life of john picus earl of mirandola - The Center for Thomas More ...

life of john picus earl of mirandola - The Center for Thomas More ...

life of john picus earl of mirandola - The Center for Thomas More ...


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Picus’ Second Letter to Francis<br />

ing, but regard only the judgment <strong>of</strong> God,–Which° shall yield every<br />

man after his own works when He shall show Himself from heaven<br />

with the angels <strong>of</strong> His virtue, in flame <strong>of</strong> fire, doing vengeance upon<br />

them that have not known God nor obeyed His Gospel, which (as<br />

the apostle saith 1 ) shall suffer in death eternal pain, from the face <strong>of</strong><br />

our Lord and from the glory <strong>of</strong> His virtue, when He shall come to<br />

be glorified <strong>of</strong> His saints and to be made marvellous in all them that<br />

have believed. It is written: Nolite timere qui corpus possunt occidere, sed qui<br />

animam potest mittere in gehennam.–“Fear not them,” saith our Lord, “that<br />

may slay the body: but fear Him that may cast the soul into hell.” 2 How<br />

much less, then, be they to be feared that may neither hurt soul nor<br />

body? Which° if they now backbite thee living virtuously, 3 they shall<br />

do the same nevertheless if (virtue <strong>for</strong>saken) thou were overwhelmed<br />

with vice,–nor <strong>for</strong> that vice displeaseth them but <strong>for</strong> that the vice <strong>of</strong><br />

backbiting always pleaseth them. Flee if thou love thine health, flee as<br />

far as thou mayest their company and, returning to thyself, <strong>of</strong>tentimes<br />

secretly pray unto the most benign Father ⌐ <strong>of</strong> heaven ¬ , crying with<br />

the prophet: Ad te Domine levavi animam meam : Deus meus in te confido,<br />

non erubescam, etiam si irrideant me inimici mei. Etenim universi qui sperant in<br />

te non confundentur. Confundantur iniqua agentes supervacue. Vias tuas Domine<br />

demonstra mihi, et semitas tuas edoce me. Dirige me in veritate tua, et doce me:<br />

quia tu es Deus Salvator meus, et in te sperabo tota die,–that is to say, “To<br />

<strong>The</strong>e, Lord, I lift up my soul:¦ in <strong>The</strong>e I trust, I shall not be ashamed,<br />

an though mine enemies mock me. Certainly all they that trust in <strong>The</strong>e<br />

shall not be ashamed. Let them be ashamed that work wickedness in<br />

vain. Thy ways, good Lord, show me, and Thy paths teach me. Direct<br />

me in Thy truth, and teach me: <strong>for</strong> Thou art God, my Saviour; in <strong>The</strong>e<br />

shall I trust all the day.” 4 Remember also, my son, that the death lieth at<br />

hand. Remember that all the time <strong>of</strong> our <strong>life</strong> is but a moment and yet<br />

less than a moment. Remember how cursed our old enemy is, which<br />

<strong>of</strong>fereth us the kingdoms <strong>of</strong> this world that he might bereave us the<br />

kingdom <strong>of</strong> heaven; how false the fleshly pleasures which there<strong>for</strong>e<br />

embrace us that they might strangle us; how deceitful these ⌐ worldly ¬<br />

1 Which who / 12 Which who<br />

¦23 <strong>More</strong> omits deus meus, “my God” (CW 1:360, 361).<br />

1. as the apostle saith: 2 <strong>The</strong>ssalonians 1:7–10.<br />

2. Nolite…hell: Matthew 10:28; Luke 12:4.<br />

3. virtuously: <strong>More</strong>’s translation <strong>of</strong> the Latin, ex ratione, “according to reason” (CW 1:360).<br />

4. Ad te…the day: Psalm 24:1–5.<br />

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[93]<br />

Our <strong>life</strong> is less than a<br />

moment.<br />

<strong>The</strong> devil, the world,<br />

the flesh

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