Kosovo Energy Strategy 2009-2018 - Ministria e Integrimit

Kosovo Energy Strategy 2009-2018 - Ministria e Integrimit Kosovo Energy Strategy 2009-2018 - Ministria e Integrimit


ENERGY STRATEGY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOSOVO FOR THE PERIOD 2009201811.2.8 Development of the electricity market and competitionPolicies to be implementedThe Government is committed to implementing all of the Energy Community Treaty (EnCT)obligations, including establishment of an open and competitive energy market, as one of the most countries and high import prices, it seems obvious that development of a competitive domesticMain measures to be undertakenWith the aim of meeting the EnCT obligations, electricity market could be promptly opened for alldistribution network is not technically capable of providing Third Party Access without problems,The Government will make all efforts and will support preparation of necessary regulatoryframework so that the local energy market is developed as an integral part of the regional energyCommunity Secretariat has asserted that the existing Kosovo Law on Competition is not fullyLaw, so that it can be fully implemented through mechanisms provided in it and also properly11.2.9 Electricity tariffs and social safeguardsPolicy to be implementedIt is the policy of the Government to support the gradual increase of energy tariffs so that theyand well studied so that every increase is affordable for incomes of the vast majority of householdsMeasures to be undertakenThe burden that tariff increases and collection enforcement will impose on poorer households isFaqe 72Ministry of Energy and Mining

ENERGY STRATEGY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOSOVO FOR THE PERIOD 20092018 and support Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare (MLSW) to develop and put forward a well-11.2.10 Demand Side Management’ Programand saving, MEM will coordinate development of a National Demand Side Management (DSM)Objectives of this Program will include among other: (i) load reduction, (ii) load shifting, and (iii)The aim of development of this Program is also involvement of utilities, energy suppliers or privatecompanies in offering DSM of value-added services to energy customers so that they receive11.2.11 Kosovo Budget support for the energy sectorConsidering projected demand growth, high power import prices, and the lead time until theplanned Kosova e Re plant is commissioned (around 2015), it can be concluded that, in the interim,(i)develop the Sibovc South West mine so as to sustain coal supplies after exhaustion ofthe remaining coal reserves in the Mirash and Bardh mines;(ii) enhance capacity and reliability of the existing generation facilities in TC Kosova A 25and TC Kosova B units as necessary in order to keep them operational;(iii) some environmental upgrades of Kosova A and its ash disposal system and facilities;and Government will need to step in as appropriate to provide part or all of the resources required for25 The focus will be on the B units, which consume less fuel and produce fewer emissions than the A units, yet operate below de-Ministry of Energy and Mining Faqe 73

ENERGY STRATEGY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOSOVO FOR THE PERIOD <strong>2009</strong>–<strong>2018</strong>11.2.8 Development of the electricity market and competitionPolicies to be implementedThe Government is committed to implementing all of the <strong>Energy</strong> Community Treaty (EnCT)obligations, including establishment of an open and competitive energy market, as one of the most countries and high import prices, it seems obvious that development of a competitive domesticMain measures to be undertakenWith the aim of meeting the EnCT obligations, electricity market could be promptly opened for alldistribution network is not technically capable of providing Third Party Access without problems,The Government will make all efforts and will support preparation of necessary regulatoryframework so that the local energy market is developed as an integral part of the regional energyCommunity Secretariat has asserted that the existing <strong>Kosovo</strong> Law on Competition is not fullyLaw, so that it can be fully implemented through mechanisms provided in it and also properly11.2.9 Electricity tariffs and social safeguardsPolicy to be implementedIt is the policy of the Government to support the gradual increase of energy tariffs so that theyand well studied so that every increase is affordable for incomes of the vast majority of householdsMeasures to be undertakenThe burden that tariff increases and collection enforcement will impose on poorer households isFaqe 72Ministry of <strong>Energy</strong> and Mining

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