Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries
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362 THE THIRD AGE OF THE MARTYR of the most merciless acts of tyrannical crueltytook place, which gave an occasion for severalthousand men at once to offer up their lives. Unresistingvictims, yet brave soldiers with arms intheir hands, they endured two decimations, andwhen remonstrance had proved in vain, piled theirarms, and let themselves be massacred to the lastman rather than violate their conscience. The placewhere they suffered took the name of their heroiccaptain, Maurice; the churches of that Alpine valleyto this day bear witness by his figure over theiraltars to that most illustrious act of Christiansacrifice : and beside the place of their reposerises still a monastery which for thirteen hundredand fifty years has guarded the sepulture of alegion of martyrs, and is become one of the mostancient Christian houses of prayer.It cannot be doubted that in the last twenty-five years of the third century the number ofChristians was being largely increased, and moreoverthey were daily gaining the higher ranks ofsociety. Diocletian had reigned for eighteen years,and seemed effectually to have stopped that incessantsuccession of soldiers gaining the throne byassassination and yielding it in turn to their assassins,which for fifty years threatened to destroythe state. At such a moment it was that Diocletian,belying all the past conduct of his life, letloose against the Christian Church the last, thefiercest, and the longest of the heathen persecutions.

THE THIRD AGE OF THE MARTYR CHURCH.363It was in truth scarcely less than the rendingin pieces the whole social framework when a proclamationof the Emperors Diocletian and Maxi-mian, in the year 303, declared that the ChristianFaith should cease to exist. How entirely thatfaith had now penetrated all ranks was shown inDiocletian's own household, wherein his mosttrusted38 chamberlains, beloved as his children,were cruelly tortured because they refused toworship the heathen gods, while his wife Priscaand his daughter Valeria purchased immunity forthe present by compliance. We have the emperordescribed by an eye-witness of those times ashimself sitting in judgment,39 and"putting men tothe torture of fire. The same power was delegatedto the governors throughout the provinces. " Itwas," says Eusebius, "the nineteenth year of Diocletian'sreign, in the month of March, when thefestival of the Lord's Passion was drawing O near, /that imperial edicts were everywhere published,ordering the churches to be levelled, the scrip-tures to be burnt, those of rank to be deprived ofit, the common people, if they remained faithful,to be reduced to slavery. This was the first edictagainst us ; another soon came enjoining that allalive.m(Hist. viii. 6)mberlain Peter, who, says39 " Diocletianus ... excarnificare omnes sues protenus ccepit. Sedebatipse atque innocentes igne torrebat, . . . Omnis sexus et eetafcis homines adstionem nm iltitudo, sed gre-m circum Lactant, 14, 15.

362 THE THIRD AGE OF THE MARTYR <strong>of</strong> the most merciless acts <strong>of</strong> tyrannical crueltytook place, which gave an occasion for severalthousand men at once to <strong>of</strong>fer up their lives. Unresistingvictims, yet brave soldiers with arms intheir hands, they endured two decimations, andwhen remonstrance had proved in vain, piled theirarms, and let themselves be massacred to the lastman rather than violate their conscience. <strong>The</strong> placewhere they suffered took the name <strong>of</strong> their heroiccaptain, Maurice; the churches <strong>of</strong> that Alpine valleyto this day bear witness by his figure over theiraltars to that most illustrious act <strong>of</strong> Christiansacrifice : and beside the place <strong>of</strong> their reposerises still a monastery which for thirteen hundredand fifty years has guarded the sepulture <strong>of</strong> alegion <strong>of</strong> martyrs, and is become one <strong>of</strong> the mostancient Christian houses <strong>of</strong> prayer.It cannot be doubted that in the last twenty-five years <strong>of</strong> the third century the number <strong>of</strong>Christians was being largely increased, and moreoverthey were daily gaining the higher ranks <strong>of</strong>society. Diocletian had reigned for eighteen years,and seemed effectually to have stopped that incessantsuccession <strong>of</strong> soldiers gaining the throne byassassination and yielding it in turn to their assassins,which for fifty years threatened to destroythe state. At such a moment it was that Diocletian,belying all the past conduct <strong>of</strong> his life, letloose against the Christian Church the last, thefiercest, and the longest <strong>of</strong> the heathen persecutions.

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