Anthology of wounds - Arct

Anthology of wounds - Arct

Anthology of wounds - Arct

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<strong>Anthology</strong> <strong>of</strong> WoundsOnly few months after this arrest, Dom Nikolli wasarrested too, leaving our mother and me alone in thatdistant village. That time I was only 18 yearsAfter released from prison, having no other peoplein his home in Shkodra, came to live with the motherand me. But not for long time… The revenge had n<strong>of</strong>inished yet, this time was called “people enemy” asincompatible with the communist ideals and over all,judged as the brother <strong>of</strong> the arrested priest. These werevery ominous accuses for us that warned bad things inthe future.In the 5 January <strong>of</strong> 1950, in the Saw enterprise (wasonly an old building) as had happened other times hadfired again and was all scorched. My brothers and 4 otherworker that were far way 100m from the building runto quell the fire but was late. The Security forces cameat once. It was with them even the criminal XhemalSelimi (Uci). Roku and he had a discussion at the Pukabar, because he had <strong>of</strong>fended Rroku. The worker askedfor the case said that was impossible to quell the fire;butt Xhemal didn’t want the truth. He said to the workersthat Rrok Mazreku burned the building I will puthis head on the foundations <strong>of</strong> the new building. Theworkers insisted, even their chief Lukë Mark Ndoci, butXhemal didn’t hear them. He cried like mad, “We havea people enemy between us. He is a former politicalprisoner and as his brother Dom Nikollë Mazreku, theyare incompatible to us they are Christian-democrat etc.This merciless person took Rroku for 10 months ininvestigation, torturing him in a terrible way. Time aftertime he went to see him to the hospital if he wasrecovered and then again tortures. When Roku was at244

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