Anthology of wounds - Arct

Anthology of wounds - Arct

Anthology of wounds - Arct

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<strong>Anthology</strong> <strong>of</strong> WoundsWhen we arrived it was almost, evening. Everybodytook his place appointed to live. In one <strong>of</strong> the flat in thesame apartment, we were appointed to stay there werethree families, in fact three couples, because fortunatelythe children were not included in this masse <strong>of</strong> punishmentso they remained in Tirana. The other couple wasput in one <strong>of</strong> the booths destined for all the interned,while the two singles, one teacher and the other economist,even thought sentenced to politic, were put in theplace that gathered even ordinary condemned from thegrounds <strong>of</strong> society.From the operative <strong>of</strong> the area we took the exact instruction:1. To be present at the appeal three times a day.2. We would respond to criminal charges if we wentbeyond the proper borders.3. If we need to go to Lushnja we had to take permissionfrom the Interior Branch <strong>of</strong> the District. And forany other reason to go outside the district we had totake permission from the Interior Ministry.Under the curiosity with their help, <strong>of</strong> the entirepeople that were interned or free, that were breakingtheir routine day, we put our stuffs in our place <strong>of</strong> living.When we finished was full dark and there was noelectricity, we had no lamps, or candles or matches. Wedidn’t know what to do. But after a while two youngmen came and <strong>of</strong>fered their help to fix the electricity. Inour conditions that help had a double function. Talkinga little we learned that the first one was interned for 5years and the other was deported. It was the first timewe heard for such escalated masses.151

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