The geographical distribution of animals, with a study of the relations ...

The geographical distribution of animals, with a study of the relations ... The geographical distribution of animals, with a study of the relations ...
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498 INDEX.Mammalia, extinct, of the New World, 129extinct, of N. America and Europe, compared,141original birth-place of some families andgenera, 142, 153of the secondary period, 160Manatus, N. American Post-Pliocene, 130Manchurian sub-region, description of, 220mammalia of, 222birds of, 223reptiles and amphibia of, 227fresh-water fish of, 227insects of, 227coleoptera of, 228Marquesas Islands, birds of, 443Marsh, Mr., on unprovability of Asiatic andAfrican deserts, 200on camels and goats as destructive tovegetation, 200Marsupials, classification of, 91N. American Post-Pliocene, 130European Miocene, 121first migration to America, 155diversified forms of, 391of America prove no connexion withAustralia, 399list of Australian genera of, 476Martes, N. American Tertiary, 135Mascarene Islands, zoology o'f, 280extinct fauna of, 282gigantic land-tortoises of, 289Mastodon, European Pliocene, 113Miocene of Greece, 116European Miocene, 120in Brazilian caves, 144S. American Pliocene, 147Indian Miocene, 123N. American Post-Pliocene, 130N. American Tertiary, 138Mauritius, zoology of, 280reptiles of, 2S1McCoy, 'Professor, on Paleontology ofVictoria, 466Mediterranean, recent changes in, 39sub-region, description of, 199mammalia of, 202birds of, 203reptiles and amphibia of, 204fresh-water fish of, 205insects of, 205islands of, 206sea not separating distinct faunas, 201Megacerops, N. American Tertiary, 137Megalomeryc, N. American Tertiary, 13SMegalociius, fossil in Cuba, 14SMegalonyx, N. American Post-Pliocene, 130in Brazilian caves, 145S. American Pliocene, 147Megalostoma, Eocene, 169Megamys, S. American Eocene, 148Megaspira, European Tertiary, 169Megatheridn?, in Brazilian caves, 145Megatherium, N. American Post-Pliocene 130in Brazilian caves, 145S. American Pliocene, 147Melania, European secondary, 169Meleagris, N. American Miocene, 163Mellivora, Indian Miocene, 121Melolonthidium, Oolitic insect, 167MenUcotherium, N. American Tertiary 13SMenotheriiim, N. American Tertiary, 133Mephitis, in Brazilian caves, 144Merychus, N. American Tertiary, 138Merychipws, N. American Tertiary, 135MerychocJuzrws, N. American Tertiary, 138Merycodus, N. American Tertiary, 13SMerycopotamus, Indian Miocene, 122Merycotherium of Siberian drift,' 112Mesacodon, N. American Tertiary, 133Mesohippxis. N. American Tertiary, 135Mesonyx, N. American Tertiary, 134Mcsopithecus, Miocene of Greece, 115Meyer, Dr. A. B., on reptiles and amphibia otNew Guinea, 415Microlestes, oldest European mammal, 160Micromeryx, European Miocene, 120Micmsyops, N. American Tertiary, 133Microtherium, European Miocene, 120Middendorf, on extreme northern birds, 219Migrating birds, in which region to be placed185Migration of animals, 10general phenomena of, 18of birds, 19of birds in Europe, 19probable origin of, 22of birds in India and China, 23of birds in N. America, 23changes in extent of, 24of birds in S. Temperate America, 25general remarks on, 25Milvus, European Miocene, 162Miocene fauna of the Old World, 114fauna of Greece, 115fauna of Greece, summary of, 116fauna of Central Europe,117deposits of Siwalik Hills, 121faunas of Europe and Asia, general observationson, 123Miohippus, N. American Tertiary, 135Mivart, Professor, on classification of primates,86on classification of insectivora, 87on classification of amphibia, 101Moles almost wholly Palrearetic, 1S1Mole-rat, of W. Tartary, 218Mollusca, means of dispersal of, 30classification of, 104groups selected for study, 104Moluccas, zoology of, 417birds of, 419reptiles of, 420Insects of, 420peculiarities of fauna of, 421Monkeys on the high Himalayas, 12fossil in N. American Miocenein E. Thibet, 222abundance of in the Oriental region, 315Monotremata, classification of, 91list of Australian genera of, 477" More-pork" of Australia, figure of, 442Morotherium, N. American Pliocene, 140MotaciUa, European Miocene, 161Mound -builders, peculiar Australian birds393Moupin, position and zoology of, 221Marida;. S. American Pliocene, 147Murray, Mr. Andrew, on zoological region, 60Mustela, Miocene of Greece, 115European Miocene. 118S. American Pliocene, 146Mii^telidre, in Brazilian caves. 144Mylodon, N. American Post-Pliocene, 130S. American Pliocene, 147Mi/ogalc, European Miocene, 118Mi/omorphus, fossil in CubaMuopotamus, in Brazilian caves, 145Myoxus, European Miocene, 120European Eocene, 126Mysarachne, European Miocene, 118Mi/sops, N. American Eocene, 140Myxophagus, N. American Post-Pliocene, 130

INDEX. 499Nannhyus, N. American Tertiary, 137Nos-ua, in Brazilian caves, 144Nearctic region, denned, 79subdivisions of, 80distinct from Pal*arctie, 79Necrornis, European Miocene, 161Neotropical region, denned, 78subdivisions of, 78relations of W. African sub-region with, 265Kesodon, S. American Pliocene, 147Newton, Professor, on position of Menuridceand Atrickiidce, 95on birds of Iceland, 198New Caledonia, birds of, 444New Guinea, zoology of, 409mammalia of, 410birds of, 411peculiarities of its ornithology, 413illustration of ornithology of, 414reptiles ar.d amphibia of, 415insects of, 416New Zealand, objections to making a primaryzoological region, 62extinct birds of, 164sub-region, description of, 449compared with British Isles, 449mammalia of, 451islets of, 453illustration of ornithology of, 455reptiles of, 456amphibia of, 457fresh-water fish of, 457insects of, 458Longicorns of, 458Myriapoda of, 458land-shells of, 459ancient fauna of, 460origin of fauna of, 460poverty of insects in, 462relations of insect-fauna and flora, 472Nicobar Islands, their zoological relations, 332Nightingale, migration of the, 21Norfolk Island, birds of, 453North America, remarks on Post-Pliocenefauna of, 130Post-Pliocene fauna of, partly derived fromS. America, 131extinct birds of, 163North Africa, zoological relations of, 202Notharctos, N. American Tertiary, 133Notornis of New Zealand, 455Nototherium, Australian Post-Tertiary, 157O.Ochotherivm, in Brazilian caves, 145Octodontidce, S. American Pliocene, 147Ophidia, classification of, 99Opisthocomus, Brazilian caves, 164Opossum, extinct, in European Miocene, 121Oreodon, N. American Tertiary, 138Oreodontidce, N. American Tertiary, 138Oriental region, defined, 75subdivisions of, 75description of, 314zoological features of, 315mammalia of, 315birds of, 316reptiles of, 317amphibia of, 317fresh-water fishes of, 318summary of vertebrata, 31Sinsects of, 318sub-regions of, 321Oriental region, concluding remarks on, 362tables of distribution of animals of, 364Oriental relations of VV. African sub-region, 265Oriental and Patearctic faunas once identical,362Oriental and Ethiopian faunas, cause of theirresemblances, 363Orohippus, N. American Tertiary, 136Ostrich, Miocene of N. India, 162Otaria, European Miocene, 118Ovibos, N. American Post-Pliocene, 130Oxen, birthplace and migrations of, 155Palwarctie, 182Oxya-na, N. American Tertiary, 134Oxygomphits, European Miocene, 118Oxymycterus, in Brazilian caves, 145S. American Pliocene, 147Pachyana, N. American Tertiary, 134Pachynolophus, European Eocene, 126Pachytherium, in Brazilian caves, 145Palaearctic region, defined, 71subdivisions of, 71general features of, 180zoological characteristics of, 181has few peculiar families, 181mammalia of, 181birds of, 182high degree of speciality of, 184reptiles and amphibia of, 186fresh-water fish of, 186summary of vertebrata of, 186insects of, 186coleoptera of, 187number of coleoptera of, 189land-shells of, 190sub-regions of, 190general conclusions on the fauna of, 231tables of distribution of animals of, 233Palceacodcn, N. American Tertiary, 133Palceetus, European Miocene, 162Palceyithalus, European Eocene, 162Palwtodus, European Miocene, 162Paheocastor, N. American Tertiary, 140Palceocercv.s, European Miocene, 162Palceochanis, European Miocene, 119Polwohierax, European Miocene, 162Palceolagus, N. American Tertiary, 140Palceolama,$. American Pliocene, 147Palceomephitis, European Miocene, 118Palceovieryx, European Miocene, 120Pc.l&omys, European Miocene, 121PalcBontina oolitica, Oolitic insect, 167Palaeontology, 107how best studied in its bearing on geographicaldistribution, 168as an introduction to the study of geographicaldistribution, concluding remarkson, 169Palmonyctis, European Eocene, 12SPalceoperdix, European Miocene, 161Palmoyforymis, European Miocene, 166Palaoreas, Miocene of Greece, 116Palcrortyx, European Miocene, 161Palceoryx, Miocene of Greece, 116Palceospalax, 111European Miocene, 117PaUrosyops, N. American Tertiary, 136Palceotheridc", European Eocene, 125Palceotherium, European Eocene, 125S. American Eocene, 148Palaeotragus, Miocene of Greece, 116Palceotringa, N. American Cretaceous, 164

498 INDEX.Mammalia, extinct, <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> New World, 129extinct, <strong>of</strong> N. America and Europe, compared,141original birth-place <strong>of</strong> some families andgenera, 142, 153<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> secondary period, 160Manatus, N. American Post-Pliocene, 130Manchurian sub-region, description <strong>of</strong>, 220mammalia <strong>of</strong>, 222birds <strong>of</strong>, 223reptiles and amphibia <strong>of</strong>, 227fresh-water fish <strong>of</strong>, 227insects <strong>of</strong>, 227coleoptera <strong>of</strong>, 228Marquesas Islands, birds <strong>of</strong>, 443Marsh, Mr., on unprovability <strong>of</strong> Asiatic andAfrican deserts, 200on camels and goats as destructive tovegetation, 200Marsupials, classification <strong>of</strong>, 91N. American Post-Pliocene, 130European Miocene, 121first migration to America, 155diversified forms <strong>of</strong>, 391<strong>of</strong> America prove no connexion <strong>with</strong>Australia, 399list <strong>of</strong> Australian genera <strong>of</strong>, 476Martes, N. American Tertiary, 135Mascarene Islands, zoology o'f, 280extinct fauna <strong>of</strong>, 282gigantic land-tortoises <strong>of</strong>, 289Mastodon, European Pliocene, 113Miocene <strong>of</strong> Greece, 116European Miocene, 120in Brazilian caves, 144S. American Pliocene, 147Indian Miocene, 123N. American Post-Pliocene, 130N. American Tertiary, 138Mauritius, zoology <strong>of</strong>, 280reptiles <strong>of</strong>, 2S1McCoy, 'Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, on Paleontology <strong>of</strong>Victoria, 466Mediterranean, recent changes in, 39sub-region, description <strong>of</strong>, 199mammalia <strong>of</strong>, 202birds <strong>of</strong>, 203reptiles and amphibia <strong>of</strong>, 204fresh-water fish <strong>of</strong>, 205insects <strong>of</strong>, 205islands <strong>of</strong>, 206sea not separating distinct faunas, 201Megacerops, N. American Tertiary, 137Megalomeryc, N. American Tertiary, 13SMegalociius, fossil in Cuba, 14SMegalonyx, N. American Post-Pliocene, 130in Brazilian caves, 145S. American Pliocene, 147Megalostoma, Eocene, 169Megamys, S. American Eocene, 148Megaspira, European Tertiary, 169Mega<strong>the</strong>ridn?, in Brazilian caves, 145Mega<strong>the</strong>rium, N. American Post-Pliocene 130in Brazilian caves, 145S. American Pliocene, 147Melania, European secondary, 169Meleagris, N. American Miocene, 163Mellivora, Indian Miocene, 121Melolonthidium, Oolitic insect, 167MenUco<strong>the</strong>rium, N. American Tertiary 13SMeno<strong>the</strong>riiim, N. American Tertiary, 133Mephitis, in Brazilian caves, 144Merychus, N. American Tertiary, 138Merychipws, N. American Tertiary, 135MerychocJuzrws, N. American Tertiary, 138Merycodus, N. American Tertiary, 13SMerycopotamus, Indian Miocene, 122Meryco<strong>the</strong>rium <strong>of</strong> Siberian drift,' 112Mesacodon, N. American Tertiary, 133Mesohippxis. N. American Tertiary, 135Mesonyx, N. American Tertiary, 134Mcsopi<strong>the</strong>cus, Miocene <strong>of</strong> Greece, 115Meyer, Dr. A. B., on reptiles and amphibia otNew Guinea, 415Microlestes, oldest European mammal, 160Micromeryx, European Miocene, 120Micmsyops, N. American Tertiary, 133Micro<strong>the</strong>rium, European Miocene, 120Middendorf, on extreme nor<strong>the</strong>rn birds, 219Migrating birds, in which region to be placed185Migration <strong>of</strong> <strong>animals</strong>, 10general phenomena <strong>of</strong>, 18<strong>of</strong> birds, 19<strong>of</strong> birds in Europe, 19probable origin <strong>of</strong>, 22<strong>of</strong> birds in India and China, 23<strong>of</strong> birds in N. America, 23changes in extent <strong>of</strong>, 24<strong>of</strong> birds in S. Temperate America, 25general remarks on, 25Milvus, European Miocene, 162Miocene fauna <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Old World, 114fauna <strong>of</strong> Greece, 115fauna <strong>of</strong> Greece, summary <strong>of</strong>, 116fauna <strong>of</strong> Central Europe,117deposits <strong>of</strong> Siwalik Hills, 121faunas <strong>of</strong> Europe and Asia, general observationson, 123Miohippus, N. American Tertiary, 135Mivart, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, on classification <strong>of</strong> primates,86on classification <strong>of</strong> insectivora, 87on classification <strong>of</strong> amphibia, 101Moles almost wholly Palrearetic, 1S1Mole-rat, <strong>of</strong> W. Tartary, 218Mollusca, means <strong>of</strong> dispersal <strong>of</strong>, 30classification <strong>of</strong>, 104groups selected for <strong>study</strong>, 104Moluccas, zoology <strong>of</strong>, 417birds <strong>of</strong>, 419reptiles <strong>of</strong>, 420Insects <strong>of</strong>, 420peculiarities <strong>of</strong> fauna <strong>of</strong>, 421Monkeys on <strong>the</strong> high Himalayas, 12fossil in N. American Miocenein E. Thibet, 222abundance <strong>of</strong> in <strong>the</strong> Oriental region, 315Monotremata, classification <strong>of</strong>, 91list <strong>of</strong> Australian genera <strong>of</strong>, 477" More-pork" <strong>of</strong> Australia, figure <strong>of</strong>, 442Moro<strong>the</strong>rium, N. American Pliocene, 140MotaciUa, European Miocene, 161Mound -builders, peculiar Australian birds393Moupin, position and zoology <strong>of</strong>, 221Marida;. S. American Pliocene, 147Murray, Mr. Andrew, on zoological region, 60Mustela, Miocene <strong>of</strong> Greece, 115European Miocene. 118S. American Pliocene, 146Mii^telidre, in Brazilian caves. 144Mylodon, N. American Post-Pliocene, 130S. American Pliocene, 147Mi/ogalc, European Miocene, 118Mi/omorphus, fossil in CubaMuopotamus, in Brazilian caves, 145Myoxus, European Miocene, 120European Eocene, 126Mysarachne, European Miocene, 118Mi/sops, N. American Eocene, 140Myxophagus, N. American Post-Pliocene, 130

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