The geographical distribution of animals, with a study of the relations ...

The geographical distribution of animals, with a study of the relations ... The geographical distribution of animals, with a study of the relations ...
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492 INDEX.Cams, and Gerstaeker on classification ofanimals, 85Professor, on classification of the Cetacea,88Castor, European Pliocene, 113European Miocene, 120Casoryx, N. American Tertiary, 138Cathartes, Brazilian caves, 164Cave-fauna of Brazil, 143Cavia, European Miocene, 121in Brazilian caves, 144S. American Pliocene, 147Cebochcerus, European Eocene, 126Cebus in Brazilian caves, 144Celebes, physical features of, 389mammalia of, 426birds of, 428insects of, 434origin of fauna of, 436Centetidm, European Miocene, 118Ceratodus, remarkable Australian fish, 397Cercolabes in Brazilian caves, 145Cercopithecus in European Pliocene, 112Cervidce, European Miocene, 120birthplace and migrations of, 155Cervus, European Pliocene, 113Indian Pliocene and Miocene, 122N. American Post-Pliocene, 130N. American Tertiary, 138in Brazilian caves, 144S. American Pliocene, 147Cetacea, European Pliocene, 112European Miocene, 119N. American Post-Pliocene, 130N. American Tertiary, 140Cetacea, classification of, 89range of Oriental genus, 374Ceylon and Malaya, resemblance of insects of,327Ceylonese sub-region, 326mammalia of, 327birds of, 327reptiles of, 327amphibia of, 327insects of, 327past history of, as indicated by its fauna,328Chalicomys, European Pliocene, 113Chalicotherium, European Miocene, 119Indian Miocene, 122fossil in N. China, 123Chamaleo, N. American Eocene, 165Chamois, figure of, 195Chatham Islands, birds of, 454Chelonia, classification of, 100Chelydra, European Pliocene, 165Chevrotain of Malaya, figure of, 336Chili should not be placed in the Palseaor Nearctic regions, 63China, fossil mammals in, resembling those ofIndian and European Miocene, 362North, mammalia of, 222Chinchillida: in Brazilian caves, 145S. American Pliocene, 147Pliocene of Antilles, 148Chiroptera, classification of, 87list of Palsearctic genera of, 239list of Ethiopian genera of, 300range of Oriental genera of, 371list of Australian genera of, 475Chiroptera, European Eocene, 125in Brazilian caves, 144Chlamydolherium in Brazilian caves, 145Chmromorus, European Miocene, 119Chceropotiimvs, European Eocene, 126Chairotheriwn, Indian Miocene, 122Choneziphivs, European Pliocene, 112Chough, Alpine, figure of, 195Circuuipolar zones, objections to system of, 67Classification as affecting the study of distribution,83Clausilia, Eocene, 169Climate, as a limit to the range of mammalia,11gradual change of, before the glacial epoch,41Coleoptera. families selected for study, 103Palsearctic, 188number of Palsearctic species, 189of Central Europe, 196of the M editerranean sub-region, 205of the Cape Verd Islands, 215of the Ethiopian region, 256S. African, 268of Madagascar, 282, 283of the Oriental region, 319of Indo-Malay sub-region, 342of the Australian region, 405affinity of Australian and South American406, 407of Celebes, 435of New Zealand, 457Collocalia, European Miocene, 161Colobus, European Miocene, 117Colonoceras, N. American Tertiary, 136Colossochelys of Indian Miocene, 123,U65Columbse, classification of, 96range of Palsearctic genera of, 248range of Ethiopian genera of, 311range of Oriental genera of, 384range of Australian genera of, 485Comoro islands, zoology of, 281Continents, distribution of, 37recent changes of, 38Continental extension in Mesozoic times, 156Corvus, European Miocene, 161Coryphndon, European Eocene, 126Cosmopolitan groups enumerated, 175Cricetodon, European Miocene, 120Cricetus, European Tliocene, 113Crocodiles, Eocene, 165Crocodilia, classification of, 100Crook-billed plovers of New Zealand, 456Crotch, Mr., on beetles of the Azores, 209Crowned-pigeon, figure of, 415Cryptornis, European Eocene, 163Ctenomys, S. American Pliocene, 147Cuba, extinct mammalia of, 148Curculionidium, Oolitic insect, 167Cyclostoma, Eocene, 169Cyllo sepulta, European Cretaceous, 167Cynoelurvs, in Brazilian caves, 144Cynopithecus of Celebes, affinities of, 427Cyotherium, European Eocene, 125D.Daptophilus, N. American Tertiary, 134Darwin, Mr., his explanation of the cause ofthe abundance of apterous insects inMsdeira, 211on the relation of flowers and insects, 463Dasyprocta, European Miocene, 121in Brazilian eaves, 144Dasypus, in Brazilian caves, 145S. American Pliocene, 147Dasyurus, Australian Post-Tertiary. 157David, Pere, his researches in China and Thibet,221, 222on birds of N. China, 226

INDEX. 493Deer, fossil in N. American Tertiary formations,138Palsearctic, 182probable cause of absence of from tropicalAfrica, 291Delphinus, European Pliocene, 112Dendrocyg na, European Miocene, 162Desman of S. Russia, figure of, 219Diceratherium, N. American Tertiary, 137Dichobune, European Eocene, 12'iDicotyles, N. American Post- Pliocene, 130N. American Tertiary, 137in Brazilian caves, 144S. American Pliocene, 146birthplace and migrations of, 155Dicrocerus, European Miocene, 120Didelphys, European Eocene, 126N. American Post-Pliocene, 130in Brazilian caves, 145Didida:, 164Dinocerata, N. American Tertiary, 139Dinaceras, N. American Eocene, 139Dinoruis, allied form in European Eocene, 163of New Zealand and Australia, 164Dinoriiithidcc of New Zealand, 164Dinotheriim, Miocene of Greece, 116European Miocene, 120Miocene of Perim Island, 123Dinyctis, N. American Tertiary, 134Dinylus, European Miocene, 117Diplacodon,^. American Tertiary, 136Diprotodon, Australian Post-Tertiary, 157Dispersal of animals, 10of mamma' ia, 10of reptiles and amphibia, 28Distribution, affected by climate, 5affected by physical features, 5contrasts of, in similar climates, 5similarities of, in diverse climates, 6barriers as affecting, 6study of, dependent on a good classification,83of animals an adjunct to geology, 8of animals requires certain preliminarystudies, Sof animals dependent on physical geography,35of animals, as affected by the glacial epoch.40of animals, as affected by changes ofvegetation, 43of animals, as affected bv organic changes,44of animals, hypothetical illustration of,46of animals, complexity of the causes affectingthe, 49of animals, problems in, 51of plants, as affected by the glacial epoch,42Dodo of Mauritius, 282Dolichopterus, European Miocene, 162Dommina, N. American Tertiary, 134Dorcatherium, European Miocene, 120Dremothe.rium, Miocene of Greece, 116European Miocene, 120Dresser, Mr. H. E., on northern range ofEuropean birds, 193Dromatheritim, N, American Triassic, 134oldest American mammal, 160Drnngo-shrike, Malayan figtne o p , 340Dryopntkecus European Miocene, 117E.East Africa, geographical features of, 258wide range of genera and species over, 259few special types in, 260East African sub-region, description of, 258genera and species ranging over the wholeof, 259mammalia of, 260birds of, 260reptiles of, 260amphibia and fishes of, 260insects of, 260few peculiar types in, 260illustration of zoology of, 261East Australia, peculiar birds of, 440East Thibet, mammalia of, 222Eaton, Rev. A. E., on insects of KerguelenIsland, 211Echimyidiv, in Brazilian caves, 145Eckinogale, European Miocene, 118Ectognathus, N. American Eocene, 139Edentata, Miocene of Greece, 116European Miocene, 121N. American Post-Pliocene, 130N. American Pliocene, 140of Brazilian caves, 145S. American Pliocene, 147Edentata, classification of, 90probable birthplace of, 155range of Ethiopian genera of, 305range of Oriental genus rf, 375Elephants, fossil of Indian M\ >cene, 123fossil in N. American Post- Pliocene formations,130birthplace and migrations of, 155Elephant shrews, 8. African, 267Elephas, Post-Pliocene, 112fossil in N. China, 123N. American Tertiary, 138Elliot, Mr., his great work on the birds oparadise, 415Elomis, European Miocene, 162Elotherium, N. American Tertiary, 137, 139Elwes, Mr., on birds of Peisia, 204on true relations of the birds of CentralIndia, 323Embasis, N. American Tertiary, 134Emu, figure of, 441Emys, Indian Miocene, 123Miocene and Eocene, 1 65Emydida, Indian Miocene, 123Enhydrion, Indian Miocene, 121Eobasileus, N. American Eocene, 139Eocene period, 124fauna of S. America, 148Ephemera, from the Lias, 167Bporeodon, N. American Tertiary, 138Equiiln; European Pliocene, 112Miocene of Greece, 115European Eocene, 125Eqmts, European Pliocene, 112Pust-Pliocene, 112Indian Miocene, 121N. American Post-Pliocene, 130N. American Tertiary, 135Brazilian caves, 144S. American Pliocene, 146Ereptodon, N. American Post- Pliocene, 130Erinaceus, European Miocene, 117Erythromachus of Rodriguez, 164Esthonyx, N. American Eocene, 139Ethiopian region should not include any partof India, 63defined, 7isubdivisions of, 73

INDEX. 493Deer, fossil in N. American Tertiary formations,138Palsearctic, 182probable cause <strong>of</strong> absence <strong>of</strong> from tropicalAfrica, 291Delphinus, European Pliocene, 112Dendrocyg na, European Miocene, 162Desman <strong>of</strong> S. Russia, figure <strong>of</strong>, 219Dicera<strong>the</strong>rium, N. American Tertiary, 137Dichobune, European Eocene, 12'iDicotyles, N. American Post- Pliocene, 130N. American Tertiary, 137in Brazilian caves, 144S. American Pliocene, 146birthplace and migrations <strong>of</strong>, 155Dicrocerus, European Miocene, 120Didelphys, European Eocene, 126N. American Post-Pliocene, 130in Brazilian caves, 145Didida:, 164Dinocerata, N. American Tertiary, 139Dinaceras, N. American Eocene, 139Dinoruis, allied form in European Eocene, 163<strong>of</strong> New Zealand and Australia, 164Dinoriiithidcc <strong>of</strong> New Zealand, 164Dino<strong>the</strong>riim, Miocene <strong>of</strong> Greece, 116European Miocene, 120Miocene <strong>of</strong> Perim Island, 123Dinyctis, N. American Tertiary, 134Dinylus, European Miocene, 117Diplacodon,^. American Tertiary, 136Diprotodon, Australian Post-Tertiary, 157Dispersal <strong>of</strong> <strong>animals</strong>, 10<strong>of</strong> mamma' ia, 10<strong>of</strong> reptiles and amphibia, 28Distribution, affected by climate, 5affected by physical features, 5contrasts <strong>of</strong>, in similar climates, 5similarities <strong>of</strong>, in diverse climates, 6barriers as affecting, 6<strong>study</strong> <strong>of</strong>, dependent on a good classification,83<strong>of</strong> <strong>animals</strong> an adjunct to geology, 8<strong>of</strong> <strong>animals</strong> requires certain preliminarystudies, S<strong>of</strong> <strong>animals</strong> dependent on physical geography,35<strong>of</strong> <strong>animals</strong>, as affected by <strong>the</strong> glacial epoch.40<strong>of</strong> <strong>animals</strong>, as affected by changes <strong>of</strong>vegetation, 43<strong>of</strong> <strong>animals</strong>, as affected bv organic changes,44<strong>of</strong> <strong>animals</strong>, hypo<strong>the</strong>tical illustration <strong>of</strong>,46<strong>of</strong> <strong>animals</strong>, complexity <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> causes affecting<strong>the</strong>, 49<strong>of</strong> <strong>animals</strong>, problems in, 51<strong>of</strong> plants, as affected by <strong>the</strong> glacial epoch,42Dodo <strong>of</strong> Mauritius, 282Dolichopterus, European Miocene, 162Dommina, N. American Tertiary, 134Dorca<strong>the</strong>rium, European Miocene, 120Dremo<strong>the</strong>.rium, Miocene <strong>of</strong> Greece, 116European Miocene, 120Dresser, Mr. H. E., on nor<strong>the</strong>rn range <strong>of</strong>European birds, 193Droma<strong>the</strong>ritim, N, American Triassic, 134oldest American mammal, 160Drnngo-shrike, Malayan figtne o p , 340Dryopntkecus European Miocene, 117E.East Africa, <strong>geographical</strong> features <strong>of</strong>, 258wide range <strong>of</strong> genera and species over, 259few special types in, 260East African sub-region, description <strong>of</strong>, 258genera and species ranging over <strong>the</strong> whole<strong>of</strong>, 259mammalia <strong>of</strong>, 260birds <strong>of</strong>, 260reptiles <strong>of</strong>, 260amphibia and fishes <strong>of</strong>, 260insects <strong>of</strong>, 260few peculiar types in, 260illustration <strong>of</strong> zoology <strong>of</strong>, 261East Australia, peculiar birds <strong>of</strong>, 440East Thibet, mammalia <strong>of</strong>, 222Eaton, Rev. A. E., on insects <strong>of</strong> KerguelenIsland, 211Echimyidiv, in Brazilian caves, 145Eckinogale, European Miocene, 118Ectognathus, N. American Eocene, 139Edentata, Miocene <strong>of</strong> Greece, 116European Miocene, 121N. American Post-Pliocene, 130N. American Pliocene, 140<strong>of</strong> Brazilian caves, 145S. American Pliocene, 147Edentata, classification <strong>of</strong>, 90probable birthplace <strong>of</strong>, 155range <strong>of</strong> Ethiopian genera <strong>of</strong>, 305range <strong>of</strong> Oriental genus rf, 375Elephants, fossil <strong>of</strong> Indian M\ >cene, 123fossil in N. American Post- Pliocene formations,130birthplace and migrations <strong>of</strong>, 155Elephant shrews, 8. African, 267Elephas, Post-Pliocene, 112fossil in N. China, 123N. American Tertiary, 138Elliot, Mr., his great work on <strong>the</strong> birds oparadise, 415Elomis, European Miocene, 162Elo<strong>the</strong>rium, N. American Tertiary, 137, 139Elwes, Mr., on birds <strong>of</strong> Peisia, 204on true <strong>relations</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> birds <strong>of</strong> CentralIndia, 323Embasis, N. American Tertiary, 134Emu, figure <strong>of</strong>, 441Emys, Indian Miocene, 123Miocene and Eocene, 1 65Emydida, Indian Miocene, 123Enhydrion, Indian Miocene, 121Eobasileus, N. American Eocene, 139Eocene period, 124fauna <strong>of</strong> S. America, 148Ephemera, from <strong>the</strong> Lias, 167Bporeodon, N. American Tertiary, 138Equiiln; European Pliocene, 112Miocene <strong>of</strong> Greece, 115European Eocene, 125Eqmts, European Pliocene, 112Pust-Pliocene, 112Indian Miocene, 121N. American Post-Pliocene, 130N. American Tertiary, 135Brazilian caves, 144S. American Pliocene, 146Ereptodon, N. American Post- Pliocene, 130Erinaceus, European Miocene, 117Erythromachus <strong>of</strong> Rodriguez, 164Esthonyx, N. American Eocene, 139Ethiopian region should not include any part<strong>of</strong> India, 63defined, 7isubdivisions <strong>of</strong>, 73

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