The geographical distribution of animals, with a study of the relations ...

The geographical distribution of animals, with a study of the relations ...

The geographical distribution of animals, with a study of the relations ...

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23G ZOOLOGICAL GEOGRAPHY. [PART III.Sub-regions.Order and Family.o3s 5T3 a33p.Range beyond <strong>the</strong> Region.Columb-s:.84. Columbidae ...CosmopoliteGalling.86. Pteroclidse ...87. Tctraonidae ...88. Phasiauidse ...89. Turnicidse ..Ethiopian, IndianNearctic, Ethiopian, OrientalOriental, Ethiopian, NearcticEthiopian, Oriental, AustralianAccipitres.94. Vulturidae ...96. Falconidae ...97. Pandionidse...98. Strigidae ...All regions but AustralianCosmopoliteCosmopoliteCosmopoliteGralije.99. Rallidce100. Scolopacidse...104. Glareolidffi ...105. Charadriidse...106. Otididee107. Gruidse113. Ardeidoe114. Plataleidse ...115. Ciconiidce ...117. PhsenicopteridseCosmopoliteCosmopoliteEthiopian, Oriental, AustralianCosmopoliteEthiopian, Oriental. AustralianEastern Hemisphere, and N. AmericaCosmopoliteAlmost CosmopoliteNearly CosmopoliteNeotropical, Ethiopian, IndianAnseres.118. Anatidse119. Laridse120. Procellariidte121. Pelecanidae ...123. Colymbidse ...124. Podicipidse ..125. AlcidaeCosmopoliteCosmopoliteCosmopoliteCosmopoliteArctic and N. TemperateCosmopoliteN. Temperate zoneREPT1LIA.Ophidia.1. Typhlopidae...5. Calamariidse...6. Oligodontidse7. Colubridse ...8. Homalopsidae9. Psammophidse18. Erycidse20. Elapidae24. Orotalidae ...25. ViperidaeAll regions but NearcticAll o<strong>the</strong>r regionsOriental and NeotropicalAlmost CosmopoliteOriental, and all o<strong>the</strong>r regionsEthiopian and OrientalOriental and EthiopianAustralian and all o<strong>the</strong>r regionsNearctic, Neotropical, OrientalEthiopian, Oriental

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