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Индастриал Технолоджис www.ind-techno.com.ua +38 044 596 04 29®力 姆 泰 克<strong>Industrial</strong> Technologies2012<strong>LIM</strong>-<strong>TEC</strong> <strong>Beijing</strong> <strong>Transmission</strong> <strong>Equipment</strong> Co.,LTD.

Индастриал Технолоджис www.ind-techno.com.ua +38 044 596 04 29<strong>Industrial</strong> Technologies

Индастриал Технолоджис www.ind-techno.com.ua +38 044 596 04 29Perfect Linear Motion<strong>Industrial</strong> Technologies

Индастриал Технолоджис www.ind-techno.com.ua +38 044 596 04 29Contents12345Product categoryNew concept of Linear motion ּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּ6Linear actuatorModel selection procedure ּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּ8Mounting styleּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּ10Codingּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּ11Stability curve ּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּ12LAM series performance tableּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּ13LAP/LBP series linear actuatorLAP series performance table ּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּ23LBP series performance tableּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּ24LAP series dimension ּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּ26LBP series dimensionּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּ44Screw JackSeries of Screw Jackּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּ56Application ּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּ57SJA series Screw Jack performance tableּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּ58Coding and Stability curve ּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּ59SJA series Screw Jack performance tableּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּ60SJA series Screw Jack dimensionּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּ63SJB series Screw Jack performance tableּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּ75SJB series Screw Jack dimension ּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּ79SC series Screw Jack Type ActuatorSC series categoryּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּ93Coding and Stability curveּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּ95Performance table and dimensionּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּ97System AccessoriesAccessoriesּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּ112Wiring and lubricationּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּּ115<strong>Industrial</strong> Technologies

Индастриал Технолоджис www.ind-techno.com.ua +38 044 596 04 29Product categoryLinear motion ideaProduct categoryThe compact integrations of the motor and gear reducerwith the acme screw, ball screw and the satellite roller6screw, unique advantages in terms of the price andthe performance provide much more space to theengineer for designing. The new idea dispensed with theconsideration of the hydraulic and pneumatic leakage aswell as the pipes and valves.Self-locking: The majority of the products possess theself-locking function, thus increasing the performancesecurity.Positioning: the positioning accuracy can reach 0.1mm,and the positioning accuracy of servo actuator can reach6um.Precise control: equipped with encoder/potentiometer/rotary transformator, the closed loop positioning can alsobe realized through the inverter, PLC controller and theservo controller.Synchronousness: the synchronous lifting can beachieved through the mechanical connection of multiplescrew actuators and screw jacksOverload protection: can be equipped with the safetyclutch, and the over-load sensor.High load capacity: wide range of load capacity from 5kgto 250 ton, with the stroke 6 meters to the maximum.High speed: the speed of the of the roller screw actuatorcan reach 2m/s, the continuous traveling life is 15 timesthan that of the ball screw actuators.Others: Easy maintenance, low noise, can work normallyunder the harsh environment of high/low temperature,corrosive and explosive-prone environment.LAM Linear actuatorLAM Series<strong>Industrial</strong> Technologies

Индастриал Технолоджис www.ind-techno.com.ua +38 044 596 04 29Linear actuatorLAP SeriesLBP SeriesScrew JackSJA SeriesSJB SeriesSC Screw JackSCA SeriesSCB Series7<strong>Industrial</strong> Technologies<strong>LIM</strong>-<strong>TEC</strong>

Индастриал Технолоджис www.ind-techno.com.ua +38 044 596 04 29Linear actuator model selectionCheck duty cycle8Actual load speedand strokerequirementIf not ball screwactuatorDuty cycle calculationACMEscrew linear actuatorLAM1-LAM7 seriesFu

Индастриал Технолоджис www.ind-techno.com.ua +38 044 596 04 29Lifetime calculationThe lifetime of Ball screw linear LBP series depends on the lifetime of ball screw and worm gear and shaft, we just need to calculate thelifetime of screw, worm gear and shaft will wear but normally lifetime is longer than screw.Nut lifetime calculation:L10=(C / Fm) 3 xSL10: theoretic lifetime km Fm: weighted mean load NC: Rated dynamic load N S: Ball screw lead mmFm weighted mean load calcuation:3Fm=F 1 3 S 1 + F 2 3 S 2 + F 3 3 S 3 + F 4 3 S 4S 1 + S 2 + S 3 + S 4Load NF 3S 1 S 2 S 3 S 4Load and speed changing curve Storke mm9<strong>Industrial</strong> Technologies<strong>LIM</strong>-<strong>TEC</strong>

Индастриал Технолоджис www.ind-techno.com.ua +38 044 596 04 29CodingLinear actuator categoryHigh load capacity, self-locking, synchronous,compact size, (the cubage is 30% less thanthe same kind of product) positioning control,10LAP Acme Screw Series / LBP Ball Screw SeriesMounting PositionDirection ofRotationLH Left Hand Input(On request)Terminal Box Position:W(Standard)E,N,S(Special)Direction ofDirection ofMovementMovementcontinuous performance by equipping withball screw, modularized combination ofvarious types of motors,Push load range: 10kg to 2.5 tonsRH Right Hand Input(Standard)<strong>Industrial</strong> TechnologiesDirection ofRotation

Индастриал Технолоджис www.ind-techno.com.ua +38 044 596 04 29CodingSeries Size Ratio Stroke Front Attachment Limit Device Input Versions Input Shaft Motor Power RPM Terminal Box Position Accessoriesmm kW rpmLAP Series 22 H1 50 BA Standard head P1 Single input shaft RH Right hand DC12V 0.06 W standard BRE BrakeLBP Series 25 H2 100 ROE Rod end P2 Double input shaft LH Left hand DC24V 0.09 N,S,E SP Rear bracket28 V1 200 FO Clevis end P3 Motor flange AC 1-PH 220V 0.12 FI Intermediate support flange32 V2 300 TS Ball joint P4 Motor flange and 50HZ 0.18 1400 FS Safety clutch35 N1 400 FL Flange end Extended input shaft AC 3-PH 380/ 0.25 2800 AR Anti-turn device40 N2 500 FCM(NC) Normally closed magnetic reed switches 220V 50HZ 0.37 IRE Encoder56 L1 600 FCM(NO) Normally opened magnetic reed switches SERVO 0.55 B Bellows63 L2 700 FCP Inductive proximity switches PNP normally closed STEPPING 0.75 SN Safety clutch80 XL1 800 FCE External limit switches 1.1 ST Stainless steel protective tubeSpecial 1.5 RPT90 Rear fixing attachment turn at 90°2.2 FCK Internal limit switch3 POR Internal potentiometerSeries Size Ratio Stroke Front Attachment Length Limit Input Versions Input Shaft Motor Power RPM Terminal Box Position AccessoriesmmLAM Series 1 S0 50 ROE Rod end DC12V FS Safety clutch2 S1 100 FO Clevis end DC24V PS PotentiometerLBM Series 3 S2 150 AC220V HP Reed switch4 S3 200 AC110V BRE Brake5 S4 250L2 Limit Switch6 300 Only for LAM8 LBM97 Special T Thermal protection89Note:standard motors with insulation class F and protection IP55, Protection class of Brake IP5411<strong>Industrial</strong> Technologies<strong>LIM</strong>-<strong>TEC</strong>

Индастриал Технолоджис www.ind-techno.com.ua +38 044 596 04 2912LAM Linear ActuatorCritical Buckling Force GraphsLoad NPushScrew stability curveLAP40LAP35LBP35LAP32LAP28LAP25/LBP25LBP28LBP32LBP40 Safety factor:3Stroke(mm)Cautions for choosing the model type of actuators:■ The percentage of the duty cycle within 10 minutesLAM series: 10%LAP22,25 series(acme screw actuator): 25%LAP28,32,35,40,56,63,80 series(acme screw actuator) : 30%The ball screw actuator:100%The duty cycle can be increased if the actual load is less thanthe rated loads, please consult with the engineers of Lim-tec forthe specifics■ For the stroke exceeding 800mm, the length of the innertube and the protective tube should be increased 200mmaccordingly.■ For the stroke exceeding 300mm, the stability should bechecked, please refer to the chart that reflects the relationshipbetween the load and the stroke. As regards to the stability ofthe LAP and LAP22,25 series whose stroke is above 300mm,please consult with the engineers.■ Please confirm the self-locking, and refer to the table ofself-locking coefficients, choose the appropriate self-lockingaccording to the actual application. To the acme screw and ballscrew actuator without self-locking function, please match thebrake with them.■ For the acme screw and the ball screw actuator with thestroke of 300mm, the axial error is 0.1mm■ The catalogue only lists the parameters and the dimensionsof the acme screw actuators, while that of the ball screwactuator, please consult with the engineers.■ For special custom design, please consult with engineers.Load NScrew stability curveLAP40LAP35LBP35LAP32LAP28LAP25/LBP25LBP28LBP32Self-locking conditions for the actuators:The self-locking state of the actuators can be categorized intofour types as follows:Static self-locking■ Self-locking coefficients is less than 0.35The actuator will not move under the external push or pull load,provided that there is not vibration.Dynamic self-locking■ Self-locking coefficient is less than 0.3If the load direction is opposite to the move direction, theactuator does not move in the case of power off.Self-locking coefficient is less than 0.25If the load direction is the same as the move direction, theactuator does not move in the case of power offUncertain self-lockingThe self-locking coefficient is between 0.35 and 0.55The actuator will move up and down under the increasedexternal loadNon self-lockingSelf-locking coefficient is above 0.55The actuator will move up and down under a minimum load.Self-lockingLBP40 Safety factor:3Stroke(mm)Screw stability curveLoad kNLAP80LAP63LAP56 LBP56Safety factor:3 Stroke(mm)UncertainSelf-lockingLoadkNScrew stability curveNon Self-lockingLAP80LAP63LAP56Safety factor:3<strong>Industrial</strong> TechnologiesLBP56

Индастриал Технолоджис www.ind-techno.com.ua +38 044 596 04 29LAM1 Linear Actuator■ 24/12V DC motor■ Maximum push load up to 600kg, pull load up to 400kg■ Maximum stroke up to 500mm■ Low noise, steady speed■ Built-in unadjustable limit switch■ 10% duty cycle (10 minutes)■ Working temperature:-26C-+65C■ Protection class: IP52■ Accessories: potentiometers, hall sensor, over-heat protection.Stroke A B/FO B/ROE50 250 210100 300 260150 360 320200 410 370250 470 430300 520 480400 - 590500 - 710Stroke AFront AttachmentROEStroke AFront AttachmentFOFront AttachmentFOFront AttachmentROE13<strong>Industrial</strong> Technologies<strong>LIM</strong>-<strong>TEC</strong>TypeRated Push LoadNRated Pull LoadNSelf-lock Push LoadNSelf-lock Pull LoadNMax StrokemmRated Current(24V)ASpeedmm/sLAM1-S0 3000 2000 3000 1500 500 2.4 6.2-8.2LAM1-S1 6000 4000 6000 4000 500 2.8 2.6-4.2If stroke exceed to 300mm , the rated load will be reduced.

Индастриал Технолоджис www.ind-techno.com.ua +38 044 596 04 29LAM Linear ActuatorLAM2 Linear Actuator■ 24V/12V DC motors■ High intensity plastic housing■ Stroke range: 100-400mm; at intervals of 50mm■ Can be equipped with reed switch, with memory function;14■ Built-in limit switch;■ 10% duty cycle (within 10 minutes)■ Working temperature: +5℃ -+40℃■ Protection class: IP65; IP66■ Free maintenance;StrokeStroke+160Keyed : Stroke + 171Safety Nut : Stroke + 185Brake : Stroke + 192<strong>Industrial</strong> TechnologiesTypeRated Push LoadNRated Pull LoadNSelf-lock LoadNStrokemmRated Current(24V)AReed Switchmm/pluseLAM2-S0 800 800 800 100-400 1.9 0.666 25.8-17.1LAM2-S1 1000 1000 1000 100-400 2.4 1.333 20.9-10.7LAM2-S2 1500 1500 1500 100-400 1.6 1.333 9.5-6.7LAM2-S3 2500 2500 2000 100-400 1.5 0.666 4.2-3.0Speedmm/s

Индастриал Технолоджис www.ind-techno.com.ua +38 044 596 04 29LAM3 Linear Actuator■ 24V/12V Protection motor■ Aluminum Alloy housing with rust-proof treatment■ Low noise; compact size■ Built-in un-adjustable limit switch■ Can be equipped with potentiometer with 10k/10 turns,■ 25% duty cycle within (10 minutes)■ Working temperature:-40℃ -+85℃■ Protection class: IP52■ Optional IP66■ Free maintenanceWith potentiometerL3:Stroke 50 100 150 200 250 300L1:Ratrected length (mm) 158 209 260 311 362 413L2:Ratrected length (mm) 192 243 294 345 396 44715<strong>Industrial</strong> Technologies<strong>LIM</strong>-<strong>TEC</strong>ModelRated loadNRatioiMax. StrokemmFull load current(24V)AFull load current(12V)ASpeedmm/sLAM3-S0 120 5/1 300 2.2 3.4 45-57LAM3-S1 240 10/1 300 1.9 3.2 22-30LAM3-S2 500 20/1 300 1.8 3.0 12-17LAM3-S3 750 30/1 300 1.8 3.0 8-10LAM3-S4 1000 40/1 300 1.5 2.6 6-8

Индастриал Технолоджис www.ind-techno.com.ua +38 044 596 04 2916LAM Linear ActuatorLAM4 Linear Actuator■ 24V/12V DC motors■ High intensity housing■ Maximum push/pull load up to 75kg■ Stroke range: 40mm-130mm, at intervals of 30mm■ 100% duty cycle; the rated push load decreases for■ continuous performance.■ Working temperature: -20℃ -+40℃■ explosive-proof design(ATEX); PLC control;■ potentiometer■ Accessories like reed switch, hall sensor etc■ Protective class: IP51; (IP65;IP66)■ Small and compact size; advantageous in terms of the price and performance(ATEX increase 10mm)<strong>Industrial</strong> TechnologiesTypeRated Push LoadNRated Pull LoadNSelf-lock Push LoadNSelf-lock Pull LoadNMax StrokemmRated Current(24V)ALAM4-S0 200 200 200 100 130 1.0 28-40LAM4-S1 300 300 300 150 130 2.0 27-50LAM4-S2 300 300 300 150 130 1.5 16-27LAM4-S3 750 750 750 37.5 130 2.2 6-14Speedmm/s

Индастриал Технолоджис www.ind-techno.com.ua +38 044 596 04 29LAM5 Linear Actuator■ 24V/12V DC motors■ High intensity housing, patented configuration design■ Maximum push load up to 40kg■ Stroke range: 50mm-200mm; at intervals of 50mm;■ Working temperature: 5℃ -+40℃■ Storage temperature: -40℃ -+70℃■ 10% duty cycle (within 10 minutes)■ Protection class: IP51; (IP65)■ Small and compact size; advantageous in terms of the■ price and performanceStrokeStrokeStrokeStroke17<strong>Industrial</strong> Technologies<strong>LIM</strong>-<strong>TEC</strong>TypeRated Push LoadNRated Pull LoadNSelf-lock Push LoadNSelf-lock Pull LoadNMax StrokemmRated Current(24V)ALAM5-S0 300 - 300 - 200 2.1 17.5-37LAM5-S1 400 - 400 - 200 2.5 13.5-27Speedmm/s

Индастриал Технолоджис www.ind-techno.com.ua +38 044 596 04 29LAM Linear ActuatorLAM6 Linear Actuator■ For solar tracking application■ DC 24/12V Motor■ Max. Dynamic load 10000N■ Max. Static load 20000N18■ Speed: 2mm/s■ Stroke: 400,815,1000,1500 ( Optional special stroke)■ Front attachment Ball joint■ Aluminium housing■ Limit switch■ Encoder■ Trunnion mounting■ Duty cycle: 10% S2/15min■ Protection class : IP65ØØadjustableØStrokeStroke<strong>Industrial</strong> TechnologiesTypeRated Push LoadNRated Pull LoadNSelf-lock Push LoadNSelf-lock Pull LoadNMax StrokemmRated Current(24V)ALAM6-S1 10000 10000 10000 10000 2000 10 1.6Speedmm/s

Индастриал Технолоджис www.ind-techno.com.ua +38 044 596 04 29LAM7 Linear Actuator■ For disc. Drive application■ DC 24/36V■ Max. Dynamic load 10000N■ Max. Static load 20000N■ Speed: 3mm/s■ Stroke: 457,609,914, ( Optional special stroke)■ ACME or Ball screw■ Aluminium housing■ Reed switch■ Trunnion mounting■ Duty cycle: 20%■ Protection class : IP6575 LØ422175 LØ4221Ø50.8 Ø50.862 6238 38BABA9090Ø16Ø56 Ø56Ø63.5 Ø63.5Ø16Ø16R19R191201206767154 154 80 8019<strong>Industrial</strong> Technologies<strong>LIM</strong>-<strong>TEC</strong>Ø16Stroke(±5mm) 460mm 610mm 915mmL=Total Length(T)(±5mm) 750mm 900mm 1205mmL=Total Length(B)(±5mm) 790mm 940mm 1250mmTypeRated Push LoadNRated Pull LoadNSelf-lock Push LoadNSelf-lock Pull LoadNMax StrokemmRated Current(24V)ALAM7-S0 6000 6000 6000 6000 1000 4.5 3LAM7-S1 8000 8000 8000 8000 1000 6 3LAM7-S2 10000 10000 10000 10000 1000 7.5 3Speedmm/s

Индастриал Технолоджис www.ind-techno.com.ua +38 044 596 04 29LAM Linear ActuatorLAM8 Linear Actuator■ DC12/24V or AC 220V motor■ Max. Dyn Load: 2500N■ Max. Static Load: 4500N■ Max. Speed: 38mm/s20■ Stroke distance:100, 150 ,200, 300, 450,600 or special stroke■ Working temperature:-26C - +65C for AC motor, -40c - +85C forDC motor■ ACME SCREW■ Limit switch■ Optional Potentiometer■ With overload clutch■ Duty cycle: 25%■ Protection class: IP65Above with potentiometerModel A B C D L3 L4 HAC Motor 73.5 30(55) 93 87 269 306.5 156DC Motor 73.5 30(55) 95 63.5 161.5 199 150.5With Limit SwitchWithout Limit SwitchAC MotorDC Motor30°30°30°30°30°Ø68HLimit SwitchHL176A24.514 15.5Ø48Ø13.1Ø26Ø72Ø687624.514 15.5Ø48Ø13.1Ø26Ø72Ø50.8ØDØ50.8ØDB11.5Ø13.1Ø28.6B11.5Stroke 100 150 200 300 450 600 100 150 200 300 450 600L1 Retracted length 440 440 440 592 744 897 380 415 415 465 668 821L2 Retracted length 478 478 478 630 782 935 418 453 453 503 706 859L1 Retracted length 338 389 440 592 744 897 262 313 364 465 668 821L2 Retracted length 376 427 478 630 782 935 300 351 402 503 706 859Max Stroke 102 153 203 305 457 610 102 153 203 305 457 6100hm/mm 60.0 60.0 30.0 30.0 10.0 10.0 60.0 60.0 30.0 30.0 10.0 10.0Tolerance L=±5.0mmTolenrance; L=±3.80mm S=±2.5mmØ723555.5 9L3L2115.59CL4Ø28.6Ø13.1<strong>Industrial</strong> TechnologiesDC MotorRated Push loadNRated Pull loadNSelf-lock push loadNSelf-lock pull loadNMax StrokemmRated Current(24V)ALAM8-S0 1500 1500 1500 1500 600 8 27-33 5.5LAM8-S1 2500 2500 2500 2500 600 7 13-17 5.5Speedmm/sWeightkgAC MotorRated Push loadNRated Pull loadNSelf-lock push loadNSelf-lock pull loadNMax StrokemmRated Current(220V)ALAM8-S0 1500 1500 1500 1500 600 1.35 21-22 9LAM8-S1 2300 2300 2300 2300 600 1.4 11-12 9Speedmm/sWeightkg

Индастриал Технолоджис www.ind-techno.com.ua +38 044 596 04 29LBM9 Linear Actuator■ DC12/24V or AC 220V motor■ Max. Dyn Load: 6000N■ Max. Static Load: 13600N■ Max. Speed: 65mm/s■ Stroke distance:100, 150 ,200, 300, 450,600 or special stroke■ Working temperature:-26C - +65C for AC motor, -40c - +85C forDC motor■ BALL SCREW■ Limit switch■ Optional Potentiometer■ With overload clutch■ Duty cycle: 25%■ Protection class: IP65DC MotorRated Pushload N30°30°30°30°30°Model A B C D L3 L4 HAC Motor 73.5 28(53) 93 87 296 306.5 156Above with potentiometerDC Motor 73.5 28(53) 95 63.5 161.5 199 150.5With Limit SwitchWithout Limit SwitchStroke 100 150 200 300 450 600 100 150 200 300 450 600AC MotorL1Retracted length 444 444 495 659 811 964 380 419 419 521 735 888L2Retracted length 482 482 533 697 849 1002 418 457 457 559 773 926DC MotorL1Retracted length 393 444 495 659 811 964 317 368 419 521 735 888L2Retracted length 431 482 533 697 849 1002 355 406 457 559 773 926Max Stroke 102 153 203 305 457 610 102 153 203 305 457 6100hm/mm 60.0 60.0 30.0 30.0 10.0 10.0 60.0 60.0 30.0 30.0 10.0 10.0Tolerance; L=±5.0mmTolenrance; L=±3.80mm S=±2.5mmRated Pull loadNHØ26Limit SwitchHØ26Max StrokemmRated Current(12V)ARated Current(24V)ASpeedmm/sLBM9-S0 2300 2300 600 20 10 65-45 6.5LBM9-S1 3500 3500 600 17 8.5 36-22 6.5LBM9-S2 4500 4500 600 13 6.5 22-13 6.57676Ø68Ø68Ø48Ø13.1Ø72Ø72Ø48Ø13.1Ø7224.514 15.53524.514 15.5A55.5 9115.5C9L3L4L1L2Ø50.8ØDØ50.8ØDBØ28.6B11.5Ø13.111.5Ø28.6WeightkgØ13.121<strong>Industrial</strong> Technologies<strong>LIM</strong>-<strong>TEC</strong>AC MotorRated Pushload NRated Pull loadNMax StrokemmRated Current(110V)ARated Current(220V)ASpeedmm/sLBM9-S0 2300 2300 600 3 1.5 40-50 9LBM9-S1 4500 4500 600 2.6 1.4 20-24 9LBM9-S2 6000 6000 600 2.2 1.4 11-13 9Weightkg

Индастриал Технолоджис www.ind-techno.com.ua +38 044 596 04 29LAP Series Linear Actuator22<strong>Industrial</strong> Technologies

Индастриал Технолоджис www.ind-techno.com.ua +38 044 596 04 29Performance Table of LAP Series---With DC Motor 24VTypeLAP22LAP25Speedmm/sDynamicLoad N26-36 400 N2Ratio Motot Power Rated CurrentAPerformance Table of LAP Series---With AC 3-Phase MotorTypeLAP22LAP25LAP28LAP32LAP35Self-lockingCoefficient4.5 0.3513-18 750 L2 4.2 0.27DC24V10-13.5 950 N1 4.2 0.225-6.5 1400 L1 4.5 0.1632-40 1000 N29.8 0.3516-20 1600 L2 9.5 0.28DC24V12-15 2000 N1 9.6 0.226-7.5 3000 L1 9.5 0.17Speedmm/sDynamicLoad N30 500 N2Ratio Motot Power Self-lockingCoefficient0.3515 750 L2 0.270.06kW 2800 380V 50HZ11 900 N1 0.225.5 1400 L1 0.1637 1000 N20.3518.5 1600 L2 0.280.09kW 2800 380V 50HZ14 2000 N1 0.227 3000 L1 0.1793 600 H20.400.12kW 2800 380V 50HZ60 1000 V2 0.4146 850 H2 0.09kW 1400 380V 50HZ 0.4035 1100 H10.2530 1750 N2 0.3522 1500 V1 0.12kW 2800 380V 50HZ 0.2515 3000 L2 0.2711 3600 N1 0.227.5 4000 L2 0.09kW 1400 380V 50HZ 0.275.5 4000 L1 0.12kW 2800 380V 50HZ 0.162.8 4000 L10.160.09kW 1400 380V 50HZ1.9 4000 XL1 0.1193 830 H20.3860 1250 V2 0.380.18kW 2800 380V 50HZ46 1300 H1 0.2730 2200 N2 0.3323 1650 H1 0.12kW 1400 380V 50HZ 0.2715 3750 L20.250.18kW 2800 380V 50HZ7.5 5550 L1 0.183.5 6000 L10.180.12kW 1400 380V 50HZ1.9 6000 XL1 0.1293 1300 V20.3746 2100 V1 0.2523 4300 N2 0.280.25kW 2800 380V 50HZ15 6000 L2 0.2211 6300 N1 0.207.5 10000 L1 0.165.5 9000 N10.200.18kW 1400 380V 50HZ4 10000 L1 0.16WeightkgExtra Weight per100mm stroke kg2 0.33.2 0.4WeightkgExtra Weight per100mm stroke kg2 0.33.2 0.45.1 0.35.8 0.57.4 0.823<strong>Industrial</strong> Technologies<strong>LIM</strong>-<strong>TEC</strong>

Индастриал Технолоджис www.ind-techno.com.ua +38 044 596 04 29LAP Series Performance Table24TypeLAP40LAP56LAP63LAP80Performance Table of LBP Series---With DC Motor 24VTypeLBP22LBP25Speedmm/sNote:LAP Series linear actuator can be driven by AC 1-phase motor,DC motor,stepping motor,servomotor,but the perfomances will be changed,please consultwith Lim-Tec’s engineers.Ambient temperature of LAP Series linear actuator is -15℃__+40℃,please consult with Lim-Tec’s engineers if the special temperature required.Speedmm/sDynamicLoad N93 3000 V2DynamicLoad NRatio Motot Power Self-lockingCoefficient0.3746 4400 V1 0.2623 10000 N2 0.55kW 2800 380V 50HZ 0.2518 12000 L2 0.2411 12000 N1 0.189 12000 L20.245.5 12000 N1 0.37kW 1400 380V 50HZ 0.184.5 12000 L1 0.1793 11000 V2 2.2kW 2800 380V 50HZ 0.3446 15000 V2 1.5kW 1400 380V 50HZ 0.3430 20000 N2 2.2kW 2800 380V 50HZ 0.2623 18000 V10.241.5kW 1400 380V 50HZ15 25000 N2 0.2611 25000 L20.237.5 25000 N1 0.75kW 1400 380V 50HZ 0.185.5 25000 L1 0.1589 15000 V2 3.0kW 2800 380V 50HZ 0.3244 30000 V2 3.0kW 1400 380V 50HZ 0.3230 40000 N2 3.0kW 2800 380V 50HZ 0.2622 42000 V1 3.0kW 1400 380V 50HZ 0.2115 50000 N20.262.2kW 1400 380V 50HZ11 50000 L2 0.237.5 50000 N10.181.5kW 1400 380V 50HZ5.5 50000 L1 0.15134 14000 V2 4.0kW 2800 380V 50HZ 0.3467 28000 V2 4.0kW 1400 380V 50HZ 0.3446 35000 N2 4.0kW 2800 380V 50HZ 0.2433 40000 V10.2423 70000 N2 0.244.0kW 1400 380V 50HZ17 80000 L2 0.2211 80000 N1 0.168.5 80000 L1 3.0kW 1400 380V 50HZ 0.15 90Ratio Motot Power Rated Current Self-lockingCoefficient12.5-16.5 900 N14.2 0.49DC24V6.5-8.5 1400 L1 4.5 0.3616-20 2000 N19.6 0.49DC24V8-10 2700 L1 9.5 0.37WeightkgWeightkgExtra Weight per100mm stroke kg12.9 0.950407060100234Extra Weight per100mm stroke kg2 0.33.2 0.4<strong>Industrial</strong> TechnologiesPerformance Table of LBP Series---With AC 3-Phase MotorTypeLBP22LBP25Speedmm/sDynamicLoad NRatio Motot Power Self-lockingCoefficient15 900 N10.490.06kW 2800 380V 50HZ7.5 1400 L1 0.3618.6 2000 N10.490.09kW 2800 380V 50HZ9.3 2700 L1 0.37WeightkgExtra Weight per100mm stroke kg2 0.33.2 0.3

Индастриал Технолоджис www.ind-techno.com.ua +38 044 596 04 29TypeLBP32LBP35LBP40LBP56Speedmm/sDynamicLoad NRatio Motot Power Self-lockingCoefficient58 1500 H10.560.18kW 2800 380V 50HZ37 2200 V1 0.5629 2400 H1 0.12kW 1400 380V 50HZ 0.5618.5 3500 N1 0.18kW 2800 380V 50HZ 0.489.3 4400 N10.480.12kW 1400 380V 50HZ4.6 4500 L1 0.3758 2600 V1 0.25kW 2800 380V 50HZ 0.5629 3400 V1 0.18kW 1400 380V 50HZ 0.5614.5 4500 N10.430.25kW 2800 380V 50HZ9.7 5400 L1 0.347.2 5400 N10.430.18kW 1400 380V 50HZ4.8 5500 L1 0.3446.6 4800 V1 0.55kW 2800 380V 50HZ 0.5623.3 5800 V1 0.37kW 1400 380V 50HZ 0.5611.6 7200 N10.380.55kW 2800 380V 50HZ9.3 7600 L1 0.365.8 8000 N10.380.37kW 1400 380V 50HZ4.6 8000 L1 0.3678 12500 V1 1.5kW 2800 380V 50HZ 0.5639 15500 V1 1.5kW 1400 380V 50HZ 0.5626 18000 N1 1.5kW 2800 380V 50HZ 0.4318.5 20000 L1 1.1kW 2800 380V 50HZ 0.3713 22000 N10.430.75kW 1400 380V 50HZ9.3 25000 L1 0.37Note:LBP Series linear actuator can be driven by AC 1-phase motor,DC motor,stepping motor,servomotor,but the perfomances will be changed,please consultwith Lim-Tec’s engineers.Ambient temperature of LBP Series linear actuator is -15℃__+40℃,please consult with Lim-Tec’s engineers if the special temperature required.WeightkgRated dynamic load table:TypeExtra Weight per100mm stroke kg5.8 0.57.4 0.813 0.95040Rated dynamic loadKNLBP22 4.25LBP25 4.25LBP32 7.82LBP35 11.325<strong>Industrial</strong> Technologies<strong>LIM</strong>-<strong>TEC</strong>LBP40 18.0LBP56 33.9

Индастриал Технолоджис www.ind-techno.com.ua +38 044 596 04 29Overall Dimension of LAP Series Linear ActuatorDimension of LAP22With magnetic reed switches FCM26Front Attachment19Ø22Front AttachmentØØActual StrokeØ22M10X1.517Standard HeadBARod EndRod End ROEROEØ10H7ØØ22Ø22Actual 10 202+Actual Stroke Stroke205+Actual Stroke155+Actual StrokeØ32BlueClevis EndClevis End FOFOØ10H8Ø202010442356BrowmØ42 5045303692Ø6515R13Ø10F7202615Ball JointBall Joint TSTSØ10H7Ø14Ø2910.52539.528125287676ØØ30Ø55Ø40Ø70Ø100196Flange EndFlange FLEndFL268ØEquallySpaced 4-Ø5.5EquallySpaced<strong>Industrial</strong> TechnologiesStroke Code[mm] 100 150 200 300Actual Stroke[mm] 100 150 200 300

Индастриал Технолоджис www.ind-techno.com.ua +38 044 596 04 29Dimension of LAP22Without limit switches19Ø22Dimension of LAP22Actual StrokeM10X1.5M10X1.5Ø22Ø22With external limit switches FCERod EndRod EndROEROEØ2219Ø22Ø22Actual Stroke18 68Rod EndROERod End10 152+Actual ROE Stroke10 152+Actual Stroke17BAStandard HeadBA5878295810169+Actual 10 Stroke169+Actual Stroke18 68Ø22Ø2217Standard Head782927277777155+Actual Stroke130+Actual Stroke155+Actual Stroke42 50130+Actual StrokeR13Ø32Ø32454536 3036 3042 5092159215Ø10F7R13Ø10F715 1526 20 26125 125 28 287630Ø70Ø70Blue Browm Ø65 76Ø100Blue Browm Ø65 Ø100156+Actual Stroke96+Actual 156+Actual Stroke96+Actual Actual Stroke StrokePositionⅠActual StrokePositionⅠPositionⅡPositionⅡ155+Actual Stroke155+Actual StrokeBrownBrownPositionⅢPositionⅢ BlueBlue20282876307619619627<strong>Industrial</strong> Technologies<strong>LIM</strong>-<strong>TEC</strong>Stroke Code[mm] 100 150 200 300Actual Stroke[mm] 125 175 225 325

Индастриал Технолоджис www.ind-techno.com.ua +38 044 596 04 29Overall Dimension of LAP Series Linear ActuatorDimension of LAP25With magnetic reed switches FCM28Front Front Attachment AttachmentØ25 Ø2622Actual StrokeØ25Ø25Rod EndROEM10X1.517Standard HeadBA Actual Stroke15 235+Actual Stroke202010442056235+Actual StrokeØ36Clevis EndFO177+Actual Stroke9654.5401456.52010.5Ø9j6Ø80Ø110ØØ10H8ØØØ10H8 Ø10H7BlueBrowmØØ2957.5Ball JointTS2539.51515Ø10F7R133225308090220(With brake motor)270(With standard motor)62195R13104-Ø9Ø10H72846365473Rear BracketSPFlange EndFL FL8ØØ55 ØØ4026Ø4-Ø5.5 EquallyEqually SpacedSpaced<strong>Industrial</strong> TechnologiesStroke Code[mm] 100 200 300 400 500Actual Stroke[mm] 100 200 300 400 500

Индастриал Технолоджис www.ind-techno.com.ua +38 044 596 04 29Dimension of LAP25Without limit switches26 2622 22Actual StrokeActual StrokeØ25 Ø2526 26Ø25Ø251515 213+Actual Stroke213+Actual StrokeRod End ROERod End ROEM10X1.532 80 8060 6015 195+Actual Stroke15 195+Actual Stroke1717Standard HeadStandard BA HeadBADimension of LAP25With external limit switches FCERod End ROERod End ROE3277773030195+Actual Stroke195+Actual Stroke157+ Actual Stroke157+ Actual Stroke56.556.5Ø36Ø36170+Actual Stroke170+Actual Stroke96+Actual Stroke96+Actual StrokeActual Stroke195+Actual Stroke969629<strong>LIM</strong>-<strong>TEC</strong>19.554.58040Blue BrowmBlue Browm195+Actual Stroke54.54020Ø9j6Ø9j6Ø80Ø80Ø110Ø11057.557.5151515Ø10F7R13 Ø10F7R133225308090220(With brake brake motor) motor)270(With standard motor) motor)PositionⅡPositionⅡ62195R13R13104-Ø94-Ø9Ø10H7Ø10H72846 2846365473Rear BracketRear SP BracketSPPositionⅠPositionⅠBrowmBrowmBlueBlue19.580201532253080906219510365473<strong>Industrial</strong> TechnologiesStroke Code[mm] 100 200 300 400 500Actual Stroke[mm] 120 220 320 420 520

Индастриал Технолоджис www.ind-techno.com.ua +38 044 596 04 29Overall Dimension of LAP Series Linear ActuatorDimension of LAP28With magnetic reed switches FCM30Front Attachment24Front AttachmentØActual StrokeØ283015Ø28Ø28M10X1.517Standard HeadBARod EndROEØRod EndROEØ10H8280+Actual Stroke202010Ø40Clevis EndFOØClevis EndFOØ10H8 44 2056280+Actual Stroke205+Actual Stroke283(With standard motor)233(With brake motor)14Ø291129610.56667 715025Ø9j6Ø110ØBall JointTSØBall JointTSØ10H739.5402020303217R18Ø12F7734010Ø55Ø408Ø12H7R1732502684-Ø5.5EquallySpaced4-Ø96280Rear BracketSPFlange EndFLFlange EndFLØØØ<strong>Industrial</strong> TechnologiesStroke Code[mm] 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800Actual Stroke[mm] 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800Note:If the stroke between 800mm-1500mm,the length of external tube & push rod will increase 200mmIf the stroke exceed to 1500mm,please consult with Lim-Tec’s engineers

Индастриал Технолоджис www.ind-techno.com.ua +38 044 596 04 29Dimension of LAP28Without limit switchesDimension of LAP28With external limit switches FCE308262Rod End ROE15248+Actual Stroke3024Actual StrokeØ28 Ø28Rod End ROE152430Rod End ROERod End ROE301515Ø28Ø28M10X1.5M10X1.532248+Actual Stroke171730Ø40Ø40230+Actual Stroke230+Actual StrokeStandard HeadStandard BA HeadBA82326230180+Actual Stroke96+Actual Stroke180+Actual77 Actual StrokeStroke96+Actual Stroke230+Actual Stroke230+Actual Stroke Stroke180+Actual Stroke Stroke283(With standard motor)283(With standard motor)233(With brake motor)77 Actual Stroke233(With brake motor)1126667 7167 7131<strong>LIM</strong>-<strong>TEC</strong>21507211296966640Ø9j6Ø9j650Ø11020Ø11020PositionⅡ303217Ø12H7R18Ø12H7R18 R17 R17Ø12F7 Ø12F77330 4010325084-Ø94-Ø96280Rear BracketRear SP BracketSPPositionⅠ230+Actual Stroke2172402020PositionⅡ3217734010PositionⅠ325086280<strong>Industrial</strong> TechnologiesStroke Code[mm] 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800Actual Stroke[mm] 125 225 325 425 525 625 725 825Note:If the stroke between 800mm-1500mm,the length of external tube & push rod will increase 200mmIf the stroke exceed to 1500mm,please consult with Lim-Tec’s engineers

Индастриал Технолоджис www.ind-techno.com.ua +38 044 596 04 29Overall Dimension of LAP Series Linear ActuatorDimension of LAP32With magnetic reed switches FCM3227Front AttachmentFront AttachmentActual StrokeØØ32Ø323418Ø32M12X1.75Ø12F718Standard HeadBARod EndROE Rod EndROEØ283+Actual Stroke283+Actual Stroke24 2612Ø48Clevis EndFO Clevis EndFOØØ12H8 502464280+Actual Stroke217+Actual Stroke320(With standard motor)264(With brake motor) 16Ø12Ø32664067 71Ø9j6112502099Ø122Ball JointBall TSJointTSØØ12H7284420R18Ø12H7303517734010Ø60Ø459Ø12H7R173250308ØEqually4-Ø6.5 SpacedEquallySpaced4-Ø96280Rear BracketSPFlange EndFlange FL EndFLØØ<strong>Industrial</strong> TechnologiesStroke Code[mm] 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800Actual Stroke[mm] 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800Note:If the stroke between 800mm-1500mm,the length of external tube & push rod will increase 200mmIf the stroke exceed to 1500mm,please consult with Lim-Tec’s engineers

Индастриал Технолоджис www.ind-techno.com.ua +38 044 596 04 29Dimension of LAP32Without limit switches3427Actual StrokeActual StrokeØ32 Ø3234 341818Ø32M12X1.75M12X1.7518 243+Actual StrokeRod End ROERod End ROEØ48Ø48223+Actual223+ActualStrokeStroke18 18Standard Head HeadBABADimension of LAP32With external limit switches FCERod End ROE18 243+Actual Stroke34Rod End ROE40 8640 86666677773030220+Actual Stroke220+Actual 187+Actual Stroke Stroke187+Actual Stroke320(With standard motor)320(With 264(With standard brake motor) motor)264(With brake motor)172+Actual Stroke96+Actual Stroke172+Actual StrokeActual Stroke96+Actual Stroke220+Actual StrokeActual Stroke991126667 7167 7150112996640Ø9j6 Ø9j6504020Ø122Ø122Ø12H7R18 Ø12H7 R17R18Ø12H7 R17Ø12H720303517734010325084-Ø9628033<strong>LIM</strong>-<strong>TEC</strong>220+Actual Stroke7725.578.52020PositionⅡ30351773PositionⅡ4010325086280RearRearBracketBracketSPSPPositionⅠPositionⅠ4-Ø97778.525.5<strong>Industrial</strong> TechnologiesStroke Code[mm] 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800Actual Stroke[mm] 130 230 330 430 530 630 730 830Note:If the stroke between 800mm-1500mm,the length of external tube & push rod will increase 200mmIf the stroke exceed to 1500mm,please consult with Lim-Tec’s engineers

Индастриал Технолоджис www.ind-techno.com.ua +38 044 596 04 29Overall Dimension of LAP Series Linear ActuatorDimension of LAP35With magnetic reed switches FCM3430Ø35Front Front Attachment AttachmentActual StrokeØØ35Ø3536M14X224Standard HeadBARod Rod End EndROE ROEØ Ø15F7Ø55272714 308+Actual Stroke21 308+Actual StrokeClevis Clevis End EndFO FOØØ15H8603276305+Actual Stroke228+Actual Stroke325(With standard motor)269(With brake motor)9973 801225519Ø3613.576.5Ø10j6Ø122Ball Joint Ball JointTS TSØØ4522Ø14H7523420R18Ø15H7353520451279.540R18Ø65Ø5093858Ø15H784-Ø94-Ø6.5EquallySpaced357090Rear BracketSPFlange Flange End EndFL FLØØØEquallySpaced<strong>Industrial</strong> TechnologiesStroke Code[mm] 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800Actual Stroke[mm] 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800Note:If the stroke between 800mm-1500mm,the length of external tube & push rod will increase 200mmIf the stroke exceed to 1500mm,please consult with Lim-Tec’s engineers

Индастриал Технолоджис www.ind-techno.com.ua +38 044 596 04 29Dimension of LAP35Without limit switches30Actual StrokeØ3536Ø35Dimension of LAP35With external limit switches FCE3630362121Actual StrokeØ35Ø55Rod End ROE21 258+Actual Stroke36Ø35Rod End ROERod End ROE89.5 89.569.543.5 43.5283+Actual Stroke283+Actual StrokeRod End ROEM14X2 M14X224Standard HeadStandard BA HeadBAØ5521 258+Actual Stroke2425257777177+Actual 177+Actual Stroke Stroke96+Actual 96+Actual Stroke StrokeActual Actual Stroke Stroke255+Actual Stroke255+Actual Stroke255+Actual Stroke203+Actual Stroke255+Actual Stroke203+Actual Stroke325(With standard motor)269(With 325(With brake standard motor) motor)269(With brake motor)9912276.512276.573 80Ø10j673 8055Ø122Ø1224522203520R18Ø15H73579.5451240R183858Ø15H784-Ø9709035<strong>LIM</strong>-<strong>TEC</strong>25.5825599Ø10j64522203520R18Ø15H73579.5451240PositionⅡPositionⅡR183858Ø15H784-Ø97090Rear BracketRear Bracket SPSPPositionⅠ PositionⅠ25.582<strong>Industrial</strong> TechnologiesStroke Code[mm] 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800Actual Stroke[mm] 125 225 325 425 525 625 725 825Note:If the stroke between 800mm-1500mm,the length of external tube & push rod will increase 200mmIf the stroke exceed to 1500mm,please consult with Lim-Tec’s engineers

Индастриал Технолоджис www.ind-techno.com.ua +38 044 596 04 29Overall Dimension of LAP Series Linear ActuatorDimension of LAP40With magnetic reed switches FCM3636Ø40Front AttachmentFront AttachmentActual StrokeØ40ØØ4042M20x1.525Standard HeadBARod EndROEØRod EndROEØ20F7 359+Actual Stroke27 359+Actual Stroke40Ø604020Clevis EndFOØClevis EndFOØ20H88045350+Actual Stroke266+Actual Stroke81 104Ø14j614265Stroke Code[mm] 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800Actual Stroke[mm] 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800Note:If the stroke between 800mm-1500mm,the length of external tube & push rod will increase 200mmIf the stroke exceed to 1500mm,please consult with Lim-Tec’s engineers105358(With standard motor)297(With brake motor)109Ø25Ø501894.5Ø138Ball JointTSØ30Ø20H7704555.5Ball JointTS3224R28 R28Ø20H745401005815Ø80Ø60105581Ø20H7154-Ø8.5424-Ø11Rear BracketSPFlange EndFLØØFlange EndFLØEquallySpacedEquallySpaced85110<strong>Industrial</strong> Technologies

Индастриал Технолоджис www.ind-techno.com.ua +38 044 596 04 29Dimension of LAP40Without limit switchesØ40Ø40Dimension of LAP40With external limit switches FCE423636Actual StrokeActual Stroke42Ø4042Ø40M20x1.5Rod End ROERod End ROERod End ROE27 299+Actual StrokeM20x1.527 299+Actual Stroke25Standard 25 HeadBAStandard HeadBA100804527328+Actual Stroke2277Ø6077Ø60290+Actual Stroke290+Actual Stroke236+Actual Stroke236+Actual Stroke358(With standard motor)297(With brake motor)358(With standard motor)180+Actual Stroke96+Actual StrokeActual Stroke109297(With brake motor)142180+Actual Stroke96+Actual StrokeActual Stroke81 1046594.5Ø14j681 104109142Ø13855.5306594.5Ø14j6 32Ø13855.530PositionⅡ24R28 R28Ø20H7454010058153224Ø20H7R28 R28Ø20H7454010055815815154-Ø1185110Rear BracketSPPositionⅠ5581Ø20H7154-Ø1185110Rear BracketSPPositionⅠ37<strong>LIM</strong>-<strong>TEC</strong>1008022424527328+Actual Stroke290+Actual Stroke92.5<strong>Industrial</strong> TechnologiesRod End ROE290+Actual Stroke92.5PositionⅡ2828Stroke Code[mm] 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800Actual Stroke[mm] 130 230 330 430 530 630 730 830Note:If the stroke between 800mm-1500mm,the length of external tube & push rod will increase 200mmIf the stroke exceed to 1500mm,please consult with Lim-Tec’s engineers

Индастриал Технолоджис www.ind-techno.com.ua +38 044 596 04 29Overall Dimension of LAP Series Linear ActuatorDimension of LAP56With Inductive Proximity switches FCPActual Stroke465+Actual Stroke363+Actual Stroke50Ø5638Ø56M30X25045Actual StrokeØ56Ø56M30X2Standard HeadBAØ75Motor Flange Size J2 AC80B5 435 15790B5 474 175Dimension of brake motor reference to LBP56Front AttachmentØ564045Standard HeadBAR30Front AttachmentØ75Rod EndROEØ30H830 4070Ø5640R30Rod EndROEØ30H830 4070465+Actual Stroke363+Actual Stroke263Ø703725120263Ø30H8 Ø30H8Ø7037257074100 16812074105100 168Ø18js670Ø200ØAC4055R45Ø30F7Ø126 Ø12655554040J2 J2 117117Ø91 Ø911520R4950304-Ø13Equally 4-Ø13Equally SpacedSpaced105143Ø30H71004-Ø131401853670Ø200ØACBall JointBall JointTS TS10570Ø18js64055R45Ø30F7555520R4930Rear BracketSPFlange EndFlange EndFL FL1550105143Ø30H71004-Ø13Rear BracketSP140185<strong>Industrial</strong> Technologies50104Stroke Code[mm] 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800Actual Stroke[mm] 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800Note:If the stroke between 800mm-1500mm,the length of external tube & push rod will increase 200mmIf the stroke exceed to 1500mm,please consult with Lim-Tec’s engineers

Индастриал Технолоджис www.ind-techno.com.ua +38 044 596 04 29Dimension of LAP56Without limit switches30H71004-Ø13acket14018550Actual StrokeØ56Ø56M30X250Actual StrokeØ56Dimension of LAP56Ø56M30X2With external limit switches FCE45Standard HeadBA1149453411149445Standard HeadBA77Ø7541405+Actual Stroke333+Actual Stroke210+ Actual Stroke96+ Actual StrokeActual Stroke77Ø752631207074405+Actual Stroke100 168Ø18js6Ø200ØAC40210+ Actual Stroke96+ Actual StrokeActual Stroke333+Actual Stroke2635512070R45Ø30F75555100 16830Ø18js67440J2 117Ⅱ20R49Ø200ØAC40105143ⅠØ30H710055 4-Ø13140185Rear BracketSPR45Ø30F7555540J2 117Ⅱ20R4930105143ⅠØ30H71004-Ø13140185Rear BracketSP39<strong>Industrial</strong> Technologies<strong>LIM</strong>-<strong>TEC</strong>53405+Actual Stroke104405+Actual Stroke3610436Motor Flange Size J2 AC80B5 435 15790B5 474 175Dimension of brake motor reference to LBP56Stroke Code[mm] 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800Actual Stroke[mm] 130 230 330 430 530 630 730 830Note:If the stroke between 800mm-1500mm,the length of external tube & push rod will increase 200mmIf the stroke exceed to 1500mm,please consult with Lim-Tec’s engineers

Индастриал Технолоджис www.ind-techno.com.ua +38 044 596 04 29Overall Dimension of LAP Series Linear ActuatorDimension of LAP63With Inductive Proximity switches FCP406525Ø75Actual StrokeMotor Flange Size J2 AC90B5 510 200100B5 580 200Note: brake motor's dimension consult lim-tecRod EndROEFront AttachmentØ75M39X3SR45505825Standard HeadBAØ40F7Ø122942428Ø105Ball JointTSØ40F7926+ Actual Stroke606+ Actual Stroke490+ Actual Stroke172Ø155Ø1154-Ø 17EquallySpaced130 20615216ØAC336Flange EndFLØ115Ø90Ø1554-Ø1723360R53Ø40F75060 70J2100<strong>Industrial</strong> Technologies45 60 29670+ Actual Stroke19.5139 2541638+ Actual StrokeStroke Code[mm] 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800Actual Stroke[mm] 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800Note:If the stroke between 800mm-1500mm,the length of external tube & push rod will increase 200mmIf the stroke exceed to 1500mm,please consult with Lim-Tec’s engineers

Индастриал Технолоджис www.ind-techno.com.ua +38 044 596 04 29Dimension of LAP63Without limit switches6525Ø75Actual StrokeDimension of LAP63M39X3With external limit switches FCEM39X32558Ø7510549.55825Ø122Ø122Standard HeadBAActual StrokeØ105Ø105546+ Actual Stroke460+ Actual StrokeActual Stroke130172546+ Actual Stroke460+ Actual Stroke206Ø9033660Ø250233R53Ø40F71055010060 7070172184130 206Ø90336ØAC23360R53Ø40F75060 70J210041<strong>Industrial</strong> Technologies<strong>LIM</strong>-<strong>TEC</strong>J2Motor Flange Size J2 AC90B5 510 200100B5 580 200Note: brake motor's dimension consult lim-tecStroke Code[mm] 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800Actual Stroke[mm] 130 230 330 430 530 630 730 830Note:If the stroke between 800mm-1500mm,the length of external tube & push rod will increase 200mmIf the stroke exceed to 1500mm,please consult with Lim-Tec’s engineers

Индастриал Технолоджис www.ind-techno.com.ua +38 044 596 04 29Overall Dimension of LAP Series Linear ActuatorDimension of LAP80With Inductive Proximity switches FCP42ØMotor Flange Size J1 J2 AC112B5 258 350 221132SB5 285 400 221Note: brake motor's dimension consult lim-tecFront AttachmentActual StrokeØØ ØStandard HeadBARod EndROEØ ØActual Stroke Actual StrokeActual Stroke Ball JointTSØØØJ2ØJ1Ø Ø ØEquallySpacedFlange EndFLØØØØRear BracketSPØ<strong>Industrial</strong> TechnologiesActual StrokeActual StrokeStroke Code[mm] 100 200 300 400 500 600 800 1000Actual Stroke[mm] 100 200 300 400 500 600 800 1000Note:If the stroke between 1000mm-1500mm,the length of external tube & push rod will increase 200mmIf the stroke exceed to 1500mm,please consult with Lim-Tec’s engineers

Индастриал Технолоджис www.ind-techno.com.ua +38 044 596 04 29Dimension of LAP80Without limit switchesØActual StrokeØØDimension of LAP80Actual StrokeØØWith external limit switches FCEØØStandard Head Standard HeadBABAØActual StrokeØØ Actual Stroke Actual StrokeActual Stroke Actual StrokeØActual Stroke Actual Stroke Actual StrokeActual Stroke Actual StrokeActual Stroke Actual Stroke ØØØØØØØJ2ØJ1ØØØJ1J2ØJ1 ØJ1ØØØRear Bracket Rear BracketSP Ø SP ØØ43<strong>Industrial</strong> Technologies<strong>LIM</strong>-<strong>TEC</strong>ØJ2ØMotor Flange Size J1 J2 ACJ2112B5 258 350 221132SB5 285 400 221Note: brake motor's dimension consult lim-tecStroke Code[mm] 100 200 300 400 500 600 800 1000Actual Stroke[mm] 130 230 330 430 530 630 830 1030Note:If the stroke between 1000mm-1500mm,the length of external tube & push rod will increase 200mmIf the stroke exceed to 1500mm,please consult with Lim-Tec’s engineers

Индастриал Технолоджис www.ind-techno.com.ua +38 044 596 04 29112Systematic Accessories:Systematic accessories:Magnetic Reed Switch (FCM)The magnetic reed switches have two types: normally closed reed switch(standard) and the normally open limit switch.the magnetic ring at the end of the screw shaft moves along with the screwshaft, when the magnetic ring get close to the limit switch, the state of the limitswitch will be changed through the magnetic field.More reed switch can be placed along the stroke length, while the minimaldistance between the two switches is 10mm and the magnetic limit switch mustbe connected to the control circuit.Control voltage: 3-130VDC/AC Current: 100mARepetitive accuracy: 0.1mm Ambient temperature: -10℃ -70℃Anti-turn device is not available when the actuator is equipped with FCMExternal Limit Switches FCEThe FCE device consists of a sealed aluminum alloy box and steel rod. Adjust theposition of the rings on steel rod which fixed by screw,we can get the stop position ofactuator。Control voltage:3-130VDC/ACCurrent:100mARepetitive accuracy:0.1mmAmbient temperature:-30℃ - 70℃Note:The FCE device is recommended for linear speed lowerthan 30mm/s,for higher speed it is better to use FCM or use brake.Limit Switch Box FCHMounting in shaft of SJ Screw Jack or SC Actuator.FCH is able to control the extremeposition.Structure with planet gear reducer + cam limit switch + potentiometer. Numbers of controlposition depends on number of cam switch, Max. 4 position control. Potentiometer isoptional, could monitor the position of actuator to achieve close loop control.Ambient Temperature -40C - 80CVolt: 380V/220VProtection: IP55, IP67Proximity limit switch (FCP)The thread is fixed on the required position outside the protectivetube, and can not be adjusted; the normally closed limit switch is thestandard.Control voltage: 10-30VDCMax output current: 200mAType X1 X2SJA5 40 45SJA10/SJB10 40 55SJA20/SJB20/21/22 45 50SJA50/SJB50/51 55 45SJA80/SJB80/81 60 60SJA100/SJB100/101 70 50SJA200/SJB200/201 75 50SJA300/SJB300 95 60The vibrating amplitude of the voltage:

Индастриал Технолоджис www.ind-techno.com.ua +38 044 596 04 29FCG limit switchFixed on the rear tube of the screw jack to control the extreme positionof the screw shaft. Can be adjusted +5mm up and down when mounted.The configuration dimension of the limit switch: 80×70×22cmControl voltage: 220ACOperation current: 10AType X1 X2SJA5 40 45SJA10/SJB10 40 55SJA20/SJB20/21/22 45 50SJA50/SJB50/51 55 45SJA80/SJB80/81 60 60SJA100/SJB100/101 70 50SJA200/SJB200/201 75 50SJA300/SJB300 95 60Safety nut SNSN-S safety nut is used in the screw jack with the traveling screw modelSN-R safety nut is used in the screw jack with the traveling nut movement style.The safety nut is mounted below / above the main nut and normally will notwithstand the axial load and only works against the lateral load. The safetynut will hold the whole load if the nut screw does not function. Replacementfor the nut is imperative if the wear of the screw exceeds 20% of the pitch(clearance×changing volume=wear volume). The wear degree can be checkedeither with eyes or through connecting the sensor to the control circuit, which cansound the alarm timely. Mounting the safety nut will increase the length of the nut,therefore change the configuration of the screw jack, for the specific dimensionsplease contact the sales engineer.BellowMade of PVC polyester material with sewn construction.Applicable temperature: -15℃ -70℃The minimum compressed length of the bellow should be taken into accountwhen mounting the bellow. The compress ratio of the bellow is 10:1Bellow is preferred for the acme and ball screw jack to prevent the dust andcontaminants from damaging the screw.Both ends of the bellows need to be fixed with the clamps, the position of thebellows need to be confirmed when the order is issued. The BS bellow is also achoice to protect the screw in the harsh environment.Operation speed: 0.05mm/s-0.5m/sAmbient temperature: -10℃ -80℃Protective class: IP67Lifetime: 10,000,000 timesStroke X1X2Gap x113<strong>Industrial</strong> Technologies<strong>LIM</strong>-<strong>TEC</strong>Anti-backlash device ABUsed to adjust the opposite clearance of the acme thread nut. The preload willeliminate the teeth clearance of the screw nut, the smaller the clearance; thehigher the position accuracy, but the appropriate clearance > 0.02mm must beguaranteed. Mounting the anti-backlash will decrease the transmission efficiencytherefore changing the mechanical parameters of the screw jack. It is advised tolower the duty cycle accordingly.

Индастриал Технолоджис www.ind-techno.com.ua +38 044 596 04 29Accessories114Anti-turn device ARApply to the LAP series of actuators.It is recommended that the anti-turn device be used in the application, whichrequires that actuator will not self-rotate in the process of movement. A keygroove is made on the nut, which ensures the nut and the actuator move in thedirection of the key thus prevent the rotating of the actuator.Caution: due to the mounting interference, anti-turn device should not be usedsimultaneously in conjunction with the magnetic limit switch FCM.Incremental rotary encoder IREMounted on the input shaft of the screw jack or the screw actuator, the feedbacksignal forms the closed loop to control the movement of the actuatorImpulse value: 100/500 impulse per runningVoltage: 5VDCPower supply voltage:5-30VDCAmbient temperature: -20℃-110℃Protective class: IP65Trunnion mounting panel HBPFixed on the housing of the screw jack, enable the screw jack to rotate at acertain degree.The specific dimensions is related to the model type of the screw jackØØØØ耳 轴 安 装 板ØTrunnionModelA B C D 耳 轴 L安 装 板 M N U V W d l升 SJA5-S-..-HBP 降 机 型 号A52B60C39D9L80M72N49U108V116W28d15l18SJA10-S-..-HBP 63 78 49 9 100 85 60 127 142 30 17 21SJA5-S-..-HBP 52SJA20-S-..-HBP60 3981 10696480117213049105108761161612818615401822 28SJA10-S-..-HBPSJA50-S-..-HBP63 11578 15049 879 13100 18085 145 60 102 127 225 142 260 30 50 17 32 21 40SJA20-S-..-HBPSJA80-S-..-HBP81 13110616664 10011 17130 200 105 175 76 117 161 277 186 302 40 70 22 42851SJA100-S-..-HBPSJA50-S-..-HBP 11515515017087 10013 21180 220 145 205 102 125 225 321 260 336 50 75 32 484058SJA200-S-..-HBP 170 200 116.5SJA80-S-..-HBP 131 166 100 1726 250 220 141.5 360200 175 117 277 3023907010542635170SJA300-S-..-HBP 200 235 135 30 295 270 165 420 445 115 68 75SJA100-S-..-HBP 155 170 100 21 220 205 125 321 336 75 48 58SJA200-S-..-HBP 170 200 116.5 26 250 220 141.5 360 390 105 63 70SJA300-S-..-HBP 200 235 135 30 295 270 165 420 445 115 68 75<strong>Industrial</strong> TechnologiesDisk brake Hand Wheel Automatic Lubricator

Индастриал Технолоджис www.ind-techno.com.ua +38 044 596 04 29WiringLubrication and maintenanceLAP/LBP series of actuatorLong life lubricated, free from maintenance.The worm gear, worm shaft, bearing and the screw has been well lubricated in the factory, unless there is some leakage of oil or damage,please lubricate the actuators according to the following table.SJA/SJB/SCA/SCB series of screw jackAC 3-Phase Motor AC 1-Phase Motor DC MotorMagnetiv Reed Switches FCM Inductive Proximity Switches FCP Mechnical Switches FCG External Limit Switches FCEThe worm gear, worm shaft, bearing and the screw has been well lubricated at the factory, the lubricating volume exceeding the volumestated in the table will impinge the mechanical efficiency of the screw jack meantime increase the possibility of the oil leakage.ActuatorLAP/LBP22Worm gearboxActuating partsWorm gearboxActuating partsScrew JackLubricant Quantity[g] Lubricant Quantity Per 1m[g] Lubricant Quantity[g] Lubricant Quantity Per 1m[g]30100 SJA5LAP/LBP25 45 150 SJA/SJB10 130 400LAP/LBP28 60 200 SJA/SJB/SCA/SCB20/21/22 170 550LAP/LBP32 60 300 SJA/SJB/SCA/SCB50/51 430 650LAP/LBP35 90 MOBIL 400 SJA/SJB/SCA/SCB80/81 850 MOBIL750MOBILEP3MOBILEP3XHP222XHP222LAP/LBP40 or 130 500 SJA/SJB/SCA/SCB100/101 or 1100 850ororequivalentequivalentLAP/LBP56 250 equivalent 700 SJA/SJB/SCA/SCB200/201 1700 equivalent 1000LAP/LBP63 380 950 SJA/SJB300 2550 1500LAP/LBP80 550 1300 SJA/SJB450 3570 200080300SJA/SJB700 5100 2600SJA/SJB1000 7200 3300115<strong>Industrial</strong> Technologies<strong>LIM</strong>-<strong>TEC</strong>Choose different types of grease according to different working environments (high or low temperature environment)Special grease for the food industry is also availableFor the high duty cycle screw jack, the grease will lose its lubricating function; entry of granule contaminants might deteriorate the working performance. It isadvised to do a thorough cleaning and re-lubricating the screw jack.It is recommend to use the grease can which is able to supply the continuous lubrication to the inside surface of the housing automatically.Appropriate lubrication to the lubricating board inside the rear tube should be carried out periodically.The nut and the screw should be lubricated appropriately every 200 working hours or according to the specific environment.

Индастриал Технолоджис www.ind-techno.com.ua +38 044 596 04 29力 姆 泰 克<strong>LIM</strong>-<strong>TEC</strong> <strong>Beijing</strong> <strong>Transmission</strong> <strong>Equipment</strong> Co.,LTD.®Http://ww.lim-tec.com E-mail:info@lim-tec.comHead offi ceROOM 1109Yuanyangdeyi tower,Zhongshili Nanjie Jia6, guangqumenwai,100022BEIJING, P.R. ChinaTel: 8610-87757858Fax: 8610-87757857info@lim-tec.com<strong>Industrial</strong> TechnologiesFactoryFuhaonankou, Xuxinzhuang, Songzhuang Town, Tongzhou District,<strong>Beijing</strong>CA105

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