Anthology of wounds - Arct

Anthology of wounds - Arct

Anthology of wounds - Arct

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<strong>Anthology</strong> <strong>of</strong> Woundspared even for prison, since Tirana, but I never thoughtthat my sons would have the same misfortune.I had dreamed a lot about their future — not aboutwealth and grades. My dreams for him were intellectualones, linked a bit with what I had not achieved inmy life. Fatos had a lot <strong>of</strong> common characteristics withmy oldest brother, Fiqret, a real intellectual that had alwaysbeen a spiritual guide and inspiration to me.We stayed all the day waiting at the State Securitydoors. The Vice Chief said Fatos would come with thenoon train, but he didn’t come, then he told us he wouldcome with the evening train, but he didn’t come again.The next morning he told us the truth — he was arrested.It was a big shock for me. We all grieved. What couldwe tell Ana that loved so much Fatos and was so closeto him? ...Zana, Gimi and the girls went to Tirana. I lived sufferingfor my son, but also the feeling was more thansuffering.I had very bad thoughts and I feared for Todi … ButI never spoke <strong>of</strong> them in those two days, because Todiwas in very grave condition too. We had even forgottento eat, although he was a diabetic.Then, one moment I cried in anger, “We have to surviveand I began to lay the table.”On July 27, I went to job like every day. At noonAbdulla gave me my register book <strong>of</strong> cartels, entranceand exit sheets and he told me to go home. It was thefirst time he did this. As always Todi came after three aclock, tired and exhausted from the hard labor he had.40

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