Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

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THE GREEK PHILOSOPHY.393man. He details the wisdom with which it is puttogether, and forces the opponent, who is introducedas not sacrificing, nor praying to the gods,nor believing O in divination, / to confess : " When Iconsider this, assuredly these things seem the device<strong>of</strong> some wise world-maker, the lover <strong>of</strong> livingthings."33 Another he compels by a long enumeration<strong>of</strong> divine benefits to man to come to asimilar conclusion.34 " Certainly, Socrates, the2'ods seem to have a great care for men. Besides,he relies, when we cannot foresee in the futurewhat is good for us, they help us by revealingthrough divination what is to come, and instructingus as to the best course. Nay, Socrates, rejoinsthe other, they seem to treat you even morekindly than other men; for without being askedby you they signify before to you what you shoulddo and what leave undone. That I say true, answersSocrates, even you, 0 Euthydemus, will acknowledge,if you do not wait until you see theforms <strong>of</strong> the gods, but are contented, when youbehold their works, to worship and honour them.And consider that the gods themselves point thisout to you: for not only do the rest <strong>of</strong> them, whenthey » give us good things, not exhibit themselves toour senses in so doing, but he35 who coordinates33 Xen. Mem. i. 4. 7. cro^oC TWOSyfuovpyov Kal34 Ibid. iv. 3.356 rhv Q\QV K<strong>of</strong>ffMOV avvrdrrw re /cat(rwexcov,eV & Trdvra ra /caAa Kalayadd eon, Kal dei pxv %pa5jUeVois arptfiij re /cat vyia Kal ayfiparov wap^0CCTT0P 5e wrj/jLaros ara^apr^r^s vTrriperovvra, ovros ra jAtyiara /xe^ irpdr-

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