The geographical distribution of animals, with a study of the relations ...

The geographical distribution of animals, with a study of the relations ... The geographical distribution of animals, with a study of the relations ...
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—98 DISTRIBUTION OF ANIMALS. [PART I.The Anseres or Natatores are almost equally unsettled. Theflamingoes are usually placed in this order, but their habits bestassort with those of the waders.Fam.118. Anatidse119. Larida?120. Procellariidae121. Pelecanidse ...122. Spheniscidae123. Colymbidae124. Podicipidse ...125. AlcidseDuck and Geese.Gulls.Petrels.Pelicans.Penguins.Divers.Grebes.Auks.The last order of birds is the Struthiones or Katitse, consideredby many naturalists to form a distinct sub-class. It consists ofcomparatively few species, either living or recently extinct.Fam.?126. Struthionidae127. Casuariidse ...128. Apterygidae ...( 129. DinornithidaeExtinct < 130. Palapterygidse( 131. ^EpyornithidseOstriches.Cassowaries.Apteryx.Dinomis.Palapteryx.iEpyornis.EEPTILES.In reptiles I follow the classificationof Dr. Giinther as givenin the Philosojrfiical Transactions, vol. clvii., p. 625. He dividesthe class into five orders as follows :

——CHAP. V.] CLASSIFICATION. 99The Ophidia, or Snakes, form the first order and are classifiedas follows :Fain.1. Typhlopidae2. Tortricidse3. Xenopeltidse4. Uropeltidae5. Calamaridae6. Oligodontidae.7. Colubridae8. Homalopsidse ••9. Psammophidse ..Innocuous Snakes { 10. Rachiodontidae.11. Dendrophidae ..12. Dryiophidas13. Dipsasidae14. Scytalidae.15. Lycodontidae16. Amblycephalidae17. Pythonidae18. Erycida?19. Acrochordidae ..20. ElapidaeVenomous Colubrine } 21. Dendraspididae.Snakes j 22. Atractaspididae.23. HydrophidaeBurrowing Snakes.Dwarf ground-snakes.Colubrine Snakes.Fresh-water Snakes.Desert-snakes.Tree-snakes.Whip-snakes.Nocturnal tree-snakes.Fanged ground-snakes.Blunt-heads.Pythons.Sand-snakes.Wart-snakes.Cobras, &c.Sea-snakes.Viperine Snakes24. Crotalidae25 ViperidaePit-vipers.True vipersThe second order, Lacertilia, are arranged as follows :Fam.26. Trogonophidse ...27. Chirotidae28. Amphisbsenidse29. Lepidosternidae30. Varanidae31. Heloderrnidae.32. Teidse33. Lacertidae34. Zonuridae35. Chalcidae.36. Anadiadse.37. ChirocoUdae.38. Iphisadae.39. Cercosaurid82.40. Chamaesauridae.41. Gymnopthalmidae42. Pygopodidae43. Aprasiadae.> Amphisbaenians.Water Lizards.Teguexins> Land LizardsGape-eyed Scinks.Two-legged Lizards.

—98 DISTRIBUTION OF ANIMALS. [PART I.<strong>The</strong> Anseres or Natatores are almost equally unsettled. <strong>The</strong>flamingoes are usually placed in this order, but <strong>the</strong>ir habits bestassort <strong>with</strong> those <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> waders.Fam.118. Anatidse119. Larida?120. Procellariidae121. Pelecanidse ...122. Spheniscidae123. Colymbidae124. Podicipidse ...125. AlcidseDuck and Geese.Gulls.Petrels.Pelicans.Penguins.Divers.Grebes.Auks.<strong>The</strong> last order <strong>of</strong> birds is <strong>the</strong> Struthiones or Katitse, consideredby many naturalists to form a distinct sub-class. It consists <strong>of</strong>comparatively few species, ei<strong>the</strong>r living or recently extinct.Fam.?126. Struthionidae127. Casuariidse ...128. Apterygidae ...( 129. DinornithidaeExtinct < 130. Palapterygidse( 131. ^EpyornithidseOstriches.Cassowaries.Apteryx.Dinomis.Palapteryx.iEpyornis.EEPTILES.In reptiles I follow <strong>the</strong> classification<strong>of</strong> Dr. Giin<strong>the</strong>r as givenin <strong>the</strong> Philosojrfiical Transactions, vol. clvii., p. 625. He divides<strong>the</strong> class into five orders as follows :

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