PICBASIC PLUS LITE Manual - Profe Saul

PICBASIC PLUS LITE Manual - Profe Saul

PICBASIC PLUS LITE Manual - Profe Saul

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<strong>PICBASIC</strong> <strong>PLUS</strong> Compiler5 - <strong>PICBASIC</strong> <strong>PLUS</strong> Commands and DirectivesADINASM-ENDASMBRANCHBRANCHLBUSINBUSOUTCALLCDATACLSCONFIGCOUNTERCREADCURSORCWRITEDATADECLAREDELAYMSDELAYUSDEVICEDIGDIMEDATAENDEREADEWRITEFOR…TO…NEXT…STEPGOSUB….RETURNGOTOHIGH (or SET)IF…THEN…ELSE…ENDIFINCLUDEINKEYINPUT[LET]LCDREADLCDWRITELOOKDOWNLOOKDOWNLLOOKUPLOOKUPLLOW (or CLEAR)ON_INTERRUPTOUTPUTORGPEEKRead on-chip analog to digital converter.Insert assembly language code section.Computed GOTO (equiv. to ON..GOTO).BRANCH out of page (long BRANCH).Read bytes from I 2 C device.Write bytes to I 2 C device.Call assembly language subroutine.Define initial contents in memory.Clear the LCD.Set or Reset programming fuse configurations.Count number of pulses on a pin.Read word from code memory.Position the cursor on the LCD.Write word to code memory.Define initial contents in memory.Adjust library routine parameters.Delay (1mSec resolution).Delay (1uSec resolution).Choose the type of PIC to compile with.Return the value of a decimal digit.Create a variable.Define initial contents of on-chip EEPROM.Stop execution.Read byte or word from on-chip EEPROM.Write byte to on-chip EEPROM.Repeatedly execute statements.Call BASIC subroutine at specified label.Continue execution at specified label.Make pin, port, or register high.Conditionally execute statements.Load a BASIC file into the source code.Scan a keypad.Make pin an input.Assign result of an expression to a variable.Read a single byte from a Graphic LCD.Write bytes to a Graphic LCD.Search constant table for value.Search constant / variable table for value.Fetch constant value from table.Fetch constant / variable value from table.Make pin, port, or register low.Execute a subroutine on a HARWARE interrupt.Make pin an output.Set Program Origin.Read byte from register.20Copyright Crownhill 2001

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