Anthology of wounds - Arct

Anthology of wounds - Arct

Anthology of wounds - Arct

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<strong>Anthology</strong> <strong>of</strong> WoundsMonday, 19.II.79On Saturday China attacked Vietnam. These have beentwo days full <strong>of</strong> something unexplainable but great and notcommon. I was anxious. It was the first time I wanted to hear onthe radio news and not music. In our monotone life a suddeninterest was born.Since when I was to my father I don’t feel well. I have pain indifferent parts <strong>of</strong> my body almost in whole my inner organs, Ihave waist and kidney’s aches, especially during the night and Idon’t know how to stay. Today during the evening I hadcough…The thermometer was 37 degreesTuesday, 27.XI.79On Sunday I was with Bule* in Tirana and we met uncleBardhyl*. They let us speak only for 10 minutes through aniron door. He put his face on the irons and he kissed us, andthen we did the same. Bulja couldn’t walk. We turned back at10.00 and I accompanied Bule to the train station and I wentout to by some things in Tirana.When we turned back we found home Sh. He slept therethat night. He drunk a little with my uncle and began to singold songs <strong>of</strong> his youth. He singed passionate and talked in thesame way for those years. Ida, Ledi and Laura glanced at himand singed together as they could. I turned back home onlythis afternoon.……Thursday, 13.III.80Today we get a letter from my father. He wishes me my birthday.It has now been 20 years that we wish each other “Happy72

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