Anthology of wounds - Arct

Anthology of wounds - Arct

Anthology of wounds - Arct

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<strong>Anthology</strong> <strong>of</strong> WoundsSo we had to go, and to leave our daughter. We wereseparated! The noise <strong>of</strong> the car neutralized the crying<strong>of</strong> the girl that said: Mummy, daddy….! That overpassthe borders <strong>of</strong> pain, penetrating the depth <strong>of</strong> night andthat warned a mournful dawn.Deep darkness! We were leaving Tirana roads andfirst we were concentrated to see all <strong>of</strong> it. The catastrophewas real and tragic. Where were we going? Wouldbe so capable to effort what accepted us? What aboutthe girls?The car stopped at the square in front <strong>of</strong> the TextileCombine. There were a line <strong>of</strong> cars there that draw ourattention. The home stuffs and element <strong>of</strong> Sigurimi accompanyingthem, made us understand they were inthe same analogue conditions. Through the peoplespread around or in the cars we saw some known persons,with many in the mix making us more disoriented.What was happening? What was the cause <strong>of</strong> thissenseless action? Or it was only a campaign, necessaryto frighten the people and poor them that had “win thelottery” to represent the example? While the sacrificewas commit…As we were, informed later this caused fear on thepeople, and for many days no one walked on eveningand everybody went home and didn’t get out since veryearly. But taking account the general atmosphere, despitethe demagogy used for this event, very people wereangry and didn’t accept the situation.* * *149

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