Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

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THE GREEK PHILOSOPHY.457triumphal entry into Eome in spite <strong>of</strong> Cato andall the conservative force <strong>of</strong> the old Roman spirit.And if fusion had been the thought, the desire,and the attempt <strong>of</strong> the Ptolemies and the Seleu-cida3, even more certainly was it the only spiritby which Augustus and Tiberius could hope torule in peace the world made subject to them.And not less than the extinction <strong>of</strong> Greek autonomydid the loss <strong>of</strong> self-government accompanyingthe institution <strong>of</strong> the empire force the Romanalso back upon himself. When Cicero could nolonger sway the senate, he studied philosophicsystems at Tusculurn : and certainly his book <strong>of</strong>Offices has been more valued by all posterity thanhis speeches against Catiline or his defence <strong>of</strong> Milo.A long train <strong>of</strong> waiters from the Fathers downwardshave seen in the civil unity <strong>of</strong> the Romanempire a providential preparation for a great reli-ion. But the field on which that empire arosehad already, so far as concerns the thinking classeslong been occupied by the Greek philosophy. <strong>The</strong>two forces come into operation now together: andseventy years after the battle <strong>of</strong> Actium, when Au-ustus and Tiberius had completely establishedone ruling authority, and when this second outwardrevolution had had full time to give its im-pulse to thought, and had set before the eyes <strong>of</strong>men for two whole generations the vision <strong>of</strong> anempire which seemed conterminous with civilisationitself, we may fairly ask what philosophy had

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