The geographical distribution of animals, with a study of the relations ...

The geographical distribution of animals, with a study of the relations ... The geographical distribution of animals, with a study of the relations ...
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252 ZOOLOGICAL GEOGRAPHY. [part hi.different kind of country ; being almost wholly dense forestswhere not cleared by man, and having the hot moist uniformclimate, and perennial luxuriance of vegetation, which characterisethe great equatorial belt of forest all round the globe.Thisforest country extends to an unknown distance inland, but it wasfound, with its features well marked, by Dr. Schweinfurth directlyhe crossed the south-western watershed of the Nile ; and far tothe south we find itagain unmistakably indicated, in the excessivelymoist forest country about the head waters of the Congo,where the heroic Livingstone met his death. In this forestdistrict many of the more remarkable African types are alonefound, and its productions occasionally present us with curioussimilarities to those of the far removed South American orMalayan forests. This is our second or West African subregion.Extra-tropical South Africa possesses features of its own, quitedistinct from those of both the preceding regions (although it hasalso much in common with the first). Its vegetation is knownto be one of the richest,most peculiar, and most remarkable onthe globe ; and in its zoology it has a speciality, similar in kindbut less in degree, which renders it both natural and convenientto separate it as our third, or South African sub-region. Itslimits are not very clearly ascertained, but it is probably boundedby the Kalahari desert on the north-west, and by the LimpopoValley, or the mountain range beyond, on the north-east, althoughsome of its peculiar forms extend to Mozambique. Thereremains the great Island of Madagascar, one of the most isolatedand most interesting on the globe, asregards its animal productions;and to this must be added, the smaller islands of Bourbon,Mauritius and Rodriguez, the Seychelles and the Comoro Islands,forming together the Mascarene Islands,—the whole constitutingour fourth sub-region.Zoological Characteristics of theEthiopian Region.—We havenow to consider briefly, what are the peculiarities and characteristicsof the Ethiopian Region asit its distinctive features and broadly separate itprimary zoological regions.a whole,—those which givefrom the other

;chap, xi.] THE ETHIOPIAN REGION. 253Mammalia.—This region has 9 peculiar families of mammalia.Chiromyidae (containing the aye-aye) ; Potamogalidae and Chrysochloridae(Insectivora) ; Cryptoproctidae and Protelidse (Carnivora); Hippopotamidee and Camelopardalidae (Ungulata) ; andOrycteropodidae (Edentata). Besides these it possesses 7 peculiargenera of apes, Troglodytes, Colobus, Myiopitliecus Cercopithecus,Cercocefais, Theropitliecus, and Cynocephalus ; 2 subfamiliesof lemurs containing 6 genera, confined to Madagascar,with 3 genera of two other sub-families confined to the continent; of Insectivora a family, Centetidae, with 5 genera,peculiar to Madagascar, and the genera Petrodromus and Rhynchocyonbelonging to the Macroscelididae, or elephant-shrews,restricted to the continent ; numerous peculiar genera or subgeneraof civets ; Lycaon and Megalotis, remarkable genera ofCanidae ; Ictonyx, the zorilla, a genus allied to the weasels ;13 peculiar genera of Muridae ; Pectinator, a genus of the SouthAmerican family Octodontidae ; and 2 genera of the SouthAmerican Eehimyidse or spiny rats. Of abundant and characteristicgroups it possesses Macroscelides, Felis, Hyaena, Hyrax,Rhinoceros, and Elephas, as well as several species of zebra anda great variety of antelopes.The great speciality indicated by these numerous peculiarfamilies and genera, is still farther increased by the absenceof certain groups dominant in the Old-World continent,an absence which we can only account for by the persistence,through long epochs, of barriers isolating the greater part of Africafrom the rest of the world. These groups are, Ursidas, the bears ;Talpidae the moles ; Camelidae, the camels ; Cervidae, the deerCaprinae, the goats and sheep ; and the genera Bos (wild ox) ; andSus (wild boar). Combining these striking deficiencies, withthe no less striking peculiarities above enumerated, it seemshardly possible to have a region more sharply divided fromthe rest of the globe than this is, by its whole assemblage ofmammalia.Birds.—In birds the Ethiopian region is by no means sostrikingly peculiar, many of these having been able to pass theancient barriers which so long limited the range of mammalia.

252 ZOOLOGICAL GEOGRAPHY. [part hi.different kind <strong>of</strong> country ; being almost wholly dense forestswhere not cleared by man, and having <strong>the</strong> hot moist uniformclimate, and perennial luxuriance <strong>of</strong> vegetation, which characterise<strong>the</strong> great equatorial belt <strong>of</strong> forest all round <strong>the</strong> globe.Thisforest country extends to an unknown distance inland, but it wasfound, <strong>with</strong> its features well marked, by Dr. Schweinfurth directlyhe crossed <strong>the</strong> south-western watershed <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Nile ; and far to<strong>the</strong> south we find itagain unmistakably indicated, in <strong>the</strong> excessivelymoist forest country about <strong>the</strong> head waters <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Congo,where <strong>the</strong> heroic Livingstone met his death. In this forestdistrict many <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> more remarkable African types are alonefound, and its productions occasionally present us <strong>with</strong> curioussimilarities to those <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> far removed South American orMalayan forests. This is our second or West African subregion.Extra-tropical South Africa possesses features <strong>of</strong> its own, quitedistinct from those <strong>of</strong> both <strong>the</strong> preceding regions (although it hasalso much in common <strong>with</strong> <strong>the</strong> first). Its vegetation is knownto be one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> richest,most peculiar, and most remarkable on<strong>the</strong> globe ; and in its zoology it has a speciality, similar in kindbut less in degree, which renders it both natural and convenientto separate it as our third, or South African sub-region. Itslimits are not very clearly ascertained, but it is probably boundedby <strong>the</strong> Kalahari desert on <strong>the</strong> north-west, and by <strong>the</strong> LimpopoValley, or <strong>the</strong> mountain range beyond, on <strong>the</strong> north-east, althoughsome <strong>of</strong> its peculiar forms extend to Mozambique. <strong>The</strong>reremains <strong>the</strong> great Island <strong>of</strong> Madagascar, one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> most isolatedand most interesting on <strong>the</strong> globe, asregards its animal productions;and to this must be added, <strong>the</strong> smaller islands <strong>of</strong> Bourbon,Mauritius and Rodriguez, <strong>the</strong> Seychelles and <strong>the</strong> Comoro Islands,forming toge<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong> Mascarene Islands,—<strong>the</strong> whole constitutingour fourth sub-region.Zoological Characteristics <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>Ethiopian Region.—We havenow to consider briefly, what are <strong>the</strong> peculiarities and characteristics<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Ethiopian Region asit its distinctive features and broadly separate itprimary zoological regions.a whole,—those which givefrom <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r

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