Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries
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366 THE THIRD AGE OF THE MARTYR CHURCH.bius, the soldiers surrounded a Christian t wunit it with all its inhabitants, " men, women, anchildren calling upon the name of Christ, the Godof all."47 " And in devising various kinds of torturesthey aim at gaining a victory. They are wellaware that it is a struggle between champions.myself saw in Bithynia a governor beside himselfin joy, as if he had subdued some barbarousnation, because one who for two years had withgreat virtue resisted was seen to fail. I They inflicttherefore exquisite pains, only avoiding to putthe tortured to death, as if it were only deaththat made them blessed, and not likewise thosetorments which in proportion to their severityproduce a greater glory by the virtue which theyexhibit."48Eusebius declares that such cruelties were perpetratednot for a short time, but during severalyears ; that ten, twenty, thirty, sixty, and as manyas a hundred men, women, and children would beslain in a day by various tortures. " When I wasin Egypt myself I saw a crowd in one day, somebeheaded, some burnt; with my own eyes I beheldthe marvellous ardour, the truly divine virtueand alacrity of those who believed in Christ._ »Scarcely was sentence passed against the first,when a fresh number hastened before the tribunal,professing themselves Christians: with joy, gaiety,and smiles they received the award of death, sing-"47 Euseb. Hist. viii. 11, *8 Lactantius, as above.

THE THIRD AGE OF THE MARTYR CHURCH.367ing hymns, and returning thanks to their lastbreath."49"Among those distinguished for their learningin all Grecian studies, and for the universal honourin which they had been held, Eusebius mentionsespecially a bishop of Thmuis named Phileas.While he lay in prison under sentence of death,which was afterwards executed by beheading, hewrote a letter to his people, detailing the scenesin which he bore a part. This letter the historianhas happily preserved for us. " " Inasmuch,"e says, uas the holy scriptures presented uswith so many fair ensamples and lessons, theblessed martyrs who are with me felt no hesitation.They fixed their mind's eye steadily uponthe God of all, formed the conception of deathsuffered for piety's sake, and clung firmly to thatto which they were called. For they knew thatour Lord Jesus Christ had become man for oursakes in order to cut up all sin by the root, andto supply us with food on that journey by whichwe enter into eternal life. For He thought it notrobbery to be equal with God, but emptied HimIf by taking the form of a slave, and being foundin fashion as a man humbled Himself to death,d that death the cross. Hence it was that thtyrs, bearing Christ within them, in their zeathe greatevery suffering andthe various inventions of torture not once, but49 Hist. viii. 9.

366 THE THIRD AGE OF THE MARTYR CHURCH.bius, the soldiers surrounded a Christian t wunit it with all its inhabitants, " men, women, anchildren calling upon the name <strong>of</strong> Christ, the God<strong>of</strong> all."47 " And in devising various kinds <strong>of</strong> torturesthey aim at gaining a victory. <strong>The</strong>y are wellaware that it is a struggle between champions.myself saw in Bithynia a governor beside himselfin joy, as if he had subdued some barbarousnation, because one who for two years had withgreat virtue resisted was seen to fail. I <strong>The</strong>y inflicttherefore exquisite pains, only avoiding to putthe tortured to death, as if it were only deaththat made them blessed, and not likewise thosetorments which in proportion to their severityproduce a greater glory by the virtue which theyexhibit."48Eusebius declares that such cruelties were perpetratednot for a short time, but during severalyears ; that ten, twenty, thirty, sixty, and as manyas a hundred men, women, and children would beslain in a day by various tortures. " When I wasin Egypt myself I saw a crowd in one day, somebeheaded, some burnt; with my own eyes I beheldthe marvellous ardour, the truly divine virtueand alacrity <strong>of</strong> those who believed in Christ._ »Scarcely was sentence passed against the first,when a fresh number hastened before the tribunal,pr<strong>of</strong>essing themselves Christians: with joy, gaiety,and smiles they received the award <strong>of</strong> death, sing-"47 Euseb. Hist. viii. 11, *8 Lactantius, as above.

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