Air Handling Units - DSC

Air Handling Units - DSC Air Handling Units - DSC


Integral control solutionAir Handling UnitsT e c h n o l o g y & E v o l u t i o n

Integral control solution<strong>Air</strong> <strong>Handling</strong> <strong>Units</strong>T e c h n o l o g y & E v o l u t i o n

Advanced technology for reliable andflexible custom controllersCAREL has been dealing with the design and production of electronic controllers andsupervision systems for air-conditioning and refrigeration applications for over 30 years.The quality and innovation of its products and its increasing sales successes make CARELtoday one of the world leaders in the sector.CAREL’s main customers are manufacturers (OEM) and installers, assisted by an extensivesales organisation present in the main countries around the world.The CAREL solution for the <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Handling</strong> Unit market completes the range of solutionsfor air-conditioning and refrigeration, offering all the components required for thecontrol of the different types of units.Electrical panels, pressure, temperature, humidity and air quality probes, differentialpressure switches, programmable controllers, humidifiers, new programming tools,supervision and technical service from the office and in the field, all providemanufacturers, designers and installers new opportunities for the control of even themore sophisticated installations, for a limited cost. All the above can be integrated intothe main supervisory systems, as well as using the CAREL solution: the PlantVisor system.

pCO sistemathe range of programmable controllers,terminals and accessories has beenenriched by the pCO XS controller, compatiblewith the BELIMO MP-Bus ® system.Softwarea new standard software is available forcontrolling 24 different pre-configuredsystems, selected from the mostcommonly-used models available.Sensorsnew differential air pressure transducers, airquality probes, differential pressure switchesand air flow switches, in addition to the vastrange of temperature, humidity and pressureprobes.Electrical panelsstandard or customised, sized for supply andreturn fans with one or two steps, with eitherdirect or star/delta starting and power ratings ofup to 75 kW.Technical serviceCAREL has extended its network with theaddition of new service centres, providing serviceboth during the design phase and for thecommissioning of the application.Remote managementthe pCO sistema controllers can be interfaced tothe main supervisory and remote managementsystems, using the more commonly-usedcommunication protocols, such as Modbus ® ,BACnet , LON, and TCP/IP.

The integral solution for the control of AHUTemperature and humidity probesCAREL has developed an entire range that cansatisfy all the needs of installers and HVAC/Rmanufacturers for the control of their humidifiers.The range includes temperature and humiditysensors for different applications, featuring socketinstallation, duct installation, in residential orindustrial environments.<strong>Air</strong> quality probes and combinedCO 2 +VOC probesThese analyse the quality of the air using an SnO 2mixed gas VOC (Volatile Organic Compound)sensor and a CO 2 sensor with a rangefrom 350 to 2000 ppm:• measurement of the air quality inoffices, hotels, meeting rooms,homes, shops, restaurants, etc.;• quantitative analysis of contamination bypolluting gases.Differential pressure transducerThe differential pressure transducer uses a newceramic sensor.It provides a voltage or current signal, calibratedand compensated for the temperature.This is ideal for measuring low pressure values in<strong>Air</strong>-Conditioning systems, rooms, laboratories andclean rooms (air and non-corrosive gases).AccessoriesCAREL supplies differential air pressure sensors forfilters, fans, air ducts and air-conditioning andventilating systems in general.CAREL also supplies flow switches for controllingthe flow of air or non-aggressive gases inside thedistribution ducts of air-conditioning or airhandling systems.Servo controls for valves and dampersAll the CAREL controllers can manage any servocontrol for dampers and valves.BELIMO ® has been chosen as our preferred partnerfor the supply of the actuators.

The range of controllers for AHUpCO 3The pCO 3 programmable electronic controller represents the top of range of the pCO sistemacontrol boards, and is designed for many different applications in the field of air-conditioning.The technology used in the pCO 3 allows connection to some of the more commonly-used serialcommunication standards, without requiring additional gateways.pCO XSThe pCO XS derives from the need to provide the power of the pCO sistema series programmablecontrollers to those applications that had until now only been covered by parametric controllers.Using this new controller, the control software for single-circuit chillers and heat pumps, smallroof-top units and precision air-conditioners can be quickly customised based on the specificneeds of the individual manufacturer.TerminalsThe range of user interfaces that can be combined with the pCO sistema controllers and controlmodules guarantees the OEM the optimum solution for each application.The pCO series terminals are available in the panel or wall-mounted version, with LED,alphanumeric LCD and graphic displays, meaning that the messages can also be displayed inChinese, Cyrillic, Arabic, Japanese.

Electrical panelsDescription:• electrical panel with metal structure, single or double door,index of protection IP54;• door lock disconnecting switch with yellow and red signals;• 3 phase, 400 V 50 Hz power supply;• isolating transformer for the auxiliary circuit;• fan protection by fuse or motor protector, depending onthe model;• components from the best brands on the market;• terminal block for auxiliary connections (probes, micro-switches,sensors, pressure switches etc.);• valve and damper 24 V power supply connections on theterminal block;• fan running and stopped signal;• pCO series electronics in the panel, with external terminalor built-in terminal;• additional contactor option for auxiliary connections;• soft-start option for reducing the peak current of thefans;• upon request special applications can be carried out.Panel codes:C T _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Type of controller:I pCO 2 Large & Built-inL pCO 2 LargeM pCO 2 MediumN pCO 2 Medium & Built-inS pCO 2 SmallT pCO 2 Small & Built inX pCO XS fitted with MP-BusY pCO XS fitted with MP-Bus & Built-inF FCM fitted with inputs 4 to 20 mAU pCO XS basicZ pCO XS basic & Built-inCode Power in kW Code Power in kW0 No connection1 02 0.183 0.254 0.375 0.556 0.757 1.18 1.59 2.2Starting:D Direct three-phaseS Star-delta three-phaseM Direct single-phaseV Inverter three-phaseFan powerA 3B 4C 5.5D 7.5E 11F 15G 18.5H 22I 30J 37K 45L 55M 75Power to second return fan *Power to first return fan *Power to second supply fan *Power to first supply fan *Additional accessories:

Web-based monitoring &telemaintenance systemPlantVisor is the CAREL monitoring and telemaintenance systembased on a web server that allows ease of access to theinformation, alarm management and operating flexibility. CARELproposes different solutions according to the type of installation:• PlantVisor Enhanced, PC-based solution, for systems with amaximum of 200 refrigeration and air-conditioning utilities;• PlantVisor Enhanced Remote, the program for the remotemanagement of the PlantVisor Enhanced systems.200up to 1000 m1Why a Web Server?A Web Server is a program that can generate and serve HTMLpages to be displayed by an Internet browser.All the versions of PlantVisor are Web Servers that can collect thedata from your installation and make them available usingMicrosoft ® Internet Explorer. PlantVisor Enhanced Local can beaccessed via modem using PlantVisor Enhanced Remote and/or aPC with Microsoft ® Internet Explorer.If PlantVisor Enhanced Local is installed on a PC in a LAN network,the information from the installation can also be accessed byother PCs on the same network. PlantVisor can also be publishedon the web if a permanent Internet connection is available bydifferent levels of password.PlantVisor can be used to connect up to 200 CAREL instrumentsin a RS485 serial network, using the Pc-GATE RS232/485 serialconverter.Using Web-GATE, the individual controllers can also be economicallyconnected to Ethernet networks and consequently exploit thepower of the TCP/IP protocol.In fact, Web-GATE makes all CAREL controllers compatible withthe most widespread communication standard in the world, theTCP/IP protocol, related to the Ethernet networks.Web-GATE is also an SNMP gateway. It in fact converts theCAREL communication protocol to the Simple NetworkManagement Protocol (SNMP), the protocol used to send datafrom the instruments on the Ethernet TCP/IP network to a localor remote supervisor for subsequent processing.One of the main functions performed by Web-GATE is the WebServer function, using the HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)standard.pCO Web is a board for the pCO sistema controllers thatinterfaces the latter with the emerging protocols (BACnet andSNMP) in HVAC, and is based on both the physical Ethernet andEIA-485 standards.This therefore allows connection to the following networks:• SNMP v1, v2, v3 networks;• BACnet Ethernet , BACnet /IP, BACnet MS/TP networks;• LANs or the Internet.With the web server capabilities of pCO Web, the user candownload, via FTP, the HTML pages relating to the specificapplication and then use a browser for the remote managementof the installation.

Integration with BMSAll of the pCO sistema series controllers can be connected to the more commonly-used supervisory systems, eitherdirectly or using additional boards. The following are the protocols and the connection methods used.The table lists the CAREL product codes and the codes of the SIEMENS, Honeywell and Johnson products.The pCO sistema series controllers can communicatedirectly using the Modbus ® protocol.Type of protocol supported: Modbus ® slave, RTU mode;communication standard RS485 and RS232.TREND is a building automation system that is verywidespread above all in English-speaking countries, andin Europe in general. The pCO sistema series controllers,using an appropriate serial card, are TREND compatible.The pCO sistema series controllers, using theappropriate serial card, are LonWorks ® compatible.The RS485 and FTT10 electrical standards aresupported. CAREL is a LonMark ® Partner.METASYS ® is a building automation systemdesigned by Johnson Controls.Johnson itself handles the integration into its system ofthe software for the control of the devices being interfaced.This is the protocol designated in 1995 by ASHRAE.CAREL provides a gateway via which all CARELcontrollers can interface to BACnet systems.Type of protocol supported: BACnet - Point-To-Point;communication standard RS232.protocol tableOPC is an industrial standard created by a consortiumof companies, in collaboration with Microsoft ® , tostandardise the drivers for proprietary devices. Usingthe CAREL OPC server, any Windows ® OPC clientapplication (SCADA, supervisors, managementsoftware, etc.) can communicate with all CARELdevices in user-friendly OPC mode, without requiring agateway.CAREL SIEMENS Honeywell JohnsonStandard HW level SW level HW level SW level HW level SW level HW level SW levelModbus ® PCO*004850 Table of IOCAR DESIGO INSIGHT Cimetrics BACstac 3.2 METASYS ® Integrator Communication driverreferences from (for Desigo Unigyr with direct integration into Gould Modbus ® protocol on MIG300Application and Desigo PX the management station functions 01-06. Serialsystems)and Redundant SerialPCO*00MDM0 NICAR (for Desigo Modbus ® TCP andIntegral systems)Modbus ® RTU supportedBACnet GATEWAYBN0 Table of DESIGO PX with DESIGO INSIGHT METASYS ® Integrator BACnet PTPreferences from FTT interface only with direct integration into (under development)Applicationthe management stationLon–ECHELON PCO*0000F0 Profiles DESIGO PXR with DESIGO INSIGHT LonMaker 3.0 Network SupervisorXIF file or plug-in with direct integration into LNS 3.05 (NCU) or alternativelymodules the management station METASYS ® M-series OWSPCO*0000R0 Special appl.LAN TCP/IP Web-GATE HTML appl. DESIGO INSIGHT S.O. NT4.0 SP6aS.O. WIN2000Server/Prof.SNMP Web-GATE Table of DESIGO INSIGHT Supports email via METASYS ® M-Series OWSreferences fromSMTP and SNMP "traps"Application (MIB)Supports PET/PG1and UCP protocolCAREL PROT. PCO*004850 CAREL prot. METASYS ® Integrator Specific driver fordatabase connectionPCO*00MDM0*= 1 or 2 depending on the model

HeadquartersCAREL S.p.A.Via dell’Industria, 11 - 35020 Brugine - Padova(Italy)Tel. (+39) 0499 716611 - Fax (+39) 0499 - www.carel.comCod. +302238281 rel. 3.0 03.10.05SubsidiariesCAREL Australia Pty China Ltd.www.carelhk.comsales@carelhk.comAffiliated Companies:CAREL Korea Co. (Thailand) Co. Deutschland GmbHwww.carel.deinfo@carel.deCAREL Exportwww.carel.comcarelexport@carel.comCAREL France Saswww.carelfrance.frcarelfrance@carelfrance.frCAREL Italiawww.carel.itcarelitalia@carel.comCAREL Sud America U.K. USA L.L.C.www.carelusa.comsales@carelusa.comECHELON ® , LonWorks ® , and the ECHELON ®logo are trademarks of ECHELON ® Corporationregistered in the United States and other countries.All trademarks hereby referenced are the propertyof their respective owners.CAREL is a registered trademark of CARELS.p.A. in Italy and/or other© CAREL S.p.A. 2005 all rights reservedCAREL reserves the right to make modificationsor changes to its products without priorwarning.

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