Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

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14 NEW WORKS PUBLISHED BY LONGMANS AXD CO.Religious and Moral WorksAnExp f th rticles, A Critical and Grammatical Com-Historical and Doctrinal. v E. HAROLD mentary on St. Paul's Epistles. By C. J.BROWNE, D.D. Lord Bishop <strong>of</strong> Ely. Seventh ELLICOTT, D.D. Lord Bishop <strong>of</strong> GloucesterEdition. 8vo. 16$. and Bristol. Svo.Examination-Questions Oil Bishop Galatians, Third Edition, 8s.Browne's Exposition <strong>of</strong> the Articles. By Ephesians, Fourth Edition, 8s.the Rev. J. GORLE, M.A. Fcp. 3s. Qd. Pastoral Epistles, Third Edition, 105. Gd.<strong>The</strong> Life and Reign <strong>of</strong> David Pkilippians, Colossians, and Philemon,Third Edition, Ws.Gd.King <strong>of</strong> Israel. By GKORGE SMITH, LL.D.F.A.S. Crown 8vo. 7*. Gd.<strong>The</strong>ssalonians, Third Edition, 7$.<strong>The</strong> Acts <strong>of</strong> the Apostles; wirh a Historical Lectures on the Life <strong>of</strong>Commentary, and Practical and Devotional Our Lord Jesus Christ: being the HulseanSuestions fjr Readers and Students <strong>of</strong> the Lectures for 1859. Bv "t the same Author,English Bible. By the llev. F. C. COOK, Fourth Edition. 8vo. 10s. Gd.M.A., Canon <strong>of</strong> Exeter, &c. New Edition, <strong>The</strong> Destiny <strong>of</strong> the Creature ; and other8vo. 1*2«. Gd.Sermons preached before the University <strong>of</strong><strong>The</strong> Life and Epistles <strong>of</strong> St. Cambridge. By the same. Post Svo. 5s.Paul. By W. J. CONYBKAKK, M.A. lateFellow <strong>of</strong> Trin. Coll. Cantab, and J. S. <strong>The</strong> Greek Testament; with Notes,HOWSON, D.D. Principal <strong>of</strong> Liverpool Coll. Grammatical and Exegetical. By the Rev.W. WEBSTER, M.A. and the Rev. W. F-LIBRARY EDITION, with all the OriginalWILKIXSON, M.A. 2 vols. 8vo. £2 4s.Illustrations, Maps, Landscapes on Steel,Woodcuts, &c. 2 vols. 4to. 48s.VOL. I. the Gospels and Acts, 20s.VOL. II. the Epistles and Apocalypse, 24s.INTERMEDIATEDITION, with a Selection<strong>of</strong> Maps, Plates, and Woodcuts. 2 vols. | ^n introduction to the Study <strong>of</strong>uare crown 8vo. 31s. Gd.the New Testament, Critical, Exegetica!,PEOPLE'S EDITION, revised and con- and <strong>The</strong>ological. By the Rev. S. DAVIDSONdensed, with 46 Illustrations and Maps. D.D. LL.D. 2 vols. 8vo. [/« the press.2 vols. crown Svo. 12s.Bev. T. H. Home's Introductionh Voyage and Shipwreck <strong>of</strong> to the Critical Study and Knowledge <strong>of</strong> theSt. Paul; with Dissertationsthe Ships Holy Scriptures. Eleventh Edition, corandNavigation <strong>of</strong> the Ancients. By JAMES rected, and extended under careful EditorialSMITH, F.R.S. Crown 8vo. Charts, 10s. 6cf. revision. With 4 Maps and 22 WoodcutsEvidence <strong>of</strong> the Truth <strong>of</strong> the and Facsimiles. 4 vols. Svo. £3 13s. Gd.Christian Religion derived from the Literal H. H >m endious InFulfilment <strong>of</strong> Prophecy, particularly as troduction to the Study <strong>of</strong> the Bible, beingIllustrated by the History <strong>of</strong> the Je\vs, and an Analysis <strong>of</strong> the larger work by the samethe Discoveries <strong>of</strong> Recent Travellers. By Author." Re-edited by the Rev. JOHNALEXANDER KKIIII, D.D. 37th Edition, AYKE, M.A. With Maps, &c. Post Svo. 9s.with numerous Plates, in square Svo.12s. Gd.; also the 3lJth Edition, in post 8vo.with o Plates, Gs.<strong>The</strong> Treasury <strong>of</strong> Bible Know-ledge; being a Dictionary <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Book</strong>?,<strong>The</strong> History and Destiny <strong>of</strong> the World Persons, Places, Events, and other Mattersand <strong>of</strong> the Church, according to Scripture. <strong>of</strong> which mention is made in Holy Scrip-Bv *" the same Author. Square Svo. with 40 ture; intended to establish its AuthorityIllustrations, 1 and illustrate its Contents. By Rev.istory <strong>of</strong> Israel to the Death<strong>of</strong> Moses. By HEISKICH EWALD. Pro-J. AYRE, M.A. With Maps, 15 Plates, andnumerous Woodcuts. Fcp. 10s. Gd.fessor <strong>of</strong> the University <strong>of</strong> Gottingen.Translated from the German. Edited, with Every-day Scripture Difficulties. a Preface, bv "FRUSSELLMARTIXEAU, M.A. explained and illustrated. By J. E. PRESPr<strong>of</strong>essorHebrew in Manchester New OOTT, M.A. VOL. I. Matthew and Mark;College, London. Svo. 18s/ VOL. II. Luke and John. 2 vols. Svo. 9s. each

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