Cold Weather Catalog - Chromalox Precision Heat and Control

Cold Weather Catalog - Chromalox Precision Heat and Control

Cold Weather Catalog - Chromalox Precision Heat and Control

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TechnicalTechnical InformationNEMA Enclosures & Hazardous Location <strong>Heat</strong>ersNEMA Enclosures for ClassifiedLocations (Hazardous)The following are condensed descriptionsof the NEMA enclosure types for Classified (Hazardous) Locations. The <strong>Chromalox</strong>enclosures equivalent to the NEMA descriptionare indicated. The <strong>Chromalox</strong> enclosure maynot be indentical to the NEMA description dueto modifi cations required to adapt the housingto heater confi gurations. The NEMA enclosuredescriptions are not intended to be completerepresentations of the National ElectricalManufacturers Association st<strong>and</strong>ards forelectrical enclosures. For complete details onNEMA enclosure requirements, refer to NEMAStd. No. 250.Type 7 Enclosures — are intended for indooruse in locations classifi ed as Class I, GroupsA, B, C <strong>and</strong> D as defi ned in the National ElectricalCode. (<strong>Chromalox</strong> E2, E3 or ExplosionResistant enclosures.) 2Type 8 Enclosures — are intended for indooror outdoor use in locations classifi ed asClass I, Groups A, B, C <strong>and</strong> D as defi ned inthe National Electrical Code. (<strong>Chromalox</strong> E2enclosures.) 2Type 9 Enclosures — are intended for indooruse in locations classifi ed as Class II, GroupsE, F <strong>and</strong> G as defi ned in the National ElectricalCode. (<strong>Chromalox</strong> E2, E3 or ExplosionResistant enclosures.)Type 10 Enclosures (MSHA) shall be capableof meeting the requirements of the MineSafety <strong>and</strong> Health Administration, 30 C.F.R.,Part 18.<strong>Chromalox</strong> Enclosures for Electric<strong>Heat</strong>ers in Classified Locations<strong>Chromalox</strong> has terminal enclosures specifi -cally designed for use on electric heaters installedin Classifi ed (Hazardous) areas. Theseenclosures are identifi ed as Type E2 <strong>and</strong> E3.Typical fl ange heaters with E2 hazardous areaterminal enclosures are shown below.Explosion ResistantEnclosureE2 enclosures are supplied with gaskets <strong>and</strong>are suitable for both indoor <strong>and</strong> outdoor locations.E2 enclosures meet the moisture <strong>and</strong>explosion-resistant requirements for NEMA 4,12, 7, 8 <strong>and</strong> 9 applications. E3 enclosures areusually not furnished with gaskets <strong>and</strong> are intendedprimarily for indoor <strong>and</strong> dry locations.See table below.Electric <strong>Heat</strong>ers for HazardousLocationsEYS SealExplosion ResistantEnclosure with EYS Seal<strong>Chromalox</strong> provides a wide variety of electricimmersion <strong>and</strong> air heaters for use in hazardouslocations. These heaters are listed byUnderwriters Laboratories (UL) or certifi edby Canadian St<strong>and</strong>ards Association (CSA).<strong>Heat</strong>ers designed <strong>and</strong> certifi ed for Class I or IIDivision I hazardous locations can be used inDivision 2 areas in the same class.Comparison of Specific Applications of Enclosures for Indoor Hazardous LocationsImmersion <strong>Heat</strong>ers — Screwplug <strong>and</strong> fl anged immersionheaters are available withterminal enclosures CSA orCSA NRTL/C certifi ed forClass I, Groups B, C <strong>and</strong> D <strong>and</strong>Class II Groups E, F <strong>and</strong> G.Supplemental low-liquid levelcontrols are required formaximum safety <strong>and</strong>equipment protection whenimmersion heaters are used inhazardous locations. 2Circulation <strong>Heat</strong>ers — Many water <strong>and</strong> oilcirculation heaters are available with terminalenclosures CSA or CSA NRTL/C certifi ed ClassI, Groups B, C <strong>and</strong> D <strong>and</strong> Class II, Groups E,F <strong>and</strong> G. Supplemental controls are requiredfor maximum safety <strong>and</strong> equipment protectionwhen circulation heaters are used inhazardous locationsAir <strong>Heat</strong>ers — Blower type air heaters (CXH-A) are available for Class I, Division I, GroupsC <strong>and</strong> D <strong>and</strong> Class II, Division I, Groups E, F<strong>and</strong> G with UL, UL-C, <strong>and</strong>/or CSA certifi cation.Convection type air heaters (CVEP) are availablefor use in Class I, Division I, Groups B, C<strong>and</strong> D hazardous locations. Convection typeair heaters (FPEP <strong>and</strong> CEP) are available foruse in Class I, Division I, Groups C <strong>and</strong> D <strong>and</strong>Class II, Division I Groups E, F <strong>and</strong> G.Specialty Products & Components —<strong>Chromalox</strong>has designed, manufactured <strong>and</strong>provided certifi cation on a large number ofspecialty products for hazardous areas <strong>and</strong>other special applications. These productsinclude UL Recognized Components (fi nnedtubular elements), duct heaters <strong>and</strong> specialaircraft ground support equipment. Contactyour Local <strong>Chromalox</strong> Sales offi ce for assistancein designing equipment or solvingany unique electric heating application forhazardous areas.NEMA<strong>Chromalox</strong> ®Atmospheres Containing Class Group 7 8 9 10 E2 E3Acetylene I A X XHydrogen, Manufactured Gas I B X X X 1,2 X 1,2Diethel Ether, Ethylene, Cyclopropane I C X X X XGasoline, Hexane, Butane, Naptha, Propane, I D X X X XAcetone Toluene or IsopreneMetal Dust II E X X XCarbon Black, Coal Dust, Coke Dust II F X X XFlour, Starch, Grain Dust II G X X XFibers, Flyings III G X X XMethane with or without Coal Dust MSHA X1. Requires seals in the conduit adjacent to the terminal enclosure.2. For EMT <strong>and</strong> MT styles, Class 1 Group B; Divisions 1& 2, consult factory.TECHNICAL213

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