Anthology of wounds - Arct

Anthology of wounds - Arct

Anthology of wounds - Arct

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<strong>Anthology</strong> <strong>of</strong> WoundsShe remembers you a lot and speaks a lot <strong>of</strong> funny things.The children take care <strong>of</strong> me and don’t get me angry.Mother left 12 days ago. So I have to pass every worry bymyself. Oh no! I am not alone, I have my children. Whatabout you?Write me Tuk; as much as you can. I will write you too. Iam looking forward to see you right way you accommodate.A kiss from the children, hugs and I miss you,Yours, MitaBerat, 6. V. 1958My dear Mita!Even though I have written you a letter a week ago, replyingyour first letter, now I am writing you again.Today is May 24. This has been a very important date forus. It reminds us <strong>of</strong> our unforgettable moments that bring ustogether. I am not writing about the romantic side <strong>of</strong> this date(even though I would like to) but I am writing only for thecurrent reality.In my family life, May 24 coincides with moments <strong>of</strong> happinessand desperation. A wise popular proverb says “Life itis not always full <strong>of</strong> flowers,” it has its happiness and its desperation.So considering what I am writing, I advice you tobe strong on this desperation moments because we have obligationstoward our sons and you must be for them father andmother, and to face the life alone as time as we will be separated.I was glad to read your words “I understand the obligationI have in life.”29

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