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ACCP/SCCM Consensus Definitions• Infection– Inflammatory response tomicroorganisms, or– Invasion of normally steriletissues• Systemic InflammatoryResponse Syndrome (SIRS)– Systemic response to a varietyof processes• Sepsis– Infection plus– ≥2 SIRS criteria• Severe Sepsis– Sepsis– Organ dysfunction• Septic shock– Sepsis– Hypotension despite fluidresuscitation• Multiple Organ DysfunctionSyndrome (MODS)– Altered organ function in anacutely ill patient– Homeostasis cannot bemaintained without interventionBone RC et al. Chest. 1992;101:1644-55.

Microbiological eventInfectionSite of infectionCausativemicroorganism

Microbiological eventInfectionSite of infectionCausativemicroorganism

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