Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

Million Book Collection - The Fishers of Men Ministries

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352 THE THIRD AGE OF THE MARTYR CHURCH.years <strong>of</strong> this century determining the rules <strong>of</strong>penance, and a small party <strong>of</strong> rigid disciplinarians,among whom Tertullian was conspicuous, who consideredhis rules as too indulgent. It is in the vehementamhlet with which Tertullian assails thePope that we have one <strong>of</strong> the earliest expressions<strong>of</strong> the great authority claimed by him. " I hear,"he exclaims, " that an edict has been set forth, anda peremptory one. <strong>The</strong> Pontifex Maximus, in sooth,that is, the Bishop <strong>of</strong> Bishops, issues his edict : Ipardon to those who have discharged their penancethe sins both <strong>of</strong> adultery and <strong>of</strong> fornication."27Twenty years later Pope Callistus carried the indulgenceyet further, receiving to penance thosewho had committed murder or idolatry.28 Oncemore, after a period <strong>of</strong> thirty years, the breakingout <strong>of</strong> the Decian persecution raised afresh thequestion <strong>of</strong> admitting great sinners to penance "and the actual discipline <strong>of</strong> the Roman Church, asestablished under Zehrinus and Callistus, is set.forth in a letter to Cyprian by Novatian, then one<strong>of</strong> the most esteemed presbyters <strong>of</strong> that church.By the discipline which these facts attest it is determinedthat the Church has lodged in her thepower <strong>of</strong> pardoning any sin whatsoever accordingto the rules <strong>of</strong> the penance which she imposes.And it is the Roman Church which herein takes27 De Pudicitia, § 1. See Hagemann, p. 54.28 He is so represented by Hippolytus, PhttosopJvumen, lib. ix. p. 209See Hagemann, p. 59.

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