Cold Weather Catalog - Chromalox Precision Heat and Control

Cold Weather Catalog - Chromalox Precision Heat and Control

Cold Weather Catalog - Chromalox Precision Heat and Control

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Technical<strong>Heat</strong> Tracing ProductsApplication & SelectionGuidelines (cont’d.)Step 3 — Select <strong>Heat</strong>ingCable Wattage RatingAfter calculating the heat lossin the pipe <strong>and</strong> adjusting for anyapplication deviations, you maydetermine which cable ratingto use. If you have selected aself-regulating cable you mustadjust the output based onmaintenance temperatures,using the Thermal OutputRating Graphs shown on the individualproduct pages, selectthe lowest cable rating that willprovide the pipe maintenance temperature.For Example: A15 W/Ft. SRM/E cable @ 150°Fwill output approximately10 W/Ft. Multiple passes or runsof cable may be required toprovide suffi cient output perfoot calculated in Step 1. This isaccomplished with parallel runsof cable or spiraling. Contactyour Local <strong>Chromalox</strong> Sales offi ce.Cable Output vs. Temperature<strong>Heat</strong> Output (W/Ft.)2420161284030 50 70 90 110 130 150 170 190 210 230 250 270 290 300(°F)TECHNICALStep 4 — Determine Total Length ofCable RequiredStep 5 — Determine Circuits &Circuit ProtectionThe total amount of heating cable isdetermined by adding the total footage ofpipe to be traced <strong>and</strong> adding for allowancesfor the components such as fl anges, valves,pipe supports; then, multiply by the totalnumber of runs or Wrap Factor determined inStep 3.(Total Feet of Traced Pipe + Cable Allowancefor Components) x # of Runs = Total CableLength)Pipe Component Cable Allowance EstimationCircuit protection depends on the breakersize being used <strong>and</strong> the start-up temperature.The National Electric Code (NEC 1996)requires the use of ground fault protectionbreakers for heating cable. Refer to thespecifi c data of the individual heat trace cableto determine maximum circuit lengths. Todetermine the number of circuits required foreach pipe, divide the total cable length foundin Step 4 by the maximum circuit length foundin the individual cable data charts. Round upto the next higher number.Number of Circuits =Cable LengthMaximum Circuit LengthComponent Cable Allowance Factor (Ft.) x # Components Total Additional CableFlange Pair 1.5 xPipe Support 2.0 xButterfl y Valve 2.5 xBall Valve 2.7 xGlobe Valve 4.0 xGate Valve 5.0 xExample: Pipe: 150 feetValves:1 globe valvePipe Supports: 2Flanges: 2Total Cable Length = [150 + (1 x 4) + (2 x 2) + (2 x 1.5)] x 2 runs= 161 feet x 2 runs= 322 feet197

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