Cold Weather Catalog - Chromalox Precision Heat and Control

Cold Weather Catalog - Chromalox Precision Heat and Control

Cold Weather Catalog - Chromalox Precision Heat and Control

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Technical<strong>Heat</strong> Tracing ProductsIndustrial & Commercial Grade Cables<strong>Heat</strong> Tracing Products — Section OutlineType Model PageIndustrial - Application Guidelines 181Self-RegulatingLow Temperature SRL 83Medium Temperature SRM/E 86Constant Wattage CWM 89Mineral Insulated MI 92Hazardous LocationLow Temperature HSRL 96Medium Temperature HSRM 99Self-RegulatingFreeze Protection SRF 102Roof & Gutter SRF-RG 107Snow Melting <strong>Control</strong>s APS-4, APS-3B, SC-40 109GIT-4, GIT3-A, LCD-1,CIT-1, GIT-1, SIT-6E,RCU-1, EUR-5Connection Accessories 117Type Model PageDL Series Integrated RTPC, RTST, RTES 117Connection AccessoriesRTPC, RTST, RTESEL Series St<strong>and</strong>ard RT-JBC, RT-RST, 121Connection AccessoriesRT-TST, RT-RES,RT-TESGeneral Application Accessories 123HL Hazardous Locations HL-PC, HL-ES 124Connection KitsHL-S, HL-TB100/E100 Freeze 126Protection ThermostatsEL Series St<strong>and</strong>ard 129Temperature <strong>Control</strong>sRBF <strong>Heat</strong> Trace or Pipe Sensor 128DL Series Integrated RTAS 129Temperature <strong>Control</strong>sRTBCElectronic <strong>Control</strong>s & <strong>Control</strong> Panels HTLS, HTLSC1D2, 137HTAS, FPAS, FPASMFPLS, FPLSMIndustrial Cable ApplicationsSelf-Regulating<strong>Chromalox</strong> SRL <strong>and</strong> SRM/E Self Regulating<strong>Heat</strong>ing Cables provide the most versatility inheat trace designs <strong>and</strong> applications. Constructedof a semiconductive heater matrix extrudedbetween parallel buss wires, a self- regulatingcable adjusts its output to independentlyrespond to temperatures all along its length. Astemperatures increase, the heater’s resistanceincreases which lowers the output wattage.Conversely, as the temperature decreases, theresistance decreases <strong>and</strong> the cable producesmore heat. The result — an energy effi cientheating cable.Self-regulating cables are fl exible, can becut-to-length in the fi eld <strong>and</strong> can be singleoverlapped without fear of burnout in areaswhere complex piping <strong>and</strong> equipment requireadditional heat trace cable.<strong>Chromalox</strong> manufactures low (SRL) <strong>and</strong>medium (SRM/E) temperature self-regulatingheating cable for use on 120 <strong>and</strong> 208 to 277V.Equipped with a ground braid <strong>and</strong> optional TPRor FEP jacket, <strong>Chromalox</strong> self-regulating cablesare third party tested <strong>and</strong> approved for use inharsh corrosive <strong>and</strong> hazardous applications.Constant Wattage<strong>Chromalox</strong> CWM Constant Wattage <strong>Heat</strong>ingCables are ideally suited for applications wherea particular watt density is required at all times.The heater element consists of a nichrome wirewrapped around parallel, insulated buss wires.At specifi c intervals, a short section of insulationis removed from alternating buss wires tocreate connection nodes for the nichrome wire.The result is a network of parallel resistorsalong the entire length of constant wattagecable.Constant wattage cables are fl exible, can becut-to-length in the fi eld, <strong>and</strong> are manufacturedfor use on voltages from 120 to 480V. Althoughnot suited for overlapping, its constant outputmakes it an ideal choice for higher temperatureapplications where higher watt densities arerequired. Equipped with a ground braid <strong>and</strong> optionalFEP jacket, <strong>Chromalox</strong> constant wattagecables are third party tested <strong>and</strong> approved foruse in harsh, corrosive <strong>and</strong> hazardous areas.Contact your Local <strong>Chromalox</strong> Sales offi ce forhazardous area designs.Mineral Insulated<strong>Chromalox</strong> MI Mineral Insulated <strong>Heat</strong>ing Cablesare the most rugged heating cable in <strong>Chromalox</strong>'sproduct line. Constructed of a solid seriesresistor element embedded in highly compactedmineral insulation, MI cables are built toh<strong>and</strong>le high temperature, high wattage applications.The series resistor <strong>and</strong> mineral insulationare encased in a metallic jacket of Alloy 825 forhigh temperature or corrosive applications.Mineral insulated cables are factory assembled<strong>and</strong> tested, ensuring the highest quality product.Since the units consist of a series resistor,virtually any wattage/voltage/length cable configurationcan be produced within the cable'sphysical operating limits. <strong>Chromalox</strong> mineralinsulated cables are available for use up to600V <strong>and</strong> are tested <strong>and</strong> approved for use incorrosive <strong>and</strong> hazardous areas. Optional accessoriesinclude pulling eyes <strong>and</strong> reverse gl<strong>and</strong>s.Other special features are also available.Commercial Cable ApplicationsSelf-Regulating Freeze Protection<strong>Chromalox</strong> SRF Self Regulating Freeze Protection<strong>Heat</strong>ing Cable is a self-regulating cabledesigned for the freeze protection of waterlines. The self-regulating matrix allows foroverlapping <strong>and</strong> easy fi eld installation. SRF alsolowers its output <strong>and</strong> energy consumption asthe temperature increases thus lowering energycosts. The 16 AWG buss wires provide for longcircuits which reduce the number of accessoriesrequired.A braided <strong>and</strong> braided with overjacket constructionis available. Braided cable should be usedon dry pipes <strong>and</strong> dry locations. The overjacketconstruction is suitable for wet locations whereoccasional exposure to moisture is expected.SRF heating cable is not for use in hazardouslocations. Consult the Industrial Cable Productsin this section for cables suitable for hazardouslocations.Self-Regulating Roof & GutterDe-IcingSRF-RG <strong>Heat</strong>ing Cable is specifi cally designedfor roof <strong>and</strong> gutter de-icing applications.SRF-RG features a self-regulating matrix thatreduces output as snow melt requirementsdecrease or when warm weather is present.The braided <strong>and</strong> overjacketed constructionprovides reliable moisture protection. The 16AWG buss wires allow ample circuit lengths<strong>and</strong> rugged design. Accessories are availablefor mounting to roofs <strong>and</strong> gutters.194

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