Anthology of wounds - Arct

Anthology of wounds - Arct

Anthology of wounds - Arct

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<strong>Anthology</strong> <strong>of</strong> Woundscause <strong>of</strong> the war. So, since two years ago they were theregular customers <strong>of</strong> Shkodra’s piazza.There were even some former employees <strong>of</strong> the administration,that would be changed, and also the otheremployees, between them participants in the war, thatwished to be present in every event, and the partisanscame from south that in general had nothing to do.A part <strong>of</strong> this mass <strong>of</strong> mixed people would participatein a meeting in the morning <strong>of</strong> January 21, 1945notified since a day first, as “important.” The weatherwas cold even though the sun shined. The people in thesquare in front the municipality didn’t wait for long andin one moment in the balcony an <strong>of</strong>ficer with colonelgrade that looked older than the others came out on it,smiling. Arif Gjyli was next to him. He introduced theperson to the people, his name was Shefqet Peci. Shefqetspoke in a regular oratory, alternating according to theoccasion, even the voices tunes, not lacking also inspiration,accompanied with demonstrative gestures,which the random speeches <strong>of</strong> the ignorant and inexperiencedorators needed.He shortly told the Shkodra people <strong>of</strong> the nationalliberation war and the liberty gained by it, for the relation<strong>of</strong> the Albanian partisans and Yugoslav one, for theircommon ideals and for the blood they have not sparedin the same entrenchment and then praising the MarshalTito, and later ironically and with pomposity hewould continue in more loud voice: “We have broughthere some spies and traitors, that have served the foreignersand have counted their hands with the blood <strong>of</strong>the son’s people, and we will kill them here before you”He began to read the unlucky names <strong>of</strong> these persons,195

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