Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries
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360 THE THIRD AGE OF THE MARTYR secular vocations, relinquished their chair, desertedtheir people, strayed among foreign provinces,hunted the markets for mercantile profits ,tried to amass large sums of money, while theyhad brethren starving within the Church, took possessionof estates by fraudulent proceedings, andmultiplied their gains by accumulated usuries. "35Such was the end of the long peace which succeededthe persecution of Septimius Severus, andyet it was followed at once by that ten years' con-flict which if stained with apostasies at first, soonbecame rife in martyrdoms. And as the formerrelaxation seems to prove that the third centuryamong Christians was no ideal time in which moralcorruptions and abuses did not largely exist, sothe improvement which .trial and suffering atonce produced, calling forth some of the greatesttriumphs which the Faith has ever known, seemsto indicate that the divine power of the Churchlies not in forming a community free from imper-fections, or even secured from scandals, but inbuilding up a portion of her children to sanctity.At all times the wheat and the chaff lie toetheron her threshing-floor,Oiand the flail of sufferinwinnows them. But those who seek for a time"when all professing believers were saints, will findit neither when the Apostles taught nor afterwards.*The Emperor Valerian, after being during four. . 35 De Lapsis, iv. p. 182-3, Oxford translation.

THE THIRD AGE OF THE MARTYR CHURCH.361years more kindly disposed to Christians than anreceding emperor, and after filling his palace withthem, was instigated by an Egyptian magician intobecoming a most bitter persecutor.36 This wasended in less than three years through his captureby the Persian monarch, when his son Gallienustored the sacred places to the Christians, andordered the bishops not to be disturbed.37 Theempire during the following eight years seemedthrough the supineness of Gallienus to be on thepoint of dissolution ; it is the time when nineteencommanders in various provinces assume the purple,and successively perish. At last Gallienus isput out of the way by a council of officers, andthe empire is restored by Claudius and by Au-relian. The latter, after being for some yearsfair to Christians, ^^"^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^i ends by persecuting them. Buthe too is speedily removed by death. It is remarkablethat all these persecutions, by Maximin,by Decius, by Gallus, by Valerian, and by Au-relian, are of short duration : none of them con-tinue more than three years. After Aurelian'sdeath in 275 a whole generation a ensues in whichChristians by the ordinary operation of the empire'slaws, according to which their religion wasillicit, were liable to suffer much in individualcases. Thus it is in a time not reckoned persecuting,shortly after Maximianus had been madehis colleague in the empire by Diocletian, that36 Euseb. Hist. 1. vii. c. 10. ST n, I. vii. c. 13.

THE THIRD AGE OF THE MARTYR CHURCH.361years more kindly disposed to Christians than anreceding emperor, and after filling his palace withthem, was instigated by an Egyptian magician intobecoming a most bitter persecutor.36 This wasended in less than three years through his captureby the Persian monarch, when his son Gallienustored the sacred places to the Christians, andordered the bishops not to be disturbed.37 <strong>The</strong>empire during the following eight years seemedthrough the supineness <strong>of</strong> Gallienus to be on thepoint <strong>of</strong> dissolution ; it is the time when nineteencommanders in various provinces assume the purple,and successively perish. At last Gallienus isput out <strong>of</strong> the way by a council <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficers, andthe empire is restored by Claudius and by Au-relian. <strong>The</strong> latter, after being for some yearsfair to Christians, ^^"^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^i ends by persecuting them. Buthe too is speedily removed by death. It is remarkablethat all these persecutions, by Maximin,by Decius, by Gallus, by Valerian, and by Au-relian, are <strong>of</strong> short duration : none <strong>of</strong> them con-tinue more than three years. After Aurelian'sdeath in 275 a whole generation a ensues in whichChristians by the ordinary operation <strong>of</strong> the empire'slaws, according to which their religion wasillicit, were liable to suffer much in individualcases. Thus it is in a time not reckoned persecuting,shortly after Maximianus had been madehis colleague in the empire by Diocletian, that36 Euseb. Hist. 1. vii. c. 10. ST n, I. vii. c. 13.

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