Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries
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42 THE GODS OF THE NATIONSand deeply sensualised ; but their glory was thisgreat Hellenic civilisation, with which polytheismmight be termed one and the same thing.*2. When we turn to the West, the seat of thesovereign city and of the empire itself, we findthat from the very beginning and through manycenturies the political constitution of the city hadbeen indissolubly blended with the worship of theRoman gods. The religion of Eome wasmore than national ; her polity seemed only anothcname for her worship. Her temples were as muca part of her political life as her forum. So far atleast she had embodied in her whole structure thelegend of her Etruscan teacher, wherein the dwarfTages sprung from the soil to communicate theworship claimed by the gods.39 Her soil and herworshi were indivisible. And even after sevencenturies, when the city was embracing the worldin its arms, this union practically existed. Romeindeed admitted, as we have said, the gods of theconquered nations into her pantheon, but it wason the same tenure as the nations themselvesshared her civic rights. Jupiter Capitolinus wasa sort of suzerain not only to the gods of theGrecian Olympus, but to the dark forms of theNile deities, to the Syrian, the Libyan, the Gallic,the Germanic, the Sarmatian Valhalla. Whenthe greatest of her poets would express unendingduration, he joins together the race of ./Eneas en-39 Merivale, Hi. 496.

WHEN CHRIST APPEARED.43throned on the Capitol with the god who dweltthere :"Nulla dies unquam memori vos eximet asvo,Dum domus JKnesQ Capitoli immobile saxumAccolet, imperiumque Pater Romanus habebit."The Eoman father is the Capitoline not a king ; the only king of the Romans isJupiter, said the most royal of the race, and thefounder of her empire, when, seeing all prostrateat his feet, he put away reluctantly the diademoffered by his creature. Thus even he who hadseized the reality of power, who would have omenswhen he pleased, and whose will was his law, leftthe crown on the head of Jupiter. In Rome, allthrough her history " piety and patriotism werethe same feeling."40 When her empire becameworld-wide, this sort of devotion did not cease.Rome had long been deified; and the double importof her name41 expressed strength against thefoe without, and nourishment to the child within.She was agoddess clothed in mailto meet the enemy, and a mother offering herbosom to her citizens clustered around her. Andso in her new constitution, adapted for the world,her emperor too was deified, as the first of herchildren, her living representative, the embodimentof her force and love, the visible wielder ofer unseen power. All that is sacred in home40 Beugnot, Destruction du Paganisme, i. 8.41 (3o5/i?7, strength; ruma, a mother's breast.

42 THE GODS OF THE NATIONSand deeply sensualised ; but their glory was thisgreat Hellenic civilisation, with which polytheismmight be termed one and the same thing.*2. When we turn to the West, the seat <strong>of</strong> thesovereign city and <strong>of</strong> the empire itself, we findthat from the very beginning and through manycenturies the political constitution <strong>of</strong> the city hadbeen indissolubly blended with the worship <strong>of</strong> theRoman gods. <strong>The</strong> religion <strong>of</strong> Eome wasmore than national ; her polity seemed only anothcname for her worship. Her temples were as muca part <strong>of</strong> her political life as her forum. So far atleast she had embodied in her whole structure thelegend <strong>of</strong> her Etruscan teacher, wherein the dwarfTages sprung from the soil to communicate theworship claimed by the gods.39 Her soil and herworshi were indivisible. And even after sevencenturies, when the city was embracing the worldin its arms, this union practically existed. Romeindeed admitted, as we have said, the gods <strong>of</strong> theconquered nations into her pantheon, but it wason the same tenure as the nations themselvesshared her civic rights. Jupiter Capitolinus wasa sort <strong>of</strong> suzerain not only to the gods <strong>of</strong> theGrecian Olympus, but to the dark forms <strong>of</strong> theNile deities, to the Syrian, the Libyan, the Gallic,the Germanic, the Sarmatian Valhalla. Whenthe greatest <strong>of</strong> her poets would express unendingduration, he joins together the race <strong>of</strong> ./Eneas en-39 Merivale, Hi. 496.

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