Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

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WHEN CHRIST APPEARED.27away from the notion <strong>of</strong> a good and holy Creator,the contemplation <strong>of</strong> whom was its present supportand future reward, to visible things. Of thesethings the chief were bodily pleasures. Thus thiscorruption <strong>of</strong> the soul, in process <strong>of</strong> time, andcontinually becoming worse, produced this wholepantheon <strong>of</strong> gods, originally the creation <strong>of</strong> itsown lusts, and subsisting as a perpetual food andsupport <strong>of</strong> those lusts. For this cause it hadbroken up the one perfect idea <strong>of</strong> God the Creatorand Euler <strong>of</strong> all persons and things into a multitude<strong>of</strong> gods, whose functions became more andmore divided, until the ether, the air, the earth,and the water swarmed with these supposed beings,which took possession even <strong>of</strong> wood and stone,dwelling in the statues erected to them; and everydesire which the soul in its corruption could entertainhad its corresponding patron, helper, andexemplar. In this descending course cause andeffect were perpetually reacting on each other,and as the corruption <strong>of</strong> the human soul hadgenerated these gods, so their multiplication anddegradation intensified its corruption from age toa^e.25. But this was not all. If corrupt affectionin man himself, if the charm <strong>of</strong> representing theIn order to form " "scend, and what an incredible depth <strong>of</strong> turpitude it reached, see De Civ.Dei, 1. vi. c. 9, de <strong>of</strong>ficiis singulorum deorum. Its foulness prevents anyadequate representation <strong>of</strong> it.

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