Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

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426 THE CHKISTIAN CHURCH ANDthat he has said in his own person what were hismost settled convictions as to intercourse by wor<strong>of</strong> mouth, and continuous written discourse, viewedas instruments for attaining and communicatintruth. He expresses his absolute disbelief thatmen can reach true conceptions by their being setforth in the immutable form <strong>of</strong> writing. It is afar other+and more difficult work which has to beaccomplished. In a word, not even aptness forlearning and memory will give the power to seethe truth as to virtue and vice to one who is notkin to the subject; nor, again, this kinship withoutsuch aptitude and memory: but when bothare joined, then out <strong>of</strong> living together, after much8 by the continual friction <strong>of</strong> name, definition,acts <strong>of</strong> sight and perception, by thoughtand meditation, the hearing and answering theobjections <strong>of</strong> others, the process <strong>of</strong> mutual cross-examination discharged without envy or jealousy,and with sincere love <strong>of</strong> the truth, a sudden flash<strong>of</strong> fire kindles in the mind, and nourishes itself,disclosing the knowledge required. Thus it isthat prudence and intelligence on each subject,shining out in this beam <strong>of</strong> light, go forward asfar as man may reach. <strong>The</strong> view here propounded,if reflected upon, will convey to us what the livingirpbs a\\T)Au avruv e/ccKTTa, ov6fj.ara Kal \6yoi o»|/ets re Kal alff6^ffeis,Iv eviJ(.ev¬(ni> fXcyxois t?Ae7xo/xei/a Kal avev

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