Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries
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16 NEW WORKS PUBLISHED BY LONGMANS AND CO.Lyra Germanica, translated from the a S II Ancient andGerman by Miss C. WINK WORTH. FIRST MSERIES, Hymns for the Sundays and Chief Poetry. Edited by the Rev. B. WFestivals; SECOND SERIES, the Christian A, Third Edition, enlarged. Fcp.Life. Fcp. 3s. 6d. each SERIES.Th C D tliHymns from Lyra Germanica, I8mo. Is. Atonement; an Historical Inquiry into itsDevelopment in the Church: with an Intro-Lyra Eucharistica ; Hymns and ductionthe Principle of TheologiVerses on the Holy Communion, Ancient Developments. M8vo. 8s. Qd.and Modern; with other Poems. Edited bythe Rev. ORBY SHIPLEY, M.A. Second Endeavours after the ChristianEdition. Fcp. 7s. 6d. Life: Discourses. By JAMES MARTINEAU.Fourth and cheaper Edition, carefully re-Lyra Messianica; Hymns and Verses on vised; the Two Series complete in Onethe Life of Christ, Ancient and Modern; Volume. Post Svo. 7s. 6d.with other Poems. By the same Editor.Second Edition, enlarged. Fcp. 7s. 6d. Introductory Lessons on theHistory of Religious Worship; being aLyra Mystica; Hymns and Verses on Sacred Sequel to the 'Lessons on Christian Evi-Subjects, Ancient and Modern. By th dences.' By RICHARD WHATELY, D.D.same Editor. Fcp. 7$. Gd. New Edition. 18mo. 2s. Qd.Travels, Voyages,The North-West Peninsula of History of Discovery in ourIceland; being the Journal of a Tour in Australasian Colonies, Australia, Tasmania,Iceland in the Summer of 1862. By C. W. and New Zealand, from the Earliest Date toSHEPHERD, M.A. F.Z.S. With a Map and the Present Day. By WILLIAM HOWITT.Two Illustrations. Fcp. Svo. 7s. Qd. With 3 Maps of the Recent Explorationsfrom Official Sources. 2 vols. Svo. 20s.Pictures in Tyrol and Elsewhere.From a Family Sketch-Book, By the The Capital of the Tycoon; aAuthor of *A Voyage en Zigzag,' &c. Narrative of a 3 Years' Residence in Japan.Quarto, with numerous Illustrations, 2 Is. y Sir RUTHERFORD ALCOCK, K.C.B.2 vols. Svo. with numerous Illustrations, 42s.How we Spent the Summer; or,The Dolomite Mountains. ExcuraVoyage eu Zigzag in Switzerland andTyrol with some Members of the ALPINEsions through Tyrol, Carinthia, Carniola,andCLUB. From the Sketch-Book of one of theFriuli.By J. GILBERT and G. C. CHUR-Party. Third Edition, re-drawn. In oblong CHILL, F.R.G.S. With numerous Illustra4to. with about 300 Illustrations, 15s. tions. Square crown Svo. 21s.A Lady's Tour Hound Monte Eosa;Beaten Tracks; or, Pen and Pencil including Visits to the Italian Valleys.Sketches in Italy. By the Authoress of With Map and Illustrations. Post Svo, 145.4 A Voyage en Zigzag.' With 42 Plates, Guide to the Pyrenees, for the usecontaining about 200 Sketches from DrawofMountaineers. By CHARLES PACKE.ings made on the Spot. Svo. 16$. With Maps, &c. and Appendix. Fcp. 6s.Florence, the New Capital of The Alpine Guide. By JOHN BALL,Italy. By C. K. WELD. With several En- M.R.LA. late President of the Alpine Club.gravings on Wood, from Drawings by the Post Svo. with Maps and other Illustrations,Author. Post Svo. 12s. Qd. Guide to the Eastern Alps. [Just ready.Guide to the "Western Alps, includingM f the Chain of Mont Bl Mont Blanc, Monte Rosa, Zerniatt, &c.from an actual in 1863-1864. By price 7s. Qd.A. ADAMS-REILLY, F.R.G.S. M Pub-Guide to tlie Oberland and all Switzerunderthe Authority of the Alpine land, excepting the Neighbourhood ofClub. InCh y on extra stout Monte Rosa and the Great St. Bernard;drawing-paper 28in. x 17in. price 10s. or with Lombardy and the adjoining portionan 'as in a folding case, 12s. Qd. of Tyrol. 7s. 64

NEW WORKS PUBLISHKD BY LO-N(iMA->a AM> CO.The Englishman in India. By Narratives of Shipwrecks of theCHARLES KAIKES, Esq. C.S.I, formerly Royal Xdvy between 1793 and 1857, com-Commissioner of Lahore. Post 8vo. 7s. Gd. piled from Official Documents in the Admiraltyby W. 0. S. GILLY ; with a PrefaceThe Irish in America. By JOHN by W. S. GILLY, D.D. 3d Edition, fcp. 5s.FRANCIS MAGIHRE, M.P. for Cork. PostVisits to Remarkable Places :8vo. 125. Gd.Old Halls, Battle-Fields, and Scenes illus-The Arch of Titus and the Spoils trative of Striking Passages in Englishof the Temple; an Historical and Critical History and Poetry. WILLIAM HOWITT.Lecture, with Authentic Illustrations. By 2 vols. square crown 8vo. with Wood En-WILLIAM KNIGHT, M.A. With 10 Wood- gravings, 25s.cuts from Ancient Remains. 4to. 10*. The Rural Life of England.Curiosities of London ; exhibitingB the same uor. With Woodcuts byBewick and Williams. Medium 8vo. 12$. Gd.the most Rare and Remarkable Objects ofInterest in the Metropolis; with nearly A Week at the Land's End.Sixtv Years' Personal Recollections. By By J. T, BLIGHT; assisted by E. H.RODD,JOHX TIMBS, F.S.A. New .Edition, cor- R. Q. COUCH, and J. RALFS. With Maprected and enlarged. 8vo. Portrait, 2 and 96 Woodcuts. Fcp. 65. Gd.Works of Fiction.The Warden : a Novel. By ANTHONY Springdale Abbey : Extracts fromTROLLOPE, Crown 8vo. 2s. Gd.the Letters and Diaries of an ENGLISHPREACH KU. 8vo. 12$.Barchester Towers: a Sequel to 'TheWarden.' By the same Author. Crown The Six Sisters of the Valleys:8vo. 85. Gd. an Historical Romance. v W. BRAMLEY-MOORE, M.A. Incumbent of Gerrard's Cross,Stories and Tales by the Author Bucks. Fourth Edition, with 11 Illustrations.of ' AmyVHerbert' uniform Edition, eachCrown 8vo. 5s.Tale or Story complete in a single volume.AMY HERBERT, 2s. Gd. KATHARINE ASHTON, Tales fMGERTRUDE, 2s. Gd. 3s. Gd. y V GEOUGE W. Cox, f M.A. late ScholarEARL'S DAUGHTER, MARGARET PERCI- of Trin, Coll. Oxon. Second Edition. Square2s. Gd. VAL, 5s. 16 mo. os. Gd.EXPERIENCE OF LIFE, LANETON PARSON-2s. Gd. AGE, 45. Gd. Tales of the Gods and Heroes. By theCLEVE HALL, 85. Gd. URSULA, Is. Gd. same Author. Second Edition. Fcp. 05.IVORS, 85. Gd.A Glimpse of the "World. By the Author Tales of Thebes and Argos. By thesaraof * Amy Herbert.' Fcp. 7s. Gd.Author. Fcp. 4s. Gd.The Journal of a Home Life. By the A Manual of Mythology, in the form ofsame Author. Post 8vo. 9.*. Gd. Question and Answer. By the sameAfter Life; a Sequel to the 'Journal of a HomeAuthor. Fcp. 3s.Life.' By the same Author. Post 8vo.[Nearly ready. Cabinet Edition of Novels andTalcs by By G. J. WHITE MELVILLE:G-allus; or, Roman Scenes of the Time The Gladiators: a Talo of Rome and Jud&aof Augustus: with Notes and ExcursusesCrown 8vo. 5s.illustrative of the Manners and Customs ofthe Ancient Romans. From the German of Digby Grand, 5s.Prof. BECKER. New Edit. Post 8vo. 7s. Gd. Kate Coventry, 5$,General Bounce, 3>\haricles ; a Tale illustrative of Private Holmby House, 5$.Life among the Ancient Greeks: with Notes Good for Nothing,and Excursuses. From the German of Prof. The Queen's Maries, 65.BECKER. New Edition, Post 8vo. 7s. Gd. The Interpreter, a Tale of the Vv'arc

NEW WORKS PUBLISHKD BY LO-N(iMA->a AM> CO.<strong>The</strong> Englishman in India. By Narratives <strong>of</strong> Shipwrecks <strong>of</strong> theCHARLES KAIKES, Esq. C.S.I, formerly Royal Xdvy between 1793 and 1857, com-Commissioner <strong>of</strong> Lahore. Post 8vo. 7s. Gd. piled from Official Documents in the Admiraltyby W. 0. S. GILLY ; with a Preface<strong>The</strong> Irish in America. By JOHN by W. S. GILLY, D.D. 3d Edition, fcp. 5s.FRANCIS MAGIHRE, M.P. for Cork. PostVisits to Remarkable Places :8vo. 125. Gd.Old Halls, Battle-Fields, and Scenes illus-<strong>The</strong> Arch <strong>of</strong> Titus and the Spoils trative <strong>of</strong> Striking Passages in English<strong>of</strong> the Temple; an Historical and Critical History and Poetry. WILLIAM HOWITT.Lecture, with Authentic Illustrations. By 2 vols. square crown 8vo. with Wood En-WILLIAM KNIGHT, M.A. With 10 Wood- gravings, 25s.cuts from Ancient Remains. 4to. 10*. <strong>The</strong> Rural Life <strong>of</strong> England.Curiosities <strong>of</strong> London ; exhibitingB the same uor. With Woodcuts byBewick and Williams. Medium 8vo. 12$. Gd.the most Rare and Remarkable Objects <strong>of</strong>Interest in the Metropolis; with nearly A Week at the Land's End.Sixtv Years' Personal Recollections. By By J. T, BLIGHT; assisted by E. H.RODD,JOHX TIMBS, F.S.A. New .Edition, cor- R. Q. COUCH, and J. RALFS. With Maprected and enlarged. 8vo. Portrait, 2 and 96 Woodcuts. Fcp. 65. Gd.Works <strong>of</strong> Fiction.<strong>The</strong> Warden : a Novel. By ANTHONY Springdale Abbey : Extracts fromTROLLOPE, Crown 8vo. 2s. Gd.the Letters and Diaries <strong>of</strong> an ENGLISHPREACH KU. 8vo. 12$.Barchester Towers: a Sequel to '<strong>The</strong>Warden.' By the same Author. Crown <strong>The</strong> Six Sisters <strong>of</strong> the Valleys:8vo. 85. Gd. an Historical Romance. v W. BRAMLEY-MOORE, M.A. Incumbent <strong>of</strong> Gerrard's Cross,Stories and Tales by the Author Bucks. Fourth Edition, with 11 Illustrations.<strong>of</strong> ' AmyVHerbert' uniform Edition, eachCrown 8vo. 5s.Tale or Story complete in a single volume.AMY HERBERT, 2s. Gd. KATHARINE ASHTON, Tales fMGERTRUDE, 2s. Gd. 3s. Gd. y V GEOUGE W. Cox, f M.A. late ScholarEARL'S DAUGHTER, MARGARET PERCI- <strong>of</strong> Trin, Coll. Oxon. Second Edition. Square2s. Gd. VAL, 5s. 16 mo. os. Gd.EXPERIENCE OF LIFE, LANETON PARSON-2s. Gd. AGE, 45. Gd. Tales <strong>of</strong> the Gods and Heroes. By theCLEVE HALL, 85. Gd. URSULA, Is. Gd. same Author. Second Edition. Fcp. 05.IVORS, 85. Gd.A Glimpse <strong>of</strong> the "World. By the Author Tales <strong>of</strong> <strong>The</strong>bes and Argos. By thesara<strong>of</strong> * Amy Herbert.' Fcp. 7s. Gd.Author. Fcp. 4s. Gd.<strong>The</strong> Journal <strong>of</strong> a Home Life. By the A Manual <strong>of</strong> Mythology, in the form <strong>of</strong>same Author. Post 8vo. 9.*. Gd. Question and Answer. By the sameAfter Life; a Sequel to the 'Journal <strong>of</strong> a HomeAuthor. Fcp. 3s.Life.' By the same Author. Post 8vo.[Nearly ready. Cabinet Edition <strong>of</strong> Novels andTalcs by By G. J. WHITE MELVILLE:G-allus; or, Roman Scenes <strong>of</strong> the Time <strong>The</strong> Gladiators: a Talo <strong>of</strong> Rome and Jud&a<strong>of</strong> Augustus: with Notes and ExcursusesCrown 8vo. 5s.illustrative <strong>of</strong> the Manners and Customs <strong>of</strong>the Ancient Romans. From the German <strong>of</strong> Digby Grand, 5s.Pr<strong>of</strong>. BECKER. New Edit. Post 8vo. 7s. Gd. Kate Coventry, 5$,General Bounce, 3>\haricles ; a Tale illustrative <strong>of</strong> Private Holmby House, 5$.Life among the Ancient Greeks: with Notes Good for Nothing,and Excursuses. From the German <strong>of</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>. <strong>The</strong> Queen's Maries, 65.BECKER. New Edition, Post 8vo. 7s. Gd. <strong>The</strong> Interpreter, a Tale <strong>of</strong> the Vv'arc

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