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Continued from page 23 – TZ to get Cheaper Malaria DrugInstead, they usually buy older drugs that are 20 to 30times cheaper but are often ineffective due to rugresistance. The pilot programmed by the ClintonFoundation HIV/Aids Initiative is designed to test thepracticality of subsidizing ACT drugs as a way toincrease their use, a foundation spokesman said.ACT treatments are derived from a medicinal Chineseplant and are costly to manufacture.International organizations and governments, includingthose from the Netherlands and Britain, are currentlyconsidering a multimillion-dollar global subsidy plan forACT medicines.☻☻☻☻☻☻ICRAF discovers WonderPlant for curing MalariaA single wild shrub - Artemisia annua has become thetouchstone for hopes that a successful battle can bewaged against Malaria in Southern AfricaSingy Hanyona5 May 2005At a time when funding to fight malaria is still sorelylacking, a kaleidoscope of research show unprecedentedgains over the fight against the killer disease. The WorldAgroforestry Centre (ICRAF) Southern AfricaProgramme has discovered a remarkable annual shrubthat will now be used to battle the malaria epidemic in theregion.As Zambia joined the rest of the world in celebrating theAfrica Malaria Day on 25 April, the traditional shrubjoined the conventional Coartem drug, recently approvedby the World Health Organization (WHO). In thetemperate regions of China, where Artemisia annuaoriginated, the leaves have been used to treat fevers formore than 2000 years, and published scientific studiesshow that the artemisinin content in the blood is highenough after drinking Artemisia tea to cure malaria.Malaria costs African countries US$ 12 billion every yearin lost Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The cost ofeffective malaria control in Africa would be just US$ 2billion per year, according to WHO. Malaria is one of thebiggest killer diseases in Africa but for those who cannotafford conventional drugs, there is still hope.ICRAF Communications Consultant Parkie Mbozi saysin rural Mozambique, women are already using tea madefrom the dried leaves to treat malaria in the nine mobile-24- Traditional African Clinic July/August 2007health clinics. Mbozi says for both the practitioners oftraditional medicine and the pharmaceutical companies,access to the plants is the biggest barrier to usingArtemisia to cure malaria.ICRAF-Southern Africa Programme, attracted by theusefulness of Artemisia as a medicinal species and itspotential to manage pests in agroforests, began growing aspecial hybrid of Artemisia, A-3, with seed provided bythe Pressure Group on Action for Natural Medicines(Anamed).A-3 is especially important for the natural treatment ofmalaria, because it is adapted for warmer climate. Whereas wild varieties of Artemisia grow to only 5 cm in thetropics, A-3 can reach heights of 3m and contains 20times more artemisinin. Mbozi says ICRAF is nowfacilitating the broad propagation of A-3 by teachingthousands of farmers in its extensive network how tocultivate Artemisia from stem cuttings.The programme has extended to four districts in TeteProvince-Angonia, Moatise, Tsangano and Makangalocatedin North Western Mozambique - and is soonexpected to extend to Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia andZimbabwe, the other countries where ICRAF SouthernAfrica Programme is working.In Zimbabwe vegetative reproduction of the Artemisiacommenced in October 2004 at Domboshaba ResearchStation with a single plant from which 200 stem cuttingswere planted on-station."The cuttings have further multiplied through vegetativepropagation and the plant is responding very well to theZimbabwean weather conditions," says Dorah Mwenyeof ICRAF-Zimbabwe. Ms Mwenye says a number ofrural families will soon receive cuttings of Artemisia formultiplication and use at household level.Thousands of Artemisia plants can be propagated from asingle stem cutting. This makes for a lot of cheap andeffective medicine. The daily adult dose of anti-malariatea requires mixing just 5g of dried A-3 leaves in 1L ofwater. This tincture is split into four parts and taken onceevery six hours. This is repeated for seven days. Giventhat each plant yields 200g dry weight, 1000 shrubs cancure malaria in 5700 adults.Artemisia treatments for malaria create big savings at thepharmacy for cash-strapped farmers. Money spent onmalaria medication can be spent elsewhere. Thereis also an untapped potential for getting much-neededincome from selling Artemisia medicines.Anamed- Angonia in cooperation with ICRAF, Medicinssans Frontiers (MSF) and the Mozambique Ministry ofAgriculture and Rural Development (MADER) are train-Continued on page 25

Continued from page 24 – ICRAF discovers Wonder Planting farmers how to process and manufacture Artemisiamedicines. Harvesting and air-drying the leaves, as wellas the production of medicines, is a straight forward, nonlabourintensive project. Even after three years, driedleaves retain practically 100 percent of their artemisinincontent, suggesting that under proper conditionsArtemisia medicines can be stored for a long time.When asked about the scale of Artemisia farming inSouthern Africa, Dr Patrick Matakala, RegionalCoordinator of ICRAF Southern Africa, replies: "Iwouldn't call it large scale production for profit yet, butthat is where we are heading as a programme."Nonetheless, for the ambitious farmers there is a definitepossibility of scaling up Artemisia production for sale topharmaceutical companies in the future. There willcertainly be a market. WHO estimates that of the 40countries-20 in Africa-using Artemisinin-based drugs,five are expected to have shortages due to lack of rawplant extracts. This includes most of the countries in theSouthern Africa Development Community (SADC)region. However, scaling up for pharmaceuticals willrequire resolving a few proprietary issues surrounding A-3, the rights to which are controlled by an undisclosedpharmaceutical player.Meanwhile, various organizations around the worldcelebrated the successes of Partnerships as theycommemorated Africa Malaria Day 2005. Under thetheme "Unite Against Malaria", celebrations focussed onthe importance of partnership at the national, regional andglobal levels for fighting malaria."Working with partners has allowed Zambia to makegreat strides in the fight against malaria, which includeexceeding our 2005 target for providing malariaprevention for children under five," said Zambian HealthMinister Dr Brian Chituwo, during this year's mainregional Africa Malaria Day event.The Zambian government's roll Back Malaria Initiativeintends to achieve reduced deaths due to malaria by 50per cent, by the year 2010.☻☻☻☻☻☻-25- Traditional African Clinic July/August 2007Case Study: SyntheticBiology’s Poster Child –Microbial Production ofArtemisinin to Treat Malaria”Excerpts from Extreme Synthetic GeneticEngineering, An Introduction to Synthetic Biology,January 2007, ETC GroupOver 90% of malaria deaths occur in sub-Saharan Africa.Global health initiatives have failed to deliver on simpleprevention measures such as mosquito netting, and theworsening crisis has led the World Health Organization(WHO) to reverse a 30-year policy – it now backs the useof a 20th-century silver bullet, the controversial pesticideDDT, as a malaria prevention strategy.WHO regards artemisinin-based drugs as the best hopefor treating over one million people – most of themAfrican children – who would otherwise die of malariaeach year.However, a global shortfall in the supply of naturalartemisinin, which is extracted from sweet wormwoodplants (Artemisia annua), has kept the price of this muchprizedcompound out of reach for poor people.Using synthetic biology to combat malaria is compelling:a technological fix comes to the rescue when investmentsin malaria prevention and control in Africa are declining,and failing.In April 2006, Professor Jay Keasling of the University ofCalifornia-Berkeley and 14 collaborators announced inNature they had succeeded in engineering a yeast strainto produce artemisinic acid, which is a necessary step inthe production of artemisinin itself.Using sophisticated bioinformatics and screeningtechniques, the team claims to have discovered the genesinvolved in Artemisia annua’s natural production ofartemisinic acid, and managed to insert and express themin a modified yeast strain. The microbe thus behaves likea miniature factory to produce artemisinic acid.According to Keasling, what’s left to do is to increase theyields of artemisinic acid, and then use “high-yieldingchemistry” to convert artemisinic acid to artemisinin.The promise of unlimited supplies of a drug that can rollback a global killer has become the raison d’être forsynthetic biology and given the field a philanthropicsheen – reminiscent of biotech’s much-heraldedgenetically engineered, Vitamin-A rich “Golden Rice” tofeed the poor.Continued on page 26

Continued from page 23 – TZ to get Cheaper Malaria DrugInstead, they usually buy older drugs that are 20 to 30times cheaper but are often ineffective due to rugresistance. The pilot programmed by the ClintonFoundation HIV/Aids Initiative is designed to test thepracticality of subsidizing ACT drugs as a way toincrease their use, a foundation spokesman said.ACT treatments are derived from a medicinal Chineseplant and are costly to manufacture.International organizations and governments, includingthose from the Netherlands and Britain, are currentlyconsidering a multimillion-dollar global subsidy plan forACT medicines.☻☻☻☻☻☻ICRAF discovers WonderPlant for curing MalariaA single wild shrub - Artemisia annua has be<strong>com</strong>e thetouchstone for hopes that a successful battle can bewaged against Malaria in Southern AfricaSingy Hanyona5 May 2005At a time when funding to fight malaria is still sorelylacking, a kaleidoscope of research show unprecedentedgains over the fight against the killer disease. The WorldAgroforestry Centre (ICRAF) Southern AfricaProgramme has discovered a remarkable annual shrubthat will now be used to battle the malaria epidemic in theregion.As Zambia joined the rest of the world in celebrating theAfrica Malaria Day on 25 April, the traditional shrubjoined the conventional Coartem drug, recently approvedby the World Health Organization (WHO). In thetemperate regions of China, where Artemisia annuaoriginated, the leaves have been used to treat fevers formore than 2000 years, and published scientific studiesshow that the artemisinin content in the blood is highenough after drinking Artemisia tea to cure malaria.Malaria costs <strong>African</strong> countries US$ 12 billion every yearin lost Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The cost ofeffective malaria control in Africa would be just US$ 2billion per year, according to WHO. Malaria is one of thebiggest killer diseases in Africa but for those who cannotafford conventional drugs, there is still hope.ICRAF Communications Consultant Parkie Mbozi saysin rural Mozambique, women are already using tea madefrom the dried leaves to treat malaria in the nine mobile-24- <strong>Traditional</strong> <strong>African</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> July/August 2007health clinics. Mbozi says for both the practitioners oftraditional medicine and the pharmaceutical <strong>com</strong>panies,access to the plants is the biggest barrier to usingArtemisia to cure malaria.ICRAF-Southern Africa Programme, attracted by theusefulness of Artemisia as a medicinal species and itspotential to manage pests in agroforests, began growing aspecial hybrid of Artemisia, A-3, with seed provided bythe Pressure Group on Action for Natural Medicines(Anamed).A-3 is especially important for the natural treatment ofmalaria, because it is adapted for warmer climate. Whereas wild varieties of Artemisia grow to only 5 cm in thetropics, A-3 can reach heights of 3m and contains 20times more artemisinin. Mbozi says ICRAF is nowfacilitating the broad propagation of A-3 by teachingthousands of farmers in its extensive network how tocultivate Artemisia from stem cuttings.The programme has extended to four districts in TeteProvince-Angonia, Moatise, Tsangano and Makangalocatedin North Western Mozambique - and is soonexpected to extend to Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia andZimbabwe, the other countries where ICRAF SouthernAfrica Programme is working.In Zimbabwe vegetative reproduction of the Artemisia<strong>com</strong>menced in October 2004 at Domboshaba <strong>Research</strong>Station with a single plant from which 200 stem cuttingswere planted on-station."The cuttings have further multiplied through vegetativepropagation and the plant is responding very well to theZimbabwean weather conditions," says Dorah Mwenyeof ICRAF-Zimbabwe. Ms Mwenye says a number ofrural families will soon receive cuttings of Artemisia formultiplication and use at household level.Thousands of Artemisia plants can be propagated from asingle stem cutting. This makes for a lot of cheap andeffective medicine. The daily adult dose of anti-malariatea requires mixing just 5g of dried A-3 leaves in 1L ofwater. This tincture is split into four parts and taken onceevery six hours. This is repeated for seven days. Giventhat each plant yields 200g dry weight, 1000 shrubs cancure malaria in 5700 adults.Artemisia treatments for malaria create big savings at thepharmacy for cash-strapped farmers. Money spent onmalaria medication can be spent elsewhere. Thereis also an untapped potential for getting much-neededin<strong>com</strong>e from selling Artemisia medicines.Anamed- Angonia in cooperation with ICRAF, Medicinssans Frontiers (MSF) and the Mozambique Ministry ofAgriculture and Rural Development (MADER) are train-Continued on page 25

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