The geographical distribution of animals, with a study of the relations ...

The geographical distribution of animals, with a study of the relations ... The geographical distribution of animals, with a study of the relations ...
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,62.:90 DISTRIBUTION OF ANIMALS. [part I.The two next orders consist of but a single family each, viz.OrderPROBOSCIDEAHYRACOIDEAFam.53. Elephantidse54. HyracidseElephants.Bock-rabbits.We now come to the Eodentia, a very extensive and difficultorder, in which there is still much difference of opinion as tothe details of classification, although the main outlines are prettywell settled. The foundations of a true classification of thisorder were laid by Mr. G. E. Waterhouse more than thirty yearsago, and succeeding authors have done little more than followhis arrangement with unimportant modifications. ProfessorLilljeborg, of Upsala, has however made a special study of thisgroup of animals, and has given an original and detailed classificationof all the genera. {Systematisk Ofversigt af de GnagandeDaggdjuren, Glires. Upsala, 1866.) I follow this arrangementwith a few slight modifications suggested by other naturalists,and which make it better adapted for the purposes of this work.SimplicidentatixMurina(Waterhouse)Hystricina(Waterhouse)Duplicidentatij (wSZe)Order—RODENTIA.Fam.55. Muridag56. Spalacidae57. Dipodidse58. Myoxidse59. Saccomyidai ...60. Castoridse61. SciuridreHaploodontida?63. Chinchillidse ...64. Octodontidse ..65. Echimyidse66. Cercolabidse ..,67. Hystricidse68. Caviidse( 69. Lagomyidse\ 70. LeporidseRats.Mole-rats.Jerboas.Dormice.Pouched Rats.Beavers.Squirrels.Sewellels.Chinchillas.Octodons.Spiny Rats.Tree Porcupines.Porcupines.Cavies.Pikas.Hares.'The Edentata have been classified by Mr. Turner, in theProceedings of the Zoological Society (1851, p. 205), by Dr.Gray in the British Museum Catalogue, and by Professor Camsin his Handhuch. The former takes a middle course between

''HAP. V.] CLASSIFICATION. 91the numerous families of Dr. Gray, seven in number, and thetwo families to which Professor Carus restricts the existingspecies. I therefore follow Mr. Turner.Order—EDENTATA.BradypodaEntomophagaFain.71. Bradypodidae'72. Manididae73. Dasypodidae74. Orycteropodidaa...75. MyrinecophagidaeSloths.Scaly Ant-eaters.Armadillos.Ant-bears.Ant-eaters.The Marsupials have been well classified and described byMr. Waterhouse in the first volume of his Natural History ojMammalia, and his arrangement is here followed. The subordersadopted by Professor Carus are also given.Order—MARSUPIALIA.Kapacia (Wagner)Poephaga (Owen)Carpophaga (Owen)Rhizophaga (Owen)Fam.76. Didelphidae ...77. Dasyuridae ...78. Myrmecobiidae79. Peramelidae ...80. Macropodidae81. Phalangistidae82. PhascolomyidajOpossums.Native Cats.Native Ant-eater.Bandicoots.Kangaroos.Phalangers.Wombats.Order—MONOTEEMATA.The last order, the Monotremata, consist of two families, whichProfessor Carus combines into one, but which it seems morenatural to keep separate.Fam.83. Ornithorhynchidae84. EchidnidaeDuckbill.Echidna.

''HAP. V.] CLASSIFICATION. 91<strong>the</strong> numerous families <strong>of</strong> Dr. Gray, seven in number, and <strong>the</strong>two families to which Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Carus restricts <strong>the</strong> existingspecies. I <strong>the</strong>refore follow Mr. Turner.Order—EDENTATA.BradypodaEntomophagaFain.71. Bradypodidae'72. Manididae73. Dasypodidae74. Orycteropodidaa...75. MyrinecophagidaeSloths.Scaly Ant-eaters.Armadillos.Ant-bears.Ant-eaters.<strong>The</strong> Marsupials have been well classified and described byMr. Waterhouse in <strong>the</strong> first volume <strong>of</strong> his Natural History ojMammalia, and his arrangement is here followed. <strong>The</strong> subordersadopted by Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Carus are also given.Order—MARSUPIALIA.Kapacia (Wagner)Poephaga (Owen)Carpophaga (Owen)Rhizophaga (Owen)Fam.76. Didelphidae ...77. Dasyuridae ...78. Myrmecobiidae79. Peramelidae ...80. Macropodidae81. Phalangistidae82. PhascolomyidajOpossums.Native Cats.Native Ant-eater.Bandicoots.Kangaroos.Phalangers.Wombats.Order—MONOTEEMATA.<strong>The</strong> last order, <strong>the</strong> Monotremata, consist <strong>of</strong> two families, whichPr<strong>of</strong>essor Carus combines into one, but which it seems morenatural to keep separate.Fam.83. Ornithorhynchidae84. EchidnidaeDuckbill.Echidna.

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