1Create a one-stop shop for business permit issuance.10.2 Time and Motion Study of other government transactions outside theJanuary One-Stop-Shop10.3 Train personnel on the skills of clientele relationship10.4 Purchase and install trunk-line telephone system11. To energize the local bureaucracy.11.1Review functions and components of HR, formulate and implement HRMProgram11.2 Install the HR Information System11.3 Conduct orientation to all LGU personnel especially job orders on theirroles and functions in their respective offices.11.4 Conduct trainings and capability development courses.11.5 Timely upgrading and regular maint. of office facilities and equipments.11.6 Subscription for 2 additional internet connections11.7 Identify offices/facilities which need renovation/construction11.8 Formulate Yearly Action <strong>Plan</strong>s by all department & submit to HRMO11.9 Conduct regular meetings by department and submit annualaccomplishment reports11.10 Review current LGU structure, department organizational set-ups,composition and functions of special bodies, their coordinating mechanism,system & proceduresXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX11 of 39

LGU <strong>Jagna</strong><strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>2008</strong>Prepared by:Attested by:Engr. GERRY V. ARANETAMunicipal <strong>Plan</strong>ning and Dev’t CoordinatorEXUPERIO C. LLORENMunicipal Mayor12 of 39

LGU <strong>Jagna</strong><strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>2008</strong>Specific Objectives and Policy DecisionsBudget Year: <strong>2008</strong>Municipality of <strong>Jagna</strong>Province of BoholAIP ReferenceCode/Sector Specific Objectives Policy DecisionsGeneral PublicServicesGOVERNANCE AND DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION• To enact legislative measures attuned to the current developmentdirections.• To promote awareness of important codes among the LGU employees,barangay captains and general public.• To develop venues for making information available to constituents and amechanism for feed backing.• To provide avenues for meaningful involvement in governance.• To further strengthen existing partnership and new linkages• To upgrade existing development tools.• To undertake land titling of real properties owned by the municipalgovernment.• To update the Municipal Poverty Profile.• To increase locally generated funds and source out external funding fordevelopment projects.• To delight constituents with fast, efficient, friendly and quality services.• To energize the local bureaucracy.• Legislative measures shall be attuned to the currentdevelopment directions• Hard and soft copies of municipal codes shall be availableto the constituents• .Regular radio program, community bulletin and citizen’sfeedback mechanism shall be installed• Active CSO in special bodies shall be develop andpracticed.• Partnership with Philos and other NGOs shall be sustainedand strengthened.• Updates, revisions, monitoring and evaluation shall beimplemented.• Legal requirements for land titling shall be complied.• Actual survey shall be conducted and updated.• Prioritize the implementation of financial managementinformation system and adoption of eNGAS• The principles of Value for Money and Management byOutcomes shall be adopted..• HR information system shall be installed.13 of 39

LGU <strong>Jagna</strong><strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>2008</strong>AIP ReferenceCode/Sector Specific Objectives Policy DecisionsEconomic ServicesAGRICULTURE• To promote awareness and advocacy on organic agriculture.• To increase agriculture productivity and improve soil fertility.• To develop the agricultural value chain of identified agriculturalproducts• To facilitate the establishment and assist in the strengthening offarmer cooperative formations.• To replicate the sustainable upland development (SUD) model.• To improve farm to market roads and provide pre and post harvestfacilities.• To strengthen the capacity to delivery agricultural.• Orientation on Organic Agriculture shall be encouraged andsupported by financial resources.• Sloping Agricultural Land Technology , Natural Vegetative Strip andorganic fertilizer production facility shall be established.• Value chain analysis shall be establish and operationalized.• Status of existing farmer cooperative shall be review and identifyLGU interventions.• Model SUD areas shall be visited, formulate conceptual frameworkand then replicated by 7 barangays as pilot.• Intensive making of proposals for funding shall be done andexplored.• Trainings, capability building activities shall be conducted toupgrade staff competencies.AIP ReferenceCode/Sector Specific Objectives Policy DecisionsEconomic ServicesENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT• To implement the mechanism for proper management of solid and liquidwaste.• To vigorously enforce the mechanisms for the protection and rehabilitationof coastal and marine life.• To protect and conserve upland resources.• Sanitary Land Fill shall be established and ISWMEnforcement <strong>Plan</strong> shall be formulated.• CRMP,MPA and Pos involved shall be strengthen andimplemented.• Reforestation <strong>Plan</strong>, KARST Management <strong>Plan</strong> shall beformulated and established.14 of 39

LGU <strong>Jagna</strong><strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>2008</strong>• To create an organizational mechanism for environmental management.• Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office shallbe created and operationalized.AIP ReferenceCode/Sector Specific Objectives Policy DecisionsEconomic ServicesENTREPRENEURSHIP, BUSINESS AND TRADE• To establish farm, off-farm and non-farm livelihood and employmentopportunities.• To complete the 2 nd floor of the <strong>Jagna</strong> Public Market.• To upgrade market facilities and improve market management.• To rehabilitate slaughter houses in compliance to standards.• To define the area to be utilized as transportation terminal.• Conceptual framework and municipal program forsustainable livelihood shall be formulated and initiallyoperationalized.• FS for the availment of MBUSSP package and to Landbankfor additional loan shall be made.• Existing structure of wet market, access and drainagesystem shall be modified.• Designed for Single A standard slaughter house shall beplanned and prepared for initial construction• Area for Integrated Transportation Terminal shall beidentified and initially started.AIP ReferenceCode/Sector Specific Objectives Policy DecisionsEconomic ServicesECO-CULTURAL TOURISM• To identify and prioritize tourism sites to be developed.• To invite investors and encourage them to invest in service facilities• Conceptual framework for tourism shall be formulated andprioritized areas for initial development.• Brochures of <strong>Jagna</strong> and <strong>Investment</strong> and Incentive Codeshall be published and popularized.15 of 39

LGU <strong>Jagna</strong><strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>2008</strong>AIP ReferenceCode/Sector Specific Objectives Policy DecisionsSocial ServicesHEALTH,NUTRITION AND SANITATION• To reduce the prevalence of malnutrition in all age group.• To address the causes of infant and children mortality.• To provide adequate mechanism for maternal health care.• To reduce the leading cases of morbidity and mortality.• To reduce the prevalence of dengue cases.• To operationalize the “mobile clinic” in the upland barangays.• To enhance the capacity of the municipal healthcare providers.• The drive against malnutrition shall be intensified at thepurok level.• Complete immunization and timely check up of infantand children shall be implemented.• Good obstetrical care shall be provided to pregnant andlactating mothers• DOH Programs shall be adopted and conduct healthcampaigns for prevalent illnesses/diseases.• Preventive measures of dengue shall be improved andformulate an anti-dengue campaign plan• Operational strategy of mobile clinic for uplandbarangay shall be formulated and implemented.• Trainings and other capability building activities andstrategic planning shall be conducted to all healthcareproviders.AIP ReferenceCode/Sector Specific Objectives Policy DecisionsSocial ServicesEDUCATION• To provide a mechanism to evaluate the overall education condition ofthe municipality.• To provide support to the Day Care Centers, public elementary andhigh schools.• A Municipal Education Summit shall be conducted andwork on the LGU interventions as recommended by thesummit• Available free resources shall be provided to supportpublic school education.16 of 39

LGU <strong>Jagna</strong><strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>2008</strong>AIP ReferenceCode/Sector Specific Objectives Policy DecisionsSocial ServicesSOCIAL WELFARE SERVICES• To set the direction of the social welfare services of the municipality.• To provide assistance for indigents. (AICS)• To increase the number of Philhealth beneficiaries.• To provide an area for burial grounds of deceased Muslims.• Strategic planning for social Welfare Services shall beconducted and implemented.• Additional financial resources shall give priority to theprovision for AICS.• Additional budget shall be appropriated for massivePhilhealth beneficiaries.• Burial grounds for deceased Muslims shall be givenpriority in the CLUP.AIP ReferenceCode/Sector Specific Objectives Policy DecisionsSocial ServicesHOUSING AND BASIC UTILITIES• To continue the rehabilitation work of the <strong>Jagna</strong> Waterworks System.• To improve the barangay waterworks system.• To facilitate the relocation of Mayana landslide victims.• To develop an urban relocation plan.• Complete rehabilitation of JWS shall be implemented.• Development of Barangay waterworks system shall beencourage and supported in the municipal.• Mayana landslide victims shall be relocated• Conceptual framework for urban relocation shall beformulated and implemented.17 of 39

LGU <strong>Jagna</strong><strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>2008</strong>AIP ReferenceCode/SectorSocial ServicesSpecific ObjectivesPROTECTIVE SERVICES• To upgrade the <strong>Jagna</strong> police and fire units.• To intensify campaigns agains criminality and lawlessness.• To enhance disaster preparedness.• To reduce incidence of rabies.Policy Decisions• Additional police and fire personnel shall be deployed andprovided with handheld radios.• Training and retrainings of enforcer shall be conducted• Trainings and actual drills shall be implemented• Intensive IEC and Enforcement of vaccination of dogsshall be conducted at the barangay level.Prepared by:Attested by:ENGR. GERRY V. ARANETAMunicipal <strong>Plan</strong>ning & Dev’t CoordinatorHON. EXUPERIO C. LLORENMunicipal Mayor18 of 39

LGU <strong>Jagna</strong><strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>2008</strong>ECONOMIC SERVICESDetails of Program/Project/Activity by SectorBudget Year: <strong>2008</strong>Municipality of <strong>Jagna</strong>Province of BoholAIPREFERENCE CODEPERFORMANCEINDICATORPROGRAM/PROJECT/ACTIVITY DESCRIPTIONOfficePrimarilyResponsibleSCHEDULE OFIMPLEMENTATIONSTARTDATECOMPLETION DATESOURCE OFFUNDS(000 Pesos)(7)Mun.Brgy/POsOthers(FAs/NGOs/NGAs)TotalCOSTService Area:AGRICULTUREDevelopment Goal: Sufficiency in food and agriculturalproducts attainedObjectives:8080• 100% awareness onOA by LGU officials andpersonnel at themunicipal and barangaylevels, Pos, farmersand other stakeholders• Increased farm andlivestock production• Improved soil fertility8. To promote awareness and advocacy on organicagriculture.1.2 To conduct orientation on OA1.3 Conduct municipal wide IEC on OA9. To Increase agriculture productivity and improve soilfertility.2.1 To formulate 3-Year Agricultural Development <strong>Plan</strong>2.2 Model pilot farms for organic vegetable production,rice & corn conversion2.3 Sustain the model pilot farmsMAOMAO/MPDO/Farmercooperators/ISWMOJan.<strong>2008</strong>Jan.<strong>2008</strong>Dec.<strong>2008</strong>Dec.<strong>2008</strong>11015024010512035110,000150,000360,000140,00019 of 39

LGU <strong>Jagna</strong><strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>2008</strong>80• Availability of organicfertilizer• Increased riceproduction2.4 Replication of organic farms2.5 Establish Organic Livestock production center forgoats, carabao and swine.2.6 Establish Sloping Agricultural Land Technology(SALT)2.7 Establish the Natural Vegetative Strip (NVS) inidentified barangays2.8 Establishment of organic fertilizer production facility2.9 Formulate and implement the specific rice productionplan10. To develop the agricultural value chain of identifiedagricultural products.MAO w/PFTACJan.<strong>2008</strong>Dec.<strong>2008</strong>-500-40<strong>2008</strong>0-1850-30020-568,000-40,000500,000100,000• Value chainestablished3.1 Establish and operationalize the value chain analysisof bongan banana & other variety of bananas, establishthe packing center in Mayana, ubi, vegetables and spices,cut flowers.3.2 Rehabilitate areas for coconut production708050120,00080,0008011. To facilitate the establishment and assist in thestrengthening of farmer cooperatives formations.MAOJan.<strong>2008</strong>Dec.<strong>2008</strong>• No. of functionalcooperative increased4.1 Identify LGU interventions in cooperative formations4.2 Formulate and operationalize the LGU interventionplan404040120,00080• Improve livingstandards in the uplandareas• Sustained uplandresource base12. To replicate the sustainable upland development(SUD) model.5.1 Formulate the conceptual framework of sustainableupland development program.5.2 Undertake cross visits/exposure trips to MindanaoSUD areas5.3 Integrate existing components and pilot 7 barangaysfor SUDMAO/MPDO/SB ChairAgri/Env’t/Farmercooperators/POsJan.<strong>2008</strong>Dec.<strong>2008</strong>12040160,0008013. To improve farm to market roads and provide pre andpost harvest facilities.MPDO/Eng’gJan.<strong>2008</strong>Dec.<strong>2008</strong>• Existing farm to market6.1 Acquisition of heavy equipments and roadimprovement and maintenance5008501,350,00020 of 39

LGU <strong>Jagna</strong><strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>2008</strong>roads improve• Availability of facilitiesfor use by farmercooperators• 100% of staffcompetencies upgraded• Updated data onagriculture• M & E mechanism inplaced6.2 Procure and/or fabricate pre and post harvest facilitiesneeded to boost productivity14. To strengthen the capacity to delivery agriculturalrelated services.7.1 Conduct trainings and other capability buildingactivities identify training needs of personnel.7.2 Establish the FITS Center at the MAO Office7.3 Conduct regular meetings and submit annualaccomplishment reports.MAO/HRMO/MAO StaffJan.<strong>2008</strong>Dec.<strong>2008</strong>25020150250200500,00020,000350,000AGRICULTURE TOTAL 2,655 213 1,800 4,668,000AIPREFERENCE CODEPERFORMANCEINDICATORPROGRAM/PROJECT/ACTIVITY DESCRIPTIONOfficePrimarilyResponsibleSCHEDULE OFIMPLEMENTATIONSTARTDATECOMPLETION DATESOURCE OFFUNDS(000 Pesos)Mun.Brgy/POsOthers(FAs/NGOs/NGAs)TotalCOSTService Area: ENTREPRENEURSHIP, BUSINESS ANDTRADEDevelopment Goal:opportunities created.Vibrant climate for economicObjectives:80• Increased familyincome6. To establish farm, off-farm and non-farm livelihoodand employment opportunities.1.4 Formulate and initially operationalize the conceptualframework and municipal program for sustainablelivelihood.MO/MAO/LGUlivelihoodcenter w/Jan.<strong>2008</strong>Dec.<strong>2008</strong>100 100,00021 of 39

LGU <strong>Jagna</strong><strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>2008</strong>8080• <strong>Jagna</strong> Calamayimproved and qualitypassed internationalfood standard• Full operation of 2 ndFloor <strong>Jagna</strong> PublicMarket• Efficient marketoperation andsupervision1.5 Product development of Calamay as OTOP1.6 Assist in job deployment outside of <strong>Jagna</strong>7. To complete the 2 nd floor of the <strong>Jagna</strong> Public Market7.1 Complete the construction of the 2 nd floor of the jagnaPublic Market8. To upgrade market facilities and improve marketmanagement.8.1 Modify existing structure of wet market, access anddrainage system8.2 Conduct proper maintenance work.8.3 Review market management and institute relevantchanges.DTI/CalamayOrg’n/PESOMPDO/Eng’g/Office forMarketOperation/MTO/MOJan.<strong>2008</strong>Jan.<strong>2008</strong>Dec.<strong>2008</strong>Dec.<strong>2008</strong>854020,00060085,00040,00020,000,000600,00080• “Single A” standardconformed• 100% skills upgraded9. To rehabilitate slaughter house in compliance tostandards.9.1 Come up with an Architectural plan and design forsingle A standard9.2 Initial Construction of building9.3 Conduct Skills training of butchers and personnel.Office forMktOperation/MPDO/Eng’gApr.<strong>2008</strong>Dec.<strong>2008</strong>1,0001,000,00080• Traffic decongested10. To define the area to be utilized as transportationterminal.10.1 Identify the area for integrated transportationterminal.10.2 Start the development of the identified areaMPDO/Eng’gApr.<strong>2008</strong>Dec.<strong>2008</strong>-ENTREPRENEURSHIP, BUSINESS AND TRADE TOTAL 225 21,600 21,825,00022 of 39

LGU <strong>Jagna</strong><strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>2008</strong>AIPREFERENCE CODEPERFORMANCEINDICATORPROGRAM/PROJECT/ACTIVITY DESCRIPTIONOfficePrimarilyResponsibleSCHEDULE OFIMPLEMENTATIONSTARTDATECOMPLETION DATESOURCE OFFUNDS(000 Pesos)Mun.Brgy/POsOthers(FAs/NGOs/NGAs)TotalCOSTService Area : ECO-CULTURAL TOURISMDevelopment Goal: Eco-cultural tourism potentials of<strong>Jagna</strong> promoted.8080• Priority sites initiallydeveloped• Tourism relatedbusinesses operational3. To identify and prioritize tourism sites to bedeveloped.3.1 Formulate the conceptual framework for tourism andinitially develop the prioritized areas.3.2 Formulate plans for the development of the municipalplaza, gymnasium, reclamation areas and heritagemuseum.3.3 Complete and operationalize the Tourism ServiceCenter4. To invite investors and encourage them to invest inservice facilities.4.1 Publish brochures of <strong>Jagna</strong> and its investmentopportunities4.2 Popularize the <strong>Investment</strong> and Incentive CodeMO/MPDO/Eng’g/MunTourismDeskMIO/MPDO/SBJan.<strong>2008</strong>Jan.<strong>2008</strong>Dec.<strong>2008</strong>Dec.<strong>2008</strong>150-20020020-200-200370,000-400,000200,000ECO-CULTURAL TOURISM TOTAL 550 20 400 970,00023 of 39

LGU <strong>Jagna</strong><strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>2008</strong>AIPREFERENCE CODEPERFORMANCEINDICATORPROGRAM/PROJECT/ACTIVITY DESCRIPTIONOfficePrimarilyResponsibleSCHEDULE OFIMPLEMENTATIONSTARTDATECOMPLETION DATESOURCE OFFUNDS(000 Pesos)Mun.Brgy/POsOthers(FAs/NGOs/NGAs)TotalCOSTPerformance Area: ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENTObjectives:80• 60% waste diversion in7 barangays• Residual & hazardouswaste properlydisposed5. To implement the mechanisms for propermanagement of solid and liquid waste.Segregate waste at sourceEncourage composting and recyclingImplement social marketing strategies.Establish Sanitary Land FillFormulation of ISWM Enforcement <strong>Plan</strong> for 26 brgys.Formulation of liquid waste management planISWMO/ISWM-TWGw/ BrgyCouncils,Schools/MPDO/Eng’gJan.<strong>2008</strong>Dec.<strong>2008</strong>451,611-515-503,025-100,0004,651,000-80• 90% of corals andseagrass in excellentcondition6. To vigorously enforce the mechanisms for theprotection and rehabilitation of coastal and marinelife.2.1 Revisit the Coastal Resource Management <strong>Plan</strong> andthe Marine Protected Area Management <strong>Plan</strong> and interfaceprograms for effective and efficient implementation.2.2 Purchase of fully equipped patrol boat.MENROJan.<strong>2008</strong>Dec.<strong>2008</strong>15-17-170-202,000-8080• Reduced incident ofillegal logging• 100% of KARST areasassessed• Soil erosion andflooding reduced• Operational• M & E mechanism in7. To protect and conserve upland resources.3.1 Formulate and implement reforestation plan for forestand watershed areas3.2 Formulate and implement KARST Management <strong>Plan</strong>3.3 Undertake dredging and declogging of <strong>Jagna</strong> rivers3.4 Enforcement of national laws and local ordinances onenvironment.8. To create an organizational mechanism forenvironmental management.4.1 Form the embryo of the Municipal Environment andNatural Resources Office4.2 Conduct regular meetings and submit accomplishmentMENRO/BrgyCouncilsMO/HRMO/MENROStaffJan.<strong>2008</strong>Jan.<strong>2008</strong>Dec.<strong>2008</strong>Dec.<strong>2008</strong>81364514--9456904050180,00080,000100,00020,000--24 of 39

LGU <strong>Jagna</strong><strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>2008</strong>placedreports.ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT TOTAL1,847 61 3,425 5,333,000SOCIAL SERVICESAIPREFERENCE CODEPERFORMANCEINDICATORPROGRAM/PROJECT/ACTIVITY DESCRIPTIONOfficePrimarilyResponsibleSCHEDULE OFIMPLEMENTATIONSTARTDATECOMPLETION DATESOURCE OFFUNDS(000 Pesos)Mun.Brgy/POsOthers(FAs/NGOs/NGAs)TotalCOSTService Area:Health, Nutrition and SanitationDevelopment Goals:3. Quality health service accessed by thecommunities4. Improved health and nutrition andsanitation status most especially of themarginalized sectors.Objectives :4040• 50% reduction of thetotal no. of underweightchildren within thespecified period.• 100% reduction of ironand Vit. A deficiency ininfants and children• 95% reduction of infant8. To reduce the prevalence of malnutrition in all agegroup.8.1 Formulate and implement a comprehensive nutritionplan9. To address the causes of infant and childrenmortality.9.1 Complete immunization of children9.2 Well Baby ProgramMHU/MSWD/MAO/MNAO/BNS/SchoolsMHUJan.<strong>2008</strong>Jan.<strong>2008</strong>Dec.<strong>2008</strong>Dec.<strong>2008</strong>845532 8480200,000135,00025 of 39

LGU <strong>Jagna</strong><strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>2008</strong>AIPREFERENCE CODEPERFORMANCEINDICATORPROGRAM/PROJECT/ACTIVITY DESCRIPTIONOfficePrimarilyResponsibleSCHEDULE OFIMPLEMENTATIONSTARTDATECOMPLETION DATESOURCE OFFUNDS(000 Pesos)Mun.Brgy/POsOthers(FAs/NGOs/NGAs)TotalCOSTService Area: EducationDevelopment Goal: Improved performance in aptitude test,reading ability and comprehension of students in the publicschoolsObjectives:3030• Education specially inthe public schoolsignificantly improved• Better performance ofstudents & teachers3. To provide a mechanism to evaluate the overalleducation condition of the municipality.3.1 Conduct the municipal education summit3.2 Work on the LGU interventions as recommended bythe summit4. To provide financial support to the Day care Centers,public elementary and high schools.4.1 Source out funds to support public school educationIdentify and prioritize concerns for funding support2.2 Identify and prioritize concerns for funding supportMSD/ SBComm. OnEduc’nMO/MSWD/LocalSchoolBoardJan.<strong>2008</strong>Jan.<strong>2008</strong>Dec.<strong>2008</strong>Dec.<strong>2008</strong>10050-10050-200,000100,000EDUCATION TOTAL150 - 150 300,00027 of 39

LGU <strong>Jagna</strong><strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>2008</strong>PROTECTIVE SERVICES TOTAL335 333 339 1,007,000GENERAL PUBLIC SERVICESAIPREFERENCE CODEPERFORMANCEINDICATORPROGRAM/PROJECT/ACTIVITY DESCRIPTIONOfficePrimarilyResponsibleSCHEDULE OFIMPLEMENTATIONSTARTDATECOMPLETION DATESOURCE OFFUNDS(000 Pesos)Mun.Brgy/POsOthers(FAs/NGOs/NGAs)TotalCOSTPerformance Area: GOVERNANCE AND DEVELOPMENTADMINISTRATIONDevelopment Goals:3. Highly satisfied constituency in the service delivery ofthe LGU.4. Transformed attitudes, improved skills and increasedknowledge of LGU officials and personnel.Objectives:1010• Relevant• Effective• Timely issuance ofpertinent Eos• 100% of awareness ofrelated codes and EOsby LGU/Brgy Officials• 100% awareness ofrelated codes byconcerned constituency5. To enact legislative measures attuned to the currentdevelopment directions.1.1 Identify legislative measures to be formulated basedon the ELA at the Municipal & Barangay levels1.3 Train local officials in legislative processes(Orientation NEO,CapDev-Mun & Brgy Officials)6. To promote awareness of important codes among theLGU employees, barangay officials and generalpublic.2.1 Disseminate and propagate related codes to the targetaudiences through IEC2.2 Review/Revision of Codes2.3 Review pertinent codes having issues and concerns2.4 Monitor implementation of ordinances.2.5 Keep track of Codes, EOs, Brgy. OrdinancesSB/ BrgyCouncils/LCE/DILG/MOSB/HRMO/MIO/ SB/SBStaff/DILG/MOStaff/MunLibraryJan.<strong>2008</strong>Jan.<strong>2008</strong>Dec.<strong>2008</strong>Dec.<strong>2008</strong>-5105011025-15-3307-890,00050,000110,00025,000-22,00031 of 39

LGU <strong>Jagna</strong><strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>2008</strong>1010• Accessed by 80% ofbrgy constituents• Access by 70%especially of uplandbarangays.• 100% of all previousCSOs are re-accredited• New CSOs applied foraccreditation7. To develop venues for making information available toconstituents and a mechanism for feed backing.3.5 Publish community bulletin3.6 Establish community radio station3.7 Update the <strong>Jagna</strong> Website3.8 Install citizen’s feedback mechanism8. To provide avenues for meaningful involvement ingovernance.15.1 Invite all CSOs for accreditation15.2 Designation of CSO desk or officeSB CommonInfo/MIO/MO/MPDOSB Common CoopFormation/DILG/AccreditedCSOs/LCEJan.<strong>2008</strong>Jan.<strong>2008</strong>Dec.<strong>2008</strong>Dec.<strong>2008</strong>10010043560-400100,000500,0004,00035,00060,000-101010• Sustained partnershipwith Philos• 5 new linkages• Quality CLUP <strong>2008</strong>-2017 implemented• Quality BDP-PRA<strong>2008</strong>-2010 updated &implemented by 33brgys• Land titles issued andsecured16. To further strengthen existing partnership and newlinkages.16.1 Evaluate/assess partnership with Philos andother present linkages16.2 Identify partners and areas of cooperation.17. To upgrade existing development tools.17.1 Fast track revision of the CLUP17.2 Updating of BDP-PRA17.3 Revise MDP17.4 Evaluate midterm performance of MDP18. To undertake land titling of all real properties ownedby the municipal government.18.1 Comply with legal requirements for land titlingand secure the issuance of land titles.JP HealthCare/MO/MPDO &otherofficesMPDO/MOAssesor/MPDOJan.<strong>2008</strong>Jan.<strong>2008</strong>Jan.<strong>2008</strong>Dec.<strong>2008</strong>Dec.<strong>2008</strong>Dec.<strong>2008</strong>2020500193100-351880140100,00020,000500,000351,000100,000-35,00010• Poverty profile updated19. To update the Municipal Poverty Profile.19.1 Conduct surveys per cluster of indicatorsMPDOJan.<strong>2008</strong>Dec.<strong>2008</strong>100100,00010• 10% increased peryear• 50% of submitted PPS20. To increase locally generated funds and source outexternal funding for development projects.20.1 Tap all possible local sources20.2 Computerize and Network offices withrevenue generating functions20.3 Installation of the eNew GovernmentAccounting System20.4 Intensive proposal making of developmentMTO/Assessor/MPDO/ MktOperation/AcctgOffice/LCEJan.<strong>2008</strong>Dec.<strong>2008</strong>3015030015030,000150,000300,000150,00032 of 39

LGU <strong>Jagna</strong><strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>2008</strong>Priority Development Projects(Funded by the 20% Development Fund of the LGU)Budget Year : <strong>2008</strong> Municipality of JAGNAEstimated IRA : PhP 36,311,292.00 Province of Bohol20% of IRA : PhP 7,262,258.40AIPReferenceCodeProgram/ Project/ Activity Description Rank Estimated Amount( PhP)90 Loan AmortizationLoan Amortization from LBP (PhP 30 M) for the Construction of <strong>Jagna</strong> New Public Market10 Power & Street IlluminationFor payments of electric bills from LGU buildings and public street lights of the municipality.10 Maintenance of Public BuildingsFor maintenance and improvements of municipal building, slaughter house, and other publicbuildings10 Maintenance of Roads/Bridges/River ControlFor maintenance, renovation, and repairs of roads, bridges, river control and others.10 Integrated Solid Waste ManagementFor Implementation of Solid Waste Management Operation10 Maintenance & Operation of TESDAFor Operation of Provincial Training Center - <strong>Jagna</strong>, implementation of CBT/ CBTED Programs10 Maintenance of Communication FacilitiesFor Laca tower maintenance and caretaker salaries12345675,000,000.00500,000.00150,000.00122,258.40200,000.00100,000.0050,000.0040 ECCD 8 290,000.0034 of 39

LGU <strong>Jagna</strong><strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>2008</strong>AIPReferenceCodeLGU counterpartProgram/ Project/ Activity Description Rank Estimated Amount( PhP)10 Barangay Infra ProjectsFor various project proposals of 33 Barangays80 Agricultural Production DevelopmentProposal on product development and livelihood program assistance10 Comprehensive Town <strong>Plan</strong>ning and ResearchRevision on Comprehensive Land Use <strong>Plan</strong> of the municipality70 Rehabilitation of <strong>Jagna</strong> Waterworks SystemFor improvement, repairs, maintenance of JWS60 Community Development ProjectsFinancial/Materials aid for various barangay development projects70 Gender And DevelopmentFor project proposals related to GAD10 Environmental Protection ProgramMaintenance of Municipal nursery and support for Environmental programs10 Maintenance of Heavy EquipmentUse for maintenance, repairs of dump track, grader, garbage compactor and other heavyequipment.60 Cooperative DevelopmentSupport assistance for cooperative development10 Tourism DevelopmentFor Tourism activities and programs9101112131415161718330,000.0060,000.00100,000.0040,000.0050,000.0050,000.0050,000.0050,000.0030,000.0030,000.0070 Sports, Culture & Arts Development 19 50,000.0035 of 39

LGU <strong>Jagna</strong><strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>2008</strong>Assistance for JCAC and support on municipal sports activity and developmentAIPReferenceCodeProgram/ Project/ Activity Description Rank Estimated Amount( PhP)30 Capability BuildingFor CSC Award and incentives for LGU employees2010,000.00Total >>>>>> PhP 7,262,258.40Prepared by:Attested by:ENGR. GERRY V. ARANETAMunicipal <strong>Plan</strong>ning and Dev’t CoordinatorHON. EXUPERIO C. LLORENMunicipal Mayor36 of 39

LGU <strong>Jagna</strong><strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>2008</strong>Priority Development Projects(To be funded by External Source)Budget Year :Municipality ofProvince of<strong>2008</strong>____________JAGNA__________Bohol___________AIPReferenceCodeProgram/ Project/ Activity Description Rank Estimated Amount( PhP)80 Carabao Dispersal Program 150,000.0080 Establishment of Sloping Agricultural land Technology (SALT) 500,000.0080 Establishment of organic fertilizer production facility 900,000.0080 Formulate and implement the specific rice production plan 60,000.0080 Establish and operationalize the value chain analysis of bongan banana& other variety of bananas, establish the packing center in Mayana, ubi,vegetable and spices, cut flowers 150,000.0080 Identify LFU interventions in cooperative formations 100,000.0080 Formulate the conceptual framework of sustainable upland development program,undertake cross visits/exposure trips to Mindanao SUD areas, integrate existingcomponents and pilot 7 barangays for SUD 100,000.0010 Acquisition of heavy equipments and road improvement and maintenance 2,500,000.0080 Procure and/or fabricate pre and post harvest facilities needed to boost productivity 750,000.00AIP37 of 39

LGU <strong>Jagna</strong>ReferenceCode<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>2008</strong>Program/ Project/ Activity Description Rank Estimated Amount( PhP)80 Establish the FITS Center at the MAO Office 200,000.0080 Product development of calamay as OTOP 250,000.0080 Complete the construction of the 2 nd Floor of the <strong>Jagna</strong> Public Market 30,000,000.0080 Modify existing structure of wet market, access and drainage system 1,300,000.0080 Rehabilitation of slaughter house, skills trainings of butchers and personnel 3,000,000.0080 Development of identified transportation terminal. 3,000,000.0080 Formulation of conceptual framework for tourism development. 500,000.0080 Complete and operationalize the Tourism Service Center 500,000.0040 Formulate and implement a comprehensive nutrition plan 252,000.0040 Complete immunization of children 240,00.0040 Provide good obstetrical care to pregnant and lactating mothers 900,000.0040 Provide family <strong>Plan</strong>ning Services 180,000.0040 Adopt DOH Programs 600,000.0040 Programs to reduce prevalence of dengue cases 40,000.0040 Implementation of operational strategy of mobile clinic, upgrading health centers in theupland barangays and deployment of required medical staff 3,000,000.0038 of 39

LGU <strong>Jagna</strong>AIPReferenceCode<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Investment</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>2008</strong>Program/ Project/ Activity Description Rank Estimated Amount( PhP)40 Conduct trainings and other capability building activities of the municipal healthcareproviders. 100,000.0070 Financial support to the Day Care Centers, public elementary and high schools 150,000.0070 Financial assistance to indigents (AICS) 500,000.0070 Complete rehabilitation of <strong>Jagna</strong> Water Works 11,200,000.0070 Financial and technical assistance of barangay waterworks system 6,300,000.0060 Lot acquisition and land development for the relocation site of Mayana landslide victims. 700,000.0070 Provision of handheld radio for police & fire personnel 37,500.0010 Rehabilitation of repeater at Laca 100,000.0070 Development activities to upgrade the <strong>Jagna</strong> police and fire units 75,000.0070 Assistance to upgrade equipments of barangay tanods 165,000.0070 IEC and programs to reduce incidence of rabies 90,000.0010 Implementation of mechanism for proper management of solid and liquid waste. 150,000.0010 Establishment of Sanitary Land Fill 4,090,000.0010 Formulation of ISWM Enforcement <strong>Plan</strong> for 26 Brgys 150,000.00Total >>>>>> PhP 7,487,500.0039 of 39

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