Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

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THE FIRST AND THE SECOND MAN.65to be continued, was formed out <strong>of</strong> him. It wasnot a second man who was so formed from thefirst, but one made with reference to him, in dependenceon him, to be a help meet for him, notfor herself, with an independent being, but forhim. This formation <strong>of</strong> Eve from Adam, whichhas a meaning <strong>of</strong> unfathomable depth in the development<strong>of</strong> the race, is an essential part <strong>of</strong> theoriginal design. " <strong>The</strong>refore," says Adam, sj;&*«Cs in an ecstasy sent upon him by God, the words<strong>of</strong> God, " this is now bone <strong>of</strong> my bone and flesh<strong>of</strong> my mf flesh: she shall be called woman, * becauseshe was taken out <strong>of</strong> man. <strong>The</strong>refore shall a manleave his father and his mother, and shall cleaveunto his wife, and they shall be one flesh." First,the Eve so formed from him is one flesh with him;secondly, the race springing from both is one fleshlikewise with him. <strong>The</strong> consequence intended bythat one flesh was the transmission <strong>of</strong> that mag-nificent inheritance in which Adam was standinwhen he so spoke. In this he was Father andHead, for this created alone, then Eve built upfrom him, from whom afterwards was to issuetheir joint race. On the further condition <strong>of</strong> hispersonal obedience to God and fidelity to his grace,he held the whole supernatural gift <strong>of</strong> grace conferringsonship, both for himself and for his race:on these terms it was bestowed by the charter <strong>of</strong>God, the original Giver. Thus, the greatness <strong>of</strong>his Headship was visible in two things, the powerii.-

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