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extended for 2 years in December 2010. The IC-DISCDISC rules. A detailed discussion of the considerationsconstruct also gained popularity following the Jobsof such structures is outside the scope of this article.Act because the Jobs Act eliminated the extraterrito-10Expenses may qualify to increase the commissionrial income regime, which, in turn, had replaced thein certain cases where they are treated as incurredforeign sales corporation.by the IC-DISC but are not actually incurred by the3In all cases, the capital gains rate is lower than theIC-DISC.corresponding income tax rate.11"SG&A" refers to sales general and administrative4The World Trade Organization has imposed econom-expenses.ic sanctions on certain export incentive predecessors12The discounted price the IC-DISC pays for the receiv-of the IC-DISC, including Extraterritorial Incomeable less the cash collections is qualified as additionalExclusion, created by the American Jobs Creationexport revenue.Act of 2004, which has since been repealed from13See IRC §992(a)(1)(D) .the code and phased out after 2006. The IC-DISC14See IRC §992 .structure has never been sanctioned or challenged15If these tests are not met, certain additional require-by the WTO or courts.ments may be instead used, with respect to a defi-5Starting in 2013, qualified dividends are taxed at 0-20ciency distribution under Treas. Reg. §1.992-3 .percent, depending on the individual's federal income16An IC-DISC will meet this requirement as its commis-tax bracket. Additionally, these dividends may besion income is wholly derived from export sales.subject to the 3.8 percent Medicare surtax.17See IRC §§ 924 , 993(c) .6Starting in 2013, federal income tax rates range from18See IRC §993(b) .10-39.6 percent, depending on the individual's federal19IRC §994(c) . "Export promotion expenses" refers toincome level.those expenses incurred by or on behalf of the IC-7Although exempt for federal income taxation pur-DISC to advance the distribution or sale of exportposes, state tax law may differ.property for use, consumption or distribution outside8This relaxed standard for IC-DISC entities constitutesthe United States, excluding income taxes, a portiona reduced level of corporate substance as comparedof SG&A.to other entity types. Treas. Reg. §1.992-1(a) explains20A new entity need not be created; an existing flow-that these rules are specifically intended to relax thethrough entity will suffice for this planning methodordinary rules of corporate substance.if given ownership of the IC-DISC.9It should be noted that closely held C corporations21To the extent that the ownership is disproportionate,may, in certain circumstances, use related companiesthen taxpayers should consider the implications ofto route foreign sales through and benefit from the IC-estate and gift taxes that may be deemed to apply.27

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