Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

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16 NEW WORKS PUBLISHED BY LONGMANS AND CO.Lyra Germanica, translated from the a S II Ancient andGerman by Miss C. WINK WORTH. FIRST MSERIES, Hymns for the Sundays and Chief Poetry. Edited by the Rev. B. WFestivals; SECOND SERIES, the Christian A, Third Edition, enlarged. Fcp.Life. Fcp. 3s. 6d. each SERIES.Th C D tliHymns from Lyra Germanica, I8mo. Is. Atonement; an Historical Inquiry into itsDevelopment in the Church: with an Intro-Lyra Eucharistica ; Hymns and ductionthe Principle <strong>of</strong> <strong>The</strong>ologiVerses on the Holy Communion, Ancient Developments. M8vo. 8s. Qd.and Modern; with other Poems. Edited bythe Rev. ORBY SHIPLEY, M.A. Second Endeavours after the ChristianEdition. Fcp. 7s. 6d. Life: Discourses. By JAMES MARTINEAU.Fourth and cheaper Edition, carefully re-Lyra Messianica; Hymns and Verses on vised; the Two Series complete in Onethe Life <strong>of</strong> Christ, Ancient and Modern; Volume. Post Svo. 7s. 6d.with other Poems. By the same Editor.Second Edition, enlarged. Fcp. 7s. 6d. Introductory Lessons on theHistory <strong>of</strong> Religious Worship; being aLyra Mystica; Hymns and Verses on Sacred Sequel to the 'Lessons on Christian Evi-Subjects, Ancient and Modern. By th dences.' By RICHARD WHATELY, D.D.same Editor. Fcp. 7$. Gd. New Edition. 18mo. 2s. Qd.Travels, Voyages,<strong>The</strong> North-West Peninsula <strong>of</strong> History <strong>of</strong> Discovery in ourIceland; being the Journal <strong>of</strong> a Tour in Australasian Colonies, Australia, Tasmania,Iceland in the Summer <strong>of</strong> 1862. By C. W. and New Zealand, from the Earliest Date toSHEPHERD, M.A. F.Z.S. With a Map and the Present Day. By WILLIAM HOWITT.Two Illustrations. Fcp. Svo. 7s. Qd. With 3 Maps <strong>of</strong> the Recent Explorationsfrom Official Sources. 2 vols. Svo. 20s.Pictures in Tyrol and Elsewhere.From a Family Sketch-<strong>Book</strong>, By the <strong>The</strong> Capital <strong>of</strong> the Tycoon; aAuthor <strong>of</strong> *A Voyage en Zigzag,' &c. Narrative <strong>of</strong> a 3 Years' Residence in Japan.Quarto, with numerous Illustrations, 2 Is. y Sir RUTHERFORD ALCOCK, K.C.B.2 vols. Svo. with numerous Illustrations, 42s.How we Spent the Summer; or,<strong>The</strong> Dolomite Mountains. ExcuraVoyage eu Zigzag in Switzerland andTyrol with some Members <strong>of</strong> the ALPINEsions through Tyrol, Carinthia, Carniola,andCLUB. From the Sketch-<strong>Book</strong> <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> theFriuli.By J. GILBERT and G. C. CHUR-Party. Third Edition, re-drawn. In oblong CHILL, F.R.G.S. With numerous Illustra4to. with about 300 Illustrations, 15s. tions. Square crown Svo. 21s.A Lady's Tour Hound Monte Eosa;Beaten Tracks; or, Pen and Pencil including Visits to the Italian Valleys.Sketches in Italy. By the Authoress <strong>of</strong> With Map and Illustrations. Post Svo, 145.4 A Voyage en Zigzag.' With 42 Plates, Guide to the Pyrenees, for the usecontaining about 200 Sketches from Draw<strong>of</strong>Mountaineers. By CHARLES PACKE.ings made on the Spot. Svo. 16$. With Maps, &c. and Appendix. Fcp. 6s.Florence, the New Capital <strong>of</strong> <strong>The</strong> Alpine Guide. By JOHN BALL,Italy. By C. K. WELD. With several En- M.R.LA. late President <strong>of</strong> the Alpine Club.gravings on Wood, from Drawings by the Post Svo. with Maps and other Illustrations,Author. Post Svo. 12s. Qd. Guide to the Eastern Alps. [Just ready.Guide to the "Western Alps, includingM f the Chain <strong>of</strong> Mont Bl Mont Blanc, Monte Rosa, Zerniatt, &c.from an actual in 1863-1864. By price 7s. Qd.A. ADAMS-REILLY, F.R.G.S. M Pub-Guide to tlie Oberland and all Switzerunderthe Authority <strong>of</strong> the Alpine land, excepting the Neighbourhood <strong>of</strong>Club. InCh y on extra stout Monte Rosa and the Great St. Bernard;drawing-paper 28in. x 17in. price 10s. or with Lombardy and the adjoining portionan 'as in a folding case, 12s. Qd. <strong>of</strong> Tyrol. 7s. 64

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