Anthology of wounds - Arct

Anthology of wounds - Arct

Anthology of wounds - Arct

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<strong>Anthology</strong> <strong>of</strong> WoundsMy messenger smiled and sad congratulated me,and went way saying! Lucky you, you will go while uswill remain here on the slush.” I didn’t say anything. Itwas better than speaking, I just thanked him, and hurriedup. I walked in the town almost running, somepeople that knew me wanted to congratulate me, or tocomment to event with me. But I was in hurry that day.When I arrived at my department I noticed that everybodyknew the news and the interned curious lookedat me. They congratulated me but it was not difficult tosee sadness in their eyes too. They were suffering becausethey would loose even me and the spiritual consolationI had gave to them. I wanted to give them hope,and tell that God would think even for them. But I feltreally sad and touched. I loved them with whole myheart, as they loved me. This love made me feel as if Iwas in a family. I cried as they did and I think I am notlying to tell that if I will had the possibility I would nothave turned back in my country, because I wanted toconsulate those people that sufferedSo tears and congratulations in the camp, than accordingto the Albanian custom I <strong>of</strong>fered them cigarettes,a glass <strong>of</strong> raki, and for the women sweets. A real luxury!I had no more money but the custom was fulfilled.One evening during the committing the rituals weheard a knock on the door, it was the Sergeant, the chief<strong>of</strong> the department, and three plain clothes. Instinctuallywe didn’t speak, we were a bit worried and after a whilewe breathed calmly when one <strong>of</strong> them speaking a poorItalian, said that the “government” wanted that ourreturn in our country to be dignitary so they orderedus to wear new clothes. He called the others (a tailorand a shoemaker) to take the sizes for clothes and shoes.168

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