Issue 25.indd - Biophile Magazine

Issue 25.indd - Biophile Magazine Issue 25.indd - Biophile Magazine
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The Inbox

The InboxResult: a 17% rate increase is announced and we collectively sigh with relief as if we’ve been handed a generator-drivenolive branch. However, if we’d been asked to pay 17% more at the outset of the “crisis”, we’d have been appalled and toldESKOM to take a hike. They’d had a substantial rate increase not that long before the crisis. So through clever manipulation– we’d been played to feel grateful for a “small” increase in our electricity tariff. Brilliant. Insidious but brilliant.And how many serious outages have you experienced since the rate increase was accepted and through the high-demandwinter months? Interestingly, virtually none.Summary: we’re probably using electricity more frugally than before, have a little generator on hand just in case (importbenefits to government), are paying 17% more for this and the real capacity can now be managed and upgraded with somebreathing space. Only – let’s see how well our energy ministry manages the future of this and sustainability in new solutions.I remain sceptical.Then there’s Jacob Zuma – good old Zuma without whom, Zapiro’s life would be a lot less colourful.Readers should read Judge Chris Nicholson’s summation of the latest in this saga at: the face of it – a totally unsurprising outcome and the focus is now squarely shifted from the issue of Zuma’s allegedwrongdoing to the procedural inconsistencies of the NPA and the resultant nullification of the due process. Regardless ofthis, it certainly makes one wonder over the smoke & mirrors surrounding the Scorpions when perhaps the media (andindeed ourselves) should have been scrutinising the deeds and doings of the NPA to ensure that the process had no possibilityof being thwarted. Nice sleight of hand don’t you think! Orchestrated perhaps or just coincidence? I said to my wife notlong ago that to avoid becoming lumped into the same category as Zim in the eyes of a watching world, the ANC had to beseen to be following the dictates of the constitution and its judiciary and Zuma had to be brought before a judge. However,I went on, he will get off scot-free through some technicality or other! And me with no crystal ball at all!Anyone who imagined for one moment that Zuma would succumb to the same fate as that scapegoat Shaik is living in adifferent SA from the one I occupy.Watch that particular space and don’t be surprised…by anything.One thing worth considering – he may turn out to be a more moderate president than we think and in the eyes of Africa,I think we’ll get more mileage out of him than Mbeki. Just remember, although publicly he and Mbeki have to be seen asopposing one another, they are not only struggle comrades but co-conspirators/beneficiaries of the arms deal (in my andmillions of other South Africans’ view). The ANC will trundle on regardless and the businesses that run the country willprevail. Oh yes, and Zille’s DA will roar like a toothless tiger in the background…And in conclusion – if a politician is moving his lips he is perhaps being disingenuous to some degree – it simply goes withthe territory. And as Mr Marrs illustrates in his article (<strong>Biophile</strong> 23) the UN seeks to control our means to grow, buy anddistribute food – surprise, surprise.In the same way – Mr Al Gore has been paid to travel the world dispensing another perception contrived for the manipulationof the masses – i.e.Global Warming. Now don’t scream me down, please. I am not saying that we shouldn’t be ecologicallymore responsible nor that we shouldn’t look to sustainable energy systems and smaller “carbon footprints” but forgoodness sake – the Earth has gone through these climatic cycles for millennia and (as with any other scientific debate)there are compelling arguments from both sides of the fence.What is of substantially more significance is the simple fact that (as with Mbeki and Zuma) Gore and Bush are actuallybrothers-in-arms and now that the global population (currently being raped by GW and his cronies with the oil price andfossil-fuel based technologies) has accepted that we require a solution to the “crisis” (PROBLEM), this gives the same cabalof manipulators the time and space to establish themselves as the saviours with the managed and phased introductionof hybridised and sustainable technologies in favour of the old stuff at an even higher price than we were paying before.The economy will tick over without any collapse as it gets carefully manoeuvred through the transition.And we will sit back wondering what the next crisis will be and how much we’re going to pay for it.Ce’st la vie…Paul Murray<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 3

Who is stealing now?So the price of crude oil has come down by nearly 50%in the past two months. Why hasn’t the price of petroland diesel come down by R5 a litre?Who is stealing our money now, and why?Is he above the law and not prosecutable like the restof the ANC?We want an explanation, the government must stop hidingbehind a barrage of red tape and secrecy. This is aprecursor to fraud and corruption.The governments’ income and expenditure should beavailable to all on a daily basis. This would be a precursorto truth and honesty. There is no excuse, we live inan age of information technology.Ant BorainRe: Star Letter, <strong>Issue</strong> 23I am a regular reader of your excellent journal and occasionally anarticle will test my credulity a little more than feels comfortable. TheStar Letter which appeared in <strong>Biophile</strong> issue 23 for Aug/Sep 2008was an absorbing read. The authors have obviously read widely, butsadly with little understanding, either of the science that runs ouradmittedly imperfect society or of the spiritual truths that could leadto our salvation as a species.The InboxSincerelyThe belt of energy in the Pleiades may be a fact but its effects asCarol Buchandescribed in the letter are pure fantasy. The early sixties were indeeda time of great change in human thought, but the influence of theVietnam War could be said to have been a far more potent influence,particularly in the USA where “flower power” and questioning of the established order flourished.<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 4Heiffer Project FeasabilityI am an avid reader of your wonderful magazine, soyou can imagine how appalled I was when I received amailshot from The Heiffer Project, requesting donationsto pay to supply impoverished rural people with farmanimals to raise and sell.Any farmer can tell you how much food a pregnantdairy heiffer would require to remain healthy[That willcost you R7,000 if you would like to donate]A short trip to the countryside will show anyone thelack of grazing any number of starving animals wonderingaround eating anything they can find includingplastic packets.Do they really think that we can elliminate rural povertythis way? What about the rights of the animals?Itsounds like exploitation to me!Permaculture and food gardens would be a much betteroption, perhaps they could do with some back copiesof <strong>Biophile</strong>... but then again, perhaps they are doingvery well out of collecting and administering the wellintentioned donations of those who are unable to thinklogically in the first place. Their website is activity is indeed cyclical over eleven years and the cosmic wind comprising a whole range of “high energy” particles and electromagneticwaves is a constant, measurable phenomenon. It has no influence on the Earth’s magnetic field however, which is an internally generatedphenomenon. During any reversal of the magnetic polarity we might temporarily lose the protection from some elements of the cosmic raysmentioned above which is provided by the magnetic field.“……. All electrical appliances……….. ” do not rely on the terrestrial magnetic field; electricity and magnetism are intimately connected manifestationsof the way certain materials behave at the atomic level and have absolutely no connection with North and South magnetic poles. Thereis no mention of these poles in any of the four Maxwell’s Equations which elegantly explain all the phenomena that give us the modern electronicworld and which would remain untouched by any changes to the Earth’s magnetic field.The discussion of the vibrational level of individuals is directly from David R Hawkins’s “Power vs Force” and the connection with informationand knowledge is tenuous. Information is data. Knowledge is a belief that is accepted as true based on an interpretation of information. Forexample, the knowledge that the Earth might be flat was deduced from the information people gathered through their eyes when looking at thehorizon. So we can easily see how knowledge can be flawed. Information is neither free, nor does it represent freedom. We can now store andcollate huge amounts of data on individuals and it is sold for vast sums of money. All our Clicks and Woolworths loyalty cards collect informationabout our spending patterns which can be used to oppress us even more by targetted advertising. There are industries that are purely based ongathered data (i.e. Google, Facebook, My Space etc).The second half of the letter rambles on about UFO’s, ET’s, and other fantastic claims which only serve to obscure the truths contained within theone phrase, “ we need to love, respect and forgive everyone else……………” The final quote is all we really need to know. “INFINITE LOVE ISTHE ONLY TRUTH – EVERYTHING ELSE IS ILLUSION”I am left with one nagging question: Why were the authors so shy about going public with their identities?Allan Morris B.Sc., A.R.C.S.

I can understandyour enthusiasm forthe apparent freeenergy from water.Unfortunately itviolates the laws ofnature and is a myththat has been aroundfor a long time.Unaided, balls don’tbounce higher witheach successivebounce.Water doesn’t dowork and end upin exactly the samestate.Electrical energy,through the processof electrolysis canbe expended to splitwater into Hydrogenand Oxygen andthen with a spark,they can be recombinedto make wateragain.Friends,Free Energy MythHeat will be generatedwhich can beput to work, but thework done will beless than the electricalenergy spent inthe electrolysis process.You will havegot less work outthan the (electrical)energy you startedwith.Have you actuallybuilt and tested thedevice or merelyread about it on theInternet ?If not, please buildthe electrolyzer andthen do a properobjective test, withcalibrated instruments,and publishthe test method andresults in <strong>Biophile</strong>for all to see.The numbers tell theThe Inboxreal story. Withoutmeasurements aU-tube video willindeed be impressive.I am sure thatyour tests will showthat you will savemoney and use less(petrol) fuel withthe electrolyzerswitched off thanwhen it is “incircuit”.I look forward toactual test results.Otherwise moregullible people willwaste their time andmoney on internetpseudo sciencescams.Regards,Myth busterA Perspective fromMichael MooreWho among us is not at a loss for words? Tears pour out. Tears of joy.Tears of relief. A stunning, whopping landslide of hope in a time ofdeep despair.In a nation that was founded on genocide and then builton the backs of slaves, it was an unexpected moment,shocking in its simplicity: Barack Obama, a good man, a black man,said he would bring change to Washington, and the majority of thecountry liked that idea. The racists were present throughout the campaignand in the voting booth. But they are no longer themajority, and we will see their flame of hate fizzle out in our lifetime.having the guts to get the job done or stand up for the workingpeople they say they support. Well, here's their chance. It hasbeen handed to them, via the voting public,in the form of a man who is not a party hack, not a set-for-lifeBeltway bureaucrat. Will he now become one of them, or will heforce them to be more like him? We pray for the latter.But today we celebrate this triumph of decency over personalattack, of peace over war, of intelligence over a belief that Adamand Eve rode around on dinosaurs just 6,000 years ago. Whatwill it be like to have a smart president?Science, banished for eight years, will return. Imagine supportingour country's greatest minds as they seek to cure illness,discover new forms of energy, and work to save the planet. Iknow, pinch me.We may, just possibly, also see a time of refreshing openness,enlightenment and creativity. The arts and the artists will notbe seen as the enemy. Perhaps art will be explored in order todiscover the greater truths.When FDR was ushered in with his landslide in 1932, what followedwas Frank Capra and Preston Sturgis, Woody Guthrie andJohn Steinbeck, Dorothea Lange and Orson Welles. All week longI have been inundated with media asking me, "Gee, Mike, whatwill you do now that Bush is gone?" Are they kidding? What willit be like to work and create in an environment that nurturesand supports film and the arts, science and invention, and thefreedom to be whatever you want to be? Watch a thousandflowers bloom! We've entered a new era, and if I could sumup our collective first thought of this new era, it is this:Anything Is Possible.An African American has been elected President of the United States!Anything is possible! We can wrestle our economy out of the handsof the reckless rich and return it to the people. Anything is possible!Every citizen can be guaranteed health care. Anything is possible! Wecan stop melting the polar ice caps. Anything is possible! Those whohave committed war crimes will be brought to justice. Anything ispossible.We really don't have much time. There is big work to do. But this isthe week for all of us to revel in this great moment. Be humble aboutit. Do not treat the Republicans in your life the way they have treatedyou the past eight years. Show them the grace and goodness thatBarack Obama exuded throughout the campaign. Though called everyname in the book, he refused to lower himself to the gutter and slingthe mud back. Can we follow his example? I know, it will be hard.There was another important "first" last night. Never before in ourhistory has an avowed anti-war candidate been elected presidentduring a time of war. I hope President-elect Obama remembers that ashe considers expanding the war in Afghanistan. The faith we now havewill be lost if he forgets the main issue on which he beat his fellowDems in the primaries and then a great war hero in the general election:The people of America are tired of war. Sick and tired. And theirvoice was loud and clear yesterday.It's been an inexcusable 44 years since a Democrat running for presidenthas received even just 51% of the vote. That's because mostAmericans haven't really liked the Democrats. They see them as rarelyI want to thank everyone who gave of their time and resources tomake this victory happen. It's been a long road, and huge damagehas been done to this great country, not to mention to many of youwho have lost your jobs, gone bankrupt from medical bills, or sufferedthrough a loved one being shipped off to Iraq. We will now work torepair this damage, and it won't be easy.But what a way to start! Barack Hussein Obama, the 44th President ofthe United States. Wow. Seriously, wow.Yours,Michael Moore<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 5

BirthingI write to you, to share with you my naturallove of birthing.My name is Belinda Loudon, I am a mother offour, and a practicing Doula ( Birth assistant).I work from my newly created birthing facilityoutside of Nelspruit in Mpumalanga.Through my work and love of birthing, I havelearned that there is a far deeper underlyingmeaning to birth. It is much more that justa once off event, at the end of a nine monthwait.I have seen that the way we birth is the waywe live. Birth does not only refer to be thephysical act of birthing a baby, it is how webegin every new event in our lives. For meBirth is thus the symbol of Life.I invite you to have a look at my website,especially the link to me know if this could be of benefit toyour readers.Kind regardsBelinda LoudonThe InboxAnother Inconvenient TruthAccording to my "Manson's Tropical Medicine", anexpensive volume which must weigh about 8kg., readingthe 'blurb' at the commencement of Chapter 41: theaverage adult human comprises some 10 to the powerof 14 cells, ONLY 10% OF WHICH ARE MAMMA-LIAN CELLS; THE REMAINING 90% consisting ofBENEVOLENT BACTERIA, FUNGHI AND MICRO-ORGANISMS ESSENTIAL TO OUR WELL-BEING!Well! Well! Well!(Comment: if it kills all known germs, don't touch it!)Yours in healthOISEAU!“YOU ARE ALL BUDDHASTHERE IS NOTHING YOUNEED TO ACHIEVE.JUST OPEN YOUR EYES.”-SIDDHARTHA GAUTAMAI am 86 years old and have beenenthusiastically promoting BIOPHILEsince it first appeared! I am actuallyfar too busy, working on the OrganicLifehouse and Resources Centre andsupport base for “Soil for Life” whichI am going (hopefully) to leave to the“right” and worthwhile souls who willcarry on the Good Work!I haven’t got time to write letters to theEditor! But I found the last issue No 22, alittle disturbing so here goes!You obviously know about “good work”as you are doing it! It is necessary forthe nourishment of the human soul –see “SMALL IS BEAUTIFUL” and “GOODWORK” by Dr EF Schumacher as hispractical, informative and inspiringGood Workscontribution to the youth revolt andcounterculture struggles of the oftenidealistic and intelligent youth of the latesixties and seventies.Sadly, their noble thoughts and ideasdid not reach true fruition because theywere disturbing to the powers that were,“little box” and general control-oversocietymoguls promoting their owngreedy interests.They were in any case, discredited,derailed and sabotaged by the drugbusiness and so rendered a more or lessineffective threat to the rulers of thenations generally. They were writtenoff as “junkies” which, indeed, theyvery often became, with “holes in theirheads” from all the drug taking and crazyand unhealthy lifestyles, they had oftenembarked on.You have bravely tackled any “evils” (ifone dare use such an old-fashioned wordin this day and age when anything goes!).You are doing an amazing job of openingother minds to many areas of modernlife gravely beset and threatened in manyways.You have taken on Agri-business andMedi-business, and I think we need torecognize, another time-wasting threat,to our positive energies. I can only callit Religi-business or “the whole holyworks!” Why not believe in YOURSELF!I believe, the most important thingin life, is actually A FEELING OF YOUROWN SELF-WORTH. I tell the young: “to<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 6

achieve this YOU HAVE TO DO THINGS TOMAKE YOURSELF PROUD OF YOU! If youdo the right things – the right things willhappen to you!” This is in some ways,the great age of DOING YOUR OWNTHING. Great truths are really simpleand I think we need our OWN HOTLINETO THE CREATOR, ALMIGHTY, pie inthe sky or what ever fanciful beliefs areabundantly on offer! “BY THEIR WORKSSHALL YE KNOW THEM.”As Shakespeare (Bacon?) or whoever hereally was, said, I think in Richard, theThird, something to the effect that “thereis a power that shapes our ends rough,hew them how we will.”In my long, eventful and hardworkinglife, I have come to accept that thispower, destiny, call it what you will, doesindeed exist.There is NO such THING ASCOINCIDENCE. There is also no time(in my life anyway) to explore theseunproveable possibilities I wake upevery day as if I have had my personalcomputer (in my brain) programmedwith what I must get on and do. If I amunsure about anything, I “sleep on it”and again the correct situation presentsitself. I know not how or why butgratefully accept that I am apparently“plugged in” to something.A great truth is IF YOU DON’T USE IT,YOU LOSE IT. This goes for your BODY;obviously needing exercise and use ifit is to function properly and serve youwell. Our mental capacity fades if wedon’t use it or passively expose it to allsorts of questionable and/or undesirableinfluences like too much television,which is another addictive time-wasting,money-making exercise in futility.It could, and is, is some instances,obviously a valuable educationalcontribution to life.Food comes first and is basic to allother development of body, mind, and Ibelieve spirituality – caring.The commercial sector (GREED) is outof control, “junk” food, often evenimported, fills the shelves and is takingThe Inboxthe “food rand” of the poor. How manyworkers lunch on a packet of “Niknaks”and luridly coloured cold-drink? “Soil forLife” is great and doing excellent. I havehad criticism that <strong>Biophile</strong> is too “airyfairy”these days. The doom and gloomof the nuclear articles and many othersalthough brilliant and very necessary aredepressing.What has become of sunny South Africathat attracted our European forebears?We hear more about UV’s these daysthan solar energy. It is obviously soright for Africa where the sun’s heat iscracking layers of rock in many remoteand inhospitable places, some of themclose to the mighty power line from thecoalfields areas to the W. Cape.A report a few months ago told of a greatnew development from a Jhb Universitywhich would reduce solar costsdramatically. Then a deafening silence!Patented for possible huge profits, orsuppressed?I have always wondered why the brainsthat put men into outer space and themoon can’t be harnessed to solve thealleged solar energy problems. Can’t youand/or incredible wonderful Martin Welzinvestigate this recent report of progress.I am sending you a copy of the amazingtyre TOWER POWER LADY! Even abalcony window box or a large drum,or a little terrace built from the rocks orstony sites can, as we have seen, holdsome herbs, celery, parsley, leeks make a valuable contribution to yourhealth and these days, your pocket too.Sellers everywhere (as well as many“organic” producers) are climbing on tothe bandwagon of GREED and “get richquick”. It is not only rising productioncosts that are contributing to the soaringinflation!A bevy of certifiers are competing for theorganic certification certificate for doingwhat an enlightened, knowledgeableand efficient Dept. of Agriculture shouldreally be responsible for.Respecting, even trying to communicatewith nature, spirits etc. etc. is a lovelyidea! Enchanted by the Findhorn Sagaand Peter Caddy’s glib tongue we olderreceptive souls, not to mention the youthrevolters of the seventies (and some ofthem are pretty revolting!) hugged treesand pretended (?) to have great visions.What did they actually achieve? The“counterculture” was sabotaged largelyby the drug scene and discredited, to therelief of most governments anyway.What did Theodore Rozak, Ram das Balaetc. etc. really achieve except a “changeof consciousness”, whatever that wassupposed to mean. Many of the youngbecame indigent if they didn’t dropback into the “evil society” they haddropped out of, probably into a lowersocio-economic level because they wereuntrained! A great truth “BY THEIRWORKS shall ye KNOW THEM!”I say “DON’T TELL ME – SHOW ME”!I still believe what I wrote to West RandBantu Administration Board (WRAB)when trying to justify “OperationGROW’s application for permits topromote Robert Maziluka’s trench bedgardening in Soweto, at the time of thegreat garbage crisis there – (whilst theChinese were building the Tanzanianrailway,) “LET US TEACH THEM TO GROWTHEIR OWN FOOD AND HELP THEM TOHELP THEMSELVES BEFORE THE CHINESECOME AND DO IT FOR US!”Investigated first by B.O.S.S., we gotour permits. The then Organic SoilAssociation’s Operation GROW waslaunched and flourished for a number ofyears.Hat’s off to Pat Featherstone’s SOIL FORLIFE for is great contribution to HEALTH,UNDERSTANDING AND RACE RELATIONSas well as some job creation.Love and best wishes to you and yourteam. You have chosen a difficult butvery important sphere of activity.FromMarie Roux<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 7

The Inbox<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 9

The InboxLighter Times Ahead?EditorialIt’s another birthday issue, and itseems like yesterday that it was our3rd birthday - the year has flownby.I was convinced that this was our 5th birthday,but I checked and no, we are only 4 years old,but it feels good and solid! It’s great havingthe new and enthusiastic energy of Chris andLindsay helping <strong>Biophile</strong> take its physicalform, and wonderful to see that Steve haslived his dream and published the beautiful‘Shared Earth’ magazine. So MANY changeshave come about in 2008, and while mostof us are feeling the contraction or the ‘inbreath’on earth, there is also the excitementof something unfamiliar about to happen. Wehave a new president-elect in the US, BarackObama, which could plant the seed to a newway of being right across our planet.To me it seems the air is filled with a fresh‘energy’ that is lighter and sweeter. It istime for humanity to step out ofthe old paradigm of fear basedcompetition and greed, and learn tolive kinder and lighter, in the true sincerespirit of brother/sisterhood - and it seems tobe everywhere, people are feeling the desire tocare more, firstly about their relationship withthemselves, and this requires discipline andstrict observation of each and every moment.Are we allowing lower thoughts of judgmentand fear to creep in? Or are we acknowledgingthat these are not from our true source - ourhigher selves - and moving past them as wetrain our minds to be stiller without fear of thefuture and critical judgment of others - whoseshoes we are NOT in so we can NEVER makea judgment anyway! As the beloved beingGandhi taught us, “Be the change youwant to see in the world”. I think oneof the keys of true serenity is to surrenderand allow what comes our way - aswith this attitude, there is complete faiththat we are all part of a divine plan and allis in perfect divine time for our growth intothe beings of light that we are in essence.So while this does not mean that we lackdiscernment and the energy to fulfill our plan,it means that we become less reactive andmore responsive, realizing that all is divinelymeant for our growth.I am finding that even in my own life the callsare increasing from individuals and businesspeople, wanting guidance on how to lessentheir ecological footprint and lighten their‘load’. So maybe out of the times of lessin the ‘material’ realm, will come times ofmuch ‘more’ in the spiritual realms, and howexquisite will this be. As we realize that allthe ‘material stuff’ that we think we want, weactually don’t need, as we learn to lighten our‘load’ - in all the areas of our lives - mental,emotional and physical.When I watched the DVD “The Power ofCommunity - How Cuba survivedPeak Oil”, it just brought home again justhow wonderful human ‘Beings’ are when thetables turn. As the oil squeeze tightened sothe local people started planting their foodgardens right in the cities. There was nolonger the money to buy the tons of pesticides,so organic farming became the way, and onlythen did the people connect with the spirit ofnature and the perfection of it all.It is a magnificent time for the true divineinner ‘spirit’ of us all to emerge as the ethosof community drives our lives into wonderfulcreative and joyful spaces. Markets arespringing up all over the world, and people arehaving fun and laughing again - the childrenplay and there seems to be a ‘lightness’ aboutit all.Where the denseness is still being playedout, mainly in the cities, the mirror is therefor all to see and the light is literally beingcut out. Reports of a “Killer Smog CloudSmothering the Sunlight in the major citiesof Asia” is real. Natural light has become10 - 25 % dimmer in cities such as Beijing,Karachi, Shanghai, and New Delhi as 3-kmthick “brown clouds” of pollution spreadacross Asia and elsewhere, according to anew UN report. Countries like China areplagued by a vast Atmospheric Brown Cloud(ABC), made of “more than three-km thicklayer of soot and other man-made particlesthat stretches from the Arabian Peninsula toChina and the western Pacific Ocean,” theresult of burning fossil fuels and biomass.This may not be news to many, but the UNreport makes vividly clear just how murkythings have become in huge cities. As thegrowth of industry and the material ‘wants’cause the light to lessen we can see so clearlythe patterns of self-destruction we have beencaught up in - a caner on the earth, that willeventually destroy itself.We need to give so much thanks toour beloved planet for the gifts sheso readily gives to us, as she ‘allows’all these anti-life trends, that make her sosick, so we can wake up to the divine orderexemplified so perfectly in nature.Creating ‘lighter times’ is a choice.It depends on each and every one of us, andno-body is going to do it for us. We havethe choice to think, say and do kind andsweet things always – it is just a matter oftraining our minds. We then become lessburdensome to ourselves first and foremost,and then to all and everything around us.We wish you a calm, peaceful, kind,happy, simple and abundant 2009!Anthea<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 10

The BiofilesNews & Views from around our WorldPlastic Soup in the PacificIt is twice the size ofthe continental UnitedCtates, yet you cannot setfoot on it. Scientists havenamed it “plastic soup”,and appropriately so.Floating in the northernPacific ocean lays a hugeexpanse of plastic refuse.This garbage patch isactually two attached areas oneither side of Hawaii, known asthe western and eastern Pacificgarbage patches.The great Pacific garbage patchwas discovered by CharlesMoore, an American oceanographer,in 1997 as he wastraveling between Hawaii andlos angeles on a yacht. Takinga course usually avoidedby sailors, he steered his craftthrough the “north Pacific gyre”(a vortex created by little windand strong high pressure systems).Here, thousands of milesfrom land, he discovered andwas surrounded by pieces ofplastic trash day after day as hesteered his yacht through thearea over a week’s time period.He believes there is about 100million tons of debris floating,drifting, and swirling in the Pacificocean approximately 500miles off the coast of California,stretching past the Hawaiian islands,and extending almost toJapan. - Jo hartley, naturalnewsPeugeot 308HDi goes Coast2Coast on one tankAlaskan Glaciers GrowTwo hundred years of glacialshrinkage in Alaska, and thencame the winter and summerof 2007-2008. Never beforein the history of a researchproject dating back to 1946had the Juneau Icefieldwitnessed the kind of snowbuildup that came this year. Itwas similar on a lot of otherglaciers too.Unusuallylarge amountsof winter snowwere followedby unusuallychill temperaturesin June,July andAugust."In mid-June,I was surprisedto see snow still at sea levelin Prince William Sound,"said U.S. Geological Surveyglaciologist Bruce Molnia."On the Juneau Icefield,there was still 20 feet of newsnow on the surface of theTaku Glacier in late July. AtBering Glacier, a landslide Iam studying, located at about1,500 feet elevation, did notbecome snow free until earlyAugust."In general, the weather thissummer was the worst I haveseen in at least 20 years.""It's been a long time onmost glaciers where they'veactually had positive massbalance," Molnia said.- Craig Medred, AnchorageDaily NewsA Peugeot 308 HDi has driven exactly 1689.7 km across South Africa on a single tank ofdiesel, meaning the 1.6 litre car achieved a fuel efficiency of 3.4 litres /100 km.Peugeot devised the Coast2Coast Challenge to showcase the ultra-efficiency of themedium size hatchback, and highlight the need for motorists to drive fuel-efficientlyin order to reduce their impact on the environment. Scientists believe the greenhousegases in car exhaust fumes are one of the major contributors to climate change.Peugeot will make the Coast2Coast Challenge Carbon Neutra. Global Carbon Exchangehave audited the event, and once they have arrived at a Carbon Dioxide emissionsfigure, Peugeot will plant the required number of trees at one of Peugeot’s corporatesocial investment projects in Orange Farm, south of Johannesburg during November. Tosymbolise the Carbon Neutral status, the drivers planted a tree at the finishing line.-Thandukwazi GcabasheRaw Foodists Arrested forSmuggling.... Chocolate!Absurd but true - Ron Obadia and NadineArtemis, two owners of the Toronto-based rawfood and beauty care company Living Libationswere arrested last month at the US-Canadianborder on their way to Arizona, after drug-sniffingdogs found their 2.5 pounds cache of raw,unrefined chocolate - which officials mistookas hashish. The couple underwent hours of intimidatinginterrogation tactics and threats of“life in jail” by Canadian enforcement authorities.- Kimberley D. Mok, treehugger<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 11

The Biofiles InboxNew Scientific Study Shows Solar ActivityAffects Humans Physical and Mental StateA recent study published today inthe NewScientist, indicates a directconnection between the Sun's solarstorms and human biological effect.The conduit which facilitates thecharged particles from the Sun to humandisturbance -- is the very sameconduit which steers Earth's weather--- The Magnetic Field. Yes, animalsand humans have a magnetic fieldwhich surrounds them -- in the verysame way the magnetic field surroundsthe Earthas a protector.Here is whatthe NewScientistarticle says:"Many animalscan sense theEarth's magneticfield, so whynot people, asksOleg Shumilov ofthe Institute ofNorth IndustrialEcology Problemsin Russia.Shumilov looked at activity in theEarth's geomagnetic field from 1948to 1997 and found that it grouped intothree seasonal peaks every year: onefrom March to May, another in Julyand the last in October. Surprisingly,he also found that the geomagnetismpeaks matched up with peaks in thenumber of mood disorders i.e. depression,anxiety, bi-polar (mood swings)and even suicides in the northernRussian city of Kirovsk over the sameperiod."The NewScientist study goes on tostate: "The most plausible explanationfor the association between geomagneticactivity and depression andsuicide is that geomagnetic stormscan desynchronizecircadianrhythms andmelatoninproduction," saysKelly Posner, apsychiatrist atColumbia Universityin the US.The pinealgland, whichregulates circadianrhythmand melatoninproduction,is sensitive tomagnetic fields. "The circadian regulatorysystem depends upon repeatedenvironmental cues to [synchronize]internal clocks," says Posner."Magnetic fields may be one of theseenvironmental cues." - Mitch Battros,Earth Changes MediaTreasury gives banks multi-billion tax break windfallSome of the nation's biggest banks are in for a windfall – on top of the$700 billion government bailout – thanks to a new tax policy quietlyissued by the Treasury Department. The notice gives big tax breaksto companies that acquire struggling banks hit hard by the mortgagecrisis. In some cases, the tax breaks could exceed the cost of acquiringthe banks, according to analyses by private tax experts.GM setback for SAmaize exportersThe World Food Programme, one of the biggestbuyers of South African maize, may have to shopelsewhere due to a growing shortage of nongeneticallymodified (GM) local mielies.The move would be a huge blow to grain exporters,some of whom say they have already sufferedeconomic losses due to the country’s heavy relianceon GM maize.“It is becoming more difficult every year to findsufficient quantities of non-GM maize in SouthAfrica,” WFP southern Africa spokesman RichardLee said. “The situation is that the majority ofcountries that we send maize to from South Africaas food assistance do not want GM maize,”Lee said.South Africa, a key supplier of maize to the WFP,grows mostly GM maize, which is banned inmost African countries.Farmers say it is difficultto separate the GM maize crop from non-GMmaize due to cross-pollination. The lack ofcontrol could cost the country millions, exporterssay. - Bobby Jordan, Sunday TimesMeat and Dairy Create MoreEmissions Than TransportA study by the prolifi c Carnegie MellonUniversity researcher Christopher Weberfound that food transport accounts foronly 11 percent of food-associated greenhousegas emissions, while productioncontributes a whopping 83 percent.Specifi cally, nitrous oxide and methane-- mainly byproducts of fertilizer use, manuremanagement and animal digestion-- make up a far bigger piece of the emissionspie than emissions from transportingour food from faraway places. - ElizaBarclay, NomadThe change could cost the Treasury as muchas $140 billion by enabling firms that acquirestruggling banks to use more losses incurredby those banks to offset their own taxableprofits. San Francisco's Wells Fargo & Co.,which made a bid to acquire Wachovia Corp.just days after the notice was issued, standsto reap about $20 billion in additional taxsavings because of the change, according tothe analyses. Wells Fargo paid $14.8 billionin a stock deal to buy Wachovia. - StephenOhlemacher, Associated Press<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 12

Get Active!what YOU can Do...Invincible South Africa offers proven formula to reduce violent crimeA new initiative has beenlaunched by South African educatorand social entrepreneur TaddyBlecher and supported by severalwell-known media personalities,with the goal of creating a safe,prosperous, and ‘invincible’ SouthAfrica.Invincible South Africa sets out to ‘createan influence of national coherenceand peace that will completely reversethe trend of negativity and violenceplaguing our country’, through a scientificallyvalidated and highly costeffectiveprogramme. Among specificgoals it lists: to reduce violent crimeby 30% over the next three years; andthe achievement of stable balancedgrowth to significantly reduce povertyand thus address the economic causesof crime.‘At this time when our beloved countryis gripped by an ongoing crimeepidemic, we need your help,’ says DrTaddy Blecher, Director of Educationfor Invincible South Africa. ‘At thistime of massive continuing emigrationof our scarce skills-base, we needyour help. At this time of major politicaltransformation needing all SouthAfricans to unite beyond partisanshiptowards the greatest good for SouthAfrica, we need your help. At thistime, where it is in fact possible toachieve a greater and bigger vision fora safe and prosperous South Africa,we need your help.’Central to the Invincible South Africacampaign is the creation of what isknown as ‘coherence’ in the nationalconsciousness of the country, througha group of 1000 experts in TranscendentalMeditation and its advancedaspect the TM-Sidhi programmefounded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.Extensive scientific research (50 independentstudies, many of them published)has conclusively shown thatthe presence of such a group invariablyreduces crime and violence. Theprogramme works by creating such anintense influence of peace, coherenceand harmony that violent tendenciesare transformed into peaceful and creativesolutions. The size of the groupis crucial: research has shown that thesquare root of 1% of the population isenough to create what is known as a‘Tipping Point’ in the collective mindsetof the nation. For South Africa thisfigure is 700, but the target of 1000will allow for a safety margin and alsotakes account of the country’s importancein the region as a whole.Already there is a group of 100-200students at the Maharishi Institutein Johannesburg, comprising mainlyschool-leavers from historically disadvantagedcommunities, who are takinga 2-year foundation programmeincluding vocational and businessskills as well as practice of TransendentalMeditation. This group has beengrowing steadily since its first intakeof students in July 2007.How to get involvedThe website www.invinciblesouthafrica.orginvites people to become partof the coherence-creating group, or tohelp support the group financially. DrBlecher comments: ‘We are calling onthe help of the general public. Also,any high school can quickly transformitself through this programme to aplace of academic excellence, joy, safety,and peace. We are also calling onthe military, airforce, and navy of ourcountry to create a peace wing of 1%of the soldiers to create this effect, orany prison which can literally becomea lighthouse for crime prevention forthe nation’.You can help through Financial Support– click on can find out more about InvincibleSouth Africa through attendinga conference, or you can join acoherence-creating group in your area– click on can introduce Invincible SouthAfrica to your company, or to themilitary, to the police services, to rehabilitationand prison services – emailinfo@invinciblesouthafrica.orgThe massive leverage factor of every<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 14individual who supports this campaign,means your help matters,whether it’s financial or you whetheryou join a coherence group. Ourcountry’s safety matters. The safety ofall our families and children matters.With this initiative, you will make adifference. Your support, no matterhow small you feel it is, will make adifference. Email us now on: info@invinciblesouthafrica.orgSolution ‘may seem unconventional’,but is proven‘Group meditation may seem an unconventionalway to solving South Africa’scrime problems,’ Dr Blecher says.‘But it is an approach that works, andit has over 50 scientific research studiesto back it up. Other approaches aredraining national resources, costingup to R 300 billion per annum, yet areineffective because they are in thelarge part reactive and solve problemsonly after they happen. InvincibleSouth Africa’s approach will providesupport at the deepest level for allother approaches, and will bringlasting change. The initial target ofthe campaign is to have 10,000 SouthAfricans each giving R50 to R 250 permonth, which will finance such agroup in perpetuity.’According to Thami Ngubeni, authorand radio presenter: ‘This is a ‘soft’solution, with very hard, very scientificresults..We’ve long known aboutUbuntu. Well the deepest writers onthe topic concur with the latest researchof quantum physics, and spiritualtraditions throughout the world,that at the deepest level we are in factall one. If we enliven that underlyingunity between all people, whichlarge groups meditating together cando, it is less possible for an individualto harm another. In fact any SouthAfrican, from their own home, canbecome a radiator of peace”.Other prominent figures who arebacking the Invincible South Africacampaign include Grace Mahlaba, NadineNaidoo, and Pepsi Pokane. Whatunites them is a desire for effectivesocial solutions that work.

Vicious VaccinesThe Poisons that We Injectby Dr Elizna HanekomMost parents would assumethat our vaccines are made ofselected viruses in sterile fluid,to which a small amount of preservativechemicals has beenadded. In truth, our childrenare vaccinated with ‘primitive’cocktails, a soup of viruses andunknown bits and pieces - averitable witches’ brew of DNAfragments, chemicals and cellulardebris, all potentially highlydangerous.What Vaccines are made of:Basically vaccines contain either killedviruses or bacteria, germ components,toxic extracts or live organisms thathave been made less virulent - aprocess called attenuation.Attenuation is accomplished,supposedly, by sending thesepathogens through a rather mystifyingprocess called “serial passage,” inwhich the viral strain is passed throughup to 50 animal cell cultures on theassumption that this will weaken them.In the production of viral vaccines on acommercial scale, the virus of concernmust be reproduced in large quantities.Viruses cannot survive or reproducewithout being introduced into cells thatnourish them, which enables the viralreproductive ability. The measles andmumps vaccines, for instance, arepropagated in a chick embryo cellculture, while the polio vaccine is grownin a continuous cell line derived frommonkey kidneys. The current rubellavaccine originated from cell linesobtained from the tissue of abortedhuman fetuses. These cells must alsobe nourished with food, and are mostoften fed with a nutrient mix containingin large part bovine (cow) calf serum- usually serum extracted from fetalcalf blood. The growth mediumfor the current rubella vaccine is abuffered salt solution, supplementedwith fetal bovine serum. This vaccinealso contains human serum albumin(protein), neomycin (an antibiotic),sorbitol, and hydrolysed gelatinstabiliser (animal protein substancemade from boiled cows or pigs)..Killed vaccines are made of thecomponents of the disease - wholecells, toxins, synthesized molecules,for instance - that have been renderedinactive with heat, radiation orchemicals. The three most commonchemicals used in vaccine productionare thimerosal, a preservative derivedfrom mercury; aluminium sulphateand formalin - a 37 percent solution offormaldehyde (the main ingredient inembalming fl uid) included to inactivateviruses and detoxify toxins.The fl u vaccine and the multi-dose vials(often still used in developing countries)contain mercury.. A recent study bythe world-renowned immunologistDr. H. Fudenberg, found that adultsvaccinated yearly for fi ve years in arow with the fl u vaccine, had a 10-fold increased risk of developingAlzheimer’s disease.He attributesthis to the mercury and aluminiumin the vaccine. Even if vaccines arecertifi ed thimerosal-free, this mercurybasedcompound is still used in themanufacturing process and, as such,traces of it remain.The Salk vaccine (polio) offi ciallycontains maximum 0.02 percentformaldehyde per dose. This is 200parts per million, yet a major HarvardUniversity study on the Centers forDisease Control’s website reports:”Formaldehyde is a reactive chemicalthat has been recognised as a humancarcinogen (cancer-causing agent)”.Vaccine Adjuvants:With most natural infections theimmune activation occurs rapidly,and, once the infection is undercontrol, drops precipitously, to preventexcessive damage to normal cellsin the body. Most modern vaccineshave to incorporate adjuvants likealuminium and squaline and the likebecause the attenuated, dismantled orotherwise mangled virus does not elicitA recent study by the world-renownedimmunologist Dr. H. Fudenberg, found that adultsvaccinated yearly for five years in a row withthe flu vaccine, had a 10-fold increased risk ofdeveloping Alzheimer’s disease.He attributes thisto the mercury and aluminium in the vaccine.squat on its own. Adjuvants remainin the tissues, constantly stimulatingimmune-activating cells. Becausemore and more reports are appearingciting vaccine failure, manufacturersare increasing potency by addingmore powerful adjuvants. In the veryyoung, the nutritionally defi cient andthe aged, this immune over-stimulationcan paradoxically paralyse the immunesystem.<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 16

Virus mutations:Live virus vaccines (like the MMR) aremade using a process to attenuate(weaken) a disease-causing virusby passing it through a series ofcultures. Unfortunately in far toomany cases, after injection, theseviruses escape the immunesystem and take up residencein the body - for a lifetime.A recent autopsy studyof elderly individualsfound that 20 percentof the brains and 45percent of the otherorgans containedlivemeasles viruses.Similarfi ndings havebeendescribedin autisticchildren. Mostof these viruseswerefound to be highlymutated. These attenuatedvirusesundergo mutationsbrought on by thepresence of free radicalsin the tissues andorgans. They canmutate into virulent,disease-causingorganisms. Recentstudies haveconfi rmed thisfrightening fi nding.Virologists arealso concernedthat suchmutated virusescan infect otherpeople, leadingto outbreaks ofdisease totallyunsuspected byhealth authorities.Vaccine contamination:Vaccine contamination is anothermajor problem. Vaccines are reallysuspensions from the manufacturers’‘incubation’ tanks in which the virusesare produced from ‘substrates’ ofmashed bird embryo, minced monkeykidneys or cloned human cells. Thesesuspensions are fi ltered before use,but only to remove particles largerthan viruses. The point of the vaccineis that it contains viruses, thus thesemust not be fi ltered out. This meansthere remains in the vaccine materialof virus size or smaller, including whatthe manufacturers call ‘degradationproducts’ -parts ofdecayedviruses or cells.The only offi cialchecks made forcontamination are forknown pathogens, thusignoring a vast host ofunknown, unstudied geneticcode fragments and toxins.Much of the microbial world is stillas mysterious as an alien planet. Ithas been estimated that only 0.4percent of all extant bacterial specieshave been identifi ed, and we canonly test for those we have identifi ed.Vaccine incubators can also createmutated viruses. The viruses andother agents that can contaminatebovine calf serum (used as viralgrowth medium) are numerous. Oneof the most prominent is a pestiviruscalled bovine viral diarrhoea virus. Inspite of manufacturers and regulatoryagencies claiming effi cacy of theirtesting procedures, one 2001 studyfound 13 percent of MMR, polio, orStreptococcus pneumonia vaccinestested positive for pestivirus RNA.There is now heightened concernthat this virus and others can crossspecies lines, creating new strains athey adapt to their new hosts. Measles,mumps and other vaccines continueto be produced on contaminatedfertilised bird eggs. The World HealthOrganisation and the national healthauthorities have quietly, but offi cially,permitted childhood vaccines to containa ‘low level’ of viral contaminants -simply because they cannot remove iteconomically.It has taken approximately fortyyears for the scientifi c community tofi nally acknowledge that we have aserious problem as a result of thecontamination of polio vaccines withsimian virus 40 (SV 40) in the late1950s-early 1960s. The medicalcommunity has been slow toacknowledge a defi nitive link betweenSV 40 and cancer in humans. Twoindependent research teams however,have recently found this virus presentin 43 per cent of cases of non-Hodgkinslymphoma.<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 17Another study found it present in 36 percent of brain tumours. And strangely,SV 40 has now been found to infectchildren. Considering that childrenof this era are not supposed to bereceiving the virus via the vaccinecontamination route, this wouldimply that SV 40 is being transmittedvertically from mother to child.Dr Garth Nicolson has shown a directconnection between mycoplasma (cellwalldefi cient organisms) contaminationof vaccines and the 200 percentincreased incidence of the neurodegenerativedisorder ALS in Gulf Warveterans.China is now the largest vaccinemanufacturer in the world. The FDA(Food and Drug Administration) in theUS admits that it inspects only 1.8percent of the 714 drug fi rms in Chinaon a regular basis.Conclusion:Up until now, parental concerns havemostly been about the additives putin the vaccines - such as mercuryand aluminium salts - but evidencesuggests that the very nature ofthe vaccine manufacturing processprovides the major dangers.Simply put, are we in a state of denialthat vaccines are ultimately transmittingviruses, DNA and proteins into humansfrom foreign animal sources, and thatthis may be strongly contributing tothe incredible upsurge of cancers andserious chronic diseases? Are theseforeign animal genes altering yourDNA?Furthermore, given that viral presencecan sometimes take years tomanifest actual disease symptomsand then considering the tendenciesof the health-related agencies andcorporations towards short-termsolutions and profi ts, will we ever trulyknow the long-term consequencesbefore it is too late?Bibliography:Fear of the Invisible - Janine RobertsVaccine Safety Manual - Neil Z MillerThe Vaccination Bible - What DoctorsDon’t Tell You

Water Therapyby Dr.Mahmoud HussainIbn Sina Company(Saudi Arabia)By the time you wake upafter eight hours sleep,your 100 trillion cellsare screaming for water. Ifyou drink a cup of coffee (thecaffeine tightens the tissuereducing circulation) and eattoast (which absorbs anyavailable water and takesit out through the intestines)your 100 trillion cells are stillscreaming for water.Since you ignored your opportunityto hydrate the cells, they start dying atan abnormal rate. This large numberof dehydrated, dead cells clogs yourcirculatory system, kidneys and liver. Anyfood you eat during the day absorbs anyavailable water.It also takes time to replace the dead cells,so your body is cluttered with dead celltoxins and replacement of new cells cannotbe done at the normal rate, so you bloatup with toxins and after a while, your bodyis deprived of many of the cells that areneeded for optimum function.You can imagine what happens as thisprocess continues for an extended periodof time. You become diseased from thetoxin accumulation and age sooner fromthe lost cells. So, it behooves any one whowishes to become or remain healthy tobe a regular practitioner of this wonderfultechnique.You will not believe the difference it makesuntil you try it.Water Therapy:Drink six (6) glasses of water (1.5 liters)everyday in the manner prescribed belowand you can avoid medicine, tablets,injections, diagnosis, doctor's fees, etc.List of diseases that can becured or avoided by usingwater therapy:• Blood Pressure/Hyper Tension• Anemia (Blood Shortage)• Rheumatism (Pain in joints/muscles)• General Paralysis• Obesity• Arthritis• Sinusitis• Tachycardia• Giddiness• Cough• Leukemia• Asthma• Bronchitis• Pulmonary Tuberculosis• Meningitis• Kidney Stones• Urogenital Diseases• Hyper Acidity• Dysentery• Gastroenteritis• Uterus Cancer• Rectal Piodapse• Constipation• Hostorthobics• Diabetes• Eye Diseases• Ophthalmic Hemorrhage &Opthalmia (Reddish eye)• Irregular Menstruation• Breast Cancer• Laryngitis• Headache• LeukemiaTherapy procedure:Early in the morning, after you get outof bed, (before even brushing yourteeth) drink 1.50 liters of water (i.e., 5to 6 glasses.) You may wash your facethereafter.Here it is essential to note that nothing else;neither drinks nor solid food of any sortshould be taken within 1 hour before orafter drinking these 1.5 liters of water.If required, boiled and filtered water maybe used for this purpose.<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 18

Beyond Duality andPolarization“The line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being.”Aleksandr Solzhenitsynby www.wanttoknow.infoIn terms of sexuality, we divideourselves into male and female.Financially, we see ourselves interms of rich and poor. Americansdivide themselves intoDemocrats and Republicans, redand blue states. Our lives arefilled with these and many otherdualities.Such dualities can easily lead to apolarization of beliefs and lifestyles.Once large groups of people becomestrongly polarized against eachother, it becomes easy for those supportingone end of the polarizationto justify hatred, killings, and evenwar against the other. Yet is thiswhat we really want?For thousands of years this worldhas been focused on duality andpolarization. People have long had atendency to judge most everythingin terms of light vs. darkness, goodvs. evil, us vs. them. We've in manyways been indoctrinated to embracethe light as good, while avoiding andseparating ourselves from darkness,as we were taught that it is evil.When engaged in war, other situationsof conflict, and even politicalelections, we tend to see us as goodand them as bad or evil, often withouteven understanding the deeperreasons behind the differences. As aresult of these deeply ingrained dualities,we've ended up in numerousconflicts and wars in the world, andeven inside of ourselves.The reality is that all of us, includingthose on both sides of any polarity orconflict, have inspiring creative abilities,whether latent or expressed. Yetit's also important to acknowledgethat we all have the capability for destruction.There are ample examplesof average people being involved inhorrifying, destructive acts throughouthistory.One blatant example was the responseby the people of Germany toofficial Nazi propaganda that Jewswere evil during World War II. Thereare certainly inspiring examplesof heroes who saved hundreds andeven thousands of Jews, but the vastmajority of German citizens keptquiet. Only a very few individualsthere were willing to speak againstthe atrocities committed not onlyagainst the Jews, but against homosexuals,gypsies, those with physicaldeformities, and more. A powerfulpoem by German pastor MartinNiemoeller on his choice not to actexemplifies this well:In Germany they came first for theCommunists,and I didn't speak up because Iwasn't a Communist.Then they came for the Jews,and I didn't speak up because Iwasn't a Jew.Then they came for the trade unionists,and I didn't speak up because Iwasn't a trade unionist.Then they came for the Catholics,and I didn't speak up because I was aProtestant.Then they came for me,and by that time no one was left tospeak up.This powerful message appliesnot only to the time of the Nazis.During the conscious campaign toexterminate Native Americans inthe early days of the United States,many good Americans simply turnedtheir heads and took no action tostop this destruction. During manyother genocidal movements thathave taken place around the worldand continue to this day, good peoplehave simply avoided talking andeven thinking about the issue, thusallowing the massive violence andmurders to continue unabated, or toescalate further.Two major experiments demonstratehow polarities and unwillingnessto question authority exist in allof us. The famous Stanford PrisonExperiment dramatically revealedthat normal middle-class youngmen arbitrarily put into the role ofprison guards can become aggressiveand even violent towards thoseplaying the role of prisoners. TheMilgram Experiment showed thatthe vast majority of ordinary citizenswill inflict pain – sometimes evensevere pain – on another person<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 20

simply because they are told to doso by an authority figure. For morerevealing information on these twoexperiments, explore the links below,including the powerful slide show inthe first link. - TheStanford Prison Experiment The MilgramExperimentThese experiments show clearly thatwe all have destructive capabilitieswithin us. When we don't livewith clear intentions, it is easy tobe pulled down a destructive pathby circumstances, by pressure fromauthorities, or even by governmentpropaganda.By developing clear purpose andintentions and committing to livethese to the best of our ability, wecan move beyond external pressuresand disempowering old behaviorsto develop healthier,more enjoyablewaysof livingwith each other. By taking actionwhen those in authority are clearlyleading us into unnecessary warsor otherwise polarizing us, we canplay a key role in creating a newparadigm beyond polarization whichis actually a lot more fun and meaningfulthan the old ways.Humanity is now on the brink of aimportant paradigm shift. We aregradually shifting from old dualisticways of thinking to a new paradigmwhich transcends the differences betweenlight and darkness, betweengood and evil, and between us andthem. This new paradigm pierces theveil of judgment to see the commonhumanity that lies deep within eachof us.No matter how "evil" some people (orsome parts of ourselves) may appear,deep down we are all human. We allhave hearts and a place within ourhearts that only wants to love andbe loved. We can learn from eachother and grow through developinggreater acceptance and understandingof each other. By acknowledgingour differences, yetwelcoming all people asmembers of the humanfamily – eventhose we havelong judged,blamed, andavoided – weopen theway forhealingand allowthis newparadigmto morerapidly unfoldas wepowerfullyspread love around the planet.This is not in the least to suggestthat by accepting all people we allowourselves or others to unleash ourbase desires and do whatever wewant to whoever we want. We needto take action to stop destructivebehaviors whenever possible. Thesuggestion, rather, is that even as westop disempowering behaviors, wedo our best to learn about the forceswhich cause these behaviors, so thatwe can better understand and workto transform them on both personaland global levels.We can all work towards movingbeyond the old paradigm of dualityand polarization. By recognizing andworking to see the place in all peoplethat wants only to love and be loved,we open the doors to a more peacefulworld, and to deep healing and moremeaningful connection for all of us.Let us then join together to supporta new paradigm of love, healing, andempowerment for all who inhabitour planet. Together, we can transformour lives and world by choosingto move beyond duality and polarizationto the recognition of the commonhumanity we all share.Note: The above essay is an editedversion of an inspiring lesson from afree transformation course availablehere: two empowering two-page essayswith more practical ideas onthis topic, see Simple Keys to a FullerLife at and Building aBrighter Future at<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 21

RAINWATERHARVESTINGa labour of loveby Struan Douglas , www.afribeat.comHuman beings are mostlywater.; as much as 80%, likethe earth itself. Water is sucha strong component of life, itmust be alive.One collects rainwater for health reasons.Water that comes from taps is notnecessarily good for drinking. Accordingto the work of Dr. Masaru Emoto(article Odyssey August 2006), thecrystals in tap water (as well as bottledwater) can become sick. You have toheal them before you drink the water.Lianne Cox suggested you fill yourblue glass bottles with water and leavethem in the sun as purification. Sheeven goes as far as to suggest that youwrite ‘I love water’ on the bottles to affirma positive effect!Some of the purest water comes fromthe sky: The old fashioned way of placingbuckets, pots and all sorts of things(even a bath somewhere filling up) instrategic places and catching water,can be an effective means of collection.Between the years 1991 and 1994 AdamKnight (Architect) was unofficiallyinvolved in building residences andself-sufficient communities : Of the experienceof living in community in theTsitsikama forest, Adam says, “thenearest water collection point wasthree kilometers to the river. Rainwaterharvesting was a matter of life anddeath. Corrugated iron roofs fed into44 gallon drums, (which were cleanedthoroughly inside). The oildrums wereon bricks to stop the bottoms rusting.200mm of sand and a women’s stockingwere used to filter the water. Therainwater could be drunk. Eventuallyafter nine months, we had a farm andthe water was also used for animalsdrinking.”His advice is to, “keep some tanks offlimits (for times of drought.).” To positionthe tanks high enough for gravityfeed one can build a plinth. Beware asthe tanks are very heavy (particularlywhen full!) “If the tank is on groundlevel you will have to pump the secondhalf of water. A R300 swimming poolpump gives enough pressure to runthrough an irrigation system. It is aquestion of getting creative,” says NoelMartin of the Ethical co-op.‘Rainwater Harvesting strategiespropose to ‘slow down, catch, store anduse’ every drop that can be used :The harvesting of water is ancient , butnot so ancient. The earliest civilizationslike the Bushmen could drinkfrom the rivers. According to “extensive rainwater harvestingapparatus existed 4000 yearsago in Palastine and Greece.” we arereminded that colonial state centralizedcontrol over water resources. Postindependent state inherited this role.In the past, municipal water was subsidized,giving suburbs an ample supplyof cheap water. The times are changing.Townships are getting an equalshare of water and now we are gettinginflated prices. Adam recalls a neongreen T-shirt someone wore in the 80’swith red taps all over, and reminds usof the possibility, “turn on the tap, nowater?”“As architects, we consider that we cannotpractice architecture any longerwithout integrating energy and watersaving features in our projects,” saysChristophe Rolland of“What I can tell you is that “green” featuresare always difficult to sustain ifyou look at them on a purely financialangle. The whole idea in this exerciseis to change global approach... and thebest way to save energy and water willalways remain: use less energy andless water in your daily life...”Most of the rainwater can be channeledand stored directly in the soil ofthe vegetable beds, while some can bestored in tanks and/or other containersfor later use.’The Department of Water Affairs andForestry supplies poor rural householdswith a private water source forhomestead food gardening.“Organic food production by the poor,in their own backyards, using rainwaterharvesting and available rubbish,is good for the environment in everyconceivable way, and on top of that, ithelps buffer food insecure householdsagainst the type of environmental andeconomic shocks that come aroundfrom time to time, notably at the moment:high food and fuel prices andclimate change,” says Marna de Lange.In a report from the Departmententitled ‘War on Hunger’, it is stated :“This ‘Intensive Family Food Productionand Rainwater Harvesting’ approachpresents an opportunity to harvest<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 22

220 000 litres of water from groundsurface runoff each year to producefood in home gardens throughoutthe whole year. Garden sizes of 100to 200 M² can be supported at eachhomestead with measured yields of1.8 tonnes per year of low cost and immediatelyaccessible food.”This is an example and motivationto all. The project is going further tobuild Rainwater Harvesting dams insuccessful households “enabling themto produce things year in year out fortwenty years or more.”“We want to expand this to our lands,too, so that the development of thewhole area can take place. We wantour children to grow up with the understandingthat one needs to work forwhat you get,” adds Themba (who hasbenefited from the programme).For more information contact good book to look at is “RainwaterCatchment Systems for Domestic Supply,”by John Gould and Erik Nissen-Petersen.Water harvesting is a slightly broaderdefinition and means ‘rainwaterharvesting’ plus ‘grey water recycling.“Grey water is an absolute must, andshould become a priority,” says Noel.No kitchen water is to be used withouta grease trap.You can make a rough rock filter forbath water. MaTshepo Khumbane(from the ‘War on Hunger’ project)advises that people add some woodashto their grey water to help coagulate/settle out impurities/soap residuesovernight before using the water ontheir plants.An example set by ‘sustainable engineer’Richard Pocock from Durban isto “dig a ditch in the low part of youryard. Chuck your mulch in the holeand have your grey water run-off intothe hole. Plant bananas in the soilaround that. Around the banana treesplant papaw’s.” These plants enjoy thealkaline conditions of the bathwater!Any citrus trees, figs, pomegranites,tomorillos, all do well on grey water.“Fruit is a secondary process and candeal with grey water. Lettuce for examplecan’t do and will be effected bythe chemicals in grey water,” describesNoel Martin of Cape Town.Contact Noel forconsulting around food gardening.RAINWATER HARVESTING leads to theBig IdeaThrough methane digestors your blackwater can be transformed into householdgases.“Humanure by Geoffrey Jenkins was atone stage the book most likely to savethe planet,” recalls Richard.Jenkins writes : “The simple blunttruth is that we shit everyday and weshould be returning that organic materialback to the soil.” This is the humannutrient cycle.RECYCLING creates BiofuelRichard has built a biofuel plant at themushroom production project in CottonLands KZN to provide energy forthe on-site laboratory. Human sewerageis converted into methane gas.According to Adam, a transformationof this nature “will bring down fences.When the shit hits the fan, block byblock communities are used. (Blocksof flats or neighbourhoods operatetogether). As an example, Mandela’sblock by block principle was broughtinto practice in the 1950’s as a struggleagainst politics. We are to use the sametenacity to fight the environmentalproblem. As South Africans we havebeen equipped already with a certain“Boer maak ‘n plan” attitude! The SouthAfrican icon of the windmill , the boreholeand the tank of the Karoo has animpermanence.”<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 23

Creating Abundanceby reducing your expenses and beingenvironment-friendlyby Collin DunnGoing green is definitely better for you and the planet, but it can occasionally meanspending a little more. Even if you’ll make the money back in increased efficiency orenergy savings, you have to shell out some cash for compact fluorescent light bulbs, amore efficient dishwasher, a professional home energy audit, or an entire home energymonitor. The waiting is tiresome, and it’s tough to calculate exactly how much eachlight bulb, for example, is saving you.Given the economic events of the past months, waiting to start saving might not be awise choice. These tips will save you money starting today, and will continue to for aslong as you continue to do them. And if you get started now, you can save R1000s inthe next year without buying anything extra! Read on to get the scoop.Hang your laundry out to dryYour dryer checks in at number two on the list of household energy hogs (right after your fridge), according to theU.S. Department of Energy, and uses more than you might think. By cutting the dryer out of the equation and usingthe ample solar energy that falls to the earth every day, you can save some bucks, and prolong the life of yourclothes, too. Get the full scoop in our guide for How to Go Green: Laundry at savings: R520 in energy costs (R5 per load, 2 loads per week.)Eat more veggies (and less meat) and save more moneyFresh vegetables are cheaper than meat; eat less meat, save more money. According to the USDA, the weightedaverage price for all fresh fruit is R10.96 cents per kg; that averages out to about R1.26 per serving, and almost twothirdsof the fresh fruits, 16 out of 25, cost R1.75 cents or less per serving.The weighted average price for all fresh vegetables was R9.88 per kg, which averages to 84 cents per serving.Contrast that with the average price per kilogram of beef, which, in October 2007, was R65.04 per kg; the averageprice per kilogram for pork was R20.51. Cutting meat will save more than money, too; according to a recent UNreport, it’ll cut way back on your contribution to climate change, too. Crunch the numbers over at savings: R700 per person, if you cut out one average meal of beef per week (assuming that a serving isabout 240g). If you go veggie, you’ll save a bundle!Use your Geyser wiselyProperly manipulate your thermostat -- hopefully it’s a programmable model -- and your savings will mount quickly.Doing simple things like regulating for when you’re awake and asleep, and modulating the settings for summer and<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 24

winter -- result in your water remaining comfortably heated, with a few extra bucks in your pocket. Use an insulationblanket and you’ll save even more.Annual savings: R1260 if you maintain your diligence for an entire year. ( R3.45 per day.)Convince your boss to let you work four (slightly longer) days a weekWorking four ten-hour days instead of five eight-hour days is not only a great way to have a longer weekend, but it’llsave you some cash, too. You’ll save 20% on whatever you spend for commuting, coffee, lunch, and any other dailyexpenses you incur by dragging yourself to the office. Let’s say you do it on the cheap, and don’t drive yourself, payfor parking, or spend more than a few bucks on lunch. Even if you spend R10 on the bus or public transit, R10 fora coffee and R30 for lunch, you can easily save several hundred bucks by working four days a week. Get the nittygrittyin our guide for How to Go Green: Commuting at, you can telecommute on the fifth day of the week; it’ll cost a bit more in energy and food expenses, butit’ll still save money in the long haul.Annual savings: R2500 for a four-day workweek (that’s R50.00 per day, one day a week, for 50 weeks a year);slightly less for telecommuters.Use Car PoolsOne of the most efficient ways of reducing your carbon footprint & saving money is to car pool. If you share theseresources with just ONE person, you literally halve your travel expenses / footprint. Your vehicles will depreciate less,wear less & consequently be worth more when you sell it or trade it in.Annual savings: R11800 – 5000 km (40 km x 2.5 days per week, 50 weeks) at R2.36 per km, the average costof driving per km, according to the AA.Walk or bike on one trip that’s two miles round-trip per week*40 percent of urban travel in the U.S. is 3.2 km per trip (or less), so hop on your bike (or take a walk) once aweek, save some wear and tear (and gas) on your car, get a little fresh air, and save some bucks. Learn more aboutgreening your ride in our guide for How to Go Green: Cars ( and take the savings to the bank.Annual savings: R392.70 – 166.4 km (3.2 km x 52 weeks) at R2.36 per km, the average cost of driving per km,according to the AA.Make your own all-purpose cleanerRather than dropping 35 bucks on individual green cleaning products and 25 bucks for a green toothpaste at thegrocery store, you can easily swap out products you (probably) already have at home to do the same job. Forcleaners, take R1.75 worth of baking soda, R1.75 worth of white vinegar or lemon juice, maybe a touch of essentialoil, and voila! Small variations can yield toilet bowl cleaner, tub scrub, and toothpaste Plus, baking soda can cleanmost anything, including your hair (and it can strip paint, too!). By substituting baking soda for many of your cleaningneeds, and adding a little elbow grease, the savings will add up.Annual savings: R325 -- give or take, depending on how much you clean (we figured six tubes of toothpaste atR25 each and one each of five cleaners -- all-purpose, toilet scrub, tub scrub, window cleaner, and floor cleaner -- atR35 apiece).For more detailed information on these and other green savings, or*No S.A. statistics available.<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 25

Gifts that keep on GivingGadgets that actuallySave Moneyby Trent HammI admit it: I’m a gadget addict. I like little devices that do neat things. At the same time, I also liketo save money. What is a poor modern human to do with these two conflicting interests?Simple. I buy gadgets that can pay for themselves (and even see a bit of return) over the longhaul. This usually means I look for energy-efficient gadgets, but it also means that I try to evaluatethings in terms of whether or not they can potentially return money to me. What’s nice isthat many of these gadgets that save money in the long run make a great deal of environmentalsense as well.Here’s a list of twenty-one cool items I’ve found that can save a lot of money, along with their cost and the amount oftime that it will take before their extra cost is paid for by their utility. Since they’re gizmos, they make for great giftideas, plus you can use the argument that “this will save money” when suggesting the purchase of one of these itemsto your significant other. In fact, I actually started this list as justification to my wife for a few items I wanted to buyfor myself.1. Filtered Water BottleSample Model: Purity Sport Filter BottlePrice: R290 incl 3 cartridge refills @ Until Break Even: 180 days of daily useIf you drink a bottle of water each day (as you should), but you buy bottled water insteadof drinking tap water, you can pay for this nifty device in half a year. You can fill it fromany tap and the internal filtering device will clean the water for you, eliminating virusesand bacteria. Thus, each day you use this bottle, you pay off a little more.2. Battery ChargerSample Model: Sony UltraPrice: R375.95 incl 4 AA 2500mAh NiMh batteries @ www.kalahari.netTime Until Break Even: How many kids do you have?My son has a bevy of toys that just gobble batteries. It seems like every day I’m dropping moreand more batteries into these devices. Thankfully, a battery recharger can trim the costs downreally quick. Just take your batteries, toss them in this, plug it in, and they’re good to go again. It’sabsolutely perfect for parents that have children with lots of battery-powered toys and for yourdigital cameras, remote controls etc.3. “Smart” Power StripsSample Model: SmartStrip SCG4Price: R749 @ Until Break Even: 120 daysIf you use a desktop computer at home, it won’t take long until this device is a money saver for you. Simplyplug in your main unit into the control outlet and all of your other peripherals (monitor, printer, speakers,etc.) into the other outlets. Whenever you power on your computer, the other devices power on; whenever youpower off your computer, the others power off. Even better, it actually functions as a switch, so when your mainunit powers off, there is no “standby” electricity being drawn to the other peripherals. Not only will you savemoney on the powered-down peripherals, you’ll save money from the lack of phantom charge.<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 26

4. BlenderSample Model: Hi-Blend Multi SpeedPrice: R2995 @ Until Break Even: 12+ monthsA quality blender (like the one above) can save tons of money if you use it regularly. You can switch togrinding your own herbs, spices, coffee beans, and so on. A regular kitchen user can make back the priceon herbs alone if they buy fresh herbs and grind them in the blender for long-term storage. Plus it’sinvaluable for making drinks at home when you have guests, which ends up being much cheaper than anight out on the town. Get a good one, though, so it will chop and cut what you want.5. Electricity Usage MonitorSample Model: Kill-a-Watt Electricity Usage MonitorPrice: R517 @ Until Break Even: 3 yearsWith this device, you can see how much of a phantom load your powered-down electrical devicesare still pulling through the wall outlet. If you discover devices that are pulling a significant load,unplugging them (or using an appropriate device to stop the drain) will save you money overtime. This device is also useful for figuring out how much power various home devices are drainingand, with some quick calculations, exactly how much it’s costing you.6. Flash DriveSample Model: Kingston Data Traveler 8 GBPrice: R382.20 @ Until Break Even: 2-3 monthsI find countless uses for my flash drive, the best of which is for an emergency backup of key files.A flash drive has saved my cookie during hardware crashes and it has also saved a lot of money interms of burning CDs for software installation packages off the network. In short, it’s invaluable.7. High End Solar CalculatorSample Model: Texas Instruments TI36XPrice: R520 @ Until Break Even: 4 yearsI like to keep one of these in my pocket for doing calculations at the grocery store. Which package is thebetter deal per unit? It’s always a good idea to figure this out before blindly making a purchase at thestore. Plus, with a solar calculator, you don’t ever have to worry about batteries or anything else - justkeep using it.8. Efficient Power SupplySample Model: Antek EA 380Price: R702 @ Until Break Even: 2 yearsA high-efficiency power supply not only protects you from electrical faults, it also ensures thatyour devices drain electricity at the minimum rate, which means your power bills go down. Ifyour home has any sort of questionable power distribution, this device is essential for protectingyour electronic equipment, but even if you have normal power, you can save money with thisgadget because of the power drain that it reduces.9. Compact Fluorescent Light BulbsSample Model: Globe 40w Reader BulbPrice: R297 with 5 year @ Until Break Even: 15 monthsCFLs can easily save R100’s a year, plus they look a lot cooler than ordinary bulbs. The simple fact ofthe matter is that by merely replacing a regular bulb with a CFL, you’ll save about R40 per bulb everytwo months or so.<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 27

10. Efficient Shower HeadsSample Model: Crometta 85 GreenPrice: R376 @ Until Break Even: 12 monthsHigh efficiency showerheads save money by reducing the amount of water that needs to flowthrough your hot water heater. An average American household can save as much as 75,000litres of water per year by installing high-efficiency shower heads. Even better: that’s 75,000litres of hot water that your heater doesn’t have to heat, cutting down on your energy costs aswell.11. Fuel-Efficient ScooterSample Model: 2008 Vespa LX 150Price: R46 950Time Until Break Even: 4 yearsA high-efficiency scooter is perfect for people who have a relatively short work commute that’s justa bit too far to walk every day. Leave that car in the garage and travel on a scooter. Plus, you canscoot around town and quickly run errands on this thing. Of course, a bicycle is even less expensive,but scooters are much faster and won’t leave you sweaty when you arrive.12. Solar Outdoor LightingSample Model: Malibu Outdoor One-Light Solar-Powered Mini Metal Tier LightPrice: R752.48 per set of 4 @ Until Break Even: 180 eveningsThis is a great choice if you want to light your yard and patio in the evening but don’t want to spend onelectricity all the time. Solar powered outdoor lighting will provide adequate lighting for much of thenight after recharging themselves during the day. Their design incorporates solar panels, a nice geek factor,and they can provide wonderful low light in the evening, perfect for a nice ambience.13. Dance Dance RevolutionSample Model: DDR Extreme 2 (plus peripherals)Price: R1103 @ Until Break Even: 8 months ($25/month gym fees)If you use the gym for a cardio workout, cancel your gym membership and get a home videogame system, DDR, and a good quality dance pad. The game itself provides all the motivationyou need, plus you have to be in pretty good shape in order to play the game for extended periods.I lost about 20 pounds playing DDR instead of going to the gym once upon a time.14. Self-Cleaning Electric ShaverSample Model: Braun 8995 360 CompletePrice: R3013 @ Until Break Even: 8 months of daily shavingA top-quality self-cleaning rechargeable electric shaver saves significant money for each shaving overdisposable razors and shaving cream. Although there are still upkeep costs (recharging, a rare replacementof the blades, and facial wash), the costs are much less than what you’ll incur with shaving creamand blades. Plus, you get the unbridled joy of owning a new gadget.15. Programmable ThermostatSample Model: Honeywell Aube 7-Day Programmable Thermostat - TH106Price: R1612 @ Until Break Even: 6-12 monthsIf you have central air conditioning, you need programmable thermostats. They providevery precise temperature control and can be programmed to automatically lower your airconditioning and/or heat use while you’re not home. Just program it and forget about it;it will automatically adjust things for you so that you aren’t wasting electricity andmoney.<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 28

16. Coin SorterSample Model: FastSort Electric Coin SorterPrice: R1281 @ Until Break Even: 3 yearsMost banks will no longer count change for you without charging you, but they will accept pre-rolledcoins as deposits. Why not just sort and roll them yourself? Keep this device on the dresser, dump inyour pocket change each night, change the rolls in and out (the device comes with a bunch of coinrolls), and when you go to the bank, take in a bunch of coin rolls and deposit them.17. Solar Christmas LightsSample Model: New Ray Solar LED 50-Light String - MulticolorPrice: R593 @ Until Break Even: 4 Christmas seasonsInstead of buying strands of electric lights for outdoor Christmas decoration, get a set of solar LEDChristmas lights. They eat no electricity as they charge up during the day, come on automaticallyin the evening, and stay on most of the night. There is barely any maintenance cost at all. Thestart-up cost is a bit high, but the cool factor of LED solar Christmas lights, plus the energy savings,quickly make up for it.18. High Efficiency Washing MachineSample Model: Whirlpool Duet Front-Loading High-Efficiency HT WFW9200SQPrice: R12525Time Until Break Even: 3-5 yearsIf you buy a large-load high efficiency front loading washing machine, you’ll do far fewer laundry loadsper month and each load will take less water than before. A machine like this can easily save R100 over aregular machine in water usage in a family home per month; even better, it will save a lot of time. Giventhe cost of a normal low-end washer, it should only take three years or so for this machine to pay foritself. Of course, you save on electricity too!19 A LaptopSample Model: Dell Inspiron 1525Price: R9320 @ Until Break Even: 2 yearsNow that laptops have reached a usability and reliability standard that approximates desktops,it becomes a serious choice whether or not to replace a desktop with a laptop. If youmake the leap, you’ll find that the energy savings are tremendous. It won’t take long for thissavings to make up for the differences in cost, plus you’ll have all of the laptop portabilityadvantages. It’s available in various colour, including GREEN!20. A Hybrid CarSample Model: Toyota PriusPrice: R299 800Time Until Break Even: 5 yearsIf you compare a hybrid side-by-side with a non-hybrid, the hybrid costs more up front.The savings, though, kicks in over the life of the car with much lower fuel costs. Plus, ithas a great “geek factor” and it’s a solid environmental decision.21. A Residential WindmillSample Model: GW 2Kw 48V Wind TurbinePrice: R16227.75 @ Until Break Even: 8 yearsThis windmill can, by itself, take care of almost all of your home electrical needs. It looks likea high-tech antenna up there, quietly whirring away, using the wind to provide your juice. Foran average household, the device will pay for itself in eight years; after that, it’s all gravy. Plus,you’re helping the environment by almost eliminating your load on the power grid.<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 29

The InboxTen Steps to Creating Real Changeon the PlanetAre we capable of living in a societythat is free of money? Imagine...if this is possible? Actually, it isinevitable. A society based on oneperson having more than another isan outdated, highly flawed systemthat must go.It is incredibly difficult for any of us tofathom a society free of money becauseour whole way of life revolves around it.It is difficult to imagine how things couldbe distributed fairly when we have neverseen it as a possibility. Yet we also haveto remember that our great grandparentscould not have imagined cars,the internet or mobile phones.So how can we be a partof the transition froma world based onmoney to aworld basedon equality,whereeveryone isentitled tothe gifts thatMother Naturehas provided us?How can we getcloser to a modelwhere abundanceand unity overridescarcity and fear?Here are some stepsthat we can take forreal change (REALCHANGE!)Many people don’t even live in an areathat has local businesses, but if you do,support the little guy rather than themultinational corporations. Even if itcosts a little extra,it is worth it if possible. Corporations areat the core of the system that believesone person should have more than another.3.Getby Sheryl Waltersyour(ed’s note: We dont have examples ofethical banks in SA - check if yours isaffiliated to any of these. TIME TO STARTONE!)4.Stop watching the mainstreamnews.The media is just propelling the lies thatwe are told. Fox News, CNN, NBC, BBC,and most other news stations are ownedby corporations who have a profit makingagenda. If you want real news, geton the internet and find independentinformation.5.If possible, don’t allowyourself or anyoneyou know to jointhe Military!People in themilitaryare fightingfor corporations,not thepeople. Thereis an incrediblyhigh suiciderate among thosewho have beenin the military,and a quarter ofall homeless peopleare veterans. Wheneveryone on the planethas equal access toresources, there will beabsolutely no need forwar.1.Avoid pharmaceuticaldrugs as much as possible.These companies as a wholeare not interested in truehealth, their main agenda is profit. Everydollar/pound/euro/rand etc spent onreputable, naturally healing productsrather than drugs is money spent on realchange.2.Buy out of the most unethicalbanks.Citibank, JP Morgan and Bank of Americaare some of the worst. If you live in theUK, put your money in the CooperativeBank or Smile Bank, both of whom are asethical as a bank can possibly be. Searchout the most ethical bank near you.<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 306.Support the energy companiesas little as youpossibly can.Look for alternative sourcesof energy. Sun, wind, and water are allviable ways of getting clean energy. Theonly reason why we are not using themright now is because powerful energy, oiland gas companies will become obsolete.Walk as often as you can rather thandriving, this will improve your healthand make small but incredibly power-

ful changes. Fly as little as possible; getsmaller more energy efficient cars.7.Reject the political system.The whole voting frenzy at the momentis just a way of making people believethat they are going to get real change. Ifyou look at the companies who are contributingto both McCain and Obama’scampaigns, many of them are the same.Both presidents will inevitably makedecisions based on profit rather than thegood of humanity. Politics is a lie andthe only real change will be seen whenmoney does not run the world. We mustfocus our energy on how to transcendthis failed system.(We are focussing on the intention thatObama will bring in new un-taintedenergy; “hope springs eternal”-ed)8.If possible, figure out what you loveto do, and then try and figure out away to make money from it.How can you make a genuine contributionto the world from your heart?What makes you feel creative and in themoment? While we haven`t transcendedour financial system yet, we can at leastbegin this process by doing things thatThe Inboxtruly move us. When we are in touchwith that "place" inside of ourselves, weare transforming the world. Working ina meaningless job for the mere purposeof financial gain is incredibly difficult tolet go of, but you can work on and let goof the issues and beliefs that are keepingyou there.9.Believe in abundance.Everything that we need for every singleperson on the planet to live in abundanceis right here. The only thing in ourway is the financial system and the limitingbeliefs that uphold it. The more wereject limiting beliefs about scarcity andmoney, the less we will have, and the lessthat all people on the planet will have.There is enough for all of us! Right nowwe must live with money, so believe inabundance without believing in money.It’s not easy because of our conditioning.But when our society is built on thebelief that every single person is entitledto equally enjoy the resources providedby Mother Nature, then we will see realchange.10.Question everything.Are your beliefs and ways of living inharmony with the planet? Are some ofyour beliefs outdated? Are there certainbeliefs that make you feel superior orinferior to others? In order for true transformationon the earth to take place, wemust all become conscious of our beliefsand our actions. Part of that is knowingthat we are all connected and equal.Do whatever therapies, meditations,plant medicines or anything else youare drawn to that can help you becometruly free of the limitations of the mind.The most important change has to occurinside of us. A transformation in ourinner world will be reflected in our outerworld.“The real revolution is the revolutionof consciousness” the author:Sheryl is a kinesiologist, nutritionistand holistic practitioner.Her website provides the latest research onpreventing disease, looking naturallygorgeous, and feeling emotionallyand physically fabulous.And her latest website www.raiselibido.comoffers a vast quantity ofinformation on how to increase sexdrive and enjoy a vibrant sex life.<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 31

the Green DirectoryMEDITATION OILSOVERTONEESSENTIAL OILSFor the art of resonating thephysical body in accordancewith the vibrations of unadulteratedessential oils, oils in aharmonious concentration ofbiological energy of sun, air,water and earth. This interactionof communication with thebiological sphere may assistthe individual toward awakeningand alignment. Four, 100%pure essential oils encompassingvowel frequency.For further SOAPNUTS -Nature’s Detergent!Now available inSouth AfricaContact Annie on0833080086 / info and onlinepurchases.holistic tours to swim with wild dolphins082 458 1302 or 011 786<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 32

DISTRIBUTED BYAcorn International- Wild Dolphin Programs -Educational dolphin swimprograms supportingresearch & conservation.+27 82 WAYSNew Age Shop. Nature Based Religions.Alternative Healing, Books, Crystals,Stones, Essential Oils, Magical andShamanic Items.Email: 044 382 2477 Cell: 082 552 7187Find comfort in the fact that NOW isInfinite and inescapable.CELLPHONERADIATION!Protect yourself and your family now!Beware Cellphones do emit Radiation!Cellphone radiation is absorbed by human tissue!Research has raised serious concerns regardinglong term radiation exposure and the associateddevelopment of cancers, Parkinson’s disease andAlzheimer’s, plus learning related health problems!NB. Kids absorb 60% more radiation than adults!Internationally proven Protectionor call Cleal & Associates 031 266 2879Made in ItalySAR SHIELDREDUCES THE DANGER BY 89%<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 33

Subscribe to <strong>Biophile</strong>Save Money,Save a Tree!with our newdigital subscription<strong>Issue</strong> 25You now have the option ofsubscribing to an digital (PDF)version of <strong>Biophile</strong>. If you have aconnection to the internet, you’llbe able to download your copydirectly from our website, or ifyour connection is too slow, youcan opt for the CD subscription,in which case a CD containingthe PDF file will be posted to you.The PDF version of the magazinewill allow you to search, extractarticles and print out any pagesyou wish, and is viewable witheither Acrobat Reader or FoxitReader, both of which are freesoftware.onlineFor more information, and tosubscribe, see this page on rates:subscribe now and save 20%off the cover priceBACK ISSUESALSO AVAILABLE AT R15. 00 each (including postage)South Africa Neighbouring Countries6 issues: R120. 0012 issues: R240. 00R180. 00 (surface) R200. 00 (airmail)R360. 00 (surface) R400. 00 (airmail)Please post this subscription form,together with a cheque made payable to BIOPHILE:PO Box 39277, Capricorn Square 7948Or pay the amount directly into our bank accountAccount Name: <strong>Biophile</strong> cc Bank: Standard Bank ConstantiaBranch Code: 02530917 Account Number: 271 596 791and fax the form below,together with proof of payment to 021 709 0392NAME:POSTAL ADDRESS:TELEPHONE:EMAIL:I would like to subscribe for issues, starting with issue numberPlease add the following Back <strong>Issue</strong>s to my order:Back <strong>Issue</strong>s numbers:This is a gift subscription. Please send it to:NAME:POSTAL ADDRESS:<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 34

WHAT? NO MORE WASHING POWDER??!Contrary to popular belief, it isnot the soap in your washingpowder that washes or cleansyour clothes.Firstly, your washing powder isnot a soap, it is a petrochemicalcomposition and secondly, it isnot the petrochemical thatcleans your clothes either.The sole purpose of thepetrochemical is to alter thestate of the water by reducingthe surface tension, whichallows the water to penetratethe fabric of your laundry anddo the actual cleaning. Washingpowder manufacturers vie witheach other in one multi million randad after the other to convince ushow well their washing powder/soap cleans our clothes. The maindifference between the various typesof washing powders however, lies intheir ability to alter the state of thewater.The LifeMiracle® Company inthe USA has come up with a unique,environmentally friendly way to doexactly what petrochemicals do, byusing the power of magnets. Theyhave invented a set of speciallycalibrated, plastic covered magnetsthat you place in your washingmachine with your clothes that willproceed to wash your clothes aswell as any washing powder. Themagnetic force created by the set ofmagnets alters the state of the waterby reducing the surface tension andallowing the water to clean yourclothes; exactly the same principleas the petrochemicals in thewashing powder. The magnetsare guaranteed not to harm yourwashing machine and even comewith a lifetime warranty!Now here is where the magnetsreally make a massive differenceto our water resources andenvironment. NO washing powderever again in your washing machinemeans no harmful and extremelydamaging chemicals enterour watersystem,ever!Thismeans that youcan now redirect your washingwater waste directly into yourgarden, no need for a grey watersystem. You also only need onerinse cycle, because there are nochemicals to rinse out and in theprocess you save a further 50-60 liters of precious water. Thewashing cycle time is reduced soyou further save on electricity andreduce your carbon footprint.No more skin reaction toall the chemicals retained in ourclothes after washing with washingpowders. The magnetic balls haveproven an absolute blessing forpeople with asthma, emphysemaand for babies with allergic reactionsto washing powders. One can noweven eliminate fabric softeners as asoftener only counteractsthe residual chemicalsretained in your clothes after awash. After a few washes with themagnetic balls, the natural quality ofthe fabric is actually restored. We allwant our washing to smell nice. Thiscan equally be achieved by addinga few drops of essential oils to yourwash; a half-cup of lemon juice alsodoes the trick. LifeMiracle®also has an Enzymatic Stain Removerthat should be used instead ofall the harmful chemically basedstain removers on the market. TheEnzymatic Stain Remover is fullybiodegradable and environmentallyfriendly.To use a set of magnets instead ofwashing powder to do our washingrequires quite a mind shift, butthe product has successfully beenused by many thousands of happywashers in the USA over the past 9years and now also here in SA. TheLifeMiracle® Magnetic LaundrySystem is the only non-detergenttechnology that carries 2 USApatents and has beenproven in IndependentLaboratory Testing.Contact details:René<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 35

FINE TUNING OUR SPEECHTO ABUNDANCE AND PROSPERITYBy Natalia BakerA wise Sufi master once said“Most of our follies are folliesof speech. For every folly ofaction there are a thousand ofspeech”. In this period in ourhistory when it is truly vitalfor us to let go our old energyconditioning and step intoabundance, prosperity andlove, one of the areas we needto refine and master is our useof words.We use them so unconsciouslyand habitually, most of us haveabsolutely no idea of how powerfultheir energies are in either drawingto us our greatest desires, wantsand needs or repelling them. We arelearning that our ability to manifestsuccessfully lies in the harmoniousdance of our feelings, thoughts,actions and words. If any of these arenot in harmony our ability to createour desires is thwarted.Added to this, in the mystery schoolsof ancient cultures attention to astudent’s speech was an essentialpart of the journey. It was addressedin the first level of the initiatic protocolin which students learnt basic skills,such as protection, grounding,meditation and working with thechakras. Today our whole planet isa mystery school and it is imperativethat we attune our speech patterns tothe increasingly high energies comingin or we may fall by the wayside,struggling and suffering, never quiteunderstanding why we are not quite“making it”.Please stay with me while I attempt toexplain how speech affects us.Could you for a moment imaginesucking on a thick juicy slice oflemon? What happens? Saliva poursinto your mouth, your eyes puckerand you experience the sournessand sharpness of the lemon taste,you might even smell it too. Yourdigestive system accepts the salivaand your body can cope with thiseasily. How would it be if you weredoing this continually? Your digestivesystem would be flooded with salivawhich cannot be used, has not beenneutralised and eventually it wouldnot be able to cope. The body wouldbecome unbalanced, dis-eased andeventually diseased.Now swop the lemon for the wordswe habitually use. The mindunderstands that we do notmean what we say when weexclaim something like “I woulddie for an ice-cream” but thebrain lacks the ability to discernthis. It is unable to decide what istrue or false because its function is tobe the chemical director of the body.Each thought we have unleashesin the region of 1,000 chemicalreactions into the body. The mindfeeds the thought to the brain whichactivates these reactions. This mayseem strange because our wordsare often so thoughtless, impetuousand unconstructive but, the activity ofthe mind precedes thought, whetherconscious or unconscious, chosen orinstinctive. It would be true to say thatour thoughts and feelings are madeaudible through our speech.We know that the psychic heart isthe point from which abundance andprosperity flow into our lives. If wehave a blockage here caused by anegative belief system such as lack ofdeserving, the energy does not flow,not just through our heart but throughour whole system, physical, emotional<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 36mental and spiritual.As embryos it is the brain that directsthe formation of the organs in ourbodies but the heart downloadsthe blueprint first. The heart is atransformer. If either the heart orbrain are not working or they arenot working in tandem there areproblems. When they functiontogether they create a magneticflow of energy which is free andunimpeded which allows all supplyto pour into our lives from the field,Divine Matrix, God or whateveryou wish to call it. The experienceof lack or surplus lies in therelationship between the heart andthe brain, for the wounded heartfeeds an interrupted flow of loveand abundance into the mind andfeelings, and then to the brain.The nature of the Divine Matrix isthat it is always expanding, creating,expanding creating, and it suppliesabundance at all times whether it ispoverty, criticism, control, anxiety orwhat we truly desire. There is never alack of abundance but the abundancewe draw to us is not always theabundance we want through thoughtand feeling patterns made manifestthrough our words.These points are crucial tounderstanding the dance ofabundance.Let us look at some specificexamples. If we precede oursentences with “I wish…”, “I want ...”,“I long for …”, “I can’t …”, “I neverhave enough…”, I struggle everymonth …”,” I’m sick of …” - andthere are a myriad of others we usedaily - we are cutting off the supply,more accurately we are mouldingour reality like plasticine into what

we don’t want. This is obviously oneof the reasons why mantras andaffi rmations are so powerful becausewhen repeated continuously we arere-programming our subconsciouswith positive input.I worked for a long time with theaffi rmation “I am open to receivethe love and abundance of theuniverse” repeating and repeatingit whenever I had an opportunity, andas a result started to see real shiftsin my life. Incidentally, the words “Iam” are the most powerful in anylanguage because when we use themwe invoke the presence of our GodSelf. They are the most effective wayto start an affi rmation.Speaking to a dignifi ed, hardworkingdomestic worker the other day, sheshared with me that she believed shewas “born poor, would live poor andwould die poor”. My eyes fi lled withtears. We each have so much workto do and the best place to start iswith ourselves – and with our speechpatterns. It is discipline and hard workto change habits that we may havehad for a few decades but if we makea choice, a decision, an intention itis a scientifi c fact that the energy willfollow and we will succeed.We are all responsible for taking upour rightful inheritance on this planet,bringing in the impending GoldenAge of love and peace, living inabundance and prosperity. To fullyheal and stay abundant it is requiredthat we operate on the highestenergetic levels. If we speak or thinkwords of fear or lack we are notthere. Once we can attain these highMore than just a Lindsay Mitchellfrequencies the divine energy fl owsthrough our body and life is effortless.We will be in the fl ow of universal lovewhich will provide all our needs anddesires at all levels – but we have tofeel, act, think and speak it, for it tohappen.Natalia Baker is a metaphysicalteacher who gives courses in varioustopics, including abundance. Shewrites articles, is a public speaker andis the residentbook reviewerfor SABC3’sFree Spirit.Contact details:e-mail: info@nataliabaker.comwebsite: Sojournal is more than just a diary. It is a beautiful creation showering us with daily gifts and inspiringguidelines, teaching us to re-connect with Gaia, the stars and planets, ourselves, each other and ultimately, thesource of all that is.The Sojournal was created by Annoesjka Hartman Redgrave and JulisaAnne Petersen who share a creative vision and a deep love for variousastrological and natural cycles.Annoesjka and Julisa have explored and studied (in great detail) theastrological and Mayan influences of 2009 and have offered wonderfulinsights into how we can live a more harmonious life in theseoccasionally chaotic times.You can expect to find astrological forecasts for each month as wellas daily tips on what to eat, gardening, healing energy, vibrations, thecycles of the moon and much more. I also have to mention the exquisiteartwork by Lois Stahl and Michelle Gerber; which truly speaks louderthan words.The diary also includes a directory, where you can find anything fromhealers to spiritual retreats and workshops.The diary is a definite must for all, whether you are planning as AstroGarden, want to know which tissue salts to consume or simply diarizeyour appointments.A BEAUTIFUL WORK OF ART!<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 37

Astro Dynamic Organic Planting GuideEverything in life has its own paceThis is a planting calendar that allows you to discover the sensitivity of life in its entirety, with all the energies that flow fromthe universe to us.Over the years you will have noticed that each day you feel different emotionally and physically. Logic would seem to dictatethat it’s our daily issues and will find any excuse to back this up. What if there could be another logical explanation? What ifwe woke up each day, felt an emotion and this emotion enhanced the issue we were dealing with.The stars above are not only twinkling lights in the night sky. The stars influence all life on our small and lovely planet. Themoon has the biggest pull on our emotions and all water. Our emotions are like a huge ocean within our bodies.“The law of macro and micro” ,or, “as without, so within”, “as above so below”, or even, “the universe beyond and theuniverse inside our bodies”.The moon plays the largest role with her monthly phases and not forgetting the zodiac cycles she moves in. The zodiacinfluences everything. We are all hearing and learning about the Age of Aquarius that we will be entering soon, leavingthe age of Pisces, which we are in at present. We are all well aware of the sun zodiac (our star sign). We also need to takenote of the moon zodiac. The planets also affect us. As each of us, born into this dimension, enter this life under all theseinfluences, each having our own special coding and each differently, due to our own birth coding and zodiac. We responddifferently on a daily basis.As we have learned over the past few years, projected now in numerous magazines, plants have their own planetary andzodiac influence.Moon-zodiac has an enormous effect on gardening as a plant’s body is not very different to ours, animals or even insects.After considering the daily effects of the sun sign, moon sign and phase, the planetary alignments and seasons, we candesign our garden accordingly. Astro gardening allows us to understand the needs of our garden as well as compatibilitywith other plants.We all lead busy lives and can’t always spend hours in the garden. Whether it is a food garden, flower garden, grass, trees,bushes or indoor plants, all gardens and plants need attention. By working with the layout in the heavens on a daily basis,you can minimise the amount of time you spend in the garden as this method will highlight the absolutely necessary jobs.This can even be termed as the “No-work” garden method. The calendar reflects all these ‘absolutely necessary jobs’ bycolour coding the info, so you can easily recognise what to do on a daily basis for your garden or plants. After working withthis method for a few months, you will quickly see how strong and healthy your garden becomes, minimising pests, diseasesand stress. The planting calendar is accompanied by a guide booklet to give you more in-depth information about themoon zodiac cycle, where the energy is within the plant’s bodyand how best to manage your garden.“Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide theday from the night: and let them be signs, and for seasons, andfor days, and years.”Genesis 1:14“There shall be signs in the sun, moon and stars.”Luke 21:25For any planting guidance, please contact Noesjka on 083 5982671 or to purchase an Astro Dynamic Calendar please contactJulisa on 083 334 7089 or<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 38

MIRACLE MORINGATHE NEW SUPERFOODby David Townsend M.D.Moringa Oleifera known as the “Miracle Tree” has been described as the most nutritious plant known. It isnon toxic, grown organically and is quite safe enough for babies and pregnant women.It has been used successfully to treat malnutrition in India and Africa.Indigenous to India, it is renowned in Ayurvedic Medicine to be the cure for 300 diseases. Indeed science isnow beginning to support this view.Analysis of the dried leaf shows that it contains an impressive 90+ nutrients, includingsome 46 antioxidants, 20 amino acids including all the essential ones, vitamins and minerals,chlorophyll, anti-inflammatories, antibacterials and Omega fatty acids 3-6-9.Compared with other foods, each 100gm dried leaf powder contains approximately:-9 times the protein of yogurt.17 times the calcium of milk.25 times the iron of spinach.15 times the potassium of bananas.10 times the vitamin A (beta carotene) of carrots.0.5 times the vitamin C of oranges.One of the serious problems with health these days is that many people are over fed andunder nourished. This is largely due to the consumption of junkfoods and poor diet, but another reason is theintake of synthetic vitamin and mineral supplements which account for most brands on the market. Thesesupplements are not foods. They are made in the laboratory and are not readily assimilated by the body.There is research documenting that they can actually have harmful effects. This is true especially for the fatsoluble vitamins A D and E, but also synthetic C or ascorbic acid. Recent research shows that itcan thicken the arterial walls leading to a serious risk of heart disease. Because syntheticvitamin C is very poorly absorbed, very high doses are usually prescribed to produce any observablebenefit, making this a particularly dangerous situation. Another concern with synthetic vitamin C is that mostof it is manufactured from genetically modified corn.The potential dangers of genetic modification of foods is another horror story.Where food is concerned, quality is most certainly better and healthier than quantity.This is how superfoods such as Moringa can literally save our lives by supplying natural organic nutrients ina supplement to offset the negative effects of our modern lifestyle.Moringa is presently used to treat malnutrition, diabetes and related blood sugar problems, high cholesterol,blood pressure, arthritis, immune deficiency, infections, anemia, osteoporosis, low energy, colitis, breastmilk deficiency, pregnancy, nervous conditions, liver and kidney problems, respiratory problems, obesity,hormone imbalance, skin conditions, cancer, HIV, and much more.This information is for educational purposes only and does not replace professional medical diagnosis andtreatment.<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 39

RADIOACTIVELOCAL & INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR AFFAIRSCivil society demands scrapping of Government’s pronucleardirection – call to Motlanthe and ZumaCivil society has called for a scrapping of the nuclearindustry, including proposed nuclear reactors, fuel plantsand smelters planned for local and imported nuclearwaste, and a sustained move towards genuinely RenewableEnergy, energy efficiency, and climate change reducingtechnologies.A legally required public meeting was held on the 7th ofOctober 2008 at the Royal Hotel (Durban) to engage civilsociety on the much-delayed, and increasingly expensive,demonstration Pebble Bed Modular Reactor. Recentreports by internationally renowned experts have raisedserious concerns about the technology.“There is no place for a nuclear radiation legacy in SouthAfrica – we are blessed with abundant energy resourcesthat are largely untapped, and can create far moredignified and safe work for our people, while providingenergy security for all”, said Muna Lakhani of EarthlifeAfrica. “It is impossible to “manage” radioactive waste forhundreds of thousands of years, even ignoring the costsattached to that.Already, sustainable and local alternatives are cheaper tobuild and run than nuclear power stations, and can providebaseload industrial volumes of electricity – so whynuclear? To benefit French companies?”The South Durban Community Environmental Alliancewas even more militant, demanding the scrapping ofthe entire nuclear industry immediately. “The entirenuclear industry is one of the last hangovers ofthe Apartheid government programmes, and thisis now in the hands of this democratic dispensationand as our politicians they should listen to thepeople who voted them in and not allow the developmentof the nuclear industry which is pushed bycorporate interest. – the industry must be disbandedimmediately,” said Des D’Sa of SDCEA. Calls were alsomade to both President Kgalema Motlanthe and ANCPresident Jacob Zuma, to heed the calls of civil society.“The toxic legacy proposed by the now departed nuclearchampions, such as Alec Erwin, must be stopped in it’stracks”, said a protestor. “The creation of well paid jobs tothe elite through the nuclear industry must be stopped,and renewable energy must be subsidized and promoted– subsidizing fossil fuels and nuclear power are bothexpensive, and do not place South Africa amongst theworld energy leaders.”A handout made available by civil society and representativesof the Coalition Against Nuclear Energy (CANE),showed that planned South African projects using solarand wind power, are indeed cheaper than both fossil fueland nuclear electricity generation, without the fuel andpollution costs attached to the latter.Why is the PBMR bad?* The R16 Billion can be better spent on renewable andnatural energy* TOXIC and NUCLEAR waste is produced at almostevery stage of the nuclear fuel cycle* Perpetuation of short-term electricity price hikes* SA has no long-term storage/disposal facility for highlevel nuclear waste* Nuclear stations are very dangerous with severehealth risks and direct implications to workers* The radioactive waste produced by the reactors remains highly dangerous for hundreds of thousandsof years* Many scientists and governments have refuted thesafety of the PBMR design* Increased Carbon emissions perpetuate climatechange* Natural waterways used as coolants are releasedwarmer and disrupt natural ecosystems* Leads to centralized energy infrastructure: High risksystem; Large transportation losses; One companyhas great power and controlAS CITIZENS, CONSUMERS AND TAXPAYERS – WE INSISTOUR RIGHT TO DETERMINE OUR ENERGY FUTURE.<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 40

LET’S DEBATE THE FUTURE OF NUCLEAR ENERGY NOW!by The Coalition Against Nuclear EnergyDear Member of ParliamentAlthough the Nuclear Energy Policy isdue to be gazetted this month, we feelthat insufficient opportunity has beengiven to debate the matter inthe Houseof Assembly. The Speaker has thereforebeen approached to place a debate onnuclear energy policy on the agenda ofthe National Assembly during this finalweek of plenaries. Your support for thisdebate is crucial.We understand that at no stage hasa clear business case been presentedpublicly in favour of affordableelectricity production from nuclearpower. It is equally unclear whetherthe excessive financial commitment tonuclear power (to the detriment of otherpriority spending) enjoys widespreadsupport from the South African public.We therefore repeat our call for a fullyparticipatory People’s Energy Summit.The future of this country dependson your and your party’s accurateassessment of the popular mood andwe believe that informed discussionon the issue is required to send a clearsignal to the masses of people who werepromised a “better life for all” in the1990s.We do not believe that spending overR1-trillion on a nuclear strategy willbe compatible with combating crimeHIV/AIDS, unemployment, or creatingaffordable energy. Nor do we feelwill it contribute appropriately to thedelivery of basic services to the poorestof the poor (including refugees!), anddeveloping a sound and affordableeducation, health and public transportsystem.Although a draft of the Nuclear Policywas submitted for public comment,none of the public’s negative responseswere acknowledged nor made public.Yet this policy will have seriousnegative impacts on human health, theenvironment and on expenditure forpoverty alleviation. The externalisedcosts of decommissioning, radioactivewaste management and health have notbeen factored in. Nowhere in the worldhas a long-term solution been foundto deal with long-lived with radiotoxicwastes. As last November’s militarystyleattack on the Pelindaba nuclearfacilities demonstrated, the threat ofillegal nuclear weapons proliferation alsopersists.The 1998 Energy White Paper is clear onthis matter. It states that: “Governmentwill ensure that decisions to constructnew nuclear power stations are takenwithin the context of an integratedenergy policy planning process withdue consideration given to all relevantlegislation, and the process subject tostructured participation and consultationwith all stakeholders.” This participatoryprocess has never been instituted.The White Paper also states clearlythat expansion will depend on, amongother things, “public attitudes andthe approaches by decision-makers inassessing the macro-economic, healthand environmental aspects of thedifferent options available for electricitygeneration”. None of this assessmenthas been made visible yet.Current consultative forums withESKOM and NECSA leave much tobe desired and no health studies haveever been completed on surroundingcommunities.Honourable members, consider thefindings of research the world:There is no such thing as safe dose ofman-made, ionizing radiationThe risks of nuclear accidents areeconomically uninsurable. As the many stoppages KoebergNuclear Power Station have shown,nuclear power is unreliable, andthereby threatens national security. Nuclear power could at best makeonly a negligible contribution to CO2reduction, even then many years aftermassive cuts are needed and only bydepriving real solutions of funding. Nuclear power worsens climatechange because it diverts money awayfrom alternative energy and efficiencyefforts that would otherwise reducegreenhouse gas emissions. Viable alternative energy generationoptions are readily available, evolvingas one of the fastest-growingindustries in the world. Every rand spent on nuclear power isa rand not spent on clean renewableenergyIf you are in favour of mass job creationand competitive energy costs that willbecome cheaper year after year, you willoppose nuclear power and support saferenewable energy.PLEASE HEED THE CALL FORINFORMED DEBATE.SUSPEND THE NUCLEAR BILL &PROGRAMME.LET’S HAVE AN ALL-INCLUSIVEENERGY POLICY SUMMITTHAT PRIORITISES CIVIL SOCIETYREPRESENTATIVES.<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 41

SENTIENCEANIMAL FRIEND ISSUESSCANDALOUS CANNED HUNTING STATISTICS REVEAL THATMINISTER VAN SCHALKWYK IS GUILTY OF DOUBLESPEAKA recent written reply by the Director-General of Environmental Affairs andTourism (DEAT) to a question put inParliament by the Democratic Alliancehas once again sounded the alarm onthe canned hunting industry in SouthAfrica.With all the duplicity, fanfare and spinput out by Martinus Van Schalkwyk overthe past few years, the general public,both local and international, cannotbe criticised for thinking that cannedhunting in South African is a thing of thepast. But nothing can be further fromthe truth. Far from being controlled, thecanned hunting industry, with activesupport from the government, is growingexponentially. And it is not only confinedto the hunting of large predators -elephants, rhinos, buffaloes and antelopespecies are also hunted and killed in thisway.The information released by DEATconfirms this. For example, 702 lionswere killed for trophies in 2007. Thismeans that since 2005 the number oflions killed by the canned predatorindustry has doubled, with most ofthe lions coming from the North Westprovince (637), which, astonishingly, haseighty lion farms!Over the past year provincial andnational DEAT spokespersons have beenat pains to promise lion breeders that theindustry is not geared for demise.As recently as 9 July 2008 the DeputyMinister, Rejoice Mabudafhasi,unequivocally assured them that“government does appreciate theexistence of the industry and that thereis no way that the regulations willeventually lead to the closure of theindustry as the industry is an acceptedpart of the tourism experience packagethat South Africa markets.”In contrast, attempts by ARA and othersto persuade DEAT to support a plan thatwould address the ethical and welfareconcerns of the predators still caught upin the industry has fallen on deaf ears.Animal Rights Africa (ARA) spokespersonMichele Pickover says that “this is moreevidence that Van Schalkwyk continuesto pander to the profit-driven bloodlustof the hunters and breeders”.ARA wants to warn local andinternational tourists that it looks asif the South African government istrying to play them as fools. After therelease of the Cook Report in 1997, whichexposed canned lion practices in SouthAfrica, there was a huge public outcryabout canned hunting and its damagingethical, ecological and biologicalimplications. Public opinion favours anoutright ban of this industry.ARA believes that by 2005 Minister VanSchalkwyk could no longer ignore theweight of public opinion and the realthreat this industry poses to the SouthAfrican tourism industry. But insteadof banning canned hunting, it seemsVan Schalkwyk and his colleagues areplaying a double game.On the one hand, making publicannouncements that the governmentwas going to “put an end, once and for all,to the reprehensible practice of cannedhunting” and that after 1 June 2007 therewould be no more canned hunting oflarge animals in South Africa, while onthe other hand providing the predatorbreeding industry with loopholes that<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 42will allow this reprehensible industry tocontinue and expand.Loophole One: The NEMBA Threatenedor Protected Species (TOPS) Regulationsis flawed and inadequate legislation thatdoes not ban canned predator huntingbut merely attempts to regulate it.Loophole Two: Inexplicably postponingthe implementation of TOPS from 1stJune 2007 to February 2008 thereby givingthe South AfricanPredator Breeders Association the opportunityto challenge TOPS before it cameinto force.Loophole Three: Excluding lions from thedefinition for listed large predators of theTOPS legislation promulgated in February2008, supposedly while the SouthAfrican Predator Breeders Associationcourt case against the Minister (which islikely to take years) is pending.ARA is extremely concerned about thesafety of workers in the dangerous sustainableuse industries of lion breedingand elephant back safaris. “We also findit unethical that when workers are killedby the predators being breed in thesefarms, the farmers merely sell off somelions as trophies to “compensate” thefamilies of the deceased.Says Pickover: “Van Schalkwyk has oftenbeen quoted as saying that South Africahas a long-standing reputation as aglobal leader on conservation issues, butif this kind of unbending and staunchsupport for rampant sustainable use iswhat leadership and conservation is allabout then the fate of wildlife, biodiversityand environmental management inSouth Africa is in VERY serious trouble.”

Dear Friends,Please support the banning of the vicious gin traps that lead to the horrendous maiming and death of South Africa’s wild predatorslike leopard and caracal. Few people realise that the destruction of wild predators is one of the unconscienable costs of themeat industry. Thanks to Dr Bool Smuts, Director of the Landmark Foundation, ( , humanecontrols of predators are now possible and a ban on gin traps, poison traps and dog-hunting parties, could potentially go throughnow, if enough people want it. Please copy and put your name and/or letterhead to the letter below and send it off urgently before10 November.With appreciation,LouiseCompassion in World FarmingDear Mr MadikizelaRE: DEAT should outlaw gin traps, leg hold devices, poison traps and hunting dog packs in the National Norms and Standards forthe Management of Human-Wildlife Conflict in South Africa.I write in support of an appeal to the Department of Economic Affairs and Tourism (DEAT) that you amend the draft Norms andStandards for the Management of Human-Wildlife Conflict in South Africa to include the following:That no person or entity may manufacture, distribute, sell, possess, purchase, donate or received a donation, or use any gin trapor leg holding device (or other similar such mechanism), snares, poison traps or lures or hunting dog packs in the management ofhuman-wildlife conflict, or in the hunting or handling of any wildlife or any animal.I believe it to be essential that such an amendment be made in these norms and standards as it will be in support of the principlesof the said regulations and its relevant legislation, namely the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act,2004 (act 10 of 2004). Should these amendments not be made it would result in continued decimation and negative impact on ourbiodiversity and natural heritage, never mind undermining and contradicting the very legislation it is aimed at giving effect to.The devices in question are unacceptable management tools in the management of human-wildlife conflict or in the hunting ofany wildlife or any animal, and it has proven to be ineffective over the last 200 years! There is a growing consensus that thesemethods have been a major contributing cause of the escalating human-wildlife conflict. I support efforts that are non lethal,ecological and socially acceptable, humane and effective. In this regards I believe that many methods have been demonstrated tobe effective, socially and ecologically acceptable, and humane, and more effective in the production of livestock compared to thelethal controls that I am appealing to you to outlaw. Thus I believe that you as a department tasked to conserve our natural heritage,should legislate and enforce the use of non lethal, ethical and ecological acceptable methods in these regulations, such as:* Livestock Guarding Animals (e.g. Anatolians, herding dogs, donkeys, alpacas, llamas etc)* Protective measures (kraaling, protective sheep collars, technology collars, fencing mechanisms)* Herdsmen/Shepherds* Deterrents (smells, noises, alarms)* Herd selections* Live trapping and collaborations the conservation entities* Conservation of wildlife on livestock and game farmsI am grateful to you for the opportunity to have input to the drafting of these important norms and standards, and strongly appealto you to effect these important changes to the regulations and outlaw the methods listed above.Yours FaithfullyPlease Send Letter to:Mr Bonani MadikizelaDirector: Regulation and Monitoring ServicesDepartment of Environmental Affairs and TourismP/Bag X447 Pretoria0001Tel: 012 310 3308Fax: 012 320 2733 or 012 322 2682Email:<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 43

THUMBS-UPGreenpeace Open Office in JohannesburgInternational environmental activists, Greenpeace,have opened an office in Johannesburg to tackleclimate change, deforestation and overfishing on thecontinent, it was announced on Thursday.central African countries by backing moves to createa funding mechanism that makes protecting tropicalforests and the climate more economical than logging,”he said.He said a second office would be opened in Kinshasa,Democratic Republic of Congo on November 24 and athird in Dakar, Senegal, next year. “While Africa contributesvery little to global warming, the region willbe one of the hardest hit by its effects,” said Kanoute.“South Africa needs to take a strong stand at the UNclimate talks [in Poland next month] for a deal thatincludes substantial funding from the industrialisedworld for developing countries to adapt to and mitigatethe devastating effects of climate change.“The South African government should also supportKanoute said South Africa wasthe 14th highest carbon emitterin the world and hadcommit to measurableactions to reduce itsgreenhouse gas emissions,including endingits dependence oncoal, without resortingto expansions innuclear power.- www.new24.comtoAir New Zealand To Test Biofuel Next MonthWELLINGTON - Air New Zealand will make its first commercial flight using biofuels next month as it looks to cut fuel consumptionand carbon emissions, the national carrier said on Wednesday. The flight on Dec. 3 out of Auckland will use a 50:50 blend of standardjet fuel and a biofuel made from the jatropha plant in a Rolls Royce engine on a Boeing 747-400, the airline added.“The blended fuel meets the essential requirement of being a ‘drop-in’ fuel, meaning its properties will be virtually indistinguishablefrom traditional Jet A1 fuel,” said Air NZ’s chief pilot, David Morgan, in a statement. Jatropha is a plant that grows up to threemetres and produces inedible nuts, which contain the oil. It is grown on arid and marginal land in Africa. Air New Zealand told Reutersin June it hoped to use one million barrels of biofuel a year, about 10 percent of its fuel consumption, in its jet fleet by 2013.British-based Virgin Atlantic used a bio-jet fuel blend made from babassu and coconut oils in a commercial flight in February.- by Glen Johnson and Gyles BeckfordCONSUMER RIGHTS RECOGNISED: GM FOODS WILL BELABELLED IN SOUTH AFRICACape Town: History was made on the 16th Septemberwhen the Department of Trade and Industry handeddown a ruling for mandatory labelling of geneticallymodified foods.The decision came after a clause to this effect, whichhad been removed from the draft Consumer ProtectionBill last year, was reinstated. National Co-ordinator ofSAFeAGE, a consumer GMO watchdog that has been lobbyingfor two years to have this clause reinstated said,“The GMO Act does not protect consumers, it is rather apermitting system that welcomes untested, unlabelledand irresponsible genetic modification to run rife in ourcountry. Consumers will finally have the right to chooseonce this Bill is implemented” - SAFeAGE<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 44

THUMBS-DOWNKimberly-Clark gets Trees from Ancient ForestsNew photos reveal a massive stockpile of old-growth logsfrom the Boreal forest destined to be made into Kleenex andtoilet paper for tissue giant Kimberly-Clark. As recently asAugust 30th, Kimberly-Clark has claimed that “much of [the]fiber from the Canadian Boreal forest comes to K-C in theform of wood pulp produced from sawdust and chips – orleftovers – of the lumber production process.”The logs originate from the Ogoki Forest, the single mostecologically valuable area left in Ontario’s southern Borealforest and the site of growing controversy. These new photosas well as recent government correspondence reveal thatKimberly-Clark is currently purchasing huge quantities ofpulp made primarily from whole, old-growth trees fromintact areas of Canada’s Boreal Forest. - TreehuggerNSPCA & Mazarakis of Carte Blanche claim OBP HorseSlaughter is a “Scam”A dishonourable mention must also go to the NSPCA & George Mazarakis, executive producer forCarte Blanche, who claim to have investigated the OBP Horse slaughter and found that the info is “ascam” and “bears no truth.” It seems that Onderstepoort, Carte Blanche and the NSPCA are all tryingto sweep this matter under the carpet. Agendas? Old boy network? We’ll persue it, wherever it leadsuntil we have resolution and transparancy. - EcoT“Whaling” in the Faroe Islands (a Danish Protectorate)This “whaling” is supposedly regulated byFaroese authorities but not by the InternationalWhaling Commission as there are disagreementsabout the Commission’s competencyfor small cetaceans, which are also huntedby the Faroese. Around 950 Long-finned PilotWhales (Globicephala melaena) are killed annually,mainly during the summer. The hunts,called “grindadráp” in Faroese, are non-commercialand are organised on a communitylevel; anyone can participate. The hunters firstsurround the pilot whales with a wide semicircleof boats. The boats then drive the pilotwhales slowly into a bay or to the bottomof a fjord, where they are slaughtered. Helpstop this brutal practice by making your voiceheard here: - EcoT<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 45

GREEN GROWTHPLANT LIFE NEWSWHY WE NEED MORE TREESForests, Air & WaterTrees are nature’s air conditioners.An acre of trees can grow about 2tons of wood per year. This same acreremoves 3 tons of carbon dioxideand produces 2 l/2 tons of oxygenper year. A person uses less than onepound of oxygen per day, or about278 pounds per year. So every acre offorest produces enough oxygen for 18people. At the same time, an acre offorest removes 13 tons of dust fromthe surrounding environment andreleases 8,000 gallons of water intothe air. This results in forest areasbeing cooler and cleaner than surroundingareas.The Benefits of an Urban ForestA forest is reducing water pollution:Tree leaves and branches catchrainfall during storms. The waterdrips slowly from the tree, reducingthe rate that storm water reaches theground. This decreases peak volumesof storm water that can overwhelmsewer systems. Water also evaporatesfrom leaf surfaces, going backinto the atmosphere and increasesrainfalls rather than going down thedrain.Trees also help improve the qualityof ground water. The trees divert capturedrainwater into the soil, wherebacteria and other microorganismsfiltered out impurities. This biofiltrationcan dramatically reducethe sediment, pollutants and organicmatter that reach streams, sewagesystems and eventually the Bay.More Facts About TreesTrees keep our air supply fresh byabsorbing carbon dioxide and producingoxygen. The fine roots of treesrelease about 1 ton of carbon per ha/year into the forest soil.Trees and the Environment* In one year, an acre of trees canabsorb as much carbon as is producedby a car driven up to 8700miles.* Trees lower air temperature byevaporating water in their leaves.* A tree does not reach its mostproductive stage of carbon storagefor about 10 years.* Trees cut down noise pollution byacting as sound barriers.* Tree roots stabilize the soil andprevent erosion.* Trees provide food and shelter forwildlife.* The amount of oxygen producedby an acre of trees per yearequals the amount consumedby 18 people annually. One treeproduces nearly 260 pounds ofoxygen each year.* One acre of trees removes up to2.6 tons of carbon dioxide eachyear.* Shade trees can make buildingsup to 20 degrees cooler in thesummer.* Trees lower air temperature byevaporating water in their leaves.Tree Biology* Trees are the longest living organismson earth.* Trees and other plants make theirfood through a process calledphotosynthesis.* The inside of a tree is made oflignin, phloem, cambium, andxylem.* The xylem of a tree carries waterfrom the roots to the<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 46

e a d i n g m at t e r sAppetite for Profit: How the Food Industry Undermines Our Health and How to Fight BackMichele SimonPerseus PublishingISBN-13: 9781560259329While food is ubiquitously available in our country, nutritious food is difficult to find, and it isbecoming increasingly hard to discern the nutritious from the junky. This is exactly what Big Foodwants, according to public health attorney Simon. This exposé of Big Food’s unethical behavior anddevious marketing strategies is a convincing call to action. Simon, a vegan, does not offer readersadvice on changing their diet. Instead, she proffers tips on how to see through corporate rhetoricthat does not match with reality and how to protect children from junk-food marketing. Concernedparents will no doubt find this an especially valuable tool. Appendixes provide a glossary to understandingcorporate-speak, a guide to industry front-groups, a breakdown of the myths debunkedthroughout the book, and resources for those who want to effect change. An essential purchase forpublic health collections, this book is recommended for public and academic libraries as a followupto Eric Schlosser’s Fast Food Nation and Marion Nestle’s Food Politics: How the Food IndustryInfluences Nutrition and Health. - Mindy Rhiger, St. PaulThe Genie in Your Genes:Epigenetic Medicine and theNew Biology of IntentionDawson ChurchPublisher: Midpoint TradeBooks, IncorporatedISBN-13: 9781600700224“Health writer DawsonChurch, Ph.D., decided to investigatethe scientific basis ofso-called “medical miracles”and the role of consciousnessin healing. The result is TheGenie in Your Genes, the first book to summarize remarkablescientific studies that are revolutionizing theways we think about the link between consciousnessand health. The book focuses on a class of genes calledImmediate Early Genes or IEGs, which can be triggeredby thoughts or emotions, as well as outside events toturn on other genes that affect specific aspects of ourimmune system.He explores the science behind the breakthroughs beingachieved through Energy Psychology techniques,showing that there is a sound theoretical framework,based on credible experiments, for understandingthese astonishing results—and predicts that thesetechniques will dramatically advance the fields ofmedicine and psychology in the coming decade.Showcasing some 300 scientific studies, The Genie inYour Genes points to where the leading edge of sciencemight take medicine and psychology in the nextcentury.” The Toxic Chemistry of Everyday Productsand What’s at Stake for American PowerMark SchapiroChelsea Green PublishingISBN-13: 978-1-933392-15-8Cosmetics, computers, cell phones—these are theaccoutrements of modern American life. As it turnsout, many of these items are also laden with chemicalspotentially so toxic that several countries aroundthe world, notably in the European Union, have takenregulatory steps to ban them. In this smart and timelynew book, Mark Schapiro, editorial director of the Centerfor Investigative Reporting, examines the wideninggap between American and EU chemical and environmentalregulation, cogently arguing that although theUnited States used to be a leader in environmentalprotection, the power has shifted across the Atlantic.“Power has shifted,” Schapiro concludes. “Americancitizens are being put in a position that would havebeen unimaginable a decade ago: in some instances adumping ground for goods not wanted elsewhere in theworld, in other instancesthe accidental beneficiariesof protective standards createdby another governmentover which they have noinfluence.” Either way, theUnited States is being leftbehind and Exposed makesa persuasive and informedcase that the only solutionis to raise the national barwhen it comes to environmentalregulation.- Erica Wetter<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 47

Festive FeastRefreshing raw food recipes for a healthy, happy holiday!by Beryn DanielsPATÉSSprouted Chickpea Hummus2 Cups chickpeas½ Cup Tahini½ Cup water2 cloves garlic2 Tbs Lemon JuiceHimalyan rock salt to tasteSoak the chickpeas in waterovernight. In the morning drain thewater and leave the chickpeas tostand in the bowl to sprout for thenext 2 days. Wash the sprouts in theevening and again the next morning.In a high speed blender or foodprocessor add all the ingredients andblend.Pour out into a serving bowl andenjoy with crudites or on onion breadwith mung bean sprouts.“Egg”- “Mayo”½ Cup water½ Cup lemon juice1 ½ teaspoon turmeric1 Clove garlic1 ½ Cups Macadamias or Cashews1 teaspoon black Indian salt½ Cup chopped spring onion½ Cup chopped celery½ Cup chopped red pepperIn a high speed blender combine thefirst 6 ingredients. Put the mixture intoa bowl and add the celery, red pepperand spring onion. Mix well and serve.Power lunch salad1 Cup Spinach1 Cup Rocket1/2 Cup Watercress1/4 diced Cucumber1/4 Cup Brocolli1 Cup mixed sprouts1 large AvocadoHandful of baby tomatoes (orsundried tomatoes)OlivesOlive oilLemon juiceHimalayan Rock salt or sea saltWhy it's a Power Lunch?The rich green salad leavesare high in Silica and thereforegood for hair, skin and nails.Sprouts are a living food andhelp facilitate detoxification,alkalinisation and weight loss.Broccoli contains iron andmagnesium and is helpfulfor high blood pressure andconstipation.Olives contain good proteins.Olive oil is a good source of essentialfatty acids.Avocados are delicious and a goodsource of good fats.Himalayan rock salt or sea saltcontains vital trace minerals.LasagneCourgette pasta3x courgettessaltSlice the courgettes with a mandolineinto thin strips and sprinkle withHimalayan rock salt.Cashew nut cheese1 Cup cashews1 tsp onion powder1 tsp saltBlend together in a high powerblender with a little water, addingIf you’d like to learn more about raw foods bookyourself on to one of Beryn and Peter’s Raw foodPreparation classes for the full experience. Classesare run over 2 full days, usually weekends and arebeing run in Cape Town, Durban, Johannesburg, EastLondon and the Garden Route.For more info please call Beryn or Peter on 0217947793 or visit and check outthe ‘events’ page.-just enough water to get a creamyconsistency.Tomato sauce4 large tomatoes2 red peppers1 Cup sundried tomatoes1/2 Cup olive oil1 Tbs fresh basil1 tsp fresh oreganum1 tsp fresh thyme1 tsp Himalayan rock saltProcess all ingredients in a blender orfood processor until smooth.Spinach-courgette filling3 more courgettes, grated3 Cups finely chopped spinachMix the grated courgette andchopped spinach with half the cheesemixture and add a little extra salt.Putting it all together<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 48

Alternate layers of courgette stripswith tomato sauce, spinach cheesefi lling and top with the extra cheese.Eat as is.If you prefer it warmed up you can putit in the oven for 30 minutes on lessthan 50 degrees celcius with the ovendoor slightly ajar.Falafels1 Cup almonds1 Cup walnuts1/2 cup sesame seeds, ground1/4 cup parsley1/4 cup coriander1 Tbs garlic2 Tbs olive oil2 tsp salt2 Tbs oreganumProcess the almonds in theOscar using the solid plate or in afood processor.Combine all ingredients. Forminto balls and dehydrate forapprox 4 hours. Serve withTahina dressing and a greensalad.HEALTHY DESSERTSChocolate AvocadoMousse:For the mousse:4 Avocados1 cup Cacao powder¼ cup Coconut oil½ cup Maple syrup¼ cup WaterFor decoration (optional):strawberries, slicedPut the avocados, coconut oil, cacaopowder, maple syrup and water ina blender and process them untilthey are silky smooth. Dispatch themixture into a dish of your choice anddecorate it with sliced strawberries.Put in the fridge for at least an hour toset. It really doesn’t get much simplerthan this (except fruit picked from thetree, sun warm and delicious).Get creative and add in optionalextras if you want. Green powder iswell hidden in a recipe like this, so putsome in to boost your mineral intakeand make this mousse even morenutritious. If you like something a littlemore rich or nutty, add in some tahinior nut butter of your choice. Somelike orange chocolate mousse, addorange juice. Some like hot chocolatemousse – add chilli!Seasonal Fruit Romanofffor the fruit part of the romanoff:seasonal fruit of your choice, freshberries, melons, peaches, go wildbanana ice cream (optional)<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 49a sprig of mint for each glassFor the whipped cream:3 cups raw walnuts, cashews,macadamia nuts, or nuts of yourchoice, soaked1 cup freshly squeezed orange juice4 tablespoons date jam (see below)Date jam:Simply soak therequired amount ofdates, and then blendthe dates and theirsoaking water until athick paste is formed.This is date jam, andcan be stored in asealed jar in the fridgefor several weeks, readyto use in any recipe!Banana ice cream:Peel the bananasand then freeze themovernight. Once frozen,put them through theOscar fi tted with thecrushing screen. Outcomes banana ice!Chocolate sauce:Mix cacao powder intoliquid coconut oil andadd sweetener (honey,agave nectar or maplesyrup) to taste.In an attractive glass,place a layer of fruit.Add a layer of cream.Place another layerof fruit on top of thecream layer. Continuelike this until the glassis full, ending with a delectable whirlof cream, decorated with fruit anda sprig of mint. Variations on thistheme include substituting everysecond layer of nut cream with alayer of banana ice-cream. We canalso drizzle agave nectar, honey(fl avoured with vanilla or ginger?) orchocolate in between layers and ontop of the glass.Perfect for a summer afternoon!

soilforlifeFor all who must eat tolive, there is hope.Grow your own Pa t Fe at h e r s t o n eSoil for Life is a Cape Town-based NGOwhich teaches people to grow theirown food. For more information aboutSoil for Life membership and organicmethods for growing vegetables, herbsand fruit, please phone Pat on (021) 7944982The baby marrow or zucchiniis a member of the pumpkinfamily and is a prolificproducer.The fruit is best eaten when pickedyoung and succulent, with the flowerstill attached. In fact the flowersthemselves are a delicacy, dippedin tempura batter and deep fried.Unfortunately this plant belongs tothe ‘cut-and-come-again’ type ofcrop. The more you pick, the morethe plant is stimulated to produce.Barbara Kingsolver writes in her book“Animal, Vegetable, Miracle” of themarrow season (which she describesas ‘Zucchini Larceny’) at her homewhere the family were subjected tozucchini cooked in every conceivableway. She says, ‘All dinner guests wererequired to eat [them] and then takesome home in plasticsacks We started considering dinnerguest lists, in fact, with an eye towardthose who did not have gardens. Ourgardening friends knew enough toslam the door if they saw a heavysack approaching.’ Even her daughter,Camille, did her part. ‘.. Before hersister’s birthday she adapted severalrecipes into a genius invention:chocolate chip zucchini cookies’ and‘with a sly grin’ watched as marrowhatingchildren chewed through thebatch of cookies and asked for more!So, with summer onour doorsteps,it’s time to try your luck atgrowing these ‘dirigibles’. And if allelse fails, you can turn them intoratatouille chutney or marrow jam.How to grow…Baby Marrows(courgettes or zucchini)Unlike mostother membersof the squash(cucurbit) familywhich sprawland climb,they grow intolarge plantswhich take upa lot of room inthe vegetablegarden. Someplanning isthereforeneeded becauseone door-sized trench bed will onlyaccommodate two plants as theyneed to be about 90cm apart.Soil preparation: Make a hole thedepth and width of a spade headand fill it with compost or well rottedmanure. Replace the soil and form abasin (or pit) about 15cm across onthe surface of each hole. Water thepit well before planting.Sowing the seed: Soak the seedovernight in luke warm water. Plant2 or 3 seeds in the bottom of thepit. Water well, but do not wateragain until growth starts. When theseedlings have 3 or 4 true leaves,remove the weaker plants, leavingonly the strongest one to grow.<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 50

Watering: Squash plants have large,deep root systems as well as rootsclose to the surface. In addition theirlarge leaves lose a lot of moistureto the air. Therefore the plants needa lot of water. However, the watermust be directed straight onto thesoil, and not at the leaves. Sinkplastic bottles with holes in thebottom between the plants and topthem up with water for a good, deepsoaking. Wet leaves in warm weatherprovide the ideal situation for thegrowth of powdery mildew, a fungaldisease. It is perfectly normal for theleaves to wilt in very hot weather,and they will revive towards evening.If they don’t, water well. Mulch theplants well with straw or dry grass tokeep the soil moist, to prevent weeds(surface roots are easily damaged byshallow tilling) and to prevent thefruits from resting on the soil.Harvesting: Baby marrows shouldbe harvested when they are young,no more than 15 cm long and about3 - 4 days after the flowers open;so watch your plants because themarrows grow extremely quickly.Before you know it they have grownenormous, and are watery andtasteless. Frequent picking stimulatesthe plants to produce more fruits,and the plants remain productive forup to two months.Cut the fruits off with a sharp knifeto avoid damage to the plant andremember not to throw the flowersaway. Cover them with a thin batter,deep-fry until crisp and enjoy as asnack.Seed-saving: Allow one marrow onone plant to grow to full size. Dryit out and collect the seeds. Storethem on a cool, dry place in a paperenvelope for next season.The Festive Seasonis upon usGift ideas from the gardenSome inexpensive, and fun, ideasfor taking the sting out of end-ofyearcelebrations:• Home-made jams andchutneys, atjars and picklesfrom fruit and veggies grown inyour own garden and bottled inrecycled glassware.• Bouquets of home-grownherbs, salad leaves and edibleflowers tied up with colouredribbon.• Decorative garlands with greenleaves, sweet-smelling herbs,flowers, bright red chillies anddried orange and lemon slicescoated with clear varnish.• A selection of seeds saved fromyour garden for starting a herband vegetable garden.• An assortment of home-madelabels for vegetable and herbgardens. Cut plastic bottlesinto neat strips and draw littlepictures on them to showwhat has been planted ineach row. You could also paintplant names and pictures ontosmooth stones.• Small herb garden in a pot -parsley, basil, chives, marjoram.• A bag of compost (or vermicompost)made from your ownhousehold and garden waste.Baby Marrow Recipes forthe Home GardenerBaby marrow soupA light, fresh, colourful soup thatis just as good cold.6 small baby marrows, cubedSalt2 onions, finely chopped1 clove finely chopped garlic1 tablespoon vegetable oil2 tablespoons butter5 cups vegetable stock2 tablespoons fresh, choppedherbs (combination of origanum /marjoram, basil, parsley & chives)2 tablespoons lemon juiceSalt & freshly ground pepper to taste<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 51

• Place cubed or shredded babymarrows in a colander, sprinklewith salt, and allow to drain forabout 30 minutes.• In a large soup pot sauté onionsand garlic in oil and meltedbutter until the onions aregolden.• Dry the baby marrows and addto onions and cook over lowheat for about 5 minutes. Addvegetable stock and simmer for15 minutes.Mash the soup with a potato masher,or push through a sieve. Return topot and season with herbs, lemonjuice, and salt and pepper. Reheatand serve sprinkled with choppedparsley and chives.Baby marrow and carrot saladwith orange sauce3 teaspoons vegetable oil3 large carrots, sliced3 baby marrows, finely cut3 teaspoons grated orange rind2 tablespoons orange juicepepperHeat the oil in a large frying pan.Add the carrots and baby marrows.Stir-fry for 4 minutes or until thecarrot is tender, but still slightlycrisp. Add the orange rind and juice.Mix well. Season with pepper. Serveimmediately.Baby marrow fritters2 eggs½ cup self-raising flour2 cups grated baby marrows1 tablespoon grated lemon rind1 tablespoon chopped mint½ cup milk1 tablespoon oil for fryingSeparate the eggs. Beat the eggwhites until soft peaks form, add theyolks and lightly beat. Fold in theflour, baby marrows, lemon rind andmint. Add sufficient milk to make asoft batter. Drop spoonfuls into theoil in a frying pan and cook on bothsides till brown and crisp.Vegetable pieThis dish can be made ahead oftime, refrigerated, and baked later– a great idea for a light supper ora picnic.3 large baby marrows, sliced1 unpeeled brinjal, slicedWho are the Hathors?2 tablespoons vegetable oil2 cloves garlic, finely chopped1/3 cup spring onions and tops,chopped3 eggs1 teaspoon of mixed herbs -basil,thyme, origanum1 teaspoon salt½ teaspoon freshly ground pepper2 cups grated cheddar cheesePreheat oven to 180°C. Thinly slicethe baby marrows and brinjals. Heatthe oil in a large pan and sauté garlicuntil limp, then add chopped onionsand prepared vegetables. Sauté,turning and stirring, for about 7minutes. Meanwhile, beat eggs untilfrothy, adding seasoning. Combinethe vegetables with the beaten eggs.Place in a baking dish, cover withgrated cheese. Bake at 180°C for 40minutes or until golden brown.Serve with sweet-sour cucumbersauce.Enjoy the Fruits of YourLabour!Soil for Life runs monthlyworkshops in Cape Town on allaspects of organic gardening.Check the website for“We are the Hathors. We come in love and with the sounding of a new dream reality for your earth. If you are ready to buildthe new world, we invite you to join us on a journey of the mind and heart. We are your elder brothers and sisters. We havebeen with you for a very long period of your evolution on this planet. We were with you in eons past - even in the forgottendays before any trace of us is known in your present written history. Our own nature is energetic and interdimensional. Weoriginally came from another universe by way of Sirius which is a portal to your Universe, and from Sirius we eventually proceededto your solar system and the etheric realms of Venus.”“We are what you might term an ascended civilization - a group of beings existing at a specific vibratory field, even as youhave an energy signature. It is simply that we vibrate at a faster rate than you. Nonetheless, we are all part of the mystery, partof the love that holds and binds all the universe together.”“We are not saviors; we’re not messianic. We wanted to clearly step out of that projection so that the reader understood thatwe were simply elder brothers and sisters offering our understanding and what we have learned. You may take it or leave itbut we offer it freely. In our understanding, the belief that different alien intelligences are going to save you, and the beliefthat when you enter a photon belt you will magically be transformed, are just projection of human unconsciousness. The hopethat someone or something will save you, that you will not have to make any changes in yourself, that you will not have to beresponsible, is unrealistic.” -from “The Hathor Material” by Tom Kenyon and Virginia Essene<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 52

The Dissolution of the Old Worldand the Birthing of the Newby the Hathors, through Tom KenyonIn this message we wish to giveyou some specifics regarding thefinancial and earth changes thatare now upon you. We had hintedat the probability of this in previousplanetary messages, but now theprobabilities have become realities.The main focus of our intent for thiscommunication appears toward theend when we will share what wefeel you can do, individually, to ridethe storm.The Current Financial CrisisThose who have created/sustained thedominant planetary economic systemare now finding themselves with their“backs against the wall.” This is becausethe system, as it exists, is not self-sustaining.It is a form of imprisonment andis not in attunement with the shiftingfrequencies of consciousness that aretaking place (albeit embryonically) onearth. And so financial institutions areattempting to re-organize themselves.But this is an attempt to perpetuatethat which cannot be sustained. Theyare simply trying to re-arrange cards inthe House of Cards.But their attempts will ultimately be futile.This is because the current economicsystem is based upon greed, lies, control,and manipulation, and these thoughtforms, these cultural paradigms, are notin alignment with the new consciousnessthat is arising. What you are witnessingis the dissolution of that whichneeds to pass away, but that which willtake its place has not arisen, and so itis a very frightening passage for thosemarooned in 3Dimensional reality.The financial situation is complex andinterconnected. The difficulties currentlyexperienced in both the United Statesand England will affect the entire globaleconomy. These will be difficult times interms of monetary considerations, butparadoxically these can be extraordinarilyuplifting times spiritually.We anticipate further deteriorationof the financial markets in the UnitedStates, Europe and Asia. The corporatestructures responsible for perpetuatingthe dominant economic paradigms willfind themselves on very flimsy ground.This will unquestionably result in theloss of jobs, real income, and an increaseof suffering for individuals. Our advice isget to know your community, yourimmediate surrounding community,because as the system implodes, it willbe local relationships that matter.Another element that makes this periodparticularly volatile is that your perceptionof time is changing. Culturallyperceived time is speeding up and moreseems to be happening in less time. Thisis oc curring both for individuals and forthe culture as a whole. This rapid movementand changing of events shallbecome faster and faster.You are entering a relentless pace inwhich your perception of time willincreasingly ac celerate. Because yourperception of time is speeding up, andthe events within those time-framesare increasing in number, many willenter a kind of shock, a state of disbelief.Specifically, it is unimaginable that theeconomic system can deteriorate sorapidly! What do you do when money isscarce and the things you are used to inyour life are hard to acquire? These arecritical questions.Collective humanity is at a pivotal pointfor it is at the cusp of new culturalparadigms—a shifting from fixation on3Dimensional reality into a realizationof higher dimensions and the possibilitiesthat will be open to all as a result.While such a shift of cultural awarenesssounds inviting, the actual process isextremely chaotic, which is what you arenow in the midst of.Factors of NoveltyAs chaos increases, over the next severalyears, you can expect to see radical increasesin what could be described asfactors of novelty. By novelty, we are referringto a concept borrowed from yourphysics. We are not using the term as itis used in your mainstream culture,which is essentially the mindless pursuitof that which is new and different to fillin the void created by emotional desperationand emptiness.Novelty, as we are using the term, refersto unintentional and unanticipatedchanges within a system. These changescan be positive, negative or both.The term, factors of novelty, refers to thephenomenon that incidents of noveltyexponentially increase as systems enterinto a state of chaos. And the probabilityfor chaos increases when you havemany different systems interacting atac celerated rates. Unexpected resultsand situations, that were never anticipatedor intended, can and will arise. Asnovelty increases worldwide, it willcreate mental and emotional strain formany individuals—primarily due to thefact that the paradigms that they haveused to navigate through life will be(and are) dissolving right before them.As difficult as these times are, and as difficultas they will be in the near future,there is an evolutionary catalyst withinall of this.New ways of thinking and new ways ofgenerating resources have to be createdif humanity is to survive. The old wayssimply cannot continue. This is becausethey are not self-sustaining; they areintrinsically damaging to life; they arebased upon lies and manipulation, andthey are out of alignment with the newspiritual energies that are entering thescene. Nevertheless, those who have createdand sustained the lies are doing<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 53

everything in their power to keep theHouse of Cards intact.Your evolutionary opportunity in all ofthis is to pass through the storm by living(metaphorically speaking) in thecenter of the hurricane—the eye of thestorm—where it is calm. We will offersome suggestions for this in a moment,but let us turn our attention to the EarthChanges, for they are upon you.In previous communications we saidthat the melting of thepolar icecaps and the glacierswould ac celerate faster thanscientists anticipated, andindeed, this is the case. Thisshall continue to ac celerateand the models of weathergenerated by computers willnot acurately predict thechanges. Like everything elseupon your earth, all changesshall ac celerate. From our perspectivewe see an increase inthe intensity of hurricanes, andwe see them arising in timeswhen they do not traditionallyoc cur. There will be an increasein tornados and aberrantweather. Alterations in thecycle of the seasons (where falland winter patterns ocur inspring and summer and viceversa) will continue to escalate.Plants and animals that havebased their life rhythms uponthese seasons shall be increasinglyconfused. Due to theseand other climatic changes(as well as earthquake andvolcanic activity), we anticipateincreasing food and watershortages over the next twodecades.Another critical element in thisevolutionary stew is the upcoming Presidentialelections in the US. For better orworse this Office affects not just theUnited States, but also the entire world,and while there are differences betweenthe two camps, in some fundamental areasthey are the same. Those who pursuethe Office (from within the ranks of thetwo major political parties) may indeedhave their personal visions of whatAmerica and the world can be, but theyare like pawns on a chessboard, and theones who move the pawns are largelyunseen. Unfortunately, their agenda isnot the health and well-being of theUnited States, nor of the world. Theiragenda is the consolidation of power.And the confinement and imprisonmentof the human spirit that results fromtheir blind pursuit of earthly power doesnot concern them.An unprecedented collision of forcesis now upon you. The economic andpolitical situations, conjoined withearth changes are creating a crack in thefacade. This facade is nothing less thanthe cultural, economic, political andreligious illusions and delusions thatpeople have “bought into.” More andmore individuals will see through thelies, simply because things will fall apart.The curtains that were hiding the lieswill fall. This is not a graceful process.But the old ways of being and doingmust come to an end, in order that newways can take root.It shall be increasingly difficult to perpetuatethe old world in the same waysit has been perpetuated. And by this wemean both the old world of your civilizationand the old world of your ownpersonal lives. As the wave of spiritualevolution ac celerates, those who insistupon living in the old paradigms willfind it increasingly difficult. Fear andparanoia will be the tone of the day,from the minutest aspects of personallife to international relations. This “tugof war” between that which wishes toremain locked in place, tugging againstthose forces that wish to open the worldto new possibilities shall indeed becomea surrealisticexperience.The evolutionary pressuresupon individuals and societyare extraordinary, and those individualswho are less centered(psychologically imbalanced)may experience an increase inirrational behaviors. Manycountries around the world arealready seeing a rise in irrationalacts and unusual crimes.Escape VelocityWe have spoken about it onnumerous oc casions, andalthough it is very simple, it isa powerful ally. Your word forit is appreciation and what wemean by this is the ability toappreciate the smallest thingsin your life as well as the largethings.Appreciation is a fascinatingvibrational field with multipleeffects. As you watch your economicsystem go through itsmetamorphosis, as you watchearth changes increasing andthe stresses upon those aroundyou escalating, including theescalation of stress on yourself,remember the doorway ofappreciation. All you have todo is step into this field and the disturbancesaround you will be less able toeffect you negatively. The situations youare dealing with might not change, butyour emotional response to them will beof a higher order. And you will be moreresourceful in how you deal with thechallenges you are facing.Were we to describe, in detail, the probablefuture in terms of negative events,it would be overwhelming. That is notour intent, and so we will not discuss it.What we wish to discuss is escape velocity.How do you escape the negative,<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 54

imprisoning forces that continueto confine you and the human spirit?The most efficient and simpleway is to cultivate appreciation—asridiculous as that may sound in theface of the immense challenges facingyour earth. Appreciation is a keythat will unlock the doorway to thenew world, even as the old worlddissolves and falls apart, as it must.As the spiritually driven evolutionaryforces increase, and the ripin the fabric of your civilizationbecomes clear to more and moreindividuals, there will be a tendencyfor those who are fixatedon 3Dimensional reality (withoutac cess to the higher dimensions ofthemselves) to enter into a state ofmental and emotional shock, a kindof numbness. You can recognizethese numb people because theywill walk and talk like normal, butthey are like zombies, half aware,half alive. Have compassion forthese individuals because they arecaught between the old world thatis passing away and an uncertainfuture that has yet to be born. Havecompassion, yet be wary of them. Do notlet them seduce you into their numbnessand fear.If you learn to live in appreciation, youwill enter a domain, a vibration that willcarry you through the chaos of thesetimes. You will find a type of solace andcomfort, and the vibrational rate ofyour energy body will increase. At somepoint you will reach what we call escapevelocity. You will easily step out of the illusionsand the lies of the old world. Youwill see them for what they are, and youwill become a joyous co-creator of a newworld that is being birthed even as theold world passes away right before youreyes.- The Hathors through Tom KenyonSeptember 22, 2008 Orcas Island, WA -Thoughts and Observations fromthe channel, Tom KenyonWhen the Hathors gave me this particularplanetary message there was no hintthat the Wall Street fiasco was coming.At least I hadn’t heard about it, let’s saythat.I am amazed at how quickly things arechanging and I have to acknowledgethat the Hathors were bang on (onceagain).When I was in the eighth grade, myalgebra teacher would always introducea new section of the curriculum with aslight grin on her face. She would lookdown at the book and then up at theclass with these words—”it’s going toget worser before it gets better.”I think that’s what the Hathors are sayinghere as well. We are all in for a heckof a ride. But the strange thing aboutcollective mayhem is that there arealways islands of sanity, solace and comfort.I agree with them that we must findthis within ourselves, and I agree withthem that it is probably a good idea forus to get to know our neighbors.As usual, the Hathors emphasize theimportance of appreciation. They say atone point that we need to cultivateappreciation for the small things in life,not just the big. And as they have saidpreviously, we need to learn how tocreate this feeling in the moment withouthaving a specific reason to be happy.That may seem odd to some, choosing toexperience appreciation when nothinghas happened to make us feel that way.But essentially what the Hathors aresaying is that appreciation is aspecific vibration of consciousnessand when we are in that vibrationwe are elevated. And I suspect thatsuch skills as self-elevation (whenmany around us are in distress) willbe an excellent skill to have.Like all skill building, repetitionand actually doing it (in this case,entering into appreciation) is thekey. If you are new to these Hathormessages, I encourage you to go tothe Archives and take a look at theirpostings regarding Ecstasy and theHeart. It is a very interesting andbeneficial way of experimentingwith the state of appreciation.And although they do not mentionit in this message, you would findtheir messages about the Holon ofBalance and the Holon of Healinghelpful. Descriptions of how tocreate Holons also appear in theArchives. many of you no doubt know, theChinese word for transformation consistsof two ideograms that translateas—danger and opportunity. There isno question that we are entering intodangerous times. But there are opportunitiesas well.The evolutionary question is: will you,me, and we (the great collective) find theopportunities to create a new future forourselves? Or will we get quagmired inthe old world of perception and belief?If the Hathors are right about this, andI think they are, we would all do wellto cultivate more appreciation. Thenperhaps, we will self-elevate enough torecognize that we live in an amazinguniverse brimming with possibilitieseven as those of us in the old worldstruggle with how to enter the new.Tom Kenyon Orcas, WashingtonCopyright 2008 Tom Kenyon. All RightsReserved www.tomkenyon.comYou may make and share copies of thismessage in any media so long as you donot alter it in any way, credit it to TomKenyon, and include this copyrightnotice.<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 55

BLOCKED PASSIONS - HOW TORECLAIM AND LIVE YOUR DREAM LIFEJena’sHand in it Allby j e n a Gr i f f i t h sw w w .ha n d a n a l y s i s o n l i n e .c o mIs your life in danger ofbeing hijacked?In some countries there is a very realdanger of being hijacked and havingyour car stolen. In other countries it’syour biggest dreams that get taken,right from under your nose. I’m notsure which is worse. A gun squeezedagainst your temple for your car keys, ora dream squeezed out of you at an earlyage.In Switzerland, more than any othercountry, the risks of having your carkeys taken are virtually nil. Still, dreamhijacking is huge. And just because youcan’t see the violence, doesn’t meanit isn’t there. So, how do dreams gethijacked?Have you ever watched a frigate birdin action? This is a big black sea bird.Frigates are the pirates of the bird world.They even look like pirates! These birdshover up high waiting for other seabirdsto catch a fish. As soon as they spot onewith a full beak they dive bomb. Thepoor gull gets such a fright they droptheir dinner and the frigate scoops upthe bounty without missing a wing beat.Something similar happens in the humanworld. It’s called shame and humiliation.Children are most vulnerable to beingshamed or humiliated. So are peoplewho haven’t really examined who theyare and what they stand for. You getbumped and whoops. Next minuteyou’re on another track, and your lifefeels empty.How does this work? Something happensto cause you to feel deeply shamed. (Youget dive-bombed) This is an unbearablefeeling and often the only solution is tosimply numb out. The more you numbout, the more you lose touch with yourcore desires. (You drop your fish, the onething that feeds you.) This then causesyou to numb out even more. You’reno longer connected to your feelings.Now anything can happen. You have noboundaries, maybe even no respect. Youbecome putty in anyone’s hands,easily molded. This causes even morenumbness and eventually (if you’relucky!) anger or depression. Why lucky?Well then you know something’s wrongand you can fix it.This sounds extreme and it can be,especially in cases of sexual violation.But what about shaming as a formof social control, by teachers or overauthoritarianparents? We get trained totow the line, conform, be responsibleand quit dreaming. So we put ourdeepest dreams on hold, often for anentire lifetime. Sometimes the only wayto cope with this violation is to numbout completely to your heart’s calling.We become numb to our own feelingsand deep passions. Sometimes thisnumbness is so deep and has lasted solong we don’t even know it exists!So, what can we do? We can find outwho we really are and what we reallywant. A very good way to do this isthrough hand analysis. Also, ask yourself:who really is steering my life? If youdon’t choose what you want to do withevery minute of your life, someoneelse will do this for you! Look back atyour last week, last month, last year. Towhat extent did you do what you reallywanted or was it someone else’s idea?Sometimes we think we are steering butactually we aren’t!How so? We are creatures of habit andhabitual thinking. Most of our habitscome from our parents or early teachers.<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 56As Bob Proctor says: “You are theproduct of someone else’s habitual wayof thinking.” To what extent are youconscious of the habits and beliefsystems controlling your life? To whatextent are you making decisions basedon faulty thinking inherited from yourfamily: generational fear, ignorance,stories told over and over? We can’tchange what we are not aware of.The good news? You can change anyhabit or belief you like. It takes only 21days of willpower and then the newhabit/belief becomes automatic andruns on autopilot. The problem is, weoften don’t know what faulty thinking isrunning our lives. If you don’t know whatto change, you can’t change it!Questions I ask myself: what are thesecondary benefits to staying blocked?What am I currently getting out of notmoving forward? To what extent are youaware of the choices you make and yourcore values? And to what extent areyou in touch with your deepest heart’sdesire: Your soul’s calling? Are youbeing blocked from living your passionsby faulty family thinking? Or are youbeing blocked by shame? The more youexplore what’s really blocking you, andwhat you value, the freer you become tolive the life of your dreams.Jena Griffiths is an IIHAcertified hand analyst andlife purpose support coach.She also has BA, Bsc andBsc(hons) degrees and postgraduate diplomas in psychologyand education.Jena grew up in South Africaand was SA triathlon champin 1989 and South Africa’stop cyclist in the late 80’sand early 90’s. She pioneeredwomen’s cycling in SouthAfrica. 10 years ago she leftSA to ‘go sailing’ and hassailed around the world, one third of it witha child onboard. Jena lives in Switzerlandwhere she does private consultations in handanalysis and Life Purpose Support counsellingin Sternenberg and downtown Winterthur(Canton Zürich). She also consults worldwideby telephone or by skype.

The way I see it, here are 4 steps:1. Explore who you are2. Explore what you really want. Are yourwants really your wants?3. Explore what you stand for (yourvalues)4. Figure out what’s blocking you. Whyknow your values? Because if youknow what you stand for you can’t getbumped/humiliated. They can’t shameyou and you become less dependent onothers for praise and evaluation. Also, ifyour wants clash with your values thenthey are probably not your wants butsomeone else’s.Here’s a small example from my life.The other day I went to visit a friendand I took a video with me of my son‘practicing’ his violin. I thought the videowas rather funny but my friend washorrified. There he was, strumming thisdelicate precious instrument singing,‘I’ve got a little guitar, oh yeah!’ Actuallyshe was more than horrified. It waspainful for her to even look at the videoand she chastised me for allowingit. If I didn’t have a clear idea of whatmy values are, that I value creativeexpression over material object, I mayhave felt deeply shamed and would havestarted tightening up on Jules in waysthat don’t align with my heart.But let’s push this to the extreme. Whatif he stomps on his violin and sets fire toit like Jimmy Hendrix? I’ll probably juststrangle him! He can do that when he’s avirtuoso and bought the thing himself.Yes, Jules does have to learn to respectand care for his musical instrument and,as his mother, this is my responsibility toteach. But I believe he also has to be freeto experiment with creative expression.Where to draw the line? There are noright and wrong answers here. It is just aquestion of values and why you need tobe completely clear and totally consciousabout what you personally treasuremost.What do you value most in life? Freedomor security? Continuity or creativeexpression? Family or independence?Pure air or owning a car? Once you knowwhat you stand for you cannot be shiftedoff course by other people. You cannotbe shamed. You will be less likely to dropyour fish when a frigate dive-bombs you.You’re prepared! You’ve thought aboutthe subject and made a conscious, ratherthan unconscious choice.Yesterday a young man came in tohave his hands analyzed. He wanted tobecome a film director. I explained theimportance of him getting clear on hisvalues. If he decides to go back to schoolat age 28 and this means moving back inwith his mother for a few years he won’tfeel shame about this if he has clearlychosen living his passion over financialindependence in the short term. Peoplecould tease him as much as they likedbut he wouldn’t feel a thing because hehad made a conscious choice.Back to blocked passions and finding outwhat yours are. There’s hand analysisfor exploring who you are and showingyou where you are blocked. And there’retechniques for helping you leapfrog overfaulty family thinking.How do blocked passions show up inhands? This issue can show up in thefingerprints or in the lines. If it shows upin the fingerprints, this is a major issue inyour life. How does it show up infingerprints? The lowest rankedfingerprint is on left index finger. And inLines? I look for a combination of these:An anger lineA depression lineAn index finger that bends away fromthe thumb (a power giveaway marker)a can’t say no lineA co-dependency lineA burden of expectations marker.These just some of many examples.If you’d like to know more, purchasethe teleclass on these markers from mywebsite.Happy reclaiming your life!Stop -- and look at your experience.You will discover that freedom always exists in the form of the opportunity to make a differentchoice. Whether or not you take advantage of this opportunity depends upon whether ornot you believe you are free to choose.ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESSplace your advertisement NOW !first 5 advertisers receive a FREE Enchantrix Dawn at : • tel: 082 485 6361<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 57

Sodastream Goes GreenAbout the Sodastream Pure Drinks-maker:• An elegantly designed drinks-maker for the preparation of sparklingwater and flavored sparkling beverages at home.• Carefully designed with attention to every minute detail, utilizinghigh quality plastics and brushed stainless steel.• The drinks-maker is sold together with 2 specially designed reuseablecarbonating bottles, and a Sodastream CO 2cylinder whichenables preparation of up to 60 liters of sparkling drink.The benefits of the Sodastream Pure Drinks-maker, compared toready made bottled drinks:• Provides the user with an endless supply of sparkling water, freshlymade from tap water in just a few seconds.• No more need to buy, carry or store large quantities of heavy and bulkybottles.• A wide variety of healthy and natural flavors are produced by Sodastreamand are available alongside the Pure, so that each family member canhave whichever deliciously healthy sparkling flavor they fancy.• The ability to make sparkling water as strong or as weak as one likes,makes the machine an ideal solution for the entire family’s sparklingbeverage needs.Protecting the environment – an ideal alternative to ready madebottled drinks:• The Sodastream Pure, together with all other drinks-makers madeby Sodastream, are a fantastic alternative to the pollution andwaste that are caused by the transportation and disposal of billionsof plastic bottles each year.• Users of the Pure can be proud that they are actively contributingto the preservation of the planet.Sodastream’s “Pure” Sparkling Drinks-Maker Receives the Red Dot Design Award!Sodastream, the world leader in home produced sparkling beverages, is proud to announce that its latestDrinks-maker, The Sodastream Pure, has received the prestigious Red Dot award.<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 58

Confessionsof aConvertedCarrot Cruncherby Patricia Gly nIn the Glyn family, smoking goesdown about as well as a Mexicanwave at a funeral. Many were thetimes when my sister and I weretold that apart from being a healthhazard, smoking is what ‘common’girls do. Just as only ‘common’ girlssit on their boyfriends’ laps. Or usepaper serviettes rather than linentable napkins.Having given you these insights into myupbringing, dearly beloved <strong>Biophile</strong>r, Iam relying on you to keep the followinginformation from my mother. Not onlyhave I used kitchen roller towel at mysupper table, but I’ve done far morelibidinous things than merely sit on aboyfriend’s lap. And – horror of horrors –I have S-M-O-K-E-D!And how have I smoked! How have Igleefully sucked a Camel cloud into myluckless lungs. I am not a nicotine addictso much as a smoker by association. Ismoke a) when I’m heartbroken, b) whenI’m very pissed, or c) when I’m around acamp fire in the great outdoors.So it is that my sister happened upon meat about 4pm one weekday afternoon,sitting in my garden, naked as the day Iwas born, blubbing uncontrollably overthe cad who’d just dumped me, andsucking on a fag.WHAT I DIDN’T LEARN BEHINDTHE BICYCLE SHEDSo it is that my friends happened uponme at about 4am one morning, dancingon their dining room table, skunky drunk,and attempting to suck on 10 fags at onetime. Truly! I have the photo to prove it.And so it is that my hiking buddieshappened upon me recently, lollingcontentedly in a camping chair after agreat day under huge skies, chucklingdeeply over the love of wilderness, androlling a skyf.Ja, ja, ja I know – smoking is a revoltinghabit. It’s smelly, unhealthy and (yes,Mum!) decidedly unladylike. But it’s alsomost pleasurable on occasion (at leastfor some of us). And because it’s a habitthat has never savagely overtaken mylife, I have never felt impelled to give itup. Until 10 th October this year.On that day I received an email fromToni Brockhoven, one of South Africa’stireless campaigners for animal rightsand in particular for the cessation of thedespicable Foie Gras industry. It wastitled:“Are you still smoking? And stillconsider yourself an animal lover?”Well, that sure caught my attention.And the rest of the mail caught myheart. It outlined the quite disgustingexperiments that the US governmentsponsors to this very day in order to –wait for it - analyse the effects of nicotineon animals. Millions of dollars aregranted to the NIH (National Institutes ofHealth) to establish what smoking doesto the lungs and fetuses of monkeys,rats and mice. I’m not going to ruin yourday by detailing these experiments, butif you have the stomach for them, go And even if you don’t gothere, please won’t you sign a petition tostop this practice? You’ll find it at stuff makes me incandescentlymad. I mean, how much more do weneed to know about the harmful effectsof nicotine? As they say on the site,we know so much about it that “BigTobacco’s best attorneys couldn’t talktheir way out of the landmark $209billion Master Settlement Agreement(MSA) of 1998 between 46 states andthe U.S. tobacco industry.”Further, we have also long known thatit’s a very dangerous thing to extrapolateresults from clinical trials on animalsto humans – that’s why the final stageof testing is always on us. Animalexperiments, for instance, have routinelyfailed to demonstrate that smokingcauses lung and other forms of cancer inthem – but we know all too well that itdoes in us.What’s happening in these labs (and ofcourse many others around the globe)is both futile and outrageous. And themost obvious way of protesting againstthese experiments is – well, obvious.But the site also provided me witha most effective piece of aversiontherapy. Take a look at this photo. Takea long look at it. I did, and you cancall me anthropomorphic if you dare,but those two pathetically vulnerable,terrified monkeys stopped me smokingimmediately – and for ever.Brickbats and bouquets welcome<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 59

The InboxLou Bognon is a spiritual healer, author,teacher, producer and presenter of TheInner Voice, an inspirational programon Channel Africa which is broadcastinternationally in English and orlou@loubognon.comTHE CURRENT GLOBALFINANCIAL CRISISfrom aSpiritualPerspectiveby Lo u Bo g n o nw w w .lo u b o g n o n .c o mWe are indeed powerfulcreators of our realities.And, now we are facing oneof the most interesting of our creations:the global financial crisis, evenif most of us will disown the idea ofhaving had anything to do with it inthe first place.From a spiritual perspective of course,the financial crisis is excellent news forour collective growth and evolution as aspecies.Perhaps now - that we no longer canafford be so focused on “things” and howmany of them our money can buy afterhaving created this new reality of lack inthe money supply - we will start tappinginto our inner world and relate to eachother in more profound and meaningfulways. After all, we have been flirtinglong enough with the surface of things,through the stuff we wear, buy, give,receive, consume, waste, tuck and throwaway.I cannot help but refer to my third book,The Divine Laws, where we are informedof the soon to come time of “crumbling”when all systems that no longerfunction for the greatest good of all willdisintegrate before our eyes and we willbe inundated with obsolete staff that nolonger serve any purpose.As I drive along the many highways ofJohannesburg, I cannot help noticinghow the big SUV’s (sports utility vehicles)are starting to look (at least to me) moreand more like “FUV’s” (funerary utilityvehicles). Personally, I have nothingagainst such vehicles per se – when andwhere they serve their purpose in farmsand rural areas where most roads reallyneed the gifts of a 4x4.This observation aside, what we arewatching is just not the beginning ofthe “crumbling” but a confirmation anda consolidation of the new reality thatinforms us that things cannot stay asthey are and so it is that we have created,collectively, crisis after crisis to come tothis important point.As the European leaders met in Chinathis week to discuss this financial crisisand try to persuade the Chinese to partwith some of the many trillions of theirhard earned savings as a direct resultof their hard labour and multi-factoryproduction in their heartland, it wasironic to actually witness the death ofcapitalism just as taught by Marx, Engelsand Lenin, namely: “for capitalism to dieall that was needed was to give it enoughrope so that it would hang itself”.And so it came to pass that capitalismhanged itself in the great hall of China’scommunist party as China listened toits request for help and replied usingmore of the same rope and more of thesame capitalist rhetoric as we have beenhearing from all capitalist capitals: - letthe IMF become even more powerfuland involved.Given China’s astronomical reservesin US dollars, it begs this pertinentquestion: how long will they hold onto the tons of paper and bonds andtherefore how long and/or what willtake for them to “suicide the dollar” alltogether? Time alone will tell. This is apotential reality already inscribed in themany future probabilities and the globalshift of power to the east, predictedby Chinese visionaries a very long timeago, even before the rise (and the fall) ofcommunism.And so it is that we are now faced witha reality where we all need to facehow obsessed we have become withbuying, collecting, showing-off and evenclassifying each other by the amountand size of the outward staff. This hasbred so much fear (of not having andbeing enough) so much injustice, greed,insecurity and misery that it is onlynormal that the frenzy sooner or later,had to come to an end.And this is where we are at present. Theleast affected are those who remainedsomewhat awake through this creationand therefore did not engage theillusion or the frenzy. The more affectedare those still trapped in the victimrole. Too late though, to blame stockexchanges, banks, politicians, policies orconspiracies.This is the time to create anew. This isa time to learn to let go of any idea ofa saviour and a fixer – we are indeedthe ones we have been waiting for allalong – and it is time for this new realityto sink in. No politician and no economist(certainly not of the type we have beenaccustomed to anyway), will make anydifference – we need to start taking ourlives into our own hands and soon realisethat the least we rely on the crumblingsystem/s the better off we will be.In closing I am reminded to quote thewords made famous by Jimmy Hendrix:“When the Power of Love will overcomethe love of power - the world will knowpeace”.This applies to America, Zimbabwe,South Africa, Canada, and/or every singlecountry on Earth, as the Power of Lovehas nowhere, as yet, overcome the loveof power. But we could create this reality.Now! Who we really are, our truespiritual identity – can indeed -createanything at all.<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 60

Global Cooling: Alaskan Glaciers Grow For FirstTime In 250 YearsBy Paul Joseph Watson - Prison PlanetPlans to implement a worldwidecarbon tax in the nameof saving the planet fromglobal warming have takenanother blow after it was revealedthat Alaskan glaciershave grown for the first timein 250 years after an abnormallycool summer.Now that the planet has naturallyexited a warming trend and is headingtowards a new “big chill,” as evidencedby the near complete halt in sunspotactivity, the glaciers are expandingonce again.Temperatures 3 degrees below averagecaused winter snow to remain for longer,prompting the increase in glacialmass, reports the Daily Tech.“Since 1946, the USGS has maintaineda research project measuring thestate of Alaskan glaciers. This year sawrecords broken for most snow buildup.It was also the first time since anyrecords began being that the glaciersdid not shrink during the summermonths,” according to the report.The biggest shrinkage witnessed in theregion occurred between 1741 and1900, during which the glaciers lostabout 15 per cent of their total mass asthe earth began to exit the climatologicalperiod coined the Little Ice Age.Correct me if I’m wrong, but CO2spewing cars and jumbo jets were nottoo prevalent in the 18th and 19thcenturies.And now that the planet has naturallyexited a warming trend and is headingtowards a new “big chill,” as evidencedby the near complete halt in sunspotactivity, the glaciers are expandingonce again.Years more growth in the Alaskanglaciers “might mark the beginningof another Little Ice Age,” notes thereport.The expansion of the glaciers follows asimilar occurrence in the Arctic, whichhas undergone an ice cover growthtwice the size of Germany in the pastyear, a gain of about thirteen percentfollowing a colder than usual year.Man-made global warming adherentshave attempted to downplay suchinstances as aberrations that defy awider warming trend, but in realityno global warming has been observedsince at least 1999 or even 1995, asUniversity of Finland professor Jarl R.Ahlbeck maintains.Evidence that the planet is tip-toeingtowards the onset of a new mini iceage continues to present itself followingunprecedented ice storms in Kenyaas well as Sydney experiencing its coldestAugust for 60 years.The cold snap arrives on the back ofthe Sun reaching a milestone not observedin nearly 100 years - the entiremonth of August passed without asingle sunspot being noted.Lack of solar activity in 2008 has coincidedwith evidence of a cooling trendacross the world.Earlier this year, China experiencedits coldest winter in 100 years whilenortheast America was hit by recordsnow levels and Britain suffered itscoldest Easter in decades as latebloomingdaffodils were poundedwith hail and snow on an almost dailybasis. The British summer also leftmany yearning for global warming,with temperatures in June and Julyrarely struggling to get over 16 degreesand on one occasion even dropping aslow as 9 degrees in the middle of theafternoon.Many parts of the U.S. suffered theircoldest April on record. Canada had itsthird coldest April since 1970.“Summer heat continues in shortsupply, continuing a trend that hasdominated much of the 21st Century’sopening decade,” reports the ChicagoTribune. “There have been only 162days 90 degrees or warmer at MidwayAirport over the period from 2000 to2008. That’s by far the fewest 90-degreetemperatures in the opening nineyears of any decade on record heresince 1930.”According to an Associated Press report,The Farmers Almanac is now alsopredicting “below-average temperaturesfor most of the U.S.” The publicationboasts of an 85 per cent accuracyrate for its forecasts which are giventwo years in advance.According to a report from the WorldMeteorological Organization lastmonth, the first half of 2008 was thecoolest for at least five years, addingthat it may actually be the coolestsince 2000.Man-made advocates have been losingcredibility in recent months onthe back of bizarre proposals to fightclimate change that include blockingout the sun with spaceships as well aseviscerating pristine old growth forests,despite wider evidence of a coolingtrend that is just beginning to manifestitself.<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 61

Are You Building Your Freedom Fund ?by Linda SmithDo you pay yourselffirst? For manypeople, saving theirmoney seems to beso hard to do. Withinterest rates hikesand the recent petrolprice increases, it getsharder to make endsmeet and so savinggets compromised.Many people reportthat they simplycannot afford to saveand that they would,if they could. “WhenI earn more, I willstart saving!” Soundfamiliar?When saving isdependant on earningmore, there willalways be anotherreason why “now” isnot the time to startsaving. Do you ever noticeyourself saying; “It is not enough!”That is a powerful belief that trapsso many people.You may find yourself believingthat when you earn enough tosave, then you will save. So howmuch is enough? When is theright time to start? The importantpoint to remember, it is not howmuch you make, but how muchyou keep, that counts!PRIMARY SAVINGSThat was exactly what Jenniferhad experienced. She had heardabout “paying yourself first” butwas uncertain about how toproceed. During her financialcoaching session, instead ofonly allocating all her expensesin her budget, we approached itdifferently. The savings portionwas allocated FIRST!!We started on saving 10% of herincome and allocated the rest ofher expenses on the remaining90%. The principle is to save apercentage of all the money youreceive, first and then to allocateall the other payments. It is abouthaving a commitment to yourselfand your own financial well being.What she found remarkable, wasthat during the month, she didmanage on the 90 percent.SECONDARYSAVINGSThe next part of thisfinancial managementprogram was forJennifer to set upusing cash, insteadof plastic, on a day today basis.Jennifer found thathaving the actual cashin her purse, madeher think twice beforeshe made a purchase.On certain occasions,she found that sheactually chose tokeep her moneyinstead of making thatpurchase.The “secondarysaving” opportunityhappened when shenoticed that at the endof the week, there wascash left in her purse.She was so delighted abouthaving money left over, that shesaved it. She paid herself again!Her pleasure in saving began toexceed her pleasure in spendingit.Now she watches her savingsgrow!How much will you keep?When is the right time to start?How about today?The 2009 Financial FreedomAbundance Diary is designed toguide you from debt to savings!<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 62

As you look back on the year thatwas, I trust you will find experiencesthat you can be grateful for.According to Socrates, “there is awhole lot to be thankful for, if youtake the time to look”. Before wemove on and focus on next year, it isimportant to understand that certainplanetary patterns carry forwardfrom one year to the next and itwould be relevant to understand thecurrent core issues that are not goingto go away anytime soon. This is notspecifically good or bad, it just is.What is important is to understandthe general implications and makethe lifestyle decisions that work withthe flow. As an example, if you knewthat weather patterns for your areawere consistently indicating rain, youcould carry an umbrella, even if thesun is shining when you leave home.If you chose not to, you should beprepared to suffer the consequences.CHANGEABLE TRENDS for thefuture were initiated in 2008. Withtransformational Pluto moving intoCapricorn and solid, unyieldingSaturn opposite changeable,sometimes revolutionary anddisruptive Uranus, the tone is setfor years to come. This reaches astressful peak, at the end of July2010, when this major challengingplanetary pattern signals change,challenge and crisis with capitalC’s. In June 2010 there is an eclipseon Pluto, the focal planet in thisheavenly pattern. This brings afocus of attention to conditions asdetermined by Pluto. Whateverunfolds in this time period, will bedetermined at this time. This signalsmajor global changes and will befelt widely in the macrocosm andpersonally in the microcosm, formany years to come. During Pluto’s16-year journey through Capricorn,CosmicDirectionsBernadette Medderof Cosmic DirectionsConsultant and Teachersince 1993021 794 4150,HELLO2009!there will be a breaking down of oldstructures to build a new foundation.This will occur in many differentfields but the key areas that will beaffected are those ruled by Capricornand include management style ofgovernments, major companies andfinancial institutions. There will bechanges to things of, or from, theearth, such as mining and farming.More importantly, there will bechanges regarding money in general,what it represents and how wevalue it. In short, the widely usedphrase “a new world order” seems tohold the essence of the meaning ofconditions to come.The world is ready for change, butthere are those who will try tosustain the conditions that theybelieve will serve them best. As Iwrite this article and look aroundfor current examples of astrologyat work, Zimbabwe has printeda one million dollar note and yetit still can’t buy much. The ANC,which came to power just as Plutowas leaving Scorpio and enteringSagittarius, is now splitting, justas Pluto is leaving Sagittarius andentering Capricorn. Under thecurrent astrological indicatorsthis split could reach problematicproportions between 2010 and2012. Barack Obama has just wonthe elections and becomes the firstman of colour to rule the USA. This isin keeping with current changeabletrends. There are those who areexcited and supportive of thesechanges, as represented by Uranus,but there are those who want tosustain the status quo as representedby Saturn. Within a day of Barack’svictory celebrations, security wasstepped up as yet another plotagainst his life was uncovered. Barackhas come into power this publicposition under challenging planetaryactivity and he is personally affectedby the eclipses of 2009. In keepingwith his personal birth chart, he willneed to be vigilant and cautiousabout his personal safety during histime in office.GREED AND FEAR seem to dominateeconomics. Recently I read a quoteby Warren Buffett, the famous,wealthy American financier, saying,“Be greedy when others are fearfuland fearful when others are greedy”.While I understand the basic conceptof this phrase I also instantly feltuncomfortable about the use ofthese particular words and theirastrological connotation. Whilethis phrase may have worked inthe past, fear and greed are bothto be avoided if we are to sustainequilibrium in current and futureconditions. Saturn rules both fearand greed, and Saturn is being<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 63

challenged for some years to come.With this astrological information,it would not be prudent to see thecurrent financial woes as a passingphase. The message is clear thatneither greed nor fear is the wayto go and I strongly suspect that itrelates to a lot more than just thestock market. This led me to havea look at the birth date of WarrenBuffett. A quick glance tells us thatWarren is heading for troubledtimes that will only be getting worseover the next few years. If we areto believe those who say he is therepresentative, some would say themanipulator, of the USA economy,then it supports the premise thatthings will get worse, and continuefor some time, before changing focusand improving years down the line.WHAT NOW, WHAT NEXT? Saturnopposite Uranus is with us fromnow and throughout 2009 and2010; even when they both changesigns they will still be opposing eachother. I have previously referred tothis aspect as “adapt or die” and Icontinue to suggest that in times ofchange we need to be adaptable.While other planetary patternsmay bring some relief, there istension in the heavens and this willbe experienced on the earth. Weneed to refrain from hooking intothe fear. This tension continuesfor some time to come, we needto learn how to work with ratherthan against it. Saturn representsstructure, limitations, restrictions,routine, discipline and formalities.Uranus represents freedom fromlimitations and restrictions, rebellion,change and sometimes disruption.It is important to understand thatone needs to come to grips with thethings that need to change but tofind the balance so that we can learnto embrace change, yet also realisethe value of sustaining things ofvalue where appropriate.SUNRISE ON 1 DECEMBER seesus awakening with the combinedenergy of expansive Sagittarius andrestrictive Capricorn. Fundamentallycontradictory in nature, the messageis that we should celebrate withmoderation. Have fun, be optimistic,enjoy this holiday period while beingresponsible and realistic. Overdoingthe partying and spending will haverepercussions. In true Capricornstyle, you need to take responsibilityfor your actions. By 12 December,the full-moon energy is involved inthe Saturn-Uranus tension, bringingthings to a head. The new moonon the 27 December brings 2008to a close with a line-up of sixplanets in Capricorn with a veryclose conjunction of Mars, Pluto,Sun and Moon. This is a powerfulcombination of planets. Mars andPluto together frequently triggerpower issues involving a ruthlesswin-at-all-costs attitude. It can triggeranger and activates disruption andconflict. One can achieve muchunder this planetary dynamic if youfocus this powerful energy positivelyand constructively. It is useful forthose fighting for just cause, thesport person wanting to win andthe weak fighting to survive. Thingsthat have been simmering underthe surface often come to a head,triggered by the action energy ofMars. Those who will be personallyaffected and need to be mindful ofthis are those whose birthdays arewithin the last few days of December,June, March or September.HELLO 2009! The tone for the NewYear is set by the same energycarried through from the time ofthe New Moon on 27 December.By 1 January the Moon has movedinto Aquarius, indicating that a goodtime can be had with like-mindedfriends. This Moon symbolises thegroup dynamic and the power ofstanding together as one, as groupsynergy is activated. Over a twodayperiod we have no less thaneight planets clumped together inCapricorn and Aquarius and theconjunction of Jupiter and Mercuryindicates the ability to tune in to thepositive and look for the promiseof the year a head in a realistic andpractical manner. The Moon and hertwo supporters, Venus and Neptune,ensure a good dose of positivereinforcement, especially for thosewho operate with the group dynamic,or the greater good of all and theability to open the compassionateheart. Focus on your vision for theyear ahead but don’t get lost infantasy. The same intense “fighting”energy prevails, so put the fight intoimportant things, engage in healthycompetitiveness, be mindful thatindividuals may not benefit as muchas standing together as a group.A TWELVE-YEAR CYLE of growth forAquarius is in store as Jupiter, theplanet of growth and expansionmoves into their sign in the first weekof January, for the year ahead. TheNew Moon on 26 January is a solareclipse in Aquarius which we willdiscuss in the next issue of <strong>Biophile</strong>.For now be aware that Mercury isretrograde from 11 January until 2February. For new readers of theback page of <strong>Biophile</strong>, this meansengage humour and be alert to theantics of the trickster planet thatrules, keys, time, communicationand all instruments involved. ‘Tillnext year, continue to grow throughchange, and don’t forget to find thegratitude.<strong>Biophile</strong> 25 • Page 64

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