The geographical distribution of animals, with a study of the relations ...

The geographical distribution of animals, with a study of the relations ... The geographical distribution of animals, with a study of the relations ...
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496 INDEX.Insects, tenacity of life of, 33adapted to special conditions, 33groups selected for the study of theirgeographical distribution, 102antiquity of the genera of, 166fossil of European Miocene, 166European Cretaceous, 167European Wealden, 167Palaeozoic, 168Palsearctic, 187of Central Europe, 196of the Mediterranean sub-region, 205of the Siberian sub-region, 220of the Manchurian sub-region, 227of the Ethiopian region, 255of the East African sub-region, 260of West Africa, 265S. African, 268of Madagascar, 282general remarks on, 284of tropical Africa and America, probablecause of similarities in, 291of Indo-Chinese sub-region, 332of the Oriental region, 318of Ceylon, 327of Indo-Malay sub-region, 341statistics of collecting in the variousislands of the Malay Archipelago, 343of the Australian region, 403of New Guinea, 417of the Moluccas, 420of Timor group, 426of Celebes, 454of New Zealand, 458scarcity of, in New Zealand, 462influence of on the flora, 463Insectivora, European Miocene, 117N. American Post-Pliocene, 129N. American Tertiary, 133Insectivora, classification of, 87of the Palsearctic region, 181of N. China and E. Thibet, 222range of Palsearctic genera of, 239of Madagascar, 273range of Ethiopian genera of, 301of the Oriental region, 315range of Oriental genera of, 372range of Australian genera of, 476Isacis, N. American Tertiary, 133Ischyromys, N. American Tertiary, 140Islands, N. European, zoology of, 197of the Mediterranean sub-region, 206of the West African sub-region, 265of Ethiopian region, 269Mascarene, 280of the Indo-Chinese sub-region, 333of Indo-Malay sub-region, 345Fiji, Tonga, and Samoa, 443Society and Marquesas. 444New Caledonia and New Hebrides, 445Sandwich, 446of New Zealand sub-region, 453Norfolk, 453Lord Howe's, 454Chatham, 454Auckland, 455Issiodromys, European Pliocene, 113Jacchus, in Brazilian caves, 144Japan and North China, physical features of.221southern extremity of perhaps belongs tothe Oriental region, 226Japan, general character of the fauna of, 230former land-connexions of, 231Java, mammalia of, 349productions of, well known, 350birds of, 351representative species of birds in, 352origin of the anomalous features of itsfauna, 352Sumatra and Borneo, their geographicalcontrasts and zoological peculiaritiesexplained, 357Junonia, European Miocene, 167Kakapoe, of New Zealand, 455Kangaroos, extinct in Australia, 157Kerguelen Island, apterous insects of, 211{note)Kerodon, in Brazilian caves, 144S. American Pliocene, 147King-fisher, racquet tailed, of New Guinea,figure of, 415Kiwi of New Zealand, 455Koodoo antelope, figure of, 261Lacertilia, classification of, 99Ladrone Islands, birds of, 444Lagomys, European Pliocene, 113European Miocene, 120Lagostomus, in Brazilian eaves, 145S. American Pliocene, 147Lake Baikal, seals of, 218Land and water, proportions of, 35Land and fresh-water shells,antiquity of thegenera of, 168Land-shells, Palseozoic, 169Paliearctic, 190of Madeira, 209of the Cape Verd Islands, 215of the Ethiopian region, 257of W. Africa, 265of Madagascar and the Mascarene Islands,285of Indo-Malay sub-region, 344of the Australian region, 407of Sandwich Islands, 446of New Zealand, 459Lanius, European Miocene, 161Laopithecits, \ .American Tertiary, 133Laor?iis, N. American Cretaceous, 164Lemuria, a hypothetical land, 76Lamuravidce, N. American Tertiary, 133Lemuravus, N American Tertiary, 133Lemuridm, European Eocene, 124Lemuroidea, range of Ethiopian genera of, 300range of Oriental genera of, 371Lepictis, N. American Tertiary, 133Lepidoptera, cosmopolitan families of, 177table of Palsearctic families of, 23SS. African, 268table of Ethiopian families of, 299of the Oriental region, 318table of Oriental families of, 369of the Australian region, 404table of Australian families of, 472Leptarchus, N. American Tertiary, 135Leptauchenia, N. American Tertiary, 138Leptochosrus, N. American Tertiary, 137Leptodon, Miocene of Greece, 116Leptomeryx, N. American Tertiary, 138Leptoplilvs, European Miocene, 162

INDEX. 497Leptosomus, allied form in European Eocene,168Leptosomus of Madagascar, 27Sfigure of, 279Leptothcrium, in Brazilian caves, 144Lepus, in Brazilian caves, 145S. American Pliocene, 147Lestodon, S. American Pliocene, 147Lewis, Mr. George, his collection of Japaninsects, 228Lebellula, from the Lias, 167Lilljeborg, Professor, on classification of theRodentia, 90Limnwa, Eocene, 169European Secondary, 169Limnatornis, European Miocene, 161Limnoctjon, N. American Tertiary, 134Limnohyus, N. American Tertiary, 136Limnotneridce, N. American Tertiary, 133Limnolherivm, N. American Tertiary, 133Listriodon, European Miocene, 119Lithomys, European Miocene. 120Lithornis, European Eocene, 163Lizards, classification of, 99Tertiary, 165wide range of a species in Polynesia, 448Loncheres, in Brazilian caves, 145Lonchophorus, in Brazilian caves, 145Lophiodon, European Eocene, 125N. American Tertiary, 136Lophiotherium, N. American Tertiary, 136 .Lord Howe's Island, birds of, 453Loxomylus, Pliocene of Antilles, 148Lund, Dr., his researches in caves of Brazil, 143Lutra, European Miocene, 118Indian Miocene, 121Lyccena, Miocene of Greece, 115Lyrebird, figure of, 441M.Macacus, European Pliocene, 112Miocene of Greece, 115Indian Miocene, 121supposed in European Eocene, 125Machairodus, 110, 111Miocene of Greece, 115European Miocene, 118Indian Miocene, 121N. American Tertiary, 134in Brazilian caves, 144S. American Pliocene, 146Macranchenia, S. American Pliocene, 146Macrotherium, Miocene of Greece, 116European Miocene, 121Madagascar, extinct birds of, 164description of, 272mammalia of, 272birds of, 274reptiles of, 279amphibia of, 280extinct fauna of, 282general remarks on insect fauna of, 284Madeira, birds of, 20Sland shells of, 208beetles of, 210wingless insects numerous in, 211how stocked with animals, 213Malacca, Sumatra, and Borneo, zoologicalunity of, 353comparison of mammalia, 354of birds, 355Malagasy sub-region, description of, 272mammalia of, 272birds of, 274illustration of zoology of, 278Malagasy sub-region, reptiles of, 279amphibia of, 280extinct fauna of, 2S2, 289insects of, 282early history of, 2S6Malaya and Indo-Malaya, terms defined, 345(note)Malavan forms of life reappearing in West" Africa, 263fauna, probable origin of, 359resemblances to that of Madagascar andCeylon explained, 361Malta, Post-Pliocene fauna of, 114formerly joined to Africa, 201fossil elephants of, 201birds of, 206 (note)Mammalia, means of dispersal of, 10as limited by climate, 11as limited by rivers, 12how far limited by the sea, 13dispersed by ice-floes and drift-wood, 14means of dispersal of aquatic, 15of most importance in determining zoologicalregions, 57classification of, 85birthplace and migrations of some familiesof, 142, 153cosmopolitan groups of, 176of the Palsearetic region, 181of the European sub-region, 192of the Mediterranean sub-region, 202of the Siberian sub-region, 217characteristic of Western Tartary, 218of the Manchurian sub-region, 222Pal»arctio genera of, in the Manchuriansub-region, 222Oriental genera of, on borders of samesub-region. 223peculiar to Japan, 223characteristic of N. W. China and Mongolia,226table of Palaearetic families of, 234range of Pal*arctic genera of, 239of the Ethiopian region, 253absence of certain important groups, 253of the East African sub-region, 260of West Africa, 262of S. Africa, 267of Madagascar, 272table of Ethiopian families of, 294table of Ethiopian genera of, 300of the Oriental region, 315range of the genera inhabiting the Indiansub-region, 322of Ceylon, 327of the Indo-Chinese sub-region, 330of the Indo-Malayan sub-region, 336illustration of characteristic Malayan,336of the Philippine Islands, 345table of Oriental families of, 365table of Oriental genera of, 371of Australian region, 390of the Papuan Islands, 410of the Moluccas, 417of Timor group, 422of Celebes, 427of Australia, 439illustration of, 439of New Zealand, 450table of families of Australian, 470table of genera of Australian, 475Mammal, the most ancient American, 134Mammalia, extinct, of Old World, 107extinct, of historic period, 110extinct, comparative age of in Europe, 127

INDEX. 497Leptosomus, allied form in European Eocene,168Leptosomus <strong>of</strong> Madagascar, 27Sfigure <strong>of</strong>, 279Leptothcrium, in Brazilian caves, 144Lepus, in Brazilian caves, 145S. American Pliocene, 147Lestodon, S. American Pliocene, 147Lewis, Mr. George, his collection <strong>of</strong> Japaninsects, 228Lebellula, from <strong>the</strong> Lias, 167Lilljeborg, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, on classification <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>Rodentia, 90Limnwa, Eocene, 169European Secondary, 169Limnatornis, European Miocene, 161Limnoctjon, N. American Tertiary, 134Limnohyus, N. American Tertiary, 136Limnotneridce, N. American Tertiary, 133Limnolherivm, N. American Tertiary, 133Listriodon, European Miocene, 119Lithomys, European Miocene. 120Lithornis, European Eocene, 163Lizards, classification <strong>of</strong>, 99Tertiary, 165wide range <strong>of</strong> a species in Polynesia, 448Loncheres, in Brazilian caves, 145Lonchophorus, in Brazilian caves, 145Lophiodon, European Eocene, 125N. American Tertiary, 136Lophio<strong>the</strong>rium, N. American Tertiary, 136 .Lord Howe's Island, birds <strong>of</strong>, 453Loxomylus, Pliocene <strong>of</strong> Antilles, 148Lund, Dr., his researches in caves <strong>of</strong> Brazil, 143Lutra, European Miocene, 118Indian Miocene, 121Lyccena, Miocene <strong>of</strong> Greece, 115Lyrebird, figure <strong>of</strong>, 441M.Macacus, European Pliocene, 112Miocene <strong>of</strong> Greece, 115Indian Miocene, 121supposed in European Eocene, 125Machairodus, 110, 111Miocene <strong>of</strong> Greece, 115European Miocene, 118Indian Miocene, 121N. American Tertiary, 134in Brazilian caves, 144S. American Pliocene, 146Macranchenia, S. American Pliocene, 146Macro<strong>the</strong>rium, Miocene <strong>of</strong> Greece, 116European Miocene, 121Madagascar, extinct birds <strong>of</strong>, 164description <strong>of</strong>, 272mammalia <strong>of</strong>, 272birds <strong>of</strong>, 274reptiles <strong>of</strong>, 279amphibia <strong>of</strong>, 280extinct fauna <strong>of</strong>, 282general remarks on insect fauna <strong>of</strong>, 284Madeira, birds <strong>of</strong>, 20Sland shells <strong>of</strong>, 208beetles <strong>of</strong>, 210wingless insects numerous in, 211how stocked <strong>with</strong> <strong>animals</strong>, 213Malacca, Sumatra, and Borneo, zoologicalunity <strong>of</strong>, 353comparison <strong>of</strong> mammalia, 354<strong>of</strong> birds, 355Malagasy sub-region, description <strong>of</strong>, 272mammalia <strong>of</strong>, 272birds <strong>of</strong>, 274illustration <strong>of</strong> zoology <strong>of</strong>, 278Malagasy sub-region, reptiles <strong>of</strong>, 279amphibia <strong>of</strong>, 280extinct fauna <strong>of</strong>, 2S2, 289insects <strong>of</strong>, 282early history <strong>of</strong>, 2S6Malaya and Indo-Malaya, terms defined, 345(note)Malavan forms <strong>of</strong> life reappearing in West" Africa, 263fauna, probable origin <strong>of</strong>, 359resemblances to that <strong>of</strong> Madagascar andCeylon explained, 361Malta, Post-Pliocene fauna <strong>of</strong>, 114formerly joined to Africa, 201fossil elephants <strong>of</strong>, 201birds <strong>of</strong>, 206 (note)Mammalia, means <strong>of</strong> dispersal <strong>of</strong>, 10as limited by climate, 11as limited by rivers, 12how far limited by <strong>the</strong> sea, 13dispersed by ice-floes and drift-wood, 14means <strong>of</strong> dispersal <strong>of</strong> aquatic, 15<strong>of</strong> most importance in determining zoologicalregions, 57classification <strong>of</strong>, 85birthplace and migrations <strong>of</strong> some families<strong>of</strong>, 142, 153cosmopolitan groups <strong>of</strong>, 176<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Palsearetic region, 181<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> European sub-region, 192<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Mediterranean sub-region, 202<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Siberian sub-region, 217characteristic <strong>of</strong> Western Tartary, 218<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Manchurian sub-region, 222Pal»arctio genera <strong>of</strong>, in <strong>the</strong> Manchuriansub-region, 222Oriental genera <strong>of</strong>, on borders <strong>of</strong> samesub-region. 223peculiar to Japan, 223characteristic <strong>of</strong> N. W. China and Mongolia,226table <strong>of</strong> Palaearetic families <strong>of</strong>, 234range <strong>of</strong> Pal*arctic genera <strong>of</strong>, 239<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Ethiopian region, 253absence <strong>of</strong> certain important groups, 253<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> East African sub-region, 260<strong>of</strong> West Africa, 262<strong>of</strong> S. Africa, 267<strong>of</strong> Madagascar, 272table <strong>of</strong> Ethiopian families <strong>of</strong>, 294table <strong>of</strong> Ethiopian genera <strong>of</strong>, 300<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Oriental region, 315range <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> genera inhabiting <strong>the</strong> Indiansub-region, 322<strong>of</strong> Ceylon, 327<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Indo-Chinese sub-region, 330<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Indo-Malayan sub-region, 336illustration <strong>of</strong> characteristic Malayan,336<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Philippine Islands, 345table <strong>of</strong> Oriental families <strong>of</strong>, 365table <strong>of</strong> Oriental genera <strong>of</strong>, 371<strong>of</strong> Australian region, 390<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Papuan Islands, 410<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Moluccas, 417<strong>of</strong> Timor group, 422<strong>of</strong> Celebes, 427<strong>of</strong> Australia, 439illustration <strong>of</strong>, 439<strong>of</strong> New Zealand, 450table <strong>of</strong> families <strong>of</strong> Australian, 470table <strong>of</strong> genera <strong>of</strong> Australian, 475Mammal, <strong>the</strong> most ancient American, 134Mammalia, extinct, <strong>of</strong> Old World, 107extinct, <strong>of</strong> historic period, 110extinct, comparative age <strong>of</strong> in Europe, 127

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