Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

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NE\V WORKS PUBLISHED BY LOXGMAXS AND CO. HAnatomy, Descriptive and Sur- <strong>The</strong> Works <strong>of</strong> Sir B. C. Brodie,gical. By HENRY GRAY, F.R.S. With art. collected and arranged by CHARI.KS410 Wood Engravings from Dissections. HAWKIXS, F.R.C.S.E. 3 vols. 8vo. withFourth Edition, by T.HOLMES, M.A. Cantab. Medallion and Facsimile, 48s.Koyal 8vo. 28s.A Manual <strong>of</strong> Materia Medica<strong>The</strong> Cyclopaedia <strong>of</strong> Anatomy and and <strong>The</strong>rapeutics, abridged from Dr.Physiology. Edited by the late R. B. TODD, PEREXRA'S Elements by F. J. FARRE, M.D.M.D. F.R.S. Assisted by nearly all the assisted by K. BEJNTLKY, M.R.C.S. and bymost eminent cultivators <strong>of</strong> Physiological R. WARINGTON, F.R.S. 1 vol. cvo. withScience <strong>of</strong> the present age. 5 vols. 8vo. 90 Woodcuts, 21s.with 2,853 Woodcuts, £6 6s.Thomson's Conspectus <strong>of</strong> thePhysiological Anatomy and Physiology<strong>of</strong> Man. B}* the late R. B. TODD,British Pharmacopoeia. Twenty-fourthEdition, corrected by E. LLOYD BIRKKTT,M.D. F.R.S. and W. BOWMAN, F.R.S. <strong>of</strong> M.D. 18mo. 5s. 6d.King's College. With numerous Illustrations.VOL.. II. 8vo. 25s.Manual <strong>of</strong> the Domestic Practic<strong>of</strong> Medicine. By W. B. KESTEVEN,VOL. I. New Edition bv V Dr. LIOXEL S. F.K.C.S.E. Third Edition, thoroughlyBKALK, F.R.S. in course <strong>of</strong> publication; revised, with Additions. Fcp. 5.s.PART I. with 8 Plates, 75. 6d.Sea-Air and Sea-Bathing forHistological Demonstrations; a Children and Invalids. By WIM.IAMGuide to the Microscopical Examination <strong>of</strong>STRANGE, M.D. Fcp. 3s.the Animal Tissues in Health and Disease,for the use <strong>of</strong> the Medical and Veterinary <strong>The</strong> Restoration <strong>of</strong> Health; or,Pr<strong>of</strong>essions. By G. HARLEY, M.D. F.R.S. the Application <strong>of</strong> the Laws <strong>of</strong> Hygiene toPr<strong>of</strong>, in Univ. Coll. London; and G. T. the Recovery <strong>of</strong> Health : a Manual for theBROWN, M.R.C.V.S. Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Veteri- Invalid, and a Guide in the Sick Room.nary Medicine, and one <strong>of</strong> the Inspecting By W. STRANGE, M.D. Fcp. 6s.Officers<strong>of</strong> the Privyin theCouncil.Cattle PlaguePost 8vo.Departmentwith 223masts and Gymnastics. ByJOHN H. HOWARD, hite Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Gym-Woodcuts, 12*.nastics, Comm. Coll. Ripponden. SecondA Dictionary <strong>of</strong> Practical Medi- Edition, revised and enlarged, with variouscine. By J. COPLAND, M.D. F.R.S. Selections from the best Authors, containingAbridged from the larger work by the 445 Exercises; and illustrated withAuthor, assisted by J. C. COPLAND, M.R.C.S. Woodcuts, including the most Recent Imandthroughout brought down to the pre- provements in the different Apparatus nowsent state <strong>of</strong> Medical Science. Pp. 1,560, used in the various Clubs, &c, Crown 8vo.in 8vo. price 36s.10s. 6d.<strong>The</strong> Fine Arts, and Illustrated Editions.Half-Hour Lectures on the His- C alo <strong>Book</strong> for E ~^^^^^^-tory and Practice <strong>of</strong> the Fine and Orna- a complete Hymn-<strong>Book</strong> in accordance withmental Arts. By W. B. SCOTT. Second the Services and Festivals <strong>of</strong> the Church <strong>of</strong>Edition. Crown 8vo. with 50 Woodcut England: the Hymns translated by Miss C.Illustrations, 8s. 6d.WIXKWORTH ; the Tunes arranged by Pr<strong>of</strong>.W. S, BEXXETT and OTTO GOLDSCHMIDT.An Introduction to the Study <strong>of</strong>Fcp. 4 to. 12s. 6d.National Music; Comprising Researchesinto Popular Songs, Traditions, and Cus- Congregational Edition. Fcp. "2s.toms. By CART, ENGEL. With Frontis- Lectures on Harmony. Depieceand numerous Musical Illustrations. livered at the Royal Institution <strong>of</strong> Great8vo, 16s.Britain before Easter 1867. By G. A.Lecturesonthe History <strong>of</strong> Modern MACFARREN. 8vo. 10.*. Cd.Music, delivered at the Royal Institution. Sacred Music for Family Use ;By JOHN HULLAH. FIRST COURSE, with A Selection <strong>of</strong> Pieces for One, Two, cr moreChronological Tables, post 8vo. 6s. 6d. Voice?, from the best Composers, ForeignSECOND COURSE, the Transition Period, and English. Edited by JOHN HULLAH.with 26 Specimens, 8vo. 16s.1 vol. music folio, 21$.

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