Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries
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382 THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH ANDAnd in their own pure tints arrayed,Scorn ^ earth's green robes which change and fade,And stand in beauty undecayed,Guards of the bold and free."7It seems to me essential to bear in mind throughoutour whole inquiry this standing-point of theGreek mind, because through all the succession ofschools and the fluctuation of doctrines, it remains,so to say, the ground-work on which they areembroidered. It is the very texture of Hellenicthought upon which first Pythagoras, then Plato,Aristotle, Epicurus, Zeno, Cleanthes, Panaatius,and__even Plotinus_and Porphyrius spin their web.They vary the decoration, but the substance re-mains unaltered. This standing-point rules theconception of virtue, and therefore of the wholemoral world. It reaches also to the final end ofman, and determines it.Moreover as the intellectual power of manseems to have culminated in the Hellenic race, soit would seem that a state of things existed amongthat people which left the human reason practicallymore to its own unaided resources than wefind to have been the case elsewhere.No doubtthe Greek mind had lived and brooded for agesupon the remains of original revelation, nor canany learning now completely unravel the interwoventhreads of tradition and reason so as todistinguish their separate work. However, ittain that in the sixth century before Christ th7 Newman, Verses on various occasions; Heathen Greece, p, 158.

THE GREEK PHILOSOPHY.383Greeks were without a hierarchy, and without adefinite theology: not indeed without individualpriesthoods, traditionary rites, and an existing worship,as well as certain mysteries which professedto communicate a higher and more recondite doctrinethan that exposed to the vulgar gaze. Butin the absence of any hierarchy holding this priesthoodtogether, and teaching anything like a specificdoctrine about divine and human things, avery large range indeed was given to the mind "acting upon this shadowy religious belief, and re-acted upon by it, to form their philosophy. Th eGreeks did not, any more than antiquity in general ,use the acts of religious service for instruction byreligious discourse.8 In other words, there was nosuch thing as preaching among them. A domaintherefore was open to the philosopher on which hemight stand without directly impeaching the ancestralworship, while he examined its grounds, andperhaps sapped its foundations. He was thereintaking up a position which their priests, the civilfunctionaries of religious rites scarcely any longerretaining a spiritual meaning or a moral cogency,had not occupied.Thus it was that in the midst of a people whoworshipped traditionally a multitude of gods and8 Zeller, i. p. 43. WAlterthums, die gottesdienstlichen Handlungen zur Belehrung durchReligionsvortrage zu beniitzen. Ein Julian mchristlicher Sitte dazu i m rselbst ist uns kein Beispiel hie von iiberliefert"

THE GREEK PHILOSOPHY.383Greeks were without a hierarchy, and without adefinite theology: not indeed without individualpriesthoods, traditionary rites, and an existing worship,as well as certain mysteries which pr<strong>of</strong>essedto communicate a higher and more recondite doctrinethan that exposed to the vulgar gaze. Butin the absence <strong>of</strong> any hierarchy holding this priesthoodtogether, and teaching anything like a specificdoctrine about divine and human things, avery large range indeed was given to the mind "acting upon this shadowy religious belief, and re-acted upon by it, to form their philosophy. Th eGreeks did not, any more than antiquity in general ,use the acts <strong>of</strong> religious service for instruction byreligious discourse.8 In other words, there was nosuch thing as preaching among them. A domaintherefore was open to the philosopher on which hemight stand without directly impeaching the ancestralworship, while he examined its grounds, andperhaps sapped its foundations. He was thereintaking up a position which their priests, the civilfunctionaries <strong>of</strong> religious rites scarcely any longerretaining a spiritual meaning or a moral cogency,had not occupied.Thus it was that in the midst <strong>of</strong> a people whoworshipped traditionally a multitude <strong>of</strong> gods and8 Zeller, i. p. 43. WAlterthums, die gottesdienstlichen Handlungen zur Belehrung durchReligionsvortrage zu beniitzen. Ein Julian mchristlicher Sitte dazu i m rselbst ist uns kein Beispiel hie von iiberliefert"

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