Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

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THE GREEK PHILOSOPHY.385lated how it could have arisen. Tims Thales, weare told, imagined its first principle to be water;Anaximander, boundless matter; Anaximenes, air;the Pythagorean said, all is number; the Eleaticschool, all is the one unchangeable being.9 Onthe contrary Heracleitus conceived the one Beingas ever in motion, involved in perpetual change :in accordance with which he nowhere finds true .knowledge, and thinks the mass <strong>of</strong> men have nounderstanding for eternal truth.10 Empedocles <strong>of</strong>Agrigentum sets forth the four elements, * earth V/MIA VJ-JLawater, air, and fire, as the material principles orroots <strong>of</strong> things, attaching to these two ideal principlesas moving forces, Love as the unitive, andHatred as the severing.11 Anaxagoras, over andabove mechanical causes, W to which he limited himselfin the explanation <strong>of</strong> everything in particular, recognisesa divine spirit, which as the finest <strong>of</strong> allthings is simple, unmixed, passionless reason, whichcame upon chaos, forming and ordering the worldout <strong>of</strong> it.12 Democritus <strong>of</strong> Abdera takes for hisprinciples the Full and the Empty, identifyingthese with Being and Non-being, or Something andNothing. His Full consists <strong>of</strong> indivisible atoms.13<strong>The</strong> remarkable thing about all these systems,if we may so call them, is, that while the existingpopular religion teemed over, so to say, with the9 Zeller, i. p. 141. w Ib. i. pp. 449-452.11 Ueberweg, Grundriss der Gescfdclite der Pliilosovltie, drit. Aufl. i,p. G5.12 2 Ueberweg, i. 68. 13 ib. i. 72.II.CC

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