Preview, the Gallery Guide | June–August, 2007

Preview, the Gallery Guide | June–August, 2007

Preview, the Gallery Guide | June–August, 2007

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206684147044contents26 <strong>Gallery</strong> Views46 Confessions83 Catalogues of Interest91 <strong>Gallery</strong> Index92 Art Services + Materials Directory95 Opening Receptions + Events64 Conservator’s Cornerwww.preview-art.com12 Anne Siems: TableauLaura Russo <strong>Gallery</strong>previews14 Andy Fabo: Queen Street DesperadosSkew <strong>Gallery</strong>20 Anxious Objects: Willie Cole’s FavoriteBrandsFrye Art Museum40 To <strong>the</strong> DogsPresentation House <strong>Gallery</strong>44 River of Memory: The EverlastingColumbiaTouchstones Nelson: Museum of Artand History52 Craft in America: Expanding TraditionsMuseum of Contemporary Art56 Simon Dick: In FlightInuit <strong>Gallery</strong>58 Peng Liu: Solids: BoundJacana Contemporary Art60 Jack McLean: Black Line GlamourElissa Cristall <strong>Gallery</strong>66 Drawing Never DiedAtelier <strong>Gallery</strong>70 Treasures of <strong>the</strong> Tsimshian from<strong>the</strong> Dundas CollectionRoyal BC Museum74 The Pacifist PotentialBlackfish <strong>Gallery</strong>76 Judy Nakagawa: In Pursuit of aQuiet ArtJapanese Canadian National Museum78 Marianna Schmidt: RetrospectiveBurnaby Art <strong>Gallery</strong>82 Tracey McGlynn: Your ArkBau-Xi <strong>Gallery</strong>84 Rembrandt and <strong>the</strong> Golden Ageof Dutch ArtPortland Art Museum85 Stitúyntm/Enduring TraditionsWest Vancouver Museum88 Drawings by Sheojuk EtidlooieMarion Scott <strong>Gallery</strong>COVER: Anne Siems, Little Fox (<strong>2007</strong>),mixed media [Laura Russo <strong>Gallery</strong>,Portland OR, Jun 7-30]ALBERTA Vol. 21 No. 310 Banff, Calgary16 Edmonton18 Lethbridge, Medicine HatBRITISH COLUMBIA20 Burnaby22 Campbell River, Chilliwack24 Coquitlam, Courtenay25 Delta, Denman IslandFort Langley27 Gabriola Island, Galiano Island,Grand Forks, Harrison Hot Springs28 Hornby Island, Kamloops29 Kaslo, Kelowna30 Langley, Maple Ridge, Metchosinand East Sooke31 Nanaimo, Nanoose Bay32 Nelson, New Westminster,North Vancouver33 Osoyoos, Parksville, Penticton34 Port Moody36 Prince George, Prince Rupert,Richmond37 Salmon Arm, Salt Spring Island,Sidney and North Saanich38 Silver Star Mountain, Sooke,Squamish40 Summerland, Sunshine Coast,Surrey41 Tsawwassen, Vancouver66 Vernon67 Victoria70 Wells, West Vancouver71 White Rock72 Williams LakeOREGON73 Cannon Beach, Marylhurst,McMinnville, Portland76 SalemWASHINGTON78 Bellevue79 Bellingham, Friday Harbor,La Conner82 Longview, Monroe, Olympia84 Orcas Island, Port Angeles, Seattle89 Spokane, Tacoma90 Twisp© 1986-<strong>2007</strong> <strong>Preview</strong> Graphics Inc. ISSN 1481-2258HEAD OFFICE + CANADIAN EDITORIAL + SALESP.O. Box 549, Station A, Vancouver, B.C.Canada V6C 2N3Janice Whitehead, PublisherHeidi Creighton, Listings EditorTEL 604-254-1405 FAX 604-254-1314TOLL FREE 1-877-254-1405E-MAIL preview@portal.caU.S. EDITORIAL + SALES OFFICEAllyn Cantor TEL (503)436-2869E-MAIL allync@pacifier.comSUBSCRIPTIONS $22.47 CDN • $21 US

ALBERTABANFFSummit <strong>Gallery</strong> of Fine Art120 Banff Ave ✆888-358-4455info@summitfineart.comdaily 11am-6pm Jun 8-Jul 1 TerraMcDonald, “Migration”, paintingscreated with complex layers, whichdepict <strong>the</strong> human figure in motion,thinly veiled amongst a forested landscape.View exhibition at ARTE-SUR,Suite 101-717 10th St, Canmore,Alberta; Jul 7-14 Dean Stanton, “ISpy”, presented in a comic book layoutstyle, <strong>the</strong>se paintings take awhimsical and enthusiastic look atanimals, people and places of BanffNational Park; Jul 14-25 2nd AnnualBanff Centre Alumni Exhibition, workby artists who have participated in <strong>the</strong>Banff Centre’s visual arts residencyprograms; Aug 4-25 Ron Smid,“Canada: The Light on Our Land”,photographs of light, colour and land.★ Identifies galleries andmuseums open until 8pm on <strong>the</strong>First Thursday of each month.Many host opening receptionson First Thursday evenings.CALGARYArtfirm <strong>Gallery</strong>617-11 Ave SW, Lower Level✆(403)206-1344 www.artfirm.catues-sat 11am-5pm or by appt Jun9-Jul 6 Kim Bruce, “About Face”,work that fully integrates sculpture,drawing, painting and photographicimages; Jul 25-Aug 31 Summertide,selected new work in various mediaby gallery artists.The Collector’s <strong>Gallery</strong>1332 9th Ave SE ✆(403)245-8300www.collectorsgalleryofart.comtues-fri 10am-5:30pm sat 10am-5pmJun-Aug Contact <strong>the</strong> gallery for exhibitioninformation.Diana Paul Galleries737 2nd St SW ✆(403)262-9947www.dianapaul.comtues-sat 11am-5pm Opening Jun 9Wilson Chu, "Impressions: Light andShadow"; Opening Jun 23 Ingrid Harrison,"Premiere Showing"; Jul-AugContact <strong>the</strong> gallery for exhibitioninformation.Douglas Udell <strong>Gallery</strong>725-11 Ave SW ✆(403)264-4414www.douglasudellgallery.comthurs-sat 10am-5pm sun 12-5pm andby appt Thru Jun 10 Les Thomas,encaustic works that referencenature, art and technology; Jul-AugContact <strong>the</strong> gallery for exhibitioninformation.★ Glenbow Museum130 9th Ave SE ✆(403)268-4100www.glenbow.orgdaily 9am-5pm thurs til 9pm Admission:adults $12, senior $9, student/youth $8, family $37.50, childrenunder 6 free Ongoing Mavericks: AnIncorrigible History of Alberta, permanentgallery has interactive technologyand hands-on environmentsbuilt to recapture <strong>the</strong> maverick spiritthat shaped and continues to shapeAlberta; Jun 30-Sept 30 Belonging: APlace for Everyone, celebrate Canada’sdiversity with four unique exhibitsthat showcase Canada’s multiculturalism;Invitation: Quilt of Belonging, isa 120-foot long textile comprised of263 blocks representing every immigrantand First Nations group in Canada;A Joyful Harvest, photographicexhibit celebrating 100 years of Jewishlife in Alberta; Celebrating PrairieCultures, textile exhibit featuring garments,footwear and quilts of <strong>the</strong> culturesthat have made <strong>the</strong>ir home on<strong>the</strong> Canadian prairies; ImaginASIAN,turns a lense on <strong>the</strong> diverse stories ofAsian-Canadians.1st Ave NW10th St NWMemorial Dr NWPrince's IslandPark4th Ave NE3rd Ave NE2nd Ave NEMemorial Dr15th Ave SW17th Ave SW6th Ave SWNEWZONES ◆◆ PAUL KUHN◆ DOUGLAS◆ ◆◆ARTFIRMUDELL HARRISON16th Ave SW4th Ave SW7th Ave SW9th Ave SW13th Ave SW14th Ave SWStephen11th Ave SW12th Ave SWBow RiverEdmonton Tr◆ SKEW11th St SWHERRINGERKISS8th Ave SWTREPANIERBAER9th St SW◆8th St SWWALLACE ◆GALLERIESNEW GALLERY◆6th St SW◆LOCH◆ DIANA PAULGALLERIES◆ GLENBOW1st St SWCentre St1st St SEMacleod TrCPR tracks◆ STRIDESt. Patrick's Island9th Ave SEElbow River17th Ave SEMcDougall RdCOLLECTOR'SGALLERY◆12th St SE10 PREVIEWCALGARYRoyal Ave SW5th St SWElbow Dr4th St SWLindsayPark22nd AveCalgaryExhibition &StampedeParkSpiller Rd

Anne Siems: TableauLAURA RUSSO GALLERY, PORTLAND OR – Jun 7-30 Tableau by Seattle-based artist Anne Siemsfeatures lone, 19th Century-style women set against landscapes that appear to be stage backdrops.By combining elements of still life, landscape andportraiture, she creates compositions that evoke a quiet,clandestine sense of place. In Viola, for example, strangevestiges hang unnoticed beside a figure whose gaze ismoody and gently contemplative. Overall, <strong>the</strong> newpaintings have a more object-based reality than Siems'previous work, where she placed her introspectivefigures and dress forms against textured and painterlybackgrounds with no apparent reference to real spaces.The female figures and landscape formations havea pseudo-historic feeling. Garments, personalpossessions and hairstyles are reminiscent of ourancestors. Her European folk-art style of painting, <strong>the</strong>nostalgic objects and <strong>the</strong> incongruent narratives alludeto a romanticized dreamscape where mementos offrivolous beauty are combined with vibrant flowers,animals and mysterious relics. A bizarre, o<strong>the</strong>rworldlytone in Siems' work recalls daydreams, memorabiliaand connections to history.previewwww.laurarusso.comAnne Siems, Viola (<strong>2007</strong>), mixed media [Laura Russo<strong>Gallery</strong>, Portland OR, Jun 7-30]Anne Siems was born in Berlin and received her MFA from Hochschule der Kunste. She hasexhibited in galleries throughout <strong>the</strong> United States, since 1987 when she was a Fulbright Scholar.Her work is represented in prominent collections, including <strong>the</strong> Tacoma Art Museum. Allyn CantorHarrison Galleries709A 11th Ave SW ✆(403)229-4088www.harrisongalleries.comtues-thurs 11am-6pm fri-sat 11am-5pm or by appt Jun Don Berger, MaryComber Miles, Leif Ostlund and o<strong>the</strong>rs,“Flowers”; Jul-Aug Francine Gravel,Thomas Harvey, Michael Scott ando<strong>the</strong>rs, “Figures and More”.Herringer Kiss <strong>Gallery</strong>101, 1111-11 Ave SW✆(403)228-4889www.herringerkissgallery.comtues-fri 11am-5:30pm sat 11am-5pmThru Jun 30 Elizabeth Barnes, “Chroma”,paintings that are informed by aninterest in science and technology, andby <strong>the</strong> science of pigments and colour<strong>the</strong>ory. The paintings are made by layeringthin glazes of translucent colour.Some layers include technical drawings,while o<strong>the</strong>rs transform pigmentsby applying drops of solvents, rubbing,scratching or brushing. The subtleshifts of colour, combined with technicalexplorations, create a tenuous balancefluctuating between visceral andcerebral; Jul 6-Aug 31 “HK Summer 0712 PREVIEWGroup Show”, introducing BenjaminEvans and Scott Pattinson.Loch <strong>Gallery</strong>1516- 4th St SW ✆(403)209-8542www.lochgallery.comtues-sat 10am-6pm Established in1972, <strong>the</strong> gallery specializes in buildingcollections of quality Canadian,American, British and European paintingsand sculpture. Representing atalented group of professional contemporaryartists in addition to 19thand 20th century artwork of historicinterest. Thru Jun 13 Patrick Amiot,“Urban Folk Art Sculpture”; Jul-AugBogdan Molea, Ron Bolt and BarryMcCarthy, group exhibition.The New <strong>Gallery</strong>Unit B27, 200 Barclay Parade SW,Eau Claire Market ✆(403)233-2399www.<strong>the</strong>newgallery.orgwed-sat 1-4pm Admission is free ThruJun 23 Brendan Lee Satish Tang,“Through <strong>the</strong> Gilded Looking Glass”,an ornamented reflection of <strong>the</strong> humancondition. Ceramic work examinesself-identity, power relationships, citizenapathy and engagement and geopolitics;Jun 27-Sept 1 Paul Robles,“My Beautiful War”, cut paper collageof intricate detail that reproduces symbolsand images from contemporaryculture by playing with ideas of <strong>the</strong> silhouette.Popular in <strong>the</strong> 18th and 19thcentury as women’s art, and an earlyform of portraiture, <strong>the</strong> artist employs<strong>the</strong> practice as a narrative device topresent ideas that deal with male identity,conflict and sexuality. The confrontationalnature of <strong>the</strong> subject matterprovides an interesting contrast to<strong>the</strong> work’s delicately lacy, Asian influencedtradition.NEWZONES <strong>Gallery</strong> ofContemporary Art730 -11th Ave SW ✆(403)266-1972www.newzones.comtues-sat 10:30am-5:30pm Thru Jun30 Jonathan Forrest, bold works referencepost-war abstract painting; Jul 7-Aug 25 Cathy Daley, Joshua Jensen-Nagle, David Levinthal, David Robinsonand Kevin Sonmor, “G,ddy Up!”,running concurrently with <strong>the</strong> CalgaryStampede, “G‚ddy Up!” explores <strong>the</strong>

JUN 19 - 30, <strong>2007</strong>Angela Fama, Jeff Petry and Jesse SavathPhoto Mission: Three StoriesOpening Reception: June 21, 6:30-8:30Jeff Petry, This is My Vessel,37 x 37 inches, c-print mounted on aluminumJUL 24 - AUG 12, <strong>2007</strong>Scott PattinsonPeriphery FlashOpening Reception: July 26, 6:30-8:30Scott Pattinson, Torewa #94,30 x 30 inches, mixed media on panelAUG 14 - SEP 2, <strong>2007</strong>Greased Wheels3rd Annual Emerging Artists ExhibitionOpening Reception: August 16, 6:30-8:30Barb Moore, Volcano,32 x 72 inches, oil on canvasELLIOTT LOUIS GALLERY1540 West 2nd Avenue, Vancouver, BC 604-736-3282 www.elliottlouis.com

SKEW GALLERY, CALGARY AB – Jun 28-Aug 4 Andy Fabo is a Calgary-born and internationallyrecognized artist, activist, critic and curator. Since 1975, he has lived and worked in Toronto where,in <strong>the</strong> 1980s, he became known as a painter associatedwith ChromaZone. This influential collective was at <strong>the</strong>forefront of Toronto's figurative painting movement.Fabo's work, primarily drawing, installation, video anddigital imaging, explores issues of personal identitywith a focus on his own gay identity. He has receivednumerous grants from <strong>the</strong> Canada Council for <strong>the</strong> Arts,<strong>the</strong> Ontario Arts Council and <strong>the</strong> Toronto Arts Council.Queen Street Desperados is Fabo’s first solo exhibit inCalgary in over fifteen years. The brightly-colouredsilkscreen paintings depict various personalities fromToronto's Queen Street art scene. Both satirical andserious, <strong>the</strong>y have been described as “pondering ourcompulsion for masquerade - an impulse oftensanctioned by annual rituals such as Halloween andMardi Gras…” and “reflecting <strong>the</strong> preoccupation withdrag as a metaphor for aes<strong>the</strong>tic artifice that occurs in<strong>the</strong> work of Marcel Duchamp and Andy Warhol”.previewemail: info@skewgallery.comAndy Fabo: Queen Street DesperadosAndy Fabo, The Fighting Mr. K (2006), silk screen painting[Skew <strong>Gallery</strong>, Calgary AB, Jun 28-Aug 4]Throughout a career spanning nearly three decades, Andy Fabo's work has been exhibitedextensively in Canada, <strong>the</strong> United States and <strong>the</strong> UK. In <strong>the</strong> mid-80s, he was awarded <strong>the</strong> CanadaCouncil residency at P.S.1. In 2005, Fabo's work was surveyed in a solo exhibition at <strong>the</strong> CanadianMuseum of Contemporary Art. As well as writing and reviewing exhibitions for a range of journalsincluding Parachute, Mix, Fuse, and C magazine, he is a pioneering activist on issues related toQueer culture and HIV/AIDS. Mia Johnsonvisual side of cowboy pop culture.While once relegated to <strong>the</strong> movieworld, <strong>the</strong> subject of <strong>the</strong> cowboy andcowboy kitsch has become a growingpresence in <strong>the</strong> contemporary artscene, indicative of society’s yearningsfor a simpler time when heroes and villainswere easily distinguished by <strong>the</strong>colour of <strong>the</strong>ir hats.Paul Kuhn <strong>Gallery</strong>724- 11th Ave SW ✆(403)263-1162www.paulkuhngallery.comtues-sat 10am-5:30pm and by apptJun 2-23 Chris Temple, new paintings;Christian Grandjean, recentphotographs; Jul-Aug Work by galleryartists.Skew <strong>Gallery</strong>1615 10th Ave SW ✆(403)244-4445info@skewgallery.comthurs-sat 10am-5pm or by appt ThruJun 18 Curtis Cutshaw, “The DowsingRod Series”, uses <strong>the</strong> photographicprocess in a series of hauntingly beautiful,luminescent drawings; Jun 28-14 PREVIEWAug 4 Andy Fabo, “Queen Street Desperados”,satirical and serious portraitsilkscreen paintings, ponder our compulsionfor masquerade.The Stride Art <strong>Gallery</strong>Association1004 MacLeod Trail SE✆(403)262-8507 www.stride.ab.catues-sat 11am-5pm Admission is freeThru Jun 23 John Antoski, DustinKoop, “Said and Done”, collaborativeproject consists of 225 original serigraphprints; PROJECT ROOM AmalieAtkins, “Welcome to My Party”, filmand video works affirm that love, anxiety,embarrassment and hope areintertwined; Jun 29-Aug 4 MAIN SPACENeil Goldberg; Aug-Sept +15 WINDOWSPACE Jon Lawson.TrepanierBaer105-999 8th St SW ✆(403)244-2066www.trepanierbaer.comtues-sat 11am-5pm and by appt ThruJun 23 Chris Cran, David Hoffos,Luanne Martineau, Evan Penny andRyan Sluggett, “Chorus (After Montréal)”;Jul How <strong>the</strong> West was ReallyWon: Part Five,TrépanierBaer’sAnnual Stampede Celebration; AugSummer Group Show.Wallace Galleries500-5th Ave SW ✆(403)262-8050www.wallacegalleries.common-sat 10am-5:30pm Thru Jun 7Linda Nardelli and Doug Williamson,new works; Jun 8-28 Ted Godwin,John Hall, William Duma, Don Pentz,and o<strong>the</strong>rs, “Fa<strong>the</strong>r’s Day GroupShow”; Jun 29-Jul 19 Andy Petterson,Jane Brookes, Don Pentz, RobertLemay, Vojtech Matousek, JimStokes and o<strong>the</strong>rs, “Stampede Exhibition”,new works by gallery artists; Jul20-Aug 9 Greg Edmonson, Brent Laycock,Sheila Norgate, Brian Atyeo,Mikel Temo Greko and ScottMacleod, Summer group show; Aug10-31 Alain Attar, Ivan Murphy,LindaNardelli, Jamie Evrard, CamroseDucote, Nancy Boyd, Steve Mennie,and o<strong>the</strong>rs, group show.

EDMONTON16 PREVIEWcall to artistsExplore <strong>the</strong> opportunities of becoming a published artist.We would love to hear from you!Art In Motion is a leading international fine art publisher,specializing in <strong>the</strong> creation of top quality open-edition prints. Ourpassion is working with talented artists to bring <strong>the</strong>ir art to ourdiscerning customers around <strong>the</strong> world. Art In Motion prints aredistributed in over 75 countries to galleries, boutiques,designers, and leading home décor & art retailers.As we approach our 20th Anniversary, we are proud to havesuccessfully published many gallery & decorative artists,illustrators, as well as prestigious museum collections. Wepublish a wide variety of media techniques including oil, mixedmedia and photography.Art In Motion is an artist-based company, valuing andencouraging artists’ input and participation at all times. Weprovide you with a unique opportunity to enhance your incomewithout affecting <strong>the</strong> sales of your original art works.For fur<strong>the</strong>r information on how to submit your artwork pleasecall 1-866-523-2631 or visit our website: www.artinmotion.comWe look forward to hearing from you soon!Attn: Artist Relations, Art In Motion, 2000 Brigantine Drive,Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada V3K 7B5e-mail: artistrelations@artinmotion.comwww.artinmotion.comAgnes Bugera <strong>Gallery</strong>12310 Jasper Ave NW✆(780)482-2854www.agnesbugeragallery.comtues-sat 10am-5pm Agnes Bugera<strong>Gallery</strong> is represents a group of midcareerand established contemporaryCanadian artists. Offering a rich varietyof original art including landscape,abstract, still life painting andsculpture. On exhibit for <strong>the</strong> summermonths are works by Jamie Evrard,Ernestine Tahedl, David Edwards,Gordon Harper, Jerry Heine, BrianAtyeo and Karen Yurkovich.Alberta Craft Council<strong>Gallery</strong>10186-106 St NW ✆(780)488-6611www.albertacraft.ab.camon-sat 10am-5pm Thru Jul 14 FEA-TURE GALLERY Brew-haha, juried exhibitionof fun and fabulous teapots andtea-sets in any craft media; Jun 2-Jul14 THE DISCOVERY GALLERY Coming UpNext, an ACC exhibition focusing onemerging fine craft artists; Jul 21-Sept8 Diane Sullivan, “To China WithLove”, sculptural ceramic work.★ Art <strong>Gallery</strong> of Alberta(formerly <strong>the</strong> Edmonton Art <strong>Gallery</strong>)The AGA has moved to a temporarylocation in <strong>the</strong> Old Bay Building at100-10230 Jasper Ave until May 2009✆(780)422-6223www.artgalleryalberta.common-fri 10:30am-5pm thurs 4-8pm freesat, sun 11am-5pm Admission: adults$10, seniors/students $7, children 6-12$5, children under 5 free, family (up to 2adults + 4 children) $20, thurs evenings“Pay what you may” Jun 9-Aug 26 CapitalModern: Edmonton Architectureand Urban Design, 1940-1969, an indepthlook at <strong>the</strong> context, people andprojects that informed Edmonton’s historyas a leader in modern architecture;Jun 22-Sept 9 Sarah Adams, RobinArseneault, Richard Boulet, JenniferBowes, Ken Buera, Kay Burns, ChrisFlodberg, Julian Forrest, Paul Freeman,Anu Guha-Thakurta, TerranceHoule, Geoffrey Hunter, David Janzen,Jonathan Kaiser, Mary Kavanagh, LinhLy, Annie Martin, Mark Mullin, PaulRoberts, Laurel Smith, Kristy Trinierand Davide Di Saro, “<strong>2007</strong> Alberta Biennialof Contemporary Art: Utopia andDisaster”.★ OPEN LATE ON FIRST THURSDAYS

“Rainforest Trail, Artist Trek, Hornby Island”oil on panel, 36 x 48 inchesby Brian Scottbrianscottfineart.comstudios on Vancouver Island and Hornby Island

Douglas Udell <strong>Gallery</strong>10332 124 St NW ✆(780)488-4445www.douglasudellgallery.comJun: tues-sat 10am-5:30 Jul: tues-sat10am-5pm Aug: <strong>Gallery</strong> closed Jun-Jul Work by gallery artists.West End <strong>Gallery</strong>12308 Jasper Ave NW✆(780)488-4892www.westendgalleryltd.comtues-sat 10am-5pm Thru Jun 14Irene Klar, “Threads of Wrapture”,includes watercolours and etchings;Jun 16-30 Valerie Butters, ClaudetteCastonguay, Claude Simard, GeraldSevier, Elka Nowicka and Brent Laycock,“The Canadian Garden Show”,collection of garden scenes; Jul PhyllisAnderson, Richard Cole, PeterShostak, Walter Drohan, and o<strong>the</strong>rs,“Alberta Artists”; Aug Scott Macleod,Guy Roy, Bev Rodin, Bill Webb,★ Identifies galleries and museumsopen until 8pm on <strong>the</strong> FirstThursday of every month. Manyhost opening receptions on FirstThursday evenings.18 PREVIEWRobert Genn, “Landscapes acrossCanada”; New to <strong>the</strong> West End<strong>Gallery</strong>, glass artist Robert Held, recognizedas one of <strong>the</strong> “glass pioneers”of Canada.LETHBRIDGESou<strong>the</strong>rn Alberta Art<strong>Gallery</strong>601 3rd Ave S ✆(403)327-8770www.saag.catues-sat 10am-5pm sun 1-5pmAdmission is free, donations gratefullyaccepted Thru Jun 10 KarenTam, “Chinese Restaurant Project”,installation emulates a local ChineseRestaurant; Jun 28-Sept 16 IsabelleHayeur, "Inhabiting", questions <strong>the</strong>impact of western development modelson <strong>the</strong> environment and invites<strong>the</strong> viewer to consider <strong>the</strong> state of<strong>the</strong>se landscapes; Jun 28-Sept 23"Places and Spaces: Landscapesfrom <strong>the</strong> Buchanan Collections",includes paintings by important 20thcentury Canadian artists includingA.J. Casson, Arthur Lismer, J.E.H.MacDonald, David Milne and ToniOnley.MEDICINE HAT★ Cultural Centre <strong>Gallery</strong>299 College Dr SE ✆(403)529-3806mon-fri 9am-8pm sat, sun, holidays10am-5pm Jun 4-29 Angela H’Woodand Zinnie Eberhardt, “The San MiguelExperience”, oil, acrylic and watercolourpaintings featuring San Miguelde Allende and o<strong>the</strong>r areas in Mexico;Jul 3-28 Sacred Spaces, photographsof religious or spiritually significantplaces; Aug 10-31 Kloie Picot, “Wheredo <strong>the</strong> Children Play?”, photographs.Esplanade Art <strong>Gallery</strong>401 First St SE ✆(403)502-8786www.esplanade.camon-fri 10am-5pm sat, sun and holidays12-5pm During <strong>the</strong> summer: nolate thursdays Thru Jun 17 LisaBirke, “Search Engine”, oil paintings;School Art <strong>2007</strong>, mixed media worksby Medicine Hat and district students;Jul 6-Sept 2 Lyndal Osborne,Erik Edson, Rod Strickland, “LandscapeStories”, mixed media installations;Carol Moen, “From Mystic toMonkey”, paintings, drawings andassemblages.

Hawrysio, “Situational Prints”, formedby collaborations between <strong>the</strong> artist andher surroundings, etchings from platesare marked by cars, wheels of a rollingbed, loose mountain scree, woodworkers,chefsand forensic technicians; Jun28-Aug 3 Michael Lawlor, “PrintsFrom CPR Magic Lantern Slides, 1885-1930”, made from hand-coloured magiclantern slides, originally produced by<strong>the</strong> CPR to promote tourism and emigrationto Canada, includes rare photographicmaterial and iconic Canadianimages; TECK GALLERY Thru Jun 23Cuban Art Posters: Gestures of GlobalSolidarity, 20 posters, produced byartists involved with Ospaaal (Organizationof Solidarity of <strong>the</strong> People of Asia,Africa and Latin America); Jun 25-Aug30 Marianna Schmidt, “MariannaSchmidt: Carnaval Photographs &Paintings”, part of series of exhibitionsin conjunction with Burnaby Art <strong>Gallery</strong>and Evergreen Cultural Centre.drawings and paper assemblagesshare a personal view, seen throughsansei (third generation JapaneseCanadian) eyes, into <strong>the</strong> internment ofJapanese Canadians; also, NormanTakeuchi, street banners and <strong>the</strong>iroriginal paintings; Jun 21-Jul 21 JudyNakagawa, “In Pursuit of a Quiet Art”,contemporary sculpture using a varietyof lightweight materials includingwood, hand-formed paper and wire.These abstract sculptures evoke naturalforms and quiet contemplation;Jul 28-Aug 25 A Dream of Riches,Revisited, historical photographsmark <strong>the</strong> 1977 Japanese-Canadian22 PREVIEWCentennial, offering reflections on <strong>the</strong>first 100 years and after.Simon Fraser University<strong>Gallery</strong> and <strong>the</strong> Teck<strong>Gallery</strong>SIMON FRASER UNIVERSITY:AQ 3004, Burnaby Campus,8888 University Dr, BurnabyTECK GALLERY: 515 W Hastings St,Vancouver ✆604-291-4266www.sfu.ca/gallerySFU gallery hours: tues-fri 10am-5pmsat 12-5pm Teck gallery hours: mon-fri8am-9pm sat 8am-6pm SIMON FRASERUNIVERSITY GALLERY Thru Jun 23 DeniseCAMPBELL RIVERCampbell River Art <strong>Gallery</strong>1235 Shoppers Row✆(250)287-2261www.crartgal.caSummer: mon-sat 10am-5pm ThruJun 29 MAIN & DISCOVERY GALLERIESMembers of <strong>the</strong> CR Arts Council &CR Art <strong>Gallery</strong>, “25th Annual Members’Exhibition”; Jul 6-Aug 10 MAINGALLERY Davyd Oram, “The LastWave”, acrylic paintings and installationcreated from materials indigenousto <strong>the</strong> remote coastal area ofBC; Aug 17-Sept 21 MAIN GALLERYJuanita Labine, “Periphally Yours”,paintings of fragmented imagery andexaggerated perceptions; Jul 6-Aug10 DISCOVERY GALLERY Regional graffitiartists, “Scratch: <strong>the</strong> graffiti show”,photodocumentation and graffiti coveredpanels; Aug 17-Nov 2 DISCOVERYGALLERY Eliza Au, “Wreath/Wrea<strong>the</strong>”,ceramics examine sacred geometry,tessellating shapes, ma<strong>the</strong>maticalrelationships and <strong>the</strong> divisions ofpositive and negative space.CHILLIWACKChilliwack Visual ArtistsAssociationCITY HALL LOCATION: 8550 Young Rdmon-fri 8:30am-4:30pmARTISTS GALLERY (CHILLIWACK ARTCENTRE): 45899 Henderson St

etrospective with Burnaby Art <strong>Gallery</strong>and Simon Fraser University <strong>Gallery</strong>.★ Place des Arts1120 Brunette Ave ✆604-664-1636www.placedesarts.camon-fri 9am-10pm sat 9am-5pm sun1-5pm Thru Jun 23 ATRIUM GALLERYPlace des Arts Student Exhibition,mixed media; MAIN HALL GALLERY JociSirak, “Natural Colours”, nature photography;Jun 26-Jul 27 ATRIUM GALLERYChristine Yurchuk and Joyce Evans,“Walls & Fences”, paintings; Jul 31-Aug 31 ATRIUM GALLERY Randall Weidner,“Fertile Fields”, acrylic on paper.tues-fri 11:30am-2:30pmMUSEUM: 45820 Spadina Avemon-fri 9am-4:30pm sat 11am-3:30pm✆604-824-0563www.chilliwackartists.caThru Jun 22 CITY HALL ART GALLERYRoyden Josephson, “Fusion”,abstracted structures; Thru Jul 13CHILLIWACK ART CENTRE Fraser ValleyChapter of <strong>the</strong> Federation of CanadianArtists, “From Across <strong>the</strong> Valley”, presentsdiverse subject matter, mediumsand styles; Thru Jun 27 CHILLIWACKMUSEUM First Nations, Salish Exhibition,exhibit focuses on <strong>the</strong> story ofT’ixwelatsa.24 PREVIEWCOQUITLAMEvergreen Cultural CentreArt <strong>Gallery</strong>1205 Pinetree Way ✆604-927-6550www.evergreenculturalcentre.camon-sat 12-5pm Admission is freeThru Jul 7 Keith Langergraber, “ConcretePoetry”, examines skateboardculture in an installation that includesmixed media, video, photographs,large-scale drawings of fictional citiesand three concrete skateable benches;Jul 13-Sept 15 Marianna Schmidt,paintings and mixed media works onpaper dating from 1963 to 2002, a jointCOURTENAYBrian Scott Studio andGarden8269 North Island Hwy✆(250)337-19412nd location: 1515 LeaSmith Rd(beside <strong>the</strong> Cardboard Bakery),Hornby Island ✆(250)335-1949www.brianscottfineart.comopen weekends or by appt Brian Scott,expressionist oil paintings of westcoast<strong>the</strong>mes.Comox Valley Art <strong>Gallery</strong>580-100 Duncan Ave ✆(250)338-6211www.comoxvalleyartgallery.common-sat 10am-5pm PUBLIC GALLERYThru Jul 21 “Pacific Disturbance”, featuresBarbara Heller, enlightenedhumanistic tapestries and DaleRoberts, organic sculpture that references<strong>the</strong> homemaker and life at sea;Jul 28-Sept 15 “Red & White InsideOut”, George Littlechild, (Metis) andJohn Powell, (Kwakuitl), includescontemporary mixed media iconography,textiles and autobiographical andhistorical references; ARTS & CRAFTGALLERY Thru Jul 21 Mi Hyang Kim,“Sensibility, Nature and Hanji”, workson paper; Thru Jun 23 Cedar Wallace,“Gourds as Sculpture”; Jun 30-Jul 21Joe Stefuik, clayworks; Jul 28-Aug 18Fabulous Fakes, fundraiser; Aug 25-Sept 15 Nancy Morrison, stainedglass; WINDOW GALLERY Thru Jul 21Ken Flett, “Found Objects”, installations;Jul 28-Sept 15 Alistair Heseltine,“Subduction Zone”, installation.Muir <strong>Gallery</strong>Comox Valley Community Arts Council440 Anderton Ave ✆(250)334-2983www.comoxvalleyarts.org★ OPEN LATE ON FIRST THURSDAYS

tues-sat 11am-4pm Jun 1-16 NorthIsland College ProPhoto Show; Jun22-Jul 14 N’Ice – Juried MemberShow, celebrating International PolarYear; Jul 20-Aug 11 Larry Manser, “AWoolga<strong>the</strong>rer’s Mat Hooling”, Maritimeprimitive rug-hooking with recycledand re-dyed wools; Opening Aug 17Heinke Webb, “Passion and Mystery”,acrylic paintings search for <strong>the</strong> relationshipbetween subject and revealer.DELTADelta Arts CouncilTSAWWASSEN ARTS CENTRE: 1172- 56 St✆604-596-1025 mon-sat 11am-4pmARTS CORNER (LADNER PIONEER LIBRARY):4683- 51 St ✆604-946-0525tues-fri 10am-9pmGALLERY NORTH (ND REC CENTRE):11415- 84 Ave ✆604-596-1025daily 8am-10pmFIREHALL CENTRE FOR THE ARTS:11489- 84 Ave ✆ 604-596-1025mon-fri 10am-4pm sat 10am-2pmdeltaartscouncil@dccnet.comTSAWWASSEN ARTS CENTRE Jun Grade11, 12 MADDfest, multimedia; JulSheila O’Hara, “Frames of Mind”,multimedia; Aug Pieter Molenaar, oilpaintings; ARTS CORNER Jun KittyBroeder, “Flowers – near and far”,photographs; Jul Carl Baum, “I’mLooking at you...”, photographs andpaper collage; Aug Gary Fox, “AroundTown”, acrylics; GALLERY NORTH JunGabrielle Greig, “Wild with Colour”,acrylics; Jul Bernie’s Barn Painters,multimedia; Aug Alphabees, calligraphy;FIREHALL CENTRE FOR THE ARTS JunThe Jones Group, “BrushstrokesRevisited”, acrylics; Jul Artswest, multimedia;Aug Riia Talve, “Fringe”, multimedia.DENMAN ISLANDDenman Island Summer<strong>Gallery</strong>Top of <strong>the</strong> Ferry Hill, turn left andfollow <strong>the</strong> signs ✆(250)335-1465www.artsdenman.com/gallery/Jun 1-Sep 30: daily 10am-4pm Jun14-26 Andrew Fyson, “Arbutus on <strong>the</strong>Edge”, photographs; Jun 28-Jul 10Katarina Meglic, “Shortest Distance”,paintings; Jul 12-24 MichaelDennis and Stacy Seabrook, “DismemberedYouth Remembered”, 2-Dwork and sculpture; Jul 26-Aug 7www.preview-art.comRosemarie Schafer, “Reflection”,paintings; Aug 9-21 SamanthaGarstang, “After <strong>the</strong> Storm”, installation;Aug 23-Sept 4 Teresa L’Hirondelle,“Coastal Watercolours”.FORT LANGLEYFlagstop <strong>Gallery</strong>Corner of Glover & Mavis in Fort Langley✆(604)503-1303www.fortlangleyartistsgroup.comJun-Sept 3: sat, sun, holiday mondays12-4pm The Fort Langley ArtistGroup is proud to announce 3 newshows at <strong>the</strong> Flagstop <strong>Gallery</strong>, in <strong>the</strong>Heritage CN Train Station. The showschange over <strong>the</strong> summer so drop infrequently. Artists are in attendance.Participating, award-winning andestablished artists include LaurieAllinson, Robin Bandenieks, JulieBourne, Carmel Clare, Scott Gordon,Margo Harrison, Blair Howatt,Melanie Jane, LeEtta LaFountaine,Beverly Lawrence, Kathy Nay,Melissa Nue-Lee, Evelyn Smith,Lori Standen and Dianne Wilson.Works include oils, watercolours,acrylics, photographs, mixed mediaand clay.PREVIEW 25

GALLERY VIEWSBY ANN ROSENBERGLess Is More in <strong>the</strong> expanded SAMThe Seattle Art Museum recently opened twoamenities that augment SAM’s capacity to displayits growing collections and to install special exhibitions.The institution’s new nine acre OlympicSculpture Park (devoted to 20 and 21st centurythree-dimensional works) opened in January thisyear. In a 35 hour-long event on May 5-6, <strong>the</strong>90,000 square foot addition to <strong>the</strong> museum’salready-established home of its North American,European, African and Oceanic holdings becameavailable for public viewing. Portland-based architectBrad Cloepfil’s addition to Robert Venturi’s1991 edifice provided more space for improvedpresentation, educational amenities, a bigger shop,a ‘proper’ restaurant, and exhibiting gallerieswhere light levels within and views to <strong>the</strong> outsidecould be controlled via easy to operate steel, brisesoleil window shields. According to impromptucomments on <strong>the</strong> Internet, <strong>the</strong> addition is “ridiculouslycool” and it “made <strong>the</strong> Venturi grand staircasework.” The title of an article by Regina Hackett– “Not a show piece, but a show place” – sumsup <strong>the</strong> favourable response SAM’s <strong>2007</strong> additionhas, on <strong>the</strong> whole, elicited.The 1300 First Avenue exterior of Cloepfil’sextension does not make a seamless liaison withVenturi’s Post Modern composition it conjoins. It’sNewly opened addition to <strong>the</strong> Seattle Art Museum, exteriorview of First Avenue and Union Streeta contrapuntal link that’s true to Cloepfil’s own taste for a Modernism that evolved out of <strong>the</strong>Mies van der Rohe “Less Is More” aes<strong>the</strong>tic. ‘Beauty’ in this latter approach, results from excellentcomposition and use of materials. Cloepfil’s arresting 18 storey tower is cloaked in gray steelelements and glass panels that are blue or grey under different light conditions and mirror everythingthat surrounds <strong>the</strong>m in an ephemeral fashion. In <strong>the</strong> Venturi 14 floor building, <strong>the</strong> artisticeffects are applied elements like <strong>the</strong> textured, non-reflective paneling and <strong>the</strong> fanciful stripedarchways which do not ‘react’ or ‘reflect’ city life. The top two floors of <strong>the</strong> older edifice abovethose veneered with opaque cladding, are a Mies-inspired structure of mullions and glass towhich Cloepfil’s entire design makes witty reference.The new tower is <strong>the</strong> result of a clever arrangement between SAM and Washington Mutual, abank that is making Seattle its home base. The museum occupies <strong>the</strong> lowest four floors of abuilding in which <strong>the</strong> financial institution owns <strong>the</strong> top four and currently rents <strong>the</strong> eight ‘galleryequipped’ storeys in between. While WaMu awaits <strong>the</strong> completion of its own 42 storey highrisenext door, it has a high-profile ‘address’ and SAM can progress carefully into future expansion asits bottom line permits.The Seattle Art Museum’s new logo projects out over University Street like a handshakeannouncing “I am SAM”.PHOTO BY RICHARD BARNESAnn Rosenberg is a Vancouver-based freelance curator, critic and author.26 PREVIEW

The Fort <strong>Gallery</strong>9048 Glover Rd ✆604-888-7411www.fort gallery.cawed-sun 12-5pm Thru Jun 10 JanAlbertin, Mary Frances Batut, ElizabethCarefoot and Margot Thomson,“Coldflash”, bold, eclectic work; Jun13-Jul 1 Terry Nurmi and EdithKrause, new work; Jul 4-22 OpenJuried Show 777; Jul 25-Aug 12Claire Moore, and her daugher,“What if...”, collaborative work; Aug15-Sep 2 Judy Nygren, new work.GABRIOLA ISLANDGabriola Artworks#9-575 North Rd ✆(250)247-74122nd location: 3413 South Rd (on <strong>the</strong> Bay)✆(250)247-7432www.gabriolaartworks.common-sat 9am-5pm sun 11am-5pmGabriola, Isle of <strong>the</strong> Arts, has one of <strong>the</strong>highest concentrations of artists inCanada. Openings every Thursdaynight all summer long. Jun 28-Jul 4The Envelope Please, (30 artists, 30envelopes), fifth annual <strong>the</strong>matic exhibition;Jul 5-11 Dianna Bonder,“Dogabet”, celebrated children’s illustrator/authorlaunches her new book;Jul 12-19 New to You, mixed mediashow introduces professional artistsnew to <strong>the</strong> island over <strong>the</strong> past 24months; Jul 10-25 Rick Cranston,“Island Legends”, painter and longtimeislander shares his talents; Jul 26-Aug 1 Maarten Perera, “La Luna”,draws on <strong>the</strong> artist’s Sri Lankan heritage,rich in story-telling, strong incolour and often incorporating text;Aug 2-8 Juju, 10th Annual JewelleryShow, gold, silver, precious, semi-preciousgem stones and more by localartists; Aug 9-15 Tammy Hudgeon,glass art inspired by travels throughIndia; Aug 16-22 Greg Maurer, awardwinninglocation and editorial photographs;Aug 23-29 Rohana Laing,takes batik to a whole new level ofcolour, intensity and composition; Aug30-Sept 12 Claire Watson, work withintensity, passion and colour.GALIANO ISLANDGaliano Art <strong>Gallery</strong>2540 Sturdies Bay Rd ✆(250)539-3539www.galianoartgallery.comfri, sat, sun 11am-4pm <strong>Gallery</strong> artistsA.J. Bell, Stewart Brands, Willemwww.preview-art.comMark Anthony JacobsonOjibway ArtistOur Sacred Environmentacrylic on canvas paintings and printsJune 8 to August 31, <strong>2007</strong>Opening Reception: Friday June 8, 6-10pm3735 W 10th @ Alma604-688-2832www.greeneryflorist.comBreddels, Shao-Fang Ching, FlorenceDebeugny, Kenna Fair, LarryFoden, Lisa Gardner, Ken Mounsey,David Opheim, Dorrie Ratzlaff, KitShing, Garry J. Todd, John Whincup,Johnson Wu and Michael Zoll.GRAND FORKSGrand Forks Art <strong>Gallery</strong>7340 5th St ✆(250)442-2211www.galleries.bc.ca/grandforkstues-sat 10am-4pm Jun 5-Aug 4Robert Murray, “Robert Murray:Working Models”, includes exact scalereplicas for finished works; Aug 7-Oct14 International Folklore Avalanche,Mystics of Mo<strong>the</strong>rhood, 36”x 48” acrylic on canvasphoto exhibition from Grand Forks’sister city, Landkries Spree-Neisse,Forst (Lausitz), Germany.HARRISON HOTSPRINGSJan Townend <strong>Gallery</strong> @Harrison Festival of <strong>the</strong>Arts✆604-984-1296www.jantownend.comJul 7-15 Survival: The Art of AustralianAboriginal Women, Jan Townend<strong>Gallery</strong> will be exhibiting at HarrisonFestival of Arts, Harrison HotSprings BC; Visit <strong>the</strong> Jan TownendPREVIEW 27

<strong>Gallery</strong> in North Vancouver, 604-984-1296 (by appointment).HORNBY ISLANDConversations with GodBronze edition of ten22" HighBrian Scott Studio andGarden1515 LeaSmith Rd(beside <strong>the</strong> Cardboard Bakery)✆(250)335-19492nd location: 8269 North Island Hwy,Black Creek, Courtenay ✆(250)337-1941www.brianscottfineart.common-fri 11am-4pm sat, sun by apptBrian Scott, expressionist oil paintingsof westcoast <strong>the</strong>mes.KAMLOOPS★ Cunliffe House <strong>Gallery</strong>Community Arts Council of Kamloops262 Lorne St ✆(250)372-7323www.cackamloops.catues, wed 10am-5pm thurs, fri 12-8pm sat 10am-4pm Thru Jun 13 RaeleneShea, “Landscape Inspirations”,oil paintings; Jun 14-Jul 4 Joey Nash,“Evolution”, oils, watercolours, penciland collage; Ju 5-25 Cindy Hayden,stained glass; Aug 16-Sept 5 Studentsof Joey Nash, oil paintings.Hampton <strong>Gallery</strong>167 Fourth Ave (near Victoria & 4th)✆/fax (250)374-2400www.hamptongalleries.common 11am-3pm tues-fri 10am-5pmsat 10am-4pm Featuring an extensivecollection of original paintings byCanadian artists Stephen Cheng,David Langevin, Claude Langevin,Nicole Laporte, Maya Eventov,Robert Genn, Debbie Milner, BeverleyBinfet, Fred Peters, Peter Kolacz,Gay Adams, Donna Baspaly, DongminLai, Daphne Odjig, PeterShostak, H.E. Kuckein, Ron Hedrick,Liz Mitten Ryan, Jose Ventura, MikeSvob, Sophie Hallonquist, Min Ma,Jane Everett, Bob and Lloyd Barnes,Terry Hill, Serge Brunoni, Allen Sapp,Gilles Labranche, Veronica Plewman,Robert Held Art Glass, KrystynaGlass and Kurt McVay Glass; we alsocarry a wide selection of sculpture,raku, fused and blown glass.★ Kamloops Art <strong>Gallery</strong>101-465 Victoria St ✆(250)377-2400www.kag.bc.camon, tues, wed, fri, sat 10am-5pm28 PREVIEW★ OPEN LATE ON FIRST THURSDAYS

thurs 10am-9pm sun 12-4pm closedstat holidays Thru Sep 16 Nuvisavik,“The Place Where We Weave”, Inuittapestries from Arctic Canada by artistsliving in Pangnirtung, Baffin Island,home to <strong>the</strong> only tapestry studio in <strong>the</strong>North. Since <strong>the</strong> 1970s, Inuit textileartists in this tiny community have createdworks celebrating <strong>the</strong> heroic livesof <strong>the</strong>ir ancestors; Arnait Video Collective,videos from Arnait IkajurtigiitCollective, Igloolik, Nunavut, <strong>the</strong>sethree videos “Ningiura” (My Grandmo<strong>the</strong>r),“Piujuk & Angutautuk,” and“Anana” (Mo<strong>the</strong>r), represent <strong>the</strong> voicesof Inuit women in <strong>the</strong> midst of politicaland social change; Artic Treasures:The Mary and Glenn Martin Collection,outstanding Inuit artworksincludes works by celebrated artistsPitseolak Ashoona, Kenojuak Ashevak,Pudlo Pudlat and many more.KASLOLangham Cultural Centre<strong>Gallery</strong>447 A Ave ✆(250)353-2661www.<strong>the</strong>langham.cathurs-sun 1-4pm Admission by donationThru Jul 15 Beverly Reid, “Heartof Stone, Heart of Garden”, intricatelyquilted and dyed fibre works and collagesinspired by a love of gardening,<strong>the</strong> natural beauty of rocks and <strong>the</strong>relationship <strong>the</strong>y have to each o<strong>the</strong>r;Thru Jun 3 Eliza Fry, “SubterraneanSeries: Final Episode”, mixed mediaexhibition; Jul 20-Sept 16 FirstNations – Sinixt, works depict <strong>the</strong>Froggy Mountain story; Jul 20-Aug 12First Nations – Inkameep, art workfrom residential school; Aug 17-Oct 7Merks & Bartl, “Beautiful Bindings”.KELOWNAAlternator <strong>Gallery</strong> forContemporary ArtRotary Centre for <strong>the</strong> Arts#103-421 Cawston Ave ✆(250)868-2298www.alternatorgallery.comtues-sat 12-5pm Thru Jun 23 MAINAND PROJECT GALLERIES LaurentGagnon, Stephanie Pelletier, MathieuValade, Yannick Pouliot, “In-Division:Kelowna-Quebec Exchange”,between <strong>the</strong> Alternator <strong>Gallery</strong> of ContemporaryArt and L’Oeil de Poisson,an artist-run centre in Quebec City; Jul6-Aug 18 MAIN GALLERY David Diviney,“Blinds, Hides and O<strong>the</strong>r Points ofView”; PROJECT GALLERY RandyGrskovic, “Urban Cowboys”.★ Art Ark <strong>Gallery</strong>1295 Cannery Lane ✆/fax: (250)862-5080www.lookatart.common-sat 10am-5pm Jun 9-24 BillWilkinson; Thru Aug 14 Summerexhibition of gallery artists; Aug 15-30Shayne Brandel; Showcasing originalcontemporary paintings and sculpturessince 1999 by established andemerging Canadian artists. <strong>Gallery</strong>exhibition seasons are April to Juneand August to November. The galleryadjoins a fine crafts gift shop offeringexquisite clay, glass, woodwork andjewellery from B.C. artisans.Geert Maas SculptureGardens and <strong>Gallery</strong>250 Reynolds Rd ✆(250)860-7012www.geertmaas.orgMay 1-Oct 1: 10am-5pm and by apptyear-round. Internationally acclaimedartist Geert Maas invites <strong>the</strong> public tovisit his exceptional sculpture gardensand indoor gallery with one of <strong>the</strong>largest collections of bronze sculpturewww.preview-art.com PREVIEW 29

mon-fri 10am-5pm sat 10am-4pmAdmission by donation Thru Jun 16Jane Everett, “Equus caballus”, focuseson <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>me of thoroughbred racehorses with drawings, oil on panel, oiland chalk on linen and sculpted chanfrons(horse face armour) created fromkitchen utensils; Jun 21-Dec 6 We areMétis, presents <strong>the</strong> Métis nationthrough visual art, fine crafts and musicof <strong>the</strong> Métis people, fascinating storiesof Métis figures such as Louis Riel andGabriel Dumont and Métis artefactssuch as clothing and beadwork. Alsofeaturing <strong>the</strong> work of Métis artist DennisWeber. Join us for <strong>the</strong> public grandopening Jun 23 11am-2pm.LANGLEYBarbara Boldt Original ArtStudio25340 84th Ave ✆604-888-5490www.barbaraboldt.comby appt or watch for “Open” sign atroad In-home studio gallery of BarbaraBoldt located 5 km outside ofFort Langley is open to <strong>the</strong> public byappointment. Featuring local landscapes,forest and garden scenes inoil, soft pastel and watercolour. Hersignature “EarthPatterns”, paintingsof sandstone formations of GalianoIsland are also on display.in Canada and changing exhibitions.Maas creates distinctive, rounded,semi-abstract figures, architecturalstructures as well as installations in awide variety of materials includingbronze, stainless steel, aluminum,wood, stoneware and multimedia. Thegreat diversity of outdoor art is complementedin <strong>the</strong> gallery by an overwhelmingnumber of paintings, serigraphs,medals, reliefs and sculpture.★ Kelowna Art <strong>Gallery</strong>1315 Water St ✆(250)762-2226www.kelownaartgallery.comdaily 10am-5pm Jun 16-Sept 9 TREAD-GOLD-BULLOCK GALLERY B.C. Binning,30 PREVIEW“West Coast Modernist”, provides acomprehensive look at <strong>the</strong> artist’s prolificcareer and illuminates his transformativeideas that revolutionized <strong>the</strong>art world of British Columbia; MARDELLG. REYNOLDS GALLERY Scott August,“Pinecone Junction”, photo-basedinstallation explores <strong>the</strong> relationshipbetween <strong>the</strong> environment and urbanculture; Jun 23-Sept 16 Renay Egami,“Picnic”, installation and sculpturebased on travels to Hiroshima.Okanagan Heritage Museum(formerly <strong>the</strong> Kelowna Museum)470 Queensway Ave ✆(250)763-2417www.kelownamuseum.caMAPLE RIDGEMaple Ridge Art <strong>Gallery</strong>11944 Haney Place ✆604-476-4240www.<strong>the</strong>actmapleridge.orgtues-fri 11am-4pm sat 10am-2:30pmThru Jun 23 Beyond Tradition, juriedexhibit of weird, wacky and wonderfulart that is non-traditional; Jul 7-Aug31 "The Human Canvas", includesbody decoration featuring life-sizesculptures by Miles Lowry and tattoophotography by Ron Long.METCHOSIN ANDEAST SOOKEStinking Fish Studio Tour21 studios in Metchosin and East Sooke✆(250)474-2676www.stinkingfishstudiotour.comSummer tour: Jul 28-Aug 6: 10am-5pmFall tour: Nov 23, 24, 25 – a self-guidedtour through <strong>the</strong> spectacular coastalarea of sou<strong>the</strong>rn Vancouver Island.★ OPEN LATE ON FIRST THURSDAYS

Artists include: Lorraine ThorarinsonBetts, printmaking; Marlene Bowman,pottery; Angela Menzies, painting;Judi Dyelle, pottery; Robin Hopper,pottery; Peggy Elmes, pottery; DougGilbert, photographs; Don Knoles,woodworking; Chiarina Loggia, printmaking;Doug McBeath, woodturning;Ken McCulloch, mixed media; AliceMcLean, pottery; Linda Peacock, floralart; Bev Petow, metal sculpture; Kathyand Selby Saluke, fibre art; Ann Semple,pottery; Norene Schmuck, mosaic;Hea<strong>the</strong>r Sykes, furniture; DetlefGrundmann, woodworking; JakeJames, blacksmith; Zara Lau, fibre art,jewellery; Morgan Saddington, jewellery;Cheryl Taves, painting, printmaking;Lynn Jonsson, paintings,sculpture; Ekaterina Dmietrieva, silkpainting. Maps and information visit:www.stinkingfishstudiotour.com.NANAIMOAllMarquetry Studio <strong>Gallery</strong>6182 Clayburn Pl ✆(250)729-7415www.allmarquetry.comby appt only Showing several pieces ofwood marquetry work, a variety ofworks from unconventional representationsto abstract mixed media.Nanaimo Art <strong>Gallery</strong>UPTOWN GALLERY:900 Fifth St ✆(250)740-6350mon-fri 10am-5pm sat 12-4pmDOWNTOWN GALLERY:150 Commercial St ✆(250)754-1750tues-sat 10am-5pmFrom <strong>the</strong> exhibit The Importance ofPortraiture, paintings [Uno Langmann<strong>Gallery</strong>, Vancouver BC, through Jun]www.nanaimogallery.caUPTOWN GALLERY Thru Jun 9 Hea<strong>the</strong>rThomas, “The Physics of Power”; Jun15-Jul 14 Federation of CanadianArtists, Salon <strong>2007</strong>; Aug 31-Sep 22Zoe Kreye, Allison Moore, “Mappings:(un)Natural Selection”; DOWN-TOWN GALLERY Thru Jun Rod Corraini;Jun 30-Jul 14, John Girard, a retrospectiveexhibit and sale of paintings;Jul 17-Aug 19, ARTFEST; Aug 18-19ARTFEST, Nanaimo’s “Originals Only”,art show and sale.NANOOSE BAYLyndia Terre <strong>Gallery</strong>1811 Northwest Bay RdNanoose Bay is located on VancouverIsland ✆(250)468-9010www.lyndiaterregallery.comthurs, sun 1-5pm fri, sat 11am-5pmJun 7-Jul 8 Karen Martin Sampson,“Figurative Works”, oils and pastels;Jul 12-Aug 12 Lyndia Terre, “Illuminations:Island Landscapes”, pastelsand acrylic on paper and canvas; Aug16-Sept 16 <strong>Gallery</strong> artists and guests,“Blooms: From Miniature to Mural”,mixed media.www.preview-art.com PREVIEW 31

AUGUST 10 ~ 29th, <strong>2007</strong>OPENING NIGHT THURS, AUGUST 9 FROM 5 ~ 8:30PMSIMON FRASER UNIVERSITYVANCOUVER CAMPUSAisenstadt Space (2nd floor)515 West Hastings Streetwww.sfu.ca/galleryHours:Wed & Thurs: 12-8PMFri & Sat: 12-6PM<strong>Guide</strong>d Tours:Sat, Aug 18: 1-2PMThurs, Aug 23: 12-1PMBRITISH COLUMBIA GLASS ARTS ASSOCIATIONCOLLECTORS’ DINNER • August 16, <strong>2007</strong>La Terrazza RestaurantTicket information: 604.408.0094NELSONTouchstones Nelson:Museum of Art and History502 Vernon St ✆(250)352-9813www.touchstonesnelson.camon, wed-sat 10am-6pm sun 10am-4pm Thru Aug 5 River of Memory:The Everlasting Columbia, historicalphotographs of <strong>the</strong> Columbia River;Ursula Heller, “Powerhouse”, contemporaryphotographs; Jul 21-Sept16 Haruko Okano, “ArboretumArborescence”, mixed media; Aug11-Oct 21 Royal Canadian Academyof Arts, “Two Chairs”, studio furnituredesign.NEW WESTMINSTERAmelia Douglas <strong>Gallery</strong>Douglas College700 Royal Ave ✆604-527-5723www.douglascollege.ca/artscommmon-fri 10am-7:30pm sat 11am-4pmThru Jul 6 Moira Carlson and PennyBirnam “Habitat”; Jul 12-Aug 10Works from <strong>the</strong> Douglas CollegePermanent Collection; Aug 15-Sept17 Barry Cogwell, “Greenlinks <strong>2007</strong>”,co-presented by <strong>the</strong> Institute of UrbanEcology.Arts Council <strong>Gallery</strong> ofNew WestminsterPO Box 16003 ✆604-525-3244www.artscouncilnewwest.orgtues-sun 1-5pm Jun 1-23 Art RentalExhibition, rental dates are Jun 22, 231-4pm; Jun 26-Jul 21 SimplyFriends, group exhibition of mixedmedia work.FT <strong>Gallery</strong>614 Columbia St ✆604-519-1815www.favouritethingsonline.comtues-sat 11-5pm sun 12-5pm ThruJul 8 “Small Shots”, photographs byKen Lorenz; Jul-Aug Call <strong>the</strong> galleryfor exhibition information.NORTH VANCOUVERBel Art <strong>Gallery</strong> Inc. FineArt & Framing2171 Deep Cove Rd ✆/fax 604-924-3719www.belartgallery.comby appt Jun-Aug Group show bygallery artists.CityScape Community ArtSpaceNorth Vancouver Community ArtsCouncil335 Lonsdale Ave ✆604-988-6844www.nvartscouncil.catues-sat 12-5pm Thru Jun 9 Spirit of<strong>the</strong> City of North Vancouver, 29 PaintingsCommemorating 100 years; Jun15-Jul 14 “From <strong>the</strong> Edge of <strong>the</strong> Forest”,initiated by <strong>the</strong> Greater VancouverWood Arts Society, showcases <strong>the</strong>talents of local artisans working primarilywith BC woods to create contemporarystudio furniture; Jul 20-Sept1 Black and White, features originalblack and white artwork in all media.The Graffiti Co.Art Studio/<strong>Gallery</strong>171 E 1st St, 2nd flr✆604-980-1699www.graffiticoartstudiogallery.comtues-fri 1-6pm or by appt Studio<strong>Gallery</strong> closed: Aug 12-31 Jun 13-Jul28 Summer Salon, unique, originaland affordable fine art by local artists.Call for more information; Aug 510am-5pm Harmony Arts Open StudioTour; Thru Aug 11 Sian Woodward,paintings and mixed media.32 PREVIEW ★ OPEN LATE ON FIRST THURSDAYS

Jan Townend <strong>Gallery</strong>✆604-984-1296www.jantownend.comJun-Aug Survival: The Art of AustralianAboriginal Women, on exhibitat <strong>the</strong> Jan Townend <strong>Gallery</strong> in NorthVancouver, 604-984-1296 (by appt);Jul 7-15 <strong>the</strong> Jan Townend <strong>Gallery</strong> willbe exhibiting at <strong>the</strong> Harrison Festivalof Arts, Harrison Hot Springs, BC.★ Presentation House<strong>Gallery</strong>333 Chesterfield Ave ✆604-986-1351www.presentationhousegall.com<strong>Gallery</strong>: wed-sun 12-5pm, thurs 12-8pm Office: mon-fri 9:30am-5:30pmThru Jun 24 Judy Linn, retrospectivephotograph exhibition spans fourdecadecareer; Jun 29-Aug 5 EdweardMuybridge, Jacques-Henri Lartigue,Elliott Erwitt, William Wegman,Hiroshi Sugimoto, Francis Als, ando<strong>the</strong>rs, “To <strong>the</strong> Dogs”, historic andcontemporary photographs of dogs;also, a temporary dog portrait studiooperated artist Shari Hatt, who hasphotographed celebrity dogs, includingthose of <strong>the</strong> Duke and Duchess ofYork and British fashion designerAlexander McQueen, will be availablefor portrait sessions by appointment.A series of Hatt’s dog portraits are alsoin <strong>the</strong> exhibition.Seymour Art <strong>Gallery</strong>4360 Gallant Ave ✆604-924-1378www.seymourartgallery.comdaily 10am-5pm Thru Jul 2 SeymourArt Festival, featuring art by over 40local artists working with <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>me:earth, air, fire, water, spirit. One exhibitionper week for 5 weeks with workshops,performances and demonstrationsthroughout <strong>the</strong> festival.OSOYOOSOsoyoos Art <strong>Gallery</strong>8711 Main St ✆(250)495-2800www.geocities.com/osoyoosartstues-sat 12-4pm Thru Sept 3 “SummerSeason Exhibition”, work by localartists.PARKSVILLE<strong>Gallery</strong> 10•80Unit 101A-1080 Resort Dr(in <strong>the</strong> Oceanside Village Resort)✆(250)951-2332 www.gallery1080.netopen daily at 11am Jul 1 Grand openingof <strong>Gallery</strong> 10•80, located in <strong>the</strong>Oceanside Village Resort. We representa group of established andemerging Canadian artists. Our mottois “always vibrant, dynamic andcontemporary.”Oceanside CommunityArts Council133 McMillan St ✆(250) 248-8185www.oceansideartscouncil.common-sat 10am-4pm Jun 1-29 TheArtistic Garden, art for and about ourgardens including photographs, paintings,furniture, fountains, lanterns andmore; Jul 3-31 Small in Nature, annualexhibition; It’s a Small World, miniaturephotographs; Decosmos Fine ArtsSociety, annual show; Aug 2-31 ArchieBrennan and Susan Mafai, “A Tributeto Tapestry”, handwoven tapestries, atribute to <strong>the</strong> teachings of Archie Brennanand Susan Mafai.PENTICTONArt <strong>Gallery</strong> of <strong>the</strong> SouthOkanagan199 Marina St ✆(250)493-2928www.galleries.bc.ca/agso/Jun 15-Sept 15: tues 10am-9pm wedfri10am-5pm sat, sun 12-5pm MAINwww.preview-art.com PREVIEW 33

GALLERY Thru Jul 15 Drawing on Identity:Inkameep Day School Art Collection,created by children of <strong>the</strong>Osoyoos Indian Band who attended<strong>the</strong> Inkameep Day School, on <strong>the</strong>Nk’Mip Reserve between 1932 and1942. This rare and unique collectiondepicts everyday realities and anevolving sense of identity; Jul 20-Sept23 Julie Oakes, “One HundredSylables”, large-scale drawings usehenna, photographs of India, and collagefrom journals, postcards, Tibetanpaintings, prints, drawings and writings;Jul 21-Sept 23 Choegyl Rinpoche,<strong>the</strong> 8th of Dru-gu, “Tibetanpaintings”, traces his flight from Tibetin <strong>the</strong> 1950’s through his resettlementin India and <strong>the</strong> re-establishment of<strong>the</strong> Tashi Jong Monastery. Unlike traditionalTanka paintings <strong>the</strong>se depictsecular <strong>the</strong>mes documenting <strong>the</strong> dailytrials and tribulations of Tibetan life;Jul 21-24 Monks from <strong>the</strong> DrepungLoseling Monastery engage in <strong>the</strong>ancient artistic tradition of TantricBuddhism, creating a sand Mandela in<strong>the</strong> gallery; THE ONLEY GALLERY CarlBeam, (1943-2005), “Prints from <strong>the</strong>Collection”; PROJECT ROOM A Ga<strong>the</strong>ringof Many Nations: Indigenous Arts34 PREVIEWStudents from <strong>the</strong> En’owkin Centre,painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture,video, film, dance, <strong>the</strong>atre andcreative writing explores student culturalidentity and place; EDUCATIONSPACE A Collective Vision: GlenfirSchool Students, acrylic, clay anddigital photographs by students fromgrade 7-10.Lloyd <strong>Gallery</strong>598 Main St ✆250-492-4484www.lloydgallery.common-sat 9:30am-5:30pm Jun-AugIrvine Adams, Roger Arndt, YasuoAraki, Jordan Bent, Alan Boileau,Laila Campbell, Yehouda Chaki, RodCharlesworth, Phil Clark, GlennClark, Peter Corbett, Yvonne Dubeau,Don Elzer, Bernard Gantner, JenniferGarant, Mabel Gawne, Jim Glenn,Tim Hall, Julia Hargreaves, FrancesHarris, Kevin Healy, Michael Hermesh,Ice Bear aka Chris Johnston,Max Jacquiard, Therese Johnston,Bob Kebic, Denis Kleine, DongminLai, Tom Lamont, Min Ma, Chris Mac-Clure, Chris Malmkvist, Debbie Milner,Arnold Mosley, Janet Murphy,Toni Onley, Diane Paton Peel, GrahamPettman, Lance Regan, JohnRevill, Marke K. Simmons, MinnSjolseth, Theo Tobiasse, Roy Tomlinson,Olga Tomlinson, Mary Ursuliak,William Phillip Watt, Marla Wilson,Nel Witteman, Annette Witteman,Marjolein Witteman and RobertWood.Paw Prints Studio & <strong>Gallery</strong>148 Carr Cres, Willowbrook Valley(off Greenlake Rd, between Penticton and Oliver)✆250-498-4732 ✆888-256-3600www.ArtofJohnSalsnekSummer hours: daily 10am-7pmcall for evening visits. Paw PrintsStudio & <strong>Gallery</strong> is nestled in <strong>the</strong>heart of Okanagan Wine Country.Featuring realism in nature capturedon canvas. Including originals,prints and giclées, private andcorporate commissions.PORT MOODYBlackberry <strong>Gallery</strong>Port Moody Arts Centre2425 St. Johns St ✆604-931-2008www.pomoartscentre.camon-thurs 10am-8pm fri-sat 10am-5pm sun & holidays 12-4pm Thru Jun

VERONICA PLEWMANPrimordial WatersShow held over to June 19, <strong>2007</strong><strong>Gallery</strong> Artists: June 21 – July 19SNAP CONTEMPORARY ART190 West 3rd Ave., Vancouver, BC 604-879-7627 www.snapart.ca10 Mong Yen, “Quiet Path”, watercolourand egg tempera; Home PotteryShow, clay; Tian Xing Li, “Temptationof Watercolour”, watercolours;Grace Siu, “Seeing... Roots”, clay;Lorraine Marue-Mimura, “Between<strong>the</strong> Sky and <strong>the</strong> Shore”, watercolours;Jun 14-Jul 29 Mikhyla Stewart, “FacingTonality”, mixed media painting;Parvaneh Roudgar, “An Artist Meeting<strong>the</strong> City of <strong>the</strong> Arts”, clay; FrédéricAssé, “My Journey into ColourfulMysteries”, oil painting; Sarah Haxby,“Subduction”, encaustic painting;Gloria Barkley, clay; Aug 2-Sept 23Cities of Art, various artists, mixedmedia; TriPod, “Being One andThree”,mixed media; Nicole Anthony,“Into <strong>the</strong> Coast”, acrylic painting;Myrta Hayes, clay.Lone Cypress <strong>Gallery</strong>2411 Clarke St ✆/fax 604-937-0998www.lonecypressgallery.comtues-sun 11am-5pm <strong>Gallery</strong> Bistro:daily 10am-4pm Representing over100 local and regional artists featuringoriginal paintings in oil, acrylicand watercolours, limited editionprints and serigraphs, blown glass,ceramics, turned wood burls andboxes, a wonderful selection ofunique gifts and “Art in <strong>the</strong> Garden”.The <strong>Gallery</strong> Bistro is open dailyincluding Sunday Brunch. <strong>Gallery</strong>artists include Joe Average, RandallClifford, Steven MacLean, TonyMax, L.B. Isackson, John Revill,Pierre Gelineau, Irene Klar, MichaelTickner, John Paul Morgan, ChrisBibby, Janet Scarfe, John Pritchard,Yu Li, Lawrence Ruskin, MichelleVulama, Matthias Boeing, DaleRouleau, Bob Gonsales, JaquimOrtega, Wendy Squirrell, JunichiTanaka, Teri Paul, Jan Wilcox, DonnaGittens, Claude Theberge andPeter Patton.www.preview-art.com PREVIEW 35

LAROCHEFINE ARTGALLERYROWAN KANGOF CARMEL FAMEImages of Tuscany1A-9851 Seaport PlaceSidney, BC V8L 4X3250-655-8278www.larochefineartgallery.comAlleyway, oil [Tuscan], 48 × 36PLEIN AIR PAINT OUT ~ AUGUST 5, <strong>2007</strong>PRINCE GEORGE★ Two Rivers <strong>Gallery</strong>725 Civic Plaza ✆(250)614-7800www.tworiversartgallery.comtues-sat 10am-5pm thurs til 9pm sun12-5pm May 21 onward: open mondaysThru Jun 24 Griffith Aaron Baker,Mike Yuhasz, Fern Helfand,Twyla Exner, Lisa Birke, MarianneCorless, Cara Sawka, Marc Siegner,Alison Petty, Ingrid Mary Percy“Small City Art Museum BiennialExhibition of Contemporary Art”,2006-<strong>2007</strong>; Harry and Linda Stanbridge,“Communion”, paintings andsculpture; Jul 6-Sept 16 Jane Adeneyand Ca<strong>the</strong>rine Gibbon, “Smoke”,paintings, mixed media and sculpturethat explores ideas around fire; JohnHall, “Souvenir”, photo-realist paintingsthat explore <strong>the</strong> enticing, shinysurface of popular culture.PRINCE RUPERTMuseum of Nor<strong>the</strong>rn B.C.100 First Ave W ✆(250)624-3207www.museumofnor<strong>the</strong>rnbc.common-sat 9am-8pm sun 9am-5pmAdmission: adults $5, students $2,children under 12 $1, children under5 free, family rate $10 Ongoing NaXbiissa –Lagigyet, treasurery box of<strong>the</strong> ancient ones; See NorthwestCoast Art in <strong>the</strong> making in <strong>the</strong> CarvingShed and visit <strong>the</strong> Kwintsa RailwayStation Museum.Art <strong>Gallery</strong> of <strong>the</strong> South Okanagan199 Marina Way, Penticton, BC V2A 1H3Phone: (250) 493-2928 / Fax: (250) 493-3992Web: www.galleries.bc.ca/agso / Email: agso@shawbiz.caThe Mystical Arts of Tibet July 21-September 23, <strong>2007</strong>July 21-24 (10am-5pm daily)Monks from <strong>the</strong> Drepung Loseling Monasterywill create a traditional sand Mandala in <strong>the</strong>main gallery.July 21-September 23, <strong>2007</strong>Illustrated memories of Choegy I Rinpoche<strong>the</strong> 8th - A rare exhibition of paintings whichtraces his flight from Tibet in <strong>the</strong> 1950s throughhis resettlement in India and <strong>the</strong> re-establishmentof <strong>the</strong> Tashi Jong Monastery in India.Julie Oakes: Buddha Disturbed An exhibitionof recent paintings by <strong>the</strong> Toronto painterJulie Oakes inspired by Buddhist iconography.RICHMOND★ Richmond Art <strong>Gallery</strong>7700 Minoru Gate ✆604-247-8300www.richmondartgallery.orgmon-fri 10am-6pm sat-sun 10am-5pm Jun 8-Jul 6 RICHmond ARTS,experience <strong>the</strong> creative wealth in yourcommunity with this juried exhibitionof local art, an Open Studio event andbus tour of selected artists’ studiosand an Art Market Day; Jul 13-Sept 9Nora Blanck, Jenny Judge, SylviaKind, Philippe Sokazo and Tim vanWijik, “Shift, Working Through Repetitionand Difference”, explores conceptsof change, repetition and perpetualproduction through paintings,thread drawings, interactive images,time-based installation and hand-feltingwool forms.36 PREVIEW ★ OPEN LATE ON FIRST THURSDAYS

The Diva Show ca<strong>the</strong>rine moffat janice robertson kathryn amisson nancy slaghtopening sat june 9, 2-5 show continues through sat june 23The Lemon Boxca<strong>the</strong>rine moffatoil on canvas 20" x 24"Wellbury Woodjanice robertsonacrylic on canvas 30" x 40"2001 West 41st AvenueVancouver BC604 266 6010www.lindalandofineart.comClouds in Motionkathryn amissonoil on canvas 24" x 30"Canadian Art — Yesterday, Today and TomorrowShoe Fetishnancy slaghtpastel 18" x 24"SALMON ARMSAGA Public Art <strong>Gallery</strong>70 Hudson Ave NE ✆(250)832-1170www.sagapublicartgallery.catues-sat 10am-4pm Jun 2-30 BarryRafuse, “Nature’s Abstractions”, paintings;Jul 7-Aug 6 Lisa Figueroa, “Nurturersby Nature”, mixed media works;Aug 11-Sept 1 Paint <strong>the</strong> Town, exhibitionand silent auction by 30 localartists who paint downtown on Aug 11.SALT SPRINGISLANDArtcraftSalt Spring Arts Council115 Rainbow Rd ✆(250)537-0899www.artcraftgallery.caJun 15-Sept 15: 10am-5pm Artcraft,an art exhibition and sale of work bynearly 200 sou<strong>the</strong>rn Gulf Islandsartists, is located in historic MahonHall on scenic Salt Spring Island. Aninternationally renowned gallery, Artcraftencompasses creative islandspirit with its quality and wide selectionof juried art and handcrafts. Artcraftis a program from <strong>the</strong> SaltSpring Arts Council. For more informationgo to website.J Mitchell <strong>Gallery</strong>3104 Grace Point Sq✆(250)537-8822 ✆866-537-8822www.jmitchellgallery.common-sat 10am-5pm sun 11am-4pmThru Jun 13 Lea Mabberley, silkapplique; Jun 16-Jul 4 Jerry Davidson,acrylics, pastels and graphite; Jul-AugSummer Show, work by gallery artists.We represent painters Wim Blom,Patricia Brown, Janet Cameron,Ronald T Crawford, Jerry Davidson,J. D. Evans, Carol Evans, Le RoyJensen, Lea Mabberley, Peter Mac-Farlane, Dennice Stambuck, SusanTaylor, Jan Sharkey Thomas; sculptorsand woodturners James Bavis,Pat Bennett, Charles Breth, LynnDemers, Jackie Doyle, Roland Gatin,Bryn King, Gerda Lattey, Simon Morris,Rosemary Partridge, KarenReiss, Michael Robb, Jillian Tebbitt,Ida Marie Threadkell, Elias Wakan,Janis Wasend; potters Ken Bennett,Bill Boyd, E.J. Feller; and jewellersBruce Pearson, Andrea Russell andMichelle Wilman.Morley Myers Studio and<strong>Gallery</strong>#7-315 Upper Ganges Rd✆(250)537-4898www.morleymyersgallery.comdaily 10am-5pm or by appt Jun-AugMorley Myers, abstract, figurative 3-dimensional works in stone, steel andbronze. Indoor and outdoor workavailable.SIDNEY ANDNORTH SAANICHLaroche Fine Art <strong>Gallery</strong>1A-9851 Seaport Pl ✆(250)655-8278www.larochefineartgallery.comSummer hours: tues-sat 10am-6pmsun 11am-5pm Call for changes inschedule or for an appt Jun-Aug Featuringscenes of Tuscany by RowanKang of Carmel fame; Peter Shostakand Richard McDiarmid; Aug 5 PleinAir Paint Out Event, for more informationcontact <strong>the</strong> gallery.★ M. Morgan Warren’sStudioA-Frame Studio, Canoe Cove Marina2300 Canoe Cove Rd, besideBC Ferries Swartz Bay Terminal✆(250)655-1081www.morganwarren.comdaily 1:30-9pm Watercolour renditionsof birds. Painter to HM Queen Elizabeth,Prince Philip, Save <strong>the</strong> Children Fund,Sierra Club and <strong>the</strong> guest of SF Museumof Fine Arts and Audubon Society.Commissioned works in progress,prints, studies and bird lore.★ Peninsula <strong>Gallery</strong>100-2506 Beacon Ave✆(250)655-1282 ✆877-787-1896www.pengal.common-sat 9am-5:30pm Jun 3-16 “SundaySalon”, paintings by Philip Buytendorp,Carol Evans, Michael Foers, W.Allan Hancock, Gail Johnson, DennisMagnusson, Ca<strong>the</strong>rine Moffat, RichardMravik and Nancy O’Toole; Bronzesculptures by Ken Curley, JackKreutzer and soapstone sculptures byKevin Peters; Jun 18-30 <strong>Gallery</strong> artistsincluding Kristina Boardman, TiffanyHastie, Janice Robertson, MichaelStockdale and Alan Wylie; Woodsculpture by Malcolm Jolly; Jul 2-31“Summer Days”, featuring acrylics, oilswww.preview-art.com PREVIEW 37

“From Inside” by Nancy De Boni, oil on canvas, 48" x 60 ", 2006Distinguished selection of contemporary Canadian art2427 Granville St. Vancouver BC 604-736-5444Exhibitions on-line: www.kurbatoffgallery.comand watercolours by gallery artists;Dennis Magnusson, flower portraits;Nancy O’Toole, landscapes andMichael Stockdale, whimsical scenes;Wood sculpture by Malcolm Jolly;Mary Fox, ceramics and Ken Curley,bronze sculpture; Jul-Aug Giclée printsby Robert Bateman, Carol Evans andPino; Aug “Beauty & Inspiration”, featuringpaintings by gallery artistsincluding Michael Foers, Gail Johnson,Dennis Magnusson, Ca<strong>the</strong>rineMoffat and o<strong>the</strong>rs; Wood sculpture byMalcolm Jolly; Jack Kreutzer, bronzesculpture and Kevin Peters, soapstone.SILVER STARMOUNTAIN<strong>Gallery</strong> OdinPO Box 3109, 215 Odin Rd✆(250)503-0822www.galleryodin.comthurs, sat 2-6pm or by appt <strong>Gallery</strong>Odin is a year around contemporary,private art gallery located in <strong>the</strong> heartof <strong>the</strong> summer and winter playgroundof <strong>the</strong> Okanagan Valley. Presentingfour shows yearly, representing BCartists working in a variety of mediumsshowing a distinctive and originalstyle. “The Sixth Annual Summer Exhibition”,includes work by BonnieAnderson, Colleen Couves, JulieElliot, Edward Epp, Lynne Grillmair,Ginny Hall, Arne He<strong>the</strong>rington, CorkyHewson, Sara Lige, Elizabeth Moore,Barry Rafuse, Dana Roman, Al Scott,Curtis Smith, Heidi Thompson, JuliaTrops, Ca<strong>the</strong>rine Wetmore, Todd R.White, Deborah Wilson, CharleneWoodbury and guest artist Peter Lawson,oil, acrylic and watercolour paintings,scrimshaw, pottery, sculptureand native carvings; Aug 9-12 AnnualArt Show on Silver Star Mountain, at<strong>the</strong> “6th Okanagan Wine Festival”, inSilver Star Village. Featuring works inoils, acrylics, watercolours and mixedmedia by 18 local artists.SOOKESouth Shore <strong>Gallery</strong>2046 Otter Point Rd✆(250)642-2058www.sooke.org/southshoregallerymon-fri 10am-6pm sat 10am-5pmThru Aug 15 Andres Bohaker,Dorothy Hodgson Butler, RobertLouis Chouinard, Keith Johnson,Mimi Jones, Norma Lake Castillo,Faye Oakes, Roger Painter, AlisonGarrett-Hanneson, Joachim Ludwig,Jill Morton, Gail Erickson and BarbSinclair, paintings, pottery, glass andwearables by gallery artists; Aug 18-Sept 3 Robert Louis Chouinard, “ThePlay of Light and Shadow”, pastel andoil paintings of west coast landscapeand seashore.SQUAMISHThe Foyer <strong>Gallery</strong>at <strong>the</strong> Squamish Public Library37907 2nd Ave ✆604-892-3110www.squamishlibrary.bc.ca/library/whatshappening/FoyerArt<strong>Gallery</strong>.aspxmon-thurs 1-8pm fri-sun 10am-4pmThru Jun 4 Ray St. Arnaud, “The Pre-Millenium Landscapes”, digital photographs;Caroline Miller, smallobject design; Micheline Brien-Bell,natural textiles; Jun 5-Jul 9 BeaLorimer, mixed media paintings;Martin Thorne, turned wood; Jul 10-Aug 6 Maria Mattei, photographs;Keiko Kiyota, “Osaikumono”, Japanesefolded textiles; Monique Paul,38 PREVIEW ★ OPEN LATE ON FIRST THURSDAYS

To <strong>the</strong> DogsPRESENTATION HOUSE GALLERY, NORTH VANCOUVER BC – Jun 29-Aug 5 To <strong>the</strong> Dogs is an exhibitof historic and contemporary photographs of dogs that looks at <strong>the</strong> relationships between humanand canine. The images in <strong>the</strong> exhibit portray <strong>the</strong> diverseways dogs take part in human society as domestic pets,companions, co-workers, labourers and even performers.The exhibition includes late 1800s photographs byEdweard Muybridge, early 20th century images by <strong>the</strong>famous French photographer Jacques-Henri Lartigue, andwork by well-known contemporary photographers ElliottErwitt, a Magnum photographer, and William Wegman,famous for his soulful portraits of his Weimaraner dogs invarious costumes.A highlight of <strong>the</strong> exhibit is a temporary dog portraitstudio operated by Shari Hatt, who will be available forportrait sessions by appointment. The award-winningCanadian artist has photographed celebrity dogs for suchclients as <strong>the</strong> Duke and Duchess of York and BritishJun 30, 2pm – A film seriesof classic dog movies willalso be presented during <strong>the</strong>course of <strong>the</strong> exhibition.Well-behaved dogs onleashes are invited to attend<strong>the</strong> opening reception.fashion designer AlexanderMcQueen. Hatt has studied atpreviewwww.presentationhousegall.comShari Hatt, Jo (2001-02), cprint [Presentation House<strong>Gallery</strong>, North Vancouver BC, Jun 29-Aug 5]The University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Concordia University, Montrealand The Banff Centre for <strong>the</strong> Arts in Alberta. She has exhibited herwork in North America and internationally since 1993. Selections ofHatt’s dog portraits, many of which are in major museum collections,are shown in <strong>the</strong> exhibition. Mia Johnsonone-of-a-kind silver and goldsmithing;Aug 7-Sept 10 JanMarcinek, First Nations inspiredcarvings and masks; Martina Page,silver clay jewellery.SUMMERLANDSummerland Art <strong>Gallery</strong>9533 Main St ✆(250)494-4494www3.telus.net/SummerlandArts/tues-sat 10am-4pm sun 1-4pm ThruJul 7 Dale Mat<strong>the</strong>ws, “Farming and <strong>the</strong>Old West”, watercolours; Lori Mairs,mixed media; Jul 12-Aug 18 TanchaDirickson, “Luminous”, monoprintsand oil on canvas.SUNSHINE COASTGibsons Landing <strong>Gallery</strong>Sunshine Coast Artist’s Co-op436 Marine Dr ✆604-886-0099daily 10am-5pm Gibsons Landing<strong>Gallery</strong>, an eclectic mix of style andsubject matter in paintings, pottery,glass, wood, jewellery and fibre - allcreated by <strong>the</strong> members of this popularcooperative gallery.June Peters, Blue Hole (2006), ochre oncanvas, in <strong>the</strong> exhibition “Survival: The Art ofAustralian Aboriginal Women” [Jan Townend<strong>Gallery</strong>, North Vancouver BC, 604-984-1296,www.jantownend.com, also exhibiting at <strong>the</strong>Harrison Festival of <strong>the</strong> Arts, Harrison HotSprings, BC, Jul 7-15]Sunshine Coast ArtsCouncil <strong>Gallery</strong>5714 Medusa, Sechelt ✆604-885-5412wed-sat 11am-4pm sun 1-4pm ThruJul 8 Jone Pane, “Summer in Paradise”,photographic series of wax figuresidyllically floating in water; JanaCurli, “Lounge Ladies”, whimsicalacrylic paintings of women; Jul 10-Aug19 On <strong>the</strong> Horizon, annual summerinvitational exhibition; Aug 22-Sep 23Marilyn Marshall, “Bending <strong>the</strong>Body”, acrylic abstract paintings give anew vision of <strong>the</strong> human body; JanPoynter, paintings and Susan Furze,stained glass, “Exploring <strong>the</strong> Figure”.SURREY★ Arnold Mikelson Mind &Matter Art <strong>Gallery</strong>13743 16th Ave ✆604-536-6460daily 12-6pm Jun June MacDonald,oil paintings; Maria Zanon, pottery;Mary Mikelson, oil paintings; JohnMcIntyre, soapstone carvings; SheilaSymington, watercolours; ChrisClarke, glassblowing; Jul 7, 8-14, 15Arnold Mikelson Festival of Arts,three acres of beautiful gardens filledwith over 100 artists’ creations, paintings,pottery, glass, metal, stonesculpture and wood carvings; Aug40 PREVIEW ★ OPEN LATE ON FIRST THURSDAYS

Arnold Mikelson, wood sculptures;Lora Armbruster, oil paintings; MarieEbert, oil paintings; Poppy Adams,glass; Albert Morrison, woodturning;Joseph Chiang, porcelain.★ Surrey Art <strong>Gallery</strong>13750 88th Ave (at King George Hwy)✆604-501-5566 www.arts.surrey.camon, fri 9am-5pm tues-thurs 9am-9pm sat 10am-5pm sun 12-5pmAdmission by donation Thru Jun 10The Art of <strong>the</strong> Sari, celebrates <strong>the</strong>sari as a form of living art; Thru Aug19 Cultural Mashups: Bhangra, Bollywood+ Beyond, immersive, interactiveexhibit that utilizes <strong>the</strong> strategiesof DJ and VJ artistry combinedwith viewer-activated technology;Vikky Alexander, Stephen Andrews,Randy Bradley, Bill Burns, EdwardBurtynsky, Janieta Eyre, Brian Grison,Torrie Groening, Scott Massey,Al McWilliams, Reva Stone, RonnieTessler and Jin-me Yoon, “RecentAcquisitions: Exploring photographicand digital media”; ARTS <strong>2007</strong>, <strong>the</strong>Arts Council of Surrey’s annual juriedexhibition; Aug 18-Dec 9 (Sub)urbanExchange:EastKilbride.ukSurrey.ca,postcard exchange between youthphotographers from Surrey, Canadaand East Kilbride Scotland; OngoingREMIXX.sur.RE, a youth new mediaproject.Galleries and museums with a ★are open until 8 pm on <strong>the</strong> FirstThursday of every month.TSAWWASSENLonghouse <strong>Gallery</strong>1710-56th St ✆604-943-3313www.deltaartguild.orgmon-thurs 11am-4pm Thru Jul 22Friends Facing <strong>the</strong> Sea, a collaborationbetween <strong>the</strong> Native Art <strong>Gallery</strong> ofTsawwassen and <strong>the</strong> South DeltaArtists’ Guild; Jul 26-Aug 26 TheSouth Delta Artists’ Guild, “Oil andWater”, 4th annual juried show.VANCOUVERAccess Artist Run Centre206 Carrall St ✆604-689-2907www.vaarc.catues-sat 12-5pm Aug: <strong>Gallery</strong> closedThru Jun 23 Jessica Eaton, Julie Beugin,Dan Starling, Jillian Pritchard,Ron Smid, Canada: The Light on Our Land(<strong>2007</strong>), photograph [Summit <strong>Gallery</strong> ofFine Art, Banff AB, Aug 4-25]“Pop Philosophy”, takes pop-psychoanalysisas a starting point, featuringelements of introspection, fantasy andpsychosis; Jun 29-Aug 4 Maya deForrest, “I Love Here Now”.Antisocial <strong>Gallery</strong>2425 Main St (behind AntisocialSkateboard Shop) ✆604-708-5678www.antisocialshop.common-sat 11am-6pm sun 12-5pmJun-Jul Les Ramsey, new paintings;Jul-Aug Ed Tempelton, Deanna Tempelton,Chris Johansen and Jo Jackson,photographs and paintings.Appleton Galleries1451 Hornby St ✆604-685-1715www.appletongalleries.common-fri 8:00am-2pm sat 10am-2pmor by appt Specialists in Inuit art forover 35 years. Featuring Canadian Inuitstone sculpture, tapestries andNorthwest Coast wood carvingsincluding masks, plaques, paddles andtalking sticks; More than 4000 originalcarvings featuring works by AbrahamAnghik Ruben, Clifford Pettman, andJonas Faber Quarqortoq.Art Beatus (Vancouver)Consultancy Ltd.108-808 Nelson St ✆604-688-2633www.artbeatus.common-fri 10am-6pm and by appt Jun-Aug Sang Won Sung, from Sao Paulo,Brazil, “May Contain Small Parts”, featurescommon plastic objects – mainlyparts from plastic dolls – playfullyrecombined and restructured by <strong>the</strong>artist into zany and comical objects.www.preview-art.com PREVIEW 41

CoalHarbourWESTINBAYSHOREDenman StBayshore DrCardero StNicola StVanierParkCoal HarbourSeawallCordova StPender StMelvilleDOWNTOWNVANCOUVERDunsmuir StQ.E. THEATREMEZZANINE GALLERYBUSCHLEN MOWATT◆◆Georgia StPENDULUM ◆ ◆ RENDEZ-VOUSVANCOUVER ◆ART GALLERY &REPUBLIC ◆ART RENTALBroughton StHaro StJervis StPendrell StBute StBeach AveHastings StRobson StThurlow StNelson StComox StDavie StCanada PlaceWayBurrard StCANADAPLACEDORIAN RAE ◆Hornby StGranvilleIslandAlexander St.◆ BELKIN SATELLITEARTWORKS ◆RENDEZ-VOUS ◆ OR GALLERY ◆ ◆HARRISON◆APPLETONGALLERIESHowe StGranville StSeymour StRichards StCONTEMPORARYART GALLERY◆◆ ART BEĀTUSHelmcken StCornwallYorkBURRARDSLOPESW 1st Ave◆ WESTBRIDGEW 2nd Ave◆BJORNSONW 3rd Ave◆ LATTIMERWATERFALLKAJIWARA,BUILDING:GALLERY JONESW 4th AveELLIOTT LOUISBENT BOXW 6th AveCypress StChestnut StBurrard Bridge toDowntown VancouverBurrard StPine StFir StBurrard InletCordova St◆HOWE STREETGranville StGranvilleBridgeSOUTH GRANVILLEGALLERY ROWGranville StSeaBus to North Vancouver◆MARION SCOTTHastings StHomer StHamilton StMainland StBC PlaceStadiumYALETOWN ◆ COASTAL PEOPLESJOYCE WILLIAMS/ ◆to downtown VancouverVETROVA STUDIOW 5th AveUNO LANGMANN◆Drake StINUIT◆Water St◆BEL ART◆ TECK GALLERY, SFUPacific St◆SPIRIT ◆ACCESS◆ GACHETWRESTLER◆ARTSPEAKGASTOWNCambie StBurrard StAbbott StBeatty St◆Cordova StPowell StPender StSmi<strong>the</strong> StINDUSTRIALARTIFACTSEMPIRE FORUMCarrall StRailway StCENTRE A◆to airportKeefer StExpo BlvdPacific BlvdMain StColumbia StEILEEN FONG◆Granville StGMPlaceW 13th AveW 14th AveWINSOR ◆BAU-XIW 15th AveCambie BridgeClark Dr.False CreekW 8th AveDunsmuir Via DuctGeorgia Via Duct1st AveW 6th AveDOUGLAS ◆IAN TANUDELLPETLEY-JONES ◆ ◆ CHALLI-ROSSOFRANCOPHONE ◆ELISSA CRISTALLCULTURAL CENTRE◆HEFFELW 7th AveDIANE FARRIS◆EQUINOX◆DOUGLAS REYNOLDSMONTE CLARK ◆MARILYN S. MYLREA◆ATELIER ◆KURBATOFF JACANA LAMBERT’S ◆to airportGranville StBroadway (9th Ave)◆ART EMPORIUM& JENNIFER KOSTUIKSOUTHGRANVILLE2nTO AUTUMN BROOK &TRACEY LAWRENCE(on W. 4th near entranceto Granville Island)42 PREVIEW


TOUCHSTONES NELSON: MUSEUM OFART AND HISTORY, NELSON BC – throughAug 5 River of Memory is a travellingexhibition developed by <strong>the</strong> WenatcheeValley Museum and Cultural Center inWashington. The exhibit portrays <strong>the</strong>entire length of <strong>the</strong> Columbia River as itonce appeared through sixty historicalphotographs and <strong>the</strong> writings of earlyexplorers, surveyors, and naturalists, aswell as writings by contemporaryCanadian and American writers and poets.Above <strong>the</strong> installations, 143 hand-paintedsilk fish represent all species ever found in<strong>the</strong> river’s 2000 kilometre length.previewwww.touchstonesnelson.caRiver of Memory: The Everlasting ColumbiaGrace Christiansen Gardner, Priest Rapids (1938), photograph [TouchstonesNelson: Museum of Art and History, Nelson BC, through Aug 5]River of Memory plays an important role in introducing, what exhibition curator Bill Laymancalls “whole river understanding.” The Columbia River flows from <strong>the</strong> mountains of BC throughoutWashington to Oregon’s pacific coast. It was divided in <strong>the</strong> 20th century by fourteen hydroelectricdams and reservoirs that control floods, provide irrigation and supply electricity. The photographsin <strong>the</strong> exhibition capture its origins as a series of waterways for salmon, First Nations settlements,fur-trade routes, agricultural communities, and a highway for commercial stern-wheelers andrailway links. The focus is on early European exploration of <strong>the</strong> Columbia from <strong>the</strong> 1880s to <strong>the</strong>early 1900s, and <strong>the</strong> exhibition questions <strong>the</strong> kinds of economic, geographic, archeological andcultural changes caused by <strong>the</strong> river’s displacement since that time.Toured by <strong>the</strong> Wenatchee Valley Museum and Cultural Center, River of Memory will visit fiveNorthwest museums over <strong>the</strong> next two years, including Touchstones Nelson, <strong>the</strong> Royal BritishColumbia Museum in Victoria, <strong>the</strong> NW Museum of Art and Culture, in Spokane, as well as Tacomaand Portland. A 150-page book accompanies <strong>the</strong> exhibition. Mia JohnsonCOLLECTION: WENATCHEE VALLEY MUSEUM & CULTURAL CENTER, 40-67-15[VANCOUVER BC CONT’D]Art Emporium2928 Granville St ✆604-738-3510www.<strong>the</strong>artemporium.camon-sat 10am-6pm A large selectionof paintings by major Canadian,American and French masters of <strong>the</strong>20th C., featuring all members of <strong>the</strong>Group of Seven and <strong>the</strong>ir contemporaries,Emily Carr, C. Krieghoff,David Milne, J.W. Morrice, TomThomson; Paintings by Karel Appel,A. Calder, E. Cortez, MontagueDawson, Jean and Raoul Dufy, A.Hambourg, J. Hervé, R.L. Pangella,Picasso, Utrillo, A. Volti,Andrew Wyeth, and Canadians MaxBates, Donald Fla<strong>the</strong>r, H.G. Glyde,E.J. Hughes, F. Lansdowne, JohnLittle, Henri Masson, Hugh Monahan,G. Otto, Riopelle, GoodridgeRoberts, Jack Shadbolt, and AndrewWong.Art Rental & Sales at <strong>the</strong>Vancouver Art <strong>Gallery</strong>750 Hornby St ✆604-662-4716www.artrentalandsales.common-fri 10am-4pm Vancouver’smost dynamic collection of contemporaryCanadian art, with over 1200works by emerging and establishedartists in paint, mixed media, photographyand sculpture, new work addedweekly. Featuring <strong>the</strong> internationaldesign superstar, Martha Sturdy’sbold sculptural resin and steel artpieces. All work is available for saleor rental.Art Works <strong>Gallery</strong>225 Smi<strong>the</strong> St ✆604-688-3301www.artworksbc.common-fri 9am-6pm sat 10am-6pm Jun11-Jul 7 Scat: The art of improvisation,if you love music and art, youwon’t want to miss this exhibition; Jul9-Aug 31 Kaleidoscope, featuringgallery artists at <strong>the</strong>ir most colourful!Arts Off Main216 E 28th Ave ✆604-876-2785www.artsoffmain.cawed-sat 11am-6pm sun-11am-5pmArts Off Main is an artist-run gallery,featuring accessible and affordablepaintings, prints, sculpture, photographs,jewellery and pottery byB.C. artists. Presenting outdoor artshows every sunny summer weekend,noon to 3pm.Artspeak233 Carrall St ✆604-688-0051www.artspeak.catues-sat 12-5pm Aug: <strong>Gallery</strong> closedThru Jun 23 Robyn Laba, “Newsworks”,considers <strong>the</strong> accumulationand almost immediate obsolescenceof matter and information via newspapers;Jun 30-Jul 28 Harald Thysand Jos de Gruyter, “Harald Thys and44 PREVIEW ★ OPEN LATE ON FIRST THURSDAYS

Jos de Gruyter in Vancouver”, work isrooted in a folksy, tragicomic sensibilityhoned into an experimental dramaturgy.The video and photographicwork employs sets that are simpleand symbolic; Aug 1-Sept 3 ElizabethZvonar, this project will be visiblein Artspeak’s windows while <strong>the</strong>gallery is closed in August.Atelier <strong>Gallery</strong>2421 Granville St ✆604-732-3021www.ateliergallery.catues-sat 11am-5pm sun 12-5pmThru Jun 9 Robert Young, “StrangeCoquetry”, mixed media on canvasand paper; Jun 16– Jul 7 GroupShow, “Drawing Never Died: newwork on paper”, mixed media onpaper; Jul 14–Sept 1 <strong>Gallery</strong> artistsincluding David Antonides, AlainAttar, Luc Bernard, Nancy Boyd,Michael Dowad, Camrose Ducote,Neil Farber, Charles Killam, EveLeader, Laura Madera, PauloMajano, Erin McSavaney, BarbraMilne, Julie Morstad, Linda Nardelli,Michael Swaney, David Wilsonand Robert Young, “Summer Exhibitionof <strong>Gallery</strong> Artists”, mixed mediaworks.★ Autumn Brook <strong>Gallery</strong>1545 W 4th Ave ✆604-737-2363www.autumnbrook.camon 1-4pm tues-sat 10:30am-5:30pmSomething new, something exciting,something beautiful. A new 4000 sq ftgallery at <strong>the</strong> foot of <strong>Gallery</strong> Row near<strong>the</strong> West 4th Avenue entrance toGranville Island. Showcasing talentedand accomplished BC artists, sculptorsand painters.Bau-Xi <strong>Gallery</strong>3045 Granville St ✆604-733-7011www.bau-xi.common-sat 10am-5:30pm sun 12-4pmJun 9-23 Gordon Wiens, contemporaryabstract paintings in acrylic on canvas;Brent Boechler, syn<strong>the</strong>sis of hard-edgeand painterly abstraction; Jul 7-21Drew Burnham, new landscape paintings;Jul 14-28 Marcus Bowcott, paintings;Aug 11-25 Casey McGlynn, naivemixed media works depict abstract animalsand figures; Magda Trzaski, premierexhibition at <strong>the</strong> Bau-Xi <strong>Gallery</strong>.Bel Art <strong>Gallery</strong> Fine Art &FramingCanada Export Centre, #100-602 WHastings St, (lower exhibition level)✆604-924-3719 www.belartgallery.common-fri 9am-5pm Thru Jun 15 BelindaSaed and George Posada, “SomethingAbout Us: Vancouver”, photographsof Vancouver are piecedtoge<strong>the</strong>r in <strong>the</strong>me stories to createlarger images; Jul 1-Aug 31 Mixedmedia group show.Belkin Satellite555 Hamilton St ✆604-687-3174www.belkin-gallery.ubc.caJun-Aug <strong>Gallery</strong> closed for <strong>the</strong> summer.New exhibition opening in <strong>the</strong>Fall.The Bent Box1536 W 2nd Ave (Waterfall Building)✆604-731-4874www.<strong>the</strong>bentbox.comtues-fri 11am-6pm sat 10am-6pmsun-mon 12-5pm The Bent Box isfocused on <strong>the</strong> promotion of dynamicFirst Nations art. Featuring finely craftedjewellery, woodcarving, prints andvintage baskets. Representing leadingand emerging First Nations artistsincluding Alvin Adkins, (Haida), AlanoEdzerza, (Tahitan), Jason Hunt, (Kwakwaka’wakw),Bill Reid, (Haida), andMoy Su<strong>the</strong>rland, (Nuu Chah Nulth).www.preview-art.com PREVIEW 45

Practical Art History orConfessions of a Fine Art AppraiserChapter 10. The Case of Cornelis <strong>the</strong> Copyist.Recently, while wandering around a local antiques andcollectibles show, I happened upon an interesting black ink,unframed engraving on paper. I was struck by <strong>the</strong> large size of<strong>the</strong> work, approx. 27.4 × 21.4 cm. (10.5 × 8.5 in.) and also, <strong>the</strong>unusual subject matter and composition.The image depicts a shepherd wearing a hat and holding astaff with both hands. He is riding a horse into <strong>the</strong> landscapeparallel to <strong>the</strong> axis of <strong>the</strong> viewer and is about to cross a shallowriver. A cow at his right, travelling in <strong>the</strong> same direction and adisinterested goat, linger behind. Immediately to his left on <strong>the</strong>river shore is a woman with a staff in her right hand and a fullbag cradled in her left. Her dog, which appears to be travellingwith her, cowers at her right side, presumably at <strong>the</strong> sight of <strong>the</strong>horse and shepherd. In <strong>the</strong> far landscape, above a mountainousC. de Visscher, Shepherd in Skin Vest.outcrop stand <strong>the</strong> ruins of a tower.Visual elements in <strong>the</strong> image suggest a definite delineation between <strong>the</strong> labours of men andwomen and perhaps insight into <strong>the</strong>ir respective positions in 17th century agrarian society. Theman on horseback, with his animals, leading <strong>the</strong> viewer into <strong>the</strong> landscape is contrasted by <strong>the</strong>woman on foot, passing in <strong>the</strong> opposite direction, with perhaps a bag of grain under her arm andsupported by elements of domesticity, such as <strong>the</strong> dog. The positioning of <strong>the</strong> staffs in <strong>the</strong> handsof both figures form a strong diagonal, from upper right to lower left.The work was in good condition, although <strong>the</strong>re was some browning. In <strong>the</strong> top right of <strong>the</strong>image appeared <strong>the</strong> words Berghem Delineavit with C. Visscher f. below. In <strong>the</strong> bottom centre,outside <strong>the</strong> image, appeared <strong>the</strong> words Nicolaus Visscher excudit and at <strong>the</strong> extreme right, outside<strong>the</strong> image appeared <strong>the</strong> numeral “1”.As I entered <strong>the</strong> booth to take a better look, <strong>the</strong> merchant offered <strong>the</strong> work for $25. As <strong>the</strong>show was about to close and I presume he did not want to take his unsold merchandise back to<strong>the</strong> store, he offered <strong>the</strong> piece at $15. At his insistence, I reluctantly purchased <strong>the</strong> work.I knew something about antique engravings and my curiosity led me to research <strong>the</strong> work. Iknew that <strong>the</strong> engraving was of <strong>the</strong> period and an engraved copy of an oil on canvas painting byNicolaes Pietersz Brechem (1620-1683) as evidenced by <strong>the</strong> words Berghem Delineavit (Berchempainted this). I also knew that C. Visscher f. indicated that C. (Cornelis) Visscher f (fecit) made ormanufactured <strong>the</strong> engraving and <strong>the</strong> words Nicolaus Visscher excudit indicated that NicolausVisscher had printed or published <strong>the</strong> engraving.What I did not know was that an exact multiple of <strong>the</strong> same engraving was in <strong>the</strong> permanentcollection of <strong>the</strong> Art <strong>Gallery</strong> of Greater Victoria and appeared in <strong>the</strong> catalogue, Dutch 17th CenturyPrints. The catalogue listed works, which toured <strong>the</strong> country in 1981-1982. Fur<strong>the</strong>r researchindicated that ano<strong>the</strong>r exact multiple was in <strong>the</strong> permanent collection of <strong>the</strong> Fine Arts Museum ofSan Francisco. The work was titled Shepherd in Skin Vest, and is also known as Man on Horsebackwith Cow and Sheep; Woman and Dog Crossing a River.Cornelis Visscher, designer and engraver was born in Harlem, Ne<strong>the</strong>rlands around 1628 anddied <strong>the</strong>re about 1658. His family was very influential in <strong>the</strong> engraving industry and worksengraved by Cornelis were often published by ano<strong>the</strong>r family member, Nicolaus.I believe <strong>the</strong> work to be an au<strong>the</strong>ntic, original 17th century engraving by <strong>the</strong> listed DutchMaster, Cornelis de Visscher (circa 1628-1658).NEXT ISSUE: THE CASE OF RED FISH WITH BLUE BREASTS.BY JIM FINLAYJAMES FINLAYFINE ART WEALTH MANAGEMENTjim_finlay@telus.net46 PREVIEW

★ Bjornson Kajiwara<strong>Gallery</strong>1727 W 3rd Ave ✆604-738-3500www.TAG.bc.catues-sat 11am-6pm Jun 7-30 KeerTanchak and Corri-Lynn Tetz; Jul 5-28Carrie Walker; Aug 2-31 Max Wyse.★ Britannia Art <strong>Gallery</strong>Britannia Library, 1661 Napier St✆604-718-5800www.britanniacentre.orgmon, thurs, fri 8:30am-5pm tues, wed8:30am-9pm sat 9:30am-5pm sun 1-5pm Jun 6–29 Victor Goertz, “Theatreof <strong>the</strong> Wild”, acrylic paintings;Doug Taylor, “Seagulls and Hotdogs...Doug’s Scale Models”; Jul 4–28 GerryFuoco, “Visual Perspectives”, photomontage;Aug 1-30 Helen Broadfoot,“A Show of Respect”, war childseries of paintings sponsored by DoctorsWithout Borders; Michael Fischer,“En-casing Fear, Dialoguing Fear”,community engaged project in newmedia.Buschlen Mowatt <strong>Gallery</strong>Main Floor, 1445 W Georgia St✆604-682-1234www.buschlenmowatt.camon-sat 10am-6pm sun 12-5pmJun-Aug Louise Nevelson, “Assemblages1973-1986”, presents rare andimportant works from <strong>the</strong> Estate ofLouise Nevelson, is affectionatelynamed <strong>the</strong> “Empress of Assemblage”,Nevelson shapes space through herstriking and unconventional amalgamsof discarded objects and woodscraps, monochromatic structuresthat have been described as “containersfor <strong>the</strong> subconscious”; recessedvoids representing <strong>the</strong> shadows andmysteries of <strong>the</strong> universe; “ColourField Artists of <strong>the</strong> 60’s and 70’s”,seminal paintings by <strong>the</strong> most influentialartists of <strong>the</strong> Colour Field genre:Kenneth Noland, Helen Frankenthalerand Jules Olitski, defined <strong>the</strong>Colour Field movement through <strong>the</strong>irremoval of extravagance and rhetoricfrom painting.Catriona Jeffries <strong>Gallery</strong>274 E 1st Ave ✆604-736-1554www.catrionajeffries.comtues-sat 11am-5pm Jun 8-Jul 7 ArabellaCampbell; Jul 10-21 <strong>Gallery</strong>Artists; Jul 22-Aug 20 The gallery willbe closed; The gallery reopens Aug21. Contact <strong>the</strong> gallery for exhibitioninformation.Centre A, VancouverInternational Centre forContemporary Asian Art2 W Hastings St ✆604-683-8326www.centrea.orgtues-sat 11am-6pm Thru Jun 23 Limitsof Tolerance: Re-framing MulticulturalState Policy, selected artworksproduced in Vancouver from1987-1995 and archival materialsreflecting its socio-cultural climate,this exhibition aims to re-insert culturalrace politics in <strong>the</strong> larger frameworkof art history; Jul 5-11 Co. ERASGA:BODYGlass, a choreographic creationof Alvin Erasga Tolention and PeterChin with glass art by Jeinna Morosoffand textiles by Ka<strong>the</strong>rine Soucie; Aug3-Sept 1 Gu Xiong, Shelly Low, HoTam, Karen Tam and Kira Wu,“Redress Express: Chinese Restaurantsand <strong>the</strong> Head Tax Issue in CanadianArt and Culture”, critically marks<strong>the</strong> anniversaries of <strong>the</strong> Anti-AsianRace Riots of 1907, <strong>the</strong> Canadian CitizenshipAct of 1947 and <strong>the</strong> 40thanniversary of <strong>the</strong> Canadian Immigrationact. The exhibition is accompaniedby a symposium that brings toge<strong>the</strong>rscholars, community activists, culturalwww.preview-art.com PREVIEW 47

Celtic Emerald Persian Pair, <strong>2007</strong> Portland Press Studio Edition by Dale Chihuly, Photo: David Emery, approximately 11 inches acrossPortrayal June 7 – 30/07Bliss July 5 – July 28/07Halcyon Days August 2 – September 7/07Chihuly - Courtyard Window <strong>Gallery</strong>June – September 24/07View exhibitions online atdianefarrisgallery.com1590 W. 7th AvenueVancouver, B.C.Canada V6J 1S2Tel. 604-737-2629Fax 604-737-2675www.dianefarrisgallery.comart@dianefarrisgallery.com

South Granville<strong>Gallery</strong> RowW 5 AVW BROADWAYFIR ST075 minutes toDOWNTOWN03020105060809101112141515 minutes toAIRPORTGRANVILLE ST0413HEMLOCK STW 6 AVW 7 AVW 8 AVW 14 AVW 15 AVThe number one destination for ART01 Uno Langmann 604.736.882502 The Silk Project 604.732.331403 Douglas Udell 604.736.890004 Ian Tan 604.738.107705 Petley Jones 604.732.535306 Heffel 604.732.650507 Diane Farris 604.737.262909 Douglas Reynolds 604.731.929210 Monte Clark 604.730.500011 Atelier 604.732.302112 Kurbatoff kurbatoffgallery.com13 Art Emporium 604.738.351014 Winsor <strong>Gallery</strong> 604.681.487015 Bau-Xi 604.733.701108 Equinox 604.736.2405

VICTORIAALCHERINGA GALLERYContemporary Aboriginal Art:Canadian Northwest Coast,Papua New Guinea, Australia,Solomon Islands665 FORT STREET250-383-8224OPEN 7 DAYSwww.alcheringa-gallery.comTHE AVENUE GALLERYContemporary BC and CanadianPaintings and SculptureGlass and Ceramics2184 OAK BAY AVENUE250-598-2184 FAX 250-598-2185OPEN MON-SAT 10-5:30 PM SUN 12-5:00 PMwww.<strong>the</strong>avenuegallery.comPLASUS ASAPIIRMA SOLTONOVICH ANDREW WOOLDRIDGE‘CHOSIN POTTERYCeramic Art byJudi Dyelle and Robin Hopper4283 Metchosin Road(30 min. drive from Victoria)TEL/FAX 250-474-2676OPEN DAILY 10AM-5PMwww.chosinpottery.caGALLERY ON HERALDemerging and mid-careercontemporary artists545 HERALD STREET250-480-7180OPEN THURS-SUN 12-5:00 PM OR BY APPTwww.soltonovich.com

GALLERIESMASTER ART CENTREFine Art in LifeChinese Canadian Artist from TaiwanHsiuman (Schumann) ChenWe will relocate to1701 Fir Street, VANCOUVER604-288-8853OPEN BY APPOINTMENT ONLYwww.masterartcenter.comWINCHESTERGALLERIESHistorical and ContemporaryCanadian PaintingsJoe Norris (1924-1996)Selected Work from <strong>the</strong> Estate July 8-28, <strong>2007</strong>2260 OAK BAY AVENUE250-595-2777 Toll Free 1-888-591-2777TUES-SAT 10-5:30PMwww.winchestergalleriesltd.comCHARLOTTE CAMPBELLHSIUMAN (SCHUMANN) CHENJOE NORRISSTINKING FISHSTUDIO TOURA self-guided artist studio tourMetchosin and East Sooke,Vancouver IslandJULY 28-AUGUST 6OPEN 10AM-5PMINFO 250-474-2676www.stinkingfishstudiotour.comOPEN SPACEOpen Space – Open FrameMiles Hunter June 15-July 13Victoria International Jazz FestivalJune 25 - IMP(s) / June 29 - ZMF Trio /June 30 - Marianne Trudel QuintetWorkbench July 13-August 4510 FORT STREET250-383-8833www.openspace.ca

Open Print ShowJune 12 - July 1, <strong>2007</strong>Summer <strong>Gallery</strong>July 3 - August 19, <strong>2007</strong>Painting on <strong>the</strong> EdgeAugust 21 - September 9, <strong>2007</strong>Barbara Younger, Wired Up, mixed mediaFederation <strong>Gallery</strong>1241 Cartwright Street,Vancouver, BC604-681-8534www.federationgallery.caTuesday-Sunday 10 am-4 pmJames Koll, Cheakamus Canyon, watercolour★ Crafthouse <strong>Gallery</strong>1386 Cartwright St, Granville Island✆604-687-7270 ✆888-687-6511www.cabc.net<strong>Gallery</strong>: daily 10:30am-5:30pm Office:mon-fri 10am-5pm Jun 7-Jul 1 TammyHudgeon, “Whimsical Spirit,” joyousmeditations on life, love, colourand travel in fused and slumped glass;Jul 5-29 Jill Allan, “Clear Cut,” thickglass bowls with fine, crisp, interiorpatterns, projecting a spray of colourand light; Aug 2-Sept 2 Christina Luck,“Crowd,” people one might encounteranywhere – some strangers, somefriends, some lovers, imagined incarved and painted wood.Creekhouse <strong>Gallery</strong>#3, 1551 Johnston St, Granville Island✆604-681-5016creekhousegallery@telus.netdaily 9:30am-6pm Located right in<strong>the</strong> heart of Granville Island, Creekhouse<strong>Gallery</strong> offers a truly uniqueblend of fine Canadian art and crafts.Diane Farris <strong>Gallery</strong>1590 W 7th Ave ✆604-737-2629www.dianefarrisgallery.comtues-fri 10am-5:30pm sat 10am-5pmJun 7-30 Alex Abdilla, Fiona Ackerman,Shannon Belkin, Phil Borges,Jesse Garbe, Angela Grossmann,Kathryn Jacobi, Nick Lepard, AttilaRichard Lukacs, Xue Mo and JustinOgilvie, “Portrayal”, portraits bygallery artists and invited guests; Jul5-28 Shannon Belkin, David Burns,Angela Grossmann, Sam Lam, AttilaRichard Lukacs, Justin Ogilvie,Elzbieta Krawecka, Wesley Andersonand Kathryn Jacobi, “Bliss”,drawings and paintings capture fleetingbut profound nuances of light,movement and temporal reality; Aug2-Sept 7 Halcyon Days, featuringwork by gallery and guest artists;Jun-Aug COURTYARD GALLERY WINDOWChihuly, glass.Doctor Vigari <strong>Gallery</strong>1312 Commercial Dr ✆604-255-9513mon-sat 11am-6pm sun 12am-5pmOffering locally designed custommadecontemporary furniture, accessoriesand fine art.Garden Party, featured at Paw Prints Studio& <strong>Gallery</strong> – The Art of John Salsnek[148 Carr Crescent, Willowbrook BC, in <strong>the</strong>heart of South Okanagan’s Wine County,open most summer days 10 -7, 888-256-3600www.ArtofJohnSalsnek.com]Dorian Rae Collection410 Howe St ✆604-874-6100www.dorianraecollection.common-sat 10am-6pm sun by appt Thelongest established Asian and Africanethnographic gallery in Vancouver,featuring exceptional Asian andAfrican artefacts, statues, masks, ritualitems, Buddhas, beads, tribal jewellery,textiles and antique furniture.Currently featuring a rare collection of13th-17thC bronze Buddha imagesfrom Thailand and Laos. Visit our newwebsite.Douglas Reynolds <strong>Gallery</strong>2335 Granville St ✆604-731-9292www.douglasreynoldsgallery.common-sat 10am-6pm sun 12-5pm Thegallery offers a wide selection ofmuseum quality Northwest Coast artin a variety of media by today’s leadingnative artists. Opening Jun 23 Incelebration of our 12th anniversary<strong>the</strong> Douglas Reynolds <strong>Gallery</strong> ishosting “More Than Adornment”, anexhibition of contemporary and historicalNorthwest Coast art.Douglas Udell <strong>Gallery</strong>1558 W 6th Ave ✆604-736-8900www.douglasudellgallery.comtues-sat 10am-6pm August: galleryclosed Jun 2-16 Sze Tsung Leong,Dominique Gaucher, William Perehudoff,Mat<strong>the</strong>w Pillsbury, TonyScherman, Dorothy Knowles, CaioFonseca and Robert Kelly, “The BigPicture”, explores <strong>the</strong> concept oflarge-scale art; Jul Exhibition of workby gallery artists.www.preview-art.com PREVIEW 53

Dundarave PrintWorkshop and <strong>Gallery</strong>1640 Johnston St, Granville Island✆604-689-1650www.dundaraveprintworkshop.cawed-sun 11am-5pm Thru Jun 3 SaBoothroyd, new work; Jun 4-24 JaniceWong , “Notion”, new monotypes;Jun 25-Jul 15 New MexicoPrintmakers of Santa Fe, exchangewith Dundarave’s work; Jul 16-Sept 9Summer Group Show, a changingsalon-style exhibition of members’work.Eagle Spirit <strong>Gallery</strong>1803 Maritime Mews, Granville Island✆604-801-5205www.eaglespiritgallery.comdaily 11am-5pm Specializing inNorthwest Coast Native art and featuringhand-carved masks, panels,bentwood boxes, totem poles,argilite, button blankets, glass sculptureand Inuit soapstone.“Monkey Muse” (detail) charcoal on rag paper 22 x 28 Joyce Woods <strong>2007</strong>JOYCE WOODSselected graphic work 1982 - <strong>2007</strong>June 3 - 23, <strong>2007</strong>Havana <strong>Gallery</strong>1212 Commercial Drive Vancouver BCopening reception Sunday June 3, 4 - 7 pmartist contact: joycewoods@hotmail.comNina Oppermann Wallaceshowing atAysgarth StudioBy Appointment: 250 818 5937www.members.shaw.ca/nina.oppermannEileen Fong <strong>Gallery</strong>,Artists’ Co-op2nd Floor, Tinsel Town Mall88 W Pender St ✆778-889-4057www.coopgallery.comtues-sun 12:30-5:30pm or by apptJun “The Colours of Spring”, featuring<strong>the</strong> work of Roxsane Tiernan,Roy Geronimo and Jeanne Sarich,multimedia group show also includeswork by over 20 artists. Also, galleryartists: Eileen Fong, Jessie Childe,Jane Urquhart, Rita Koivunen,Shelly Bevandick, Wakako Sekimoto,Oliver Malana, Pat Vickers,Richard Bond and Margreth Fry; Jul-Aug Open to public participation withCall for Entry titled “Summer Interlude”.Visit website for applicationdetails.★ Elissa Cristall <strong>Gallery</strong>2245 Granville St ✆604-730-9611www.Cristall<strong>Gallery</strong>.comtues-sat 11am-6pm Jun 2-Jul 5David Garneau, Elena Evanoff, BillLaing, Riki Kuropatwa, new work;Jul 12-Aug 11 Melanie Authier,Martin Golland, John Kissick, PeteSmith, Monica Tap, “Cartographies”,paintings that map <strong>the</strong>domain of contemporary culture;Aug 18-28 Jack McLean, “Black LineGlamour”, title refers to <strong>the</strong> colour ofink used and <strong>the</strong> ironic fact that <strong>the</strong>imagery in <strong>the</strong> work is anything butglamorous.54 PREVIEW ★ OPEN LATE ON FIRST THURSDAYS

Elliott Louis <strong>Gallery</strong>1540 W 2nd Ave (The Waterfall Bldg)✆/fax 604-736-3282www.elliottlouis.comtues-sat 10am-6pm Thru Jun 17Brooke Anderson and ErnestineTahedl, “Resonance”, an arrestingawareness of place is revealed in <strong>the</strong>work of <strong>the</strong>se two artists - one sensitiveand subdued, <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r authoritativeand bold – works richly resonantwith colour and light; Jun 19-30Angela Fama, Jeff Petry and JesseSavath, “Photo Mission: Three Stories”,tap into contemporary anthropology,exposing details on <strong>the</strong> edgesof life; Jul 3-22 Richard Herman andBen van Netten and Dominik Modlinski,“Touching Reality”, pays homageto <strong>the</strong> phenomenon of nature, <strong>the</strong> infiniteprovocateur of ideas that becomevisual on canvas; Jul 24-Aug 12 ScottPattinson, “Periphery Flash”, ongoingstudy of <strong>the</strong> “flow and energy of life”captured on canvas and inviting <strong>the</strong>viewer to experience <strong>the</strong> works as artefactsof emotion, passion and sensuality;Aug 14-Sep 2 Greased Wheels,third annual “Emerging Artists Exhibition”,six artists selected from BC’s artcolleges and emerging artists new to<strong>the</strong> area. Each artwork an innovativeexploration of materials, techniqueand conceptual development of ideas.Emily Carr Alumni Society(at <strong>the</strong> Queen Elizabeth Theatre,Mezzanine <strong>Gallery</strong>), Hamilton atGeorgia St, ✆604-844-3800www.vancouver.ca/<strong>the</strong>atresOpen during QE performances or call604-720-7898 for appt The MezzanineArt <strong>Gallery</strong> at <strong>the</strong> Queen Elizabeth Theatrehas been displaying <strong>the</strong> work oflocal artists for over two decades. ThruJun 7 Ingeborg Raymer, SuzanneKlassen, Leslie Urquhart, JuminLee, Nansi Kivisto, Grace Gordon-Collins, Robin Ripley, Uta Nagel,Alice Rich, Janic Toulouse, IreneMcCutcheon, Laurie Geddes, “WestCoast Women”; Jul-Aug Contact us forexhibition information.Envision <strong>Gallery</strong>2675 W 4th Ave ✆604-733-2082mon-sat 11am-6pm This gallery oflong-time collector, Monny, has a permanentcollection of artwork, as wellas, rotating exhibitions of local artists;Sonia Kobrahel, abstract and whimsicalwork.Equinox <strong>Gallery</strong>2321 Granville St ✆604-736-2405www.equinoxgallery.comtues-sat 10am-5pm Jun-Aug Workby gallery artists including GathieFalk, Fred Herzog, Geoffrey James,Liz Magor, Greg Murdock, RichardPrince, Ben Reeves, Gordon Smith,Renee Van Halm, Darren Waterston,Neil Wedman and Etienne Zack.Federation <strong>Gallery</strong>1241 Cartwright St ✆604-681-8534www.artists.ca www.federationgallery.catues-sun 10am-4pm Thru Jun 10 CanvasUnbound II; Jun 12-Jul 1 OpenPrint Show; Jul 3-Aug 19 "Summer<strong>Gallery</strong> Paintings" by T.K. DanielChuang, Jutta Kaiser, James Koll, TatjanaMirkov-Popovicki, Jean Pederson,Genevieve Pfeiffer, StaffordPlant, Amie Roman, Kit Shing, MikolajSmolinski, Mary Stewart, JohnsonWu and Barbara Younger; Aug 21-Sept9 Painting on <strong>the</strong> Edge.fibreEssence <strong>Gallery</strong>3210 Dunbar St ✆604-738-1282www.fibreessence.cawed-sat 11am-5:30pm sun 12-5pmwww.preview-art.com PREVIEW 55

Simon Dick: In FlightINUIT GALLERY, VANCOUVER BC – Jun 23-Jul 13 As <strong>the</strong>grandson of hereditary chiefs on both sides of his family,Simon Dick has been instrumental in preserving <strong>the</strong> history,legends, music and art of his culture. He is an educationalambassador for his community, an expert carver, and arenowned Kwakwaka’wakw mask dancer who has representedhis people around <strong>the</strong> world. In his first solo exhibition of art,Kwakiutl artist Simon Dick presents a series of carvings andjewellery pieces based on <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>me of birds.As a dancer for <strong>the</strong> Hamatsa secret society, Dick’s role as <strong>the</strong>Grouse is to call forth <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r dances. The bird masks in thisexhibit, which he created from red cedar, cedar bark, fea<strong>the</strong>rsand bits of fur, demonstrate <strong>the</strong> degree to which his ceremonialartworks are a labour of love. The masks, like his dancing, areexuberant, lively, technically elaborate works of art.Simon Dick grew up in Kingcome Inlet, BC and latermoved to Alert Bay. He apprenticed under Tony Hunt Sr. forfour years at <strong>the</strong> Arts Of The Raven studio in Victoria, andunder Sam Henderson in Campbell River. He worked withacclaimed Haida artist, <strong>the</strong> late Bill Reid, carving a 24-footpreviewwww.inuit.comSimon Dick, Echo Mask (<strong>2007</strong>), red cedar[Inuit <strong>Gallery</strong>, Vancouver BC, Jun 23-Jul 13]canoe. Dick continues this tradition by taking on apprentices and teaching <strong>the</strong>m <strong>the</strong> art and <strong>the</strong>ways of <strong>the</strong> First Nations People. In 1986, Dick was commissioned to create a carving for Expo by<strong>the</strong> Canadian Pavilion in Vancouver, BC. He designed and constructed a massive Thunderbirdcarving, measuring 40 feet high by 30 feet wide, that cradled <strong>the</strong> amphi<strong>the</strong>ater. Mia JohnsonThru Jun 17 “Something to CrowAbout”, mixed media work by <strong>the</strong> MidIsland Surface Design Group; Jun21-Jul 22 Vickie Newington, “FallingDown in Western Canada”, exploreslandscapes and farms, in canvas,paint and thread; Jul 26-Aug 26 Vancouver’sTapestry Weavers InterestGroup, presents “Woolworks”; Aug 31onward Hanna Haapasalo and KaijaRautiainen, evocative weavings.Framagraphic Framing<strong>Gallery</strong>1116 W Broadway ✆604-738-0017www.framagraphic.common-fri 9:30am-6pm sat 10am-5pmSpecializing in contemporary Canadianand international limited edition printsand posters. Works available by Alvar,Boulanger, Delacroix, Dojer, Harrison,Hessam, Hiscock, Lively, McKnight,Mihanovic, Otsuka, Pradzynski,Sugiura, Tarkay and Tickner.<strong>Gallery</strong> at HycroftUniversity Women’s Club of Vancouver1489 McRae Ave ✆604-731-4661http:www.uwcvancouver.caOpening receptions: public welcome<strong>Gallery</strong> viewing: by appt Thru Jun 27Ka<strong>the</strong>rine Freund-Hainsworth, visualartist, published author, and historicalresearcher exhibits new media arts andmulti-media collage works that givevisual stories through historical subjectmatter combining drawing, photography,painting, digital printmaking,design, and more; Jul-Aug Work bymembers of <strong>the</strong> University Women’sClub featuring both professional andamateur artists, this exhibition illustratesa common <strong>the</strong>me among <strong>the</strong>artists – a universal love and appreciationof visual art; Jul 5 10:30am-12noon, opening with coffee party atHycroft – <strong>the</strong> public is welcome.<strong>Gallery</strong> Gachet88 E Cordova St ✆604-687-2468www.gachet.orgwed-sun 12-6pm Jun-Aug Contact<strong>the</strong> gallery for exhibition information.★ <strong>Gallery</strong> Jones1725 W 3rd Ave ✆604-714-2216www.galleryjones.comtues-fri 11am-6pm sat 12-5pm Jun-Aug <strong>Gallery</strong> Jones features a rotatingexhibition of work by gallery artistsincluding Anselmo Swan, PeterAspell, James Nizam, Otto Rogers,Robert Buelteman, Cybele Young,Michael Abraham, Pierre Coupey,Brian Burke, Ann Goldberg, HansSchule, and o<strong>the</strong>rs.★ <strong>Gallery</strong> of B.C. Ceramics1359 Cartwright St, Granville Island<strong>Gallery</strong>: ✆604-669-3606Guild: ✆604-669-5645www.bcpotters.comdaily 10am-6pm Thru Jun 25 SheilaMorissette, “MOD-POTz”, contemporaryhome décor (vases); Jun 28-Jul30 Laurie Rolland, “Regeneration”,sculptural and wall relief art works; Aug2-Sept 3 Lynne Johnson, “Illusion ofShadows”, Kohiki inspired functionaltableware, garden decor and lanterns.Greenery Florist & <strong>Gallery</strong>3735 W 10th Ave ✆604-688-2832www.greeneryflorist.common-sat 10am-5:30pm or by appt Thegallery displays <strong>the</strong> vibrant colours of<strong>the</strong> woodland style of Ojibway art56 PREVIEW ★ OPEN LATE ON FIRST THURSDAYS

against a lush background of freshflowers and orchid plants. Featuringoriginal works by Mark AnthonyJacobson, Bruce Morrisseau, DonaldPeters, Andrew Bainbridge and CurtisBrown; Jun 8-30 Mark AnthonyJacobson, Ojibway artist, “Our SacredEnvironment”; Jul-Aug Contact <strong>the</strong>gallery for exhibition information.grunt gallery#116-350 E 2nd Ave ✆604-875-9516www.grunt.bc.cawed-sat 12-6pm Thru Jun 23 JudeNorris, installation by multi-disciplinaryCree-Métis artist, employs idiosyncraticcombinations of ‘Native’material, language, traditional creativepractice, and iconography with elementsof western technology, art practice,<strong>the</strong>ory and language; Jun 14 8pmVictoria Singh, “In <strong>the</strong> avatar of‘Ganeshini’”, performance; Jun 14-23Victoria Singh, “Tipi-Aayala”, performanceinstallation; Jun 24-Aug 4Megan Dickie, Jamie Drouin, LanceOlsen, Suzanne L. Mir, d bradleymuir, Ingrid Mary Percy, “Spectaclesof Intimacy”, explores <strong>the</strong> role of artistas social spectator: one who witnessesintimate (private) spaces and momentsand translates <strong>the</strong>m into <strong>the</strong> publicsphere for debate and discussion.Harrison Galleries901 Homer St (at Smi<strong>the</strong>)✆604-732-5217www.harrisongalleries.comdaily 10am-6pm Jun 1-10 LeifOstlund, new work; Thru Summer<strong>Gallery</strong> artists.★ Havana <strong>Gallery</strong>1212 Commercial Dr✆604-253-9119www.havanarestaurant.camon-fri 11am-midnight sat-sun 10ammidnightJun 3-23 Joyce Woods,“Selected Graphic works 1982-<strong>2007</strong>”;Jun 24-Jul 14 Moe Taylor and DagmarDlab, “Strata”, acrylic on canvas andencaustic on panel; Jul 15-Aug 4Tamara Cassidy, “Blueswept”, mixedmedia includes acrylic, photographsand poetry; Aug 5-25 Eva Waldauf,“Dangerous Women and Cold Hearts”,mixed media includes tissue wrap, fabric,ink, coloured pencil and oil pastels.Heffel Fine Art AuctionHouse2247 Granville St✆604-732-6505 ✆800-528-9608www.heffel.common-sat 10am-6pm Jun 7-23 Onlineauction, “Summer Sale”; Jul 5-28Online auction, Maude Lewis ando<strong>the</strong>r Canadian naïve masters, “NauticalSummer Sale”; Aug 2-25 Onlineauction, First Nations Art and SelectedInuit Art.Howe Street <strong>Gallery</strong> ofFine Art & The Soul ofAfrica Collection555 Howe St ✆604-681-5777www.howestreetgallery.common-sat 10am-6pm sun 11am-6pmJun-Jul Featuring work by acclaimedinternational artists. Jun 28 Unveilingof <strong>the</strong> breathtaking 6 ft tall bronzesculpture of martial arts legend BruceLee, by Prof. Cao Chong-en; sculptureby Canadian and Bulgarianartists; Chituwa Jemali, sculpturefrom Zimbabwe; soul provokingShona sculptures from Africa; paintingsby Vancouver artists accomplishedin classicism and impressioniststyles: Edgardo Lantin, StephenCheng, Kindrie Grove and JosephWong; classical European style paintingsby Voytek Nowakowski; watercoloursby Prof. You-Mee Park andnew paintings by Xu Min.www.preview-art.com PREVIEW 57

Peng Liu: Solids: BoundJACANA Contemporary Art, VANCOUVER BC – June 2-24 Beijing artist Peng Liu moved to Canadain 2000 and opened <strong>the</strong> Jacana <strong>Gallery</strong>. His background includes painting, performances, cinematicwork and a Diploma in Film Direction from <strong>the</strong> Beijing Film Institute, as well as four years at <strong>the</strong>Heilongjiang Fine Arts Institute. JACANA Contemporary Artrepresents a variety of Canadian and international artists withspecial attention to contemporary Asian art. JACANA'smandate is to recognize <strong>the</strong> rapidly developing currents inAsian fine art and <strong>the</strong>ir influence on Canadian culture andsociety. The gallery exhibits a mix of modern landscape,abstract and realist work.Solids:Bound is an exhibition of work by Peng Liu with twocomponents: an installation and paintings using ropes oncanvas. For <strong>the</strong> installation, Liu employs ropes to suspendChinese furniture in <strong>the</strong> air, an act that moves <strong>the</strong>m from <strong>the</strong>functional to <strong>the</strong> merely decorative and curious. Liu describes<strong>the</strong> installation as a metaphor for his ties to Chinese cultureand his simultaneous sense of displacement as an immigrant in<strong>the</strong> West.The paintings result from an elaborate crafts procedureusing ropes of different colours, textures, diameters andlengths. After joining side-by-side canvasses with piles ofcolourful ropes and a mixture of glue and oil pigments, heallows <strong>the</strong> surfaces to dry before cutting <strong>the</strong>m apart again. AsPeng Liu in studio [JACANA Contemporary Art,Vancouver BC, Jun 2-24]previewwww.jacanagallery.comhe puts it, “Part of me struggles to sever <strong>the</strong> bonds confiningme, while ano<strong>the</strong>r part of me works continually to forge newones.” Mia JohnsonIan Tan <strong>Gallery</strong>2202 Granville St ✆604-738-1077www.iantangallery.common-sat 10am-6pm sun 12-5pm Jun 9-28 Glenn Payan, “New paintings”; July7-26 Patty Ampleford, “Nature Sings”,paintings; July 28-Aug 16 Richard Cole,“New works”, paintings.★ Industrial Artifacts49 Powell St ✆604-874-7797www.industrialartifacts.common-tues by appt wed 12-6 thurs-fri12-8pm sat 12-6 sun 12-5pm IndustrialArtifacts preserves and transformsclassical industrial designsfrom <strong>the</strong> past into provocative andfunctional artistic furnishings for anenvironmentally friendly future. Forcustom work schedule a trip to <strong>the</strong>nearby warehouse. Empire Forum ofArt and Design features work fromsome of Vancouver’s most talentedlocal artists and artisans includingArnt Arntzen, Martin Hunt, DavidePan, Karl Simmerling, BortoloMarola, Johann Wieghardt.Inuit <strong>Gallery</strong> of Vancouver206 Cambie St, Gastown✆604-688-7323 ✆888-615-8399www.inuit.common-sat 10am-6pm sun 11am-5pmJun 23-Jul 13 Simon Dick, “In Flight”,powerful collection of masks illustratingsome of <strong>the</strong> supernatural birdsbelonging to <strong>the</strong> rich mythology of <strong>the</strong>Kwakwaka’wakw people. Featuringelaborate transformation masks, longelegant beaked birds and portrait stylemasks carved from red cedar andadorned with cedar bark, horse hair,copper and fea<strong>the</strong>rs.JACANAContemporary Art2435 Granville St ✆604-879-9306www.jacanagallery.comtues-sat 10am-6pm sun 12-5pm Jun2-24 Peng Liu, “Solids: Bound”,abstraction alluding to <strong>the</strong> cultural andsocial restrictions imposed by geographicmigrations; Jul 7-28 “StillWoods”, featuring Cybele Ironside,e<strong>the</strong>real and luminous oil landscapesof <strong>the</strong> unmistakable BC coast and CandideFranklyn, stark yet dreamy photographsexamine human imprints in<strong>the</strong> natural landscape; Aug 4-25 “Mr.M and <strong>the</strong> Sisters of Cha Cha”, featuringSoizick Meister, paintings tip adistinctly surrealist bowler hat toMagritte by dropping figures intoabsurd yet distinctly Canadian landscapesand Alison Kobayashi, delicatemonochrome chine colle silkscreensrender young women as heroinespulled from narrative mystery stories.The JEM (Just East ofMain) <strong>Gallery</strong>225 E Broadway ✆604-879-5366www.myspace.com/<strong>the</strong>jemgalleryCheck website or call for hours Jun 2-21 Krysztof Nemeth, "Summer of Sin"pin-up art, illustrations; Jun 22-Jul 4Bob Scott, "Tiki Plague", unique corkcarvings and paintings; Jul 5-11 FridaCiento, group show celebrating FridaKahlo’s 100th birthday, 100 artists; Jul13-31 Holly Ruth Anderson, "CherryIce Cream Smile", Anderson's first solo58 PREVIEW ★ OPEN LATE ON FIRST THURSDAYS

AITHOUSA SKOUPHA, ATHENS GREECEJune 21 - July 5, <strong>2007</strong>DAVID A HAUGHTONview paintings at www.haughton-art.caHouse with Turquoise Doors and Windmills (detail), <strong>2007</strong>, watercolour on Arches rag paper, 11 x 30 inchesshow, paintings; Aug 2-15 Lauder(James Marsden), "He's Back", paintingand installation; Aug 17-Sep 4 PilarAlvarez, "Tickled Pink", paintings.Jennifer Kostuik <strong>Gallery</strong>2928 Granville St ✆604-737-3969www.kostuikgallery.comtues-sat 10am-6pm sun 1-5pm JunSteven Goring, “Painting in TwoParts”, inspired by <strong>the</strong> music of PhillipGlass; Jul Sara McIntosh, large-scalepaintings; Aug Group show of work bygallery artists.Joyce Williams AntiquePrints & Maps#114-1118 Homer St Yaletown✆604-688-7434www.jwprintsandmaps.comtues-sat 11am-5pm Offering a largeselection of antique maps, Japanesewoodblock prints, botanical, architectural,natural history and decorativeprints from <strong>the</strong> 16th-20th centuries.Featuring Charles van Sandwyk, etchingsand watercolours.Kurbatoff Art <strong>Gallery</strong>2427 Granville St ✆604-736-5444www.kurbatoffgallery.comtue-sat 10:30am-5:30pm Sun 12-5pm Jun-Aug The best time to choosefrom a variety of directions in rotatinggroup exhibitions by gallery artists.New works by William Allister, DonnaBaspaly, Chris Charlebois, NancyDe Boni, Chris Langstroth, BrianSimons and Ann Zielinski.Lambert’s <strong>Gallery</strong> & Shop2439 Granville St ✆604-263-1111www.lambertsgallery.comsun, mon 12-4pm tues-sat 10am-5:30pm and by appt Established in2003, <strong>the</strong> gallery showcases <strong>the</strong> mostdiverse collection of contemporaryworks of art in Vancouver. Offeringabstract, landscape and figurativepaintings, glass, ceramc and stonesculptures, giclées and reproductions.Jun Group show; Jul Exhibitionfeaturing new works by Pieter Molenaar,Pei Yang and Greta Guzek; AugGroup show.Lattimer <strong>Gallery</strong>1590 W 2nd Ave ✆604-732-4556www.lattimergallery.common-sat 10am-6pm sun 11am-5pmholidays 12-5pm Celebrating 20years as a gallery specializing inNorthwest Coast Native Art. Thegallery offers a comprehensive selectionof original works of art by FirstNations artists, including gold andsterling silver jewellery, masks, panels,bentwood boxes, totem poles,argillite, sculptures, paintings andlimited edition prints..★ Le Centre CulturelFrancophone de Vancouver1551 W 7th Ave ✆604-736-9806www.lecentreculturel.common-thurs 9am-9pm fri 10am-6pm sat10am-4pm Thru Jun 9 ChristineJutras-Tarakdjian, “Ephemeral Roots”,India ink paintings; Jun 11-24 My FrancophoneRoots”, children’s exhibition;Jul-Aug Contact <strong>the</strong> gallery for exhibitioninformation.Linda Lando Fine Art2001 W 41st Ave ✆604-266-6010www.lindalandofineart.comtues-sat 10am-5pm Jun 9-23 KathrynAmission, Ca<strong>the</strong>rine Moffat, JaniceRobertson and Nancy Slaght, “TheDiva Show”, paintings; Jun 24-Aug 31Kathryn Amisson, Barbara Amos,Coral Barclay, Joe Coffey, BrunoCote, Jan Crawford, J.G. Freedman,www.preview-art.com PREVIEW 59

Jack McLean: Black Line GlamourELISSA CRISTALL GALLERY, VANCOUVER BC – Aug18-28 Jack McLean was born in Glasgow, Scotlandand earned his BA at <strong>the</strong> Glasgow School of Art. In1987, he travelled to Japan where he continues towork today. McLean creates pen and ink caricaturesdense with symbols that employ strong narratives ofsubterfuge, crime, fraud and illusion.He works primarily on paper and canvas creatingmeticulously detailed depictions of scenes drawn fromlife and interwoven with fantasy. His drawings imitate<strong>the</strong> over-crowded living conditions in Japan and <strong>the</strong>strict use of space. Many are based on incidents in <strong>the</strong>trains, which are filled to capacity. He has also createdseveral sculptural installations, including TheMircosculpture Involuntary Acquisitions Project where <strong>the</strong>previewwww.cristallgallery.comJack McLean, Big Drawing I [detail] (<strong>2007</strong>), oil-based inkpen on canvas [Elissa Cristall <strong>Gallery</strong>, Vancouver BC, Aug18-28]artist placed sculptures at <strong>the</strong> Moma NYC, Tate London, MOCA L.A. and Tokyo’s Hara Museum. InTokyo, he once buried Cellophane wrapped cast human limbs in public parks.McLean recently showed his work at <strong>the</strong> Waiheke Community and Corner <strong>Gallery</strong> in NewZealand, Henie Onstad Art Centre in Oslo, <strong>the</strong> UN <strong>Gallery</strong> and A.R.T <strong>Gallery</strong> in Tokyo, and <strong>the</strong>Roebling Hall <strong>Gallery</strong> in New York. Black Line Glamour is his first exhibit in Canada. The exhibitionfollows <strong>the</strong> completion of a residency in Norway by invitation of <strong>the</strong> Norwegian Government wherehe began a set of mural-size manga drawings of Ibsen’s play Peer Gynt for “Ibsen 2006”. Mia JohnsonGraham Herbert, Susan He<strong>the</strong>rington,Caroline James, John Koerner,Lori-Ann Latremouille, Lissi Legge,Ca<strong>the</strong>rine Moffat, Suzanne Northcott,Dianne Ostoich, Neil Patterson, JaniceRobertson, Yves Schmidt, TimSchumm, Nancy Slaght, DeborahWorsfold, paintings; also, paintings byhistorical Canadian masters, Group ofSeven, Canadian Group of Painters,and o<strong>the</strong>rs.Malaspina Printmakers<strong>Gallery</strong>1555 Duranleau St, Granville Island✆604-688-1724www.malaspinaprintmakers.common-fri 10am-5pm sat-sun 11am-5pm Thru Jun 17 Pat Beaton, “SquallLines”, figurative lift prints andlinocuts are quick responses tochance and emotion, reading as criticalinsight into human nature; Jun 19-Sept 3 Hot Off <strong>the</strong> Press, salon-styleexhibit of smaller format originalprints made by our members includingetchings, lithographs, monotypes,woodcuts and serigraphy. Tour <strong>the</strong>studio and learn more about <strong>the</strong>dynamics of printmaking in our adjacentstudio.★ Marilyn S. MylreaArt <strong>Gallery</strong>2341 Granville St ✆604-736-2450www.marilynmylrea.comwed-sun 12-5pm or by appt Thru Jun30 Awakening Colours, contemporarygroup exhibition featuring <strong>the</strong> beautyand power of colour by eight localartists; Jul 6-Aug 31 “Brilliant Days”,contemporary group exhibition inspiredby <strong>the</strong> magnificence of nature,featuring Marilyn S. Mylrea, abstractlandscapes; Tini Meyer, colourfulabstracts; Robert Jess Marshall, texturedlandscapes; Susan Falk, brightflowers; Librado Lee Anonueo, lushscenery; Royden Josephson, elegantabstracts and Kurt Stachow, exquisiteItalian sculptures.Marion Scott <strong>Gallery</strong>308 Water St, Gastown✆604-685-1934www.marionscottgallery.common-sat 10am-5:30pm Thru Jun 10Edward Epp, “China Diaries”, watercoloursand assemblages based ontravels to <strong>the</strong> People’s Republic ofChina; Jun 16-Jul 15 PitseolakAshoona, John Kavik, Jutai Toonoo,Oviloo Tunnillie, Tony Anguhalluq,“From Above,” works by Inuit artistsfrom <strong>the</strong> Canadian arctic exploring arange of spiritual and contemporary<strong>the</strong>mes; Jul 21-Aug 31 Sheojuk Etidlooie,(1932-1999),“Nor<strong>the</strong>rn Line,”abstract drawings by <strong>the</strong> late CapeDorset artist, one of Inuit art’s mostidiosycratic creators; Jul 21-Aug 31Toonoo Sharky, TunaIquliq, SameulNahaulaituq, Aoudla Pee and o<strong>the</strong>rs,“Timmiat: Birds of <strong>the</strong> North,” Inuitsculptures of birds in stone and bone.Monny’s Art <strong>Gallery</strong>(MAG <strong>Gallery</strong>)2675 W 4th Ave ✆604-733-2082monny@shaw.camon-sat 11am-6pm This gallery of longtimecollector, Monny, has a permanentcollection of artwork, as well as rotatingexhibitions of local artists: Sonia Kobrahel,abstract and whimsical work.Monte Clark <strong>Gallery</strong>2339 Granville St ✆604-730-5000www.monteclarkgallery.comtues-sat 10am-6pm Thru Jun 30Greg Girard, “Sailors”, photographsof young American servicemenbetween <strong>the</strong> fall of Saigon (1975) and<strong>the</strong> fall of <strong>the</strong> Berlin Wall (1989); Jul60 PREVIEW ★ OPEN LATE ON FIRST THURSDAYS

5-28 Brandon Lattu, new works; Aug2-Sept 8 Justine Kurland, newworks.Morris and Helen BelkinArt <strong>Gallery</strong>University of British Columbia1825 Main Mall ✆604-822-2759www.belkin-gallery.ubc.catues-fri 10am-5pm sat-sun 12-5pmclosed holidays Jun 1-Aug 19 GlennLigon, “Some Changes”. Ligon is at<strong>the</strong> forefront of a generation of artistswho came to prominence in <strong>the</strong> lateeighties on <strong>the</strong> strength of conceptuallybased paintings and photo-textwork that investigates <strong>the</strong> social, linguisticand political construction ofrace, gender and sexuality.Museum of AnthropologyUniversity of British Columbia6393 NW Marine Dr ✆604-822-5087www.moa.ubc.caThru Oct 8: daily 10am-5pm tues 5-9pm Admission: adults $9, students,seniors 65+ $7, tues 5-9pm Pay whatyou can (suggested contribution $5),group rates and guided tours arebooked ahead Call 604-822-4643MOA is wheelchair accessible Jul 10-Dec 31 Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas,“Travelling <strong>the</strong> Museum”, inspired byMOA’s current Renewal Project. Knownfor his Haida manga, Michael has createdthree installations for <strong>the</strong> Museum’spermanent galleries, transformingmaterials ranging from an entirePontiac Firefly, to Plymouth andDynasty car hoods, to archaeologystorage trays, <strong>the</strong> July 10 opening isplanned for outdoors – join us for <strong>the</strong>fun at 7pm; Thru Sep 3 The Village isTilting: Dancing AIDS in Malawi, <strong>the</strong>Chewa people of Malawi have reaffirmed<strong>the</strong>ir collective voice and identitythrough <strong>the</strong> masked spirit dances ofGule Wamkulu (The Great Dance);Ongoing Lyle Wilson, “Wee-gitReleases <strong>the</strong> Light”, Haisla artistcarves an eight-foot tall yellow cedarsculpture telling <strong>the</strong> ancient story inwhich Wee-git (‘Great Man’ in <strong>the</strong> Haislalanguage) brings light to <strong>the</strong> world.For <strong>the</strong> story in full visit our website;Explore our Drawers, drawer unitsMarie Nagel, Beach at Dallas Road, (<strong>2007</strong>),30" x 36", acrylic on canvas [Marie Nagel<strong>Gallery</strong>, 2303 Bowman Crescent, Wells BC,(250)994-3492, www.marienagel.com]contain objects from around <strong>the</strong> world-Asia, Africa and Oceania; A Partnershipof Peoples Exhibit.★ New-Small & SterlingStudio Glass1440 Old Bridge St, Granville Island✆604-681-6730www.hotstudioglass.comSummer hours: daily 10am-6pmGlassblowing demos: wed-sun Callfor details Thru Jun 12 Julia Reimerand Tyler Rock, “Firebrand”, glasswork; Jun 14-Jul 12 Jeremy DaneMorris, “Pot Melts: explorations inmarbled glass”; Jun 28-Jul 26 PeggyBracken, “Bling”, dichroic glass jewellery;Aug 1-30 Best of BC Glass.Omega Custom Framing &<strong>Gallery</strong>4290 Dunbar St ✆604-732-6778www.omegagallery.camon-sat 10am-6pm Jun-Aug <strong>Gallery</strong>artists Jack Darcus, Andrew Gibbs,Paul Healey, Debi Mackinnon, RozMarshall, Wayne Ngan, Toni Onley,Lynn Onley, Susan A. Point, LoraineWellman, Barbara Wood.Or <strong>Gallery</strong>103-480 Smi<strong>the</strong> St ✆604-683-7395www.orgallery.orgtues-sat 12-5pm Thru Jun 23 HelenaProducciones: Cali en el espejo,Helena Producciones is a non-profit,www.preview-art.com PREVIEW 61

interdisciplinary collective based inCali, Colombia. The title of this exhibition,“Cali en el espejo” can be roughlytranslated as ‘Cali in <strong>the</strong> mirror,’ anddraws attention to an interest in <strong>the</strong>narrative of a particular place whileshunning <strong>the</strong> idea of configuring ahomogenous local scene efficientlypackaged and ready for internationalconsumption; Jun 28-Jul 28 Groupphotography show curated by DanStarling have become cult classics;Aug Contact <strong>the</strong> gallery for exhibitioninformation.★ Pendulum <strong>Gallery</strong> in <strong>the</strong>AtriumHSBC Building, 885 W Georgia St✆604-879-7714www.pendulumgallery.bc.camon-wed 9am-5pm thur-fri 9am-9pm sat 9am-5pm Jun 11-Jul 14 AlanStorey, a retrospective of selectedpublic art projects including models,drawings and new sculpture to mark<strong>the</strong> 20th anniversary of <strong>the</strong> PendulumSculpture in <strong>the</strong> HSBC Atrium; Aug 6-25 Circle Craft, “Surface”, ceramics,textiles, wood, glass and metal madeby BC artisans focusing on surfacesand surface treatments.Peter Kiss Studio and<strong>Gallery</strong>1327 Railspur Alley, Granville Island✆604-696-0433 www.peterkiss.comSummer hours: daily 10am-6pm Aconstantly changing collection of 2-,21/2 and 3-D artwork that combinessocial commentary, wit, humour,colour and wood.Petley Jones <strong>Gallery</strong>2235 Granville St✆604-732-5353 ✆888-732-5353www.petleyjones.common-sat 10am-6pm Jun-Aug Newaquisition of historical works andwork by gallery artists; New work byAndra Ghecevici, Scott Plear, JohnHorton and Don Li-Leger.Rendez-Vous Art <strong>Gallery</strong>671 Howe St: sun 11am-5pm mon-sat10am-5:30pm2nd location: 900 Howe St: tues-sat10am-5:30pm✆/fax 604-687-7466www.rendezvousartgallery.comJun-Aug Two gallery locations toshowcase <strong>the</strong> art of our talentedartists. We look forward to seeing oldfriends and new at both galleries.John Horton, Chanty Time (1987), oil onboard [Captain George Vancouver exhibition,Maritime Museum, Vancouver BC, openingJun 20]Republic <strong>Gallery</strong>732 Richards St, 3rd Flr✆604-632-1590www.republicgallery.comtues-sat 11am-5pm Jun 8-Jul 7Hamed Teymouri, “Keep Their ToysReal”; Jul 13-Aug 18 Yedda Morrison,“Rapid Motion of <strong>the</strong> False Stars”.The Robinson Studio<strong>Gallery</strong>#440-1000 Parker St ✆604-254-8744www.robinsonstudio.comby appt The newly opened RobinsonStudio <strong>Gallery</strong> is located at <strong>the</strong> 1000Parker Street Terminals, a hub ofvisual arts culture in Vancouver, BC.Available by appointment, <strong>the</strong> galleryis an ongoing local venue by whichconsultants, art dealers, and individualcollectors may view <strong>the</strong> work ofCanadian sculptor David Robinson.★ Roundhouse CommunityArts & Recreation Centre181 Roundhouse Mews(Davie & Pacific) ✆604-713-1800www.roundhouse.camon-fri 11am-9pm sat, sun 11am-4pm Admission to Exhibition Hall isfree Jun-Aug Contact <strong>the</strong> gallery forexhibition information.★ Sidney and GertrudeZack <strong>Gallery</strong>Jewish Community Centre950 W 41st Ave ✆604-257-5111www.jccgv.com/home/cultural_art.htmmon-thurs 8:30am-9pm fri 8:30am-Shabbat closing sun 9:30am-4:30pmThru Jul 8 “Creative Interpretation”,Akiko Michael, ink drawings withopen-ended lines invite viewers tocomplete <strong>the</strong> pictures and IreneShklover, playful paintings appeal to<strong>the</strong> inner child in each of us; Jul 12-Aug 22 Gerry Meyers, “Faces”, photographstaken during travels throughdeveloping countries.Simon Fraser University<strong>Gallery</strong> and <strong>the</strong> Teck<strong>Gallery</strong>Simon Fraser UniversityBurnaby Campus, AQ 3004,8888 University DrTeck <strong>Gallery</strong>: 515 W Hastings StVancouver ✆604-291-4266www.sfu.ca/gallerySFU <strong>Gallery</strong> hours: tues-fri 10am-5pmsat12-5pm, Teck gallery hours: mon-fri8am-9pm sat 8am-6pm SIMON FRASERUNIVERSITY GALLERY Thru Jun 23 DeniseHawrysio, “Situational Prints”, formedby collaborations between <strong>the</strong> artist andher surroundings. Etchings from platesmarked by cars, wheels of a rolling bed,loose mountain scree, woodworkers,chefs and forensic technicians; Jun 28-Aug 3 Michael Lawlor, “Prints FromCPR Magic Lantern Slides, 1885-1930”, made from hand-coloured magiclantern slides, originally produced by<strong>the</strong> CPR to promote tourism and emigrationto Canada. Includes rare photographicmaterial and iconic Canadianimages; TECK GALLERY Thru Jun 23Cuban Art Posters: Gestures of GlobalSolidarity, posters, produced by artistsinvolved with Ospaaal (Organization ofSolidarity of <strong>the</strong> People of Asia, Africaand Latin America);Jun 25-Aug 30Marianna Schmidt: Carnaval Photographs& Paintings, part of series ofexhibitions held in conjunction with <strong>the</strong>Burnaby Art <strong>Gallery</strong> and <strong>the</strong> EvergreenCultural Centre.Snap Contemporary Art190 W 3rd Ave ✆604-879-7627www.snapcontemporaryart.comtues-fri 10am-5pm sat, sun 1-5pm orby appt Thru Jun 19 Veronica Plewman,"Primordial Waters"; Jun 21-Jul19 <strong>Gallery</strong> artists; Jul 21-26 The T-Shirt Show '07, wearable art by localartists; Jul 28-Aug 7 Refresh: FactoryNights #4, a unique celebration ofyoung talent including visual artists,musicians, filmmakers, <strong>the</strong>atrical presentationsand o<strong>the</strong>r live performanceswith guest DJs and surpriseacts; Jul 28 7pm-2am Main Event for"Refresh: Factory Nights #4"; Aug 9-22Wonderland '07: The Graphic DesignShow, a juried selection of prints andpaintings by local graphic designers.Spirit Wrestler <strong>Gallery</strong>47 Water St ✆604-669-8813www.spiritwrestler.common-sat 10am-6pm sun & holidays12-5pm Ongoing Fusion, features62 PREVIEW ★ OPEN LATE ON FIRST THURSDAYS

three cultures that we represent: FirstNations of <strong>the</strong> Northwest Coast, Inuitof <strong>the</strong> Canadian Arctic and <strong>the</strong> Maoriof Aotearoa (New Zealand). Theseworks from three corners of <strong>the</strong> worldtell stories that offer both comparisonand contrast making <strong>the</strong> gallery a trulyunique place to visit. Featuringmuseum-quality artwork from RoyalCanadian Academy artists.TextileContexT Studio1420 Old Bridge St, Granville Island✆604-684-6661 jkares@web.cawed-sun 11am-5pm Working studioand gallery specializing in contemporarytextile and book arts; Jun 1011am-5pm Art Materials SidewalkSale; Jul 3-31 Ann Vicente, “Music,Papermaking, and Artist’s Books,” aresponse to music by Bramwell Tovey,Arvo Part, Vaughn-Williams, andSchubert through unique books ofhandmade paper.Tracey Lawrence <strong>Gallery</strong>1531 W 4th Ave ✆604-730-2875www.traceylawrencegallery.comtues-sat 10am-5pm Jun-Aug Contact<strong>the</strong> gallery for exhibition information.Tycho Fine Art#430-1000 Parker St ✆604-733-6945www.tychoart.comby appt only Jun-Aug Recent worksby David Tycho, inspired by mountain,coast and desert wildernessareas in western North America. Alsoshowing at <strong>Gallery</strong> Gabrichidze inBrussels, Belgium.The Unitarian Church ofVancouver949 W 49th Ave ✆604-261-7204www.vcn.bc.ca/unitarian/Call for hours Thru Jul 4 Youth Show,mixed media; Aug 19-Sept 16 JudyWillett, fabric art collection.Uno Langmann Limited2117 Granville St ✆604-736-8825www.langmann.comtues-sat 10am-5pm or by appt JunFrederic Dufaux II, Bertha Wegmann,Philip Alexius de Laszlo,John William Beatty, William HenryMargetson, Jules F. Ballavoine, GeraldF. Metcalfe, “The Importance ofPortraiture”, documents <strong>the</strong> upperclass and family lineage, portraitpaintings, fashion trends and socialconstructs; Jul Vilhelm Arnesen,Jakob Petersen, Peder Monsted,Georg Anton Rasmussen, VilhelmBille, Carl Frederic Aagaard, John A.Hammond, Gyrth Russell, “Depictionsof Seascapes”, 19th and 20thcentury artists capture <strong>the</strong> adventureand excitement of life at sea; Aug JeanBeauduin, Henry Bright, Bernard J.de Hoog, Henry John Yeend King,Hans Andersen Brendekilde, RaymondThibesart, “Representing RuralLife”, portrayal of <strong>the</strong> working class at<strong>the</strong> end of <strong>the</strong> 19th century; Also onexhibit, museum quality paintings,objets d’art and antiques from Europeand North America.★ Vancouver Art <strong>Gallery</strong>750 Hornby St ✆604-662-470024-hr info line ✆604-662-4719www.vanartgallery.bc.cadaily 10am-5:30pm, tues & thurs until9pm Admission: adults $19.50,seniors $15, students $14, children 5-12 $6.50, children 4 and under free,family (2 adults, 2 children) $49, tuesevenings only by donation Jun 11-Sept 16 Monet to Dalí: Modern Mastersfrom <strong>the</strong> Cleveland Museum ofArt, exhibition of European paintingand sculpture including works bysuch masters as Cézanne, Gauguin,www.preview-art.com PREVIEW 63

Conservator’s CornerTreatment of an Elizabeth Keith wood block printWho was Elizabeth Keith?? Those in <strong>the</strong>know can skip this part, but if you are like me,<strong>the</strong> answer was – “Qui?”As I have since learned, she was a selftaughtBritish artist who, in 1915, travelled toTokyo to visit her sister. Long story short, shefell in love with <strong>the</strong> Orient, and held an exhibitof locally inspired watercolours and drawings,that caught <strong>the</strong> attention of ShosaburoWatanabe.Watanabe was a publisher with a visionand an art marketer extraordinaire. He revived<strong>the</strong> dying art of woodblock printing byencouraging artists to incorporate Westernaes<strong>the</strong>tics into traditional ukiyo-e style and<strong>the</strong>mes. The resulting hybrid became knownas <strong>the</strong> Shin Hanga (“New Print”), and, as socleverly planned by Watanabe, prints of thisgenre became best sellers in North Americaand Europe.Watanabe encouraged Keith to work withwood block cutters to translate her watercoloursinto prints. By <strong>the</strong> time she left Japan in 1924,she had published over a hundred prints withhim, and put on successful shows in Japan,London and New York.Lama Temple Peking was printed in 1922. ItBY REBECCA PAVITTWWW.FINEARTCONSERVE.COMcame to my studio with discoloured and damaged margins, so typical of many Japanese woodblock prints. In addition, <strong>the</strong>re was light overall discolouration, a rust stain on <strong>the</strong> right marginand some localized fading of <strong>the</strong> red colour.The challenge with <strong>the</strong>se types of prints is to clean <strong>the</strong>m without disturbing <strong>the</strong> colour. Inthis case, <strong>the</strong> print was floated on a deionized water bath with an EDTA chelating agent. TheEDTA helps draw out discolouration, making for quicker and more efficient cleaning, reducing<strong>the</strong> time that <strong>the</strong> print is exposed to water. EDTA also binds with metal ion, and so reduces <strong>the</strong>chance of future metal catalyzed chemical reactions. Float washing allows discolouration to bedrawn out from <strong>the</strong> reverse, without having to immerse <strong>the</strong> more sensitive front.The margins were fur<strong>the</strong>r treated with dilute hydrogen peroxide bleach applied locally witha brush. The print was rinsed by floating on successive deionized water baths, and transferringto a suction table, where <strong>the</strong> margins were fur<strong>the</strong>r rinsed.Losses in <strong>the</strong> upper right margin were filled with paper inserts cut from Japanese kozo paper,and set in place using methylcellulose adhesive. At <strong>the</strong> owner’s request, areas where <strong>the</strong> redcolour had faded were lightly toned with watercolour.One of <strong>the</strong> many pleasures of conservation is learning about <strong>the</strong> passions of my differentclients. This has introduced me to a wide variety of artists and images that I might o<strong>the</strong>rwisenever have discovered, a lovely perk of <strong>the</strong> profession.Conservator’s Corner articles are archived on-line at: www.preview-art.com.NEXT ISSUE: Emily Carr frame restoration.Before treatmentAfter treatment64 PREVIEW

Manet, Monet, Picasso, Seurat andvan Gogh; Thru Sept 16 Huang YoungPing, “House of Oracles: A HuangYong Ping Retrospective”, showcasesa diverse range of artworks by <strong>the</strong>provocative contemporary Chineseartist, many on a grand scale; Jun 11-Sept 30 Andrea Zittel, “CriticalSpace”, explores public and privatespace, fashion, shelter, food consumptionand refuge illuminating fundamentalaspects of contemporarylife; Thru Apr 6, 2008 Emily Carr and<strong>the</strong> Group of Seven.Vancouver East CulturalCentre1895 Venables St ✆604-251-1363www.vecc.bc.camon-fri 10am-6pm and beforeevening performances Call for weekendhours Thru Jun 12 Kwan S. Yu,oil on canvas and panel; Tong Lam, oiland watercolour; Jun 15-Jul 10 TrinaGanson, printmaking; Hea<strong>the</strong>r Fisher,photographs; Jul 13-Aug 7 SaBoothroyd, watercolour and pastel onwoodblock and linocut.Vancouver MaritimeMuseum1905 Ogden Ave (in Vanier Park)✆604-257-8300www.vancouvermaritimemuseum.comDailiy 10am-5pm Admission: $10adults, $7.50 students + seniors, $25family, 5 and under free. Featuringexhibitions on Maritime history andtraditions of <strong>the</strong> Pacific Coast includingSt. Roch, <strong>the</strong> RCMP Arctic schooner,pirates, shipwrecks, lighthouses, <strong>the</strong>early fur trade, fireboats, warshipsnamed Vancouver, deep-ocean exploration,shipbuilding, coastal andtranspacific steamship lines, cruisesships and more. Tales from <strong>the</strong> Vault:Treasuers and Stores from <strong>the</strong> Museum’sCollection; Opening Jun 20 JTORBEN KARLSHOEJ GALLERY In recognitionof <strong>the</strong> 250th anniversary of <strong>the</strong>birth of Captain George Vancouverbirth, features <strong>the</strong> museums collectionof material related to Captain Vancouverand a selection of prints depictingCaptain Vancouver by marine artist,John M. Horton.★ Vancouver Museum1100 Chestnut St ✆604-736-4431www.vanmuseum.bc.caTo Jun 30: tues-sun 10am-5pm thurstil 9pm Jul 1-Sept 3: daily 10am-5pmthurs til 9pm Admission: adults $10,seniors & students $8, youth under 19$6.50, children 4 and under free ThruJan 1, 2008 Rice is Life, cultivated forover 5,000 years in more than 100countries, rice sustains two-thirds of<strong>the</strong> world’s population. This exhibitexplores <strong>the</strong> agricultural, spiritual andartistic significance of rice; Thru Sept16 Allen Sapp, “Through <strong>the</strong> Eyes of<strong>the</strong> Cree and Beyond”, chronicles <strong>the</strong>daily life of <strong>the</strong> Cree of west centralSaskatchewan; Ongoing VANCOUVERHISTORY GALLERIES 1900’S-1970S; ThruNov 4 Levelling <strong>the</strong> Playing Field, <strong>the</strong>Asahis played baseball like no o<strong>the</strong>rs.They were <strong>the</strong> only ethnic Asian team in<strong>the</strong> Vancouver league. They were legendaryand had a dream until banishedto internment camps during WWII.Cris Alvarez Maglianowww.allmarquetry.comStudio-<strong>Gallery</strong> in Nanaimo byappointment(250) 729-7415Vetrova Studio & <strong>Gallery</strong>102-1118 Homer St ✆604-722-6987www.vetrovastudio.comtues-sun 10am-5pm or by appt Jun16-Jul 7 Group show featuring paintings,photographs and jewellery.Westbridge Fine Art1737 Fir St ✆604-736-1014www.westbridge-fineart.common-fri 9:30am-5:30pm sat 10am-5pm Jun 10 Canadian and InternationalArt Auction featuring works by JohnHammond, T. Mower Martin, MildredValley Thornton, Peter Sheppard,Alan Collier, Toni Onley, Peter PaulOchs, Duncan Crockford, Leo Ayotte,Karl Wood, Mary Pavey, Robert Gennand international artists William LeeHankey, John Surtees, Elisabeth Rouviere,W.L. Wyllie, Clement Quinton,Russell Flint, Igor Talwinski, MaxStrasky, Louis van der Pol, MaryDuffield, Harold Lawes, and o<strong>the</strong>rs;Jun 24 Collectible Paintings andPrints, featuring works by establishedCanadian and international artists; Jul8 End of Season Art Auction Part I (liveonline only), featuring works by local,national and international artists; Jul28 End of Season Art Auction Part II(online only auction closes at 5pm);Aug 25 Collectible Paintings andPrints Auction (online only auctioncloses at 5pm); View auctions atwww.westbridgeauctions.com; Alsofeaturing works by local artists DavidJ. Edwards, Sue Cowan, Kim La Fave,Pamela Holl Hunt and from <strong>the</strong> estatesof Mildred Valley Thornton, SoniaCornwall and Peter Paul Ochs.www.preview-art.com PREVIEW 65

ATELIER GALLERY, VANCOUVER BC – Jun 16-Jul 7 Drawing Never Died is a selection of new work onpaper by artists Sonja Ahlers, Haydex Li, Laura Piasta, Maxwell Simmer, Corin Sworn, Ryan Taberand Sydney Vermont. Using a variety of mediums, some not necessarily thought of as drawingmaterials, <strong>the</strong>y variously explore figuration, still life, architecture, suburban development and <strong>the</strong>landscape.Sonja Ahlers has been described as “an archaeologist of popular culture” for her collages of thriftstore items combined with drawing in a poster-like manner. They share a narrative quality with <strong>the</strong>work by Corin Sworn, who examines experimental philosophies of early childhood, particularlychild-centered education.Sydney Vermont’s figure studies are inspired bycharacters in French New Wave films, pages fromMadame Bovary, and MySpace pages of localmusicians. Ryan Taber’s elaborate historical dramasresult from his research; for example, in recentdrawings he merges tombs of <strong>the</strong> Roman Emperorswith detailed examinations of misclassified species.Laura Piasta constructs unusual geometriccompositions reminiscent of Buckminster Fuller. Ina more traditional drawing style, Haydex Li createsbeautiful graphite renderings of suburban buildingsthat emphasize piles of demolition andconstruction, while Maxwell Simmer usespreviewDrawing Never Died: New Work on Paper www.ateliergallery.caHaydex Li, Interval 01 (2006), ink on paper [Atelier <strong>Gallery</strong>,Vancouver BC, Jun 16-Jul 7]traditional watercolour techniques for his rambling still-life studies of objects selected from foundphotographs. Mia JohnsonWestern Front <strong>Gallery</strong>303 E 8th Ave ✆604-876-9343www.front.bc.catues-sat 12-5pm Jun 9-Jul 7 IsabellHeimerdinger, “Waiting Acting Waiting”,examines <strong>the</strong> meditation of performancethrough <strong>the</strong> language offilm, features Austrian actor WolframBerger during a photo shoot.★ Winsor <strong>Gallery</strong>New location opening June 7th at3025 Granville St ✆604-681-4870www.winsorgallery.common-sat 10am-6pm sun 12-5pm Jun16-Jul 15 Substantial and pivotal exhibitionmarking <strong>the</strong> launch of Winsor<strong>Gallery</strong>'s new location featuring allgallery artists: John Barkley, NorahBorden, Lawrence Hislop, PatriciaJohnston, Raymond Martin and RossPenhall; Introducing Shayne Brandel,Shaun Downey and ThaddeusHolownia; Jul 18-Aug 12 Norah Borden,explores of <strong>the</strong> westcoast environment;Verona Sorensen, abstractseries of wea<strong>the</strong>red architectural surfacesand hidden elements of text;Aug 14-Sept 12 Shayne Brandel andOlivier Longpre, innovative figurativework.The Wood Co-op1592 Johnston St, Granville Island✆/fax 604-408-2553www.<strong>the</strong>woodco-op.comdaily 10am-6pm The Wood Co-opshowcases Vancouver’s most celebratedcollection of handmade woodfurnishings, gifts and accessories;custom furniture, turnings, sculpture,home decor pieces and more.VERNONAshpa Naira <strong>Gallery</strong>9492 Houghton Rd ✆(250)549-4249www.ashpanairagallery.comMay 24-Oct 8: fri-sun 10am-6pm orby appt Located in Killiney on <strong>the</strong>west side of Okanagan Lake, this contemporaryart gallery and studio,owned by artist Carolina Sanchez deBustamante, features original art in ahome and garden setting. Discover adiverse group of emerging and establishedOkanagan and Canadianartists in painting, textiles, sculptureand ceramics.Heidi Thompson Studio<strong>Gallery</strong>9905 Coldstream Creek Rd✆(250)542-1551home.paralynx.com/htcthompson/home.htmby appt The <strong>Gallery</strong> features HeidiThompson’s meditative, non-objectiveluminous colour field paintingsthat explore energy, light and texture.Visitors welcome by appointment.Vernon Public Art <strong>Gallery</strong>3228 31 Ave ✆(250)545-3173www.galleries.bc.camon-fri 10am-5pm sat 11am-4pmThru Jun 23 UBC-Okanagan BFAGraduate Exhibition; Jun 28-Aug 25Marsha Kennedy, “Mapping <strong>the</strong> Landand <strong>the</strong> Body”, large scale full bodyportraits exploring <strong>the</strong> issues of representation,and <strong>the</strong> historic, spiritual,political, and environmental concernsof Central Canada; Also, Federationof Canadian Artists, “Okanagan Perspectives”,and Ann Nicholson,“Dogs of War”.66 PREVIEW ★ OPEN LATE ON FIRST THURSDAYS

VICTORIA★ Alcheringa <strong>Gallery</strong>665 Fort St ✆(250)383-8224www.alcheringa-gallery.common-sat 9:30am-5:30pm sun 12-5pm with extended summer hours.Jun 21-Aug 31 Migrations: Birds of<strong>the</strong> Pacific, dynamic avian forms incarved and graphic works by contemporaryindigenous artists of <strong>the</strong>Northwest coast of Canada, <strong>the</strong> Sepikregion of Papua New Guinea and AboriginalAustralia; Sep 6-27 George Littlechild,new works by acclaimedCree artist and author.FINE ART FOR COLLECTORS2235 Granville StreetVancouver, BC, CanadaV6H 3G1Tel 604-732-5353Fax 604-732-5669Toll Free: 1-888-732-5353www.petleyjones.com★ Art <strong>Gallery</strong> of GreaterVictoria1040 Moss St ✆(250)384-4101www.aggv.bc.cadaily 10am-5pm, thurs til 9pm Thru Jul29 Rodin, “Rodin: A MagnificentObsession, Sculpture from <strong>the</strong> Iris andB. Gerald Cantor Foundation”, retrospectivewith more than 60 bronzes,works on paper, photographs and portraitsof <strong>the</strong> artist drawn from <strong>the</strong>world’s largest private Rodin collection;Thru Jul 2 Persian Steel: A TanavoliCollection, steel objects dating from<strong>the</strong> 16th to <strong>the</strong> early 20th century, tell acompelling story about life in <strong>the</strong> MiddleEast; Jul 13-Nov 18 Bijin-ga: TheFeminine in Japanese Art, paintings,woodblock prints of <strong>the</strong> 19th and 20thcenturies and objet d’art in ivory, laquerand ceramic; Aug 10-Oct 14 Iain Baxter,“Passing Through: Iain Baxter &Photographs 1958-1983”, work from<strong>the</strong> collection of one of Canada’s mostrecognized conceptual artists; Aug 17-Oct 21 Robert Youds, “beautifulbeautifulartificial field”, work from <strong>the</strong> past10 years including site specific installationdrawing on <strong>the</strong> exploration ofrecent light works; Aug 10-Nov 11 FolkYarns: Japanese Textiles, folk textilesfrom <strong>the</strong> gallery’s collection.The Avenue <strong>Gallery</strong>2184 Oak Bay Ave ✆(250)598-2184www.<strong>the</strong>avenuegallery.common-sat 10am-5:30pm sun 12-4pmJun-Aug Ongoing exhibitions of workby gallery artists Ted Jolda, Jo Ludwig,Naoko Takenouchi, glass; EllenAubrey, Baltic Bijoux, Bejewel, NeshkaDesigns, Y not jewellery, Erin Dolman,Jean-Yves Nantel, Anne Kelly,Martin Smith, Estelle Curwen, ShirleyPrice, finely crafted jewellery; SilviaArmeni, Jeanne Campbell, KenCampbell, Michael den Hertog, KalGajoum, David Goatley, Laura Harris,Jutta Kaiser, Joyce Kamikura, LourdesLara, Philip Mix, Ca<strong>the</strong>rine Moffat,Renato Muccillo, Rob Owen, RonParker, Walter Reidel, Michael Savage,Linda Thompson, Deborah Tilby,Heidi Thompson, Blue Field, 36" x 60"[<strong>Gallery</strong> Odin, Silver Star Mtn. BC; <strong>Gallery</strong> Sam,Berkeley CA; Headbones <strong>Gallery</strong>, Toronto ON;Heidi Thompson Studio <strong>Gallery</strong>, Vernon BC]Jack Shadbolt, Homage toNabokov #3, 1982,60" x 40", mixed mediaAndries Veeran, Kristeen Verge, RussWillms, Andrew Wooldridge, paintings;Bill Boyd, Gordon Hutchens,Margit Nelleman, Geoff Searle,ceramics; Tom Anderson, RosemaryMetz, Nicola Prinsen, Nancy and BrianStreet, sculptures.‘Chosin Pottery4283 Metchosin Rd✆/fax (250)474-2676www.chosinpottery.cadaily 10am-5pm ‘Chosin Pottery features<strong>the</strong> highly recognized ceramicart of Robin Hopper and Judi Dyelle,a wide variety of decorative porcelain,from large painterly plates tointricately pierced bowls and vaseswith colourful glazed surfaces; Jul28-Aug 6 We participate in StinkingFish Studio Tour featuring 25 artistsworking in various disciplines;Robin’s latest book, “Robin HopperCeramics”, an autobiography is nowavailable.Community Arts Councilof Greater VictoriaG6, 1001 Douglas St✆(250)381-2787 www.cacgv.caIrregular hours best to call ahead.www.preview-art.com PREVIEW 67

Jun 28-Jul 4 Laurie Tzathas, "AllAngels are Terrifying"; Jul 5-11Howard Hertzberg, "Dream inColours", acrylics; Jul 12-18 GraySu<strong>the</strong>rland, "Terje Vigen's Boat"; photographyand poetry; Jul 19-25; MegEvans, "The <strong>Gallery</strong> of Displaced Art"acrylics, mosaic tiles, plaster of Paris;Jul 26-Aug 1 Hermann Edler, JoyceMunson and Lily Wallace, “HeadHeart Horse History", glass, clay andwood; Aug 2-8 Jennifer McIntyre &Jean Ives, "Inside/Outside", acrylicsand oils; Aug 9-15, Diana Smardon,"Photography"; Aug 16-22 EsquimaltEclectic #5, "Around Town"; Aug 23-29, Arlene Nesbitt, "Strategies andConfusions", photomontage.Dales <strong>Gallery</strong>537 Fisgard St ✆/fax (250)383-1552www.dalesgallery.camon-sat 10am-5:30pm OngoingStephanie Harding, recent oils oncanvas; Jean Ives, oils on canvas;Neil Pinkett, drawings; Mychael Barratt,etchings; Michael Stockdale,watercolours; Hea<strong>the</strong>r Aston, chinecolle etchings; Roy Schneider,scraper board images; and work byo<strong>the</strong>r gallery artists; also, handmadesilver jewellery, cards, reproductionsand limited edition prints, Turkish andlocal pottery, original etchings, standardmattes and frames and conservtionpicture framing.Deluge Contemporary Art636 Yates St ✆/fax: (250)385-3327www.antimatter.wswed-sun 12-5pm Thru Jun 30 ThePolaroid Kid, Sylivie Laliberté, MarkNeufeld, Scott Evans, Karen Azoulay,Jim Holyoake, Matt Barton, AnnaBajic, “Avatars of Beauty: Make Lovewith Sight”; Jul 13-Aug 18 DanielleHogan, “Promotion”, includes tworelated bodies of work: “Value Added”,a series of inexpensive or mundaneobjects that have been painstakinglybeaded and “Quantities Are Limited”,acrylic sheet mounted portraits relatingto <strong>the</strong> objects and ideas from “ValueAdded”, photographic documentationof human interaction with <strong>the</strong>embellished industrial dust masks.★ Fran Willis <strong>Gallery</strong>#200-1619 Store St✆(250)381-3422 www.franwillis.comtues-sat 11am-5:30pm <strong>Gallery</strong> closeson June 30 Thru Jun 16 NormanYates, “Landscapes”, abstract paintingsinformed by <strong>the</strong> raw materials ofnature, wea<strong>the</strong>r, light, space and movement;Jun 21-30 Final gallery artistsexhibition celebrates <strong>the</strong> past 25 years.<strong>Gallery</strong> at <strong>the</strong> MacMcPherson Playhouse Lobby,#3 Centennial Sq ✆(250)361-0806www.rmts.bc.caView during performances or by appt<strong>Gallery</strong> closed: Jun 26-Aug 26 ThruJun 25 UPPER SPACE Joanne Circle,“Seemless”, sculptures in felt anddrawings; LOWER SPACE BryonyWynne-Jones, “Iridescence”, (flowersand fea<strong>the</strong>rs), watercolour andmixed media.<strong>Gallery</strong> in <strong>the</strong>Oak Bay Village2223A Oak Bay Ave ✆(250)598-9890mon-fri 10am-5pm sat 10am-3pm.Featuring original art work by leadinglocal artists Kathryn Amisson,Andres Bohaker, Janice Bridgman,Ardath Davis, Tom Dickson, EileenFong, Robert Genn, Caren Heine,Harry Heine, Shawn A. Jackson, BrianR. Johnson, David Ladmore,Jack Livesey, Dorothy McKay, BillMcKibbin, Ernst Marza, Hal Moldstad,Joane Moran, Allan Myndzak,Natasha Perks, Judith Saunders andLinda Wagner.<strong>Gallery</strong> on Herald545 Herald St ✆(250)812-2705www.soltonovich.comthurs-sun 12-5pm or by appt Jun 23-Jul 1 Caite Dheere, encaustic paintingsand Irma Soltonovich, acrylicpaintings; Jul 7-15 Lyle Schultz, “EatingGarbonza Beans on <strong>the</strong> Edge of<strong>the</strong> Universe”, and o<strong>the</strong>r new works;Aug 4-13 Natalie Kurzuk, “Conversations”,mixed media.TO SIDNEY/N. SAANICHM. MORGAN WARREN’S STUDIO,PENINSULATO MALTWOODGALLERYART MUSEUM ANDON HERALDMCPHERSON◆ HeraldLIBRARY, UNIV.North Park StGALLERY ATOF VICTORIAGladstone StTHE MACFisgard St◆DALES◆ MASTER◆◆ Cormorant StART CENTRE ◆ AVENUEFRAN WILLISMARTINBATCHELOR Pandora◆ WINCHESTEROak Bay Ave ◆GALLERYTO XCHANGESAND 'CHOSININ THEOAK BAYPOTTERYJohnson StVILLAGEON CANVAS ◆Yates St◆DELUGEBastion SqView St◆WEST ENDOPEN SPACE ◆Fort StWINCHESTER◆◆ALCHERINGAART GALLERY OF◆ Broughton GREATER VICTORIACOMMUNITY◆ARTS COUNCIL Courteney➜Wharf StStore StGovernmentBurnside RdFantan AlleyGordonBroad StDouglas➜HumboldtBlanshardQuadraCook StFernwood RdMoss StJoan CrBegbie StFort St➜Foul Bay RdMonterey AveBelleville StSuperior◆ ROYAL B.C.MUSEUMFairfield RdChapman StVICTORIA68 PREVIEW ★ OPEN LATE ON FIRST THURSDAYS

Maltwood Art Museum and<strong>Gallery</strong> and McPhersonLibrary <strong>Gallery</strong>University of VictoriaUniversity Centre Bldg, Rm B115✆(250)721-6562www.maltwood.uvic.caMaltwood Art Museum and <strong>Gallery</strong>:mon-fri 10am-4pm Also open in conjunctionwith selected auditoriumevents McPherson Library <strong>Gallery</strong>:mon-thurs 8am-11pm fri 8am-6pmsat 10am-6pm sun 10am-11pmMALTWOOD GALLERY Thru Jun 7 MasterMinds: UVic Retirees Exhibit, combining<strong>the</strong> initiatives of <strong>the</strong> UVicRetirees Association and <strong>the</strong> Centrefor Aging, this exhibit showcases <strong>the</strong>artistic talents of 22 UVic retirees.Includes still life, landscape and figurativepieces; Jul-Aug Contact <strong>the</strong>gallery for exhibition information.Martin Batchelor <strong>Gallery</strong>712 Cormorant St ✆(250)385-7919mon-sat 10am-5pm Opening Jun 23Barry Herring, “Performing <strong>the</strong> Self”,photographs; Opening Jul 26 1-3pmArtswork Program of <strong>the</strong> GarthHomer Society, annual exhibition;Opening Aug 11 Watermark Printmakers,annual exhibition.On Canvas538 B Yates St ✆/fax (250)385-8090www.oncanvasartgallery.comtues-sun 12-5pm Jun-Aug Summershow of new work by gallery artists,Karel Doruyter, Michelle Miller,Karen Cooper, Karin Holdegaard,Donna Hall; introducing Kristi Bridgeman,Sandra Fowler and Marilyn Wallace.★ Open Space510 Fort St ✆(250)383-8833www.openspace.camon-sat 12-5pm Closed Aug 5-Sep 3except for POMOARFA Trade Fair, Aug17-18 Jun 15-Jul 13 “Open Space-OpenFrame”, Victoria artist Miles Hunterexamines <strong>the</strong> organic and ultilitarianaspects of timber; Jul 13-Aug 4 Workbench,samples work by Victoria artistsare <strong>the</strong> beginning of <strong>the</strong>ir careers.Royal British ColumbiaMuseum675 Belleville St✆(250)356-7226 ✆888-447-7977www.royalbcmuseum.bc.caJun-Sept: daily 9am-5pm open later onfri, sat Admission: $14.00 adults, $9.50seniors, students and youth aged 6-18,children 5 and younger are free, familytickets (2 adults and 2 children) $37.50Thru Oct 14 Titanic, The Artifact Exhibition,opens 95 years to <strong>the</strong> day <strong>the</strong>great ship struck an iceberg; Thru Jul 4Treasures of <strong>the</strong> Tsimshian from <strong>the</strong>Dundas Collection;. THE FIRST PEOPLESGALLERY features Haida argillite carving,a traditional Big House, totem polesand masks. THE NATURAL HISTORYGALLERY includes <strong>the</strong> new Ocean Stationexhibit, where visitors can exploreBritish Columbia’s vibrant underseaworld via a Victorian-era ‘submarine’;Living Land, Living Sea, <strong>the</strong> first permanentdisplay on climate change;Kwaday Dan Ts’inchi, <strong>the</strong> story of ahunter trapped in glacial ice in nor<strong>the</strong>rnB.C. 550 years ago. THE MODERN HISTO-RY GALLERY Explore Old Town, a replicaof <strong>the</strong> stern section of <strong>the</strong> HMS Discoveryand a herbalist’s shop in Chinatown.West End <strong>Gallery</strong>1203 Broad St✆(250)388-0009 ✆877-388-0009www.westendgalleryltd.common-fri 10am-5:30pm sat 10am-5pmsun 11am-4pm Jun 23-Jul 6 PaullRodrigue, “Eclipse”, glass work featuring<strong>the</strong> technical process of hotglass in stunning layers of colour andeloquent linear aes<strong>the</strong>tics; Jul 1- Sep30 11th Annual Canadian GlassShow, flamboyant and playful to classicand chic, <strong>the</strong>re is artwork to suit alltastes and budgets. Over 65 Canadianglass artists featured throughout <strong>the</strong>exhibition which changes constantlyas new, exquisite glass art arrives.Winchester Galleries2260 Oak Bay Ave2nd location: 1010 Broad St✆(250)595-2777www.winchestergalleriesltd.comtues-sat 10am-5:30pm AT 2260 OAKBAY AVE Jun 10-30 Harry Heine,“Selected Watercolours from <strong>the</strong>Estate”, including works by Mark andCaren Heine; Jul 8-28 Joe Norris,(1924-1996), “Selected Work from<strong>the</strong> Estate”; Fred Peters, new acrylicpaintings on canvas; AT 1010 BROADJUN-AUG Summer exhibition of workby gallery artists.Xchanges <strong>Gallery</strong>420 William St (off Esquimalt Rd)✆(250)382-0442www.xchangesgallery.orgfri 12-6pm sat, sun 12-5pm Jun 9-Jul1 The Drawing Room, work by participantsof <strong>the</strong> life drawing sessions atXchanges recognizes <strong>the</strong> relationshipsbetween models and artists and <strong>the</strong>community that forms when peoplega<strong>the</strong>r to celebrate <strong>the</strong> human formwww.preview-art.com PREVIEW 69

ROYAL BC MUSEUM, VICTORIA BC – through Jul 4The controversial Dundas Collection is asignificant compilation of First Nations treasures.Reverend Robert J. Dundas first acquired it in1863 at <strong>the</strong> village of Metlakatla, a TsimshianFirst Nations settlement near what today is <strong>the</strong>site of Prince Rupert, British Columbia. Most of<strong>the</strong> objects belonged to Tsimshian grand chiefPaul Legaic before he converted to Christianityand was required, by custom of <strong>the</strong> era, to giveup objects connected to <strong>the</strong> "pagan" practices oftraditional native spirituality. A selection of hisformer possessions is currently on display at <strong>the</strong>Royal BC Museum (RBCM) for <strong>the</strong> first time inmore than a century.previewwww.royalbcmuseum.bc.caTreasures of <strong>the</strong> Tsimshian from <strong>the</strong> Dundas CollectionTreasures of <strong>the</strong> Tsimshian from <strong>the</strong> Dundas Collection, RavenMask (mask with movable jaw and eyes) [Royal BC Museum,Victoria BC, through Jul 4]Treasures of <strong>the</strong> Tsimshian consists of 40 artefacts auctioned by So<strong>the</strong>by’s in October 2006 to agroup of eleven owners who included Federal heritage officials, museum curators and aboriginalleaders. The So<strong>the</strong>by's auction in New York took in a total of $7.03 million US, setting a record for<strong>the</strong> sale of native art. Pieces in <strong>the</strong> exhibition include two wooden face masks, a clan hat and tworare clubs made of carved antler.Representatives from RBCM and <strong>the</strong> Museum of Nor<strong>the</strong>rn BC worked closely with hereditarychiefs and elders of <strong>the</strong> Allied Tsimshian Tribes of Lax Kw' Alaams and Metlakatla to develop <strong>the</strong>exhibition. The chiefs asked that <strong>the</strong> travelling exhibit begin in Tsimshian territory, where <strong>the</strong>seimportant cultural pieces originated and where <strong>the</strong>ir children and elders would be <strong>the</strong> first to see<strong>the</strong>m. RBCM is managing <strong>the</strong> tour of Treasures of <strong>the</strong> Tsimshian with <strong>the</strong> support of lead sponsorWesterkirk Capital. Mia JohnsonCOLLECTION OF WESTERKIRK WORKS OF ART INC PHOTO: FRANK TANCREDIthrough artistic expression; Jul 5-29Marzenna Kubik, “Dissonant Interstice:Inhabitant Inhabited”, large canvaseswhere <strong>the</strong> artist’s body is used inimagined narratives; Aug 2-26 MiyaTurnbull, “Somewhere in Between:Self Portrait Photomasks”, papiermâchéand photographic imagesexplore <strong>the</strong> space between definedmargins, where one cultural racebecomes ano<strong>the</strong>r, where beauty turnsinto <strong>the</strong> grotesque, where <strong>the</strong> outsidepersona turns inward and vice versa.WELLS70 PREVIEWIsland Mountain ArtsPublic <strong>Gallery</strong>2323 Pooley St ✆(250)994-3466www.imarts.comtues-sun 12-6pm Thru Jun 18 ToniOnley, “In <strong>the</strong> Studio”, paintings andprints; Jun 22-Jul 17 Michael Kluckner,“In Search of Patterned Landscapes”,oil paintings and watercolours;Jul 20-Aug 13 Robert Murray,Toni Onley, Suzanne Bessette,Marie Nagel, Chris Harris, SherrardGrauer, Tricia Sellmer, Evelyn Armstrong,Richard Reid, Lori Goldberg,and o<strong>the</strong>rs, “30 X 30 Fundraising Exhibitionin Celebration of IMA’s 30th Anniversary”;Aug 17-Sept 30 Anne MacAlisterJohnson and Elizabeth Holmes, “TwoGenerations of Wells Artists”.Marie Nagel <strong>Gallery</strong>2303 Bowman Cres✆(250)994-3492www.marienagel.comMay 15-Sept 15: daily 10am-6pm.Thru Sept 15 Marie Nagel, originallacrylic paintings; Bert de Vink, sculpture;Bruce Baycroft, Dana Cole,Cheryl Drummond, Anne Christensen,Leslie Bolin, Susan Gook,Bev Pemberton, pottery; Pat and IlseBaker, woodwork; Ruth Hansen,hand-felting; Monique Wyse, LauraFry, weaving; Jola Jarecki, LeifGrandell, photographs; and o<strong>the</strong>r giftitems by local and area artists.WEST VANCOUVERBellevue <strong>Gallery</strong>2475 Bellevue Ave ✆604-922-2304www.bellevuegallery.catues-fri 10am-5:30pm sat 11am-5pm After hours by appt Jun 2-30Aaron Robbins, “Verve Landscapes”;Jul-Aug Group exhibitionsfeaturing a selection of works byinvited artists.Buckland Sou<strong>the</strong>rst<strong>Gallery</strong>2460 Marine Dr ✆604-922-1915www.bucklandsou<strong>the</strong>rst.common-sat 10am-5:30pm sun noon-5pm Jun-Aug Ieva Baklane, landscapes;Larry Bracegirdle, interiorsand still lifes; Morgan Dunnet, Vancouverstreet scenes; Fu Gu, Tibetanand local scenes; Brian Harvey, stilllifes; Sun Lin, wildlife and landscapes;Rita Monaco, Italian scenes; AdamNoonan, scenes from VancouverIsland; Vivian White, mountain

scenes; Henry Huai Xu, Europeanscenes; Lorena Ziraldo, visual subjectmatter.Ferry Building <strong>Gallery</strong>West Vancouver Cultural Services1414 Argyle Ave, Ambleside Landing✆604-925-7266 Fax 604-925-5913www.westvancouver.nettues-sun 11am-5pm Jun 5-24 CaroleArnston, “Art Rocks”, paintingsand Ian Rowles, stone sculpture; Jun26-Jul 15 Eve Llyndorah, Stoica NiculaeNuca, Tudor Serban, “Waking<strong>the</strong> Muse”; Jul 17-29 Caroline Witteveen,Ray Lipovsky, “Explorationin Chaos”; Aug 3-19 Harmony ShowcaseExhibition, juried group exhibition;Aug 21-Sept 9 ShakunJhangiani, “Inside The Circle”,acrylic and mixed media on canvas &board.Izzard Fine Art <strong>Gallery</strong> @Traveltime International2405 Marine Dr (in Dundarave)✆604-922-3474www.danielizzard.common-fri 9am-5pm sat 10am-4pm Visitsto studio: by appt only. Exclusiverepresentative of master impressionistDaniel J. Izzard. In 2006, Izzardwas given a Lifetime Achievemenetaward from <strong>the</strong> Federation of CanadianArtists. View rotating exhibitions ofoil paintings including landscapes,portraits and limited editions.The Studio Art <strong>Gallery</strong>Lions Bay Centre, 350 Centre Rd✆604-921-7865www.<strong>the</strong>studioartgallery.common-sat 10am-5pm sun and holidays12-4pm or by appt Take <strong>the</strong> spectaculardrive up to Lions Bay to see oneof <strong>the</strong> best landscape art galleries inBritish Columbia. Only 7 minutesnorth of Horsehoe Bay on <strong>the</strong>Squamish-Whistler Hwy. Featuringestablished and emerging artistsincluding works by Michael Tickner,Dan Varnals, Peter Holmes, AmandaMartinson, Jason Cyr, JeanetteJarville and more.West VancouverCommunity Arts Councilat <strong>the</strong> Silk Purse Arts Centre1570 Argyle Ave ✆604-925-7292www.silkpurse.catues-sun 12-5pm Jun 5-17 JenniferBrouse and Jason Craft, “Jazzed”,acrylic and oil paintings of Jazz musicians;Jun 19-Jul 1 Out of Africa, pasteland ink, watercolour, oil and acrylicand mixed media; Jul 3-15 Ann Hurst,“North Shore Perspective”, acrylic,watercolour landscapes and seascapes;Jun 17-29 Gordon Davis,“Colour Reigns”, acrylics; Aug 3-12Harmony Arts Festival, mixed mediaby North Shore artists; Aug 14-26Gordon Oliver, Douglas Rae andHelen Ott, “The Restless Northwest”,acrylics and oils; Aug 29-Sept 3 JudyBagshaw, “Whimsical Wanderings”,acrylics and watercolours.West Vancouver Museum680 17th St ✆604-925-7295www.wvma.nettues-sat 12-4:30pm Thru Aug 31Stitúyntm Enduring Traditions, explores<strong>the</strong> artistic expression of <strong>the</strong>Squamish people who utilize uniqueCoast Salish design elements andcomposition to create striking masterworks.This exhibition bringstoge<strong>the</strong>r historic and contemporaryobjects and images and offers anopportunity to appreciate treasuredobjects on public display for <strong>the</strong> firsttime.WHITE ROCKJenkins Showler <strong>Gallery</strong>1539 Johnston Rd ✆604-535-7445www.jenkinsshowlergallery.common-sat 9:30am-5:30pm sun 12-4pmJun-Aug Work by gallery artists JaneArmstrong, Arnt Arntzen, Merv Brandel,John Butt, Rod Charlesworth,Donna Clark, Toller Cranston, GeorgeCulley, Robert Davidson,Chantal DeSerres, Colette Falardeau, JenniferGarant, Robert Genn, Sara Genn,Lois Hannah, Ron Hedrick, RobHooper, Paul Jorgensen, Robert Katz,Ken Kirkby, H. E. Kuckein, David Ladmore,Sylvie Larose, Louise Lauzon,Andrew McDermott, Donna Mendes-Frobb, Christy Mitchell, Pieter Molenaar,RafaelNavarro Leiton, ChrissandraNeustaedter, Sophie Paquet,Toni Onley, Karen Rieger, Zoe Sava,Mike Savage, Peter Shostak, CarmeloSortino, Jocelyne Tremblay,Andree Vezina, Leonard Wells andHenry Huai Xu.Marshall Clark Dall Galleries1373 Johnston Rd ✆604-536-5821www.marshallclark.common-sat 10am-5pm sun 11am-5pmwww.preview-art.com PREVIEW 71

Jun-Aug Work by gallery artists DaleDumas, Brian Dunbeck, Marta Styk,Hermozd Poorooshasb, Bruce Dall,Lea Price, Neil Erickson, RichardMontpetit, T.K. Daniel Chuang, LarryTillyer, Alan Nakano, RomanCzerwinski, Margaret Elliott, MeredithChemerika, Joyce Kamikura,Siegfried Burstaller, Carlo Constentino,Devereux Hodgson, ShawnJackson, John Liang, Claude Picher,Joseph Wong, Pei Yang; sculptorsBruce Dall, Vern Dombrowski, RodneyKolausok, Bob Sage; pottersLarry Aguilar, Sharon Grove, LyndaJones; glazer Lawrence Ruskin; jewellersTBA.White Rock <strong>Gallery</strong>1247 Johnston Rd ✆604-538-4452www.whiterockgallery.comtues-sat 10am-5:30pm sun 12-5pmclosed holiday long weekends Jun-Aug <strong>Gallery</strong> artists Mickie Acierno,Pietro Adamo, Constance Bachmann,Beverley Binfet, Larry Bracegirdle,Thomas Braithwaite, PhilBuytendorp, Emily Carrington,Gilles Charest, Anne-Marie Crosby,Michael den Hertog, Carol Evans,Susan Flaig, Mark Fletcher, TerryGilecki, Laura Harris, Hea<strong>the</strong>rHaynes, Karen Hoepting, VladanIgnatovic, Elena Ilku, Andrew Kiss,Dongmin Lai, David Langevin, DonLi-Leger, Ed Loenen, Min Ma, IngridMann-Willis, Danny McBride,Angela Morgan, Renato Muccillo,Jim Nedelak, Michael O'Toole,Emilija Pasagic, Kristine Paton,Niels Petersen, Christopher Pew, KitShing, Issa Shojaei, Michael Stockdale,Mike Svob, Dan Varnals, RayWard, Christopher Walker, AlanWylie, Peter Wyse, Donna Zhang,paintings; Marilyn Armitage, CorkyHewson, Nicola Prinsen, Vance Theoret,sculpture; Bill Boyd, AngelaMontanti, Geoff Searle, pottery.WILLIAMS LAKE★ Station House <strong>Gallery</strong>1 N MacKenzie Ave✆(250)392-6113www.stationhousegallery.common-sat 10am-5pm Jun 8-30 CaribooArt Society, “63rd Annual Show& Sale”, works by members includewatercolours, oils, acrylics, pastels,drawings, mixed media and prints;Jul 6-Sept 1 Windows: Visions andReflections, summer <strong>the</strong>me includesobjects or images from au<strong>the</strong>ntic,conceptual or fabricated experiences.➜◆ LAURA RUSSONW 21stNW MarshallNW LovejoyTO NORTHWEST BY NORTHWEST,WHITE BIRD in Cannon BeachNW 19thNW 16thELIZABETH LEACH ◆BEPPU WIARDA◆NW 13thNW 12thNW JohnsonPearl DistrictATTIC GALLERY◆BLACKFISH ◆NW 11thNW 10thNW 9thNW 8th➜NW 7thArt in <strong>the</strong>PearlNW BroadwayNW 5thNW HoytNW GlisanNW FlandersNW EverettNW DavisNW 3rdNW 2ndGUESTROOM,MURDOCH COLLECTION ◆Broadway BridgeNW FrontNW 1stSteel BridgeNW Couch◆ PORTLAND ART CENTREW BurnsideBurnside BridgeN VancouverSW 12thSW 11thSW 10thDowntownSW 5thSW PineSW OakSW Ash◆ CHAMBERS◆ ATTIC GALLERYSW 9thSW ParkSW MorrisonSW YamhillSW TaylorPORTLAND ART MUSEUM ◆SW BroadwaySW SalmonSW MainSW MadisonSW JeffersonSW ClayMarketSW 3rdSW 2ndSW 1stHawthorne BridgeSW FrontMorrison BridgePORTLANDI-5 InterstateMontgomeryTO MUSEUM OFCONTEMPORARY CRAFT72 PREVIEW

OREGONCANNON BEACH★ Northwest By Northwest<strong>Gallery</strong>232 N Spruce, (downtown across fromCity Park & Info Center)✆(503)436-0741 ✆800-494-0741www.NWBYNWGALLERY.common-sat 11am-5pm sun 11am-4pmand by appt Jun Northwest glass masterRuth Brockmann, kiln formed glassmasks and Pate De Verre sculptureinspired by myths and legends fromaround <strong>the</strong> world; Mary Tosch,explores pattern in textiles and flowersin whimsical combinations; PatrickHorsley, Natalie Warrens andSequoia Miller, ceramic sculpture; JulChristopher Burkett, colour landscapephotographs; bronze and glass masksand sculpture by Northwest nativeAmerican artists Lillian Pitt,PhillipCharette, Marvin Oliver, and livingcultural treasure Pete Peterson Sr.;James Waterman, paintings are quietcompositions of exquisite beauty thatisolate flowers floating on richly texturedbackgrounds.White Bird <strong>Gallery</strong>251 N Hemlock St✆/fax (503)436-2681www.whitebirdgallery.comSummer hours: daily 11am-5pm. ThruJun 30 Robert Petersen, oil paintings;Julie Ann Smith, landscape and stilllife paintings; Tania Radda, woodteapots and teacups; Dave Robertson,silver jewellery; Anne John, “BeyondBoundaries”, oil paintings; Robin andJohn Gumaelius, “Story Birds”, clayand steel sculpture; Scott Johnson,landscapes in watercolour; Jul to Aug13 EAST GALLERY Modern Craft, introducesnew artists working in wood,clay, glass and jewellery; ThomasHuang, wood furniture; Carolyn MorrisBach, jewellery; Jeremy Newman andAllison Ciancibelli, glass sculpture;Karl Yost, wall plaques & vessels inclay; SOUTH GALLERY Robert Schlegel,new paintings; Boni and Dave Deal,raku vessels and wall triptychs; Aug18-Sept 30 Ken Grant and BarbaraGrant, paintings.★ Open late First Thursday ofevery month until 8pmwww.preview-art.comMARYLHURSTThe Art Gymat Marylhurst University17600 Pacific Hwy✆(503)699-6243 ✆800-634-9982www.marylhurst.edutues-sun 12-4pm Admission is freeJul-Aug: <strong>Gallery</strong> closed Thru Jun 17Liesel Ahrendt, Sarah Burns, CathyCleaver, Sally Heppner, MelissaJoye, Katie Lessner, J.L. Quenton,Nicole Rush, “Bachelor of Fine ArtsThesis Exhibition”.MCMINNVILLECurrents Cooperative<strong>Gallery</strong>532 SW 3rd St ✆(503)435-1316www.currentsgallery.comJun-Aug: daily 11am-5pm 3rd Sat11am-8pm Thru Jun 11 Elaine Walzl,“The Artful Garden”, glorious ornamentsfor <strong>the</strong> garden featuring whimsicalsculpture made of clay and weldedsteel, fountains, ceramic tiles, pots andmore; Jun 14-Jul 15 “Creatures inMany Forms”, featuring Bly<strong>the</strong> Eastman,clay creatures; Phyllice Bradner,painted and etched creatures; DavidHanson, brass and copper critters; Jul19-Aug 12 Kathleen Buck, “Acrylics inMotion”, acrylic paintings using apalette knife; Aug 15-Sept 10 KrisBledsoe, “Beauty and Tranquility”,serene landscape photographs.PORTLANDArt in <strong>the</strong> PearlThe Northwest Park blocks between WBurnside and NW Gilsan at NW 8th Ave✆(503)722-9017www.artin<strong>the</strong>pearl.comSept 1-3: sat, sun 10am-6pm mon10am-5pm Coming Sept 1-3 Celebrating11 years, Art in <strong>the</strong> Pearl, <strong>the</strong>Pearl district’s annual Labour Dayweekend arts festival will fill Portland’sNorth Park blocks with art, music,food and hands-on activities for peopleof all ages. Admission is free.★ Attic <strong>Gallery</strong>296 SW First Ave ✆(503)228-78302nd location: 539 NW 10th Ave & Hoytwww.atticgallery.common-sat 10am-5:30pm First ThursPREVIEW 73

The Pacifist PotentialBLACKFISH GALLERY, PORTLAND OR – Jun 5-30Potential provides an opportunity for local and international artiststo convey messages of social change that address political unrestand violent injustice. Subjects include <strong>the</strong> wars in Iraq andAfghanistan; escalating tensions between Israel, Palestine andLebanon; conflict in o<strong>the</strong>r parts of <strong>the</strong> Middle East; looming strifewith Iran and North Korea; and political turmoil in <strong>the</strong> UnitedStates.The Pacifist Potential artists respond humanely and respectfullyto <strong>the</strong>se issues. They share a common goal toward nonviolencewhile expressing different attitudes and using a range oftechniques. For example, Stephen Leflar and Mary Real usegraphic imagery from news clippings in Peace March, while SharonBronzan uses <strong>the</strong> symbolic white dove in her Vestido de Paz (Dressof Peace). Andrea Benson's Listener illustrates <strong>the</strong> immensepatience needed to resolve such tumultuous situations.Special events hosted at Blackfish <strong>Gallery</strong> include twoinstallations in windows, performances and a documentary filmscreening about military families who have joined <strong>the</strong> peacepreviewwww.blackfish.comThe PacifistAndrea Benson, Listener (<strong>2007</strong>), encausticon wood panel, mixed media [Blackfish<strong>Gallery</strong>, Portland OR, Jun 5-30]movement. To fur<strong>the</strong>r expand dialogue on <strong>the</strong>se subjects, numerous panel discussions with actors,writers, historians, clergy, politicians, veterans, counselors, and journalists are planned. The exhibitwill be documented in a catalogue with essays by lecturers and panelists, and will travel to <strong>the</strong>Newport Art Center in Newport, Oregon. Allyn CantorOpening Receptions: 6-9pm Jun 7-30AT 206 SW FIRST AVE Satsuko Hamilton,acrylic abstract and landscape paintings;AT 539 NW 10TH AVE Sandra JonesCampbell, “The Moderns”, acrylic figurativepaintings of <strong>the</strong> Roaring 20’s JazzAge and <strong>the</strong> invention of Modernity;Amy Spassov, paintings created withcollage and mixed media influenced byinteriors and fashion; Jul 5-28 AT 206SW FIRST AVE Judith Cunningham,intriguing new pastel paintings of <strong>the</strong>country surrounding <strong>the</strong> ColumbiaGorge; AT 539 NW 10TH AVE JeanChristofori Howton, abstract oil paintingswith emotional, compulsive energy;Mike Orias, welded steel sculpturecreated in a whimsical mode made withwire and portions of salvaged and recycledmetal; David Nixon Wagner, weldedsteel sculpture with granite, marbleand cast concrete to vary surface andtexture; Aug 2-Sept 1 AT 206 SW FIRSTAVE Tracy MacEwan, abstract acrylicpaintings and whimsical oil and waxpaintings; AT 539 NW 10TH AVE ArneWesterman, watercolour, oil andacrylic figurative paintings; BrianArthur Miller, abstract acrylic, gold leafand collage works.74 PREVIEW★ beppu wiarda gallery319 NW 9th Ave✆/fax: (503)241-6460www.beppugallery.comtues-sat 11am-5pm Jun 5-30 TerryStringer, “Our Home is Our Childhood”,bronze sculpture; Jul 3-28Diane Archer, Deanne Belinoff, StanBeppu, Kevin Burris, Jon Coburn,Tallmadge Doyle, Sally Finch, MimiCernyar Fox, Eric Franklin, NicolasGadbois, Deborah Gillis, KevinGilmore, Ron and Kathy Glowen,James Hibbard, Connie Kiener, LisaLockhart, Victor Maldonado, D.E.May, Cynthia Mawalinski, RobertNelson, Tyler Schlicting, Ken Shores,Adam Sorenson, Dana Stanich, JudyVogland, “It’s All about Maps”; AugJames Jack, works on paper.★ Blackfish <strong>Gallery</strong>420 NW 9th Ave ✆(503)224-2634www.blackfish.comtues-sat 11am-5pm Jun 5-30 ThePacifist Potential, features Blackfishartists and special guests from Portland,southwest Washington, SanFrancisco, Chicago, Germany, <strong>the</strong>Czech Republic, and Japan. In additionto <strong>the</strong> art exhibit, <strong>the</strong>re will be <strong>the</strong>aterand music performances alladdressing <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>me. Also, ascreening of <strong>the</strong> documentary filmabout <strong>the</strong> families of military servicepersonnel who’ve joined <strong>the</strong> peacemovement. There will be four paneldiscussions and a workshop. Thecontext for <strong>the</strong> show will focus on <strong>the</strong>wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, <strong>the</strong>escalating strife between Israel,Palestinians and Lebanon and its possiblespread to o<strong>the</strong>r parts of <strong>the</strong> MiddleEast, <strong>the</strong> looming conflicts withIran and North Korea, and socialunrest in our own nation and community.Blackfish <strong>Gallery</strong> plans to use artas a vehicle for raising questions andbringing a variety of people toge<strong>the</strong>r toopen a dialogue. A number of specialevents will bring toge<strong>the</strong>r artists, musicians,actors, writers, historians,scholars, counselors, clergy, politicians,journalists, veterans and peopleof different religious and spiritualbeliefs to discuss <strong>the</strong> history, ethics,and efficacy of nonviolence; Jul 3-28The Recent Grad Show, work by graduatesfrom degree granting art programsin Oregon.★ OPEN LATE ON FIRST THURSDAYS

★ Chambers207 SW Pine St, Suite 102✆(503)227-9398www.chambersgallery.orgwed-sat 12-6pm Jun 6-Jul 14 ChrisAshley, “WYSIWYG”, HTML drawings;Jul 18-Sept 1 Jenny Strayer, “20th CenturyWomen”, collages; Philip Iosca,“Holy Glory”, sculpture and works.★ Elizabeth Leach <strong>Gallery</strong>417 NW 9th Ave (at Flanders)✆(503)224-0521www.elizabethleach.comtues-sat 10:30am-5:30pm Jun 7-Jul 7Justin Gibbens, “Relations”, works onpaper and wall drawings; Thru Jun 23Dinh Q. Le, “From Fa<strong>the</strong>r to Son: aRite of Passage”, video and photoweavings;Jun28-Jul 28 Lee Kelly,“Kyoto 8”, sculpture and works onpaper; Michelle Ross, “Some thingschange slowly enough to appear static”,paintings and works on paper; Aug2-Sep 1 Joe Thurston, “Then, QuiteSuddenly, We Were Simply No LongerAnywhere”, relief painting on panel.Guestroom <strong>Gallery</strong> andMurdoch Collections4114 N Vancouver Ave✆(503)284-8378www.guestroomgallery.comwww.murdochcollections.comwed-sat 12-5pm 1st friday openingevents Jun 1-Jul 28 AT GUESTROOMGALLERY Olivia Behm, Kolieha Bush,Joe Cotter, Lyle Hehn, Jenny Joyceand Myrna Yoder, “Artists of McMenamins”;Murdoch Collections is agallery consisting of consigned worksfor sale from collectors, artists andestates. We have an eclectic mix ofart, concentrating on <strong>the</strong> northwestregion. Artists represented includeMilton Wilson, Amanda Snyder,Richard Gilkey, Charles Bryan Ryan,Drake Deknatel, Marion Beals, HildaMorris, Tom Hardy, Guy Anderson,Louis Bunce, Bennet Norrbo,Charles Heaney, George Johanson,Shirley Gittelsohn, Margot VoorheesThompson, Barbara Bartholomew,Mark Clarke, Victor Pasmore,Michael Gibbons, Gan Martin, BueKee, and o<strong>the</strong>rs.★ Identifies galleries and museumsthat stay open until 8pm on<strong>the</strong> First Thursday of every month.Many host opening receptions onFirst Thursday evenings.★ Laura Russo <strong>Gallery</strong>805 NW 21st Ave ✆(503)226-2754www.laurarusso.comtues-fri 11am-5:30pm sat 11am-5pm Jun 7-30 Kim Osgood,“Pause”, new monotypes; AnneSiems, “Tableau”, recent paintings;Jul 5-28 Marlene Bauer, MichaelBrophy, Francis Celentano, TomCramer, Michael Dailey, GregoryGrenon, Roll Hardy, Mary Josephson,Rae Mahaffey, Betty Merken,Whitney Nye, Geoffrey Pagen,Henk Pander, Jan Reaves, MargotVoorhies Thompson, Gina Wilson,Sherrie Wolf, and o<strong>the</strong>rs, “Summer<strong>Gallery</strong> Group Show”; Aug 2-Sept 1Chris Gander, intuitively drivensculpture and drawings; StephenMcClelland, recent paintings usingoil stick; also, special exhibitioncommemorating <strong>the</strong> 100th birthdayof Louis Bunce.★ Museum ofContemporary CraftNew location: opening July 22724 NW Davis St ✆(503)223-2654www.museumofcontemporarycraft.orgBeginning Jul 22: tues-sun 11am-6pm thurs til 8pm Jul 22 Craft PDX:A Block Party, <strong>the</strong> streets surrounding<strong>the</strong> Museum will remain closed inorder to host a free celebration opento <strong>the</strong> public. The day-long festivalpromises fun for all ages andincludes live music, hands-on artactivities, a panel discussion, artistdemonstrations, food, a beer gardenand, of course, tours of <strong>the</strong> newmuseum; Jul 22-Sept 23 Grand reopeningwith inaugural exhibition,Craft in America: Expanding Traditions,beginning with <strong>the</strong> IndustrialRevolution and continuing through<strong>the</strong> present, this important historicalsurvey elucidates <strong>the</strong> dynamic evolutionof <strong>the</strong> American craft movement.Including more than 100 objects thatrepresent broad examples of artworkthat is craft-based, ei<strong>the</strong>r throughmedia, technique or both.★ Portland Art Center32 NW 5th Ave ✆(503)236-3322www.portlandart.orgwed-sun 12-6pm MAIN GALLERY Jun7-29 Basil Wolverton, “Illustratedwork of Basil Wolverton”, curated byKenny Scharf. In conjunction withPlatform International AnimationFestival, Jun 25-30 AT PCPA and o<strong>the</strong>rlocations in <strong>the</strong> Pearl, crosswww.preview-art.com PREVIEW 75

Judy Nakagawa: In Pursuit of a Quiet ArtJAPANESE CANADIAN NATIONAL MUSEUM, NIKKEI PLACE,BURNABY, BC – Jun 21-Jul 21 In Pursuit of a Quiet Artfeatures eight sculptures by American artist Judy Nakagawa,who has made Vancouver her home since 2004. Nakagawais a recent graduate of <strong>the</strong> Capilano College sculptureprogram. Using natural materials like seedpods, paper,wood and wire, she creates abstract forms that evokestructures in nature. Nakagawa describes <strong>the</strong> process as an“unspoken conversation”. Her pieces have a tightly packedfeminine sensibility informed by her desire to communicatehuman qualities of emptiness, loss, renewal, rebirth and asense of hope.Nakagawa attended <strong>the</strong> Corcoran College of Art +Design in Washington, DC from 1999-2002. In 2002, shereceived <strong>the</strong> Berthold Schmutzhart award for achievementin sculpture. Prior to moving to Vancouver, she was amember of <strong>the</strong> Jackson Art Center in Georgetown,Washington and assisted with a joint Corcoran/Emily Carralumni exhibit at <strong>the</strong> Canadian Embassy in Washington.The recent Nikkei Place development is comprised offour divisions: <strong>the</strong> National Nikkei Heritage Centre,Japanese Canadian National Museum, New Sakura-sopreviewwww.jcnm.caJudy Nakagawa, Cocoons (<strong>2007</strong>), mixed mediainstallation, [Japanese Canadian National Museum,Nikkei Place, Burnaby BC, Jun 21-Jul 21]Seniors Residence, and Nikkei Home Assisted Living. Its mandate is to promote and work towards abetter understanding and appreciation of Japanese Canadian culture and heritage. Mia Johnsonboundaries between animation, illustration,character design, fantasy andart; Robbie Cooper, “Alter Ego:Avatars and Their Creators”, imagesexplore <strong>the</strong> motivation to create andinhabit virtual worlds; LIGHT & SOUNDGALLERY Samantha DiRosa, “MappingMeg Ryan: Gaze Study”, videoand sound installation provides aloop of sorts, where longing, desireand uncertainty are exposed, but noclimax or resolution occurs; OPENSPACE COMMUNITY GALLERY LauraHayes, Roxanne Nanninga, GeoffStella, Alex Rauch, “Linfield CollegeDepartment of Art and Visual Culture”,<strong>the</strong>sis exhibition includespainting, collage, ceramics, videoand audio installation; MAIN GALLERYJul 5-27 John Mace, “No Good God”,sculptural installation examines <strong>the</strong>roles of belief and hope in humanexistence; Roxanne Jackson, “LostWisdom”, sculptural installation captivates<strong>the</strong> hierarches of <strong>the</strong> animalworld; Mat<strong>the</strong>w Mitros, “NaturalSyn<strong>the</strong>sis”, sculptural installationreferences <strong>the</strong> natural systems ofparasitic plant life; LIGHT & SOUND76 PREVIEWGALLERY Jim Haynes, “Fragments of aFormer Moon”, sculptural installationfeaturing panes of glass and a 4-channel sound program; OPEN SPACECOMMUNITY GALLERY Roberta Aylward,Nika Blasser, John Calvelli, TimCross, Laurie Danial, Rachel Denny,Walter Lee, Mandee Schroer,Eva Speer and Nickolaus Typaldos,“Issue no.5 Artists”.Max Wyse, Morning Gardner (<strong>2007</strong>),mixed media on reverse of plexiglass[Bjornson Kajiwara <strong>Gallery</strong>, Vancouver BC,Aug 2-31]★ Portland Art Museum1219 SW Park Ave ✆(503)226-2811www.portlandartmuseum.orgtues, wed, sat 10am-5pm thurs, fri10am-8pm sun 12-5pm Admission:adults $10 seniors/students (19 +)$9, students (15-18) $6 Thru Jul 29Manuel Neri, “The Figure in Relief”,bronze sculptures; Thru Aug 29Kehinde Wiley, recent monumentalpaintings; Thru Aug 12 The DrawnLine, drawings from <strong>the</strong> museumcollection.SALEMHallie Ford Museum of Art700 State St ✆(503)370-6855www.willamette.edu/museum_of_art/tues-sat 10am-5pm, sun 1-5pm ThruAug 26 When 6 WAS 9: Rock Postersfrom San Francisco, 1966-71,posters from <strong>the</strong> late 1960s and early1970s used to promote concerts at<strong>the</strong> Fillmore Auditorium and AvalonBallroom in San Francisco. Includedin <strong>the</strong> exhibition are works by RickGriffin, Victor Moscoso, Mouse Stu-

BURNABY ART GALLERY BC – Jul 1-Aug 26 More than95 original works created over 40 years by lateVancouver artist Marianna Schmidt (1918-2005) willbe shown in three concurrent exhibitions thissummer. The Evergreen Cultural Centre’s Mixed MediaWorks showcases Schmidt’s original paintings andmixed media images on paper dating from 1963 to2002. Selected Prints & Drawings at <strong>the</strong> Burnaby Art<strong>Gallery</strong> features her prints and drawings, and <strong>the</strong> SFUTeck <strong>Gallery</strong> exhibition, Carnaval Photographs &Paintings, focusses on <strong>the</strong> influence of her LatinAmerican travels.Schmidt lived her life in loneliness and frequentisolation, yet she tirelessly produced portraits ando<strong>the</strong>r figurative images of <strong>the</strong> human condition. Shelived in Vancouver for 50 years but never made <strong>the</strong>previewwww.burnabyartgallery.caMarianna Schmidt: Selected Prints & Drawingscity her home any more than Hungary, which she fled in 1945; nor Austria, where she spenttime in a displaced-persons camp; nor England, where she livedJun 25-Aug 30 – MARIANNASCHMIDT:CARNAVAL PHOTOGRAPHS& PAINTINGS Teck <strong>Gallery</strong>, SFUVancouver CampusJul 13-Sept 15 – MARIANNASCHMIDT:MIXED MEDIA WORKS,1963-2002 Evergreen CulturalCentreThursday, July 26, 7pm –Panel discussion: MARIANNASCHMIDT:MAPPING A LIFE Room1600, SFU Downtown CampusMarianna Schmidt, Angry Man (1986) mixed mediaon paper [Burnaby Art <strong>Gallery</strong> BC, Jul 1-Aug 26]briefly before immigrating to Canada; nor Montreal, Edmonton,Victoria or any of <strong>the</strong> places to which she travelled in her lateryears, including <strong>the</strong> Middle East and Latin America. She lived herlife like a displaced person while creating significant neoexpressionistdrawings, prints, and colour xerographs based onoriginal collages that in later years included geographic maps.In preparation for <strong>the</strong> three exhibits, art critic Robin Laurenceand Ellen van Eijnsbergen, Visual Art Program Manager of <strong>the</strong>Evergreen Cultural Centre, travelled to <strong>the</strong> Stedelijk Museumvoor Actuele Kunst (Museum for Contemporary Art), in Ghent,Belgium to select artworks from <strong>the</strong> museum’s extensiveholdings. The European pieces will be displayed toge<strong>the</strong>r withselected works from <strong>the</strong> collection of <strong>the</strong> artist, private collectors,and <strong>the</strong> City of Burnaby’s Permanent Art Collection. Mia JohnsonCOLLECTION OF THE BURNABY ART GALLERY, 1995.026dios, and Wes Wilson, among o<strong>the</strong>rs;Jun 9-Aug 26 Ken Butler, “HybridVisions”, features <strong>the</strong> artist’s inventiveand humorous hybrid instrumentsmade from found objects,including film-reel guitars, cowboyboot violins, axe cellos, Styrofoampackagingpianos, and related artworks.★ Mary Lou Zeek <strong>Gallery</strong>335 State St ✆(503)581-3229www.zeekgallery.comtues-fri 10am-6pm sat 10am-5pmArtist receptions: First Wed 5-7pmJun 5-30 Marci Baker, “In <strong>the</strong> Garden”,acrylic and collage; Jul 3-28William Skrips, recent assemblages;Aug 1-Sept 1 Judy Phipps,paintings.78 PREVIEWWASHINGTONBELLEVUEBellevue Arts Museum510 Bellevue Way NE✆(425)519-0770www.bellevuearts.orgtues-thurs, sat 10am-5:30pm fri 10am-9pm sun 11am-5:30pm Admission:adults $7, seniors 62+ $5, children 6and under are free First Friday’s from5:30-9:00pm Admission Free ThruSept 2 The Garden of Things; Jun 7-Aug 19 Offering Reconciliation; Jul 3-Sep 12 Raymond Loewy, “Designs fora Consumer Culture”; Opening Sept 1Dinh Q. Le, “A Tapestry of Memories:The Art of Dinh Q. Le”.Ming’s Asian <strong>Gallery</strong>10217 Main St ✆(425)462-4008www.mingsgallery.common-sat 10am-6pm sun 12-5pmJun-Aug Representing 5,000 years ofhistory and tradition, journey through<strong>the</strong> Imperial Dynasties of Japan,China, Korea, Myanmar, Cambodia,Tibet, Thailand and Nepal. From historicaltreasures to accents, Ming’soffers a collection of unique antiques,fine furniture, mineral carvings,porcelains, netsuke, snuff bottles,paintings, textiles, Peking glass, jadeand so much more. Cultural exhibitions,lectures and symposiums arepresented throughout <strong>the</strong> calendaryear. Call for current schedule. Directimporter since 1966. “The Pacificregion’s finest”.★ OPEN LATE ON FIRST THURSDAYS

BELLINGHAMAllied Arts of WhatcomCounty1418 Cornwall Ave ✆(360)676-8548www.alliedarts.orgtues-sat 12-5pm Jun 6-30 Todd Horton,Tammy Zlotnik, “Inner and OuterLandscapes”, juried artist <strong>2007</strong>series; Jul 6-28 Dennis Walton andBrett Baunton, “The Sky’s <strong>the</strong> Limit”,photographs; Jul 6 7-10pm <strong>Gallery</strong>Walk; Jul 31-Aug 12 La Bella Strada,juried show; Aug 15-Sept 15 Juriedartist <strong>2007</strong> series featuring Tore Ofteness,photographs and Susan Rotondo,mixed media.Western <strong>Gallery</strong>Fine Arts ComplexWestern Washington University✆(360)650-3963www.westerngallery.wwu.edu/Oct 1-Jun 9: mon-fri 10am-4pm wed10am-8pm sat 12-4pm Admission isfree Jun 10-Oct 1: gallery closed ThruJun 9 Figures of Thinking: Convergencesin Contemporary Cultures,fourteen artists discover some of <strong>the</strong>connective tissues linking contemporaryideas; Jun 10-Oct 1 <strong>Gallery</strong> closesuntil <strong>the</strong> beginning of <strong>the</strong> fall quarter.Whatcom Museumof History and Art121 Prospect St ✆(360)676-6981Children’s Museum: 227 Prospect St✆(360)733-8769www.whatcommuseum.orgtues-sun 12-5pm Admission is freeChildren’s Museum: thurs-sat 10am-5pm sun, tues, wed 12-5pm Admission:$3.50 Thru Nov 11 Brice Marden,Helen Frankenthaler, Frank Stella,Richard Diebenkorn, JenniferBartlett, Jasper Johns, and o<strong>the</strong>rs,“American Abstraction: Works from<strong>the</strong> Washington Art Consortium Collection”,52 works on paper; Thru Jun 101982 OLD CITY HALL BUILDING Heritageof Design: American Indian and FirstNation Treasures from <strong>the</strong> MaryhillMuseum, handmade beaded, wovenand painted objects from <strong>the</strong> highPlateau region of <strong>the</strong> Pacific Northwestinterior; CHILDREN’S MUSEUM By <strong>the</strong> Bay:Working on <strong>the</strong> Waterfront, fish on <strong>the</strong>Museum’s own fishing vessel, “can”your catch, <strong>the</strong>n jump onto <strong>the</strong> dock tovisit friends at Capt’n Wally’s SeafoodCafe, move containers around onfreighters and explore your imaginationin <strong>the</strong> Theater of <strong>the</strong> Deep.FRIDAY HARBORwaterworks gallery315 Spring St ✆(360)378-3060www.waterworksgallery.comtuesday-sat 10:30am-5:30pm mostsundays 12-5pm <strong>Preview</strong> showsonline 2 days before <strong>the</strong>y open to <strong>the</strong>public Jun 2-24 Linda Lighton,ceramic sculpture and Ian Martin,photogravure; Jul 7-27 Tim Schumm,recent landscape paintings; Aug 4 - 26Tom Rierden, narrative paintings andMarilyn Stiles, ceramic sculpture.LA CONNERMuseum of Northwest Art121 South 1st St ✆(360)466-4446www.museumofnwart.orgGalleries and museum store: daily10am-5pm Admission: $5 seniors, $4students, $2 members and youth under12 free Jun 30-Oct 7 Mark Zirpel, BrianBoldon, Ben Wright, Rebeca Cummins,Robert Campbell, Jim Butler,www.preview-art.com PREVIEW 79

The Olympic Sculpture Park is openand free to <strong>the</strong> public 365 days a year!Park Hours:May 1–September 30: 6 am – 9 pmOctober 1–April 30: 7 am – 6 pmFor more information, directions, maps, parking, bus information:http://www.seattleartmuseum.org/visit/OSP/

Olympic Sculpture Park2901 Western Ave. & Broad St.Seattle, WA 98121206.654.3100TDD 206.344.5267© Benjamin Benschneider and Weiss/ManfrediOlympic Sculpture Park, aerial view

Tracey McGlynn: Your ArkBAU-XI GALLERY, VANCOUVER BC – Aug 11-25 Toronto artist Casey McGlynn creates paintingswith <strong>the</strong> child-like quality of primitive art combined with an adolescent sensibility. The dreamlikenarratives contain symbolic motifs and roughiconic imagery that evoke simple art forms likequilt patterns, folk art, tattoo designs and comicbooks. His images are highly personal andidiosyncratic, much like folk art. McGlynn has, infact, shown his work at such venues as <strong>the</strong>Outsider Art Fair in New York and <strong>the</strong> ModernPrimitive <strong>Gallery</strong> in Atlanta.In “your ark”, McGlynn revisits sheep imagerythat first appeared in his work in <strong>the</strong> mid-1990s.He seems to be searching for an essentialphilosophy of life that involves personal reflection,autobiography, emotional expression and a dreamysurrealism. Frequent subject matter includes herdsof domestic animals against colourful patchworkpreviewwww.bau-xi.comTracey McGlynn, Your Art (<strong>2007</strong>), mixed media on canvas[Bau-Xi <strong>Gallery</strong>, Vancouver BC, Aug 11-25]backgrounds; child-like drawings of houses, plants and leaves; and rudimentary asexual figures –all with an emphasis on silhouette-like shapes.While still a student at <strong>the</strong> Ontario College of Art and Design in 1998, McGlynn beganshowing at <strong>the</strong> Bau-Xi <strong>Gallery</strong> in Toronto. A year later he began showing in Vancouver. He nowhas twelve solo shows to his credit with <strong>the</strong> Bau-Xi Galleries. Mia Johnson(2006 Pilchuck Glass School HaubergFellows), “Affect/Effect: Adventures inImage, Light and Glass”, installationpresents both collaborative and individualworks that explore <strong>the</strong> optical propertiesof glass and <strong>the</strong> image/glass relationshipthrough fusing, embedding, orprojecting imagery on, in and throughglass. Includes sculpture, installation,video and photographs.82 PREVIEWSkagit County HistoricalMuseum501 S 4th St ✆(360)466-3365www.skagitcounty.net/museumtues-sun 11am-5pm Admission: $4adults, $3 seniors and children (6-12),free for members and children under 6Thru Nov 4 David Grant Best, MattBrown, Dick Garvey, Jeanne Hansen,Carol Havens, Lewis Jones, LisaKuhnlein, Peter Kuhnlein, JoellaSolus, Cathy Stevens and Vince Streano,“Harvesting <strong>the</strong> Light: Images ofContemporary Skagit Farm Life”, atSkagit County Historical Museum isco-sponsored by Skagitonians to PreserveFarmland and features over 60contemporary photographs depicting<strong>the</strong> labour and sweat that make <strong>the</strong>Skagit Valley some of <strong>the</strong> most productivefarmland in <strong>the</strong> world. Explore<strong>the</strong> farms, <strong>the</strong> people and <strong>the</strong> bountyof Skagit County through <strong>the</strong> lens of11 local photographers. Also includesactivities for children.LONGVIEWBroadway <strong>Gallery</strong>1418 Commerce St ✆(360)577-0544www.<strong>the</strong>-broadway-gallery.common-sat 10am-5:30pm A co-operativegallery featuring original artwork andcrafts produced by SW Washingtonartists. A wide range of media is representedincluding oils, watercolours,acrylics, mixed media, photographs,decorative and functional pottery,fused glass, Intaglio prints, handwovenrugs, quilling, wearable art and jewellery.A featured artist display from <strong>the</strong>membership is presented monthly.MONROEArt Merchant International17161 Beaton Rd SE✆(360)794-7844www.art-merchant-intl.comtues-fri 10am-5pm 1st and 3rd sat10am-4pm Monroe, Washington’sfirst fine art gallery. Featuring a richmixture of paintings, ceramics, glassand sculptures from <strong>the</strong> Pacific Rimcountries including Australia, Japan,China and <strong>the</strong> Pacific Northwest.Over 1,200 square feet of displayspace with more than 280 quality artworks by a wide variety of artists andartisans.OLYMPIANorthwest Contemporary#102-3011 Pacific Ave SE✆(360)352-6817www.northwestcontemporary.comwed-sat 10am-5:30pm Opening receptions: fri 5:30-7pm Jun-Aug "Animalof Transformation in Literature,"ceramic works by Naomi Zentmyer,explore <strong>the</strong> role of animals in WilliamBlake's poem "Tyger," also, paintingsof <strong>the</strong> "Firebird" in transformative folktales;Alice Watterson, handwovenfabric, wood and clay Bird Guardianfigures; Ken Leap, metal and glasssculpture. Contact <strong>the</strong> gallery for moreinformation.★ OPEN LATE ON FIRST THURSDAYS

Exhibition Catalogues of InterestVANCOUVER ART & ECONOMIES, edited by Melanie O’Brian, addresses <strong>the</strong>development of Vancouver and its contemporary artists through nine essayscomplemented by small colour and black-and-white photographs. Text bySharla Sava, Reid Shier, Shepherd Steiner and Michael Turner creates a forumfor critical dialogue on Vancouver’s contemporary art practices.Softcover, 234 pages, $27.95 CDN. Contact janice@arsenalpulp.com or 604-687-4233ANXIOUS OBJECTS: WILLIE COLE’S FAVORITE BRANDS was published toaccompany a survey of <strong>the</strong> New Jersey artist’s work from <strong>the</strong> 1980s to <strong>the</strong>present. The catalogue showcases his prints, drawings and paintings incorporatingscorch marks from irons; and his mixed-media sculptural works createdfrom such salvaged materials as blow dryers and bicycle parts – all recycledin complex works that reference global cultures.Softcover, 120 pages, $29.95 US. Order from Frye Art Museum store, Seattle WA(206) 622-9250HOUSE OF ORACLES: A HUANG YONG PING RETROSPECTIVE is a lavish andambitious book filled with essays, commentaries, chronologies and colourplates of <strong>the</strong> eccentric installation artist’s spectacular creations on display at<strong>the</strong> Vancouver Art <strong>Gallery</strong> until September 16, <strong>2007</strong>. Huang has beendescribed as artist, magician, fortune-teller, alchemist, healer, teacher, philosopher,and writer. In <strong>the</strong> last decade, he has created a provocative zoologicalrealm using both live animals and animal reproductions to represent variousman-made social, political and historical events. Published by The Walker ArtCenter, Minneapolis MN, organizer of <strong>the</strong> exhibition.Softcover, 208 pages, $45 CDN. Order from <strong>the</strong> Vancouver Art <strong>Gallery</strong> store, VancouverBC, 604-662-4706KINDERTOTENTANZ by David Haughton is a slim, passionate volume ofessays and images. Haughton’s Kindertotentanz or “children’s dance of death”is a penetrating group of over 100 works created between 1984 and 2000,including etchings, aquatints, pen and ink drawings, oil paintings on canvasand acrylic paintings. They explore Dr. Haughton’s emotions as a pediatricianfaced with <strong>the</strong> suffering of very ill and dying children through symbols takenfrom Maori art and <strong>the</strong> Greek Orthodox saints of his own ancestry.Softcover, 20 pages, $35 CDN. Contact David Haughton at haughton-art@shaw.caROAD RUNNER, a small spiral-bound booklet produced by <strong>the</strong> Kelowna Art<strong>Gallery</strong>, features work by five contemporary Canadian artists. Through penand ink drawings, photographs, paintings, relief sculptures, collages andmixed-media dioramas, artists Ken Gerberick, Lee Goreas, David Pirrie, Jasonvan Horne and Collin Zip explore <strong>the</strong>mes of car culture and road trips.Softcover, 56 pages, coil bound, $15 CDN. Available through <strong>the</strong> Kelowna Art <strong>Gallery</strong>,Kelowna BC, (250)762-2226, ext 305 or email: kelowna.artgallery@shaw.caPLEASE NOTE: Prices may be subject to additional charges for postage, handling and taxes.www.preview-art.com PREVIEW 83

Rembrandt and <strong>the</strong> Golden Age of Dutch Art:Treasures from <strong>the</strong> Rijksmuseum, AmsterdamPORTLAND ART MUSEUM, OR – Jun 2-Sept 16 With a focus on <strong>the</strong> work of Rembrandt vanRijn, Rembrandt and <strong>the</strong> Golden Age of Dutch Art: Treasures from <strong>the</strong> Rijksmuseum, Amsterdamhighlights <strong>the</strong> artistry of Holland’s “Golden Age” with exceptional examples of 17th Centurypaintings, etchings and pieces of decorative and applied arts. Included in <strong>the</strong> exhibit are works byJan Steen, Frans Hals, Pieter de Hooch and Jacob van Ruisdael.While Amsterdam’s famed Rijksmuseum is under renovation, this traveling exhibition allowsviewers a glimpse of many artworks never before exhibited in <strong>the</strong> United States. The imagesprovide a window into <strong>the</strong> lives and values of a timeduring which <strong>the</strong> Republic of United Ne<strong>the</strong>rlandsbecame recognized as an independent state, freed fromSpanish domination. Economic growth during thishistorical period led to a modern, urban society and anexpanded middle class. Art was bought and sold in a freemarket ra<strong>the</strong>r than through commissions by <strong>the</strong> churchor nobility. With <strong>the</strong> exception of Rembrandt, whodemonstrated mastery in every genre, artists were finallyable to specialize and create a niche for <strong>the</strong>ir work.The exhibit is organized into <strong>the</strong>med sections, eachincluding work by Rembrandt. The Artists and TheirWorld, which includes Rembrandt's Self-Portrait as <strong>the</strong>Apostle Paul (1661), highlights self-portraiture andportraits of colleagues. Still-Life and <strong>the</strong> Applied Arts revelsin <strong>the</strong> excellence of applied art during this era. TheCity/Commerce illustrates <strong>the</strong> prosperity of internationaltrade and <strong>the</strong> emerging middle class. The Countrysideincludes realistic landscapes and demonstrates <strong>the</strong>interest by some Dutch painters in rural Italy. O<strong>the</strong>r<strong>the</strong>matic groupings include Religious Images and Objects;previewwww.portlandartmuseum.orgFrans Hals, Portrait of a Man, Possibly NicolaesHasselar, Brewer and Captain-Major of <strong>the</strong> Civic Guardin Amsterdam (c. 1633-1635), oil [Portland ArtMuseum, Portland OR, Jun 2-Sept 16]Burghers, Regents and Aristocrats in <strong>the</strong> Republic – many of whom could afford to commissionportraits of <strong>the</strong>ir families; and Genre Painting, which embodies <strong>the</strong> essence of everyday 17thcentury life in Holland. Allyn CantorORCAS ISLAND★ Crow Valley PotteryTHE CABIN: Orcas Rd (across from <strong>the</strong>Golf course)IN TOWN: Downtown Eastsound✆(360)376-4260www.crowvalley.comThe Cabin: daily 10am-5pm In Town:daily 10am-6pm fri, sat til 8pm AT THECABIN Jun 22-Jul 1 Annual Garden ArtShow, this Island event features workfor, about and from <strong>the</strong> garden in allmatter of mediums – now in it’s 10thyear; Jul 20-29 David Ridgway, “DavidRidgway Returns!”, solo exhibition ofnew works in oil by much-loved OrcasIsland artist; IN TOWN Aug 3-Sept 384 PREVIEWFrom Russia With Love, works fromMoscow includes classic engravings tocontemporary woodcuts and oils. seldomseen in North America; at THE CAB-IN Aug 10-19 Potter’s Festival, annualshow of pottery by 40 truly specialartists, from functional wares to sculptureincluding live demonstrations. Allshows feature an artist reception on‘Opening Friday’, 4-7pm.PORT ANGELESPort Angeles Fine ArtsCenter1203 E Lauridsen Blvd✆(360)457-3532 www.pafac.orgtues-sun 11am-5pm Webster’s Woods:open daylight hours year round Admissionis free Thru Jun 18 ArtPaths: Portfolio,featuring work by North OlympicPeninsula’s student artists; In WEB-STER’S WOODS Art Outside, offers morethan 100 artworks seamlessly integratedinto a charming topography lacedwith five acres of discovery trails; Jul-Aug Contact <strong>the</strong> gallery for exhibitioninformation.SEATTLE★ Billy King Showroom1935 1st Ave ✆ (206)340-8881www.billyking.comSummer hours: Visit Billy King’s studioby appointment. Call (206)441-2498.★ OPEN LATE ON FIRST THURSDAYS

COLLECTION: THE BURKE MUSEUM, UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON. PHOTO BY GARY FIEGEHEN COURTESY OF THE SQUAMISH NATIONStitúyntm/Enduring TraditionsSel’selten (spindle whorl), Squamish culture,North Vancouver BC, (19th C.), maple wood,[West Vancouver Museum, West VancouverBC, through Aug 31]previewwww.wvma.netWEST VANCOUVER MUSEUM, WEST VANCOUVER BC –through Aug 31 “Stitúyntm” is an exhibit of <strong>the</strong> “EnduringTraditions” of <strong>the</strong> Squamish Nation, a Coastal Salish peoplewhose traditional territory ranges from <strong>the</strong> Lower Mainland ofBritish Columbia to Howe Sound and <strong>the</strong> Squamish Valleywatershed. The exhibit is a partnership between <strong>the</strong> SquamishNation community and <strong>the</strong> West Vancouver Museum. Itcomplements <strong>the</strong> Squamish Sculpture Symposium bycoinciding with <strong>the</strong> unveiling of Sna7m Smánit (Spirit of <strong>the</strong>Mountain), by Squamish artist Xwa lack tun at Ch’tl’am(Ambleside Park).The Squamish, and o<strong>the</strong>r Coast Salish peoples, have anancient and distinctive art style dating back thousands of years.Most visible is <strong>the</strong> skilled use of negative space in twodimensionaldesigns on houseposts, spindle whorls, rattles andbracelets. Subject matter shows spiritual encounters betweenhumans and animals, animals in pursuit of one ano<strong>the</strong>r, andface-to-face encounters. The realistic-looking animal figures have rounded heads and bodies withoval-shaped eyes, and <strong>the</strong> paint colours – when used – are subdued and true to life. Since <strong>the</strong>1970s, artists have also expressed traditional designs as prints on paper.The art forms are entwined with o<strong>the</strong>r aspects of <strong>the</strong> culture, such as language, song, dance,storytelling and <strong>the</strong>atre. They are also closely connected with <strong>the</strong> work of three important figureswho influence <strong>the</strong> creation of aes<strong>the</strong>tic object: <strong>the</strong> Indian Doctor, <strong>the</strong> Prophet and <strong>the</strong> Ritualist.Contemporary artists, such as Chief Floyd Joseph of <strong>the</strong> Squamish Nation and Stan Greene of <strong>the</strong>Sto:lo and Semiahmoo communities, have mastered <strong>the</strong> Coast Salish art style through careful studyand replication of <strong>the</strong> surviving masterpieces.★ Burke Museum ofNatural History andCultureUniversity of Washington, 17th AveNE and NE 45thSt ✆(206)543-5590www.burkeblog.orgdaily 10am-5pm Thru Sep 3 In <strong>the</strong>Spirit of <strong>the</strong> Ancestors: ContemporaryNorthwest Coast Native Art, firstexhibition of <strong>the</strong> Burke’s contemporaryNorthwest Coast collection thatfeatures a broad mix of media, includingsculpture, weaving, paintings andprints; Jun 16-Dec 31 Florian Schulz,“Yellowstone to Yukon: Freedom toRoam”, wildlife photographs withcompelling environmental issue - <strong>the</strong>need to protect <strong>the</strong> natural corridorsthat give wildlife <strong>the</strong> freedom to movethrough <strong>the</strong>ir traditional ranges andmaintain healthy populations.★ Canlis Glass <strong>Gallery</strong>3131 Western Ave, Suite 329✆(206)282-4428www.canlisglass.comtues-sat 11am-7pm and by appt. Jun-Aug Canlis Glass exhibits an array ofartwork by glass artist Jean-PierreCanlis. The gallery is currently focusingon <strong>the</strong> artist’s “Ocean StudiesSeries”, a body of work that translates<strong>the</strong> simple, clean forms of <strong>the</strong> oceaninto organic, abstract glass artwork.Also on display are Canlis’ towering,solid glass bamboo installations andblown glass bamboo wall sculpture.★ Foster/White <strong>Gallery</strong>Pioneer Square220 3rd Ave S, Suite 100✆(206)622-2833www.fosterwhite.comtues-sat 10am-6pm sun 12-5pm Jun7-23 Eva Iskasen, “Color’, explores <strong>the</strong>effect of imbuing organic collages withbright, botanically inspired hues; Jul 5-21 Will Robinson, “Home”, stonesculpture; Jamie Evrard, “Telling ofSun”, depicts <strong>the</strong> fragility of lifethrough <strong>the</strong> metaphor of wilting flowers;Aug 2-25 Dale Chihuly, “ChihulySummer”, presents a breathtakingcross-section of work including signatureshapes revisited using black glass.Foster/White <strong>Gallery</strong>Rainier Square1331 Fifth Ave ✆(206)583-0100www.fosterwhite.common-sat 10am-6pm Located in <strong>the</strong>heart of downtown Seattle’s shoppingdistrict. Jun Tony Angell; Will Robinsonand Jamie Evrard; Jul Eva Isaksen,enticingly organic collages; DaleChihuly, energetic works in glass andon paper; Aug Clare Belfrage, mostrecent work combines dynamic colourwith a fascination for tactile, organicvessels.★ Frye Art Museum704 Terry Ave ✆(206)622-9250www.fryeart.orgtues-sat 10am-5pm thurs 10am-8pmsun 12-5pm Admission is free Jun23-Sept 3 GREATHOUSE GALLERIES,GRAPHICS GALLERY Willie Cole, “AnxiousObjects: Willie Cole’s FavoriteBrands”, transforms throwaway andtime-textured objects – irons, ironingwww.preview-art.com PREVIEW 85

➜➜FRYE ART MUSEUM presents SEATTLE ART EVENTFriday at <strong>the</strong> Frye: Artist Conversation, Aug 10, 7 PMWILLIE COLE, artist, in conversation with Pamela McClusky, curator of African and OceanicArt, Seattle Art Museum. Cole, a Newark based artist, transforms throwaway and time-texturedobjects into iconic artworks, granting <strong>the</strong>m new vitality and metaphorical meaning. AnxiousObjects:Willie Cole’s Favorite Brands, on view at <strong>the</strong> Frye, June 23-Sept 3. (See preview page 20)Frye Art Museum, 704 Terry Avenue, Seattle, WA, www.fryemuseum.org 206-622-9250Alaskan WayFirst Ave SouthJamesWestern Ave.Yesler WayOccidentalSecond Ave SouthKingMainJackson3rd Ave SG.GIBSON ◆Washington◆PIONEERSQUAREGREG KUCERAFOSTER/WHITESecond Ave4th Ave S➜ ➜TO OASIS ARTTO HENRY ART GALLERY,UNIVERSITY of WASHINGTON andBURKE MUSEUMSeattle FreewaySEATTLE ASIANART MUSEUM ◆E Prospect St.E Aloha◆ CANLIS GLASSOLYMPICSCULPTUREPARKBroad StWestern AveElliot6th Ave5th Ave4th AveWall StBellBlanchardHwy 991st Ave2nd Ave◆ LISA HARRISPike PlaceMarket11th Ave9th AveDenny WayStewart StVETRI INT’LGLASSPine StUnion◆Olive Way◆WILLIAMTRAVERSEATTLE◆ ART MUSEUM◆ BILLY KING STUDIOPike StSeneca StUniversityFOSTER/WHITE5th AveMarion StPlayfield9th AveE. Pike StTerry◆E. BroadwayMadisonColumbiaCherryJamesE. 15th Ave.FRYEART MUSEUMAlaskan WaySeattle FreewayElliot BaySEATTLEPIONEERSQUARE(see inset)Yesler WayTO MUSEUM OF GLASS, TACOMAART MUSEUM, WILLIAM TRAVERin TacomaS JacksonMING'S ASIANS King St.◆TO WESTERNBRIDGE7th Ave STO BROADWAYGALLERYIN LONGVIEW86 PREVIEW

oards, blow dryers, high-heeledshoes and o<strong>the</strong>r discarded domesticappliances and hardware, into powerfuland iconic artworks, granting <strong>the</strong>mnew vitality and metaphorical meaning;Jun 23-Oct 7 David C. Kane, “FiatMambo”, 25-year retrospective ofpaintings, drawings and prints from<strong>the</strong> late 1980s to <strong>the</strong> present. Kanedraws source material from <strong>the</strong> historiesof modern art, film and popularculture; Thru Sept 30 FRYE GALLERY AFranz von Stuck, “Sin”, presented as<strong>the</strong> key feature of an altar, as <strong>the</strong> artistintended, ra<strong>the</strong>r than as a modernistpainting. Victoria Haven, interprets<strong>the</strong> altar from archival photographs ina gold mylar sculpture; FRYE GALLERYB, C Frye Future, launches an importantresearch phase in which <strong>the</strong>Museum’s attention is focused onrethinking its collections in order toenhance <strong>the</strong>ir relevance anddynamism in <strong>the</strong> 21st century. Featuring156 paintings from <strong>the</strong> FoundingCollection of Charles and Emma Frye.★ G. Gibson <strong>Gallery</strong>300 S Washington St✆(206)587-4033www.ggibsongallery.comSummer hours: tues-fri 11am-5:30pm sat 11am-5pm Aug 19-31:gallery closed Thru Jun 23 JulieBlackmon, “Domestic Vacations”,both fictional and autobiographicalimages explore <strong>the</strong> fantastic elementsof everyday life, both imagined andreal; Lori Nix, “The City”, small dioramasare photographed and <strong>the</strong>n disassembled.These works include a<strong>the</strong>atre, art museum, aquarium, clocktower and vacuum showroom ruinedfrom some past nuclear holocaust orat <strong>the</strong> price of global warming; HeidiKirkpatrick, “Souvenirs”, multimediaworks often combine <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>mes ofbeing a contemporary female within aconstructed environment using woodenboxes with photographs; Jun 28-Aug 18 Eva Skold Westerlind,“Anableps”; Michael Brophy, JoAnnVerburg, Eirik Johnson, Faryn Davis,Marc Dennis, Mark Thompson,Nealy Blau, “The Great Out Doors”.★ Greg Kucera <strong>Gallery</strong>212 3rd Ave S ✆(206)624-0770www.gregkucera.comtues-sat 10:30am-5:30pm We exhibitsculpture, paintings, prints and workson paper. Check our website regularlyas inventory changes frequently. Thruwww.preview-art.com PREVIEW 87

MARION SCOTT GALLERY, VANCOUVER BC – Jul 21-Aug 31 Cape Dorset artist Sheojuk Etidlooiehad a short but extremely productive career of only five years. Using an enigmatic abstract style,she produced strikingly spare images based on motifs taken from everyday nor<strong>the</strong>rn life. Sheoften used an aerial or diagrammatic perspective. Although subjects included such man-madeobjects as pails, stone lamps, traditional flotation devices and tents, as well as caribou, fish,whales and birds, her work was unique in its nonnarrativeapproach.Etidlooie was born in 1932 in an outpost camp onsou<strong>the</strong>rn Baffin Island, near <strong>the</strong> present-day settlementof Cape Dorset. She developed a unique sense of colourand design from years of sewing traditional patternedclothing, and <strong>the</strong> iteration of motifs became a strongelement of her art. In <strong>the</strong> mid-1990s, she was invited tomake drawings for <strong>the</strong> West Baffin EskimoCooperative, Cape Dorset’s renowned art studio. In1994, one of her images was selected for inclusion in<strong>the</strong> Cape Dorset Annual Print Release. The edition soldout within days of its release, and her worksubsequently was included in each annual collectionpreviewwww.marionscottgallery.comNor<strong>the</strong>rn Line: Drawings by Sheojuk Etidlooie (1932-1999)Sheojuk Etidlooie, Untitled (seal-skin float) (1998),pencil crayon on paper [Marion Scott <strong>Gallery</strong>,Vancouver BC, Jul 21-Aug 31]until 1999. She also participated in an oil-stick painting workshop in 1999. This experimentationresulted in a series of brilliantly-coloured oil stick paintings on board. Etidlooie continued tomake drawings prolifically until succumbing to cancer in 1999.The Marion Scott <strong>Gallery</strong> presents <strong>the</strong> first exhibition in nearly a decade of Etidlooie’sunconventional art, “a singular contribution to Inuit art and to Canadian art more generally thathas not yet been fully recognized,” writes <strong>the</strong> director. The show includes 25 of her simple butcolourful drawings accompanied by a small catalogue.Jun 30 Claudia Fitch, “Sculpture andDrawings”; Jul-Aug Contact <strong>the</strong> galleryfor exhibition information.★ Henry Art <strong>Gallery</strong>Faye G. Allen Center for <strong>the</strong> VisualArts, University of Washington15th Ave NE and NE 41st St✆(206)543-2281www.henryart.orgtues-sun 11am-5pm thurs 11am-8pm Admission: adults $10, seniors(62 and older) $6, members, children,UW students, faculty, high school andcollege students with ID free, thurs11am-8pm free Thru Jul 1 NORTHGALLERIES Paul Strand, “The MexicanPortfolio”, 20 images depicting <strong>the</strong>landscape, people and architecture ofMexico in <strong>the</strong> 1930s; Jun 23-Sep 23STROUM GALLERY Doug Aitken, MariaMarshall, Stephen Dean, Gary Hilland o<strong>the</strong>rs, “Mouth Open, TeethShowing: Major Works from <strong>the</strong> TrueCollection”, emphasis on youngerartists, experimental formats and newwork including video installation and88 PREVIEWvideo sculptures; Jun 2-Aug 5 GeneralIdea (AA Bronson, Felix Partz,Jorge Zontal), “General Idea Editions1967-1995”, forgoing artistic individualityfor a corporate identity, <strong>the</strong>seartists adopted such popular cultureformats as <strong>the</strong> boutique, <strong>the</strong> beautypageant and fanzines, expressingcounterculture and underground contentin <strong>the</strong> guise of <strong>the</strong> mainstreammedia; Thru Jun 17 University ofWashington Master of Fine ArtsExhibition <strong>2007</strong>; Thru Jun 21 LOBBY-ELEVATOR Marie Jager, “The PurpleCloud and O<strong>the</strong>r Stories”, film collagedentirely from images and periodpubications that relate to locations in“The Purple Cloud”, a 1901 novel byM.P. Shiel, considered a classic ofearly science fiction.★ Lisa Harris <strong>Gallery</strong>1922 Pike Pl ✆(206)443-3315www.lisaharrisgallery.common-sat 10:30am-5:30pm sun 11am-4pm Jun 7-30 Irene Mahler,“Accounts and Memories”, collageelements and acrylics create intimatemusings, interlacing daily activitieswith that of a richer, deeper history;Ann Morris, “Bronzes”, cast bronzesculpture from “Bone Journey”, incorporatingskeletal elements from birdsand fish with botanical forms in vesselsthat comment on <strong>the</strong> life cycle and<strong>the</strong> spirituality of nature; Jul 5-28 JohnCole, prints, oils, and watercolours of<strong>the</strong> Pacific Northwest landscape; Aug2-Sept 1 Exhibitions in honour of <strong>the</strong>Pike Place Market Centennial: KentLovelace, paintings on copper of <strong>the</strong>Massif Centrale region of France; LoisSilver, oils featuring <strong>the</strong> Pike PlaceMarket and o<strong>the</strong>r figurative work.Ming’s Asian <strong>Gallery</strong>519 6th Ave S ✆(206)748-7889www.mingsgallery.common-sat 10am-6pm sun 12-5pmJun-Aug Representing 5,000 years ofhistory and tradition, journey through<strong>the</strong> Imperial Dynasties of Japan,China, Korea, Myanmar, Cambodia,Tibet, Thailand and Nepal. From his-★ OPEN LATE ON FIRST THURSDAYS

torical treasures to accents, Ming’soffers a collection of unique antiques,fine furniture, mineral carvings, porcelains,netsuke, snuff bottles, paintings,textiles, Peking glass, jade and so muchmore. Appraisals and design servicesoffered. Cultural exhibitions, lecturesand symposiums are presentedthroughout <strong>the</strong> calendar year. Call forcurrent schedule. Direct importer since1966. Discover Ming’s Asian galleries-“The Pacific Region’s Finest”.Oasis Art <strong>Gallery</strong>3644 Wallingford Ave N✆(206)547-5177www.oasisinseattle.comtues-fri 11am-6pm sat 10am-5pmsun 12-4pm “Fremont First Friday ArtWalk”: 6-9pm Thru Jul 20 LaruenBlack, Arriba Stature, Tracie Howe,Joe Staiano, Alex Strazzanti andAndy Reynolds, “Cultural Dimensions”,features international photographyand abstract art exploring <strong>the</strong>concepts of aging, dreams, standingout and life around <strong>the</strong> world.★ Seattle Art Museum1300 First Ave ✆(206)654-3100www.seattleartmuseum.orgOlympic Sculpture Park hours: May 1-Sept 30 daily 6am-9pm Thru Sept 9SAM at 75: Building a Collection forSeattle, inaugural exhibition featuresnew acquisitions and gifts in honourof <strong>the</strong> museum’s upcoming 75thanniversary, including Cai Guo-Qiang, “Inopportune: Stage One”, anine-car installation piece; Thru Jun 9Jaq Chartier, Claire Cowie, MaritaDingus, Victoria Haven, Blake Haygood,Patrick Holderfield, MargieLivingston, Brian Murphy, JosephPark, Robert Yoder, and o<strong>the</strong>rs,“Artist Trust: 20 Years”, celebrates20th anniversary; Visit <strong>the</strong> OlympicSculpture Park, a vibrant 9-acre greenspace for people to experience art outdoorswith special commissions byartists Louise Bourgeois, RichardSerra, Alexander Calder, TeresitaFernandez, Roy McMakin, MarkDion, and o<strong>the</strong>r leading contemporaryartists. For more information about<strong>the</strong> Olympic Sculpture Park and <strong>the</strong>new Seattle Art Museum downtownvisit www.seattleartmuseum.org.★ Seattle Asian Art Museum1400 E Prospect St ✆(206)654-3100Fax (206)654-3135www.seattleartmuseum.orgwww.preview-art.comEva Iskasen,The Explosion of Color (<strong>2007</strong>),collage [Foster/White <strong>Gallery</strong>, Seattle WA,Jun 7-23]tues-sun 10am-5pm thurs til 9pmAdmission: suggested donation $3Ongoing SAAM TATEUCHI GALLERIESPattern Richness in Modern JapaneseTextiles, features strong and elegantdesign work created with tie-dyeingand paper stencil techniques, asseen on kimonos from <strong>the</strong> nineteenthto <strong>the</strong> twentieth century from <strong>the</strong> permanentcollection; Thru Jul 29 SAAMFOSTER GALLERIES Of Nature andFriendship: Modern Chinese Paintingsfrom <strong>the</strong> Khoan and MichaelSullivan Collection, includes landscapepaintings and works by ZhangDaqian, Lin Fengmian, Pang Xunqinand Wu Zuoren; Thru Jun 30 SAAMTATEUCHI GALLERIES Discovering BuddhistArt- Seeking <strong>the</strong> Sublime,sculpture, painting, ritual implementsand textiles illustrate <strong>the</strong> developmentof Buddhist arts from India, China,Tibet, Korea, Thailand and Japan andtrace <strong>the</strong> influence of indigenous artisticstyles and materials over 2,200years; Thru Jul 1 SAAM TATEUCHI GAL-LERIES Shirin Neshat, “Tooba”, videoinstallation and new acquisition byIranian-born artist. “Tooba”, or tree ofparadise, centers around an image of<strong>the</strong> feminine tree, a symbol whichoriginates in <strong>the</strong> Koran.★ Vetri International Glass1404 1st Ave ✆(206)667-9608www.vetriglass.common-sat 10am-6pm sun 12-5pmOpen 1st Thurs Artwalks 5-8pm Jun1-24 Alex Stisser, “Partners”, blownglass; Jul 1-29 Mark Roth, “Erosion”,blown and carved glass; Aug 1-26Scott Benefield, blown glass.Western Bridge3412 4th Ave S ✆(206) 838-7444www.westernbridge.orgthurs-sat 12-6pm Admission is free ThruAug 6 Bill Fontana, “Objective Sound”.★ William Traver <strong>Gallery</strong>110 Union St, #200 ✆(206)587-6501www.travergallery.comtues-fri 10am-6pm sat 10am-5pmsun 12-5pm Open 1st Thurs Artwalks5-8pm Jun 8-30 Kait Rhoads, “Submerge”,glass sculpture; SibyllePeretti and Stephen Paul Day,“Twins, Trees and Tails”, glass andmixed media sculpture; Kinga Czerska,“Living <strong>the</strong> Dream”, abstractpainting; Jul 6-29 Rick Araluce,mixed media constructions andinstallation; Mary Josephson, “ParadiseGrows”, 15 richly texturedneedlepoint portraits; Aug 3-Sept 2John Marshall, silver and basalt sculpture;Jiro Yonezawa, woven sculpture;Eric Nelsen, ceramic sculpture.SPOKANENorthwest Museum ofArts & Culture2316 W First Ave✆24-hr hotline: (509)363-5315www.northwestmuseum.orgtues-sun 11am-5pm Admission(includes visit to Campbell House):adults $7, seniors and students $5,children under 5 and Family MACFestDays $10, 1st fridays by donation 5-8pm. Thru Sept 2 A T. rex NamedSue, this exhibition tells <strong>the</strong> story of<strong>the</strong> largest, most complete and bestpreserved T. rex fossil yet discovered;Ongoing Spokane Timeline,“Personal Voices”, over a century ofhistory translated.TACOMA★ Museum of Glass1801 E Dock St✆(253)284-4750 ✆866-4MUSEUMwww.museumofglass.orgSummer hours: mon-sat 10am-5pmsun 12-5pm 3rd thur 10am-8pmAdmission: free for members, $10general, $8 seniors, military and students(13+ with ID), $8 groups of10+, $4 children (6-12 yrs), childrenunder 6 free, admission is free every3rd thurs from 5-8pm. An internationalcenter for contemporary art with aPREVIEW 89

Rick Araluce: The Stolen HoursWILLIAM TRAVER GALLERY, SEATTLE WA – Jul 6-29 RickAraluce is a Seattle-based artist known for miniature mixedmediaconstructions that realistically capture every detail of"lost" archaic places. For The Stolen Hours, Araluce isconstructing an engrossing life-size rendition of what heusually creates on a miniature scale. Ra<strong>the</strong>r than using foundparts, he built or made everything in <strong>the</strong> installation,including <strong>the</strong> linoleum. Araluce is also showing severalmeticulous small pieces, some of which have directreferences to <strong>the</strong> larger environment. The installation itselfpromises to be as dark and haunting as previous work.Araluce's settings are poetic but ominous. Impliedtragedies and o<strong>the</strong>r narratives are generated by <strong>the</strong> stainedsurface of a wall, cracked brick facades, old floor boards ando<strong>the</strong>r decaying scenarios. The scenes seem frozen in time,leaving uneasy traces as evidence for scrutiny.Araluce is a scenic designer for <strong>the</strong> Seattle Opera. Hereceived a City Artist Projects Grant from <strong>the</strong> Seattle Office ofArts and Cultural Affairs to create this impressive sitespecificwork. He writes: “There will be no sheet of glass toprevent you from entering my world. <strong>Gallery</strong> visitors willpreviewwww.travergallery.comRick Araluce, The Failure [detail] (<strong>2007</strong>), mixedmedia [William Traver <strong>Gallery</strong>, Seattle WA, Jul6-29]inhabit this space and be able to turn doorknobs and peer through grimy windows as a voyeur to<strong>the</strong> understated narrative”. Allyn Cantorsustained focus on glass. Feel <strong>the</strong>heat as artists create masterpiecesfrom molten glass in <strong>the</strong> Hot ShopAmphi<strong>the</strong>ater. Experience outstandingexhibitions and installations in <strong>the</strong>galleries on <strong>the</strong> outdoor plazas. ThruNov 2009 Contrasts: a Glass Primer,a captivating introduction to <strong>the</strong> mediumof glass, includes international,historically important and visuallystunning works of art that aregrouped to illustrate opposing ideas,techniques and styles; Jun 16-Feb 3,2008 Mining Glass, explores how <strong>the</strong>medium of glass has gained prominencein 21st century contemporaryart outside <strong>the</strong> Studio Glass movement.The exhibition comprises 9installations from 8 internationallydistinguished and influential contemporaryartists who address a differentnarrative <strong>the</strong>me and utilize glass in aunique way.★ Tacoma Art Museum1701 Pacific Ave ✆(253)272-4258www.TacomaArtMuseum.orgmon-sat 10am-5 pm sun 12-5pm 3rdthurs 10am-8pm Admission: nonmembers$6.50-7.50, children 5 and90 PREVIEWunder free, 3rd thurs free Thru Sept 3Andy Warhol, Jeff Koons, AliceWheeler, Marilyn Minter, Kathrynvan Dyke, Josiah McElehny, “SparkleThen Fade”, features artists whoemploy highly reflective materialssuch as mirrors, Mylar, resin and plasticsto hold attention and generatepowerful metaphors for <strong>the</strong> complexitiesof life; Jun 2-Sept 16 “<strong>2007</strong> NeddyArtist Fellowhship” featuring finalistsBuddy Bunting, Victoria Haven andWhiting Tennisan, painting; CharlesKrafft, Yuki Nakamura, Eric Nelsen,Alex Schweder and Tip Toland,ceramics; Jun 23-Sept 16 William B.Post, “The Quiet Landscapes ofWilliam B. Post”, photographs; 36Views of Japanese Woodblock Prints:Selections from <strong>the</strong> Tacoma ArtMuseum Collection.★ William Traver <strong>Gallery</strong>1821 E Dock St, #100✆(253)383-3685www.travergallery.comtues-sat 10am-6pm sun 12-5pmOpen 3rd Thurs Artwalks 5-8pm ThruJun 10 Kathleen Elliott, “BotanicalVariations”, flameworked glass sculptureson a botanical <strong>the</strong>me; Jun 16-Jul 8 Preston Singletary, blown andcarved glass sculpture; Jul 14-Aug 5Charles Parriott, “Glass Fiction -Studies from Oz”, cast glass sculptures,inspired by <strong>the</strong> familiar charactersof L. Frank Baum’s The Wizard ofOz; Aug 11-Sept 9 Fourth AnnualWorld Glass Exhibition, “New Glassfrom Italy”; Dale Chihuly, blownglass.TWISPConfluence <strong>Gallery</strong> andArt Center104 Glover St ✆(509)997-2787www.confluencegallery.common-sat 10am-3pm Jun 9-Jul 28Echoes of <strong>the</strong> Past, local and regionalartists working in all mediums; Jun23 10am-5pm Methow Valley Tour ofHomes, Architecture on Exhibit, aself-guided tour of two heritage andfour contemporary homes. Call oremail for tickets, available now at $25each; Aug 4-Sept 15 Artists on <strong>the</strong>River, local and regional artists workingin all mediums.★ OPEN LATE ON FIRST THURSDAYS

Alpha listing of galleries in this issueAccess Artist Run Centre 41Agnes Bugera <strong>Gallery</strong> 16Alberta Craft Council <strong>Gallery</strong> 16Alcheringa <strong>Gallery</strong> 67Allied Arts of Whatcom County 79AllMarquetry Studio <strong>Gallery</strong> 31Alternator <strong>Gallery</strong> for Contemporary Art 29Amelia Douglas <strong>Gallery</strong>, Douglas College 32Antisocial <strong>Gallery</strong> 41Appleton Galleries 41Arnold Mikelson Mind & Matter Art <strong>Gallery</strong> 40Art Ark <strong>Gallery</strong> 29Art Beatus (Vancouver) Consultancy 41Art Emporium 44Artcraft 37Artfirm <strong>Gallery</strong> 10Art <strong>Gallery</strong> of Alberta 16Art <strong>Gallery</strong> of Greater Victoria 67Art <strong>Gallery</strong> of <strong>the</strong> South Okanagan 33The Art Gym at Marylhurst University 73Art in <strong>the</strong> Pearl 73Artists for Kids 26Art Merchant International 82Art Rental & Sales, Vancouver Art <strong>Gallery</strong> 44Art Works <strong>Gallery</strong> 44Arts Council <strong>Gallery</strong> of New Westminster 32Arts Off Main 44Artspeak 44Ashpa Naira <strong>Gallery</strong> 66Atelier <strong>Gallery</strong> 45Attic <strong>Gallery</strong> 73Autumn Brook <strong>Gallery</strong> 45The Avenue <strong>Gallery</strong> 67Barbara Boldt Original Art Studio 30Bau-Xi <strong>Gallery</strong> 37Bel Art <strong>Gallery</strong>, Fine Art & FramingNorth Vancouver 32Bel Art <strong>Gallery</strong>, Fine Art & FramingVancouver 45Belkin Satellite 45Bellevue Arts Museum 78Bellevue <strong>Gallery</strong> 70The Bent Box 45beppu wiarda gallery 74Billy King Showroom 68Bjornson Kajiwara <strong>Gallery</strong> 47Blackberry <strong>Gallery</strong>, Port Moody Arts Centre 34Blackfish <strong>Gallery</strong> 74Brian Scott Studio <strong>Gallery</strong>, Courtenay 24Brian Scott Studio <strong>Gallery</strong>, Hornby Island 28Britannia Art <strong>Gallery</strong>, Britannia Library 47The Broadway <strong>Gallery</strong> 82Buckland Sou<strong>the</strong>rst <strong>Gallery</strong> 70Burke Museum 68Burnaby Art <strong>Gallery</strong> 20Burnaby Arts Council 20Burnaby Village Museum 20Buschlen Mowatt <strong>Gallery</strong> 47Canlis Glass <strong>Gallery</strong> 68Campbell River Art <strong>Gallery</strong> 22Catriona Jeffries <strong>Gallery</strong> 47Center on Contemporary Art (CoCA) 69Centre A 47Chali-Rosso Art <strong>Gallery</strong> 52Chambers 75Charles H. Scott <strong>Gallery</strong> 52Chilliwack Visual Artists Association 22‘Chosin Pottery 67Circle Craft <strong>Gallery</strong> 52CityScape Community Art Space 32Coastal Peoples Fine Arts <strong>Gallery</strong> 52The Collector's <strong>Gallery</strong> 10Community Arts Council of Greater Victoria 67Comox Valley Art <strong>Gallery</strong> 24Confluence <strong>Gallery</strong> & Art Center 90Contemporary Art <strong>Gallery</strong> 52Crafthouse <strong>Gallery</strong> 53Creekhouse <strong>Gallery</strong> 53Crow Valley Pottery 84Cultural Centre <strong>Gallery</strong> 18Cunliffe House <strong>Gallery</strong> 28Currents Cooperative <strong>Gallery</strong> 73Dales <strong>Gallery</strong> 68Delta Arts Council 25Deluge Contemporary Art 68Denman Island Summer <strong>Gallery</strong> 25Diana Paul Galleries 10Diane Farris <strong>Gallery</strong> 53Doctor Vigari <strong>Gallery</strong> 53Dorian Rae Collection 53Douglas Reynolds <strong>Gallery</strong> 53Douglas Udell <strong>Gallery</strong>, Calgary 10Douglas Udell <strong>Gallery</strong>, Edmonton 18Douglas Udell <strong>Gallery</strong>, Vancouver 53Dundarave Print Workshop and <strong>Gallery</strong> 54Eagle Spirit <strong>Gallery</strong> 54Eileen Fong <strong>Gallery</strong>, Artists’ Co-op 54Elissa Cristall <strong>Gallery</strong> 54Elizabeth Leach <strong>Gallery</strong> 75Elliott Louis <strong>Gallery</strong> 55Emily Carr Alumni Society at QET Theatre 55Envision <strong>Gallery</strong> 55Equinox <strong>Gallery</strong> 55Esplanade Art <strong>Gallery</strong> 18Evergreen Cultural Centre Art <strong>Gallery</strong> 24Federation <strong>Gallery</strong> 55The Fort <strong>Gallery</strong> 27Ferry Building <strong>Gallery</strong> 71fibreEssence <strong>Gallery</strong> 55Flagstop <strong>Gallery</strong> 25Foster/White <strong>Gallery</strong>, Pioneer Sq 68Foster/White <strong>Gallery</strong>, Rainier Sq 69The Foyer <strong>Gallery</strong> 38Framagraphic Framing <strong>Gallery</strong> 56Fran Willis <strong>Gallery</strong> 68Frye Art Museum 69FT Art <strong>Gallery</strong> 32G. Gibson <strong>Gallery</strong> 69Gabriola Artworks 27Gala <strong>Gallery</strong> 59Galiano Art <strong>Gallery</strong> 27<strong>Gallery</strong> at Hycroft, University Women's Club 56<strong>Gallery</strong> at <strong>the</strong> Mac, McPherson Playhouse 68<strong>Gallery</strong> Gachet 56<strong>Gallery</strong> in <strong>the</strong> Oak Bay Village 68<strong>Gallery</strong> on Herald 68<strong>Gallery</strong> Jones 56<strong>Gallery</strong> Odin 38<strong>Gallery</strong> of B.C. Ceramics 56<strong>Gallery</strong> 10•80 33Geert Maas Sculpture Gardens & <strong>Gallery</strong> 29Gibsons Landing <strong>Gallery</strong>, Sunshine Coast 40Glenbow Museum 10The Graffiti Co. Art Studio/<strong>Gallery</strong> 32Grand Forks Art <strong>Gallery</strong> 27Greenery Florist & <strong>Gallery</strong> 56Greg Kucera <strong>Gallery</strong> 69grunt gallery 57Guestroom <strong>Gallery</strong> & Murdoch Collections 75Hallie Ford Museum of Art 76Hampton <strong>Gallery</strong> 28Harrison Galleries, Calgary 12Harrison Galleries, Vancouver 57Havana <strong>Gallery</strong> 57Heffel Fine Art Auction House 57Heidi Thompson Studio <strong>Gallery</strong> 66Henry Art <strong>Gallery</strong>, University of Washington 69Herringer Kiss <strong>Gallery</strong> 8Howe Street <strong>Gallery</strong> & The Soul of Africa 57Ian Tan <strong>Gallery</strong> 58Industrial Artifacts 58Inuit <strong>Gallery</strong> of Vancouver 5Island Mountain Arts Public <strong>Gallery</strong> 70JACANA Contemporary Art 58Japanese Canadian National Museum 20Jan Townend <strong>Gallery</strong> 33The JEM (Just East of Main) <strong>Gallery</strong> 48Jenkins Showler <strong>Gallery</strong> 71Jennifer Kostuik <strong>Gallery</strong> 59J Mitchell <strong>Gallery</strong> 37Joyce Williams Antique Prints & Maps 59Kamloops Art <strong>Gallery</strong> 28Kelowna Art <strong>Gallery</strong> 30Kurbatoff Art <strong>Gallery</strong> 59Lambert’s <strong>Gallery</strong> & Shop 59Langham Cultural Centre <strong>Gallery</strong> 29Laroche Fine Art <strong>Gallery</strong> 37Lattimer <strong>Gallery</strong> 59Laura Russo <strong>Gallery</strong> 75Le Centre Culturel Francophone, deVancouver 59Linda Lando Fine Art 59Lisa Harris <strong>Gallery</strong> 71Lloyd <strong>Gallery</strong> 34Loch <strong>Gallery</strong> 12Lone Cypress <strong>Gallery</strong> 35Longhouse <strong>Gallery</strong> 41www.preview-art.com PREVIEW 91

Lyndia Terre <strong>Gallery</strong> 31Marie Nagel <strong>Gallery</strong> 70M. Morgan Warren’s Studio 37Malaspina Printmakers <strong>Gallery</strong> 60Maltwood Art Museum and <strong>Gallery</strong> 69Maple Ridge Art <strong>Gallery</strong> 30Marilyn S. Mylrea Art <strong>Gallery</strong> 60Marion Scott <strong>Gallery</strong> 60Marshall Clark Dall Galleries 71Martin Batchelor <strong>Gallery</strong> 69Mary Lou Zeek <strong>Gallery</strong> 78Ming’s Asian <strong>Gallery</strong>, Bellevue 78Ming’s Asian <strong>Gallery</strong>, Seattle 71Monny's Art <strong>Gallery</strong> (MAG <strong>Gallery</strong>) 60Monte Clark <strong>Gallery</strong> 60Morley Myers Studio and <strong>Gallery</strong> 37Morris and Helen Belkin Art <strong>Gallery</strong> 61Muir <strong>Gallery</strong> 24Museum of Anthropology 61Museum of Contemporary Craft 75Museum of Glass 74Museum of Nor<strong>the</strong>rn B.C. 36Museum of Northwest Art 79Nanaimo Art <strong>Gallery</strong> 31The New <strong>Gallery</strong> 12New-Small & Sterling Studio Glass 61NEWZONES <strong>Gallery</strong> of Contemporary Art 12Northwest By Northwest <strong>Gallery</strong> 73Northwest Contemporary 82Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture 72Oceanside Community Arts Council 33Okanagan Heritage Museum 30Omega Custom Framing & <strong>Gallery</strong> 61Open Space 69On Canvas 69Or <strong>Gallery</strong> 61Osoyoos Art <strong>Gallery</strong> 33Paul Kuhn <strong>Gallery</strong> 14Paw Prints Studio & <strong>Gallery</strong> 34Pendulum <strong>Gallery</strong> in <strong>the</strong> Atrium 62Peninsula <strong>Gallery</strong> 37Peter Kiss Studio and <strong>Gallery</strong> 62Petley Jones <strong>Gallery</strong> 62Place des Arts 24Port Angeles Fine Arts Center and Webster’sWoods Art Park 68Portland Art Center 75Portland Art Museum 76Presentation House <strong>Gallery</strong> 33Quadra Island Studio Tour <strong>2007</strong> 30Rendez-Vous Art <strong>Gallery</strong> 62Republic <strong>Gallery</strong> 62Richmond Art <strong>Gallery</strong> 36The Robinson Studio <strong>Gallery</strong> 62Roundhouse Community Arts Centre 62Royal BC Museum 69SAGA Public Art <strong>Gallery</strong> 37Seattle Art Museum 71Seattle Asian Art Museum 72Seymour Art <strong>Gallery</strong> 33Sidney and Gertrude Zack <strong>Gallery</strong> 62Simon Fraser University <strong>Gallery</strong> & <strong>the</strong> Teck<strong>Gallery</strong> 22Skagit County Historical Museum 82Skew <strong>Gallery</strong> 14Snap Contemporary Art 62South Shore <strong>Gallery</strong> 37Sou<strong>the</strong>rn Alberta Art <strong>Gallery</strong> 14Spirit Wrestler <strong>Gallery</strong> 62Station House <strong>Gallery</strong> 72The Stride Art <strong>Gallery</strong> Association 14Stinking Fish Studio Tour 30The Studio Art <strong>Gallery</strong>, West Vancouver 71Summerland Art <strong>Gallery</strong> 40Summit <strong>Gallery</strong> of Fine Art 10Sunshine Coast Arts Council <strong>Gallery</strong> 40Surrey Art <strong>Gallery</strong> 35Tacoma Art Museum 90Teck <strong>Gallery</strong> & Simon Fraser University<strong>Gallery</strong> 62TextileContexT Studio 63Station House <strong>Gallery</strong> 62Touchstones Nelson Museum 32TrepanierBaer 14Two Rivers <strong>Gallery</strong> 36Tycho Fine Art 63The Unitarian Church of Vancouver 63Uno Langmann Limited 63Vancouver Art <strong>Gallery</strong> 53Vancouver Art <strong>Gallery</strong>, Art Rental & Sales 31Vancouver East Cultural Centre 65Vancouver Maritime Museum 65Vancouver Museum 65Vernon Public Art <strong>Gallery</strong> 66Vetrova Studio & <strong>Gallery</strong> 65Wallace Galleries 14Waterworks <strong>Gallery</strong> 79West End <strong>Gallery</strong> Edmonton 18West End <strong>Gallery</strong> Victoria 69West Vancouver Community Arts Council,Silk Purse Arts Centre 71West Vancouver Museum 71Westbridge Fine Art 65Western Bridge 72Western Front <strong>Gallery</strong> 66Western <strong>Gallery</strong>, Western WashingtonUniversity 79Whatcom Museum of History and Art 79White Bird <strong>Gallery</strong> 73White Rock <strong>Gallery</strong> 72William Traver <strong>Gallery</strong>, Seattle 72William Traver <strong>Gallery</strong>, Tacoma 90Winchester Galleries 69Winsor <strong>Gallery</strong> 66The Wood Co-op 66Xchanges <strong>Gallery</strong> 69Appraisal Services –Fine Art• Insurance • Donation• Divorce • Estate• Probate • ResaleWhenever <strong>the</strong>re’s a question about<strong>the</strong> value of your personal property,<strong>the</strong>re’s also a risk involved. Makesure your values are based on prescribedmethods of evaluation. Callfor a complimentary copy of: “BeCertain of Its Value”.Kathleen Laverty B.Ed. ISAMemberInternational Society of Appraisers✆604-646-4857Email: klaverty@novuscom.netART SERVICES & MATERIALSArt AssistAnn Rosenberg✆604-879-4155• Portfolio design• Establishing gallery contacts• Grant writing• Photo-documentation• Insurance appraisals• Exhibition preparations• Publicity • Media strategy$20 for first hour, negotiableafter + cost of transportationand materials.40 years experience as teacher,curator, writer and critic, is <strong>the</strong>foundation for solid advice.By appointment.Email: annrosenberg@shaw.caArtifact Art SurfacesStudio/Workshop420 W 1st Ave, Vancouver, BCJennifer Mawby✆604-783-7178Email: jjtm101@hotmail.comwww.ArtifactArtSurfaces.comHours: by appointment onlyA unique source of art surfaces forartists, galleries, museums andexhibits. Tablet/cradled and floatingpanel supports for artwork of avariety of media, plus display surfacesfor collectors, galleries andmuseums. Specialty framing, canvasstretching, exhibit display/hanging services. Archival informationregarding materials available.

ART SERVICES & MATERIALSBasic Inquiry460-380 West 1st Avenue,Vancouver, BC✆604-681-2855www.lifedrawing.orgThis volunteer-run non-profitorganization offers drop-in lifedrawing sessions seven days aweek. Basic Inquiry providesartists, of all abilities and styles,an opportunity to draw from <strong>the</strong>human figure in a relaxed, noncriticalenvironment.Contact us for drawing sessionschedules.Websites byBlack Box Media✆604-731-7020c: 604-313-7020We design and updatewebsites for galleries, artistsand small businesses.Great rates, no databaseto manage.O<strong>the</strong>r services include emailnewsletters, articles andcatalogue essays.www.black-box-media.comBuschlen Mowatt <strong>Gallery</strong>Fine Art ServicesMain Floor, 1445 W Georgia StVancouver, BC V6G 2T3Hours: mon-sat 10am-6pm,sun 12-5pm✆604-682-1234Fax: 604-682-6004Email: bmg@buschlenmowatt.comwww.buschlenmowatt.caPrestigious showcase for museumquality contemporary artists ofregional, national and internationalsignificance. Proud sponsor ofVancouver’s Intl. SculptureBiennale. Rediscover <strong>the</strong> fine artof collecting at Buschlen Mowatt.Coast Imaging Arts504 First Street,New Westminster, BC V3L 2H1Ernst Vegt✆604-519-6748Fax 604-519-6749Hours: by appointmentYour preferred source for• Digital art capture to 9,000 x12,000 pixels• Drum scansServing• Galleries • Artists• Giclée PrintmakersOver 35 years of colourexperiencewww.coastimagingarts.comDenbigh Design FineArt Services169 W 7th Ave, Vancouver✆604-876-3303Fax 604-874-0400denbighdesign@telus.netwww.denbighdesign.comSpecializing in fine art services:• Local and long distancetransport• Custom packing and crating• Shipping/receiving/documentation• Storage• Insurance• Home and Corporate installations• Custom framingEagle Ridge Presssince 1983#2-12840 Bathgate WayRichmond BC ✆604-273-3725Fax 604-273-6277Want to get noticed?Try our affordable, quality fullcolour promo cards. From $160for 500 4 x 6 cards to $570 for5000. Printed weekly, in beforetuesday completed friday.Convenient FTP upload and designavailable. We are an award-winningfull-service printer, serving <strong>the</strong>community for over 23 years.www.eagleridgepress.cominfo@eagleridgepress.comSUBSCRIBETO PREVIEW$22.26 Canada$21.00 USA$42.00 International/InstitutionalPREVIEWPO Box 549, Station AVancouver, BCV6C 2N3preview@portal.ca1-877-254-1405VISA, MasterCard,American Express,cheque, money orderFine Art FramingStudio #200-1000 Parker StVancouver, BC V6A 2H2✆604-251-6101Fax 604-251-6103fineartframing@telus.netOffering frames and moldings indimensions not readily found on<strong>the</strong> market today.• Custom framing• Seamless chop and a varietyof custom finishes• Full archival assembly• Stretchers and panelsWe offer a unique appearance tocompliment your creativeprojects and exhibitions.FramagraphicFraming <strong>Gallery</strong>1116 W BroadwayVancouver, BC✆604-738-0017Email: wilf@framagraphic.comHours: mon-fri 9:30am-6pmsat 10am-5pmFine custom framing of workson paper and canvas, as well ascarvings, sculptures, medalsand o<strong>the</strong>r objects. Framing forall needs. Corporate and individualrequests. Quantity discounts.www.framagraphic.com

ART SERVICES & MATERIALSFrame Of Mind#106-350 E 2nd AveVancouver, BC✆604-871-1175Showcasing art in all it’s forms.Custom picture framing usingarchival materials and conservationmethods. We provideunique, creative designs withhigh quality craftsmanship andfriendly, knowledgable service.Private or corporate.Call Chantelle to discuss yourframing needs. 604-871-1175Email: frameofmind@telus.netimage thisphotographics inc.201-1610 Clark Dr, Vancouver,BC ✆604-875-0620www.imagethisphoto.caThe imaging source for all professionalsand artists. ContactTed Clarke about your next project...or to arrange a visit to <strong>the</strong> studio.• Digital photography andretouching• Film photography in all formats• Excellence in lighting, colourbalance• Exceptional slide scanning andduplicationLarge art? Ask about onsiteservices.In Bronze#105-20081 Industrial AveLangley, BC✆604-533-2183Fax 604-533-2184Email: inbronze@telus.netServices• Fine Art Casting: ceramic shelllost wax process• Bronze and Resin• Sculpture and Monuments• Mould making, Finishing,PatinationSculptor’s Supplies• Chavant oil-based modeling clay• Wax – Red Casting, Sprues,Victory BrownJames Finlay Fine ArtWealth Management#201-360 Robson St,Vancouver, BC V6B 2B2✆604-219-4090, Fax 604-677-5961Email: Jim_Finlay@telus.netProviding fine art wealth managementand planning with a client focus:• Appraisal to determine fair marketvalue, donation, equitable division offamily assets and insurance requirements• Identification and au<strong>the</strong>ntication todetermine genuineness• Art finance; investment and collateralsecurity• Acquisition and disposition of fine art• Conservation and restoration• Art Lifestyle coachingKatayama FramingPeter Murdoch2219 NW Raleigh St,Portland, OR 97210Phone: (503) 224-3334Fax: (503) 295-2966Email:peter@guestroomgallery.comWeb: www.katayamaframing.comHours: Mon-Fri 9am-6pmSat 10am-5pmSince 1980, Katayama Framinghas provided its customers with <strong>the</strong>highest quality framing, art and artservices, in-home consulting, residentialand commercial installations,and art crating and shipping.MiMa Fine Art Publishers,Inc. & <strong>Gallery</strong>1901 East Rd,Denman Island, BC V0R 1T0Phone: 1-250-335-0357Toll Free ✆1-877-335-8111Email: mark@mimagallery.comWeb: www.bcmima.com >Printing Services

GALLERY OPENINGS + EVENTSJune 1 Friday6-9pm, Opening reception: Olivia Behm, Kolieha Bush,Joe Cotter, Lyle Hehn, Jenny Joyce, Myrna Yoder, Artistsof McMenamins. GUESTROOM GALLERY + MURDOCH COLLEC-TIONS, 4114 N Vancouver Ave, Portland ORJune 2 Saturday2-4 pm, Opening reception: Peng Liu, Solids: Bound, newworks. JACANA CONTEMPORARY ART, 2435 Granville St,Vancouver BCJune 7 Thursday6-8pm, Opening reception: Portrayal, featuring work bygallery and guest artists. DIANE FARRIS GALLERY, 1590 W7th Ave, Vancouver BCJune 8 Friday6-10pm, Opening reception: Our Sacred Environment,acrylic on canvas paintings and prints by Mark AnthonyJacobson, Ojibway artist. GREENERY FLORIST & GALLERY,3735 W 10th Ave, Vancouver BCJune 13 Wednesday10am-4pm, Special event: Portrait Workshop with KarenMartin Sampson. Registration fee required. Call(250)468-9010 LYNDIA TERRE GALLERY, 1811 NorthwestBay Rd, Nanoose Bay, Vancouver Island BCJune 16 Saturday12pm, Opening reception: Group Show: Painting,Photography, Jewellery.VETROVA GALLERY, 1118 HomerSt, Vancouver BCJune 21 Thursday6-10pm, Opening reception: 6th Annual Summer Exhibition.GALLERY ODIN, 215 Odin Rd, Silver Star Mtn BC7-9pm, Opening reception: Migrations: Birds of <strong>the</strong>Pacific, contemporary artists from Papua New Guinea,<strong>the</strong> Northwest Coast of Canada and Aboriginal Australia.ALCHERINGA GALLERY, 665 Fort St, Victoria BCJune 23 Saturday2-6pm, Opening reception: 6th Annual Summer Exhibition.GALLERY ODIN, 215 Odin Rd, Silver Star Mtn BC5pm, To celebrate our 12th anniversary we are presentingMore Than Adornment, an exhibition of contemporaryand historical Northwest Coast art. DOUGLASREYNOLDS GALLERY, 2335 Granville St, Vancouver BC12-5pm, Opening reception: Caite Dheere and IrmaSoltonovich, New Works. GALLERY ON HERALD, 545 HeraldSt, Victoria, BCJune 28 Thursday6-8pm, Opening reception: Laurie Rolland, Regeneration,sculptural and wall relief art works. GALLERY OF BC CERAMICS,1539 Cartwright St, Granville Island, Vancouver BCJuly 1 Sunday3-5pm, Grand Opening Exhibition, Something to Celebrate,wine and cheese reception. GALLERY 10 •80, Unit 101A,1080 Resort Dr, Oceanside Village Resort, Parksville BCJuly 5 Thursday6-8pm, Opening reception: Bliss, featuring drawings andpaintings by gallery artists. DIANE FARRIS GALLERY, 1590 W7th Ave, Vancouver BCJuly 7 Saturday12-5pm, Opening reception: Lyle Schultz, Eating GarbonzoBeans on <strong>the</strong> Edge of <strong>the</strong> Universe, and o<strong>the</strong>r new works.GALLERY ON HERALD, 545 Herald St, Victoria, BCJuly 15 Thursday1-5:30pm, Dual openings: Marianna Schmidt at <strong>the</strong>BURNABY ART GALLERY, 6344 Deer Lake Ave, Burnaby BC(1-3pm) and at <strong>the</strong> EVERGREEN CULTURAL CENTRE,1205 Pinetree Way, Coquitlam BC (4-5:30pm)July 22 Sunday1-3pm, Opening reception: Lyndia Terre, Illuminations:Island Landscapes, pastels and acrylic on paper andcanvas. LYNDIA TERRE GALLERY, 1811 Northwest Bay Rd,Nanoose Bay, Vancouver Island BCJuly 26 Thursday7pm, Panel Discussion: Marianna Schmidt, Mapping aLife, Room 1600, SFU DOWNTOWN CAMPUS, Vancouver BC.August 2 Thursday6-8pm, Opening reception: Lynne Johnson, Illusion ofShadows, Kohiki inspired functional tableware, gardendecor and lanterns. GALLERY OF BC CERAMICS, 1539Cartwright St, Granville Island, Vancouver BCAugust 4 Saturday12-5pm, Opening reception: Natalie Kurzuk, Conversations.GALLERY ON HERALD, 545 Herald St, Victoria BCAugust 9 Thursday10am, Opening reception: 6th Okanagan Summer WineFestival Art Show. GALLERY ODIN, 215 Odin Rd, Silver StarMtn BCAugust 19 Sunday1-3pm, Opening reception: <strong>Gallery</strong> artists and guest,Blooms: from Miniature to Mural, mixed media. LYNDIATERRE GALLERY, 1811 Northwest Bay Rd, Nanoose Bay,Vancouver Island BCAugust 25 Saturday2-5pm, Family Art Festival: special hands-on art activitiesfor children with <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>me Planes, Trains and Automobiles.Local Sky Valley artists will be on hand to assistand inspire. ART MERCHANT INTERNATIONAL, 17161 BeatonRd, SE, Monroe WA

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