Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

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422 THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH AND"or by writing to the private circle <strong>of</strong> scholars whogave themselves up entirely to his philosophy.<strong>The</strong>se Aristotle called "philosophical" or "teaching"discourses, proceeding, that is, from the principlesproper to each branch <strong>of</strong> learning, and notfrom the opinions <strong>of</strong> the lecturer. <strong>The</strong>se latterwere termed "tentative," as belonging to the exoteric.Simplicius, one <strong>of</strong> the latest writers onGreek philosophy, defines exoteric as " the com-mon, and what concludes by arguments which arematter <strong>of</strong> opinion ;" and Philoponus, as discourses" not <strong>of</strong> strict pro<strong>of</strong>, and not directed to lawfully-begotten hearers," that is, trained and prepared,it but to the public, and springing from probabilities."78Thus in Aristotle, the largest in grasp <strong>of</strong>mind, the most observant <strong>of</strong> facts, the most accuratein definition among Greek writers, the*phi-losopher in fact and "master <strong>of</strong> those who know,"79for all future ages, we find the same three constitu-ents <strong>of</strong> teachin as in Plato, / and in the same order<strong>of</strong> importance : first, hearers selected for their naturalaptitude, and then submitted to a moral disciplineand a common life ; secondly, the instruction<strong>of</strong> such hearers by word <strong>of</strong> mouth, question and78 '£»/ K.OIVC? fyiyv6fjLevoi Aoyoi . . . e'/cSeSo^uei/ot \6yor ol Kara fyiXoG<strong>of</strong>yior 5(5acr/caAi/col \6yoi, ol e/c T&V ot/ceuoz> ap%a?i> 4/eao-Tou jua^juaros /cai OVK e/c&V TOV airoKpivopevov 5o£c£j> (rvXhoyifyiAtvoi, which last are \6yoi 7reipa

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