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EDITOR'S OUTLOOKGetting the Cooling to Where it’s NeededBy Ron Edgar [Technical Editor, <strong>Chip</strong> <strong>Scale</strong> <strong>Review</strong>]Not long before the demise <strong>of</strong>Digital Equipment Corporation(DEC), they spent a fortunedeveloping an ill-fated water-cooledsystem, Aquarius. The loss, reputed to bein the order <strong>of</strong> $2B, no doubt contributedto their fall. However, it highlighted thewell-known fact that one <strong>of</strong> the mostserious problems facing system designers,and especially chip designers, is the reality<strong>of</strong> handling heat production. All but themost exotic <strong>of</strong> hardware has been, untilrecently, air cooled. Now, even my computeris water cooled. But standard techniquesare not enough for tomorrow’s needs _they are not getting close enough todissipate heat where it is produced. Hotspots are part <strong>of</strong> the problem, 3D stackingis another. Clock rates continue to climb andhigher levels <strong>of</strong> integration are contemplated.So what are we doing about it?IBM has been getting a lot <strong>of</strong> presscoverage on their efforts to improvecooling. Back in ’09, they announced theirAquasar hot-water-cooled supercomputer.This joint IBM and ETH Zurich venturecooled the processors with warm water andextracted the surplus heat with heatexchangers. The harvested heat was thenused to heat the building, reducing overallpower consumption. At CeBIT 2011 inHanover, Germany, IBM talked about theirprogram and their test chips _ 3D stackswith cooling channels between layers.CMOSAIC is a four-year projectbetween IBM Research, ETH Zurich, andÉcole Polytechnique Federale deLausanne (EPFL), which examinescooling techniques needed to support 3Dchip architectures. Says Pr<strong>of</strong>essor JohnThome, CMOSAIC project coordinator,“The CMOSAIC project is a genuineopportunity to contribute to therealisation <strong>of</strong> arguably the mostcomplicated system that mankind hasever assembled: a 3D stack <strong>of</strong> computerchips with a functionality per unit volumethat nearly parallels the functional density<strong>of</strong> a human brain.”Cooling between the layers is not the onlyway to go. In a paper (Bakir MS, Huang G,Sekar D, King C. 3D Integrated Circuits:Liquid Cooling and Power Delivery. IETETech Rev 2009;26:407-16) authored byresearchers at Georgia Institute <strong>of</strong>Technology, Intel, and SanDisk, theydiscussed fluidic through-silicon vias (F-TSVs), which circulates fluid through thestack using special TSVs. This papercharacterized their approach as, “Unlikeprior work on micr<strong>of</strong>luidic cooling <strong>of</strong> ICsthat require millimeter-sized and bulkyfluidic inlets/outlets to the microchannelheat sink, the proposed micropipe I/Os aremicroscale, <strong>wafer</strong>-level batch fabricated,area-array distributed, flip-chip compatibleand mechanically compliant.” Read the fullarticle at http://tr.ietejournals.org/text.asp?2009/26/6/407/57826.In a recent article in Journal <strong>of</strong> LowPower Electronics, Vol. 7, 1-12, 2011,Cyber-Physical Thermal Management <strong>of</strong>3D Multi-Core Cache-Processor Systemwith Micr<strong>of</strong>luidic Cooling, Qian et al. notonly used micr<strong>of</strong>luidic channels, butcoupled this with “a thermal managementthat can actively control the flow-rate <strong>of</strong>micr<strong>of</strong>luidic channels to maintain thesystem temperature within certaintemperature range.” By dynamicallychanging the flow rate to different parts<strong>of</strong> the system according to predictives<strong>of</strong>tware, it “. . . attains a more eventemperature distribution with lowerpumping power overhead. The total flowrate,which is a direct reflection <strong>of</strong>pumping power, has been reduced by upto 72.1% with a fine grained flow-ratecontrol.” Yes, another outstanding read.There are many other areas being lookedat to help with heat removal. One such isthe concept <strong>of</strong> very thin, liquid-cooled heatsinks. This would allow board pitch toshrink. Another is in the area <strong>of</strong> thermalinterface materials (TIMs). Because TIMsaccount for up to 50% <strong>of</strong> the thermalresistance, there is keen interest in thisarea. Hierarchical nested surface channels(HNCs) need to be optimized and are atrade<strong>of</strong>f between reduced bondlinethickness and increasing resistance withsmaller HNC cell sizes. For 3D stacks,underfill was originally used to reducemechanical stress. Now, thermal propertiesare also important. Epoxy containingdielectric particles such as SiO 2and AL 2O 3conventionally applied by capillary forcesresult in poor thermal properties, typicallyworse than most TIMs. However, atechnique called sequential underfillingfilters the underfill as it exits the stack andloads the space between the dice withmuch more dielectric material than theconventional method. This allows muchbetter thermal flow by putting the particlesin closer contact with the dice and eachother.Much <strong>of</strong> the material here comes fromIBM _ thank you. And what are othersdoing? Lots! Intel, AMD, and a host <strong>of</strong>research facilities are hard at work hopingto keep Moore’s Law alive by getting thecooling to where it’s needed.8<strong>Chip</strong> <strong>Scale</strong> <strong>Review</strong> May/June 2011 [<strong>Chip</strong><strong>Scale</strong><strong>Review</strong>.com]?

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GUEST EDITORIAL3D: Progressing Past the PowerpointBy Françoise von Trapp, Contributing Editor [3D InCites]We’ve been hearing it a lot inthe past year: when will 3Dthrough silicon via (TSV)stacking move past the powerpoint to actualproduction? The implication that 3Dintegration using TSVs looks good in theory,but won’t ever make it to market adoptionhas been one <strong>of</strong> the ongoing debated topics.But it’s been a valid concern. As many reasonsas there are to move to 3D integration, therehave historically been just as manyarguments against it. Mostly, I’m compelledto surround myself with fellow Kool-aiddrinkers; those <strong>of</strong> us who see the eleganceand beauty in the 3D solution and don’t wantto see the roadblocks because they’re merelynuisances to those <strong>of</strong> us who truly believe.3D just makes sense, and sooner or latereveryone’s going to have to see what we see.And then those darn realists poke pins in thatbubble. It costs too much; there’s too muchneeded to motivate the changes to theexisting infrastructure; it doesn’t matter if itWORKS, it will sit on the shelf forever untilthere’s just no other way to do it. In mydarkest moments <strong>of</strong> pure skepticism, I’veeven voiced my theory that there are thosehigh-level decision makers in the industrywho prefer to coast along to their retirementwith existing technologies rather than rockthe boat with something disruptive.But in the past few months, things arehappening. The pessimists are comingaround. They’re willing to take the first steptowards adoption in the form <strong>of</strong> 2.5D siliconinterposer technologies (Figure 1). The 3Devangelists are also coming to the sameconclusions; they know their time will comeand at least 2.5D is a step in the rightdimension (pun intended). And suddenly,we’re there; moving beyond the powerpointpresentations to what Jan Vardaman,president and CEO <strong>of</strong> TechSearchInternational called “real engineering work.”She talked about this progress in herpresentation at the IMAPS Global BusinessCouncil, March 8, 2011. Vardaman pointedto progress in design tool developments;process improvements such as via fill, <strong>wafer</strong>thinning and handling, and singulation; newinspection and failure analysis technology;reliability data; and standards establishment.Still needing work is design s<strong>of</strong>tware, thermalmanagement, test, and reliability data.The Killer “Killer App”It’s well known that MEMS and CMOSimage sensors (CIS) opened the manufacturingdoor for via-last TSVs _ the first applicationsfor TSVs in 2.5D. For a while it was thoughtthat DRAM memory stacks would be thenext step in realizing 3D IC stacks with TSVs.Samsung and Elpida both announcedprototypes and Elpida went so far as to suggestproduction dates. Those well-known imagesbecame part <strong>of</strong> every 3D powerpoint aspro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> 3D ICs potential. It was expectedthat memory on logic stacks would follow.And then somehow, the memory+logicapplication leapfrogged past DRAM aswide I/O DRAM on Logic was announcedas the “killer app” for 3D IC.Figure 1. 2.5D-IC moves existing chips and design methodologies into the third dimension with interposersor flip chips. (Source: Mentor Graphics)At the GSA Memory Conference: 3DArchitecture with Logic & MemoryIntegrated Solutions, March 31, 2011, Iasked the experts why; what happened toDRAM being the next “killer app” despiteall the roadmap declarations? According toDr. John Lau, Fellow <strong>of</strong> IndustrialTechnology Research Institute (ITRI)everyone predicted that DRAM TSV stackswould happen before passive siliconinterposers. “But everyone was WRONG!Passive interposers will be in productionbefore the memory chip,” He noted.“Whoever published that roadmap was 99%wrong.” He noted that since Elpida made itsannouncements, nothing has shipped.Moreover, he said Elpida didn’t even have apilot line for stacking memory chips. Cost,he says, is always most important.Kyowin Jin VP, Product Planning,Worldwide Marketing & Sales, HynixSemiconductor, Inc. explained further thatwhile using TSVs in DRAM memory ismotivated by the technology benefits ratherthan cost, the benefits to DRAM stacksalone are not compelling enough. However,when you add in the benefits <strong>of</strong> stackingthat DRAM cube on a logic stack, itbecomes a worthwhile value proposition.Improving yield <strong>of</strong> “logic + stacked DRAMcombined” becomes more important thanimproving “DRAM only yield”, heexplained. According to Yuan Xie,Pennsylvania State University, for 3D ICto be adopted, it has to both enable novelarchitectures as well as identify a killer app.3D IC enables novel architectures such aslatency (fast interlayer interconnect),bandwidth (high number <strong>of</strong> connectionsbetween layers), heterogeneous integration,and a cost benefit. “Killer apps” includehigh-capacity memory, multi/many-coreprocessors, and exascale computing.Specifically, Xi noted that wide I/O DRAMdemonstrates the bandwidth benefits <strong>of</strong> 3Dfor future quad High-Definition TV(HDTV) applications.10<strong>Chip</strong> <strong>Scale</strong> <strong>Review</strong> May/June 2011 [<strong>Chip</strong><strong>Scale</strong><strong>Review</strong>.com]

What’s Now and What’s NextSupporters <strong>of</strong> Si interposer technologyhave been voicing the benefits <strong>of</strong> 2.5D forquite some time, but is wasn’t until Xilinxintroduced its stacked silicon technologyabout six months ago that technologistsbegan talking about it as not an alternativebut a the first step towards achieving full3D. Lau differentiates between 3D siliconintegration and 3D IC Integrations. 3D Siintegration is the furthest away frommarket adoption, and involves very highaspect ratio TSVs in ultra thin <strong>wafer</strong>swithout <strong>bumping</strong>. He divides 3D ICintegration into 3D TSV memory stacks,active interposers for stacking DRAM onlogic, and passive interposers in 2.5 and3D configurations. Due to its ability toleverage existing infrastructure, Laupredicts that passive interposer technologywill be used the most in the next ten yearswhile the kinks are worked out <strong>of</strong> “true”3D IC integration. Active interposers withTSVs need an ecosystem, EDA tools andbusiness models. Ultimately, the way togo to compete with Moore’s law will be3D SI integration (Figure 2), and that theindustry should strike to make this happen.Realistically, were looking at 10 yearsbefore it’s in production.ConclusionSigns <strong>of</strong> movement beyond the powerpointare everywhere. Foundries and packaginghouses are gearing up to add what hasbeen dubbed “mid-end” processes forsilicon interposer and 3D processes.Amkor has been working with Xilinx andTSMC to assemble its stacked silicon FPGA.ASE is also promoting its 2.5D processes.On April 11 2011, TSMC threw its hat inthe mid-end process ring, announcing itwould expand its <strong>wafer</strong> <strong>bumping</strong> and<strong>wafer</strong> level packaging <strong>of</strong>ferings, and beginfocusing on silicon interposer processes. OnApril 19, 2011, STATS <strong>Chip</strong>PAC announcingthe addition <strong>of</strong> a 300mm “mid-end”process flow to support the advancedmanufacturing requirements <strong>of</strong> 2.5D and3D TSV as well as <strong>wafer</strong> level packaging,flip chip and embedded die technology.Before we know it, these technologieswill be referenced in powerpoints onlyfor historical reference. In its place, lookfor developments <strong>of</strong> 3D Si integration.Figure 2. 3D si integration involves very shortwiring with TSVs between bonded ultrathin <strong>wafer</strong>swithout bumps. (Source: ITRI)<strong>Chip</strong> <strong>Scale</strong> <strong>Review</strong> May/June 2011 [<strong>Chip</strong><strong>Scale</strong><strong>Review</strong>.com] 11

INDUSTRY NEWSIHS iSuppli Ranks SemiconductorSuppliers; Samsung closing in onIntelIn its recently released market researchreport for 2010, IHS iSuppli reports thatthe #2 ranked semiconductormanufacturer, Samsung, is closing the gapbetween it and Intel with a 9.2% marketshare <strong>of</strong> global chip revenue, up from7.6% in 2009. This puts the company only4.1 percentage points behind Intel. Evenmore interesting is the shift for companieslike Renesas, Micron and Broadcom, wholeapt several places ahead to put them inthe top 10 at 5, 8, and 10 respectively.ST Microelectronics slipped back from5th to 7th place, and Qualcomm alsodropped back from 6th to 9th place. Themost dramatic increase <strong>of</strong> revenue wasRenesas, with a 130% increase from$5153 to $11,893.“The rise <strong>of</strong> Samsung is one <strong>of</strong> thebiggest stories <strong>of</strong> the last decade in theworldwide semiconductor market,” saidIHS analyst Dale Ford. “When expertsdiscuss competition for Intel, they almostalways focus on Advanced Micro DevicesInc. (AMD). While it is true that AMD isIntel’s major competitor in themicroprocessing unit (MPU) market,Samsung is the primary rival <strong>of</strong> Intel foroverall semiconductor market share. Andalthough they are mainly indirectcompetitors in the marketplace, Intel andSamsung have been ranked No. 1 and No.2, respectively, for a number <strong>of</strong> years.”In 2001 Intel’s market share at 14.9% wasmore than three times that <strong>of</strong> Samsung at3.9%; Samsung ranked fifth then.IHS iSuppli analysts attribute Samsung’sgrowth to the surging IC memory marketand its position as the top supplier <strong>of</strong>DRAM and NAND. Additionally, Thememory boom has also moved other majormemory suppliers up the market sharerankings and charts. Micron Technology,Hynix Semiconductor and Elpida Memoryexpanded their share <strong>of</strong> the total market by1.1%, 0.7% and 0.4%, respectively.Renesas’ impressive rise in revenuewas largely due to its merger with NEC2009Rank123497513614158111018171923162021222430292010Rank12345678910111213141516171819202122232425Company NameIntelSamsung ElectronicsToshibaTexas InstrumentsRenesas Electronics Corp.HynixSTMicroelectronicsMicron TechnologyQualcommBroadcomElpida MemoryAdvanced Micro DevicesInfineon TechnologiesSonyPanasonic CorporationFreescale SemiconductorNXPMarvell Technology GroupMediaTeknVidiaROHM SemiconductorFujitsu Semiconductor Ltd.Analog DevicesMaxim Integrated ProductsXilinxAll OthersTotal Semiconductor2009Revenue32,18717,49610,3199,6715,1536,2468,5104,2936,4094,2783,9485,2074,4564,4683,2433,4023,2402,5723,5512,8262,5862,5742,0911,6571,69978,11230,194Electronics. The two companies, whichhad combined revenues in 2009 <strong>of</strong> $9.5B,grew 24.7%, less than the overall market,to $11.9B in 2010.Japanese Earthquake Hits Supply <strong>of</strong>Cell Phone Image SensorsAccording to market research companyIHS iSuppli, the March 11 earthquake inJapan is impacting the production <strong>of</strong>CMOS image sensors (CIS) at Toshiba’sIwate image sensor fab, which was shutdown, as well as delaying delivery <strong>of</strong> CISfrom Sony to cell phone OEMS.Together, the companies accounted for19.2% <strong>of</strong> the 2010 global handset digitalcamera image sensor revenue.“With their low cost and easyintegration with other electronics, CMOShas long been the technology <strong>of</strong> choicefor cell phone cameras,” said PamelaTufegdzic, analyst for consumer electronicsat IHS. “The Japan earthquake andsubsequent logistical challenges have2010Revenue40,39427,83413,01012,99411,89310,38010,3468,8767,2046,6826,4466,3456,3195,2244,9464,3574,0283,6333,5533,1963,1183,0902,8622,3672,31192,667304,075PercentChange25.5%59.1%26.1%34.4%130.8%66.2%21.6%106.8%12.4%56.2%63.3%21.9%41.8%16.9%52.5%28.1%24.3%41.3%0.1%13.1%20.6%20.0%36.9%42.8%36.0%18.6%32.1%Percent<strong>of</strong> Total13.3%9.2%4.3%4.3%3.9%3.4%3.4%2.9%2.4%2.2%2.1%2.1%2.1%1.7%1.6%1.4%1.3%1.2%1.2%1.1%1.0%1.0%0.9%0.8%0.8%30.5%100.0%CumulativePercent13.3%22.4%26.7%31.0%34.9%38.3%41.7%44.6%47.0%49.2%51.3%53.4%55.5%57.2%58.8%60.3%61.6%62.8%64.0%65.0%66.0%67.0%68.0%68.8%69.5%Table 1. IHS iSuppli Table: Final Worldwide Revenue Ranking for the Top-25 Semiconductor Suppliers in2010 (Ranking by Revenue in Millions <strong>of</strong> U.S. Dollars)disrupted a portion <strong>of</strong> the supply <strong>of</strong> thiskey component.”While CIS production and distributionhas been impacted, supplies <strong>of</strong> the majoralternative image sensor technology _CCDs _ appear to be unaffected in the nearterm. Because <strong>of</strong> their higher image quality,CCDs are commonly used in digital stillcameras. In contrast, CIS are predominatelyused in cell phones and <strong>of</strong>ten in otherdevices where the camera is secondary toother functions. The global CCD market isdominated by Japanese suppliers includingSony, Panasonic Corp., Fujifilm, SharpCorp. and Toshiba.CEA-Leti to Implement Multiple EVGroup Systems on its 300mm 3D LineCEA-Leti has installed multiple EVGtools in its 300mm cleanroom dedicatedto R&D and prototyping for 3D integrationapplications. Although this state-<strong>of</strong>-theartfacility is focused on R&D andprototyping, EVG’s equipment will12<strong>Chip</strong> <strong>Scale</strong> <strong>Review</strong> May/June 2011 [<strong>Chip</strong><strong>Scale</strong><strong>Review</strong>.com]

Figure 1. EVG850 production bonding system fordirect <strong>wafer</strong> bonding installed in Leti’s 300mm 3Dline. (Courtesy <strong>of</strong> Leti)reportedly be used in 3D technologydemonstrations for Leti’s global customerbase, as well as low-volume pilot productionon 300mm <strong>wafer</strong>s with the end goal <strong>of</strong>transferring the processes to their industrialpartners’ high-volume manufacturingenvironments.The EVG systems to be deployed onCEA-Leti’s new 300mm 3D line includean IQ Aligner production mask alignmentsystem, a SmartView NT highestprecision bond alignment system, anEVG560 production <strong>wafer</strong> bondingsystem and an EVG850 productionbonding system for direct <strong>wafer</strong> bonding(Figure 1). CEA-Leti intends to tapEVG's process know-how in 3Dintegration and through-silicon via (TSV)manufacturing, as the institute’s 3D<strong>of</strong>ferings include TSVs along withadvanced capabilities in alignment,bonding, thinning and interconnects.“These new tools <strong>of</strong>fer important newcapabilities to Leti and our partners,” notedCEA-Leti CEO Laurent Malier. “Togetherwe will demonstrate 3D and heterogeneousintegration technologies on 300mm <strong>wafer</strong>s.”SEMI CEO and President, StanMyers, to Step Down from ExecutiveLeadershipSEMI has announced the impendingretirement <strong>of</strong> CEO Stanley T. Myers,who has informed the SEMI InternationalBoard <strong>of</strong> Directors <strong>of</strong> his intention tostep back from executive leadershipthis year. Myers has participated formore than 50 years in the semiconductorindustry, including 24 years as a SEMIboard member, 15years as president andCEO <strong>of</strong> the association,as wellas chairman <strong>of</strong>the SEMI InternationalBoard in 1994.“Stan is a drivingforce at the helm <strong>of</strong>our industry association,” said RickWallace, CEO <strong>of</strong> KLA-Tencor Corporationand Chairman <strong>of</strong> SEMI’s BOD. “Underhis leadership, SEMI has grown anddiversified to meet the changing needs <strong>of</strong>member companies that participate in one<strong>of</strong> the world’s most complex andsophisticated high-tech industries. As Stananticipates the next chapter <strong>of</strong> his life, weappreciate his thoughtful and deliberateframework for a succession plan.”In consideration <strong>of</strong> Myers’ announcement,Wallace appointed a Board searchcommittee to evaluate candidate successorsfor the role that Myers will be vacating.Tim O’Shea, with the executive searchfirm Heidrick & Struggles, will conductthe search for SEMI. Myers plans tocontinue supporting the association whena new president and CEO is named.Crane Aerospace & Electronicsappoints John P DiStasio, SeniorDirector <strong>of</strong> Business Development,Microwave SolutionsCrane Aerospace & Electronicsannounced the appointment <strong>of</strong> John P.DiStasio, Senior Director <strong>of</strong> BusinessDevelopment forElectronics GroupMicrowave Solutions.DiStasio will lead theMicrowave Solutionsbusiness developmentteam, which includessites in Beverly, MA; Chandler, AZ; WestCaldwell, NJ; and San Jose, Costa Rica.Prior to his appointment, DiStasio heldthe position <strong>of</strong> Director <strong>of</strong> Field Sales atCobham _ M/A-COM, managing theworldwide field sales organization.DiStasio holds a BS in Electrical Engineeringfrom Northeastern University.<strong>Chip</strong> <strong>Scale</strong> <strong>Review</strong> May/June 2011 [<strong>Chip</strong><strong>Scale</strong><strong>Review</strong>.com] 13

Partnering to Enable Volume Manufacturing for 3D ICStacks with TSVsCollaboration between suppliers and semiconductor manufacturers is vital to helpensure that cost-effective processes are built into the R&D effort at the beginning.By Sitaram Arkalgud, Director <strong>of</strong> 3D Interconnect [SEMATECH]3D through silicon via (TSV) expertise to deliver innovative, manufacturable These include a lack <strong>of</strong> electronic designtechnology <strong>of</strong>fers the benefits <strong>of</strong> process solutions.automation (EDA) tools, the need forfunctionality/performance Although SEMATECH has significantly cost-effective manufacturing equipmentenhancement and power/cost reduction broadened its charter to explore cuttingedgetechnologies and future-oriented reliability data involving thermal issues,and processes, insufficient yield andfor future semiconductor products.However, it demonstrates a classic manufacturing strategies, its approach to electromigration and thermo-mechanicalexample <strong>of</strong> the entry-level hurdles R&D is still rooted in the twin legacy <strong>of</strong> reliability, and compounded yield losses.facing the introduction <strong>of</strong> a new pulling important university research into Given the disruptive nature <strong>of</strong> TSVs, itstechnology. TSV is not a single the commercialization pipeline and working successful implementation will require antechnology element but spans all with equipment and materials suppliers unprecedented level <strong>of</strong> cooperationaspects <strong>of</strong> the industry. To successfully to ensure that the solutions it develops within the supply chain.enter high volume manufacturing (HVM), are both manufacturable and affordable. Issues that have restricted 3Dit requires broad collaboration among Today, especially given the increasing interconnects from entering HVMIDMs, equipment and materials suppliers, role suppliers are playing in technology encompass the front-end, assembly andfabless and fab-lite manufacturers, and development for the industry, SEMATECH packaging, and design and test. Timelytest, packaging and assembly companies.To encourages a new level <strong>of</strong> partnership in availability <strong>of</strong> advanced equipment is aaddress the various implementation which suppliers join as program members key enabler <strong>of</strong> 3D development. SEMATECHscenarios for 3D TSV, leading-edge in areas <strong>of</strong> specific expertise and interest, is working jointly with chipmakers,processes, integration approaches, share ideas and resources, and take equipment and materials suppliers, andmetrology technologies, and tool sets advantage <strong>of</strong> expanded opportunities to universities on device interactions formust be developed to deliver costeffective3D interconnect processes. Specifically, with new equipment and and future scaling to 30nm for planar anddevelop and test their tools and materials. fabrication at the 65nm node for planarSEMATECH traditionally focuses on materials suppliers now on board in its non-planar CMOS technologies. Thedeveloping materials and equipment 3D interconnect program, including result is a proven 3D TSV infrastructuresolutions to reduce cost-<strong>of</strong>-ownership NEXX Systems, Atotech, Tokyo Electron from materials through integration.(CoO). This is accomplished by working Ltd., and Lasertec, SEMATECH researchers A major supply chain question is whereto extend current technologies as long as are able to work on early development in the production line will TSVs bepossible and by preparing for transitions challenges including cost modeling, created _ as part <strong>of</strong> <strong>wafer</strong> fabrication, orto next-generation technology. Its track technology option narrowing, and at the end, as part <strong>of</strong> packaging? Therecord in preparing new technologies for technology development and benchmarking, answer affects both via processes and viamanufacturing include the industry’s while also building industry consensus on 3D. locations. It also determines who in the300mm <strong>wafer</strong> size transition, 193nmsupply chain does the job, <strong>wafer</strong> suppliersimmersion, and high-k and low-k materials. 3D Infrastructure Value Chain or packaging houses. Partnering withSEMATECH’s TSV research and 3D infrastructure and supply chain suppliers has allowed SEMATECH todevelopment is the successor to almost readiness is the biggest concern for the address these and other industry concerns.ten years <strong>of</strong> work the consortium has broad adoption <strong>of</strong> 3D ICs. A primary concern For example, SEMATECH has madeundertaken to develop robust copper/lowkinterconnect technology. SEMATECH’s roles are being questioned, resulting in 300mm 3D IC pilot line, with capabilitiesis that the traditional front-end and assembly considerable investment in a completeprogram on 3D integration focuses on avia-mid approach, with Cu _ questions regarding ownership, liability, in equipment, processing, and metrologyCu bonding and value proposition. In addition, there to advance 3D integration technologies.covering both die-to-<strong>wafer</strong> (D2W) and are various strategic technology choices SEMATECH members are now able to<strong>wafer</strong>-to-<strong>wafer</strong> (W2W) integrations. It and different process steps that need to evaluate tools, process modules, and evenpartners with leading-edge equipment and be determined before the implementation integration sequences within a state-<strong>of</strong>the-artCMOS environment.materials suppliers and leverages their <strong>of</strong> 3D TSV interconnects is realized.14 <strong>Chip</strong> <strong>Scale</strong> <strong>Review</strong> May/June 2011 [<strong>Chip</strong><strong>Scale</strong><strong>Review</strong>.com]

One <strong>of</strong> the keys to fabricating many 3Dchip structures is the development <strong>of</strong>high-yield, low-cost copper electroplatingsolutions that will enable high-density 3DTSVs. The technology <strong>of</strong> copperelectroplating provides a void-free fill forall feature sizes while minimizinginterconnect overburden and topographyat the same time. There is a variety <strong>of</strong>products that may have different optimalfill conditions and working with supplierscan help researchers eliminate the variouschallenges associated with cost, newmaterials, and technical questions suchas copper pumping and overall reliability.Tool PartnersNEXX Systems, which manufacturersprocess equipment for advanced <strong>wafer</strong>levelpackaging (WLP), collaborates withSEMATECH on innovative electrodepositiontechnology in the area <strong>of</strong> advanced WLPitems and their participation in SEMATECH’s3D program provides valuable expertiseon developing robust, low-costelectroplating solutions. One advantage<strong>of</strong> the NEXX platform is the versatility <strong>of</strong>the tool, which allows the investigation<strong>of</strong> various methods and chemistries toachieve a reliable, consistent electrochemicaldeposition for <strong>wafer</strong> plating.Furthermore, the NEXX Stratus system(Figure 1) commonly used in thepackaging arena, is now being developedas a tool suitable for front-endcleanrooms. The inset (<strong>of</strong> Figure 1)shows the cross-section <strong>of</strong> copper filledTSVs plated using the NEXX Stratus.As a market leader in PCB and ICsubstrates industries, Atotech’sparticipation in SEMATECH’s 3Dprogram has been very valuable forSEMATECH engineers as they developprocess technologies for both D2W andW2W 3D applications. Atotech contributesto the R&D with cost-competitive,innovative chemistries and plating knowhow.The partnership has provided costeffectiveprocesses for industry-wideimplementation <strong>of</strong> copper electroplatingsolutions to enable void-free bottom-upfilling <strong>of</strong> high density 3D TSVs (Figure3). Specifically, the electrical characterizationdata and early reliability data generatedFigure 1. The NEXX Stratus system commonly used in thepackaging arena is now being developed as a tool suitablefor front-end cleanrooms. Inset shows the cross-section <strong>of</strong>copper filled TSVs plated using the NEXX Stratusfor the experiments enable the R&Dteams to analyze results and improve theprocess for best TSV performance.In addition to via size and shape,researchers must consider differentchemistries to form the vias potentiallyrequiring new etch chemistries. AsSEMATECH’s first associate member <strong>of</strong>its 3D program, Tokyo Electron Limited(TEL) has provided their experience indeep silicon etching. TEL’s 300 mmTelius TM SP UD, the latest generationTSV etch tool, has allowed SEMATECHresearchers to investigate various<strong>Chip</strong> <strong>Scale</strong> <strong>Review</strong> May/June 2011 [<strong>Chip</strong><strong>Scale</strong><strong>Review</strong>.com] 15

Figure 2. Tokyo Electron’s Telius TM SP UD, and insetshows the details <strong>of</strong> a 5x50 micron TSVFigure 3. Atotech’s and SEMATECH’s partnershipenables cost-effective processes for industry-wideimplementation <strong>of</strong> copper electroplating solutions toenable void-free bottom-up filling <strong>of</strong> high density 3Dthrough-silicon-vias (TSVs)In 2010, Lasertec joined SEMATECHto further investigate and compare 3DTSV depth metrology schemes _ criticalwork necessary not only for TSV RIEprocess control, but also for providingcritical feed forward data for <strong>wafer</strong>thinning and TSV expose processes.To facilitate this work, Lasertec placeda 300mm TSV infrared (IR) etchmetrology tool (Figure 4) inSEMATECH’s 3D R&D center, providingadvanced measurement capabilities thathave enabled accurate, repeatable TSVdepth measurements over a range <strong>of</strong> TSVdimensions (Figure 5).StandardsAlthough supplier engagement isimportant to deliver 3D TSV solutionsfor HVM, bringing in all players fromacross the entire industry _ fabless, fabliteand IDM companies, outsourcedassembly and test suppliers, and toolvendors _ is equally important to driveindustry consensus on integrationapproaches, process architectures, toolsets, creating a roadmap, and for standards.3D must accommodate the wide range<strong>of</strong> process parameters demanded bycompeting companies trying to establishtheir own proprietary process flows.Standards will be needed to ensurecommon interfaces from differentsuppliers. Heterogeneous stacking willrequire integrating processes fromdifferent manufacturers.SEMATECH is playing a strategic rolein working with the industry to drivemanufacturability and forge consensus ontechnology options, standards, and costmodeling. SEMATECH, the SIA,and SRC established the 3DEnablement Center targetingstandards in inspection, metrology,micro<strong>bumping</strong>, bonding, and thin<strong>wafer</strong> and die handling.The center aims to solve key industryinfrastructure gaps includingdeveloping uniform standards and abetter understanding <strong>of</strong> keymanufacturing parameters, whichwould identify the key areas forConclusionThe technology roadmap requiresintense collaboration throughout theindustry supply chain. Design enablementcompanies, equipment and materialssuppliers, fabless, fab-lite, and assemblyand packaging companies must join withvertically integrated chipmakers todevelop system-wide solutions.Since 3D TSVs are destined to play sucha significant role in the products that applythem, partnering with the right supplier canmake the difference between success andobsolescence. The benefit with theSEMATECH/supplier partnerships ishaving ready and early access to advancedtechnology and the expertise in materialresearch, design, bonding, packaging andtesting. The result is a proven 3D TSVinfrastructure from design to testedpackage and the key to building theproducts that shape the market.chemistries to etch vias ranging from sub1μm to > 10μm in diameter, using a non-Bosch etch. Furthermore, the integration<strong>of</strong> TEL’s 3D tools has enabledSEMATECH to explore different etchchemistries and develop an optimized etchprocess for TSVs. Figure 2 shows TokyoElectron’s Telius TM SP UD, and insetshows the cross section <strong>of</strong> a 5x50μm TSV.The partnership is a tw<strong>of</strong>old benefit _refining TSV etch development processesand providing useful data to SEMATECHFigure 4. Lasertec’s WASVI series TSV300-IRmembers as well as TEL’s customers, andprovides advanced measurement capabilities thathas expanded from TSV etch developmenthave enabled accurate, repeatable TSV depthmeasurements over a range <strong>of</strong> TSV dimensionsto developing new technologies usedelsewhere in TSV processing.To effectively explore innovativemetrology capabilities that will make3D TSVs commercially viable,researchers from SEMATECH areexploring 3D metrology techniques tocomplement bonding tool development.The key steps towards bridging highvolumemanufacturing readiness gaps foran integrated 3D TSV tool platform anddeveloping metrology techniques thatwill accelerate adoption <strong>of</strong> 3D integration developing design tools to beFigure 5. The data in the graph above, from Lasertec’s WASVIis to partner with suppliers who help transitioned to mainstream highvolumeproduction.measurements made on 1 and 5 micron wide, dense andTSV300-IR tool, shows the repeatability <strong>of</strong> depthdevelop robust, cost-effective processmetrology solutions.isolated TSVs16 <strong>Chip</strong> <strong>Scale</strong> <strong>Review</strong> May/June 2011 [<strong>Chip</strong><strong>Scale</strong><strong>Review</strong>.com]

<strong>Chip</strong>-Level Spot CoolingBy Kaveh Azar, Ph.D. [Advanced Thermal Solutions, Inc.]As device densities and clockfrequencies continue toincrease, the switchingcurrents carried by the power and groundnetworks increase as well, leading to apower density increase. This increase,along with the lower power supplyvoltages and thinner wires, can adverselyaffect the robustness <strong>of</strong> an IC. Powerdistribution systems are designed toprovide needed voltages and currents tothe transistors that perform the logicfunctions <strong>of</strong> a chip. The supply voltagesare assumed to be constant across a chip,and are expected to operate reliably overthe chip’s lifetime. The complexity <strong>of</strong>power distribution systems and theirsubsequent spot heating have a significantimpact on chip performance. If ICdesigners do not consider such matters,they will have a difficult time producinga robust system since the chip may fail inthe field after it is embedded in a system.This issue is acutely highlighted by theInternational Technology Roadmap forSemiconductors (ITRS). Table 1 showstheir predicted trends in electronicspackaging for the coming years.As observed by Lin, et al., the projectedallowable maximum power density(shown in Table 1) is approachingYear <strong>of</strong> ProductionSupply Voltage (V)1Transistor (M)2Size (mm 2 )3Lg (nm)4Id.sat (uA/um)5Isd, leakage (uA/um)6Intrinsic Delay, τ (ps)7Switching Energy (fJ)8Max, P.D.(W/cm 2 )20130.944243101322200.110.250.019863.8720160.88848310927130.110.150.009163.8720190.717696310627440.110.100.003663.87Table 1. High Performance Double Gate LogicTechnology Trend Targets. [1]1Functions per chip at production (million transistors)2<strong>Chip</strong> size at production (mm 2 )3Physical gate length (nm)4Effective saturation drive current (uA/um)5Source/drain sub-threshold <strong>of</strong>f-state leakage current(uA/um)6Intrinsic transistor delay for NMOS devices at 25 o C (ps)7Energy per device switching transition withdimensions W/Lg=3 (fJ/device)8Maximum allowable average power density (W/cm 2 )saturation in the next few years due tothe limited capability for system levelheat removal. 1 While increasing the chipsize can reduce the overall heat flux, thedesire to place more circuitry on the samesilicon will negate the notion <strong>of</strong> a largerchip. As noted by Taur, thermal problemsare amplified because the leakage current(power at the transistor level) forms themajor portion <strong>of</strong> the total powerdissipated by the chip. 3 Seeing as thisleakage is undesirable from the thermalstandpoint, it has become the primaryfactor in limiting the scaling <strong>of</strong> CMOSdevices.Due to the increase in powerdissipation across chips, local hot spotshave become a challenge for devicedesigners and thermal engineers. Fromthe combination <strong>of</strong> small device featuresand passage <strong>of</strong> electrical current in suchlocations, local heat flux densities haverisen dramatically while posing asignificant challenge for cooling thermalspikes on the chip. Figure 1 shows onesuch effect where there is significantpower and subsequently temperaturedistribution on the chip. 4The power pr<strong>of</strong>ile over the chip haspeaks and valleys. The peaks representthe highest power concentration (largestheat flux, W/mm 2 ) and highestFigure 1. Map <strong>of</strong> FET Junction Temperature for a 115 WPackaged Power 4 <strong>Chip</strong> Derived from <strong>Chip</strong> PowerAnalysis (left) and Thermal Modeling Simulation (right). 4Figure 2. Power and Temperature Distributions at theCPU Junction. 5temperature levels on the chip. This isdepicted in Figure 2 for a CPU. Thesepeaks have a proportionally highertemperature than the rest <strong>of</strong> the chip andrepresent the potential for a chip’smalfunction or its catastrophic failure.Once we translate this to a PCB, some <strong>of</strong>the components are <strong>of</strong> high to averagepower and some are <strong>of</strong> low to averagepower. Consequently, the PCB has thesame power and thermal response as thechips on the components forming thePCB. This impacts the thermal response<strong>of</strong> the components residing on it, i.e.,change <strong>of</strong> boundary conditions. Thethermal management at both levels <strong>of</strong>packaging: chip (component) and PCBare huge bottlenecks in the successfullaunch <strong>of</strong> an application. They becomeeven more prevalent as the heat fluxdensity increases.Despite significant advances incomponent packaging and materialdesign, the industry continues to strugglewith this issue. The solution for the spotcooling has two broad forms _ at thesilicon level and at the packaging level.Silicon LevelMany solutions have been explored atthe silicon level. Among these is thedeployment <strong>of</strong> micro-channel heatexchangers (MCHEs), thin-film thermoelectric coolers (TECs), micro heatpipes, and localized copper bumps toimprove heat spreading on a largersurface area, or in the case <strong>of</strong> an MCHE,transporting it to a different location.Figure 3 shows a stacked MCHE that isused for cooling a silicon substrate.The success <strong>of</strong> these techniques(except for a handful <strong>of</strong> highlycustomized applications, such as largerscale computers) has been weak andunsatisfactory. TECs, bumps, micro heatpipes, etc, have had moderate successin dampening the peaks observed as aresult <strong>of</strong> the power density variation.Often, because <strong>of</strong> the aspect ratio or thearea, the heat flux exceeds 400-500 W/<strong>Chip</strong> <strong>Scale</strong> <strong>Review</strong> May/June 2011 [<strong>Chip</strong><strong>Scale</strong><strong>Review</strong>.com] 17

Figure 3. Stacked Micro-Channel HeatExchanger for Substrate Cooling. 6cm 2 . In some high-power applications, itexceeds 1-2 kW/cm 2 . With such high heatfluxes, one can appreciate the limits <strong>of</strong>the aforementioned technologies.A notable approach to this problem hasbeen the electrical control <strong>of</strong> the chip.Dynamic thermal management(DTM)has been examined as a technique forcontrolling CPU power dissipation. DTMrefers to a range <strong>of</strong> possible hardware ands<strong>of</strong>tware strategies that work dynamically,at run-time, to control a chip’s operatingtemperature. 7Traditionally, the packaging and fansfor a CPU or computer system aredesigned to maintain a safe operatingtemperature even when the chip isdissipating the maximum power possiblefor a sustained period <strong>of</strong> time, andtherefore generating the highest amount<strong>of</strong> thermal energy. This worst-casethermal scenario is highly unlikely,however, and thus such worst-casepackaging is <strong>of</strong>ten expensive overkill.DTM allows packaging engineers todesign systems for a target sustainedthermal value that is much closer toaverage-case for-real benchmarks. If aparticular workload operates above thispoint for sustained periods, a DTMresponse will work to reduce chiptemperature. In essence, DTM allowsdesigners to focus on average thermalconditions in their designs, rather thanworst-case conditions.The key goals <strong>of</strong> DTM can be statedas follows:1. to provide inexpensive hardware ors<strong>of</strong>tware responses,2. to reliably reduce power and,3. to impact performance as little as possible.To better understand the process, themaximum power dissipation occurs whenall <strong>of</strong> the structures within the processorare active with maximum switchingactivity. In reality, the maximum powerFigure 4. Block Diagram and the Topical TemperatureMeasurement <strong>of</strong> a 10 x 10 mm Test <strong>Chip</strong>, respectively. 12dissipation is constrained by the s<strong>of</strong>twareprogram that can maximize the usage andswitching activity <strong>of</strong> the hardware.Special max-power benchmarks can bewritten to maximize the switching activity<strong>of</strong> the processor. These benchmarks are<strong>of</strong>ten quite esoteric, perform nomeaningful computation, and dissipatehigher power than ‘real’ programs. Thus,DTM techniques could be used solely totarget power levels seen in maximumpower benchmarks and would rarely beinvoked during the course <strong>of</strong> typicalapplications. 8Package LevelAt the package level, cooling solutionscan be applied to the top <strong>of</strong> the silicon,or alternatively the component isimmersed in some sort <strong>of</strong> heat transferfluid. The goal <strong>of</strong> these approaches is torapidly remove the heat from the deviceor to provide a medium that can effectivelyabsorb the thermal peaks by improvedthermal spreading. A number <strong>of</strong> techniqueshave been explored by many researchersin the field with varied success. 9 Table 2presents such techniques and theirrespective characteristics.Technology AdvantagesFan sinks with Compact,heat pipe (hybrid) versatileThermoelectricLiquid coolingDirect immersionRefrigerationCryogenicsSpot coolingHigh surfaceheat transferHighcapacitySub-ambientSuper coolingDisadvantagesReliability,space, limitedto ambienttemperatureReliability,low capacitySealing, cost,maintenance,packagingCost, sealing,packagingCost, power,space, packagingCost, power,packagingTable 2. Thermal and Deployment Characteristics<strong>of</strong> Select Cooling Options. 9Other cooling solutions have beendeployed or exist at university orcompany laboratories. 10,11 One paper byLin and Banerjee demonstrates the impact<strong>of</strong> global and local cooling solutionsapplied to hot spots on dies specificallydesigned for such study. 12Figures 4a and 4b show the functionalblock layout <strong>of</strong> a test chip showing thepower density associated with each block.Nominal total power consumption is 90W. Figure 4b shows four hot-spots on thetopical substrate temperature pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong>the test chip. In this case, the highesttemperature is around 73 o C.Figures 5a and 5b show the topicalsubstrate temperature pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong> the testchip for global and spot coolingrespectively. The substrate temperaturepr<strong>of</strong>ile shows several hot spots, and thehighest junction temperature is around73 o C. Although the results shown here arespecific to the aforementioned IC, theconclusions drawn are more generic.Figure 5 shows the effect <strong>of</strong> applyingglobal and localized cooling strategies onhot spot management. As shown inFigure 5a, a lower junction-to-ambientthermal resistance (θ ja) obtained byapplying global cooling (through betterinterface material, higher coolingefficiency, etc.) reduces the maximumjunction temperature. However, on-chiphot spots and thermal gradients stillremain. On the other hand, localizedcooling solutions such as local spraycooling and thin-film thermoelectriccoolers can be applied to eliminate thehot spots. For example, if a thin-filmthermoelectric cooler is placed on thebackside <strong>of</strong> the <strong>wafer</strong> below the location<strong>of</strong> the bottom-right hot spot, it caneffectively eliminate the targeted hot spotas shown in Figure 5b.SummaryThe power pr<strong>of</strong>ile over the chip haspeaks and valleys. The peaks representthe highest power concentration (largestheat flux, W/mm 2 ) and highesttemperature levels on the chip. Thermalmanagement <strong>of</strong> these hot spots hasbecome a unique challenge for devicedesigners and thermal engineers alike.Through the combination <strong>of</strong> smallerdevice features and the passage <strong>of</strong>18<strong>Chip</strong> <strong>Scale</strong> <strong>Review</strong> May/June 2011 [<strong>Chip</strong><strong>Scale</strong><strong>Review</strong>.com]

Figure 5. Topical Temperature Difference for Global (5a) and Spot Cooling (5b) <strong>of</strong>a 10 x 10 mm Test <strong>Chip</strong>. 12electrical current in such locations, local heat flux densities haverisen dramatically. They pose a significant challenge for coolingthermal spikes on the chip.It is clear that topical or spot approaches for the thermalmanagement <strong>of</strong> these hot spots are not sufficient. To successfullydevelop such products, it is essential for thermal managementand logic-flow to be considered concurrently, and for a systemlevel approach to be taken.References1. International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors(ITRS). www.itrs.net.2. Lin, S. and Banerjee, K., Cool <strong>Chip</strong>s: Opportunities andImplications for Power and Thermal Management, IEEETransactions On Electron Devices, Vol. 55, No. 1, January 2008.3. Taur, Y., CMOS Design Near the Limit <strong>of</strong> Scaling, IBM J.Res. Develop., Vol. 46, No. 2/3, 2002.4. Warnock, J., Keaty, J., Petrovick, J., Clabes, J., Kircher, C.,Krauter, B., Restle, P., Zoric, B. and Anderson, C., The Circuitand Physical Design <strong>of</strong> the POWER4 Microprocessor, IBMJournal <strong>of</strong> Research and Development, Vol. 46, No. 1, 2002.5. Wei, J., Thermal Management <strong>of</strong> Fujitsu’s High-PerformanceServers, Fujitsu Sci. Tech. J., 43, January 2007.6. Web Reference: http://plaza.ufl.edu/rxiong/research/STflow_files/micro-channels.JPG7, 8. Brooks, D. and Martonosi, M., Dynamic ThermalManagement for High-Performance Microprocessors, Proceedings<strong>of</strong> the 7th International Symposium on High-PerformanceComputer Architecture, Monterrey, Mexico, January 2001.9. Azar, K., Advanced Cooling Concepts and Their Challenges,Presented at the Int. Workshop Thermal Investigations ICs andSystems (THERMINIC), Madrid, Spain, 2002.10. Rodgers, P., Eveloy, V., and Pecht, M., Limits <strong>of</strong> Air-Cooling:Status and Challenges, Proc. SEMI-THERM, 2005.11. Prasher, R., Chang, J., Sauciuc, I., Narasimhan, S., Chau, D.,Chrysler, G., Myers, A., Prstic, S., and Hu, C., Nano and MicroTechnology-Based Next-Generation Package-Level CoolingSolutions, Intel Technol. J., Vol. 9, No. 4, November 2005.12. Lin, S. and Banerjee, K., IEEE Transactions on ElectronDevices, Vol. 55, No. 1, January 2008.KAVEH AZAR, Ph.D., is the President and CEO <strong>of</strong> AdvancedThermal Solutions, Inc. (ATS). He may be contacted at 89-27Access Rd., Norwood, MA 02062, 1-781-769-2800; E-mailKazar@qats.com.<strong>Chip</strong> <strong>Scale</strong> <strong>Review</strong> May/June 2011 [<strong>Chip</strong><strong>Scale</strong><strong>Review</strong>.com] 19

3D Wafer Level <strong>Chip</strong> <strong>Scale</strong> Packaging: A SteppingStone to Full 3D IntegrationBy Daniel F. Baldwin, Ph.D., Paul Houston, Brian Lewis, Tim Sparks, Fei Xie [ENGENT, Inc.]Back-end-<strong>of</strong>-line (BEOL) existing infrastructures <strong>of</strong> WLP and highvolumeflip chip assembly. It will brieflyassembly involving 3Dintegration at the <strong>wafer</strong> level review 3D integration technologies, presenthas received increasing exposure in implementation strategies for 3D die levelelectronics literature. Development efforts integration packaging, and presentfor 3D <strong>wafer</strong>-level integration are examples <strong>of</strong> 3D die level integratedunderway worldwide, with the promise packaging solutions. Additionally, thethat this elegant integration technique will assembly advancements associated withenable a long-term solution to the and implemented to produce the 3D faceto-faceflip-chip-on-<strong>wafer</strong> (F2FFCoW)industry’s expanding computational powerand memory requirements. In the short package will be explained.term, however, a need exists for achievingmany <strong>of</strong> 3D integration’s benefits without 3D Die Level Integrationrequiring a vertically integrated production 3D die level integration is a device-levelinfrastructure typically needed for the full integration scheme wherein multiple layers3D <strong>wafer</strong>-level integration solution. <strong>of</strong> planar devices are stacked andFor emerging applications, there is a 3D interconnected in the Z-direction usingintegration technology that provides many various combinations <strong>of</strong> flip chip<strong>of</strong> the 3D <strong>wafer</strong>-level integration benefits interconnect, direct die bonding, andand leverages existing high volume BEOL through die vias. 3D die stacking is achievedproduction infrastructure. An initial by producing devices <strong>of</strong> a specific functionstepping stone for 3D integration is 3D dieto-<strong>wafer</strong>(D2W)or die-to-die (D2D) DRAM, embedded wireless networks, etc.)(i.e., embedded processors, DSPs, SRAM,integration. 3D integration at the die level that are bonded together in singulated or<strong>of</strong>fers key features like very high levels <strong>of</strong> tile form. Singulated known good dieintegration, very small form factor (KGD) are then vertically interconnectedpackages (<strong>of</strong>ten chip scale in size), very to create an integrated functional device.low pr<strong>of</strong>ile packages, low weight 3D die level integration represents apackages, and improved digital and RF unique opportunity to gain the performanceperformance.and form factor advantages <strong>of</strong> 3D <strong>wafer</strong>3D D2W integration can be achieved via level integration without the drawbacks. 3Dface-to-face bonding <strong>of</strong> fine-pitch flip chip die level integration does not suffer fromcomponents and low - pr<strong>of</strong>ile passives onto high yield loss due to good die being bondeda redistribution layer <strong>of</strong> another silicon to bad die during <strong>wafer</strong> integration, andcomponent - a <strong>wafer</strong> level chip scale does not require full-scale <strong>wafer</strong> processing.package (WLCSP). In this manner, a flip 3D <strong>wafer</strong>-level integration requires both,chip driver can be mounted directly onto a resulting in prohibitively high costs forCSP memory component, ASIC, etc. Wafer integrated packaging solutions for highperformanceapplications. In theselevel packaging (WLP) provides a highlyfunctional platform from which to applications, 3D <strong>wafer</strong> bonding isimplement a new package technology supplanted by D2W or D2D bondingincorporating 3D D2W integration. because <strong>of</strong> its ability to assemble onlyMoreover, such a packaging architecture probed good die, to support easierprovides a cost-effective, rapid time-tomarketalternative to emerging 3D <strong>wafer</strong>-dissimilar sizes, to interconnect die fromalignment tolerances, to interconnect die <strong>of</strong>level integration technologies.dissimilar size <strong>wafer</strong>s, and to interconnectThis article summarizes this low-cost, 3D die <strong>of</strong> dissimilar base semi-conductorWLCSP technology that leverages the materials _ i.e., heterogeneous integration. Figure 1. 3D WLCSP and FC Process Flow [6]20 <strong>Chip</strong> <strong>Scale</strong> <strong>Review</strong> May/June 2011 [<strong>Chip</strong><strong>Scale</strong><strong>Review</strong>.com]Implementation strategies for 3DDie-Level IntegrationThere are a number <strong>of</strong> techniques thatcan be used to implement 3D die-levelintegration. These include D2D integration,D2W integration, die to interposerintegration, and combinations there<strong>of</strong>. Thekey to implementing high performance andhigh reliability 3D integrated die packagesis to leverage existing domesticinfrastructure, interconnect structures thathave a proven reliability track record, andwell-characterized packaging architectures.Fundamental building blocks to 3Dintegrated die packages are multi-layer,<strong>wafer</strong>-level redistribution technology,integrated passive structures, embedded ICstructures, very fine pitch flip chip/directdie bonding, through silicon/substrate vias,<strong>wafer</strong>/die thinning, and warpagecompensation <strong>of</strong> thin die and substrates.In most instances, die-level integrationleverages industry-proven <strong>wafer</strong>-levelredistribution technologies for whichthere is a strong domestic manufacturinginfrastructure. This follows since mostICs are designed for wirebonding and toa lesser extent flip chip, and the formerdoes not lend itself well to 3D integration.

BEOL redistribution processing providesthe interconnect structure which ensuresa compatible I/O pad structure betweenthe ICs during 3D bonding. Figure 1shows an example <strong>of</strong> one such 3D dielevel implementation using redistributiontechnology.Proven techniques for interconnecting 3Ddie stacks include wirebonding and bumpbonding such as solder flip chip, thermosonicbonding, thermocompression bonding, andlow-temperature compression bonding.Additional, more involved, techniques for 3Ddie interconnect include silicon fusionbonding, polymer bonding, metal-to-metalfusion (e.g., Cu to Cu) bonding, direct bondinterconnect TM (DBI), and eutectic bonding.These later techniques are more common in<strong>wafer</strong> bonding applications but can be usedfor D2W and D2D bonding. The choice <strong>of</strong>which interconnect structure or combination<strong>of</strong> interconnect structures depends onsemiconductor type, form factor requirements,and electrical performance requirements. Thegood news is that 3D die-level integration canaccommodate many interconnect variationswithin a package giving the designer flexibilityin the cost/performance trade<strong>of</strong>f.When thickness pr<strong>of</strong>ile is less <strong>of</strong> aconstraint, interconnect interposers with andwithout through silicon vias (TSVs) can beimplemented. Often the interposers are Sibased,taking advantage <strong>of</strong> the widelyavailable, domestic 150mm and 200mmsilicon foundry infrastructure. Thisinfrastructure is finding new life in producingvery high density and cost effective 2D and3D interposers.Figure 2 shows a highly integrated, chipsize,four-die module based on D2Dintegration and <strong>wafer</strong>-level redistributiontechnology with a maximum packagethickness <strong>of</strong> 0.8mm. Figure 2b shows thepackage stack-up and Figure 2a shows the4 die module without the high densitymultilayer substrate. Die 1 is a large memorydevice that serves as the base die for 3Dintegration. It is redistributed to incorporatea multilayer, polymer dielectric/Cuinterconnect structure to receive Die 2, 3,and 4 in a flip chip configuration. A highdensity,microvia substrate is precisionbonded to the top sides <strong>of</strong> Die 2, 3 and 4. Auwire ball bonding is then used to interconnectthe high-density substrate to theredistribution pads <strong>of</strong> Die 1 (Figure 2e).Next the package is encapsulated and thehigh density substrate CSP pads are solderballed to complete the package assembly(Figure 2d).Die-to-interposer integration is anotherinnovative way to achieve 3D D2D/D2W.Figure 3 shows a cross-section <strong>of</strong> a highspeedRF module with eight heterogeneousdie (4 GaAs, 2 SiGe, 2 Si) flip chip bondedto an integrated TSV Si interposer substrate.Three different flip chip interconnects areused at the first level including coppercolumn-solder interconnects, noble metal,plated stud-solder interconnects, andcontrolled collapse solder interconnects.Figure 3 illustrates a copper column-solderflip chip interconnect between a high speedGaAs RF device and TSV interposer as wellas the solder flip chip interconnect betweenthe TSV interposer and the high densityorganic substrate. This module includes flipchip pitches down to 150mm, high-density<strong>Chip</strong> <strong>Scale</strong> <strong>Review</strong> May/June 2011 [<strong>Chip</strong><strong>Scale</strong><strong>Review</strong>.com] 21

<strong>wafer</strong>-level redistribution interconnects on the interposer, thinned GaAs die downto 100mm thick, surface mount passives, thin-film passives, 100mm underfillkeep-out areas, and 200mm spacing between die requiring precision underfillprocessing.Figure 4 shows an example <strong>of</strong> a qualified 3D D2W integrationtechnology utilizing very-fine-pitch flip chip, <strong>wafer</strong>-level redistribution,and <strong>wafer</strong>-level balling technologies. This packaging scheme involvesmounting a flip chip component to the active surface <strong>of</strong> a WLCSP, enabling3D die-level integration. This packaging scheme has been successfullydemonstrated in an assortment <strong>of</strong> applications including the MEMS-ASICcombination highlighted in reference 5.This implementation <strong>of</strong> 3D die-level integration is realized by face-to-facebonding <strong>of</strong> fine-pitch flip chip components down to 80μm pitch (ACT die)onto a redistribution layer <strong>of</strong> the base WLCSP (PA <strong>wafer</strong>). In this manner forexample, a flip chip driver can be mounted directly onto a memory component,ASIC, driver chip, etc. This new low-cost 3D WLCSP technology leveragesFigure 2. High Speed Digital Module with Die to Die Integration ¨C 2 the existing infrastructures <strong>of</strong> WLP and high volume flip chip assembly. WLPProcessors and ASIC to Memoryprovides a highly functional platform from which to implement the new packagetechnology incorporating 3D D2W integration. Moreover, such a packagingarchitecture provides a cost-effective, rapid time-to-market alternative toemerging 3D <strong>wafer</strong>-level integration technologies.The 3D-WLCSP is a qualified package (first and second level interconnects)in volume production. Efforts have focused on <strong>wafer</strong> level processing andvery-fine pitch-flip chip placement forming the 3D-WLCSP and the associatedchallenges that this type <strong>of</strong> packaging and assembly includes. Key aspects <strong>of</strong><strong>wafer</strong> level processing have been explored including <strong>wafer</strong> level redistribution,ball drop, <strong>wafer</strong> thinning, dicing thinned <strong>wafer</strong>s, and flip chip <strong>bumping</strong>.Moreover, flip chip pitch and bump size has been varied, as well as key assemblymaterials (including fluxes and underfills) used to attach the flip chip to theWLCSP. Process solutions for flip chip fluxing methods for very-fine-pitchFigure 3. High Speed RF Module with Die to Interposer Integration ¨C (down to 80μm), small bump sizes (down to 50μm), vision recognition <strong>of</strong> the2 RF Devices and 2 Processors to TSV Interposerchip and substrate during assembly, reflowing <strong>of</strong> the flip chips on a <strong>wafer</strong>, andunderfilling a bumped <strong>wafer</strong> with chip components in close proximity havebeen established. Initial reliability results are presented in references 8 and 9,which highlight that even though the flip chip is mounted silicon-to-silicon,the pitch and bump size make it so that the underfill selection has a largeimpact on the reliability <strong>of</strong> the assembly. Various aspects <strong>of</strong> the D2W assemblyprocess have been explored, including scaling issues with high-volumeassembly, utilization <strong>of</strong> low-cost underfill approaches such as no-flowunderfills, <strong>wafer</strong>-applied underfills, and underfill encroachment on the WLCSPballs. Finally, data on 2nd level reliability <strong>of</strong> the 3D WLCSP has beenestablished, indicating robust reliability <strong>of</strong> the 3D-WLCSP assemblies mountedon conventional printed circuit boards. 8,9Further density opportunities are emerging in the <strong>wafer</strong>-level 3D packagingspace as TSVs ramp in production. Figure 5 shows a 3D-WLCSP incorporatingTSVs in the base <strong>wafer</strong> (PA) and flip chip die (ACTs) mounted on the backside <strong>of</strong> the silicon. In this case, the base <strong>wafer</strong> requires thin-film wiring orredistribution interconnect on the top side <strong>of</strong> the <strong>wafer</strong> routed to capture theTSVs as well as the flip chip ACTs. Using this 3D-WLCSP architecture, theentire base die area can be utilized for ACT die bonding, the inter-dieinterconnect lengths can be minimized improving performance, and the ACTand PA die can be probe tested to minimize the yield loss.Figure 4. 3D Wafer Level CSP technology (a) Flip <strong>Chip</strong> Process Flow, (b)SummaryWafer Level Assembly and Singulated 3D-WLCSPs. (c) ACT Die Flip As the move to higher performance and smaller form factor electronics<strong>Chip</strong> Mounted to PA Wafer, (d) ACT to PA Flip <strong>Chip</strong> Interconnect continues, 3D die level integration has moved to the forefront as an22 <strong>Chip</strong> <strong>Scale</strong> <strong>Review</strong> May/June 2011 [<strong>Chip</strong><strong>Scale</strong><strong>Review</strong>.com]

Figure 5. Routing on multiple gridsapplication solution platform. Whilecurrent 3D packaging solutions involvinga combination <strong>of</strong> high density circuitboards with wirebonded stacked ICs cansatisfy some <strong>of</strong> the performance and formfactor requirements, 3D die levelintegration is proving to be the solution<strong>of</strong>-choicefor many mission critical, highreliabilityapplications. The key features<strong>of</strong> the technology are very high levels <strong>of</strong>integration, very small form factorpackages <strong>of</strong>ten chip scale in size, very lowpr<strong>of</strong>ile packages, low weight packages,and improved digital and RF performance.This paper has revieweded 3D integrationtechnologies, presentedimplementation strategies for3D die level integration forchip size packaging, andpresented examples <strong>of</strong> 3D dielevel integrated packagingsolutions.References1. Garrou, P. “Posturing &Positioning in 3-D ICs,”Semiconductor International Magazine,April 1, 2007.2. Garrou, P. “Wafer-Level 3-D IntegrationMoving Forward,” SemiconductorInternational Magazine, October 1, 2006.3. Hopkins, J., et al. “Through-<strong>wafer</strong> ViaEtching,” Advanced Packaging, April,2005.4. T. G. Tessier, D. Scott, D. McComband R. Forcier, “Mobile Handsets DictateFlip <strong>Chip</strong> and Wafer Level PackagingTrends”, Semicon West, July 2008.5. “<strong>Chip</strong>-On-MEMS HeterogeneousIntegration <strong>of</strong> MEMS and Circuits”,www.vti.fi/en/products/technology/com/6. Stout, G. A., Tessier, T.G., Clark, D.Houston, P., Baldwin, D. F. Li, Z., “3D-WLCSP Package Technology:Technology and Design Considerations,”Proceedings <strong>of</strong> the International WaferLevel Packaging Conference, San Jose,CA, Oct. 13-16, 2008.7. Li, Z., Evans, J. L., Lee, S., Baldwin,D. F., Lewis, B. J., Houston, P. N., Stout,G. A., Tessier, T.G., “Sensitivity Analysis<strong>of</strong> Pb Free Reflow Pr<strong>of</strong>ile ParametersToward Flip <strong>Chip</strong> on Silicon AssemblyYield, Reliability and IntermetallicCompound Characteristics,” Proceedings<strong>of</strong> the Electronics ComponentsTechnology and ManufacturingConference, Las Vegas, NV, June 1-4,2010.8. Li, Z., Houston, P. N., Baldwin, D. F.,Stout, G. A., Tessier, T.G., Evans, J. L.“Design, Processing and ReliabilityCharacterizations <strong>of</strong> a 3D-WLCSPPackaged Component,” Proceedings <strong>of</strong>the Electronics Components Technologyand Manufacturing Conference, SanDiego, CA, May 26-29, 2009.<strong>Chip</strong> <strong>Scale</strong> <strong>Review</strong> May/June 2011 [<strong>Chip</strong><strong>Scale</strong><strong>Review</strong>.com] 23

Taking the Fear and Pain out <strong>of</strong> 3D MigrationBy Lisa McIlrath, [R 3 Logic, Inc.]3D Integration is touted as beingthe solution to the end <strong>of</strong> scaling,but the fact remains that there are stillmany hurdles to overcome in both thedesign and manufacturing arenas. Costis one <strong>of</strong> the major factors in the decisionto migrate to 3D technologies or not, andthe ability to leverage tried-and-true IPlibraries developed at different processnodes can represent a significant savingsin both design and manufacturing costs.3D EDA tools must allow designers torapidly assess the benefits <strong>of</strong> a particularstacked configuration including thepackage and possibly interposer layers,while maintaining existing 2D designflows and methodologies.Elements <strong>of</strong> FearThe only thing wrong with 3D integrationis that the supply chain is uncertain; wedon’t have good device models (thermal,mechanical, or electrical), and we don’tknow how to test the die in the stack.Otherwise, it’s really great.It takes a lot <strong>of</strong> pain to push a multihundredbillion dollar industry to changeits ways, and a lot <strong>of</strong> reward from anynew technology to keep it changed. 3DIntegration is exciting, but is it worth therisk to my business to chase afteruncertain benefits? What are the real costand/or performance gains that can beachieved? How can I quantify these andjustify the risk?In the 2D world, designers have thebenefit <strong>of</strong> well-studied models that can berelied upon to closely approximate systembehavior under a range <strong>of</strong> conditions. Thisfrees them to focus on design at theabstract, or system level. In 3D, suchmodels are incomplete or virtuallyinexistent as far as fabless companies areconcerned. Consequently, there is nochoice but to descend into the physicalimplementation <strong>of</strong> the stack to ensure thatperformance criteria can be met. To date,however, few design tools have beenavailable to permit true-3D analysis,spanning multiple die and multipletechnologies. Why not? What is so specialabout 3D that makes 2D tools inadequate?We want to answer these questions,define exactly what a true-3D tool is anddescribe what functions are needed to make3D design decisions with confidence.3D Design Tools to the RescueDesigning in three dimensions looks alot easier than it actually is. Most peoplewho have done it will attest to the fact thatone can design 3D systems by patchingcurrent 2D tools with scripts and varioushacks, but in the words <strong>of</strong> one veteran 3Ddesigner, it is like “repairing your car withchewing gum and scotch tape”.Given that the objective is to reducedesigner pain rather than to increase it,let’s briefly state the bare minimumrequirements <strong>of</strong> a true-3D EDA tool:● Use <strong>of</strong> independent technology filefor 3D rules and configuration● Ability to use existing 2D PDKs andstandard cell libraries without change● Ability to maintain the integrity <strong>of</strong>3D multi-tier cells while editing 2Dviews (and vice-versa)● Plug-and-play compatibility withexisting flowsThere are so many possibilities forconfiguring a 3D stack (with or withoutinterposer, face-to-face, face-to-back, etc.)and so many ways <strong>of</strong> combining differentdie technologies (Figure 1)that the need for 3Dtechnology independenceshould be self-evident. Itshould be equally obviousthat the designer should notchange any portions <strong>of</strong>existing 2D PDK’s orlibraries _ even if someonealready wrote automatedscripts to perform this task.A TSV is the simplestexample <strong>of</strong> a 3D cell(Figure 2), in whichdifferent components <strong>of</strong>the cell reside on differentdies. If one part <strong>of</strong> theTSV is moved or deleted, the rest <strong>of</strong> it mustbe moved or deleted as well.Plug-and-play compatibility is essentialbecause the fact is that existing tools canalready almost do the job. The role <strong>of</strong> thetrue-3D EDA tool is to gracefully fill thegaps not covered by current 2D tools. Todo this well and thoroughly, it must workwithin an open standards framework forpassing file information to and from theexisting toolset. For example, a 3Dfloorplanner should provide the partitionednetlists and pre-placed TSV positions foreach tier to a 2D place-and-route tool.After placement and routing <strong>of</strong> each tier,the 3D structure must then be recoverableso that electrical and design ruleverification can occur across the tiers. Inother words, the 3D connectivity andplacement information must survive thepassage through the 2D design flow, andany changes made to the individual tierdesigns that affect the 3D structure, forinstance moving part <strong>of</strong> a TSV cell, mustbe reflected back to the 3D database.Maximizing 3D PerformanceUntil there are a number <strong>of</strong> successful3D demonstrators and a body <strong>of</strong>knowledge <strong>of</strong> 3D design best practices hasevolved, there will remain a great deal <strong>of</strong>fear and reluctance to betting the farm onthis new technology. The afore-mentionedFigure 1. Stack topology and die technologies are specified in a distinct 3Dtechnology fileFigure 2. A TSV seen as a 3D cell24<strong>Chip</strong> <strong>Scale</strong> <strong>Review</strong> May/June 2011 [<strong>Chip</strong><strong>Scale</strong><strong>Review</strong>.com]

Figure 3. System partitioning alternativesbasic features <strong>of</strong> a true-3D tool are onlyjust that _ basic. To really showconvincingly that there is a true cost and/or performance benefit to 3D chipimplementation, a 3D pathfinding tool hasto be able to dive deep enough into thephysical design <strong>of</strong> the stack so that onecan have confidence that the performanceparameters it predicts are meaningful.In addition to the baseline features thatmust exist in any 3D EDA tool, we identifyfour essential capabilities needed for efficientdesign space exploration (aka pathfinding)to rapidly find the sweet spots for 3D.2010. These 2.5-D systems, asthey are <strong>of</strong>ten called, are vitalto establishing the supplychain for 3D manufacturing.The demand for interposerbasedstacks will provide theimpetus for developing robustTSV processes, which areneeded before widespread 3D fabricationand commercialization can occur.TSV planning and assignment is crucialin a 3D pathfinding tool because evenslight changes in functional blockplacement on one tier can lead tosignificant cost increases due to theirimpact on other tiers. Take for examplethe configuration shown in Figure 4. Theleft-hand image shows signal flight-linesfor a 2-die system flipped directly onto aBGA. The die are arranged diagonally to1. Ease <strong>of</strong> IP re-use and re-configurationIf nothing else, being able to useexisting, proven IP libraries for the majority<strong>of</strong> the stack, as opposed to re-characterizingeverything in an SoC for a new technologynode, represents a huge cost savings in and<strong>of</strong> itself. It remains to show that there is aconcomitant performance or cost benefitexceeding that <strong>of</strong> going to the nexttechnology node. The only way to do thiswith any level <strong>of</strong> confidence is through trialplacement <strong>of</strong> the hard macro blocks calledfor in the architectural design, followed byroutability and signal integrity analysis.This implies that the designer must havefull flexibility to choose both the tierplacement and the IP library for eachblock, and that the 3D tool should partitionthe netlist accordingly (Figure 3).2. TSV planning and assignmentIn the early days <strong>of</strong> 3D adoption, one hasto expect that to minimize cost and risk,the initial 3D stack architectures _ at leastthose produced commercially _ will belittle more than stacked versions <strong>of</strong> 2Dsystems. This being said, there aresignificant cost savings and performanceimprovements that can be achieved byintroducing interposers with TSVs just t<strong>of</strong>acilitate routing and increase bandwidth.A prominent example is the Xilinx 4-Virtexon-interposersystem announced in October<strong>Chip</strong> <strong>Scale</strong> <strong>Review</strong> May/June 2011 [<strong>Chip</strong><strong>Scale</strong><strong>Review</strong>.com] 25

Figure 4. Impact <strong>of</strong> interposer on package designminimize cross-over, but still two metallayers are required to route the traces onthe package. Thelegitimate question isthen: “Can we dobetter with a 2.5D(3D) arrangement?” Isit possible to improvesignal delay betweenthe two die, not changethe package footprintor pinout _ because that impacts theentire product line _ and decrease thecost <strong>of</strong> the package by removing a routinglayer?Since the inteposer area is one costelement, we move the two die as closetogether as possible. Suddenly theflight-line crossover is much worse _now what? The 3D pathfinding tool hasto step in to find the solution by helpingto generate a TSV arrangement that canachieve the best compromise for routingboth the interposer and the package. Inthe case at hand (Figure 5) it wasFigure 5. TSV placement and assignment tominimize cost and maximize routabilitypossible to find a solution that reducedthe packaging cost (by removing arouting layer) and improved signalintegrity and bandwidth between thetwo die. Signal crossover was handledon the passive Si interposer where thecost <strong>of</strong> using three metal routing layerswas significantly less than using two onthe package.3. Multi-grid routingAn important point <strong>of</strong> the previousexample is that the package substrate wasmodeled in the 3D pathfinding tool as justanother tier _ a perfectly logicalconsequence <strong>of</strong> the fact that any 2Dtechnology, including that <strong>of</strong> the package,can be specified in the 3D technology file.The use <strong>of</strong> multiple disparate technologiesalso implies multiple disparate manufacturinggrids and hence, for true inter-tier co-designto take place, multiple routing strategies areneeded as well. Contrast for example thepackage-to-TSV routing in Figure 6 withthat <strong>of</strong> the interposer-to-TSV routing on theright-hand side <strong>of</strong> Figure 5.4. Signal / power integrity and IR dropanalysisBeing able to place and assign TSVs andperform trial routing is critical for 3Dpathfinding if the goal is to verify that 3D(continued on Page 48)26<strong>Chip</strong> <strong>Scale</strong> <strong>Review</strong> May/June 2011 [<strong>Chip</strong><strong>Scale</strong><strong>Review</strong>.com]

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"Electronic Consulting Network" (480) 215-2654 www.aztechdirect.com Submit all Directory inquiries and updates to surveys@aztechdirect.comINTERNATIONAL DIRECTORY OF WAFER BUMPING FOUNDRIESDirectory data was compiled from company inputs and/or website search and may not be current or all-inclusive as <strong>of</strong> the date <strong>of</strong> publication.COMPANYHEADQUARTERSBUMPTECHNOLOGIESPROCESSCAPABILITYBUMPCOMPOSITIONCompanyStreet AddressCity, State, CountryTelephoneWebsiteCM = Contact ManufacturerBumping MethodBall DropElectrolessElectro PlateSolder JetStencil PrintBasic SpecificationsBP - Bump Pitch (um)WD - Wafer Dia. (mm)UBM - Under Bump Metal(s)Electroless UBMSputtered UBMBump MetalAU - GoldCP - Copper PillarSEU - Solder, EutecticSHL - Solder, High PbSLF - Solder, Pb-FreeNEPES, Pte. Ltd.12 Ang Mo Kio Street 65Singapore 569060Tel: +65-6412-8181www.nepes.com.sgElectro PlateBP: > 50WD: 200, 300UBM: Ni, CuSputtered UBMCPSEU, SHL, SLFPac Tech GmbHAm Schlangenhorst 7-9 & 15-1714641 Nauen, GermanyTel: +49-3321-449-5100www.pactech.deBall DropSolder JetStencil PrintBP: > 80WD: 100, 150, 200, 300UBM: Ni+Au, Ni+PdElectroless UBMSEU, SHL, SLFOtherSemiconductor Mfg. International Corp. (SMIC)No. 18, Zhangjiang Road, Pudong New AreaShanghai 201203, P.R.C.Tel: +86-21-3861-0000www.smics.comCMBP: CMWD: 200, 300UBM: CMAUSEU, SLFSiliconware Precision Industries Co., Ltd.No. 123, Sec. 3, Da Fong Rd., Tan tzu,Taichung 427, Taiwan R.O.C.Tel: +886-4-2534-1525www.spil.com.twBall DropElectro PlateStencil PrintBP: > 100WD: 200, 300UBM: CMSputtered UBMCPSEU, SLFSTATS-<strong>Chip</strong>PAC Ltd.10 Ang Mo Kio Street 65, #05-17/20 Technopoint,Singapore 569059Tel: +65-6824-7777www.statschippac.comBall DropElectro PlateStencil PrintBP: 150 - 600WD: 150, 200, 300UBM: Ti/NiV/Cu, Ti/Cu/Cu/NiSputtered UBMCPSEU, SHL, SLFTLMI Corporation2111 W. Braker Lane, #500Austin, TX 78758Tel: +1-512-833-7075www.tlmicorp.comElectro PlateBP: > 20WD: 75 - 300UBM: Ti+Cu, Ti+WSputtered UBMAUCPSEU, SHL, SLFOtherTaiwan Semiconductor Mfg. Co., Ltd. (TSMC)No. 8, Li-Hsin Road VI, Hsinchu Science ParkHsinchu, Taiwan 300 R.O.C.Tel: +886-3-563-6688www.tsmc.comCMBP: > 140WD: 150, 200, 300UBM: CMCPSEU, SHL, SLFUnisem (M) Berhad9th Floor, UBN Tower, No. 10 Jalan P. Ramlee,50250 Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaTel: +60-3-2072-3760www.unisemgroup.comBall DropElectro PlateStencil PrintBP: CMWD: 100, 150, 200UBM: CMAUCPSEU, CM<strong>Chip</strong> <strong>Scale</strong> <strong>Review</strong> May/June 2011 [<strong>Chip</strong><strong>Scale</strong><strong>Review</strong>.com] 33

Industry INDUSTRY Happenings HAPPENINGSSEMICO Research Summit: An Executive Perspective on the New Frontier for SemiconductorsPainting a bright future for the electronicsindustry driven by smart technologies, avaried assortment <strong>of</strong> industry executivesfrom across the semiconductor supply chain<strong>of</strong>fered insight at the SEMICO ResearchSummit, May 1-3, 2011. The theme <strong>of</strong> thetwo day event was “The New Frontier,”which is being paved largely by theopportunities afforded by the recent wave<strong>of</strong> smart technology: phones, tablets,homes, etc. Taking advantage <strong>of</strong> theseopportunities will require a new approachpretty much across the supply chain.Offering a snapshot <strong>of</strong> SEMICO’sindustry analysis, Jim Feldhan, CEO, openedup the proceedings. He talked about globaleconomics, giving a country-by-countrybreakdown, stressing how we really need topay attention to the world environment. TheUS is gridlocked, causing deficit phobia,decimating educational investments, and theinfrastructure is being ignored while othercountries are investing heavily. He alsotouched on the aftermath <strong>of</strong> the earthquake/tsumani/nuclear disaster in Japan; noting thatwhile it will take Japan 3 years to rebuild,the world-wide effect will be short-lived. Hepredicted that electronics supply chainshortages will be over by September, andspot shortages will actually result in pent-updemand and stimulate growth in 2012. Onelesson learned is that there needs to be aglobal balance in the supply chain so thatsources aren’t limited to one geographicalregion, in case <strong>of</strong> natural disasters.Feldhan also set the stage for theremainder <strong>of</strong> the summit, calling theexplosion in smart phones the “PromisedSEMI-THERM 27 AttendanceUnderscores the Importance <strong>of</strong>Thermal ManagementThe 27th annual IEEE SemiconductorThermal Measurement, Modeling andManagement (SEMI-THERM) Symposiumwas held March 20-24, 2011, in San Jose,CA. This marked the first year thatMEPTEC co-located its annual one-daythermal packaging workshop with theLand” with lots <strong>of</strong> leading-edge chips forbaseband and applications and processorsand memory. And the market for MEMSand sensors is expected to grow 58% in 2011.Adapting to the speed and product drivers<strong>of</strong> this New Frontier will, more than anything,require changes in the way things are done.As Danny Biran, Sr. V.P. <strong>of</strong> Marketing,noted, historical definitions are becomingmeaningless. With regard to the previouslyclearly defined purposes <strong>of</strong> ASICs, FBGAs,ASSPs, and μP/DSP, those lines are nowblurring. With improved processtechnologies and design techniques, morefunctions can be implemented on the samedie. With these converging platforms, Biransays that semiconductor companies mustcreate new types <strong>of</strong> products to succeed.“Rethink priorities, needs, your developmentorganization, and skill sets,” he advises. “Letthe product drive the structure <strong>of</strong> organizationand design methodologies. Engage withplatform vendors early on in the process _don’t make assumptions <strong>of</strong> what can or can’tbe done.” This way, he says you can ensureyou get the best combination <strong>of</strong> flexibility,time to market, performance, and cost.The importance <strong>of</strong> open communicationand collaboration going forward wasanother underlying sentiment voiced bymany <strong>of</strong> the speakers. Gregg Bartlett,SVP <strong>of</strong> Technology and R&D,GLOBALFOUNDRIES, said the mobileelectronics experience is enabled bysilicon innovation. At 20nm and beyond,he says packaging integration is no longeran afterthought, but rather a dominatingcontributor to the value chain because itSEMI-THERM event.The 5-day event showed increases inattendance and course <strong>of</strong>ferings acrossthe board over 2010. It attracted 198<strong>of</strong>fers opportunities to lower cost andaccelerate time to volume. 2.5D and 3Dprocesses give system level designers anotherknob to allow for repartitioning products.Bartlett says that this calls for a collaborativeenvironment, where <strong>foundries</strong> work togetherwith OSATS to jointly develop IP solutionsfor customers. He proposed a new globalmodel for collaboration calling for advancedresearch and early engagement across thecustomer base. Likewise, involving theEDA and packaging communities early onis vital. It’s important to establish design rulesthat can be substantiated in technology, andto foster a multi-sourced, geographicallydispersed supply chain. Aart De Geus,founder <strong>of</strong> Synopsys, concurred, saying thatfor future technology generations, s<strong>of</strong>twaredevelopment needs to take place along withhardware development, rather than waitingfor the hardware to be ready to go beforedeveloping s<strong>of</strong>tware.Perhaps Moshe Gavrielov, President &CEO, Xilinx, Inc. voiced best what isneeded when he quoted Charles Darwinis saying “It’s not the strongest <strong>of</strong> thespecies or smartest that survive, but theone most accepting <strong>of</strong> change.” Inaddressing skepticism about makingprogress in semiconductors below 30nm,Joe Sawicki VP and GM, Design-to-Silicon, Division Mentor Graphicssuccinctly summed up what applies forall moving forward. “The only onerational approach to looking forward iswith WILLFUL OPTIMISM, and continueto deliver on what is possible; even if it’sthought to be unachievable.”symposium attendees (up 43%) to 44short courses (up 83%) and 486 totalregistered attendees (up 66% over 2010).There were 38 exhibitors (up 31% over2010), reported Tom Tarter, Exhibitor andConference Manager, and President <strong>of</strong>Package Science Services, LLC.“SEMI-THERM 27 demonstrated,through increased symposium andexhibition attendance, that the electronicsindustry is recovering from the downturnover the last several years and that the34<strong>Chip</strong> <strong>Scale</strong> <strong>Review</strong> May/June 2011 [<strong>Chip</strong><strong>Scale</strong><strong>Review</strong>.com]

thermal management aspects <strong>of</strong> theindustry remain <strong>of</strong> high importance. Therecovery also led to a significant increasein the number <strong>of</strong> exhibitors, maintainingSEMI-THERM as the premier venue fordisplaying and introducing new electronicsthermal management products andservices.” noted Bernie Siegal, President<strong>of</strong> Thermal Engineering Associates, Inc,and Steering Committee Operations Chair,Keynote speaker, William Chen <strong>of</strong>ASE Group, kicked-<strong>of</strong>f the event with aprovocative presentation titled, “Engineeringthe Packaging Revolution.” Jim Wilson <strong>of</strong>Raytheon was honored with theprestigious 2011 THERMI Award for hiscontributions to the field, and DirkSchweitzer <strong>of</strong> Infineon Technologies AGreceived the Harvey Rosten Award forExcellence for his paper.“The conference had an impressiveturnout <strong>of</strong> attendees from various parts <strong>of</strong>the world e.g. North America, Asia (HongKong, Taiwan, China, Japan, Korea, andIndia) and Europe (Russia, Poland,Germany, Turkey, Belgium, Hungary, andthe Netherlands).” remarked General Chair,Sai Ankireddi, PhD., Sr. Principal Engineerat Intersil Corp., “The participation by theseengineers, technologists and scientists fromall over at this annual symposium istestament to SEMI-THERM’s truly<strong>international</strong> stature, and to its position asthe de-facto forum for practical knowledgeand experience sharing in the areas <strong>of</strong>thermal measurement, management andmodeling.”SEMICON West 3D and AdvancedPackaging Program: Having Cakeand Eating It TooThis year’s 3D integration andAdvanced Packaging Programs atSEMICON West, July 12-14, 2011, inSan Francisco, CA, are shaping up to bereal crowd pleasers. The SEMI AdvancedPackaging Committee, chaired by BillChen, ASE Fellow, has been hard at workmaking sure all bases are covered in thisexpanding market sector from 3Dintegration, heterogeneous integration <strong>of</strong>MEMS and sensors to the latest in‘contemporary’ packaging and <strong>wafer</strong>levelpackaging (WLP) processes. In fact,so much ground to cover called for theexpansion <strong>of</strong> the original time slots.Divided on three different stages overtwo days, this year’s programs will followa keynote/panel discussion format withrepresentatives from across the supplychain assembled to discuss challengesand solutions for each focus area.Heterogeneous Integration withMEMs & SensorsWith double-digit growth forecast forthe MEMS industry, more MEMS devicesand sensors are finding applications in theglobal market place. Smart phones,handheld gaming devices and consoles,and automotive applications are leadingthe charge. With devices on the marketranging from pressure sensors, RF-MEMs,accelerometers and gyroscopes, tomicrophones, micro-actuators, compasses,CMOS image sensors, chemical sensors,micr<strong>of</strong>luidics, and mirrors and displays,there’s no doubt that MEMS are growingfast. To paraphrase ITRS, the intersection<strong>of</strong> Market and Technology is calling for“More MEMS and More Than MEMs”.This session will focus on key players inthe system, device manufacturer, OSATand consortia segments <strong>of</strong> MEMS.Chaired by Klaus-Dieter Lang, Fraunh<strong>of</strong>er- IZM Director, keynote speeches for thissession will be delivered by an industryvisionary (TBD) and market analyst,Jan Vardaman, president, TechSearchInternational. At press time, confirmedpanelists include M. Juergen Wolf,Fraunh<strong>of</strong>er IZM, Yoshiaki Sugizaki,Toshiba Corp, and Gilles Poupon, CEA-Leti, They will be joined by several other<strong>Chip</strong> <strong>Scale</strong> <strong>Review</strong> May/June 2011 [<strong>Chip</strong><strong>Scale</strong><strong>Review</strong>.com] 35

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epresentatives from across the MEMSand packaging ecosystem from academiathrough the supply chain.3D in the Deep Submicron Era3D is about much more than 3D-IC andMoore’s Law Scaling. The drive for 3DIChas spawned a whole ecosystem for TSVtechnologies ranging from industry,academia, and research institutes toequipment and materials suppliers.Silicon interposers based upon TSV _thus inspiring the term 2.5D _ havebecome critical in the first wave <strong>of</strong> 3Dimplementation. From high-performancenetwork systems and servers to laptops,tablets, mobile systems and gameconsoles, the silicon interposer representsa solid fork in the highway for 3Dimplementation, thus raising thequestions: What is the silicon interposerecosystem? Is the industry infrastructurein place for high-volume cost-efficient 3Dimplementation? What will the next stepbe? In the world <strong>of</strong> “More Moore andMore Than Moore”, 3D silicon interposertechnology enables the industry “to haveits cake and eat it too”.Session chairs Jie Xue, Cisco, and GamalRefai-Ahmed, AMD, are organizing agroup <strong>of</strong> experts on these topics to addressthese specific questions and concerns.Divided into two sub-sessions, the first willaddress 2.5D integration using siliconinterposer technology, and will kick <strong>of</strong>f witha keynote address from industry visionary,Vincent Tong, Senior VP at Xilinx. followedby a panel discussion moderated by SitaramArkalgud, 3D IC program director atSEMATECH. Confirmed panelists includeRao Tummala, <strong>of</strong> Georgia Tech’s 3DPackaging Center; Ron Huemoeller, SeniorVP, Advanded 3D interconnects, Amkor;Jon Greenwood, Senior Member <strong>of</strong>Technical Staff, Technology & IntegrationGLOBALFOUNDRIES, and others.The second session will feature akeynote by well-known market andtechnology analyst, Jean-Marc Yannou,<strong>of</strong> Yole Développement. The ensuingpanel discussion, 3D PackagingTechnology and Ecosystem, will examinethe state <strong>of</strong> the 3D market and itsremaining hurdles. Confirmed panelistsnow include Bill Bottoms Chairman andCEO Third Millennium Test Solutions,Inc. (3MTS); Rozalia Beica GlobalDirector <strong>of</strong> 3D Interconnect TechnologyTransfer and Integration <strong>of</strong> AppliedMaterials; and Calvin Cheung VP <strong>of</strong>Engineering, ASE U.S.Contemporary Package Challengesand Solutions for 40nm and BeyondMuch has been written about emergingtechnologies for the 40nm fab node (andbeyond), such as CU pillar FC, ELKcompatibility and 3D TSV. However,product-level applications for thesetechnologies tend to focus onperformance-driven market segments;markets that are better-able to fundtechnology development and can accepthigher initial risk. But what about marketsegments that account for up to 70% <strong>of</strong>our industry and are driven largely bylow-cost and low-risk? Are cost-effectiveIC package solutions available for marketsegments such as handheld, consumer andautomotive as they migrate to smaller siliconlithographies in search <strong>of</strong> cost reduction?When faced with the decision to use anadvanced fab node, will these companies:● Change package interconnecttechnology?● Change package and PCB technologies?● Change system architecture?● Adopt new technologies such as FO-WLP and TSV?● Continue to use the existing fab node● Do something else?Co-Chaired by Tom Gregorich <strong>of</strong>MediaTek and Rich Rice <strong>of</strong> ASE, one<strong>of</strong> two keynotes will be delivered byJim Walker, Research V.P. Panelistsinclude Doug Yu, Sr. Director <strong>of</strong>Interconnect and Packaging, TSMC;Andreas Knoblauch, Director PackageDevelopment Automotive, InfineonTechnologies; Mike Ma,V.P, R&D,Siliconware Precision Industries Co.,Ltd (SPIL); and Fernando Chen, SeniorDirector, Laminate Products & TechnologyMarketing, STATS <strong>Chip</strong>PAC.(continued on Page 44)<strong>Chip</strong> <strong>Scale</strong> <strong>Review</strong> May/June 2011 [<strong>Chip</strong><strong>Scale</strong><strong>Review</strong>.com] 37

WHAT'S NEW!Molded Flip <strong>Chip</strong> Imaging EnhancementMolded Flip <strong>Chip</strong> Imaging (MFCI)enhancement from Sonix was designedto improve image quality and defectdetection in molded flip chips andpackages with polyimide (PI) layers byreducing the impact <strong>of</strong> the scatteringand attenuation effects <strong>of</strong> filler particlesin mold compounds and PI layers. Fillerparticles increase scattering <strong>of</strong>ultrasonic signals, causing shadows inthe images, and in some casescompletely obscure solder bumps andCu pillars, resulting in reduced imagequality and inaccurate defect detection.Also, the polyimide materials (PI) usedto improve the thermal properties <strong>of</strong>thinner dielectric layers attenuate theultrasonic signal, further degradingimage quality and defect detection.Configured through Sonix WinIC TM ,Sonix MFCI improves the spatialresolution, contrast and edge definitionwhen inspecting samples containingmaterials that scatter or attenuateultrasonic signals. Sonix MFCI isavailable as an option on all Echo TM ,Echo Pro TM and AutoWafer TM tools, andas a field upgrade on all Sonix Fusion TMand Vision TM tools. [sonix.com]Triple Stacked Spring Pin SocketIronwood Electronics’ triple stackedBGA socket (CBT-BGA-7007) addresseshigh performance requirements for testingprocessor and memory simultaneouslyalong with a memory proe.-. Two differentspring pin technologies were utilized in thedesign _ 0.5mm pitch stamped spring pins,which have 26 gram actuation force perball and cycle life <strong>of</strong> 500,000 insertions;and 0.4mm pitch etched spring pins, whichhave 4 gram actuation force per ball andcycle life <strong>of</strong> 500,000 insertions. Thestamped spring pins are used in betweenmemory and memory probe as well asbetween memory probe and processor top.The etched spring pins are used in betweenprocessor bottom and target PCB. Sockettemperature range is -55C to +180C. Thesocket also features a floating guide forprecise ball to pin alignment.The CBT-BGA-7007 was designedspecifically for testing processor BGA,12x12mm, 0.4mm pitch, 520 position,29x29 ball array in the bottom socketand a memory BGA, 12x12mm, 0.5mmpitch, 168 position, 23x23 ball array inthe top socket. The socket is mountedusing supplied hardware on the targetPCB with no soldering, and uses thesmallest footprint in the industry,allowing inductors, resistors anddecoupling capacitors to be placed veryclose to the device for impedancetuning. [ironwood.com]Reballing Preforms for Wafer LevelPackageEZReball TM from BEST Inc. are saidto be the finest pitch, smallest balldiameter reballing preforms worldwide.Now available in ball sizes down to 8mils (0.20mm), these preformsaccommodatedevices downto 0.4mmpitch sizes.Solder spherealloys areavailable inlead-free, tinleadand high temperature alloys. Theperforms are suited to leading-edgeusers who need to reball <strong>wafer</strong>-levelcomponents down to 0.4 and 0.5pitches. Additionally, they can be usedto help diagnose and troubleshootcomponent problems. EZReball TMpreforms are available in packages <strong>of</strong>(15) preforms and come with a QCstencil in the package. [www.solder.net]Advanced Macro Inpection ModuleThe F30 TM Advanced MacroInspection Module, introduced byRudolph Technologies, is said to furtherextend the capabilities <strong>of</strong> the Explorer®Inspection Cluster product line.Foundries and IDMs that have installedthe module report improved throughputover the entire sensitivity range whencompared to previous generation tools.The hardware platform is capable <strong>of</strong>supporting 450mm development, and isdesigned to accommodate futurecustomer requirements and capabilities.The F30 Module features a flexibleblend <strong>of</strong> throughput and detectionsensitivity, resulting in a lower CoO. Itcombines automated setup, intelligents<strong>of</strong>tware and robust capabiltity stagedon staged on a flexible platformdesigned to accommodate additionalcapability as defined by customerrequirements. [rudolphtech.cm]Reworkable Edgebond AdhesiveZymet Inc.’s UA-2605 is areworkable edgebond adhesive that issaid to improve thermal cycleperformance <strong>of</strong> CBGAs and plasticBGAs. According to the company, inone trial, UA-2605 tripled the 0 o C to+100 o C performance <strong>of</strong> a CBGA, tonearly 2500 cycles. Previously, anunderfill was needed to achieve thislevel <strong>of</strong> performance.This edgebond adhesive is reportedlyeasier to process than an underfill. WithUA-2605, only one bead <strong>of</strong> adhesive ateach corner is required. There is noneed to preheat the board, wait forunderfill flow, or multiple dispensingpasses. Additionally, BGA rework is38<strong>Chip</strong> <strong>Scale</strong> <strong>Review</strong> May/June 2011 [<strong>Chip</strong><strong>Scale</strong><strong>Review</strong>.com]

simple and straightforward. Thetemperature is raised and the adhesiveis scraped away; then, the BGA isreflowed and lifted from the board.[zymet.com]High Resolution 3D X-ray MicroscopeThe VersaXRM-500 from Xradia is a3D X-ray microscope featuring aversatile combination <strong>of</strong> reportedlyworld-leading resolution and contrast,sample flexibility, and the largeworking distance required to addressemerging research challenges in manymarket segments including thesemiconductor industry.The VersaXRM family builds on theresolution, contrast and versatilityinherent in Xradia platforms, includingtrue submicron spatial resolution, evenwhen positioned only millimeters fromthe source. The system featuresflexibility for correlative microscopywith multi-length scale imaging usingthe VersaXRM in conjunction with theUltraXRM or other microscopytechniques. The combination <strong>of</strong> betterworking distance and imagingflexibility extends the value <strong>of</strong>microCT, improves throughput.Additionally, it <strong>of</strong>fers the only nondestructivesubmicron resolutiontomographic capability, able tovisualize buried features without depackaging,cutting, or otherwisedestroying the device, a process thatcan potentially introduce physicalartifacts. This can also prevent the loss<strong>of</strong> critical information about the rootcause <strong>of</strong> the failure as a result <strong>of</strong>destructive imaging methods.“The package assembly roadmap callsfor an increasing number <strong>of</strong> stacked diceand interfaces, substantial developmentsin 3D interconnections, new materialcomposition, and increasing componentdensity while reducing criticaldimensions,” says Mario Pacheco, StaffR&D Engineer at Intel. “These trendsand developments translate intochallenges for defect isolation andcharacterization that are outpacingtraditional failure analysis techniques.Xradia’s developments in throughputand resolution address crucial gaps infailure analysis with a faster, nondestructivetechnique enabling highresolution characterization <strong>of</strong> intactpackages.” [Xradia.com]Conductive Die Attach FilmWith the introduction <strong>of</strong> a novelmaterial formulation, Ablestik C100series conductive die attach films fromHenkel enable leadframe packagemanufacturers to realize the advantages<strong>of</strong> film-based solutions formerly onlyavailable for non-conductive processes.Established benefits over traditionalpaste die attach reportedly include theelimination <strong>of</strong> die tilt, ability to processthinner die, and greater bondline control.These die attach materials are said toprovide a high degree <strong>of</strong> manufacturinglatitude. Workability has beenestablished on die sizes ranging from1mm x 1mm up to 6mm x 6mm for avariety <strong>of</strong> package types including bothQFNs and QFPs. Additionally, thematerials’ better wetting ability withlower bonding temperature providesstable adhesion strength for robustadhesion against moisture and MSLLevel 2 performance on all leadframesurface finishes. [Henkel.com/electronics]<strong>Chip</strong> <strong>Scale</strong> <strong>Review</strong> May/June 2011 [<strong>Chip</strong><strong>Scale</strong><strong>Review</strong>.com] 39

(continued from Page 29)show strong grain contrast in manymetallic samples due to “ion channeling”contrast in the secondary electron image.This makes the ion beam an excellenttool for not only sectioning, but alsoimaging such interconnect and IMCsamples.In a second paper at IMAPS, theplasma-FIB was also applied to aninvestigation <strong>of</strong> W2W bonding using ananisotropic conductive adhesive. 8 Thisbonding was achieved using metal-coatedpolymer spheres (4μm in diameter) in abenzocyclobutene polymer matrix. Figure4 shows a section through the interfaceregion where the interconnecting spheres4(a)4(b)Figure 4. Plasma-FIB section and image throughW2W bonded interface. 4b shows a detailed view<strong>of</strong> the bond, including two <strong>of</strong> the interconnectingspheres. Sample and images courtesy <strong>of</strong> SINTEFhave been precisely sectioned. The authorsreported a good correlation between thecontact area size and resistance, indicatinga satisfactory insulation between bondedareas, and noted that “a well controlledstand-<strong>of</strong>f height was observed in FIBinspection <strong>of</strong> diced cross-sections.”Conclusion3D packaging integration continues toincrease in complexity, which is drivingmore samples into FA labs fordevelopment support, reliability studies,and failure analysis. FIB and dualbeamFIB/SEM provide key capabilities tosupport these activities, notably the abilityto provide site-specific sectioning andanalysis. In addition to the increase insample numbers, there is also a need forlarger removal volumes for many <strong>of</strong> thejobs, compounding the increased need fortool time and resources to meet thedemand. To address this, a number <strong>of</strong>system and technology developments areimproving the throughput <strong>of</strong> the FIBtechnique; these include enhancements via40<strong>Chip</strong> <strong>Scale</strong> <strong>Review</strong> May/June 2011 [<strong>Chip</strong><strong>Scale</strong><strong>Review</strong>.com]

FIB-induced beam chemistry and the use<strong>of</strong> higher current ion sources, notably therecent introduction <strong>of</strong> FIBs based on theinductively coupled plasma ion source.Acknowledgements● Corey Senowitz, Sean Kellogg, ChadRue, and German Franz are gratefullyacknowledged for images shown, aswell as SEMATECH, Fraunh<strong>of</strong>erEMFT, and SINTEF for samples.● A part <strong>of</strong> the work has been performedin the project JEMSiP_3D, which isfunded by the Public Authorities inFrance, Germany, Hungary, TheNetherlands, Norway and Sweden, aswell as by the ENIAC Joint Undertaking.References[1] For an overview on FIB techniquessee, for example, Introduction to FocusedIon Beams: Instrumentation, Theory,Techniques, and Practice, eds. L.A.Giannuzzi and F.A. Stevie, Springer, NewYork, 2005.[2] W.H. Teh, C. Deeb, J. Burggraf, M.Wimplinger, T. Matthias, R. Young, C.Senowitz, and A. Buxbaum: “RecentAdvances in Submicron Alignment 300mmCopper-Copper ThermocompressiveFace-to-Face W2W Bonding andIntegrated Infrared, High-Speed FIBMetrology”, Proceedings <strong>of</strong> 13th IEEEInternational Interconnect TechnologyConference, 2010.[3] P. Gounet, M. Mercier, D. Serre, andC. Rue,: “Failure Analysis <strong>of</strong> Through-Silicon-Vias Aided by High-Speed FIBSilicon Removal”, Proceedings <strong>of</strong> 16thIPFA, Suzhou, China, 2009, pp. 94-99.[4] N.S. Smith, W.P. Skoczylas, S.M.Kellogg, D.E. Kinion, P.P. Tesch, O.Sutherland, A. Aanesland, and R.W.Boswell: “High Brightness InductivelyCoupled Plasma Source for High CurrentFocused Ion Beam Applications”, J. Vac.Sci. Technol., 2006, B24 (6), pp. 2902-2906[5] S. M. Kellogg, A. Graupera, R.Hoelle, T. Miller, S. Zhang, D. Laur, andA. Dirriwachter: “A System for Massive,Rapid Material Removal for DeviceAnalysis in Monolithic 3D IntegratedCircuits”, Presented at 53rd InternationalConference on Electron, Ion and PhotonBeam Technology and Nan<strong>of</strong>abrication,Florida, May 2009[6] S.M. Kellogg, R. Schampers, S.Y.Zhang, A.A. Graupera, T. Miller, W.D. Laur,and A.B. Dirriwachter, “High ThroughputSample Preparation and Analysis using anInductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) FocusedIon Beam Source”, Microsc. Microanal.,2010, 16 (Suppl 2), pp. 222-223.[7] P. Ramm, A. Klumpp, G. Franz, andL. Kwakman: “Failure Analysis andReliability <strong>of</strong> 3D Integrated Systems”,Proc. IMAPS Device Packaging Conf.,Scottsdale, Arizona, 2011[8] M.M.V. Taklo, T. Bakke, H.R.T<strong>of</strong>teberg, L.G.W. Tvedt and H.Kristiansen: “Anisotropic ConductiveAdhesive for W2W Bonding”, Proc.IMAPS Device Packaging Conf.,Scottsdale, Arizona, 2011<strong>Chip</strong> <strong>Scale</strong> <strong>Review</strong> May/June 2011 [<strong>Chip</strong><strong>Scale</strong><strong>Review</strong>.com] 41

Full Speed-Ahead for Flip <strong>Chip</strong>sBy Jean-Marc Yannou, [Yole Développement]Jean-Marc Yannou is in charge <strong>of</strong> advanced packaginganalysis at Yole Développement, including <strong>wafer</strong>-levelpackaging and 3D system integration. His 15 years <strong>of</strong> experiencein the semiconductor industry include serving asinnovation manager for system-in-package (SiP) technologiesat Philips/NXP Semiconductors, and years at TexasInstruments.The worldwide flip chip marketreached $16B in 2010, and isnow poised for extremegrowth as the technology continues toevolve and loses its reputation as a costlypackaging solution (Figure 1). AlthoughFigure 1. 2010 Total Flip <strong>Chip</strong> Market Value split by cost-<strong>of</strong>-ownershipsupply chain segments (substrates for LCD drivers excluded, servicemargin included) Total = $16Bthe flip chip market is large and wellestablished, it isn’t considered mature yet.In 2010, it accounted for 29% <strong>of</strong> the totalIC packaging market _ involving morethan 17B flip chip ICs.A serious growth phase is currentlyunderway, with an expected compoundannual growth rate (CAGR) for <strong>wafer</strong><strong>bumping</strong> in flip chip in package at 10.5%during 2010 to 2016, which is 2 pointshigher than the CAGR forecasted for theaverage semiconductor industry. 2011will be the first year to exceed 10Mbumped <strong>wafer</strong> starts for flip chip, and fabutilization is also greater than 95%.Why flip chip, Why now?Flip chip technology isn’t new. But itsrecent evolution toward copper pillar<strong>bumping</strong> is rapidly being adopted forconsumer, telecom, and industrialapplications as a leading alternative tosolder in the rush to meet RoHS lead-freeinterconnect requirements by 2014. Moreimportantly, while it was previouslydriven mainly by performance (and by theI/O interconnect gap resulting from therelentless Moore’s law), it’s now increasinglybeing driven by costconcerns. Additionally, newunderfilling technologiesand materials are enablinglower-cost flip chipassembly flows with goodreliability.Historically, flip chiptechnology has beenconsidered excessivelycostly. As such, the maindriver for adopting flip chip technologyhas never been low cost; it’s always beenelectrical and thermal performance forhigh-speed processors or for RF poweramplifiers. It’s also performance driven_ a different sort <strong>of</strong> performance _because it’s about light efficiency forhigh-power LEDS; and for CMOS imagesensors and SAW filters, it’s size orhermeticity, respectively.We may actually see flip chip pricesdrop significantly as volumes keep onincreasing. Flip chip costs are expectedto decrease slowly and progressively, butit is already very competitive with anumber <strong>of</strong> packaging platforms that usewire bonding. It’s important to note herethat the increasing price <strong>of</strong> gold isn’t one<strong>of</strong> the primary factors behind the demandfor flip chip, because copper wirebonding is now widely used across allapplications.Copper pillar bumpsA significant evolution in flip chiptechnology, the copper pillar bump’s fastgrowth is quite surprising; as is the factthat a new technology could help withlowering costs in the packaging domainvery quickly, and at an industrial scale.This is fairly rare in the packaging domain.Typically, new technologies equate tohigher cost. In this case, it appears that itwill actually help decrease costs.One <strong>of</strong> the key reasons the copper pillarbump is so wildly successful is that it allowsfor much finer pitches and, at the same time,<strong>of</strong>fers superior reliability and costs less.Finer pitches are possible becausecopper can be plated with aspect ratioshigher than 1, whereas the alternativesolder tends to collapse after reflow. Toachieve good reliability, a minimumbump height is necessary. Copper pillarbumps can be fine-pitch and high at thesame time. The height, which is the spacebetween the substrate and the IC, helpswith ease <strong>of</strong> flow <strong>of</strong> the underfill. Thismeans faster flow underfill techniquesand lower cost, thanks to copper pillars.In particular, “molded underfill” or“MUF” goes hand in hand with copperpillars and <strong>of</strong>fers significant assemblyflow simplifications. Finer pitches alsodecrease the complexity <strong>of</strong> routing thesubstrates by enabling peripheral<strong>bumping</strong> and “bump on leads” (Figure2). So down the road we’ll need fewerFigure 2. A Copper column bump “Bonded on Lead”(Courtesy <strong>of</strong> Stats<strong>Chip</strong>Pac)42<strong>Chip</strong> <strong>Scale</strong> <strong>Review</strong> May/June 2011 [<strong>Chip</strong><strong>Scale</strong><strong>Review</strong>.com]

Figure 3. Intel’s copper pillar bumped packagessubstrate layers, which will also decrease cost. This is incrediblysignificant when you consider that more than 50% <strong>of</strong> the cost <strong>of</strong>a flip chip package is its substrate.Intel began producing copper pillars in 2007 (Figure 3), whilethe next announcement to come from another company aboutadopting copper pillars wasn’t until 2010 when Texas Instrumentsand Amkor unveiled a partnership. Others, however, have beenusing copper pillars more discreetly, to package RF poweramplifiers or high side switches.We expect copper pillars to account for nearly 50% <strong>of</strong> the flipchip <strong>wafer</strong> <strong>bumping</strong> count in 2016 _ with the total more thandouble than that <strong>of</strong> solder <strong>bumping</strong> <strong>wafer</strong> count. The overall flipchip market has a CAGR <strong>of</strong> 8%. This may seem low, but it’sbecause some applications grow fast while others remain flat.Our forecast for copper pillar <strong>bumping</strong> for 2010 to 2016 is at aCAGR <strong>of</strong> 20%. When you think that flip chip (and semiconductor)world leader, Intel, switched to copper pillar bumps years ago, a20% compound annual growth rate is quite impressive. Copperpillar <strong>bumping</strong> will overtake the #1 position in <strong>bumping</strong>technologies by 2013. Currently, gold-plated bumps for LCDdriver ICs are #1, but are expected to remain flat in the comingyears.Supply chain restructuring underwayTSMC is making massive investments in <strong>wafer</strong> <strong>bumping</strong> for flipchip and is now in position to vie with outsourced semiconductorassembly and test (OSAT) providers to provide this service. HowFigure 4. Cross section picture <strong>of</strong> Copper pillar bumps, (Courtesy <strong>of</strong> AmkorTechnology)might OSATs react? A smart way to retaliate is to focus on R&D _because no packaging R&D is done without the OSATs. They leadmost materials and process flow innovations. And right now, Amkor(Figure 4) and STATS<strong>Chip</strong>PAC are getting lots <strong>of</strong> publicity abouttheir copper pillar <strong>bumping</strong>, which is something TSMC doesn’t haveyet. Concurrently, a new business model _ that <strong>of</strong> the “<strong>wafer</strong> <strong>bumping</strong>houses” specializing in <strong>wafer</strong> <strong>bumping</strong> services _ has emerged as asignificant player type in this market. All <strong>of</strong> this equates to somerather serious changes going on in the supply chain at the moment.<strong>Chip</strong> <strong>Scale</strong> <strong>Review</strong> May/June 2011 [<strong>Chip</strong><strong>Scale</strong><strong>Review</strong>.com] 43

But, during the next 3 years, we’re likelyto see <strong>foundries</strong> gain the upper hand with<strong>wafer</strong> <strong>bumping</strong>. The OSATs, however, willmore than likely maintain their strongpositions in both <strong>wafer</strong> <strong>bumping</strong> andassembly. Their business model enablesthem to control the supply chain well,because they provide the complete set <strong>of</strong>flip chip services, including package designand qualification, <strong>wafer</strong> <strong>bumping</strong>, substratein-sourcing, assembly, and final test.So it would be exaggerating to say thatvalue flows from the traditional back-endplayers to the front-end <strong>foundries</strong>. To someextent, this is true, but in the end, it seemsthat everyone has something to earn fromthis market growth, except maybe for thesubstrate manufacturers, who will need toinvest into new technologies like lowerCTE or thinner substrates while being ableto keep track <strong>of</strong> customers’ requested costdownroadmaps.By largely contributing to the consolidation<strong>of</strong> the “mid-end” <strong>wafer</strong>-level packaginginfrastructure, flip chip favors the fastgrowth <strong>of</strong> 3D <strong>wafer</strong>-level packaging withTSVs (they require similar infrastructures)and will benefit from it through the fastgrowth <strong>of</strong> silicon to silicon micro<strong>bumping</strong>,and emergence <strong>of</strong> silicon and glassinterposers in flip chip packages. This isanother serious threat to high end ICsubstrate manufacturers: silicon and glassinterposers are a direct threat, and as ICsgo 3D, substrate-consuming technologiessuch as package-on-package will be phasedout. Fast-growing substrateless fan-out<strong>wafer</strong>-level packaging technologies (suchas Infineon/Intel’s eWLB) are fueling thisparadigm shift.Extreme growth aheadFlip chips are everywhere. They can befound in virtually every hot portablehandheld device and gadget, applicationprocessors, transceiver ICs, poweramplifiers, power management units,CMOS image sensors, telecom infrastructureapplications, automotive headlights andgeneral lighting appliances.The flip chip market essentially startedfrom scratch about 15 years ago and hasreached a remarkable $16B in that time.As the technology evolves, matures, andits cost decreases, flip chip growth shouldonly continue to soar.44(continued from Page 37)<strong>Chip</strong> <strong>Scale</strong> <strong>Review</strong> May/June 2011 [<strong>Chip</strong><strong>Scale</strong><strong>Review</strong>.com]Editor’s Note: This agenda is subjectto change, and more speakers will beannounced as they are confirmed. Staytuned for program updates on 3D InCites(www.3dincites.com) and in the July issue<strong>of</strong> CSR Tech Monthly. Details can alsobe found at www.semiconwest.org.Sneak preview <strong>of</strong> MEMS programs atSEMICON WestThis year’s main MEMS program atSEMICON West gathers some sectorleaders on Tuesday morning, July 12, todiscuss the future <strong>of</strong> the industry as more<strong>of</strong> its output moves from a niche businessinto high volume markets. Speakersinclude:● Rakesh Kumar, Director, MEMS,Global Foundries, will talk aboutabout applying learnings from theCMOS industry to MEMS foundryproduction.● Jean-Christophe Eloy, CEO,YoleDéveloppement, presents the MEMStechnology roadmap, and how newprocesses and industrial infrastructurewill enable new applications.● Claude Jean, EVP and GM, Foundry,Teledyne Dalsa, will addressspecialty foundry issues and newtechnologies.● Jo De Boeck, SVP Smart systems &Energy Technology, IMEC, will reporton MEMS platform opportunitiesand SiGe options.● Gary O’Brien, Director AdvancedMEMS Design, Robert Bosch, willdiscuss new developments comingout <strong>of</strong> the labs.● Matt Crowley, VP CorporateDevelopment and Founder, Sand9,will update attendees on developmentsin packaging technology andoscillators for wireless.2011 IWLPC Sponsor UpdateSponsorships continue to roll in forthis year’s 2011International WaferLevel PackagingConference. TheSMTA and <strong>Chip</strong><strong>Scale</strong> <strong>Review</strong> arepleased to announce an additionalPlatinum Sponsor, NEXX Systems; aswell as several Gold Sponsors includingNANIUM,Europe’s largest outsourcesemiconductor assembly and test service(OSAT) provider; STATS <strong>Chip</strong>PAC, one <strong>of</strong>the top 5 OSATS worldwide, and packagingequipment manufacturer, Pac Tech.Platinum SponsorNEXX Systems, Inc. manufacturessemiconductor equipment designed expresslyfor <strong>wafer</strong> level packaging processing(WLP), addressingthe demandingeconomic andprocess flexibilityrequirements <strong>of</strong> the semiconductorpackaging industry. The Company has twoproduct lines: Stratus, an electrodepositionsystem <strong>of</strong>fering breakthrough technologythat combines the process advantages <strong>of</strong>vertical <strong>wafer</strong> orientation with the economicadvantages <strong>of</strong> parallel processing; andApollo and Nimbus, sputter depositionsystems designed to provide highthroughput and productivity, with lowconsumables cost.Gold SponsorsNANIUM provides design, development,engineering, and small to high volumemanufacturingservices forsemiconductorpackaging, assembly and test, operatingnamely in WLP and in traditional substrateand leadframe based packages. NANIUMwas one <strong>of</strong> the first companies worldwide<strong>of</strong>fering high volume manufacturing forfan-out WLP on 12” <strong>wafer</strong>, based onInfineon Technologies’ eWLB technology.The company is continuously developingnew solutions, like System-in-Package(SiP) at the <strong>wafer</strong> level, to stay at theleading edge <strong>of</strong> this technology. Thanksto 15 years’ experience in the semiconductorbusiness (as former Siemens Semiconductors,Infineon Technologies, and most recentlyQimonda Portugal), NANIUM has ahighly qualified and competent team andstate-<strong>of</strong>-the-art equipment and facilities,ready to provide services beyond its

clients’ expectations.STATS <strong>Chip</strong>PAC Ltd. is a leading service provider <strong>of</strong> semiconductorpackaging design, bump, probe, assembly, test and distributionsolutions. The company has the scale toprovide a comprehensive range <strong>of</strong>semiconductor packaging and test solutionsto a diversified global customer base servicing the computing,communications and consumer markets.Pac Tech Packaging Technologies is a worldwide leader in WLPservices and equipment. Pac Tech has over 15 years <strong>of</strong> experience inthe industry and has manufacturingsites all around the world, including:Germany, United States, Japan, andMalaysia. These sites can supply both engineering and prototypingservices, as well as high volume production. Pac Tech is structured toprovide a single source for all contract <strong>bumping</strong> services, as well asproviding turn-key WLP Equipment.There are still 2 silver level sponsorships available, as well asc<strong>of</strong>fee break, reception, lunch, and WiFi sponsorships. Contact KimNewman at knewman@chipscalereview.com.2011 IWLPC Program Takes ShapeThe technical committee has been hard at work recruitingkeynote speakers and organizing panels to make certain the 2011International Wafer Level Packaging Conference (IWLPC),October 3-6, 2011 is the best it’s ever been. Confirmed keynotespeakers include Matt Nowak <strong>of</strong> Qualcomm and Bill Bottoms, <strong>of</strong>3rd Millennium Test Solutions Additionally, each conference day(Oct. 5 and 6) will feature a panel discussion, one titled The Effect<strong>of</strong> Infrastructure on Technology Adoption, and the other Will 2.5Dand 3D Compete or Coexist?The four day event begins with two full days <strong>of</strong> Process andSix Sigma Certification workshops. Exhibits and tech sessionscomprise the remainder <strong>of</strong> the two conference days, <strong>of</strong>feringfull technology tracks on 3D, Wafer Level Packaging, andMEMS and many exhibitors showcasing their products andservices that support these market sectors.3D Panel Will 2.5D and 3D Compete or Coexist?The introduction <strong>of</strong> 2.5D silicon interposer solutions to meetthe performance, size and cost requirements <strong>of</strong> next generationconsumer electronics has the industry questioning whether thisis an interim solution while ‘true’ 3D addresses remaininglimitations <strong>of</strong> thermal, supply chain infrastructure and cost <strong>of</strong>test issues; a complementary solution for 3D systems, or analternative avenue to 3D TSV altogether? In other words, will2.5D and 3D compete or coexist? This panel will discuss themotivations <strong>of</strong> these scenarios from the perspective <strong>of</strong> their corecompetencies. Confirmed 3D panelists include Ron HoemuellerSr. Vice President <strong>of</strong> Adv 3DIC, Scott Jewler, Chief Engineering,Sales and Marketing Officer at Powertech Technology; and PhilMarcoux, <strong>of</strong> PPM Associates, consultant for TSV technologies.Additional panelists will include experts in thermal management,<strong>Chip</strong> <strong>Scale</strong> <strong>Review</strong> May/June 2011 [<strong>Chip</strong><strong>Scale</strong><strong>Review</strong>.com] 45

46<strong>Chip</strong> <strong>Scale</strong> <strong>Review</strong> May/June 2011 [<strong>Chip</strong><strong>Scale</strong><strong>Review</strong>.com]

design, test, and an end user, and willbe announced as their participation isconfirmed.WLP Panel: The Effect <strong>of</strong> Infrastructureon Technology AdoptionThe adoption <strong>of</strong> any new semiconductortechnology depends heavily on the state<strong>of</strong> the existing technology infrastructure.The IC-packaging industry is no exception.Established relationships and physicalstructures represent challenging obstacles,and enabling advantages, for newsemiconductor technologies. This panelwill discuss and evaluate the existingindustry infrastructure and thetechnological momentum driving, andregulating, adoption. It will also discussthe role <strong>of</strong> infrastructure in determiningtechnological progress. Panelists willinclude packaging experts drawn from topanalyst firms, key trade media and leadingindustry innovators, and will be announcedas participation is confirmed.MEPTEC/SMTA Medical ElectronicsSymposium Call for PapersSMTA and MEPTEC will once againbe joining forces to present the MedicalElectronics Symposium, September 27-28, 2011. The two-day technical programtitled “Medical Electronics-VitalTechnologies for Health” will be heldSeptember 27-28, 2011 at Arizona StateUniversity in Tempe, AZ. ASU’s School<strong>of</strong> Biological and Health SystemsEngineering will co-sponsor this event.This symposium will focus on medicalelectronics and medical deviceapplications. The technical committee issoliciting abstracts from within themedical community that will share themost up to date information aboutcompany electronics expertise, practices,technology and applications as it relatesto the symposium topics. Deadline forabstracts is June 1, 2011.Session topics include:● Market Trends & Forecasts inMedical Electronics● MEMS Technologies for the MedicalIndustry● Manufacturing Technologies andStandards● Latest Developments in ImplantableProducts and Applications● System Level Products and Applicationsinstrumentation(defibrillators, etc.)● Materials and Design● Systems Manufacturing (i.e. PWB/PCB assembly, stacked packages)● Reliability/Safety/Regulatory/TestingThe abstract and presentation must benon-commercial in nature and emphasizethe medical technology and not thecompany portfolio. Please include yourcontact information (address, phonenumber, email address) and a presentationtitle with your abstract submission. Pleaseprovide an abstract <strong>of</strong> 300 wordsminimum on any <strong>of</strong> the topics above byemail to bcooper@meptec.org (for firstfour topics) or patti@smta.org (for lastfour topics). There is no technical paperrequirement for this symposium.Presentations are due on August 30, 2011.<strong>Chip</strong> <strong>Scale</strong> <strong>Review</strong> May/June 2011 [<strong>Chip</strong><strong>Scale</strong><strong>Review</strong>.com] 47

(continued from Page 26)Figure 6. TSV placement and assignment tominimize cost and maximize routabilitystacking can improve system performanceand not break the bank. However, it’s notenough to show that the system is routable,but that the physical layout can supportthe required data speeds. The ability toverify signal and power integrity over thecomplete 3D stack is thus the final essentialcomponent <strong>of</strong> the 3D pathfinding tool. Atrue-3D tool, which has all the connectivityand electrical information for the TSVsand 3D interconnects in place, is the idealengine for extracting the full parasiticnetwork <strong>of</strong> the 3D structure. In pathfindingmode, approximate algorithms aresufficient to provide confidence inperformance estimates; however, the sameengine can be used to provide the inputsto more detailed analyses as needed lateron in the flow.ConclusionBy choosing as an example a very basic2.5D design case to illustrate how a true-3D pathfinding tool can identify costsavings while re-using existing components,we wanted to show that it’s not necessaryto start from scratch and re-architect entirelynew systems to reap the benefits <strong>of</strong> 3Dintegration. This being said, one can onlyimagine how much more can be achievedby pushing the analysis to a finer level.The pain <strong>of</strong> 3D design comes largelyfrom the need to perform multipledifferent types <strong>of</strong> operations _partitioning, routing, extraction, etc _that heret<strong>of</strong>ore required different tools,each having different file formats, andthat were not designed to supportmultiple technologies. A single true-3Dpathfinding tool, such as presented here,which does communicate gracefully withthe rest <strong>of</strong> the flow, is what is requiredto remove this pain.The fear <strong>of</strong> 3D design _ at least thatpart which is due to uncertainty in costand performance benefits _ comes fromhaving to take a leap <strong>of</strong> faith on inexactmodels at the front end <strong>of</strong> the design flow,not knowing if these will hold up by thetime it reaches the end. It is absolutelyvital to have a tool that can dive into thephysical design space at an early stage tovalidate the performance predictions andto provide accurate data for costmodeling. With such a tool in hand, thereis absolutely nothing left to stop anyonefrom seeing how they can pr<strong>of</strong>it from 3Dintegration.ADVERTISER-INDEXAries Electronics www.arieselec.com .................................................... 15Az Tech Direct www.aztechdirect.com ................................................... 26Crane Aerospace & Electronics www.craneae.com/microelec ................ 43DL Technology www.dltechnology.com .................................................. 11ECTC www.ectc.net ................................................................................ 46Essai www.essai.com .......................................................................... OBCE-tec Interconnect www.e-tec.com ........................................................ 47Everett Charles Technologies www.ectinfo.com/zip ..................... 35,37,39Hanmi Semiconductor www.hanmisemi.com ........................................ 2,3HCD Corp www.hcdcorp.com ................................................................. 23International Micro Industries www.imi-corp.com ................................. 32Indium Corp www.indium.us/E107 ......................................................... 19Ironwood Electronics www.ironwoodelectronics.com ............................. 47ISI www.isipkg.com ............................................................................... 21IWLPC www.iwlpc.com ............................................................................ 9Micro Control Company www.microcontrol.com ..................................... 1Nanium S.A. www.nanium.com ............................................................. 13Newport www.newport.com/bond1 ....................................................... 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IBCTranscend Technologies www.modustest.com ................................. 25,4048 <strong>Chip</strong> <strong>Scale</strong> <strong>Review</strong> May/June 2011 [<strong>Chip</strong><strong>Scale</strong><strong>Review</strong>.com]ADVERTISING SALESWestern USA, EuropeReprintsKim Newman <strong>Chip</strong> <strong>Scale</strong> <strong>Review</strong>[knewman@chipscalereview.com]P.O. Box 9522 San Jose, CA 95157-0522T: 408.429.8585 F: 408.429.8605Central USA & Asia-PacificDirectory SalesRon Molnar AZ Tech Direct[rmolnar@chipscalereview.com]13801 S. 32nd Place Phoenix, AZ 85044T: 480.215.2654 F: 480.496.9451Eastern USARon Friedman [rfriedman@chipscalereview.com]P.O. Box 370183, W. 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