Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

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NEW WORKS PUBLISHED BY LONGMANS AND CO,Elements ot Maritime Inter - <strong>The</strong> Law Nations C derednational Law. By WILLIAM DK BUKGII, as Independent Political Communities. ByB.A. <strong>of</strong> the Inner Temple, Barrister-al-La\v TRAVKRS Twiss, D.C.L. Regius Pr<strong>of</strong>essor8vo.<strong>of</strong> Civil Law in the University <strong>of</strong> Oxford.Papers on Maritime Legislation; 2 vols. 8vo. 30s. or separately, PART I. Peace,with a Translation <strong>of</strong> the German Mercan- 12s. PART II. War. 18s.tile Law relating to Maritime Commerce. A Nautical Dictionary, definingBy ERNST EMIL WtNDT. - 8vo. 10*. 6d.the Technical Language relative to thePractical Guide for British Ship- Building and Equipment <strong>of</strong> Sailing Vesselsmasters to United States Ports. By PIEK- and Steamers, &c. By ARTHUR YOUNG.KEPONT EDWARDS, Her Britannic Majesty's Second Edition; with Plates and 150 Wood-Vice-Consul at New York, Post 8vo. 85. cuts. 8vo.WorkUtility and General Information.Modern Cookery for Private A Handbook for Headers at theFamilies, reduced to a System <strong>of</strong> Easy British Museum. By THOMAS NICHOLS,Practice in a Series <strong>of</strong> carefully-tested Post 8vo. 6*.Receipts. By ELIZ ACTON. Newly re- Hints to Mothers on the Managevisedand enlarged; with 8 Plates, Figures, ment <strong>of</strong> their Health during the Period <strong>of</strong>and 150 Woodcuts. Fcp. 6s.Pregnancy and in the Lying-in Room. ByOn Food and its Digestion ; an T. BULL, M.D. Fcp. 5s.Introduction to Dietetics. By \V. BRINTON, <strong>The</strong> Maternal Management <strong>of</strong> ChildrenM.D. Physician to St. Thomas's Hospital, in Health and Disease. B the same&c. With 48 Woodcuts. Post 8vo. 12s. Author. Fcp. 5*.Notes on Hospitals. By FLORENCEWine, the Vine, and the Cellar. NIGHTINGALE. Third Edition, enlarged;By THOMAS G. SHAW. Second Edition, with 13 Plans. Post 4to. 18*.revised and enlarged, with Frontispiece andIllustrations on Wood. 8vo 16s. <strong>The</strong> Executor's Guide. By J. C.HUDSON. Enlarged Edition, revised by the A Practical Treatise on Brewing; Author, with reference to the latest reportedwith Formulae for Public Brewers, and In- Cases and Acts <strong>of</strong> Parliament. Fcp. G*.structions for Private Families. By W. <strong>The</strong> Law relating to BenefitBLACK. Fifth Edition. 8vo. 10*. Gd. Building Societies; with Practical Observationson the Act and all the Cases decidedHow to Brew d Bthereon, also a Form o£ Rules and Forms <strong>of</strong>plete Guide to the Art <strong>of</strong> Brewing Ale,Bitter Ale, Table Ale, Brown Stout, Porter, Mortgages. By W. TIDD PRATT, BarristerTable Beer. By JOHN PITT. Revised 2nd Edition, *Fcp. 3*.<strong>The</strong> Cabinet Lawyer; a Popular Decimal Int s at TwentyDigest <strong>of</strong> the Laws <strong>of</strong> England, Civil, four Diiferent Rates not exceeding Five perEdition. Fcp. 4s. 6d. Willich's Popular Tables for As-certaining the Value <strong>of</strong> Lifehold, Lease-<strong>The</strong> Billiard <strong>Book</strong>. By CaptainCRAAVLEY, Author <strong>of</strong> * Billiards, its <strong>The</strong>oryhold, and Church Property, RenewalFines, &c. ; the Public Funds ; Annualand Practice,5 &c With nearly 100 Diagrams Average Price and Interest on Consols fromon Steel and Wood. 8vo. 21s.1731 to 1881 ; Chemical, Geographical,Whist, What to Lead. By CAM. Astronomical, Trigonometrical Tables, &c.Third Edition. 32mo. 1*. Post 8vo. 10s.Criminal, and Constitutional. 23rd Edition, Cent. Calculated for the use <strong>of</strong> Bankers.entirely recomposed, and brought down by To which are added Commission Tables atthe AUTHOR to the close <strong>of</strong> the Parliamen- One-eighth and One-fourth per Cent. ytary Session <strong>of</strong> 1867. Fcp. 10s. 6d. J. R, COULTHART. New Edition. 8vo.<strong>The</strong> Philosophy <strong>of</strong> Health; or, an Maunder's Treasury <strong>of</strong> Know-Exposition <strong>of</strong> the Physiological and Sanitary ledge and Library <strong>of</strong> Reference: comprisingConditions conducive to Human Longevity an English Dictionary and Grammar, UniandHappiness. By SOUTHWOOD SMITH, versal Gazetteer, Classical Dictionary, Chro-M.D. Eleventh Edition, revised and en- nology, Law Dictionary, Synopsis <strong>of</strong> thelarged; with 113 Woodcuts. 8vo. 7s. Peerage, useful Tables, &c. Fcp. 10*. 6d.

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