Network Camera Server VB101

Network Camera Server VB101

Network Camera Server VB101

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Viewing and Transmitting Recorded PicturesViewing and Transmitting Recorded PicturesPictures Search CGIThe pictures search CGI includes the enum command to generate a list of recorded pictures thatsatisfy the search criteria, the desc command to generate the video data display page, and thedata command to retrieve the video data.enum CommandThe enum command is used to generate a list display page for the search page and to generatea page for SnapAnimator. The items displayed in the recorded picture list generated by theenum command are displayed in order of the time they were collected.■enum Command ParametersParameter NametypeserverDetailsList format. Specify "html" to specify a list display page, or "anim" to specify a pagefor SnapAnimator.Specifies the HTTP server. If this parameter is omitted, the IP address of the client sidenetwork interface is used*1. Specify the IP address of the HTTP server.desc CommandThe desc command is used to generate a video display page. The video display page usesHTML text for the video display area and attribute display area, and uses the data commanddescribed below to retrieve the video data.■desc Command ParametersParameter NamebserverlocaleDetailsSpecifies the video data. this is the video data file name excluding the ".jpg"extension and is specified using the "yyyymmdd/HHMMSSCC" format. Thisparameter can not be omitted.Specifies the HTTP server. If this parameter is omitted, the IP address of the clientside network interface is used*1. Specify the IP address of the HTTP server.Language used to display the desc command attribute information. Specify "english" forEnglish-language display and "japanese" for Japanese-language display. The default valueis "english". When an undefined value is specified, the default value is used.targetlocaleskip/limitTarget frame name for list display. Mandatory when a multi-frame configuration isused to construct the picture search page.Language used to display the desc command attribute information. Specify "english" for English-language display and "japanese"for Japanese-language display. The default value is "english". When an undefined value is specified, the default value is used.Specifies the range for the search results. Specify an integer of 0 or more for either. Of the listof recorded pictures that satisfy the search criteria, the list displayed excludes the number ofitems specified by the skip parameter from the beginning of the list and includes items up tothe limit imposed by the limit parameter. If these parameters are omitted or erroneous valuesare specified, skip is set to 0 and limit to 100. If limit is set to 0, no limit is applied.data CommandThe data command retrieves video data. The parameters only specify the video data and theformat is the same as the b parameter for the desc command. Specify the data directly as"data?yyymmdd/HHMMSSCC" with no parameter name.5tncntsteSpecifies the trigger that governs the main cause of picture recording. A setting of i0 restrictsany connection input, and i1 and i2 restrict connection input to inputs 1 and 2. A setting of s0restricts any schedule setting, and s1, s2, s3 and s4 restrict schedule setting to settings 1,2,3,and 4. If this parameter is omitted, or an undefined value is specified, the trigger is unrestricted.<strong>Camera</strong> number use for shooting. Specify a value from 1 to 4 as the camera number. If thisparameter is omitted or an undefined value is specified, the camera number is unrestricted.Start time for the shooting period. Specify a setting using the "yyyymmddHHMMSS" format (yyyy: year; mm:month; dd: day; HH: hour; MM: minute; SS: second). If this parameter is omitted or an erroneous value isspecified, the start time for the recording period is unrestricted. The mmddHHMMSS parameter andHHMMSS parameter can be omitted. The default settings are 01 for mm and dd, and 00 for HH, MM and SS.End time for the shooting period. The specification format and the handling of omitted or erroneousparameters is the same as for ts. The mmddHHMMSS parameter and HHMMSS parameter can beomitted. The default settings are 12 for mm, 31 for dd, 23 for HH, and 59 for MM and SS.*1 This is a function that corresponds to address replacement using .However, you cannot specify itself.Using the Picture Recording Function86 87

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